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Whitby Chronicle, 27 Dec 1895, p. 7

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pu z; uaoy 9 aý Whitby, Clork ku il, Greenwood, gasy 4; July 9; Burnham, Port rch 9; May 9; ould, Uibiidge, Mfay I5th; Th.ly Lth, Cannington, uce, Beaverlou,, Oct. 16; Dec, 19. pie, Uptergrov, )ct. 17; Deo2. LUE WELL, Ierk oftthe Pesos. dle Stables.. hltby, Proprletor. dealt with de priceis. iled at reason. 'ýANCE. k cidn orouto. Insurance Co. er cent. ô a&l sturDed te the e paid withcui (J death or DWELLs gent, Whltby. 3- Gs t. Toront~o. 18 1 am giving f rom a dis- tee in rnbber, îlîver filling s operatoru ini the City. let me ezam- extra charge. tb eant corner îNER- (BER, NOLES, DWOODY 1B89 ETC, "Celebrat.. 1COAL. >t East of 'IONER C0At oan according t MITH, Whitby, Manent La in Bare, or iosg. Pft-Art,f Me5, Souh London* b-uy s fine ââ cf Publé te 8tttý' 1k Of Ontawfýe 1~ Dr. wiiiu ikPl a e o 'p n oM ua o ill,1 trat. Dr. o apaatIê' l leranie 8 toomfflrd Wilàb *W 1ziesor meoal fly IwtelnInI M.. .U~~~p ~ xl. * oss , B ,aav VhlgU& Ayer's PliS S [ woild 1ke tW add nMy teatlmony teu. that et others who have iiaedA Âtwu lovely Imonday me.udug Pilla, and te say thas 1 have Sakel(Bnka 1h tee oregaay eara ad alwaya dorl t" Bn oldy b u ao.bfhy begrsusth t use.and ooognPmied by PrI. Sehf&U My For Stomach fr&«t idwme andIver troubles.and for the cm orce I bad a Conversation withx. Vevy intel ) e~aohe eausd by thede e.ta, ligent guard before ourtkaln etarééd asu .%yer's Plua cannot bc equaledJwîen asi toli hlm &bout otirownrt PK. in y friends aak lme what lis the' beat -'e rcimedy for dimtn fth somc over 800 milço long, and about the e!.- L iver, or Bowels ,r»th ernh hoa e my Invariable answer làAyÂer'a Pins, emre day b. would be ablé to ývisft Tal, rev n ean the t, reaà Up a Amerlos,. Windsor le &bout 211 rmiles col, rent laon they check lever, and from Paddington station, London. and rezulate the diges ve organs. Theyare the fare for the retura journey »as 2fi 6d, ý eâsy o tak , andor about 60e. W indsor iasittuated on the Are the best etr border of the coanty of Berk- aie t i enddlaituaièd on te1 ail-round faml miedicine 1 bave evyrtL known."-DMAT jomrsoec. 3Ms Rder river Thamus1f,andu, of course, tue obîol Ave., New York City. attraction is the custls. We wandèred AYI3RiN'S j PILLS abou heb: hfoeinspecting te as Mighest Awards atWor<dgI9Z a wo»l kept, large, oountry town. f A ver la u.p,.jp. l,,ôoo<i. W. viaited tuTe towu hall and M"aket, the pariali churcb, saw tho Royal'* pew ______________________which ile reserved for the Royal famlly' aise the mayor'a pew with the arme oif TOO WEAK TO WALK. the borougb emblazoned thereon. Thers laises a flret clam ba.rraoks lu Windsor, k and two regiments of mùitary are-sta lm FRIENDS HAD GIVEN UP HOPE taoned there.m 0F RECOVERy. On Castie Hill is a fine bronze stâtote hi of the Queon, erected and subeeribsd fér lx The Troubi Began with a Cough Which by the jubabitant8 of Windsor Wo cotu- l Settled on the lungs.--Subject to maemorate the jubile., of tb. Queu Lb.y àS Faitin Spils an atlas Foced The castle bas been termaed an emblsm th to take to bed. -Restored by Dr. of the British Constitution iu ils strength, 16 Williams' Pink Pills when ail other gr'andeur and autiquity. It is buiît onk Medicnes ad Faled.the sammit of a hili about 100 feot above 1 Medcins ad aild.the river Thamos. As a castie aud the 4ti From L'Impartial. Tignish, P. E. I. homo of England's soverelgnh it dates 3ee Mr. Dominick P. Chiasson, who from the time of William the Conquoror. me liveson te Haper rad, bouttwoI natural site is commandàgngsd it le Tb ies fo the Htown o igi, P.u E probably the most prominout point o fL iles eronalt the t ouble o br. E *land in ail tliat section. It bas bee.ne,, b. eotenoytcof the toedto r iof g greatly eularged by different rulers,util ' befrethenoiceoftheedtorofL'Im- uow it presents a complet. picturs of partial. the particulars of the cure of sti'.ngtî, size snd beauty. 1 his daughter-in-law, Mrs. A. D. Chi- We entered tbhecastie througb Ring deî asson, through the use of Dr. Willlams' Eenry the Eighth's gateway on Oyp£tle 014, Pink Pis. The case is certainiy re- Hill, sud procured tiokets of admission.-( mnarkable, and we cannot do better than We paseed up the.broad qêalk aud bY the a give it in Mr. Chiasson's own words. guard room whmereti. odierws mamst- -,My son's wife, " said he, -has been tioned, W Â lbert Memorial (ihapel. IL 'f1 si ck for some seven years past, but pre- le 68, lest long, 28 foot wide, aud 60 leet W vious to that tirne was a strorxg Feathy high, and r Link I eau safely eay hiaï' ii persori. Just about sevel years ago tb. most splendid interior lu Lb. world. Pl& she took a severe cold, which attacked It '5 imposible for mue to toiltootite rich One her lungs, and from that time up the bàaxlty and magnificent art deo<wtions. vO beginning of the past summer her (bond. sem tob. sus witha lavui su health has been feeble, and at timesbu.Ts mri elsrossdL.M I IPoo.' towrhi ooYv~aa tOné eau 0pl . ts 'riu voleOd .to The ohute edbad, the alovely Th aneé,river, 'wi*oh -wl*ndi lu and ai tdtU'uhebOoUItryI o. - clsou fvllgs niat"-O;, and-eete. About, à miles &W&L ~Iusmd Magna Charte Islas1 and w. ail remem- berrtist mu "me -chrin, 6of Rritish Liber. t,!'for it wu tier. lui 5ia Rn JoChn iras foroed 10 algu tise Magna Ciharts. Away put the gpreat park is Amio Rutth'sud RAe Course, and about 5 tmiles. away at Stoke pages with Ita IVy anLied tower sd tie churchyard wtis ;its Yew-trees shade and memorials cf tise ;peet Thomas Gray. It woasinu tiat :ohurchyard thaltithe wrote his elegy:, "The curfew toila the kneli of partiug day, The lowing herd winds slowly oeer the le e ;1 n.h Plowman homeward piode hie weary ,:à And as he pernaed it, re 'Imagine that from out tise 4"cuf touer" noar by us in this eid custis the bell wuà ringing. )nte eau only stand sud gaze lu admira- tion- on tise laudscape, changlng more bea-utiffully as you walk arouud thse Loer. When you contemiplate -thois- bory. et Eisgland, thiuk of its illustrioeus n»en, view its oharming country, oee xmohdèsl uhat it is a fit land te produce ilstbrigno-and poota; sud ludeod -it wouid » a wondèr if they wreot boru lu tisai Ànd: We wound up Our five heurs vieît tt Windsor Castie iits a look st'tise ~~oya1W stbe. Wers let ln Ibrougs ý"e'aeslb fogales in esetions about .or -20 atIs Lina. sud couducted areund >y bue of -the. numerous groom,, Parus. ient vote&" *850,000 to build tise tables and th'ey are in keeping witis the est of thse custlè. rucluding tise stable. ieu's dwellings9t1iey cover about 4 acres. beres arè about 15î box stilla sud 120 or- iut'ry 'stas for -Uerses.. Theho'eres are ept sctîtilouslÉ cdean and the stables re as ôlean as ny house.;-'ie floors are ýýgnd udtiled'iwsaIso the, walls. Thore a ridlugscrbooî4.a c=rmie ons., in- e'd, eoerythlug Le poe aud very Ou ,r vitlt to 'Windîor was coucluded, by #uni ovèir thse bridke to e Ktouls more the fa;nus Colle isra graat many ~ulnd'i cet i meu- vere, educated. re rore shbtrsll oUÙ nusd Mauy an- usrious nam e le cçarved..lu",tisa . oý1 - I nè; lu le-chapel 'ti.yhavé p i ' - 1 e xét shouif 4th.*seats cSupied. by ~fladonomloth- ýrt gaad-phapsaeo somé- M M, Snkàý- wa&, ot.after t&ipa is afteru6n'iinMr.' e.Snagwsçý b - on>tbpu~ ,é~~a k~ ti 8 , t U.R" ; of auir u3meuse -lie. I1iras very-mach' 4e plessed iritissompe cf thse tombé lu' thie1"Sti hae.The àle t: toua~ls Jê f o Y( Rai,"alcto- H.R H4LWê7,, , o, 1-- Châroa. W. thougitthe ,soulpture cf Ww-ë the latter w»tis w i - - , W4 ag- an____________ sd ont thrô ý oug1.bê h tau ow wlk t Citrc&pper yard ondr a* )ins in her chest wliich wert entst.te pa .moai»# * easeu oy a stooping Position. Adde to this she iras troubied iiti a hacking eough, sometimes s0 severe at n gt that she didnfot obtainmorettana fwý hours sieep. About the- end of 1894. we had given up-ail hopes of her re- covery, and thse nejWhbors ver. <of the same opinion. She was. reduced to, airost a skeleton, and could. soer.elyl take any nourishwýeut., ShecladpgS.waft so weak that she could net wa&k acroas tise bedroom floor wlthout help. W Irà&»"$ý,eard and radof "thsg~ ,cureâr effecxt b Dr, WijlIfou hif Pis., and at this tagej , had fa.led, I urgedthatthê e pen trial, and prôcùredhf After using thetu for-a*ýïîuL she couîd wolle Lgma .-. aay ingi * ' * -e- LOWP~ST -Coma aarly .ad (Sucesro1 2 «ug ci r---- -I

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