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Whitby Chronicle, 3 Jan 1896, p. 4

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'p i We are offering for the Holiday Trade Perfumes, ~~ Hait' Brushes, Toi/el A rlicds, Etc., Etc., ai Specially Low Prices, J.- E. WILLl81 Chomist e Dru ggist, Medical Hall, Erock Street, w' 'v Whftby, WHITBY, JAN. 3, 1896. j we lf.1 ,Ithti Lbrfs -4 //, t here 1) ï1tY fo tti 1 nd 1't Ci ke'X px Short Notes. The Dominion parliament met yesterday, heard the speech [rom thethtrone, sud ad- journed tiii next week. In Monitreai Centre on Frlday, Hon. jas. McShane, Lib., was returtied, and on Tues- day the Liberais carried Jacques Cartier, both hy big mjorities. Both were previous- ly represented by Conservatives. Messrs. Jno. Shaw and R. J. Fleming are candidates for the mayoralty of Toronto. Mr. R. R. Loscombe is mayor of Bowmas- ville for the fourth year ln SucCession. Ail the other affices iu that town were filled by acclamation The candiaates iu Daringtos are : Reeve-J F Pollock, Levi Vaucanp - ist deputy-T Paseot, S J Williams; 2nd deputy-L M Courtice, accl.; councilors-A E Clemiens, R Foster, C Osborne. The foi. Iowing counicils have been returned by ac- clama.tion in this vicinity: Pickering, Ux- bridge tp.. Reach, Whitby t-p., E Wb*itby, Bowmanvillee, Beaverton. The object in most cases was the saving of expense. We do flot remember an occasion when so many municipal counciiors were clected by acclamation as has bee'î t-he case t-bis year. Our municipal svsttmn is 50 nearly perfect any council of sensible, progressive, honest men can hardly fail to give satisfaction. The law has a contcoliing influence, and tht ratepa%'ers are so welI posted as t-olt-s provi- sions that mistakes imnmediately cômie to light. and those who commit t-hem are dis- carded. People used t-o surround, tht stan- dard of spouiers anld demagogues, -bt tht day f jhumbugging le past. and sensible blasin ýs [mien are lu quest-. Vis t-le array ottabie candidates has becomne widened l5y e.,?perience. and tht result bas been satis- factoi y. Dr. McGillivary did well at tht nomnia- tions on Mouday t-o cail the attent-ibu t-o the magnificent additions which havé this year been made t-o tht Ontario Ladies Coliege.. Wfien citizens of Toronto, and frein other part-s of tht Province, join wît-h ours ln advancing an institution of such great worîb and importance in oui midst,' veil may our Whitby people spur tbemnselves te usited action to make tht old town go forward. It is unity we lack here. W. have mes wbose eni>' study is te oppose and detract, sot only tht town, but also those wbo seek t-o sdvau'c tht towu. With thbe great advastag, of being a county seat- sud hmvlng tbis big edu- cational institution locat-ed litre t-hetotwn should be abundantly abl. t-o lold up lts end. On another page we print by request Mr. R. C. Brandon's address t-o tht 1411 electoîs of North Ont-rilo. It is cert-ainly creditable te Mr. Brandon te be able te sOver lita con - section witb t-be two great parties, sud te marsball sucb astenishiug strengtb as te ai. most everpower bot-b. That se many cou- scient-loua electors should have resisted ail the pitadingsansd wiles et. their oldtime nry associat-es, proves that'they net e1y it theyhad a cause to work for but a, mas ef sterling wortli for a candidate, But sill Mr. Brandon proteste tee much. Ht merely takes a lest eut et tht book oftthe eld parties when ho daims tor isiisupprtr N. ail tht honesty lu sigbt, and ah tt other virtues Alil politicians talk that way, 1t in- beat for us te conduct ourselves worthuly~ sud then trust te an Intelligent public'te r;9 cognize oui virtues. Auy mans may witlh pMrpriet-y andAd~vantage poibt eut tht les- sons te b. le«M from tht workisgetfsaçh s campaigu, bo~ne nevtr 9*0ain publict esteem by beratinhg bis victoriens or déféat- ed-. epposonts. Mr. Brandon ehovM ltha whertver tht Patron orgaization was goo4, t-be resuits w.re favorable, and vice vêeam Then, att-en asumisg thsgrund, bclu- consistenîly laya tht biame e!deféat t-otht rascality et bis, oppouents, whlch la tanta, mount te, saylng tat soin. cf bis WmWl4ii suprters soid tlienulves.W.4>nb- -Ileve ibis. ,If the,'Patros ied beent-iXm* enough lu NOrtbh Ontanlo ttthe tt by WOn. Memberuhlp v il li.ty1a*.d. Mr J. Asbtm on othe ick lit nowg Visitors-,Mr. Ps*oe, Soiina# Mr. ay1 liard times here now, tai-gb'in tata. Mrs. CanipbeIfleSUD liling.dag, eqt:b ho"e o!ber recaveny. Mr.. , b,-B atr wlth bhie *wasd chtld was ln town thia wek , Vlsiilnz - a ev 01< ti me frilends. . 5 1,lavi Drjîoklu om6tu fteen Ye""Ssgo ho.lias bosin Chicago un*, tiilaiut ymor1 w on ho returned Cada Iamn requesedt tat e "tbat tii. 'paglllatlc encouater- etfftw la, laut wk ors poudence waa snot *h0 reaito rvlatten.- diont to ayong a-..*bm at 1 have -usince beard Iî looko as, thoýugh a $Imal clique lied etered Into aconslracy to a4buoy one, of the parIclpmntes owevey poeoccaion' aud lhe wheu.goaded'beyon endurance r.-' sented îucb treatment. 1 would 1k my readers to know that 'the paragrapl In 188sitweeks letter ecoutainlug a report of the Methodlst services wau flo wrltten by my peuý but was at m eqet banded to nie by a frlend. Havinu been honored by thé. pastor of the churcl i wth a p lace on the programme of the S. S. meeting. Ichose to have the report of the proceedings written by suotiier, but Us the. tatter appeared in print the reader would sot krnow this te b. the case. Mrs. Win. Lawrence dled at the residence of ber son Mr. A. Lawrence, on Frlday lait a7th uit. She was nearly nlnety years old and had been a resident of Whltby township for over slxty five years, durlug whlch time she had rarely been outslde of its boundarles. She-was bois lIn the county Limerick, ire- land. In looking back to the dîne of ber blrtb in tht early days of this century, one cas- not but be lmpressed by tht great changes] that have takes place durlng the course of one human Hife. Late on Tuesday nightit t was learned t-bat tbrough resignatlos that had betu band ed iu te tht clerk thtre would be no muni- cipal conteat this year tii. members of the r895 council beinug elected'to their'old poSi- tions by acclamation. 1 belleve tuis will be satlsfactory uews to tht large mslorlty of tht ratepayers of the township as tht expences o'» au election are thus savtd sud w. have a council, .the members of whlch have thelr (suits like the rest of us, but who have so conduct-ed tht affairs of the munidipallty that there was practlcally no faut found with thtm at the meeting that was held afler tht nomination. A fuît report ef these proceedings wll'be found in anotleTr part or tht paper. Mms John Siater met with a very serions accident on Mouday mrnrulg. She was iu tht bars where tht cut- ting box had just been starttd sud lu stepping over tht mod consecting tht horst. power wit- tht machine ber skirts were caught iu tht coupllng and she was thrown violtnt-ly dows tht horsts were immtediateiy stopped but sot before ont of ber legs had been twisted around the môd and the boue broken lu two places. Tht fleili was alec> badly toi-n by a boit. She received skllful treatment- at tht bauds of Dr. Moore but it la feared that with the best of care ahe. will be confintd to tht bouse for nearly three months. Tht anuel meeting ef the ratepayers of S.- S. NO. 3. waa h.ld lu tht achool lieuse on Thursday Dec. 26tb Mr. Adamu Hilop was eltcted chairmas sudM5r. H. T. Lantgford, secretr. The trustees reportwa. rtadbi Mr. D. Holiday audtht auditors report was aIs pacd bfoe htmeeting. Mr. Adam Riflop was elected auditer for 1846 snd Mr.. John. Vipond, tht retiriug truste. was re- elected. Considérable discussion tQok place, ln a resolution offered by Rev. J.. Harris re- quiriug nomination sud electiotiaof trusttes te b.e by ballot. The chairmani ied thé re- solution eut of order. Ater routine busi- ness bad been comlettd, suggestions wtre made by severàl gentlemen regarding, the replaceuet of-the bell- tower, and other Imrviet.The total rtcelPts of, the section for tht ytar Wiw 148.2. ThIý ex. penditurti vere asestollows ;'t eachers' salaries, $837-5.5; pi eetrreWars sud' lutereat, $383.o6,- caretaker, $5.oo fuel,19975; other expences, 52.446; cash ou baud, *3o.go. W. A.1IL GUY & CO, grain, buymr. BUALL, E -Lster of. murs.LÃ"e~. fleMe.,opposite Towu Kan, Brookij to deUve .joeUiaahed Brooklilnstation, ôo Bah <A"'bst latii.eheape4> W &AàiOQSî9ixýbt)V S-Qraàuat4 b i eOii- a0uc MI ui~ Jles Iw. -1701, te ery a. 1frjohn Cassiis on the. alck lit with the 5f I atadosi b IIi'4 Mr Cie*obýlo Thitoadri &tl abaW'condItion lanOur burgh. OurIP -pWotb taLe u g.ttlng OW along Mr. 1. D&vldiÏs al arete bis stone crop on the MAuburu ter Ur. Brkett. lu lmpro1tlng tii. Dlsney farm by buildinga itone 1enoe aloni the town lise. ;Ur. and Mrs. M. L. tquttlsg have returned tq'-Lindsay afler spendlng a few day9s wlth M.S. M. Jouilesasbeen eilenng from a sýere attack ofligdppmt but glad to uSy he la now on the mena. Our echool begun on Thursday mornlng, as At closed sarlier ou accounu of the master belng calild away on business. W. are-Pleaued tO iearîi that Mr. Hub. bard our able teacher, hbu blred for another year. Ri 1 a model youug man aud we wlsh hlm succeis.1 Miss Jenule R. Joues who bas been teacli- ing sciiool the past year bas been re-eugaged for 1896, and wlil, after the holidays, return to take charge o! the same. Mr. R. Ward bas hised a sitump machine and 1. golng to stump the farin whlch h. bas iately purchased fromn Mr. John Reid sear Claremout. R. la a hustler. Miss Cors McAvoy, who has taught tht Mt. Zio sachool the. paît two years, treated the childres hancliomely at the closlsg eT the ichool. The chuîdren alto treatod ber to a taf, pull. Nm Holtby, of Manchester, bas l4een engaged as, teacher for 1896. Miss Blckett. of Myrtle, Suudayed here. Win. Ireland ýha moved to the 5th con. Miss Sadie Bray spent tht holldays at home. Mms Liston, of Claremont, bail bS vlsitiug Mr- end Mms.Hom, o! Scarboro, visittd bhs sister Mrs. S. Whitney. The Marritt famlly were l'ore for tht Christ- mas dint. A. large rt-union. Mr. Herbert Perkîns, cf Mooefitld 's vlsitiug frieuds iu this. bis *Id home. Mrs Bray sud John Elliott, ber nephew, speut tht holidays iu Orangeville, Several f rom bher attendd t-ht fanerai of the !ate Mi-s. Lawrence on Sanday. Sh. <ied nt the ripe oid sgt of 9. Schoel-meeting passed off sucoessfully on Tliursday. Large crowd. Businss unisterest- init. Mr. S. Westney r elected trustee- lobe Elliott 15 caretaker. I Our war Set bas caused SOMn of out brave young VOlusteers t o ian sd strut over t-be probability. W. hope their prominence wil snot fade away ini event of opening fim-e. Do nt forget the elecdos of 8.8. officers this (Fri4ay> evusiàg. 4 change of teacliera is promlised-us Meus. Modisuad Chspa&nhave ala!&sd their intention -of, retiricg, . report fo#bomiu g next week. We read a «reat des! of Patr o dgt-s seud-> ing Qua- candidates for paiamect Our, Iodge is defuset.$S omny anothea sd we believeý this craze bai kafled k 'P..trons thould ho cu test to regelate _the commeteSuOd nD>t tht parliaments. Asotber year bas passed away sud 110w y où read tb. first Issue o!- 1896. Wt -wisboll oui u<tlghbors a. ýhappv sud popru O er W. have eudeavoa-ed te give lnriïauy the nesne bsdugtoan* .eha8 cntnue- tei 0iesc ew uteftm u o we shall have ass$uccesudl corseas hetfo. W. shal donoumcethe wtoag podttrht Miss M. Akbù- aste of Grenbatik, 15 vltUng frienda lire. i-Sainuel'Tink oft HeIteclet spendlng blis hilidavs at. home. MIS. Wesléy Ashton andz11yr3of Oshawa? Ments -Nutria -Ca's~ $8,25,01,Z48, $4 $16$8,$204. Men's Fplorida OterCpsa areenIn Ott&1caeat We hv loreoeied àa1l-rge il chiefAothe- Holiday- Tïaýde, ran -Best G. Lam- < [tic- 80AL '-S. 710 .o ~ee Gen&!Cai and Se-tfie grand aeeortmnent-of Lined Kid'C+Iovoi; we -are showuŽg. Aslllioorade.ià1amsit ~~ FEW SPIECIL -BÂRGÂIN&....~ 8 pair of Bra<.teig fr ......... $1 00 20 yds Extra Heavy Cotton for.... $1 00 7 pair of Wool Soxe, for ....... i10 i pair Blankets for, .. ...........ij OO 5 pair of Boys' Mitte for ........i QO0 7 Ladies' Vestsfor ...........i o1o ' ~Ready-made Clothing Department in full swing. Boys' odd Pants onlY 45 cts per pair. Boys' Suits for $2.75. "6A MERRY XMAS. TO- YOU ALL." _______ANDREW M.,., ROSSI The. last time he went the woman's busband V oraerea atm oetand John was going to shoot the mas, and of course there wua sumnions lssued for master John when he skipped out. If lie neyer cornes back 1 think that we can do witbout hlm. NYKLT&M. lu the public school promotions thelollow- Ing bave been promoted from tbe Or. 3rd to 4th jr.: Roy Pike, Minuit Bell, John Bell, Harry Harrison. sale Registe. TuBsDAY, JAN. 7.-Mr. A. Sidsworth, lot 18, 4th con. of Whitby township, will seil by public auction 20 acres of hardwood iu haif acre lots, on Tuesday. Jan. 27th. L. Fairbanks, WBDNE8D &Y, T,&t. 1.-Sale of lande at BlacksiLuckc, on Wednesdsy, Jan. Il, 89.L. Faibanks, auct. Board Wanteil rio hlghbool >.sttdents wisti board. Stae trmefrom )40nday *to PrIhd4y ;-,àlàô ÃŽor :Alwek ox 17Greenwood P.O0, .OF SOUTHE NA I Farme'8 . f8titte Moti si WHlIT»BY, JANUA.RY 7th, i8g& Tesàyifternoon-x.oo, question draw er,- 145, localpaper -;2:1à, taintà,lninig -fèr- ttity of soil. Prof A.-leShuttlewo4b, -.A C, <Cuelph ; *3:15,. 8pS aying -eéxperluzùents and i >ts 'tns) AH, fti)rmsby,,ý()Ont.; 4 5I$-h0w w'lid, ste eçiej-thé -price. of gTijHIong, grain lnerchàmf-,- J'venling fâmr sa ebeb ociety., Pr~of A i?.ýghutewért O.A" Gelpýk~lo cal Gzbnsbyo Ont. ; lecà paMr. NEW At Greatly ReducedPre< Gkve and Handkerohief Boxes, Brush and -Comb Brushes, Jewel Case, Manieur. Cases, ec-ncelluloid. Dremin v CamoClaradCi Boxes, Card Cases, Purs, -etc.,-ia leather. aM& ln ail the lateat styles. Ink Stands, Ash Trays, Fanc huk9doCrdSads i Trays, Papér Knives, au endiesa varie£y~ of at verýy'*ow prioes.- Datton'g, "ls Tuok's Oelebra ted Waeniders, Bookieta an ua od.Bibles-Theý Oxford, Pockei and Teachers' editiona. Prayer BoMia sud *Hyn' Books in Rest, variety. Poetical Works, a very fine selecti -ou*.'The.Daya ôof ÂUId LagSyne suad Beuid& the Bonnie Bnier Bush. MiseleuaBoJv. nile Books, Toy Booksý-American and E igishi, grçst vaie'y dlo prices. Fancy Boxes of Fine Statiouery always 8n acceptab l it G:-ames, Gaines, Gaines. The endlesa vanetyf adigh. atsAd- HersesTea Sets, Do] ,alI pr ces. Xîaa Papers, AÈah,Âiaa. ail pàpers. Invitig yenr 6spection. of 'our Ian sd vaHodd aoký Thuigyoip ail foir past favosadsoitf Wishing yoal le Complimentso isao~ MRS4 PeopI.Q ("j,) M /1 r ommiom r l - -, ý j ý m &J6 ab %4-4k& &&"%j %PJL JL iqgut ior 1 ýl 1 andy Clàus 1 - for thé Littlle NWUJL&m& 0 cbjLzu %J Uàm ý opuviully YBARS QIPTa

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