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Whitby Chronicle, 3 Jan 1896, p. 7

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4; Apru ot, 4; Oci. 8 ; WV. Bxirnh.nm, IPWo, March 9;Ma9 x18; MayIôth; JUI Smith, Cannington, &y 16; JuI y l8; 0«.~ Bruce, BeaNertoa, ,17; Oct. :16; Dec. 19*, illeu pie, Uptergrove, ,18; Oct. .17; Dec 20. L FAREW ELLP (Jlerk ofthe Pesce. 1Sale Stablesýi W h itbyt ',p Propriotor. evuable prîcels. lisuled at renon. ited. J RANCE.ý Ar & Accident- Toronto. Lite Insurance ()Ã". ty per cent e ait' , u returned te the iae are psid without )roof of desth or POWELL, Agen t. Whitby. ST. e St. Toronto.,, icutheB I am glv ÃŽents f rom a d plstes ini rubb snd uilver 111, claes operatoris ates in thé~ cil and let me ors ne extra dhfaý South eu.t e*r 'onto. ýRNEII MOAL 1ORD WOQDt IT ffhe "Celebral TH CO.ý just East c do wonr ,î,bightenirig, -he coýun tetialce and hi tbu0Yingý the sàîi 1b,'~ britngigrô*oost the palld lips an4ra i -"ou"ý rencwing the fouritainsof yuth. Youiirsed1î~1~A D . ALIIT, M. D. ' eUïe ýA r ï hoîdyýat Màeple Ave. Dr. Wiliamol' ?h igs fl re old, -lIV Mi"S CaraWhite bsr:the fo in boxés bearing the firm'0 trade tItV vsa tafren a s x t e t. edf and wra~> p ë d in lk), ei nover sold hIbulk 'or by the 405,11 r With friende hl orontô., s ~ bundr0d and a~daewOlt,. b WB.Hgexïn cfTrit,. stikles in 4his tor M*îtrying efr.1w Spehding à few dày's w ithhpar-exia Ile.dceyou and ehould b. avoiatd. The uioçe. H o d utlp e are âao &UdàôI tïb1 11 tbs o .. LAoalled blood builderu at nrvetoni s J. 4L: Birnai, Of chi , 18 Vxtang& CURED PERMANENTLY put up ~lf~l e 7 têdod tode.~l0hradote>nsh h 1Y T&X[N makers hope to reap. peunaltry ýadtn., Miss Maggie Tait, Of 1'orval, is p illt tago from the wonderfut roputatiot spending the holidays with friends. ye ~~ P ill a cahi*eved by Dr. Wlliâm.' Pink p*ls. here M.Tos ad --Thue Pilla are manufactureti1y 10 to.-are spending a few da"s with rela- 'I was troubled a Ion g time wfth Bqck Drvilaws IMdîcifte Conii>aiiBr;ook. tives here. headache. It was usually accompantoc1v OlleotarO, anti 80benêtdy, N. Y.9o wt th severe pains In the temnples, a sens. and are aold oniy in boxes beamg th. Miss FlIorence Poucher, o Toronto, pf tllii*'ss and tendernes in oe eoye. Simétaemrka VrP 0setls ee ihfinshr n an<1uteeIn mmouth tongue t.o asan rjôe, a <>set atwekwihfied ertn hani ndfetoold, an sckness at tecnsa box, oim six boxeî"for *ê2 50. at Brougham. ,itoinach. 1 trièd a good rnany remedil Thoy msy b. hatI tm an> doàler, or A. E. Thornton has returned from a was nmmenedrthiiomlin;bu1 wiIl bo sent by mail on reoeipt cf price. viéit to friends in Norval and other Bega Ta>iigDr. Wýilliac»r' Pink Pilla may b.. hati western points. Began &Hml drnggist. or diecî b> mail from Mrs,' W. S. Major was callcd to T~ing Dr. Williams' DMeffdo*oComPaDi> frorn Scarboro last week to 'visit lier mot.her, Ayer's efl ither addres.. The pies at whioh the Mrs. J. Annis. who is seriously ill. that 1 recelved anythln l lke perma- pilla are sold make a course of treat- rrent bpneflt.. A single box of these puisl ment cooparatively inelpefleive as We are pleased to see Messrs. H. H. lid the work for me, and 1 amn now tree.I Mayor and H. A. Wetherell able to be f romn headaches. and a well mnan.,, eonipared with other remedies or medical - C . I UTcHiiGs, East Auburn, Me treatment. out after recent severe illness.. Howard Culbert, who has been visit- AVER'S PI LLS0 ý* ]1 ing frîends here and in Markham dur- AwarddMdl* World ' Fair G<>d Shovlzgforthe1mSl Com i ing the past few weeks, lias returned to LZLZOn the rate of 20o,9 milis on the $ his home at Little Britain. -4îier'e SaraaparUics de thse Baf they have expended on water mains Wade Britton, of Guelphi, is spend- $452,65,Àand flume under Jones' block îng a few moinths with his daughter, $53,55 they have raised the sinking Mrs. J. W, ThOL Mr. Britton was A BROAD-XMDED DOOTOR. fund $1341,52 and have a, balance on formerly a -resident of this township, hand Of $161 1,29. This seems a large and is well known to many of Its rosi- RELTESSOM EXERINCE balance for a town like Uxbridge, but dents. RELAES SME XPERENCS if the citizens will look at the Financil Mrs. D. R. Beaton lias returned IN HIS OWN PRACTICE. Statement now ini the Clerks office they from Buffalo, where she was visiting will find under the heading- of -Deben- lier brother, L. K. Cooper, who lias Beleve inRecmmedin an Mei-turc Interest several items amounting to been very iii with typhoid fever. His cine lhat lie Knows Will Cure His $1270 that have to be paid before the many friends here will be pleased to Willaus' st of May; $1 150 Of this amount falis learn that lis condition is steadily fi- Patients-Thinks- Dr.Wilas due on the îst of February, and on proving. Pink Pis a Great Discover>. which the town lias been paying com- Miss Fanny Tait, of Bottineau, Da- "A kron, Pa., April 24, '95. pound interest everY 3 mnonths for a kota, is visiting lier mother, Mrs. Jas.t Dr. Williams' -Medicine Co.' good many years. This, the counicil Taylor, It is over two years since decided to put a stop to, and, thougli Miss Tait left the vale with lier Gentlemen,-While it is entirely con- the sta4ement shows a balance Of brother Robert, for Dakota, and lier trary to the custom of the medical pro- $ 1632.29. This year the last of the many friends here are pleased to wel- fess ion to endorse or recommend any Car Works DIebentures are wiped out, cornelier back, of the so-called proprietary prepara- making the sum of $6,ooo of our debt tions, 1 shall, nevertheless, give you an paid off in two years. The debenture The epwortli league spent a social account of some of my wondeful exper- debt of the town will, after this year'seeinonM dy0flswekath enceswith your preparation, Dr. Wil- sinking fund is paid, amount to 39, residence of Thos. Beare. A good p liamýs' Pink Pis for Pale People. Th e 125, ail of which will corne due in 13 programme was rendered durizng tIc . fact is weIl known that medical prac.. years as follows :-Public sdhool, $io- course of the eveningb and a very plea. h joners do not ae a rule recognize, rnuch ooo ini 6 years, Market, 1,00oool! 9 -,ant time was enjoyed. Thé, social îý ess use preparations of this kind, con- years, high schcol building, $o iin gat ei, f I egue re getn equently the body of them have no 10 Years, 14,90o, composa of $1,500 tO beevenr.s, to be lo6ked forward t'os. leti1nite knowledge of their virtue or for park, $,ooo for high and public aud invariably are madle a success. ack of it, but solemnly contiemn them school, $2,4oo debenture on Dominion On Friday Miss Colin was macle thée-M il without a trial. guch, a course is Bank in ii years, railway $9,1'25 iu recipient of an addess and presenta- JÙ rianifestiy absurd and unjust,. aund 1, for [2 years, organ factory $6,ooo inl 13 tion of a handsote- dres'sing , case from A mne, propose to give my patients the years. By increasingte' ikig #ud the pupils of thé pulic schotc c.. est treatment known to me, for the to $ 15 5o per year we can pay tic first casion being, thé close df 'the schooïl. 'articular disease with which they r *e $5o n9yar.AtéhttI o em ndMs oiv cnicina f t d a b Pl si oi 'A TIONER. NG pâ&i DIHEI Loan ~accordlng red. .SMITH, Whitbyi >ermanent La = Mey deacrjb-. TMulgenI ne- isg lit 2arm,, rm ce l1 56r appliso<cq Idre THO&. »BruS, South.~ brn, Lon don. or buy a f )wn of W1I o c k s c f p salk cf On J.D. Afirg-ht, M. D. to prescibe Dr, Wiliams- Pink Pis about two years ago, after liaving seen sonie remarkable resuits from their use. Reuben Hoover, now of Reading, Ps., was a prom iuent contractor and buildeïr. XVhile superintending the work -cf ,erecting a large building rduring -col-c weather lie contracted what was thougbt 'to be sciatica, ýhe havin fiést noi e kt one morniB unot being ablé to aisef f rom his bd After the usual' treat,. ment for this disease hbo tMleptoii prove, but on thiecontrixzy greWw worse, the case devcloping into hemi- phlegia, or pa a aayis >of the en", tire right sideoftlj od.EoètecUe tonics aud massag, etc-lé WOMa> s trial, but notbing a lue .and -the paralysis .» ud.ýi'~ spair lie was cornoid o t<~earM 1ét1e of - duded -He quired P=srtofl theu rý 94He. ~tve8 - op- la the rd-lêoop 4rwftm .t a laut ea gêh~m ah»ot OIêlMe. ThWC The ?rince Al' bert- 'Drsfma-îtc being requested by naiof thei ad marubers oftheiv of h ['emperaceof Port Perlrywill dce that excellent pla' entiti' 'Social gas.nluthe To*n Hal >lay wilIb accompahied b.; oz p)ocal idnd instrumeital se I =ndèred by Mrs. J.,H-ëàd, >% .strong, Mr. Fred. Càm>b NtrAJ4s. Balfour. The, a4qie setst Our ~ ~ a . 6a ist aasol~ reoe»te b' sa their .ffo* l hinb The workliabee ed for *ieooiê, aw gregation woulad paying off the debi Dow oburol took' and upii t9 lIait amounted b-, P4OO eoWu l amu-o"w tqd i8 ~be ~ ma~ your to try lad- a u iOWI~ST * * *. . H. ScOr~

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