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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Jan 1896, p. 1

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just pur ... louse, 25 n o ay. We t v prive of ~ ,grin. Cal i4 E-heese, Egp' e, for whîchw rrocery OFFI( F, Ontario, DYER, anada, wvhichl ig ie Leading Life, >yers' Liability' Eng. 1.9s Companies ire, Guardian,. n-Hand. oronto. Western Bank,~ W. F. DYER.l ]LOST: [ABET School Bock9 argest asaeIr$ School Book county. W înspect a books, W mnarket. We ?E. Office, ONTAI VOL$ XXX. SîTOP f IF YOU WANT À NICE ,,PRESEN] at a LOW PRICE, do not to go the -* CORNER DRUG STORE. e r mer ait PS le )e S1 They have the cholcest stock of PIZ] FUMERY and TOILET GOODS eve shown in Whitby, witii Puîcrs to su] UVERYBODY. They have a beautiful line of LAMI? which they are offering at a Cut Price They are bound to please the peopli both in GOODS and PRicES. Cali and see thefr XMAS. GOOD% before you buy. THE CORNER DRUG STORE, W-JrIT83m- E;oryboi lp nomo. AN IMPORTANT CLEAN 2WEER PyrSstalk for Cash : FP Good Wire Mattraso, wortb $2.,50 foi $1.7,5. Good Mixed Mattrass, worth $4 for $3. First-class Rxtension Table worth $65o for $r>. Bedroom Sets' wort2b $14 for $io.9ê Bedroom Set worth $16 for $13. We have nothing but first-clasaq workmen in oui Up- holstering Department. Le&irg Undrtaker,- Ie je JOHNSon, BROOK ST., WHIITBY. WIL L BUY THE eaccumni Weekiy eGlobe ~AND~ nd ot Preseî ma-CHRONICLE0 FOR 1896. NVon 'I "lq*>BSOur Club.i bing Lisa* llOfderop8Of fGraham. For Delicate ChIIdren, InvaJIds and thie Agd. JACKSON's, Nutritive ,W1ne LOCAL NEWS LE1TTERS, -TOWN LMS. Mud la nue au suit As le vas, yet th. people grumble. Misa llieMcGrgor ettraineti friendu fromn the. cly o n o Y Ma Mr. Neil MoGregor à home from Chicago on accouat uf pour eltii. Ro,. Dr. Rare oonducted covonant service at Almonds ou unuday lust. The. ewo or threo daya of skating ver. elU în. proved by ounr youung peuple. Ovingto the blustering, storm ou Friday even- ing eheSunday schoul meeting was poseponeti. The farmersAalong the front rod tbat vme =lvngbtween Xmas and Nowv ear.; bave 'te gotby bolti vien a gmat viiee ruas dowu bill, lest le break Uiy necle with foiiowiug; but the. great on. chat gc upvard let hlm draw te. after." Shakespeare. A number uf oui town flueraatteudedth Ue farmera' Inseleuto beld inluthe counci ciamber ou Tuesday. Ail seemnet greatly interested and perbaps benefitteti by tii. able remares made by the speakers preseut. Sam asud Edith Kemptiioru eneaineti a fev of the young peuple un New Vears eve, In bonor of Miss Annie Rave. A vey enjoyabie di e . poreed. Mr. sud Miss Kempehoru knov boy ta glve genuine bospitallty. Ail oftheic rustees of ur chool section ver. present on Monday tb velcome ln the aev, teaciier. le la cu b. bopeti that parents of the aciiool viii soon follov eheir example; try and culelvate enougii public spirit tu cal! at the school ne least once a year. ii. hum sud bustle of the bolitisys bave ceaseti, viiers bave corne sud gone, and every- tiig bas pue on te. ever>' day apparcl. SeUl lot us bear iu mind the gooti rsolutioes formned with th eh eyear, sud praceice tbem lun aur life, that each sucoeeding year may fluti us botter than the past. Mr. T. Padgett, wbo bas Isen wot*lng for Mr. 1. Davey, la about ta remove krm oui ueigbubood. W. shall miss1 "Fatiier Wray, 1 viio la a memrber of Mr. Patigeet's famfly. lu hlm ve bave found a ligbetut lighen te Gen- tiles sud a gtory tu, the peuple uft lael. May' his vays b. vays of pleasantess sud bis paths Uic paehs, ofpete Tii. Graugers held a special meeting on Tues. da f ut ae eele, Weunderstand tbey bave thaed i groundis nov accupleti by their hall for a tcrm uof five years wieh the uniderseaading that eieher party migbe vithdraw the lease b>' gzviug six montha notice. Mr. Sylvanus Austin wvas appoinet as delegate ta attend the Domin- ion grange, held lu London sometime during the mnuntii uf Januar>. Mrs. Bell is recuvering niceiy. Schools re-opened witb good attendanoe. Miss Christena Bell goes to the. city to attend sciioi aOa". Sucoeus. .The, PengaIly sic pasued off well considerinq, the. state Uings vere. a Mr. Ï. LawrSnce il ocutine bis studios ait the. ooilcgite, as also vil! Miss Orvis. -A very enthusiastic meeting vas held lin th ohurch où Puiay evenlng. in being3the antWa M«meeg of thi. Sunday school. As ve write, tbe formation of a cbecker club i. vdil under way. Sucb a thing bas neyer existed ber., but there is not the. slihtest reason, why it should not. Let thei. young members Pusii it alonz, if there is never a match played. The elections, as vo ail know, have creaed littie or no excuement. Tuds pant of the. town- ship is flot represented by a meiniier fer -eltier, councils. We baie it stated, on good -awua that ini tuture a good mein vill b. pue t ie and supported loyally. S. selection resuIted as folows: Supt.,TIbos. Puekerin; teachors, Meusrs. <3utiirie, Madi« and Lawrence, Misses E. Qutbre., MrIS and M. Pardon;- Trasuýrer, ra A.Laroe Secretary, llci Chapman ; Librarians lames, Pardoii; Organise, us Pardon. 8UNDI4 AW à te Misa Flcoen. Noble bas returued home an«u A ivwesks istWlth eigînmrelatves,, Reyi . SanKtéfa lutod. Touto On Mondai 9 thiuge.lame day. . MisMWe Nul bas borna ult nter éh. veaberof atebutluDov muohbottér. Tbeýhollda< O m on a no v £ýt I ng cf teh. p i sud me andi ailare agreed that wrk Asta i Tihe war gSlp bu as '&nadeo&ledd sùibstîtute for te. nsuranoe talle vhlchbusnov luiani ls, fever. iie. S S. ubidrenarm buaiy engaged practi- iug for the. Sabbatii srvies. The achool vii have charge fet h. inging. A visiet rom Yorkeshire jadk ts looked forvard ta witii mucb auxieeY. He hau many varia frieudà boe. Remembé the. S S services nexe Sabbatli at 2.30 and 6.3o. Corne along anti maIe. one] Mr., el-oteet fu l o mrv Mr. lno ollthbis lc h. ease cf us be lmprv iugoo lubelh by hu seaconuied a vbslet.r Caomun tlebybas een onse oefoantisv reoe ltl ncuaeen.W op o i recuvo rvieyn.netonwt h abt Stch illsevieslu coenuection ieiitii ermonsg achlviii bpehed b.noieSbaniSermos viiti at 2p3oeaniid by R7.o s mauu ig, t Whumiter 2.30, an n 0bfome oiter v iit ing mieer ioenmeufruatl edt Mr. S. Mackey visited Toronto the. early pare of tuis veeevitb ou. sud onohaif tous ut pork. He returueti home with a iVallet flled to aver- flowing, bavini secureti a gooti market for bts piroduction. AI mise ilute hog market la stiil Saltoand Newton are huai>' ongageti vood cutîg lu Clarleson Rogers bush. Tiiese men are alvaya anious for varIe sud never fail au Rive gooti satisfaction. Giv. themn a chance sud aur word viiib. verifieti. Rev. Weateenfl, of Myrtle, preaciiet mission. ary sermons lu the back part of aur circuit, while Rev. Elliot, of Seagrave, officlateti on tbe front of the circuit Bath gentlemen did good service, but t.e iucemency ofthUe veather necessiteset amali cangregations. Our vortby pedag3gu la aain bard at vomI ln aur academny of Ieamnlug, aiter a rose ut evo veeks bolidays. lAurely pupils andti taciier viii enter upon dut>' vithbïavîm ant ings viiimove aloug te Uie ativantage of ail concerne&i Isaac Barke>', Uic unly Dutcbmaa Kiusale ca boute ut among is vase population, bas been for a fev tisys pastse erlng tram the effects of a uee.colti. He is nov mucb better anti bard se worlkgan Peter -Seephienson, wbo vo untierstant i adt arrauget vit the.Greenvooti creamer>' ta bave eheir mill on the èixiii concession line ronce bas nue begun opertous yet th. colti suapno douba bcbng the. cause. Tue varm veaUier of zome tew da ssago oaugbz a violent coiti, ane Chat amy bave Coin. plaineti uf but complaints were ineffeceive la dis- posing of Mn. jacke Frost. He. helti on tenaci ously, but hmas ince, moderaetisoumvbaai.him lemnutis hanka. Lagrippe is maglugf*onmguome'oôf tM .npr4b. era p ul.W. mm it %aîai ethe e atr_ýI them-or go <arChe nort>a s vo h4ve -t6rrO--= for suc anuedcome visitor, Tii. covsblp fatiies rugain founti quie4y returned to olve viebôni a Comtmte, Wr hoan's Màu praceeduresp wuè vt neuneerMai Îus$, andi ail agree. tte. excepthmof ais fov aii couldti ue.satisfled, abat wv. b,oe'-"gond a iouncil as a"y tgovnshin lte. otmuya çi bast of, anti perbaps ah. boetiW. vuapatulte tbç ileceors ou abois v ise sUM hi tht Ile ou touncil vitho= -the ugsual pe x#î, Of Of, just ome voek Kat Devit ofu( rosiu in 3amce Torongo, osm end va«s sa*ié diptiieria sdq Devin waàw.! zà fier sudden dowi acquamtana pi utipgju 11115lino viifi, i.Cbarhe an'., è. a na muse gell bdfind -,Mr. a vere froa adistance, aook psessio cf the ,Thoêi" illib nov residence et Mrld. ari U te Tuesday -evening, Der. 3tsti th.-or ccasion be*0Èg te crystal w dding etm r, dMis., e g Barei Ti.eishodwa- takenby sur- veue. ioéIs, but îs the iutriders ailappeed- b. fleuly and carrld, ne wâtu lew a T i. of ny sor, hey wee àlorest oai" ý aud given th. rn 'arftiiq bouse. TmAu' accu aug al had arrlved and order ha& béen secured, -Mr. L. Burueta, who acted as> mas- ter ut -ceremonles for the. Cime, stepped for- ward -and ou behaif of thi ern aln Presnt- dym ed Mr. sud Mrs. Barrett wit.ha indscmo à là parler set. Afeer a suitablo reply from Mr,. Jiàii Barrtt,-a deligtful evenig vas spent, and ttoWii ail Ieft for bomne feelng taat had been good beýh a Visitor.-Mr. Gilroy, of Myrele at Mr. Campbell's. Vota van bear teohum uof1fr. jas. Marey cloyen masiier golug bis rounds. Oui school aearted again on Monday wltb thoir former teaciier, Mr Mackey for another year. Mr. MvMllen's sale passeti of vory vol ebinga aold se a very fair price., 'Mr.- Thos. Wotaen as suctianeer. The, epwortb lesaue -comnitite. et a Thuradayeat Mn.J. OrmIstunand mtaraged a programme for the coming year sund bada vey7 SocW ine.- '1 Mr.- Fred Ashlton lefe hon. Monday -for --t attend euie Btaies co4egeat Owen Sound.. He vil 'b. mnuclimissot iaround'boe, espec- ally hy:the fait sox. Mfr. Mackey Ibas been spendhig bis lXuis balidayostinder ^he 're 1 nof.A, test la as lois l kiug blai sn d h e i ft r b s o t s g Thé eo9!èées cfthe Soms cf Tonea forr 'A.oigQatr W . onfvg Reeve, 8r1AIIdred -and - evung Îwll be âge oiii f the len Programm S tT. oce. 37oe For Conuclior iniWpaV alertions. WkHam69, tRo ouca, A Brysue UmssMorgan, of Toronato, ilai tantown the guest of Miss WeIh Mr. Fred Baldvin, ut Aurora, in la town, tii. gucat ut oui druait, Mr. 1!aryý Baldwin. lae lic m0 tY are bceng beld ila evangelisa bkyM- lç,atluc We are elJoyig a cold asap jnaa nov, tii. thermom«eOr regstced 2* S ow rao 4«1 Monday morniug., We ae plssed o te the recoîery o tron» vhih ho sufea0r&d o g and govr.r I Mr.Willimsbau complete4bls ii""%'grai warehouse -et. ilqiiWc " an md bouaglbtýbl* fiust 1usd fre Mr4. A. ÏPWd"* Id s. w. e Sehools re~~pose4c. J I Il I hi k MI AUDLMY. 1 i fa 1 1 9 1 t 1 1

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