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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Jan 1896, p. 6

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«WJt ïnd oeinium.' " Lm I*k .prsided, *ith Mr. pStt*, t 1 >iMiby,, and ÏProf.8huttle- worbliof Ontaiio Ag Micultura Golego 0110lphi, aMthe oeow l eieadio Wi -ooiId ,notaItend t et prt ',th' speeches of the gentlemen in the alLer'ý goon, but heard the discussion whiob oUowed Mr. Pettit's address on spray- Inr. L. Drew said heolias 1500 treou on 80 *ores. Pinde il a very gpcat under. taking, to spray se man>'. Finda it often Phle mae that a large bloom followed by a 1i'ght orop This year the fruit was free from sboaband blemialiand would like to know il Mr. Pottit believes thie is awing Mr etit believes that spraying tonds ta lessen blemniehes an fruit, as it appar. ently improves the health of the trees. As ta overblooniing it iay be liard on te tres, and resuit in a soarcity of fruit for the year. Re tried pruning off about two.$liit'd4 of tbeblisos, but that did tiot àp~pear ta niend Ihings. Mr. G. Y. Srnith finds that pears are worse than applea for over.blooming. The Flemish heauty pear hais beetn a failure for many years, until in 1805 when the yield wa8 first.clasa aga.in. This may be a rogult of spraying. Mr. Pettit said in spra ing plum trees ho wonld advise using a liesa quanttyof Paris green. There are two kinds oflun. sects to-destroy: thoBe that eat and those that suck. Poison mu8t be used to kili Omie, and sonxthing which will kili the ot.her by outward application. Spraying froin beneath tends to destroy insuecte on the iower aide of the leaf. Dust or lime appears to be the favorite things for killing sucking insects. The absence of scabs and blemishos on fruit and trees this year should have a good effect next year. i3elleves the Bordeaux mixture wil1 in the end aboiish black kuot. MR. LONG ON WILD WELEDS. Mr. J. Il. Long wss cailed to speak on * the effect which wild weeds have on the price of grain. Has had twentyfive years' experience in buying. Finda one of the greatest drawbacks to the price of grain is the wiId weeda. When he sends sarnples af harle>' ta Oswego or Alban>' or Buffalo the insister akes a quantit>' ef it sud cbeans out the seedsansd other' thinge which do net aneswer for rnalting. Thon ho will only buy the proportion of t4~e grain wbicb lu dlean. Thus as grain buyere we have ta flot onlycut dQwn the pria. toa show for the seedusud filth, but w. sliso have ta retain enougb of the far- mers money te pay freight, starage and insurance on the useless part until it goes inta some persan elses banda. The price of barley at present la 35c, but pure and clean bariey shouid bring 45c. It is the same with wheat sud peau. These grains have got so mixed that they will not ssii readiiy in Europeau maîkets. To ssii an ytbing in Europe one bas ta f urnish an article wbich lu exactly whst it la repre sented ta be, sud no mixture. One can- net breed good stock unless ho can secure animais of good pedigree and qualit>'. It * is exacti>' the same with grain. ILs pedi- ero muet be purs sud jus strain mut ho eept pure.' The farmer must aiea mItro. Lice new soed occasionally, the saine as ý4 dose, naw blood into hie bord. Fancy pesa are now tho bout paying crop for larmoe. It le impossible te geL enough seed ta, suppi>' the demand lu this ine Wlien a fariner sows peas le generail>' lias bis bargain made au te 1h.e prie. of -* hie ýrop in the fali, sud unless the. crop faisa utterly frein a wet season the profit 18 ver>' good. IL le bard ta gel dlean seed, but if it caunot b. rendered pure other. wiae the fariner should pick iL al ever. A farmer said te him the otiier day that lie bad mixed thies kinde of wbeat sud sowed a field, fîora wbich lie lad îeaped a botter crop than èould b. liad frôam on. variet>'. Sucli farming wuan au ntire inatake. Wbst ia the use et a large yisid ot a mixed produot il one cannaI selli il7 Mr-BE. Delisit uayuh. aiwaye grew puare grain, but lie uotioed thut other larmoe soid a mixture et mustard sud bail.>' (the former weiqhing 60 Ibo peu bushel) for tho sires price as lie gel for hie pare harle>'. There waa ne encour- agement te a man te dlean hi. barbe>' if the mustard, which weighu botte r, will sou. for Lb. same price. The chairman aunoncedLtat il is Pro- posod te bell a -seed grain meeting belore spring, where larmoe having good seed grain of any sort ooubd hning samples sud maake sales. A vote seemed te favor te ides, sud Lthe date etfIthe meeting willb. annkouncsd lu due tirne. ESVENING MEETING MaYor Rutledge preid.d and paida hlgh tribut. te .wortb of th. farming coomtiunity,.which ls t proeltkg ever>' pains te, acquire a thorongkknmo*. ladge of both agriculture sud horticulture. The firet speaker wau Mr. PettiL Ro sad meut ainiers seek to e b ris Md au bould im Luis age seek le becme sIOOÃŽieio. 14i.subjec0*,3she ,4vauta« of fruit grever. e P ietions. W* Oo * ne disadvanae le th. farm vcrk hars, an ochar offrorai two, to ltnacres. Apltrees have lobe1» tadd te aO TLB»G3, B /1 CÂNNINGTOI-eeve-W 8 S Hoyle. Councilor-P J Anderson, J T 'V May, J F Laver>', W A Robinson. PORT PERY-eeve-'WM Ross. De put>' Reev-T Rundle. Counillor- 8BJeffery, E H Purdy, W Baieman. BEvERiToi-Rsve-Jes Treleaven. Oouciior-D Qllespi., G R Procior, D MoMillan, D MoRse. 1Màx-Beeve-D Gýraham. Dopai>' Roevo--D J MoPhe.. Councilboe-.M. Caikeli, O'Donnell sud Reid. THoi.&-Reeve-D A Brown. 'Dop. ut>' Reeve-P* D MoDouga. CdjnnciI lrs-J MeCaIl, Heur>' Morrison, Dan UXBEIG- M>'r -EH Geuld. Reeve-J B Gould. Deput>' Beeve -0 Kelly. Conillor-Esut ward-W Pos- ter, J A Lord sud Johna Richards, b>'&0 clamation. North yard-+S B Todd, C H Niu snd A W Crosby, b>' acclamation-. OsKu&w-Mayor-Cowan,(aCclama- tion.) Beye-Mr Catai~is Depul>' Reeve-W J Haree, aataion.) Second Deput>'ReeF'E Ding. Counoilor&-Mesa74« .,, Dyer i, ,«jif, Lean, P EIl ushont R MCaW, E - BoueR LB gliTamblynt Hender. upa, Frenchi, Oraig, Provun., BaooSx-Reevo-. . Q. tmphrej,.dp las.~~~~ Mes!ffeIollrY. sud 8amtmThomPeesm I. W Or-~e-41.M*jr depuêty.;-.L . ~oc n*4 buyer M*ynv rsoe.stsi 'u*Bù4e'hilà, * reular w&ad .Ii iâ li big ordeo". As tt, the hinde cf applesi- t' grow hoe belieye8, b. wouid bIereluctant Ï0ochanize froihe oQdI~.1Qeul Nerthero Sp>', Bald wîù sud fUUMseir Theee cornelinltheorder .n*med as $be seasn admuce. Au tpaoingh.1 would 'do it at an>' urne,ý but woUI4 ne out large limbe in the spring wheu the sap is ftowing. ' Orchards- nia>' b. kept fertile without uuing up the ba.nysrîd manure. Plowîng down cloeor and us. ing aphes and ban. duat, botli of whicli are choap, will givo plenty ef fertility' te the soil of an orohard. - 1 Prof. Shuttleworth spoke on the farm- or in saciet>', and gave a splendid élis. course. Itwu the farmer wbo firsi braved the dangers and hardshipè of go. ing iuta the dense forestu of thip country and proparing homes for us ail. Hie is the first calling of mankind, and the meut important. Stit w. cannot do without thc>so engaged in any legitimate "occupation. The agent, tb. teachef, the preacher, the lawyer, the muerchant, bas each bis dut>' te perform, and if it be wefl performed it will be te the advmn tage of ail. The world is gotting botter, and wo find mucb progress every year. The objeat of man should be not alone te sdvanco bis own projecte bu't to lend every belp and encouragement to, hie fel- low man. We are blest with peace, and nai on. of us; ever can knew how biset w. are in thie respect until we have ex- perienced lte awful horrors of war. Our objecte in life neyer change. The teacli. er teachos that whicb ho always tangbt; the clergyman ropeate the sme good aid star>' attended by the samne admonitions snd exportations ; the lawyer sooke bo perfect the sanie code af justice ; and go an. Besides physical necessities w. should provide the facilities for mental culture. The farmer's son wbose mind is not eultured sees how fat he is behind, and fancies ho je a nobody in the warld. Ho biames lu ail on bis cailing. That iu a mistake. Hise alling is a noble one. It is bis mina that lian been neglected. That je the oni>' respect in whiob b. 1, bebind. It is ail that keeps him from an>' eases o c>f 0011>ho obooses ta enter. Agriculture is progressing at a wonderfnl rate. Some farmers are in the front rank of every waik of hife. Tbey are shining lights ta their elawer broîhren. There je a higli purpase in life-to grand a purpase fer aur conception. Energy well directed cannat be loat. Mon witb wei directed purpase are the anes who make their m k in life. We shauld re speci 'se(eelings and rights, and make our profe ion advanco aide b>' aide witb ail ethers. Mr. Ormisten urcrod aIl thq fruit men and wamen of tb. vicinity te join the Whitby fruit-growers association. Mr. Lick, Mr. G. Y. Smithi, Mr. 'How- don, and ethers upoke briefi>' and the meeting adjourned after pausing the usual votes of thanks. Municipal Coundlis. Cold, isn' it? eiwzero "'8 de- grees eariy Monday.' An eartbquake is reported at Burketonsaemiing The ground epeued for someditae to the extent of a quarter of an.ïiïch, and ýbuildings sliook disuincùy Visitera:. Mr,,Clapp,, Consecon, ait Mr. Jas Pye's -Mr.,,,, Mis. $Hoskin, and Miss Edxia, Bowmanvilie;Miss Annie Cia'wlord-1 Blacks.ck-gucat of, Mms John Martin.! Dr. ýHoward, Hampton, lu assisui*ngr Dr. Mitchellin -hiea prcti»ce. O't Agi SO 'THE OOCTORS SAiD He Say 00edand. CurediBDY The Only Reliable -Cure Kidney Diseases. fori k ' Durlngth. year lb. spac devoted ete adre exprssins c n.uncertain u.und frnmPappli wbo spouk item pononacuslexperjenceý&s.to -tb o C.C. 1czAnc9& 0. éoO.dl'ie.,&e' IIDyô.oY .YVIqgOSITHN . Le., 4toeyM -w n yÃ"Upo, XIn Ob noer ofuili of iiicnsesOffce-, SmMOi'sý Block, South ofet et,4B' ock St., Whftby. D)OW & McGILLI!RtAiY, BarUitei-s, Solicitors ln -Chancery- etc. Office in lathison & Hawkên's new' block Brook St., Whitby, south of Ontario bank. 08Warren -a-Moore. 33. Moore, M. D, Brooklil. office bouis 9- a. nm. te 11 &.m. P. Warren,, M. D. Office hours il a.m ta 2 p.m. »eplt.~~Leé-Toiqbbrn.Sec- onD eptityReeve-Keith. Cencillors --Sntheriand, Ill0ogi>', Brady;' Thùrï ton, Kfllaby, Ouùrtin, Graham, Grahami, MÂRCHA-. eev...t)rWm*Robizson.. Oôgn iiis-T1H r 19 9i, AOmpbell, se~, F U ,ideL lC WBiling. STOUmu.ILE-Reve-H IJohuston,(se. claniationu.) CoùiiLlors-$ýobn tJrqu- h 8r, uSMadonaldl, S M Warriner, J D~uri2~o.-Rîvu.- TPollock. lit Deputy-reeve-Thos. Pascuse. 2nd Deputyreeve-L M Courtice. Coun- ciiors-Aibert E Olemeus, Richard Fos- ter. Upon the. day af Lb. departureof tMr. Flumerfelt, aur teacher for theë pa t three years quite a number of bis frieuds and the parents of teecliolars gatliered 10 saiy "good bye" a&R4 the soho>lars presont- ed hlm witli an sddressud a banging lÏmp showiug the gréat"esieem with which the>' held their teacher, wbo lies diligenti>' endesvored to impaît know- iedge te theni. Mr. Lehman's noved last week te their new home in Stouffvilie and Mr. Heuder- son our teacher for uext year, moved iu- to the vacated lionse next day. - The Sabbath sahoobu of Atena and Glasgow united last Sunda>' and review- ed the lessons of the past quarter at the Altena uchool several of the teacheru takivg part. Mesurs. Haywood Bras. passed through Alterta thie week with their traction en- gifle ou their way ta Scott ta cnt wood duzing tih. winter. Those Whio purchaeed wood of 'Mr. Meyers' bush have been buey cutting it down aud will soon bave the spot clearedl if ail do as weli as some of aur viliagere. Mrs. Morden took suddenly iii lest week but is somewliat botter uow. Mr. Heni> Tracy, a famer *lu oui neigbborbood about eighteeu yeaîs mgo, now living ai Mlnesing, bas been reuew- ing aid àcquaintances for the past week aud inteuds ta return about the end of this week. Wbat migbt have proved a serions accident happened asat Sunda>' niglit as Mr. Flavius Reosa was putting ont the iight iu the lampe of the chandelier in tbe ohurch ber.. the whale riggMug feli just u. the bast ligbt was put eut. Fartn-1 natel>' there was ne on. hurt aud Lwo broken lamp siasses was the damage ce.usod b>' thé fait..( Laut Taeuda>' eveuiuag Mr. Martin1 Hoover was greail>' surpried 10-have a- large cîowd of the young peopleof Aitena take possest;ion of the bouse, and the evening was pleasauti>' spent witli games, music sud sîngiug, until the watch of. theolad yoar out and the new yeaî in had passed, wlien the crowd lef t wiehing Mr. Hoover and childion a happy and prouperous now yeer. Mr. Hoer, leaves uti f011 Monda>' te werk in a gret short trne. We àre soir>' te o, oe Mi. Hoover, but oui -loue wiil ýbe-ýgdinfor i he place wbere lie goes. SOver OTA- ~G'agr 9Whtby,.l When Mr. H. Bailte wel kpownl auciieneer, cf Ohatbàm, Ont.,j was ld by his phydiciens that hie iwould nevoî w aik again, iL eimpiy' aiounted'te teilling'bifll that bis dayg an sarîli were short. Kid ne>' disoaso was do'hig ite deadil; work;- phyoicians and medicines bed 'faîled, and the lest îay af hope had almeet'fled for- ever. Mr. Bal bsving heard wondîous reports about the inedicinal virtues of Paine'e Celer>' Oompound, wisely decided te give greai medicine a trial. n. was net disappainted; healîli and strengîli returned, weight increased, sud te-day lie is a new man. Ho telle cf his wonderful escape hem deatlias foltows : IlI waas e serlousi>' il I was obliged te take te my bed, whore I laid- for four monte. The doctore bore ànd iu 4'araulo said my trouble wue Addfieon's diseaae of the -kidneys, and tLd me 1 Tould nover wabk again. I coznmenced Itoiuse Paiue's Celer>' (omepound. AfLer haig useti a number ef baIlles I was enabled te attend te business, and felt 11ke a new man. Before nsing the 'Compound 1 was ver>' much rednced ini flesb; to-daY I weigh over 200 pounds. I eau affirni with con- fidence and lioneut>' that Paine's Celer>' Compound saved iny> life. Mies L. Murry is visiting her aut, Mis. Thos. Merrick. Miss Acten af Mars, je viaitiug with lier uncie, Mi. Edward Acten. Mr. aud Mis. Hinle>' went te Eliniale ou their weddine tour. Mr. and Mis. Hlamilton Uniphie>', who were msrrled on Wedneeday Jan. lut, went to Kingston. Tii. happy couple ef t here on New Year'e eveniug for twa week'is trip. W. wieli theni mucli jo>' iu their future home in Sunderland. Quarrelling, figlitiug sud lawing in the arder of the day. Another caue ou Tues- day betweeu Benjamin Fleweli and Wm. Dobbs. The bout maodyne and expectornt for the cure of colde, coughu, snd aU throat, baing, and branchial troubles, ié uudaubtedly, .&yr'a Cherry Pectaral, the only specifla for 'celdu suri ooughs admitted un exhibition ai the Chicago World's Pair. ý[-ne Club bouse, and the casino ef the Merian Cricket club at Haveraford, Pa., were destray. ed by fisà yesterday. HRood's Serseparilla gives great badily, nervo, mental and digestive streffgth, ,simpi>' because' it purifies, vitalizes and, muce he lb.bbod, The Wabash.sud Miabigan Central are al- îeady chaxged witb vicllng thé..termis of 1h. uewjamt tramel agreement. ,Wiby lek; Jan.,4--i4~I 1;'î- *j Ay. irl Ma74 3un.; 3~yI; U.p S;oct. 8; Nov. 4 Dec. ti' Clerk-4an ; Marli 5;IIay6; Jxily 9; PORTPzxov Z3,W-DuBtaini Port Pemr, dlerk -Jmn 29; Marcb 9; Ï&Y 15; July 20;Sp 8 Ov 8 UXEmGN~3pU-ý Gonld, tTzbridge, Clerk-Jan. SW; ZJJ; 7 Iay loth; 3 nly 14; Out 14;»o CrNNçeGTON-Oeerge -Smith, Osuningin, Jan. 81; March 18;- May go0- uIy 15;Ot 15;,Deo. 17. U~PTzBGRov - Gillespietfr~o. Clerk,-Marck 920 My194 -uly 17; Oct. 17; Dec 19. By order, October 7th, 1895. J. B. 1~AB3W~LL 9lerk et lite #eace. New Llvory and -Sale Stables Dund* St. Wht J. T. NEWPORT, Proprietor. Commercial =en liberaly. deaIt with Teaining -clone at reat - nabledPrîces. Preight -an& Baggae 1aue ai reagan. able priceo. Auea oliciied.n LIFE INSUAANCE. Manufacturera' LLt'é &Accident InBuranoe "Go., Toronto. Largeut'Capital Si*ck ïif e Insurance Ca. an the continent.. Ninety, per cent. o ail accumulatons et surplu la reinrned te the poliey helders.AUil aims are paid without delay or discount on preef of death or maturity et endowment 3J . POWELL. Fcb. lot, 98. Agent, Whitby. la. E~L R~IGG8. DEeTIST. Cor. King &Tonge.9St. Toronto. For the nexittre, monthes I arn givizig special sttention te patients fhem a dis- tance. Arnfn - uh mgPlate&in ruhber, $#, ellt 1.Gl u .9Iveýr fMling wek rowning b>' fini-dais_ oporatorsai tite meut -reasonable raiewl. ite, City'. ýWheu ite oly cainuansd-let mear- W.l HM,.M DEALR & * A SOLE 'l *,-open every Saturday nighl. £lhzcdrianto. o W. E.,Y ARNOLD,9 D. L. 8. acuniy Surveyer and Drainage Engineer, Port Perry, Ont. A. -A POST, Arcbiect, laite wiih Langley, Langley & Burke, Toronto. Designs for Churches, Villas and Cattages a spèoiliy mDrwlngo prepared. for remodeling exiuiing structures. Offie-Pirsi fit over W. &. Hewse's drug store. SerP O Box 202, Whitby. WM. (ALVEJILEY, HABIiE55MAIRE, Wt1TBY. Having meved iet our new ý promises, we are Prepared to, exien lte rnge of business. All woark periainiug to lte hamene-naking and saddlery business wl b. don. te satis- faction. Coum*arss peeity. CBIL andue muy shop andsok JNO. NOBLE, -DICALER IN ÂLL IINDS 0F- ~"Ail -ordersý or infiQrmaion can be obtaned from 'JOHN -,NOBLEDundas Streget,, Wbltby, opposIte -M. A.C.W- Whitbyl, April 4th-, 189-4. Establish* 1856 pa- Private Telephone Communicationi. D. P. BOGARtT, ..LDI Physican, Surgeon ana Accoucher etc. Ofice and Besidence next te AUl gaint's Church, Dunas Street, Whitby. N. B.- Dental Surgery in aUi ii branches promlptly attende ta. Dr. H. -Wightinan DENTIS T. I. '7 '1 w.Q$. 'or t4 kt. ci t~ 1 ' '1. * if N I '2' i.W c; Ikelk Plou 4

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