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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Jan 1896, p. 5

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1 89i5 "Ring Ring out the old, in the new." 1896. s Mr§ Barilard wishes his customers ai and friends a Happy ai Prosperous New Ye., Offola Conty Orga.-Largsst cii-e tlon of anY local paper ta Camad&. FRIDAY, JAN. 17, 1896. jd ,nd ar. for ig- -s. ne ,es LOCAL LACONIOS. Mr. Wui. Meen is home from the city fi the present. Hardwood dining tables, 4 leaves, onlyl at W, Tli's. i For sluggish liver use Dr. Brbght's EnI lish ILiver and Kidney Pilla. Miss Amnsbary, of Oshawa, is spending week with Mrs. Wm. Beail. Hockey practice commenced on Monda evening last with a large turnout of player, Miss Gracie Wood bas returned hom after spending two weeks visiting relative in Hamilîton. Auction sale at the west side boot ai shoe store to-ubght (Friday) at 7.30. SCOTT, auctioneer. Mr. Ross Johnston bas been in poc health lately, but iii better thia week, bein able to get out round town. C. 'or The new town council meets for organiza- tion on Mlonday rnorning next at ten o'clock, and the' new board of education on Wednes.. day. The county counicil holds ts first meeting cr Tuesday, Jan. 28th. The South Ontario Sundsy achool as- sociation will hold its annual meeting at Oshîawa on Thursday and Friday neXt, 23rd and 24th Jan. Hon. S H Blake, A Day, Jos Tait, and other prorninent workers will be present to address the meetings. Dr. Mackenzie will deliver the two clos- ing lectures of bis course this (Priday) afternoon and evening. At 4 P. M. lie wl speak to0 ladies only. At 8 p. m. lhée wlll %4ve stereopticon- views to ladies, and also to gentlemen now holding tickets for the course. No others admitted. The best Anthracite coal. Nut, stove, egg, $4.75 ; No. 2 nut, $4 ; st yard. J. H. Downe y & Co., opposite post Good general servant, to go to New York. Expenses pa id, if necessary. Good wages. Apply at this office. R T oftT concert. On Tucsday evening next, in connection wîth the District Counicil R. T. of T., there will be a grand concert in the town hall. Talent from Oshawa, Pickering, Brooklin and Wliitby. Everybody corne. General admission îoc. Telephone connection with Montreai. The new metallic telephone line between Toronto and Montreal is now compieted, and communication can be tiad between these as weli as between intervening points without dificulty. A conversation was held over the line Tuesday between Lindsay and * Monitreal with perfect dstinctness. Haîf * rates will be given for long distances be- tween the hours Of 7 P. m. and 6 a. m. My Dads the Engineer." T he latest song-have you heard it ? The ver y iatest popular song is '«My Dad's the Etigiteer" and a copy (with words and mnusic full sheet nusic size) worth -çoc., will be forw iriel b any of our readers who will mention this paper, and send 5c. ln stamps to E(1rn ailso r, Bates & Co., Toronto. This1 firm who have hadi such great success with Dr (t ~' Kidney-Liver Pilla, Ointment, Caa ilCre an(I Llnseed and Turpentine, ais> >'ýcot's Sarsaparilla, bave Just printed over haîf a million large, six page papers, cortaîning interestîng stories, readbng matter and good music. The poulran'Vo Cart't Play in Our Yard"pularlnted witc words and music in full. A free capy of thls valuable paper will be sent ta anyone send-t Ing for " My Dad's the Englneer-l' Uta.r0o adies' College. Th71e attendance aItich coîlege la alreedy ,way ahead af anythiug lu ts histoiy. Seveny students icturned lhe epeuiug dey and over l00 are now present, with Mmr cOmning every day. At this rate the fuI capacity of the enlarged buildings wlll very BOOn be taxed ta accomodate the utudenté Who are taking advautage ai tie coliege'. attractions. The meut extravagant expecta- li ons af those who cence(ved sdaas lot inaurmaountable obrtaces baýîIe materialized the enlared, exteudtsd-and ,7p2dernly equippdo1g s at'a ar - Mg "ore tbac ae.Outa oftb Practical benefiêsa~to* npeople Of th.#sew order or thingsaet tic coliffl is the privfl af cnj<ying in Frances fiaua u prices, a Splendid serles of,'hr ,u ýcien. c lectures, mati>i,,éb^ lntie with setepicouvlews, by eMn m* "WarO' n.n These ar e ho g,âàs Idurlng thii.tre aiç b utfll ta er. eeîy si ple lIq lWarmçd and lbghted h. k iu !tat afe obtainable ýseatcd.,wtî chairs the Sai n sr Torontôd Iî' aoul able. Ther. l ata ttUi aif 4UO vmilhouî any co*h Weather l1ey xCrleo 4 & aî,wsston>throug ýj Th %M tMld»"W.Titia Ileutt A %%MIRt X*4etA lpent bKod D'e~d att WW tic For disses 'of the kidmY* Use, Dr. Drigfits Engltsh Liver ud CId -eyý Pile Mi jyAroestron was one ofthggî Lat the Haë ~mn~ols 6 pieco soiid wainut parlor suite, nisb wlth slk pluat> bands, for 832,woh$4,t Mesrs Tii!. Steln n a p Mers. Ed. Sent no heren aa lSam Spni o rnspetpr ftewe.utw Mr. Wm. Rooke lies scvered bis connect with Gras & Grànger's hardware store i cer, ton Notce If the person, who stole the boot from the bargain table in front of the west aide boot and shoc store will calA, lie will be given thc mate 10, it. It ia not necessary to ateal boats and shoea, when yen ea get them for slmost uothing at the only cheap shoe store in town. West Side Boot ami Shoe Store. Uxbridge journal-About a year aga an itemu appeared in the journal about a home made incubator. Wethinkit was the inven- tion of a Whitby man. One of our town subscribers w'buld like to be placed îa com- munication with that man, or any other person wbo has successfully experimented with a home made incubator. (Mr. Jos. rhompson, Whitby, ls the gentleman who has made bis own Incubators. He will be glad to have orders, and no person need be without one for aIl they COSt-ED. CH.) Chronicle clubs. CHRONICLE to Jan. ist, z897. Si. CHRONICLE and weekly Globe tojan .ist. 1897, 81.25. CHRONICLE anid weekly mail to Jan. ist, 1897 $1-25. CHRONICLE and World 82.5o a year. CHRONICLEc and family Herald and week- ly Star, $1.75. a year. CH RONI1CLE and Taronto Morniag Star or Newasi' 75 a year. A Congrega±banal tes. The congregation of the methodiat taber. nacle are making arrangements for a most popular congregational gathering on Wed- nesday evening, Jan. 29th. It i. a long time since there was any general social meeting of this congregation, and on the date mea- tioned every family of the cburch, and al their frienda, wili be welcomecl by the offi- ciais to a social tea. It was at first thought beat to have a free tea, but as experience has pi oved that people will not accept an invitation that costa nothiag, the admission jhas been made 15 cents. Committees have been appointed on programme, entertain- ment, decoration, etc., and a maut friendly time la expected. CHRONICLE and Montreal Witness Si.6 t c o viii beid, ttaffofedtos AOW. og o 7ofcr nWe o thesin og er:N.o. g ofier nsled or M.h.e F eusu n yearP. M. -W.;nHA.enbnrg e.. iitn, P. M.C.Drpe . ; . A. H' ;A.k eM. Ro.aJFiC Dapr, 0. ;F. Muer jsRSa, GM. Ro, Pin ;jTONewoto , ReW;-Jas us-ew G;e, CSco tt W j HTNepr, H0W 'lr tees D OrmistoG HoL, HBM la lorn bRgh I epresentative , D OM isV n~ Whbtby Checker Club The Wbitby checicer clnb's 2nd sertes of games wcre played an Friday, ioth imat. The aides were captained by Johnf Robb vs. IssacP Paquette, resnltlng ia a victory for the latter's aide by 5 points. The following la bhn Robb d Pardon obt Pardon os Dilîman Ir Gald McKinnon F' Campbell as Bandel McLaugblin Bryan J E E J I J c J, J a v la causing that elnci maiigned aectin of the western country ta blossoan like thc rose. Quotiag from a publishcd article on tbe subject, it is stated that " Mca who are accustomed ta farming in non-irrigatcd districts are slow to believe the reports of enormous yields of ail kinda ai farm pro-. ducts in those sections af the cont-y where irrigation is practiced." An irrigated 40 acre farm produces grçater and better re- sults than a 64o acre farm cultivated la the ordinary way. In a few weeks we hope to be able ta publiai varions items fram differ- ent individuals glving their persanal experi- ence in irrigation tarming. In the meantime send for a free copy of an illustrated pamph- let in reference ta Irrigation in Dakota, publisbed by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y Ca. Addrcss, A. J. Taylor, Cenad- ban Pasa. Agent, Toronto, Ont. A Great Course of Lectures Dnring the wiuter a grand sertes of lec- tures will be given ,et: Ontario Ladies' Col- lege by e numbergf the leading clergymen and college profiessors ai the Province of Onterio. The liat ai lectures àa as fallows:- Rev Dr Dewert, "Glimpaies of the Old Worid" ; Prof. Praer, Toronto University, "Dante and his Comedy ;"1 Prof Hutton, Tor. Uuiv., "The Women ai Greece -11 Mr Jeffrey, Tor. Univ.. "The Evolution of Seeds, 11(ta be illustraed by thc stercopti- cou ; Prof Mevor, Tor. Univ., "Adamtt Smith and hie Frieuds ;' Prof McCm-dy, "«A Les- son on Social E3voîntion ;" Dr Needier, Tor. 'Utiv., "Mertin J.ulher -11 Prof Squair, Tor. Untv., Pascal-"Janaculsts and Juis; Dr Tracy, Tor. Univ., "Hypnotleim;"Po Vaudcrsmisscn, Tor. Univ., "Fpanal ; Dr Bain, Tar. Univ. "Iuapresslons-of Oxor0 Dr Raynor, Vicýtoia Uuivcrslty, "Uor" Tickets for thc whole course, $z, teachers and ladies 65 clu. Single admission iS ets. Elere la thc fincat serles ai lectures ever offéed, sud thc big lecture hall uinchenový wiug ai the college ahould b. 611.e t every lecture, The firut, by Dr. Dewart% takes place:ou Jan. 318t. N<owortb boaatbagabout. W. fiu.d our dyspeptic towa cotent. attIl i disposed to quarrel Wit> us, and, tho>gb the public may not be grçatly lalerested In these' t bsois, v. bave a Word toeay onou. or two >oints. Thc-,Gazette basW an. aget - linaslng AMOPi Our susi iw wèl, -onartwmnsat o wo ld ympoy î(anyboy wonld--and Il basýbtie'i-' Dam"s o! 57née sabacrlbera dim1- ti ïit tbree cionth ' . Amont tboe u mrnesif Borne Who 1*Iy r Citsojc.uc and wbo,wtl ku9v Wat (9015 ( they amvibe fo- àY,«r.,-tbe - bve «d f i 23 28 15 Next match Friclay 17th maft, members only aliowed ta play or those intcnding ýto Won 3 4 1 2 4 Won 2 2 2 4 5 5 o 2 I Pequette Gea Whitelaw Alex Whitelaw Carl Gartzig A Howell F Perry W Barnes Jno Hoyt J Beaver Robt Bird YOM YhWilwb i 1a 1goodp , ega de-,ot, oté thehai keep Uiemin ~àoUi~ . aotier-and wih thi objot lu is, ugurat ATURDAY, JANUARy l8th, sBÂGI We hearit et every point, that we are voted the best Values in 4own4 aud the very beat evidencstatw' :: P1855d'wppi~sMADaE .ME?~' F~IEZ OVERÇ AS, Al.D O...... .EMLADIp«EAâSEJ - - m*deBAorGAI.NontBYrgan .. NE LI 'ANES siy~. o 0.oBargain Day NEW 8TRIPED FLÂNNELS 1,0 ydi fÉS 5O.ou B ar ai D y. E W R ) 8 8 O O D 8 in S erg e, M eltons, etc., r g l r p i e2 c , & a D a y &. T ' D r e s a G o o d e r e g . 1 , B a r g a i n D y S c . L d e ' i b d V e t , r g . S c oi t , s e i r g m Da y o n l yf é M ý Auç,harpe,. VloIltu, and amill mui cal instrumente unt lowest price for Christmaa gis et Mia. Allias.t Mises.hole and, jouaie Wltberaof Tor- bto Who havt been spendlng a week's hou. daY,et Gien Dhui roi ured to Toronto yes Merda.Cââ BfOJ-hmbe eou Mr. has. Boar the r lastbeen seousy but we are glad to ly. able-to uste ho la nowý on the niend.1 The. ladies rf the W. C. T. U. lntend hold-, ig, eatriln Februery, et the reiiideoce or Mlr%. A. Gy. Hetndcrson, aunQ old ladies"s tee Fparty. Date annaunved later. The sotlng match et the Junctlon Rouse grounds on Mondey was won by W. Gold, Wbitby,eand R. ICirkpatrick, Oshawa. The conditions of mnatch were, za birdii, 3o yards ris., and zo0 yards boundary. The score for firet weep was as foliows : W. Gq1d. Whltby, J. McCullough, Whitby, and R. K rkpatrlck, Oshawa, resulted ln a tie, eech kllling 5 birds ont of wo. The tic was shot off et2abirds, asfollows: WGold, killed2; J MeCullough.I, klled z, mlsed r; R Kirk- patrick, missed 2.- Second aweep, z0 bird. R Kirkpatrick 8, Mcçnllougb 7, Goid 6, J Watson 6. '4S ranto n C oal" "There isana better Anthracite coal mmced than, this." Grate egg, atove and mut $.75 at harbor ;delÏvered 2& ~.No. 2 mut $.Office opposite CUIONICLiE. 1. R. Bow, Wbitby, Ont. A Ca-adien Uterary Celebrity. Mr. E. W. Tharnton, editorial writer of the Toronto Globe, wbilat under Mr. John Cameron's management, bas scored a brUl- liant aucces with bis stary «IOld Man Saivarlan," e tale of voyageur litfela Canada. His talented peu bas been retained for that splendid periodical, the Yq'nth's Companion, publlshed ia Boston, Mass., as a member of Glovea, Oorseta, Lace, Riblions, e'c , at~ very cloue prices taOOME AND 8EE TUiE. We have notiroom to îuou~on c~. 2B1. STEJW~~ ~Bargai Day REMAMSj PRI Q1 Saturdaye .06 & WATO0*. r 3 3 I Letters from Dr. Gua. SIR-I tbbnk you will agrcc with me in feeling thnt an expression of hearty thanks is due b Uic ladies of the Women'a Christ- ian iremperance Union of Wbitbyt for the t,*meli interest they ha'vetakeen lu lb. young, lads by provbding e cainforteble sud cheer- fnl room well furnlshcd witb periodicalsansd newspapers, where tias. who, arc so dis- poscd may speud a quiet bour or twa lin lm- proving their ininda, sud in preparing for the battle of Ilii upan whtch they may have already entered or must soon enter. There may be soine who have nat niuch opportun- ity ta read et their homes, natwitbstanding their desire for knowlcdge, sud their cou,- sciousuess oi the necesstty of storing their minds with what will help thcmi aUlr 4 4Lcarning by study muet b. won, 'Twas ne'cr entaiied from sire t to." it scema ta me, fram present indications vo are approeching e lime wien the acquisition ai use fui, practical knowlediée will becomeè morre sud more neccssazy lu aider t6% ke up witb the gret proge41o4te. -a n sciences. As the enýtureadvsuce kuow- ledge must increase, Corne oun ten, yàn lads, and enibrace the opportunity s0 kindly offered yon, free, by thc ladies. "Booksamoyours Wlthin whose silent cbatibers tresnres lie Preserved froaz atge ta, age;, mort prectous: - far i ' Then that accnuulated- store, of gold And Orient g oms, *wh cfoz àd«y of need The Su]te&C des d eeplu n cestral omnba Theseboards of trth 'you ýca'W nnock e Wbftby, Jeu. î5tb, Z8g6 !L.G Cbildrea's day et the taberiiece. Rcv. J. J. Ray, Peterbor oofcated et tic chuidren',s erIvices 41à tue methoi. tbernacle !on Snndey iuoring asat, and gave e simple and eftoctive 4lsccurse frai» 4ue 6:.6:"And there a à= hime rit- w. fr0 I r I Remnants of all kinde inoluding Silks, Satins, Dress GoOdts, Tweeds, c0t". tons. Flannelettes, Tiokinge, -Towelligs, Ribbons', Laces, Trimmina, &o. On. Table of Direas Goods.-ý Regular Prices wero 35c, -40c, 50e 60o and 75c., ail reduoed -t'O onê pri e>, JAnT 18th,~ Dreas gooda that w. have been aelling at 35c., 40c., Soc., 6oS. and 75c.. wiIl be rcduced to 25C. an nergain day only, Stiturdity. inn. î8til, et W. G. Walters'.* Mr. H. Snowden, formnerl%ý ()f the W. C. 1. here, wesunafortune enougl i lose his purse containing $30 and a tailway ticket to Toronto last Surîd-ty in Elorai. Thc purs. was fotred soosi after but the moncy wa. missiniz. Mr. Thos. Bickr, Lindsay, special agent of the Manufacturer Life Assurance Companyp la spendlng a week with Mr. J. B. Powell, local agent here. This campeny gained $1,ooo,ooo in total risks lest year, and $64. ooo In Its cash revenues. Eggs are hlgh Make your heu. lay by feeding crushed o ater sheila, to be had at W. H. Newbery, 'YOTiôkets wiil not b.ked o rtPourso w. G. I PAIIS,Ã" ý I Barrister, Solicitor, Notary publc J' w WALTE RS, KBRIDG, - -ON#ÂIÀIO. LER ,and jnonth. custom value. r'imes. 7,50 e 50 850 flot a8ctf. Jan, Go l -A~-LL MILLINERY TO GO AT COST AND UNDEIL.- --BRGAINS IN EVRY DEPART3IENXT IN TEE 0JE.-.. We will offer-balance of-our Men's end Oude' i 50 1 1 - 1 1 IN OVERCOATS, SPECIsAyd.RGI 1 1 1. Ail Yî Bakte ule'Hlery alteBergaina fil We have »t room to -01" l lm Go

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