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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Jan 1896, p. 6

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The Du.mb Hoam-Thief. 'New, I don't reckon none," remark- <ed the old cattiemnan, with a confiden- tial air, - -this yere dumb man incident ever ai ises ta my mind again, if it ain't for a gent whose trail 1 cuts while I'm projectin' around the postoffice this mornin' for letters. This gent an' I la'nches into a general discussion on the topic of -moral epidemnics.' This gent lis a literai-y outfit and tells me how as lie writes on mioral subjecîs. He lays it out te mie how sentiments go iii wavCs, ýanie as weather an' that. One day x'ou rails out in the mlornir n, t bis old gent declares. an' thar In tte paper everybodv CoruIflts Suicide. 'Fherî some Other day it's ni urder t heu robbery, an' again the whole rouund-uîp gees te bîld in, ineetin 's a;trttn'rlTI)u.iîcmiuis %va ve s nitr01ai p lcire salys. Hut. <îutîntued rte eld cattlemran, "tlbî> ,<rc îs JI ii cliimutu.iry, an' briugs ruiw bAck to w bat 1 r e nia rks at t he urinp , t at wbat t-bis ()Id gent urges £il :11 rliit dumtb an' deef man i ne'- (lotit, e ,c ' rba ks bis plav. 1 t a tintie wben a paLSSe1 of us al] gels sent- tinictntal t [rat ~an' not enlV turus a i luss biicf luse centire. after the fr'<)t~ l'n'uitdîn but Boggs gits tiibat lpx lie lvse a boss au' saddle ,notie bm, iîku\vîse sîupatlîv, au' b.. lî dcrackt hat ounacheral Inec rt i (puit wondcrîn' about it; but iuw thi, )I~d artexç)ounids bis tbe'r i n rîî îndrui ,it gets i;) i' pn i nvý mirtîl, an' 1 reckon, as lu' "a\-. tii 1W, \tàtrikc, us. 1ts thl'.'ý u I ltthu lîrst plauce. Idont ku c.v. t t i uý b ' tluef's nanie is, for itc',pflub cut an'(lunlU anr' a1 i't Sa\irt.i . H bsecs Ibtm pesterin anti!W 'i' dcfr a ývuk. but 1 doi.'t .î ruthbut to l'u ni. I notes hlm oru c r t c i( c w rit c t b t gs te folks he ba;s t) taIý i k vri o a pidce of paper, but it, t,,slsow a racket for me, an' I decIb u t tand Ili ou t. I dontIlike to Wrtte weiinougb te go opeuin' a corrcspondcrii'e \itb strangers wbo's (leef an' dunib. -*Wbcu lie tirst dawus on the camp he ias mmcy nmoder-tue at least, an' he gets ini o er, au' stud, an' other (e'cswbt b is open an' com mrron, an' gents wbios with hini at the time says lie bias a level notion of the value of bauds, an', in the long run, mebbe, aassa lbttbe wea]th. " 1i ain't payin that heed to hîm iiwbe I mî igbt to a near relative, 1 do Itear, towards tbe last of bis stav, as ltew lie gocs broke agin a fara bank. But a-s gents often goes broke agin faro hank. an' as, in fact, 1 sees sech ex- perien ('s once or twice myvsebf, the in- formation dont excite me noue at the tîme. ueor later on. Itas 1 states, mighty lîkely a week, sinc this dumb persan bits camp, an' tbar's an outflt of us takin' our nose paint in the Red Light an' killiri' timie taîkin', Dave Tutt an' Texas vency. bottorn an' speed, it shorely makes the record for what you might call offl-hand orizons in soutbern Texas. Thar ain't a preacuer short of Waco or Dallas could've turned a smoother trick.' But what I.co mpbains of it's on- consistent.' -'How ever is prayin' that away an- consistent, l'd shorely like ta show? says Tutt, stackin' in against Texas Tbompson aIl scornful. - Why, this away,' says Texas, 'Vere a gent assembles with others ta bang a Mexican. As a first dash outen~ the box he puis up a strang prayet talk ta get him by the heavenîy gate. Now, whatever do yau reckon an angel who knows hi-s business is gain' ta say to that? Here stands this yere con- ceited Laredo party recommendin' for admission on higil a Mexican he's goin' ta lynch as one nat good enough for Texas, If them angels and' seraphs ain't abowin' that prayin' that prayin' party's got bis nerve with him, they ain't givin' the case the study which îs shore its due.' -Oh, 1 don't know,' says Tutt, i don't take that view of prayer, nohow. Prayin' is like gain' blind in poker. AIl yau do is pray. If the angels take any stock in your remarks, weil ani' gaod. I f they don't you cau gamible your spurs they're plenty eble to pro. tect their garne. Ali you Sni do les to fil yaur supplications. The aun<e ls emn go or turna 'em" down accordin.1, Naw, I holda ibis Laredo sport tha.t wrays that Umne does, rlbt -TbW's nothin' like »» show,,doVà, a*" hi$, pia sïxice bcvo uteers to rdé edonil'W greaser's sont, is to do al l hows, an' win if lie cn.' "Jusi then one <of the uulggamtro -the corral ccxmes tr&li'U i t' -as Texas Thomipson ýdos l e leud. bis Pinto pony an boutrbut to hel*rty ,who's deef and .duib. o a Whic'n 1 most sliorcly los isys Thompom. 'You 6«'t ma.te tell me =ne he's dconc et a.way w ttl MY money ibis dumb gent's play is entiîled to the red ticket.' --Of course we ain't standun' thar taîkin' lang. If thar's one reform to whicb the entire west devotes itsebf it's breakin' people af this habit o! boss stealin'. It ain't Ia minutes wben four of us is off on the dumb party's trail, an' five minutes af that is consoomed in takin' a drink. 'Whyever bc gents in 4be west 50 sot agin boss thieves? My son, yau abides in a regian st once pop'laus an' fertile. But if yau was ta put in three months on a cactus desert, with water bales 5o miles apart, it would begin ta glimmer an you w~hat it means ta find x'ourse'f afoot. It would came over vou like a landslide that the party who steals your boss woubd have improved y'our condition in life a beap if he foi- lowed it up by shootin' a hale in your bead. -No, I ai'in no hurry ta bang people for standin' on some killin'. Thar's two sides ta a killin', an' if de- ccased is framed up witb a gun ahl reg'lar at the time it goes a bang way toward exculpatin' the gent wbo out- live.q hlm that way, But thar aint but one side ta boss stealin' an' the sooner the party is strung up or plugged the sooner does tbe rigbt prevail. "As 1 remarks, it ain't Ia minutes wheu thai's four of us ined out after the dumb man wbo's gnt Tbompson's paint o)ony. From thc tracks, be ain't miaki1n' no play ta îbraw us off, for be maintains a straigbtaway mun down the Maracopa trail, an' neyer beaves it or doubles for a moment. "ýRunnin' of thc dumb man down dont turn out no arduous task, after ail, mainby because tbe Pinta sticks a cactus tborn in it's boof an' goes lame auto bîm in less time tharafter than it takes ta turn a jack. " -'H ands up!' says Thompson, gettin' thc drap on hlm as we swing up. "But tbar's no need of sech precau- tians, as the dumb man aih't packin' no weapos-not s0 much as a knife. "Ibar's nothin' ta say; no talk ta make, wben we takes hlm. Tbomp- son pulls hlm outen the saddle an' ropes bis ebbows bebind him with a lariat. -'What do you suggest, gents? says Tbompson. -I s'pose now the de- corous way is ta go on with this enter- prî sin' persan ta them pine trees ahead, an' biang him up?' -"'Wbicb thar's no doubt floatin' in anybody's mmnd on that subject,' says Dan Boggs, 'but I'd shore admire ta know who this party is an' wher be's pintin' ta whcn he ines out. I dis- likes ta hang strangers that away; an' if there's any gent, now, who can ask this party wbo he is, an wbat he's gat ta say, 1 d take it as a favor personal if be'd begin makin of the needed motions.' "But thar ain't none of us can make a move, an' when the dumb man puts up a few bluffs with bis fingers it's a heap too complicated ta us.' Il1I shore coubdn't tell,' says Dan "«Ail Texas can find on the dumb man is one better, which the pastmark, when we cames ta decipher the same, sqows be anby gets it that marnin.' Besides this yere single letter, thar ain't a scrap of nothin cisc to him, nor yet wealtb.' -'Tell us wbat's in the letter,' says Texas, turnin' the documents over ta Baggs.- 'Read ber out, Dan; I'd do it, but I bas ta ride herd onl the cuiprit.' - I can't read it,* says Boggs, bandin' the note to, Tutt; II can't read readin', let alane writin'. But I'm free ta say, witbout hearin' it none, that I shorely hesitates ta stringihis party up. Bein' tonguciesa an' flot hearin' a liek moren an adder, somehow bc keepe strikin' me like be's locoed.' -'If you bad the pleasute to play some poker with, bîn,' says Tuft as lic ooî1.dý Uic letter* 'like I did iire negts ago, you wouldWtî be pesterinl' hlm to, be pleuty' dccp an' wary. ne: te say dead =#)r. ,Auother tbln& it!s planhbcnot oly gesu1etters, 'but we ail secs -im- -write about bis drinks to thc Red Light barkcepi an ' sinfiar' 44BY ti i ure Tutti e u t tttr openan' is getti* -redy>t*lo ié$; I ,tetm inau'sbi *madi'*r# event -my idea le lbc only, torrows Thompson's Pinto., Of course this- -last depends on Myta's being h1s wife.' «« Oh, not necesaily,- says Texa Thompson; 'thar's a heap o! wîves whc don't jestify hoso stealin' for a moment. Thar's mine back in Laredo, who gets a divorce. Now, I plays it widc open Myra's this dumb gent's mother, and I remnoves the larit from his arms and throws him loose on said theery. - Which I adopts the amendmnent, says Bogg, and, on second thought, I puts it up aIl similar to Thompson that this yere Myra's his mother. I've got money that says so, too. 'At any rate, says Tutt, 'from ail I sees, I reckon it's the general notion we eall this thing a draw. We can't afford to go making a precedent of hanging a gent for boss -stealin who's doing bis best to be presenit at his wife's or mother's funeral, whichever this Myra is. It's a heap disgusting, however, that we can't open up a talk with this pai ty. I notis by the address his name is Ben McIntyre. .&And so It turns ôut that in rio time, from four men who's dead set ta hang this dumb man as a horse thief, we turns into a sympatheltie outfit whlch is hunting haies for his escape. It ail dovetails in with what my friend says this morning about moral epidem- ics and things going that aw-ay in waves. For, after ail, Myra, or no Myra, the fact remains plum through the deal that this dumb man steals Texas Thompson's Pinto hoss. "-However. whether it's right or wrong, we turns the dumb man loase. Not only that, but Boggs get out of the saddle and gives him his pony ta pursoo his rambles with. - I gives it ta him because it's the best pony in the outflt,' says Boggs, looking savagely at us as he picks up the bridie of the lame Pinta ta lead it back; pending of which the dumb man's shankin' hands ail 'round. 'It can run like an antelope, that pony can, and that's why I donates it ta this dumb party. A man whose mother is dying cannot have too good a horse. If he don't step on no mare cactus, and haif rides, he is due to go chargin into Casa Grande before they buries Myra, easy. MAPLE GROVEC Mr. W. Frank has an attack of ecze- ma. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Foley have been visiting at Orono. Mr. T. H. Kirkpatrick has been visiting old friends here. Division celebrated its 35th anniver- sary Jan. 7th. Mrs. C. Frank's Sunday school class presented her recently with a hand- some teacher's bible. Misses M. J. McLellan and M. G. Foley are visiting friends in Oshawa. Mr. J. T. Rundle, Solina, has been visiting his brother Mr. S. C. Rundie. Miss Ida Stevens entertained a few A card on the outside of of- fice door says. ~, "Gone te lunch. Be back in texi minutes. " Aund , the man will bc Sthere on time. T'hat is, foi some dans weeks or even months, lic will. Then lie wlll be. athome occasioually, for a I y. He'll tellyou hehaW a hcadache-a turù of choI- era uxorbus, or maybe he'I1 ayhe had a lump lu lis stomach and ft too miserable te move. The lunir wac préaie1to& or three ten-miut.' lunhesconlenectThey were hurriei, in, but they were taking their own timc. about getting eut, or even "moving on." This la a gmet mistake, but as long -ae there's lite theres. a chance ta rtifV 7%e == iwbo "bolts"'Ihis lunches ivili find Dr. Pierce$ 's Peasnt Pelleterti bestfiiend b evermnet .Thé'IIks~ Muay xot hnrry as much as thec il'su 4es -but they wilU' do the work-,ýW -whicl tbey are, intended surelyp=pLy- ThereL no cmse of! bilioaea, S- stipation, nigesio ,"heart-buini. c j- @8U4i1&-' t A ýgood sîory la going- the, rounds -of Barrie, lu which, our Wm,. Bacon is held up as a -wiî. An old Barrieie passing through the train mlstook -Mr. Bacon for a Mr. Hogg, of that place, and grceted hlm with "How do you do, Mr. Hogg?" Mr. Bacon looked calmly at him and repbied, 'Pardon me, 1 am cured ; I am Bacon, flot H-ogg."# Getting ready for the war Aprapos of ail this war talk Mr. jas. Brignail went ta, Woodvilîe recentîy and visited the bouse where he lived in childbaod days. It accurred ta him while there ta look for a toy cannon wbich he knew was imbedded in one o! the walls, it baving failen dawn be- tween a partition twenty-six years ago. Havinig secured permission he apened the wall at the exact spot and found the "gun," brought it home with bim and left it at this office. It is in a gaad state of persmration and ready for action, Now we'U ses The bouse ta house canvas started by the Christian Endeavor ladies and members of tbe St. Andrew's brother- hood, witb 'a view ta inducing shop- pers ta make their Saturday purchases before 8 o'cIock in the evening, bas been prosecuted in real earnest during the past few days, and an Saturday evening the result will be watched witb interest by every merchant on Missis- saga street. The cffect was naticeable Iast Saturday evening but was not sufficient ta warrant the radical change praposed. Ibis week, bowever, the early cosers-that is tbose who are backing up the mavement by head and band, hope ta bave their wishes real- ized and sec the first sigus of a success- fui movement ta enable employers and their clerks ta cease business at a rea- sonabbe boum.-. Newcastle R.T. of T. open meeting Tuesday, 2lst mast., in muisie bail. Mssi. Jas. Bryson, Lindsay, and Mrs. Barclay, Part Hope, visited R'ev. and Mrs. Oopeland. Some yonng people surprised Miss E. Oliver, Newtonviile, the other night and spent a pleasant heur or two. We have a skating rink in the drilb shed under management of Richard Col- weil. Mr. Wm. Riokard, ceai merchant, was eiected reeve by a majerity o! 19 over bis t'wo opponents, Reeve Trebeaven and J. Couison. "I wau a fameus victom-y." The board of education for 1896 con- sista of Messa. W. T. Lockhart, F. Sim mous, John lJglow. L"DIES, BE GUARDED? A LITTLE ATTENTION ON YOUR PART WLLL SAVE YOU AN NOYA NCE AND TROUBLE. Th1 aissob eebrthtDa Taker Notie.1 During the pear the space devoted te adver- tiaing MINARD'8 LINIMENT ilb1 contai» expmresocf ne uncertain mnd frein people who speak frein pmrsnal experience as te th$s meritsa! thia buat of Ronaehold Rëeedies Barrister Oovnty Orown Attorney, and Oounty ioUoitor. Offce-South Wing of JAMES JRUTLEIDQEt Barriuter, etc. Office formerly occupied by Farewell & Buitledgeo next Royal Hotel, Brook St., Whltby. DAVID ORMISTON, B3.A., Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Ohancery, Oonveyancer, etc. Office - lIn the Office South Of the Pout Office, inu Moillan's Block, Brook Street, Whitby. G. YOUNG SMITH. LLI Bel lrrteetc. ,-Meney to Loan. aner cf Marrlie Liceuses. Office - Srnlth's Block, South of Market, B' eck St., Whitby. DOW & NeGILLIVRAY, Barristers, Solicitore in Chancery, etc. Office in Mathison & Bawken's new block Brook St., Whîtby, South of Ontario bank. Ors Warren cg Moore. J. J. Moore, M. D., Brooklil. office hours 9. a. M. ta il a.m. F. Warren, M. D). Whitby. Office heurs il a.m te 2 p.m. Ae' Pivate Telephone Communicatun. D. P. DOGART, ,i.D.,L.D.B. Physicsa, Surgeon and Accoucher etc. office and Residence neit ta Al gaint's Church, Dundas Street, Whitby. N. B.- Dental Surgery lu al l is branches prouxçtly attended te. Dr. H. Wîghtman DENTIS T. Over Grose £ 'ane'-Whiitby- r3'Open every Satnrday night. W. eYÂRNOLD, De L.Se* Oouny Surveyer and Drainage Engineqr, Port Perry, Ont. ý A. A POST, Architeot, late with Langley, Langley & Burke, Toronto. Designs for Churches, Villas and Cottages a spccialty. Dra'wings prepared for remodeling existi.ng structures. oflice-F'irst fiat over W. B. Howse'is drug store. MiP O Box 202, Wb.itby. WM. CÂLVERLET, Having mo'ved into eur ne'w prennes, va are prepared te extend the. range of business. Ali work pertaining te the haneisa-making sud saddlery business wil be dloue to satin- faction. Colleas a specialty. Cal and se. =ny ehop and stock. W. CALVEBLZY, Second door 'west et old shop. Dunds Street, Whitby, JINO. NOBLIE, -DEALER IN A.LL KINDS 0F- leumfber, Shinglea, Saab, Door s analndo, Turning and' Vret43awing. j-Ali orders or information can be obtained fromn JOHN NOBLE, Dundas Street, Whîtby, opposite Mr. A. C. Wil- son 's residence. Whitby, April 4th. z894. $1 parê,ar a mm l amoes otherwiae the o£«e fpblbto.- epblhe .i. nn nnai'mlr I~A.ivje tha .'àù-S at- COUSTY 07 C lm9. Ja.;Feb.8; March3; A rit 11; y 2; ~uo2: July'7 ; Bop. 2; Co. 2; Xu.8 ; Dec. 2. Osawâ 1-D. C. Macdonell, Whitby, Olerk; Jan. 4;Feb 4;- March 1; Apri 8;Méy 4; June a July à; Sep. 8; Oct. 8 ; Nev. 4; Dec. 8, - M.Glx Gleeson, Greenwood, Olerk-Jau 6; Margh 5; May 5; JuiY 9; 'tep. 4; Nov. 5. PMT EYBT- J. W, Bnrnham, Port Pemr, Clerk-Ja6n. 29; March 9; Mïay 15 July 20; Sep. 28; Nov. 18. 'U«xBzmGon-Joseph- B. Gould, Umbnidge, Clerk-Jan. 80; March 17; May 19th; J niy 14; Oct 14 ; Dec. 16. CÂIiNTon-Geor e Smith, Cannington, Jan. 81; Marc h 18; L5, 20; 'July lb; O)ct. 15; Dec. 17. BZÂvvîaTow-Geo. P. Bruce, Beaverton, Clerk-March 19; May 21; July 16; Oct. 16; Dec, 18. UPTBoaovz-F J Gilespie, Uptergrove, Cerk,-March 20; May' 22; l> 17 ; Oct. 17; Dec 19. B>' order, October 7th, 1895. J. E. FARE WELL, Cierk o! the Peace. Nov Livury and Sale Stables Dundas St., Whitby, J. T. NZWPOUT9 Proprietor. Commercial men îiberafly deait with Tearning don. at ressonable prices. Freight aud Baggage hauled at reazon- able prices. A cmii solicited. LIFE INSURANCEO Manu±aoturera' Life & Accident Insurance Go., Toronto. Largeut Capital Stock Lif a Insur..uce Ce. on the continent. Ninety per cent, o aIl accumulations ot surpluis is returned to the policy bolders. Ail claints are paid withont delay or discount on proof uf desth, or maturity of endowment J. B. POWELL, Feb. irni, 98. Agent, Whitby. 10- DENTIST. Cor. King & Yonge St. Toronto. For the nexi three monthi I aux giiug ispecial attention te , ruents frem a dis- tance. Amn attU making ~Ipaten in rubber, $8, cefluloid *iO. Goid and iliver fMf»n work erownlng by firt-sa operatorsm the most reasonaible rates- l the cite. Whenin theocity all-in and lit me ezam"- 0. M en±ss ut atcorner W. H. WA-RNR DEALHR D; e 'and Y, jTs. Ex-Mayor Stewart -of Haito6n annon tubai bis 1ublie sud-polîtical M.is laended, one liai cL the eus a VI out fesa AIX bra, use beg eve of Mm-E Orl D&J DRn That Frein ed fei the 'w the C ever o lemmne stroke stance timne a "Yeî pretty 'witb i sapasma neck W' yemara took tt I.' 111 moi

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