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Whitby Chronicle, 31 Jan 1896, p. 8

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fho ropar Plloi wlhen looking for. ci d Pure Drugs, ci Perfumery, di Toilet Requisitios di Toilet Soaps, di d Fancy Gooda, di idSpectacles, 44 (1 Arn 's Bylcy's Sîn.icoe St. boil, (i fQ( O SHlA WA, TA OSFIAWA OSHAWý BuîFsNOTICE.- C or adverti.-ers niai' traný with the CRNCEor copies at any tîxne, from Parmers will do welli consideraion, and Oshawa needs te make a new move lu regard ta ber hbigi sechool tu cm-dem- te set it on as o ooing as oiler tcwn institutions. The dcatb o! Mr. James Q'Dea, constable, cf Oshawa station, occurred on Wednesday mnornig. Deceased was a ýjctim cf jau- dice cf a very bad type. Hi. dfeatb m-cnoves an oId Iandmark (rom the ccmmunity.soHie. chamacteristlc firmness o! style sdan ne what brusque mariner were as well kîîown aud as fuiiy recegnized sud admired as If they had been declded virtues. Everybody iiked Jimmy O'Dea sud iooked upon hlm as being almest a necesslty te the exlstéeVce cf the Cedar Dale commrunity. His superan- nuatiori as landlng waiter was certalny s biow to the old imari, who had heid hie offices 50 long as te b. unable to reconcile hinuseif te the change. Wlise mari that Mr- O'Des was, he laid sa n any a dollar lu tise bank, arid besides ibis ieft $6ooo life lueur- thing i the sce ta nis wire and lamiy, all of whom are ythin in the Kroçwn up, aud mostiy ail mar-icd. A m-cal bread-wiuuer is on. whc provides agairist poverty in case cf hie death, The editor o! the Whîtby CHRtONICs esys Drug Line, there are tb man-y church organîzatlons, iodgee, etc., in thie town to suit hie notion, and he annotinces bis intention of fightiug the evii. Weli, if the length o! bts nose and the sire of hisc cimek, backcd by bluff sud bluster, afford fituese for the work, he is certainly weli qualificd 10 uridertake it.- S tore, Reformer, Jan. 24. Those who read THE CHRONICLE need ual be bold that ne at- temph was made ho find (suit with church organizations at ahi, or any other organiza- tions as a wbole. What wc commented tli, Oshawa. upon was the ridiculously large number of secret socicties, many o! which are worth- less lu themeelves, a nuisance te other bet- _______________ter organizations sud a gmest detrimeut to borne ife. To assume that the CHRONICLE stated any intention to fight the churches as J an- evil"' is simpiy s made up-yaru, sud t0IICIt~ one wonid imagine the Reformer wouid hesitate ho injure its reputation for veracity by making such a statement. As to the lengtb af aur nase, size of aur cheek, or the little mather of bluff and bluster, we take .31, 1896. thRt good-naturedly. The public wiii >e abl t pas ts wnJudgmeuî on these mat- ---- ters. The editor of the Reformer is cer îainhy wauîing in auy of these qualities, and as be appears ta object ho such apparatus INA Il'we cangratulate hlm upon their absence lu j'jj(JJ~hie make-up. Stili one had better have PA G something characteristic about bim, how- mver objectionable it may be, than to have _____nothiug worthy of note* Like ils editor. the5 Reformer le destitute of point or bhemish. A. It is a journalistic nonentity, aud, what is more, a negative quauuity. It buiids uoth- shawa subscribers ing, stands for uothing, speaks lu ambig- sat a bin essrauity, sud apposes everything in a sieepyc Eayotigera way. THE CHRONIcLE sdrives 10 take an E E.Rogrs. opposite course, and beaves the resuIt 10 the to caîl ah m. E. public ho decide upon. (t: 'j, Eîther t wo or three rinks of Oahawa curl- ers will go to Peterboro on Monday ta corn- pete for a 'tumber of prîzes ti the shape of stones. The honspiel will last severai days. The people of this town were very much dîsa1rpointed at the resuit of the election for the countv wardenship. Mr. Coulthard's chances were regardtd as being good under existing conditions, and the utter defeat of hirmseil and everv other probable canididate was a great surprise. A large audience witnessed the hockey match between Oshawa and Whitby teams at the skating rink on Tuesday evening iast. The game resulted in fayot of Whitby by ii ta 1. Among the spectators were rnany from Whitby The prezzence of a band was the only thing needed ta have made the meeting a social as welJ as a financiai suc. cess. The îtorm paralized ail sorts of wire ser- vice in town. Many of the tali peles were broken down, and swept ail the other wires into confusion by their flu across the street. The several cempAnies concerned made a gallant effort to straighten out the tangle, but traffic on the street railway was stopped for two days, brusses being again called ie requisition. There le talk around town showing that a suspicion exists that sonebody bere mode profit out of purchases of equipment for the ire brigade. 0f course people are more iikely to mention such tbings te an outslde newspaper man than to brins the scandai ko a focus at bomne, but it would be as weIl for those concerned in the purchases to taire the proper stepe to prove tht ir innocence. Prof. A. O. Geiger, Cobourg, bas been ap- pointed organsat of the Siwcoe atr-cet ietho- dîsi cburcb at a saiary of $qoo. He ie a teacher of music on inany difiereet kinds of Instruments, and wyul at once take pupils for private instruction. As an* organist Prof. Geiger is a man of gmest skili and accom- pisbment, and ail wbo have heard hoe music were spparently enthusiastic in tiseir desire for his appointment. The two Oshawa rinks whc, cumled for the district championship at Toronto lî'st week werc defeated ln the iret draw by thse Gran- ites of Peterboro, the score being 3~9 t0 34 ebhots. This la the firet time for yeam-s that the Oshawa club has sot been eligible for the final*, and may b. largexy accounted for by the fact that - tla s f ii iti Oshawa was listulwt is togetd. îrict in thse province. Mr S LKen met wth a vry serousaoc.. cident Just sortis of tise ow, om Wednss4ay mnorniug. Souseth#sg *tarfflodpbore- hëb vas drivimg und ik made a sWrIg foWau breakisg ont of tise &misa.. T boue etartd to rAs, 4"d occaalay thesenofa the btoke aboft w.ald pdek in t begmqd, lheavina tisee ut. .1Mr." -ia ià ý OahaWa Business Dlrectony. 9 L. VICKERY, barber. Simooe sireel. BROOKS' LIVERY, Simcesatm-set, nomti. WM. ROLPH, harass maker, Simce atreet. r'. B. MOTHERSILL, butchen, King 8t.,West. Dia. PÂr-rEuaseN, Dentiut; office over', Bowse'. stone. &. J. STÂLT]a-Domninion pianos and organe, Sixncoe atreet. A. C. WÂNNÂN, Veterinary Surgeon and Dentiit, King street weet, Oshawa, Ont. WViLIÂMv J. DuÂiea, Dominion and Ontario Lsand Surveyom-, Civil Engineer, Box 57, Osh- awa. Coxxaucuz. oTsz.-J. C. Woen, propnlstor. Modem-n hcsielry, neai and comfoniably equLipped. D. M. Toi.-Cateror for Bale, Aseemblies, Wed- dingi, Suppers, stc., e. Aloo ail kinde ef OsniwA Booxsi'onn-Puu lin. cf bocks, atationer and fancy gooda. B. E. Rogers, Joi. HOUz.DEN - Whitby-Ochawa stage lino Leavee Oshaws at 8 a m and 2 p m. and Whitby ai 10 a m and 4 p m. Josipn OBIUI, manufacturer of fLne carrnages, carte*, wagons, and aIl kinds of cuttersansd slelghs, P.epalrlng a specWtiy.1 JOEN BRIrwzmn, painter and decorator, Dealer in w per@ eiling decorations, peints, oiI, varns, brushes, wlnaow shades, ec JàMBe PELc>w, .dealer in atoves, furnaces, Un- ware, etc. Large stock kepi onsianily on handL Jobblxrg a apeeWaty. Sicoce sineet noriuh. L. K. MUETON, B. A. - Barnister, Solicitor, Notary Public, (Jonvoyancer, &o. Mloney to tend. Offie over Dominion IBank, Simce Street, Oshbava, When contemplating putting on LJif Inmurance, sa" W D Httuwi,of The United Statsu 1db. Thefr pelices are tihe moii attractivýe. Langesi guai-antees. N..i-Mj.-Iâaler ta Greceiges, PaueyChina, Croekery, Tinvare, and FanoyGoo-s.Pure Teman sd Coffees. Boys' ready made muetisa speclalty-very eheap. AucTION SàALe-Tii. subucruber viii be in Os awa&tat1h. Centrai Rotel, I»nlday of saoh tek rom oee o eookp.m ., te make ar- augemenlîs with parties wishlng te have sales. L PÂIREuize uctioneer. and gents' furnlshlug hous etofOhawa. Splendid asacniment of tweeds,woeda trowaeng, shirts, collars, ste, aiways képi iu stock. FBLT Bues - Watobmâmaknud Jevelena. Dealer, luwaiebÀa, elooka, Iewelevy, silver- wans, spectacles, sic. EugraVing, 90M sud ailver plaing, and old goldrigs made ev-or. 2'ine watch, doack, and Jevel.ry repairnuga Specialty. Evam & Âwfis mporbersud d.aler in barmens', mautucrffl- 0 9" . ingl - KE&ol sln a,£Y-0 sn umlir ontnadtug dose. Pur- ru ndeilesasd lampe. A&abois e1 ui-ce. kept on banud. Miss Kate Comta-go hunier mew sçbool os thse mt.of Febury. I le aoewbe w otis et Ti. ach" oolinmctor vismld ciarchool osD Monday forewoos*Bd gave tise ecola b ai holidy. Hb oies to be a gm-St favodi. vus thée chiidm-eat Mr. 8. Choisis, sud Mr. Btwaskm a. Roias4 Mau.s,:Mm u wres = uat ai. it5 Wm ia ùs- They Sem, Ioe baveéa&IMMtpemmded Ii. -C. -o UTm hie It"-tsAmot tier Th. fmmumer rund berm nar aou knon iIip a boutdii.muotfr tisait0» eu,. Wbatu pîty tey cacmahOztiet*bintaa bu<in iM bave beit i bot buso Qut* aii. rinaobes wdo Rev. Mr. Allen is still carrying on revival services here, and althougli ne converts is the result yet the meetings are good spiritual ones and a blessing to the church members who have been quickened and are hoping the blessing will spread among others. Mr. J. Nesbit delegate for the South On- tario S. S. Convention held in Oshawa last week gave bis report at the close of the Sabbath school on Sunday last. The report consisted of the business transactions and an outllne of the speeches and the in- teresting way in which it was given reveal- éd the spirit of enthusiasm of te gather- Ing. b si w il i ol ef -I al ai et t t vi 91 gi L lu for.a yea. .=e a nae wihj Tremier for a year. The ice lias done considerable damage te fr-nit and shade trees. Mr. Geo Walters and wife, Whitby, were home ever Sunday. Mis" Nellie.Patersn, Whitby,, epent lmet L-es1ey Allen is able to, be out again.' Mrr. D>. jacks has engaged.with W. Iick A number froni here attendeci Cohumibue soirée and social last week- Mise ffdith Trewin, Oshawa spenta few days with lier cousin Mies l. Bainï. Seamuel Burgoyne has jone to Oshawa ta learn masoning witli hie uncle. ,Succesa sam. TIhe Misses Thomas entertained a numuber of théir friende at Eniclay eve, to the num- Une., Shiplcy las returned haine afier apesding mmne wceks wltliher- parents».r and Un.. Â<afr.ý Mr. Wesley Brooks lied a *a bec drawing bricks frei Osawa station last weck for We egket to annwie thse serlous iilnea -f 9Mlir.Smpson, widow of thse late!,Hîon. J SinupSoMi No -hope.areetmtIndc e IcDowol viei to ttemidone05of Laoy rfortuiiate lu net géttlug very badly hurt - bon.. bm-chat. The borseok-c clooef~ the. cutter and ran several miles. Il dragi Mn. VanCamp sanie distance. A goodly number are on, the sick ist. grippe i le uhat work. Mr. E. Newton fei on the icS aud ;a epi bis head. He le gairnng slowiy. (3eo Wallace, jr.. on Sunday night had flock of sheep worried by dogs. Some thre.e four wil die. Mr. H-ooper feul and hurt hie side severe Dr. Park le attending te him, snd at last accotu Ânunibe- afcoUr vlaeyoung folkc bete tbseIelly ta tise anual aqsslveraary beid Qoiulpns pm-osbytem-iau cch61outise _z9îb ai aoîh. There te foundation for- a rmnir to ti effeot that oeeYoung man bad ail upset, whî wendiug his wsy eaetwa-d on s level road. Notwithetadlng the very unfavozable weath on Friday lest, the S. O). T. district diviîc held their uouai annuai session lu thus viliag Although a gm-est many delegates wem-e unable i be present, business wae camried on successfill aud new offcers were elected. The concert wrý postponed until the weatht wouhd be moi suitabe for al t ventureon c olumbu~ Wai. Smith M. P., cf Ou dQ,5 ouse, spet Swsday ah home. «Me Choen Friende met et tbe R. T. of 1 hall on Tuesday eveuing. Messrs. W. Doubi and E. Hanne, o! Pcî Perry, spent a day or iwo with friende hem-e. Mr. Morgan Goodwin was unexpectedly calie to Whlîby a day or two ago, his brother bein sick. The Farnier's Insurance Co. met at the tow hall on Monday evening. They are progressin1l favorabiy. Mr-. Wrn. Davis, Kedron. led the service ii the methodist church, Sunday night, îaking Rev H-. I. Aiien's place who preached ai Kedron. Mr. E. KivelI was the sole dehegate wbo hum ed up at the S. S. convention, Oshawa. He re perts the meetings as very inheresting and iu structi ve- I wish te correct an ermrom- in hast week's newt statlng that Miss E. Bighî was treasurer. Mis.- O . GuY le treab., sud also Mise G. McLean ic oue cf the vice presideuts. A number of delegates from bore attended the District Councti R. T. of T. ai Wbitby lasi A'eek and report a nieasant trne. We cougratu sate W. J. Moore on bis ehevation to the office ol District councilior. Somte of the Columbus Peuople atîended Ve Oide Englishe Favre beld et Brooklin and m-e port a wondrous hîme. On Monday evening a large load of young tlk8 weuî down îo Kedron to attend revival service@ wbicb are contiuuing. The annual social in counection wiîh the pres- byteriau church passed aIl succesgfully. kfter jutice bad been doue ho the tea, a plattorm neeting was held. The foliowinz contribuîed ho the programme: Mme. Beith, Miss A. Smnith, Aliss Madden, Mrs. ROS, Miss Boyu'ton, Messrs, Boynton, R-aîcliffe, Mackay and Dyer. Phe proceeds amouuîed to $103. Tbe damage doue by Thrxrsdav uighi's ice tomm ho the orchards. shade trees aud woodc was awful. 1h looks a@ if a cyclone had devas- Lated the country. Ahi trees are more or les njured, somte being completely destroyed, the ce ou themn being uearly two inches îhick. The ýrees mostinijured are the plum sud shade trees af wbrch neariy one quarter are destroyed. It ee discouraging 10 owuers o! fruit trees 10 see àeir trees after being carefully heuded untîl tbey ,orne into beai-ing, desîm-eyed in a cingle night. 'he effect wii be that it will make peuple who ere thinkiug of setting out new erchards think Lgain before they do se. Several from hem-e intended attending the outh Ontario Sunday echool Association eld in Oshawa iast week, but owing t0 lte infitness of te weather only a few were Lble 10 b. there. Master David Wilson had ratiter a uarrow ýscape o! being seriously hurt while driving Shorse power. As it was hie foot was ,verely jammed witich caused him to be aid up during thte last week. We are glad osee that he is able 10 be out again. A few of-the Salvation Army o! Oshawa isited the revival meeting at Kedron on Vednesday eveuing las. A good lime was te resuit, the churcit being well filled. Ve iteartly thanislte Arxny for their kind- tss, hoping that they will PSY Us another isit in the near future. Redron Mrs. Hoekin, o! Bewmanville, was lte rougfit Athe is part for""h ogre o Sno romi ýged Mr. b is e or ely. Mrs. Bell has returned from the city greatly improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bray returned on Saturday from the honeymoon trip. Miss Minnie Pardon attended the S. S. convention at Oshawa on Fridav last. sThed rMies Or, fth owSn Une, Now for the oysters to-n ight ? Every- thing is going smoothly. Mr. W. Collins, of Dunbarton, was in our burg on Wednesday. The grand ice storm of Friday has beautified the country exceedingly. AI- though some fruit trees are dismem- bered from the weight. Hgt. VERINON & SOLINA. Mr. and Mrs. S. Shoirtridge and iaughter visited relatives at Columbus and Brooklin last week. Near Bakers school on Jan 16th, the wife of Mr. Geo Gibson of a son (still borfl.) Q uartely meeting next Sunday at Enniskillen, neen Sunday therefore .here will be no service at Mt. Vernon. Mrs. Cathering Bicheil of Bowman- ville is visiting her daughter Mrs, Thos FJames. We are glad to see Mr. H. Hooper gain after being cofined to the house for some time with eye trouble. Mr. W, Barrett of Newcastle preach- ýa very interesting at Eldad Sunday The Sons and daughters of Temper- ce has entered int another contest Lptains: Miss Addie Pascoe and Mn. hos. Shartridge. -t f v a- an ca TI Spc evis ar hldn tebd cf the church each evening. Mi - A Hays cf Prince Albert is visit- F'Ieased to see Messrs L. T. Courtice an W. M. S, wilI hold a social in the parsonage Friday evening next. Choice programn and palatable lunch. Admis- sion ioc. Toboggan slide wili be in readiness THE BELO W+ ARCADE. SALE! GooùP" Thlo MllCO&ST.: ftam. Miller I oim. Cali at PE LLOWS, arnd se@ his Wrought Steel -AT- Also bis COAL QIL and GAS STOVES -FR OM- $5.5o to $25.00. Railway and 8teatn8ship AgenoieB have been transferred to tise OSHA WA RAIL WAY CO., whose offices are a few doors south of his former place cf business, where be wiil b. prepared te supply ail required Railway and Steam- ship Tickets at rates guaranteed te b. as îow as the lowest. The best stearnship lines on the Atlantic are represented. Speciai raiiway rates are given in cou- 'hrough Railway Tickets are soid to ai points in the United States and, Canada, including thse Canadian Northwest. iggage is checked through from Oshawa to TI Passengers for the United States may have their baggage exanrined in Toronto, thus saving any inconvenience aI tise 1relcwed eht dyS This is not Gmeek or Spanisit; but rea« *il from right to left and find ont *where to get the biggest barga5r *ever oftered in Oshawa, in i-s.eiîWatohes, Clocks, Jewelry and SpectaCI. our 8 day >4 hour striking Clocks, Oak or Walnut $ 9 The best value in Canada. -. . . . . . . . . . . -AT- 9oÏos JE[LRI SIOG[, KNG t.heSTa: ToAthBELL MILL:-KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA~ t For Delicate Children, Invalids an tAged.N Nutritive Wine Tspalatble and HIGHLY NOURISHmNG1 Win, pepared widx Cod Liver Oit, las easily retained ànd digested by thse nost delicate. For Wastng Disne., General Debflity, lmp&ired Diestion, Colds, Catarrhal and Bronchial Trouble CýLuof Mtuacnl Toue. Of great Nutritivei value te Aduits aud Children. A marked increased in weight le noticeable after tsking a few bottles of "hi Wine, whicb represerna au equal quantity of Cod Livr0Où. Aul druggists. CLARKE & DYER. INSURANCE AND COM- MISSION A GENCY. Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada, which le to-day unqnestionably the Leadimg Life Company. Canada Accident aud Employers' Liability, Corporation of London. Eng. Among the Fire and Plate Glass Cempanies we bandie the Lancashire, Guardias, Mercantile and- H-and-in-Hdnd. Aid Savingesud-Loan Co., Tom-ento. OFFICE just nomtiio! the Western Bauk,,c . . O - j Ilifrationfll iv Fo ickets randchefllyormtin .U n For ticke. ts ad il infrmatn ailad Tcet.P SfieTEoRIa ckR,-Osatawa The Orangemen's Qyster supper and concert Janl. 2 t St was very succes9f ul, reaizing neaà-y $6o. .Many Cartwrighters withessed the races Wednesday and Thursday at Port The several delegates who atte'nded the annual meeting of the Whitby Pres- byterial W. F. M. S. we-re delighted with the meetings, and speak in the bighest ternis of the hospitality an d kinnes -ofthe good people ,,of St. The Bedouin Arabs,(? *ho werè in Bwwanville last week, have pitchie their tent ini Smith'sGrtt. twas, reaily cruel to see the l-or .horses standingnight and day udrte les tr;».. of1,ThuMcsday and Fi iay.-' MrAlbert- Spinks2,who has',bec - - vey I forseome'time, is jeportai bet- - U- C CARTERP Agt, OSHAWA. Nov. 141h, 1895. FUPn1tUROr~ W. hav"Iaways a general s=d vsried stock te select fron-latest designs aud finishes. Prices night. LJndertaking department fullsok 1dtnd -embaimi4 g accordwg to atest methodis. M l'.Icture fraxniùg promptlV -Mid Ostlu factonily done. ike Bf#O&,- ekw OUT fram a bit AV lier rît- striki Ail ide. MaN s for bovs' ready made clothînig. Il vou wîsh a nice French china dinner or tea set. or anything in fancv china, or glass- ware. go to E B Morgan & Son. It wilI pay anv t)arties conteînplaring buy- ing an enigagieent or wedding ring to see the large sîtcçk of Feit Bros. Oshawa as they will seil this month very cheap for cash. Genumîe dianiond 14K. onlv $5. They are also nmaking somne special offers in Gents', L-adies, andi Bovs' gold and silve! watches. eeteiFeit Bros. Mfr \Vm l3ambridge is reported as re- coverirng fr0 his illness Miss Bambridge bas returned from the Boston (7onservatory of MUSIC. Rev. Mr. Ta1toot has been suftering from an attack of la grippe which vigorousiy dis- played îtself in bis throal. The good sleighing of this week has had a good etiect on business, besides making thirngs cheerfut and liveiy. Messrs. Porter & Co. display a surprising anîou rît of energy aud push this week, hav- ing hîred the whole front page of the Vin- dic.,tor and probably a Ilke aniount of space in the Retormer. & EL] -l ----Umm ý 1 c qpsoý .00. 1 J. S. CLARRK E. DYERe, ENNISKILLES Tammton B]6à6cKsTooK. NOV- 14the 189,5. Di 1. 1 1 1 l' 1 Wilior 1 1 Severai of our sports hook in the races on the ice ai Port Perry hast week, but ibey did flot me- turn with any more money than they took away. The young mnan ah the Centre House last a uew suit of ciothes au the Port Perry races, stolen from hlmn. oo bad, s a goed $15 suit ie net pcked up every day. Boys must learri. The A. 0. U. W. le lu full blasi. A new sign la over the door sud a fine lanteru haugs oui every second su d fourth Tuesiay te guide th. weam-y traveller safély lucide the peariy gaies of the beautiful hall, -wbîch is second ho none in ibis part of the country. Miss ulia Hooper was vemy agreeabhy sur- prised last Sàturday eveuing by about forîy of ber aId friendq coming lu sud speriding ibm- even- îig with bem- before she hefi for Oshawa. We are sorry to have ber beave, as che is eue of the finest young ladies lu this section of the couutry. Last week while Henry Gibsou was boading loges lu the buish a log camne with sucb force that tbe caut-hook turued sud caught his heft hand, sevminug bis firet firiger saving ibm- musclec on the under side. Dr. Park was called immediaîely aud dressed tbhe bard. The Dr. thinks be cari yet save the fluger, wbîcb wili be considered a clean piece of work and a great blessing ho Mr. Gîbson. WVe wisb bim every success. CEN UINE STOCKm 1 1, 'l 1 1 1 1 -.ýL L k 1 l o o o MILLERS, wil give 38 ibs. of Tht dass Flour, il Ibs. of Bran, and 4 Ibis of Shorts foa bushel of Wheat. They hope by thia inducement to draw large share of the trade of the diâtig about Oshawa. Flour, Bran and Shorts always ûIt1 hand at Iowest wholeaale pricea toi Farmners. CAMPBELL &ELLIOTT. 1 OSHAXM'A. LIOTT, lý 1 1 1 i 1 Ai 1 - 1 1 1 1- 1 1 Awful storm on Fiday last. Ail KING ST. WEST,

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