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Whitby Chronicle, 7 Feb 1896, p. 2

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W.H. Word,. Almost a [ilopeless Case. A Terrible Oough. No Reat Night nor Day. Given up by Doctors. A LIFE SAVED BY TA-KING CERRY AYERS PECTORAL ,soeral vears ngo, aih sv1eod w n ., led tîh a terrilte otuglithat alloiwe< m io iýt e~ i iti- day et îîrglit. Tlie doc- %.N .ifr r'îrktiîg e' "r nie to the best of th ., ilit\. iiji 'iiceql my ciie hopelesq, 1il id .,\ î: Io eno more for nie. A filo d :t' i rýii i , e rrv teît sent nie :1 i o t A. ' 1, 1 r\t Pcfer rat, w1ii I Nt a~ i îr-, S'oli wMas greatly r I I r t h r r I t I a i t o wL t 1 1i a îrî'îl rrd have nvr m 1, f a i ugli sîi e a t titîmî,anîd [ fi:' rt'~rr fi ' A ':'sC)Iirry Portoralî 'à WV 1 ' .Il. WARD, 8 QUinlrny Aye'sCherry PoctoiFal NIGMEST AWARDS AT WORID'S FAIR. County Council. X' 1 F RN iOýN t '4 f4 't Il il i t '4 r."' l'il "t pi r-rf, 1t1 ., i i}.) I U 0N EI1>U CATI'O0N. Mir. Di)tgle brought in the first ne- portof the coninmîtee on Education, t-o Tijat the follow~izrg be appointed trus- tees by b-law t \Vb'ttby collegiate institute (;oo PanKer, (jshawa high achool L K Miurtoii, i.x bridige C P Thompson, Port l>erry, 1> 'bristie -recornending that the counr.y public school inspector be in- strucr..ed te iiîtify the truatbdes of achools the sanie day he visits the achools. -flc e eort passed. Mr.*I)ingle irtoduced and carried througbi a iay-law o appoint one trustee m behiaif of the county to the Whitby caýllegIate institute and one eacb to the Oshawa, Port Perry' and Uxbridge higb suhooils. Geo. Parken was r-e-appointed fomr Whitby, L. K. Murton for Oshawa, Peter Christie for Port Penny, and Geo 1'. Thompson for Uxbridge. RAIS-ING THE WIND. Mr. Hoyle intnoduced and carried through a motion authonizing the War- den and Treasuner to borrow $io,ooo 10 defray the wonking expenses of the county until the money cornes in from taxes in thbe faîl. A number of notices of motion were read, which will corne up hereafter, and which need not be commented upon h e ne. The counicil then adjourned. FOURTH DAY. FORENOON. l'îlE PRINTER-S' SMALL SHARE. Mr. Bnown brought in a report from the committee on printing as follows: Thati the following aocounts be paid Uxbridge Times 86.64; 'WhitbLqGaze tte $4 ; Port Perry standard $2 ; Pckening News 64 ; Uibridge Journal $4 ; Port. Perry Observer $2 ; Cannington Gleaver, $4. The report passed. Mr. Real introduceti and carrier! -through a by-law to confirni a by-law of Reach town sh ip to open a roar! opposite lot 4 in the 8th con. GRANT TO FREE LIBRARIES. Mn. ilits, (Picker*tng) opener! the fight for a grant to pblicibaes y bringing in a motion to grant $25 ta each one which can conform ta the. standard reaquired b gvernment - (We migit explain, here that ln for-. mer years this $25 .grat wus ,Ven ta al libranies i, couuty oflaf*s - ing, except thoseof, Plcker tova-1 slip. There beln trSc u4 amuei- cipality, onlyr $50 talre theU threi.e, on the , idsçiaus p4 bat U&C tow:tislnp woiild'b.- drawidg % o i more than the pII, wou d dra'vf=m i its treasury.-.D. - sair! le 414 not "sY hi.csl A Perny. Lt is only in sm kind of a Mr. Mowbray said this incarceration centre that these institutions can be of poor people was one which was be- del nai ntained, but they are geîting numer- ginning to assume large proportions. wO ons enough now to enable almost every Lt was flot a duty coming within tic Ht ratepayer in the county no reacli one.- scope of t.he committee on county pro- Mn. Ross, Port Perry, looks upon perty, and tierefore lie had asked for a an, this move to promote the establish- special committee t.o report upon it. pri ment of libranies as being 'one of the Mr. Couithard said the business of lis highest aims of any legislative 'body. the county property was at present be Having recently visited t.he land -of Mr. sufficient to take up its time, and if Hle Hoyle's birth, (England) cari easily un- the council desired this information a his derstand the enthusiasm with whicli special committee had bette; be ap- liac that gentleman gýoes into this figlit for pointed to look the matter up. dot grants to libraries. England leads the The motion carnied. is world, and its libraries exceed those of GRANTS ON ROADS AND BRIDGES. me ail other countnies in citent. This wh county grant during recent year ha A number of motions for grants on tha proved a great stim<ilus ta public lit>- roads and bridges were referred ta the on raries. Not only h"s it beenmde.to rod and bridge committee--one from purchase a fine assortiment of books- in Mrn. Gcrw for a grant to cut down fu& those iustîtutes aready etblsled, but hlilson UICe Kingston road in Pickering UF several new ones hv ensatd as townsip, an9cJkomMa. Umphrey t.ô < was propliesied by the promot=r of assist the township of Brock in opn- these grants. Many other comninni- ga road alonig tie tbwuship 1une -bfrac ties are working to get theni starred, twccn Reach and BRrocketc., esuc knowsng that a government aur! county -TUE TORRENS LÂND SYSTEN., orant will reward theni for thieitc- nMr. pringle moirer!tla Ui c*i: ceSM Sitce thic lulbrar> wus stalil*e4d cek bt>ý 1IùtiJcte 1owrit terpro..Ç in Port Perry he notices -that Many of vniM Scrtax i t h-s the people who visit bis plue of busi- ~ia i~4sitbêvà4lu *n v4e ness have books trom its Îslves' in whicîa to' .*ow auway-thé rec&rd, of ' thqclr possession. This COU' ty hbïas andërof,1h4 M1' ~~ f lot of fine lftbrîanis, d vs May weU id lwo4 be 'd of th4mi.Lot i*s n t tes tâ.o cac ostreingSt ftliaUcI oue wha are- dolng the o** ke~u them rmsg Mr. toiç si~eth" the ic bc e, e given ta tiiom o ua*tos ly whÎck are of nouta li -ttlsew.býn ü M. Coulthard bau Mal il oked mnon, tbhemat# . The goverfiment distributes the same Mr. Ros-Certanly. There le--a' amount of money yearly, but the num. amail membershlp tee to d.friycx ber coming to each has been cut down penses. WhIàt on bis felet 'l4r. ýýRos by more than a haîf. The farniers' ln- paid a high tribute to 'the m imory of stitutes do a great deal of good, and the late joseph Gould, who had- equip-j for this reason the grants from ttus ped the town of Uxbridge with. sucli a cou ncil are made compulsory; but, magnificent free library. though he (Hilts) is a farmer, he must The vote was t.aken on Mr. Hiits' admit that public libraries do far more motion, showing 21 to 14 in its favor. than do the farmers' institutes, and he Adjourned for dinner. - believes these grants should also be AFTERNOON SESSION. made compulsory. Mr. Quigley (Scott) does not deny Met at 2. 1 5. the advantages of either farmers' insti- BAETNAANT H OE tutes or public libraries, but believes BAETNAANT H OE that those who derive the benefit from Mr. Treleaven, Beaverton, moved therm should bear ail the expene of that the june session of this council be keeping themn up. held in the village of Beaverton. He Mr. Gould took strong exception to said a visit to that village would prove tihe une of argument pursued by Mr. very interesting and advantageous to Q)uigIey. The whole community is the council. The great Trent Valley equally intcrested in the spread of ed- Canal, an immense public work, is8 ucation. He notices that there are 16 being carried on within a few miles oft pupils from Mr. Quigley's township in Beaverton, and it would be very in-t attendanee at the Uxbridge high school, teresting to the members to visit thea and lie believes that at least 8 of them work. Besides this, there is a countyc can be found any evening in the public bridge in Beaverton which must soon r libraro enjoying the benefits of free ad- be rebuilt, and the memrbers could in- t mission to scarcli its books of rcference. spect it. The people of hiis townc Mr. King said if we adopted Mr. would provide the council with everyr Quiglcy's argument that only those im- necessary accommodation.È iiidiatcly connected with educational Mr. Gould felt inclined to support f institutions sbould pay the cost of their Mr. Treleaven's motion. The mnem- C maintenance, then the country would bers of counicil would certainly denive soo n* go backward. The spread of ed- great advantage from a trip througb 0 ucatton, and the etTects of education, the county. à carnies benefits froin one to anothen, Mr. Grierson believes that if there is P uintîl every resident of tihe country is any public work in the north part ofh rmminenseiy benetitted. Tlaene would the county whicb requires attention, tl be \'crv few educational institutions if and wbicb we wisb to lýave inspected, dý weV cnrif' estabiished themi where those this counicil could easily send a deputa- rr wvho are immediatelv interested would tion for that purpose. He does no ai be able to kerap thein up. sec the necessity of taking the wholeW Mir. Treleaven, Beax-erton, said if counicil and ail its apparatus to any Pl tire.e public libraries were made free northern, town, merely for the sake of C and o)pen lie woil support the idea of inspecting wbatever points of interest S public grants. that the community may have. ns MNr. Io-il explaine(1 that the gov- Mn. Pringlç said this council bas a f eriient regullatl)iîrns wcre easiiv under- chamber bere witb committee rooms v sr.ood. Whie puiblic money was bcing and vauîts and offices for its officiais tý grarite 1 it was aiso stipuiated that the and records. These were ail built for b l comor * unities thus benefitted must raise its purposes, and are ail required every tc certalin amiounts themrselves, and apart session. Does not see the wisdom of tram)i this membersbip tee, which was deserting ail these conveniencies andw a Just and proper thing, the public putting up with al] sorts of inconven-tE lil)raries are free and open to ail. Mr. iences for the sake of visitingthe Trent i Treleaven shouid sce if the Beaventon Valley Canal. If there is anything ar iibrary complies witb the law before about the geograpby of the country the county grant Of $25 is banded over that we do flot know, and which no n to its benefit. This county enjoys person in counicil can clearly pictune to Y greatubeneflîs from its educational in- our minds, we might send a committee e( stitutions, one of which is that jour to secure the information; but he doesW1 jail seldom bas any numben of Iaw- not see the wisdom of making excur- b( breakers confined in t. Nothing that ions around the country as a body, 'T naa,n can do tends so much to a coun- Once we establish this practice, weC ILrNy s advancemnent. as the expendirture have to cousider a visit to Cannington, o f , rnoney in educatlon. Uxbridge, and Port Perry. ai Mn. Weir, Reach, asked what benefit Mr. Couthard-What about Oshawa.a it is for the cou nty to take money from Mn. Pingle-! was going to mention a( the minor municipalities and then hand it among the less important places. ar it back to their public libraries. Lot (Laughten) Tbis is a veyporsg i those towns and villages which have gestion, and one the council should not libraries grant funds from their own adopt. eà libranies,, and not tax one to b)enefit The vote-Yeas-Hilts, McDougail, pý anot h er. Brown, McPhee, Rundie, Treleaven, te Mn. Ham, Scugog, agrees witb Mn. Weia, Cleaveley, Dowswell, Hoyle.- nc Weir. Why sbouid those municipali- Io. Nays-Gerow, Poucher, Dingie, as flo tb able to have libraQn-i-es, be--son Ham, McGregorr, SmihCalderJ& r. Prile curtly nsinthed pthfot .e Goud aopofang the report for eMsak Gof h ein imelf talk. Mtr.ie Go epresnded that heawa >oerminedto epress hi iew and [ed fote ut doewn bsy inyodyi. e1r ine to he hi sy nouneil.e ay member present would try to de- rive Mr. Gould of his right to express is views, but the trouble appears to -that he bas no views to express. Le cannot niake us understand what is views are- Apparently Mr. Gould is flot digested the question, and tes flot at present know what side lie on. Far be it froni the wish of, any ýmber to squelcb the views of one ho lias views. He went on to say Lt Mr. Gould expressed, some vilews itilt matter of ho1dýiniÈthe, June ses- an. at .Beaverton, but ,afterardsre- ipportec 'i lss8eech ald'ilippr i thé oor tkt dodge icyôte inÀ ppot u hî vews. ,S'til vrbo4y »cred ta Mn. Gouir! Uic rIlt ,todo in kh things if lic wére oftha sort. Mn. 'Gour! inei- - ated that M, iuvl s à iginngta ve a serinf ttages bult, for a housd o rettage, di .would noa doubt like ta be Uic ~raeer~îthe Id. Ham tâkIlh ,rn lut y.ar îhere'womm 33 prisoneru conflitd in j 3i Maies and atIes '.a ;i Mon Jan. lat 18g there were 9pdobn~xers. The. out1of maintenai bas been six effla'per- day for euch prison Thàt white tht coimluee agie. wiih ithe gra itiries in their presentinents as to the seat a clean condit4iof the jail, they regard the gt eral tenor of the presentments as being sec mental (gusb) ; that the indigents confined jal state that they bave goods beds and e warm and comfortably,; that no independa system of heating b. Matpted -at present (t jal is now heated by hot water pipes (rom t court house) ; that as ligbts are iseldomn requit, in the court roore no electric lghting apparat is necessary; that no Iook-up be estabhished Brechin, and that if more constables are wantq there the resident majistrates sbould attend t] lune sessions of the county court and have the appolnted ; that the ohairman and Mr, Prlng be a splendid commtttee to attend to county pi perty matters until lune, Signed W COULTRA chairman. The report contained a clause in nq ference to the indigents incarcerated i jail, and suggested for consideratio the advisability of having an anne built to, the jail in which these unfoi tunates could be cared for by the jailt and his assistants. Also a clause r( commendirig that a committee of thre ruembers of this council be appointe :o confer with like committees of th counties of Simcoe, Victoria, an Peterboro, with a.view to considerin the advisability of establishing a hom for indigents on behaif of the fou counties. There was somne lively cross-firini )ver the question, and before the de bate had gone very far it becamne ap parent that Messrs. Gould and Pringr had a rod in pickle for each other, an( hey enlivened the proceedings of Fni Iay and Saturday. Mr. Pringle is . member of the property committee nd the report was written in a stylo which left littie doubt that it was hi: propuction, so Mr. Gould, whilst de laring for a house of refuge, found ai iorts of rcasons for opposing the corn -ittee's report. Mr. Couithard de. ,nded the report until it became ob. ious to him that it was Mr. Pringl< Ie members were firing at, and ther ie subsided and left it to Mr. Pringlh odotal with it. Messrs. Gould and Ross took grounc which would shear the report of every. ýhing which would tend to the expres. ion of an opinion favorable to doinî nything for the indigents in jail. Mr. Pringle said that the jailer and ,atron received between themn $8oo 2 ýear, and perhaps we may be compeil- d to pay them more, and yet therE vas littie or nothing to do, as the num. )er of prisoners was usually very small. rhere is also, a turnkey, and besideç .is the prisoners have to help in the vork of cooking and cleaning thE tpartments. The thought had sug. rested itself to the comm ittee that il Ln annex were huiît to the jail there rould be some work for the jail offic- aîs t-) do for their salaries. .Mr. H-oyle asked if we could legally ,xact any such duties from the jailer. Derhaps the prison inspector might in- erfere and claim that such service did iot corne %ithin the scope of the THA T IMPA LING OASE, Mr. H - E. Hudson, of Comber- mere, Severelv Injured. Protruding Knot Wound-Entered the Body Four Inche8-Bladder Injury -Kidney Disease-One Box of Dodd's Kidney Pille. Barrie Bay, Feb 3,-(Special).-Uni- versai intere8tt has been taken through- out this newiy-8ettled reRion in the cure of Mr Hudgon of Combermere. huintier, trapper and lumberman. Personally well known to every man, wonxen. and child, his case, both before and since the cure, bas creatied much talk. The accident occured over eigbt years ago when he feil upon a protruding knot in such a way as to enter tihe body from beneatl, injuring tihe bladder and effect- ing the trie kidneys. Speaking of bis suffeninga and cure he says : -I was oonfined te my bed for six weeks to commence witb, have suffered from pain acrosa tic back, weakness anr! ls of time for over eight years. 66I have taken one box of Dodd's Kid- ney Pille and since taking the fiit four doses bave been free froru pain "One box to me lis been wortih more than ene hundrer! dollars, as only one was necessary te ceruplete my cure, 'II have had net the leset sympton of any neturn and arn able te work as wol as ever I could in my life." A-Tg: Wood bees are tue go here this winter Re usal. Eider Sliou",, f Toronto, caller!0on friende, here this week. Mn and Mns Sam George of Stouif. ville were viuiting at J. Sto.,ufter'is on Mon- day. Ed Keller, with bis sister, Mis&s Anmet ÎLtLd Miss Tait, of Zephyr, were visiting ltrre Tue8day eveniurg. The special services are still continu ed iii the Union Churcb here. E!d Shioulîs4, of Toronto, -preacher! Monday M R Hr-over had a bec this week draw ing wood fnorn Trout Oreck Farm ta bis new home ah Ceder grove There was quite a procession. Mr and Mne Abram St.ouffer of Stouif ville wérà visititig at Wilmot G Barkey's on Monday. Hie bas given Mn Barkey i rirden for one cf those famous Chic ego Aermotor Gearer! Wind-mills wt- learu. Two Frenchmnen liailing from Clart. mont way, (where about trwenty-aii of tbem are camped), and two-yeor-ol' d bear gave Our citizen» a eaul thia week siu îg alima. A sang service» and eleveér bear performance were given to all wio would glu'. Ihem practical. sympathy. Have yen ever. notier how your syston mema to crae 8pmoal,,asista- rte~na~ Jsist tii. help reqwred Ulgiven by Hele Sir saparilia. A Perfect Cure by Hood's Sarga. parila. "lIt affords me mucli Pleasure to recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla. My son was afflicted wlr. great pain ln the joints, accompanied wtth swelllng so bad that lie could flot get up staÎrn to bed w1thout crawling on bauds and knees.I was very anious about hlm, and havlrîg read Hïood'ts00*-Cures so mucli about Hlood's Sarsaparilla, 1 deter. mined to try It, and got a hali-dozeri boules, four of whlch entlrely cured hlm." MRas. G. À. LAKE, Oshawa, Ontario. N. B. Be sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilua. Hood's gPili aet easlly. yet promptly anW eMieiently, on the liver andi bowels. 25ie. For, Twety-Sx Yer Fîv~ Hua»blé r 'Tý-tnoéiü f henU And Tii. firsê'la tiig ofhlluw conaci wash ",y*l iîler &hefon *l Mona, inclu4feg êeeve Oiabm, Deputrby Reve '-'j è M0oincit 1 1 MdGorki1l Reid and O'~onne1l. - The me mbers took Oie oath of office as usual. The only buiness of importance tranaacted at the opening meeting eaclx year is thie appoinirment ot an assessor. Deputy reeve MePhee and Ooun. MaOorkill following precedent establiahed in p ast years proposed the retiring reevet F J Gilespie; OQUn Reid hnd O'Donzmeii nominated Murdock Mo- Renzie, of Fairvalley and Reeve Grabami wlie ooupied thie position for thie past two years gave the deoiding vote ini favor ef MoKenzie. The other offitiers wiiI b. appoinmred ai the next Meeting. Mîsg Hanna Cuddahee lbas gone on an extended trip te ber sister in Kalmazoo, Miohigan. Mise A.nnie Hiokey je visiting ber &Ws ter Mrs. M. Murphy, Bracebridge. Mr. Jno. Egan and family of Upter- grove spent Sunday with oun wortby postîmaster Mn F Egan. Mrs Wm Wesdlake igs suffering from a eevere attrack of inflammatory rheua- matimm. We hope sîoon to hear of ber recovery. Pice r iji iu t. 1liatenran, coni- tri.~irtc ts'-liLoig and Port Perry \ lt rtWds ~ruol frî) M r. JohLn ILS1i inRv tvr,îrthre nienbers of douta- 1t. tir .r.trtîulthe LiîgLiand club smoking r o(1a t A . uc u-î Lal Frday' night. A1 la oc trî>rrniMr. J. L. Smith in- iiiiig rte u'rtîuîl t1a visit Ontario i.rl i u' (îl ~tin a bodyr. Rî r. b irvnitit i its v.cre arcepted, botb un ua tir ýin trI'itl Friday e venîng. by Inflammatory il Oshawa, Ont Pains ini thé Joints Causeci 8*%-a a v10<5 my«md t« fyu kEUDAi.ICam"î?4 I11 auIRL or 1~donr. FALLS. VT. Ca 'l'iliki) DAY. l' Ï

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