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Whitby Chronicle, 7 Feb 1896, p. 5

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WATO HESý1ý -AT- HA4LF PR/CEs To clear out a dozen Key Wind El- gin Rockford and other Amerioan Watches in Silvor Open Faoe and Hunting Cases, wo are offering them t-o you at baif the regular prioes. This la A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY to secure the vory boat value you have ever seen. Jump at Lt. S. Baullard, Watchmaker, WIHIIT8~Y. ~L~I L~runic1e. official Corsnty Orga..Largeat Circula-1 tlon 01 any local paper vtu Canaa FIUI)AY, FEI3. 7189(;. LOCAL LAOONIOS. 1 1.I club dance on Tuesday evening r <uggish iver use Dr. Bright's Eng- l.i'.er and Kidney Pilîs. ,.aiuctiof sale every Saturday evening at the we.sî sîde boot and shoe store. Ju-,î t ceîved new styles in men's brown .ýrrd bl.k k fedora hats, at W. G. Waters' Nlr j J. Baldson, Balsam, was in town Tuesdav,, and calied npon THE CHRONICLE. The rrew proprietor of tht corner drug store has decided to sel! tht lamps in stock at * ost. ,Mr. Theo. A. McGillivray acted as his lttiO¶ at tht division court sittings at Osh- awa on Tuesday. Ir P1. McCann, Fort Erie, is litre visiting h:s brother, Mr. T. McCann. Mv-. McCann met many old anîd warm fi iends who gave himi a hearty shake of the hand. A sensible man would laugh at the idea of buving shoddy goods and bankrupt stock at any store, when he can) buy solid leather and up tu-date styles for less money at tht new rel shot store. M. W. Collins, east side. Next Sunday educational sermons will be preached in tht methodist tabernacle by tht kev. John S. Clarke in tht mov-ningi, and by Prof. l-orning, of Victoria College in tht t-vening. Special collections will be taken n aid of the educational fund. Key Lest Large brass key left at this office for o)wner. Old Faahioaed Soiree. Everybody comt to the old fashioned tea at Mrs. Htndtrson's, Feb. 14th, in aid of the 1:erature for the free reading roomn. Old tashioned refreshments will be served. Scranton Coal'" -There is no better Anthracite coal mined than this." Grate, egg, stove and nut 74.5 at harbor; delivered $525. No. 2 nut $4Office opposite CHRONICLE. E. R. B low, Whitby, Ont. Second Lecture at the CoUlege Tht second of tht great course of lectures ati(Ontario Ladies' Coilege takes place ta- night, Friday, and will be delivev-ed by Prof Frazer, of Toronto University, subject: Dante and hiri comedy. Tht success of the opening lecture by Rev. Dr. Dewart be- speaks success for tht whole course, and such enterprise on tht part of tht college de- serves strong patronage. Scbool notes. The regular meeting of the coilegiate in- stitute literary society was hehd in the as- sembly hall on Wednesday afternoon, Mr. Tamblyn presiding. Mv-. Frank Hart, tht cv-uic, read bis report of tht ast meeting which was most valuable and well rtceivtd. The gîte club gave a good chor-us. Mv-. Tamblyn gave a short address. Miss K. Ilillary, Miss Kate Meen and George Bewell. gave readings. Miss Bertha Tamblyn gave an instrumentRl and Miss McLean a recita- tion. Mr-. F. Hart sang a solo which called forth hearty applause. Several members were omitted. Division Court. , r ss & (ranger vs. Jackson. -Tht pIkintifi's dlaimi settledl at 5184.I3. Thg defendent's couniter dlaim and defence te b. hmard by the senior judge. Thetvidence to he taken in short baud. Dow McGilil- -v'î;y for plaintifi ; G. Y. Smith fo ,efendent. lwden vs. Martin and wife.-Actien for services of a stallion. Judgment for $16î7 ne.aînst bath defendents. McGiUivray or it .iîntifts; G. Y. Smith for defeudents. lirant va.~ C. P. R.-Action for negligeut management of tht defendents' engin. by %% h ich the plaintiff's crops were destroyed by fire His honor found that the fire wa.s Ca used by sparks frum tht defendent's loco- motive, but that as no neghîgence was sbown the plaintifis must be nonsuittd. J. E. Fart- well Q. C., for plaintif ; j King (Wells & ?por dIis",Moft$'-kdn.ye'- SeDr., >' 9îw. j; -Marquist p1 y apiutown CHRONICLE a Ciii. Assist the free reading roombysattendln the social at-tht risideaco of lre. A. G Henderson on F'riday evenlng, Peb. I4th. Mrm. Geo Guy, mother of the Guy Bros., the well-known minstrels died recently at Morganstown, West Virglnia. The cleceas- ed ladyvwa only iii three days, A rich treat i. in store for ailiWho attend the -baptiat church to-night. Pour visiting ministers besides local ministers will be present and music will be furniehed by profeselonais. Refreehmentà during the evenlng. Admission zî5c. A very successfül social was held b y the preebyterian congregation at the resi dence of Mr. D. Ormiston on Wednesday evening There was a fine turnout and a capital enter- tainment. The highiand club orchestra furnished an abundance of instrumentai music. Ergs are high Make your hens lay by feeding cruehed oyster shells, to be had at W. H. Newbery, Hockey.* The town team will play the Toronto UniversiLy here on Saturday afternoon. Game calied Btt 3.30 o'clock. A great game may be looked for. Admission ioc. Seats for ladies. Work for linernen Tht Bell Telephone Company would be glad of aIl the experienced telegv-aph or tele- phone linemen they can get hold of just now ta work ir' Toronto for a few weekrs. Ap- plication should be made at once at 37 Tem- perancic St., Toronto. Serious accident. We are sorrv to have to record a serlous accident to Mrs. jas. Pringle on Thursday last. She was descend ing the steps in front of the house, and slipped, faling heavily Uer hip bone was fractured as the result. The good lady will be laid up for some weeks, we are sorry to say. Business Change Mr. A. H. Allun, son of Mrs. Allin, sta- tioner here, bas ptirchased the corner drug store from Mr. Jrmo. McCullough, who bought it fromn Mr. W. R. Howse last sumnmer, but who foutid that it would interfere with his studies. Mr. Allun thoroughly understands the business o! a chemist and druggist, and will handie the corner drug store in a way at once advantageous and satisfactory ta tht public. THE CHRONICLE wishes him every success. Whos a thief? Tht Bowmanville Statesmnan accuses THE CHRONICL.E of stealing its items, and then the News of that town turns around and claims that the Statesman first stole the items f rom tht News. Thus we only find it necessary to plead guiity of ptealing f rom a thief, and we leave it to the Bowmanville papers to decide which is tht thief. If evtr a paper had cause to complain about its items being cabbaged, it is THE CHRONICLE We have five writers to ont kept by any other paper, end their work is cribbe,ç right and left. Those who read THE CirRONIcLE know that we always credit any clippings of an-, importance, but we do flot always follow this course wiih ismall items from smaii country places-simply becauseothers don't. Bobbie Burns' annlversar. About thrte hundred bilarions spirits at- tended tht Highland club smoking concert on Friday night, amnong whorn were nearly every numnber of tht county council, and a largt and jolly delegation of about twenty [rom O--hawa. Thte music hall had been floored with sawdust, and tables and chairs and benches set avound promiscuously for playing cacds, draughts, conversation, etc. T'ht club even supplied cards, pipes and tobacco. Tht guests seltcted whlchevev- plan of amusement they cared for, and everything wtnt on a go-in-and-enjoy-yourself princi pie. Much regret was expressed at the absence through indisposition of President John Bal Dow of tht club. Ca. Treasurer McKay took tht chair and handled tht programme in a mnost satisfactorv way. The higbland club orchestra gave saine fine airs ta warm up an, and Mr-. Thos. Mander-son danced as he neyer danced before, and showtd tht young fellows a few wrinkles that ruade thtir eyts twist. Mr-. Frank Rat, Oshawa, played accampaniments for everybody ofi- hand, bath for sang and dance, even toaa dog. Messrs. Ellis, Pattesson and Gallowey, Osbawa, gave lively contributions in recita- tion, story and song. Mr. Hoyle, Canning- ton, was the arator of tht occasion, and nev- er did native seat dress BoVIJIe Burns' dlaims to public esteetn snd attention lu more elo- quent or loving words. His fine periods brought ail sorts of gaines te a standstill. Mr-. Theo. A. McGillivray velated a few yarns in a style which could not be imitated bv any ont we ever heard. Messse. Jno. Burns, High Constable Caivtrley, Mr. Jas. Lawrie and Mr. Jas. Foley gave rousing sangs. Tht latter caught on wonderfuily well with tht boys, and was encored repeat- edly, giving an Irish jig as ont of bis me- sponses. The hall was decorated throughout with clouds of beautiful sky-biue emoke. tht denseness of which would have been inereas- ed only that there was ont man present who couldn't emoke. Town Counai. Met Monday night. Petition froîn Single Tax Association asking that the coun cil petition tht Ontario Legisiature lor an amendment ta tht municipal lmw requiring that only land and not buildings b. taxed. Petition from city council of Hamilton urg. ing that tht council petition tht Ontario legislature te take charge of tht Mimico lu- dustrial school, snd net lay tht expeuse of maintenance on municipalities. Froin clty clerk of Ottawa in (airer of abolishing ex- emptions fom taxation. Court. Scott read the report te the committet on printing awardlug the contract te tht Gazette at $38. Tht report pussed. Coun. Deverel read the report o! the atreets committee, statng tht the amouint of timber, lumber and nas e&- tlmated as necessary dumlng the year, and recoaimending tht foilowing accourt. for payment: Wm. Glimore, tilt, 57.15 ; Jno.. Blow, ceai, $z.81 ; G. M. Rice, repaire, 70e ; Joe. McCa.rl, work, Sii.sg; WS. Hopper, work, $io.49; Jo.. McBrady, work, yOc.; Jne. Rogers, work, 75C ; Jne. Bravener, teamlng, $4.5o; liai. Connor, phoveilngi s 0w, 75c; Jas. Smith, d ., goc. Th t r%, - frt paed. Cousu. Jackson s-ted 'arpel rmtecommittee on 5rc a=4 watts lau (mr oo!payaient. as (oliows : ion. BIowt cea, $ît.p3; M. C. LawIer pelle, $9.40; Grass & Grnger, key. isc. Ttrpr -am. Cane. Slow, 1 rt.<1 fWthe pro- pesey committe. as foliw-:-TI*' aç cords of bardwood b. tender.d fr, XSdryAu4 JO. trem -thattto foowIsgjc«ý 'sb.puldi Ml. C. U*wmr-, aplsj joJaw.,Boevas. wood, P_ . Ws-0 sc; W t gaiî 40C. rd' t-'P 4 8bar ~d~tiwewvill offer, 7Sc.,6se., 5i '235.drs goods fgr 25C. a yard, At W L" aitCl Unless your taxes are p aid before March rat. 1 shall proceed to collecg thesanme wtth coste. This lîthe lust cali. JAS. PRINGLE, tar collector, Reward, $10 reward will bc given to any person who can bu y boots, shoe and rubbers cheap. er than they can be procured at tht west aide cheap boot and shoe store. Auction sale every Saturdity evenlng. Auction Sale. Mr. Jos. Spurrill will seil by public auc- tion on Saturdny, Pcb. i 5th, at the Queen's hotel here, hi2i horses ana Implements. The list inay be seen on printed posters. L. Fairbanks, auctloneer. A Firat-clai.concert. On Feb. a6th the town will be favored wlth a great treat at tht music hall. Tht opportunity having presented itself to en- gage some first-class talent Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Whitfield have decitâed to give the town and vicinity a rare treat in the way of a thoroughly good concert programme. The plan will be filled at 25 cents pe r ticket, and the proceeds will be banded over to the tabernacle Su nday achool. Particulars later. History of Whitby Six years ago tht people of Whitby were paying 35 per cent. more for their shots than they are to-day. To day ',Vhitby is the chea,,est town in Ontario for buying boots and shoes. We started euttingp rices over six y tars ago, we are at it to-day sel! ing cheaper thari ever. We have saved the people of Wlîitby thousands of dollars in tht past five years, and now we start on Satur- day our great February sale, selling regard- less of profit s, at the new red shoe store, M. W. Collins, east side. Chronicle clubs. CHRONICLE to Jan. ist, 1897- &1. CHRONICLrt and weekly Globe tojin ist. 1897, SI 25. CHR0NicL. and weekly mail tojan. ist, 1897 $1.25. CHRONICLE. and World $2,50 a year. CHRONICLE and famnily Herald and week- ly, Star, 81.75. a year. CHRONICLE and Motreal Witness Si.6o per annum. CHRONICLE and Toronto Morning Star or News 81 7,5 a year. Boa.rd of Education The board of education met on Wednes- day night for organization. Mr James Mc- Clellan was re-elected chairman, and the following standing cominittees were struck: school management-McGillivray, Ormis- ton, Farewell, Dow, Barclay, Hatch ; school property- Fergusotv, Hatch, Blow, Mc- Gillivray; finance-Blow, Ross, Parker, Long, Fox; printing-Fox, Farewell, Bar- clay; tht 6v-st namned on eacli committee to bc chairman. On motion Miss Fidler was aliowed tht use of the assembly rooni at the collegiate for her pupils to pi actice choruses, provided she furnish her own light and care- taker. The board adjourded to hold its regular meeting next Wednesday. L 4 A visit te Scugeg. The Rev. T. Manning made a visit this week to Scugog Island in tht interest of tht methodist church in that place. For some yeaits back thterinister In charge of tht is- land bas lived lu Port Perry and bas me- ceived 830o a year from tht mission fund as part of bis stipend. Last June ayoung man was stationed on this work, Who boards on the island and who receives ne assistance from tht mission fund. Mr-. Manming's visit- was muade for the purpose of ascertaining if tht people were willing te support an or- dained married man among thiem. Here ports bimself as greatly pleased writh the prospect. Ht fonnd tht church in the pro- cess of a most genuine revival of religion, whicb was reach ing every part of tht island. The young pastor, Rev. Mr-. Mallett, is uni- versaliy popular, and is receiving about $4oo as stipend from tht people, whertas only about $260 were raised for this purpose last year. There are in ail ont hundred and thirteen familles on tht island, and over ninety of these are nominaily methodistA. There are besides about forty indians on tht reserve. Tht missienary socîety pays $ioo a year te tht indian work. But it is hoped that next year the indians will bel p on tht cause of religion bv attending the church at tht foot, along with the white people, thus saving the Sioo to the mission cause. Tht plan which Mm. Manning, the chairman of tht district, proposed, is tu build a pamson- age on the Island, se that tht ,inister cau live among tht people, and te sdIl tht par- sonage now owned lu Port Perry. le this plan tht people aillreadiiy agreed, beiieving it te bt tht only wise course. If Bro. Mal- lett can be heft for another year on this charge there is good hope that by the turne he muet leave for college there will be a par- souage built and furnished and ready for oc- cupaLncy by a vigerous young man and hie bride. AIl tht chutches on tht district wiii rejoice over this matter, and noue wiU be more glad than the islanders thernselves. There la a project on foot for tht strengthen- iug of circuits over the district, of whicb tht Scugog place la. only a part. Ibere are some obstacles i the way, but a uuited ef- fort, and a wide and syrnpathetic vlew of tht whole case may resulttin tht permanent ad- vantage of tht cause of religion lu tht cir- cuits concemned. Home arethe figures. We dame eay that nobody need be toid that the Gazefte's attacke upon Mr. Heu- derson are lnspired by a desire te pitch loto hian Ifecuse of bis connectien ' with the CHîoNciLsu d net because bis public>ser- vices are net apprecdated.^ While wre, bave alwavo basa foreniot l lug foul crdt la they Ideserved lt, we have wlthheid gMnlg credit tu, Mr..- Heoderson irnauytiues- - beu twepctm $Msd erawinu bave glvetiusathe, oppotoltyi, just tbrwighIse oupection with thia pape. He Iad' to wlu hls way y cta~uneded hy t-S C"aOwICÎ*-, gd thé ale4s pMsI t th ê lleieédsbadIm tht Gazette inve4,I4t.tu mta Jct.LU )RESS - ÇOODS* cIVy. - -~ ~! Feb. #Sth, t 1 A S i ý E R j l i ql aýàue 54-in. Box Ohothi briack and ooiored, Ladiafi' Oasuere Hose, *special regular prie 25c, Satu'day 1%. only 25c. FRENCH FLANNELS. Beautif al line flgured Prèneh Flannels, regular 50c, Borgain day 85c. DRESS GOODS. Lot of Dres Goode, reguiar 25o, 35c, 40o, to b. isold on Saturday l21. FRENCH HENRIETTAS. 44jn. French alenriettaz, isilk finitsh, staple and evening shades, regular 75c, on Saturday 50c. IYU31NA&N Tl8. Coating, Serges, Fritizes, etc, to b. cleared out at on Bargain Day. lkh Remuants in Moitons, half-price ~Bargain lin., APRON CHEOKS.' Apron Oheoke only 10o a yard. FLANNELETTE. Se. our 5o Flannelette. on Saturclay, Bargain day. FLAN NELETTE S. Flannelettes-Soft finish, newest pat- terne, regular prices 15c, on Satur- day 10e. MILLINE RY. All Millinery at coot. We keep the oheapeest and in town. boat CorsetsaI1Aml Ail Furs reduoed for Brady . our Sur Capes, S1a Saturday $12. MENS F.URNISINGS., Saturday là the day to buy asuait s low prie. Regulaý R $2~ suite reduced to $10, onB only. MEN'S FURNISHINGS. Ail Tien, Semis, ollars, Oufs, 8 '*lt. Di'iwer, etc., at very Close Prim-, MEN'S FURNISHINGS. Very nie line of Geiitlemefl'g Cae ec a er owpia. REMN ANT9. Remnants At Haif-Price on Burg"j UAtr - &IMy.l Day Sale HEMNAT Saturday, .AT. wi Go FR113,ý 8th,~ WALTERS'. Remnants of aI1 kinds ineluding Silks, Satins, Dress Goods, Tweeds, %Jt- tons, Flannelettes, Tiokings, Towellings, Ribbons, Laces, Trimmings, &o. Ou. Table of Dress Goods-. Regular Prices were 35c, 40c, 50c, 60o and 75o., 25et. a yde SPECIAL BARGAINS ail redneed to one price, IN OVERCOATS. We will offer balance of our Men's and Children's Overcoats at #£à,O-ne.-ha1f Regular Prices for Saturday OUNly -( CJrTiekets wiil not. be pioked for Art Pictures w. G. WALTE RS, on Bargain Days.Cy> W-hitby. i I N.?E PdA TERSON, Q. C e, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. Money te Loan. UXBBIDGB§ WHJTBYI -HA S DONI I Queen treet, àkù GRA1VBY R.9UBBBBSli-.. Are ont aginthis seasoni ini al the unew Sbi es. righti with the same ol wea hlike that li4 al&Bchiateie they aireébonoet1y: 'madeofU sure, you got Gra]hby ethîsye araqi Ali that a frieudly f.1u~bi ZSpWeb 1lieve that tht elOoçut foob*waawi are much tabou 1W ~N, m patronise the Pla l r, 4f ttbi erta properiy. Thebw ba. IQMbu» calllng Wota lectofrhi *0 * cl4*b ,* mmely Wlb t. varthwu-o( Wb" tm Imto ewe Jean fore ~~-n ARa-.Arfr~I- je. -F- F'eb. cieýý ONTARIO. 1

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