( mWood b ciy 9 ; Port v 14 j5 brt-d0., Rler JoîuLR wore Swolleu sud Distort.ed. Her Nîghts aluiost Steepbessud lier Appetîte Gone-Suffered for Several Yeuris I3eforto Relief was Fouud. Frorn the Kingston News, Mr. Hugh McLaren, ligbthouse keeper on Wolfe Island, as one of thae best koown men lu this section, sud to hie vigilance in the performance of Jais duties lu due the sa.féty of the mauy craft sailing in (bat part of the St. Lawrence. Mme. Mc- Laren, hie wafe, bas been an invalid for a number of years, sud in conversation wath s reporier recently, Mr. McLaren stated that obe was rapidly regainiug ber y ad-tame bealth nuder the treatmenit of that ruost marvellous of iMdern imedi cines-1)r. Williams' Pinik Pille. Asked if ho had auv o1jections ta givlng the partaculare, Mr. MoLareti rep1,ed that empbatically ho had not it e';eh publics- %Lon was lakely to benfi6t any other suifer. or. He 8aiti : A numb er of years ago my wite cantraeted rheumatism, sud for a considemable timeN>.a a helpless iuvalid. lier joints were ewalleu sud distorted; er n ig h La w ere aleeplees au d ber appetite poor and very fickle. Duriug tboae years 6, ab@eoxperienc.d excruceranig tortures, the pain nover oeaaing day or night. Slue liad the benofit of akiLb maedicai ia v icU but theo treatment offordéed ne re- lief, aud we began ta fear that ber trouble * lad gous beyond buman aid. On a nunber of occasions I bad read in the 1, %pers of cases of rbeumatism beiaig cured Ihy the use of Dr. 1V-illis.mu' Piuk Pila, and tii ai laut détermined us ta give thma trial. She b.d used some tirée baiea before any imapravement wus notie ed ; and tbsn w. began Wo note that ab* glept botter snd Liat ber appetite wus împroved. Tbeu Lie pains gradually be. gan ta subside, sud aftsr uaing &bout a au dozeu boies eh. vas abl. te get op and walk about. 8h. continued Lie use of t.he pisl for a whil, longea-, sud sithuIl oceauionaltly ah. feels Lwlngea 0* l trouble in changeable weather, abs nov enjoys betîr health Lisea:,bs ba, dom' for years, and eau eléspa sOPUdiy as e!er ah. did iu her lite, wlaIle ber ap eto neyer was better. 1 look utpei Dr. 'il-' i ame's Pink Pilla as a woudà lâfl medluln. for 1 kuoq they bave dn @dw4 My wifeVse, and 1 ffnl certai Lia if auy wbo are affiicted ua e. va vii pi. theni a good trial, squsy hbpp will folio,, aud I thrdors teatimony fly, io i o,, thLe claim, wad ot Dr. Ai Pink Pille cure wbonotb«.d*Cma, 0 sw dlfee0y ofm The puli.bol jýy eo gInid >I tîdo,à ,1 *hie. a.o ~ ,.,*/à XVe understand that Robert .4udrow ha$ pu rcba.ed Keeler'e hotol' ai West Hlii and wilI take possession of the same with but littie delay. W Gormley who bas been engaged in ineumanco business in Lindsay for the past few monthe le home witb bis people enjoyiug a well earned vacation. A. slpigh load of our young folks drove down ta Oshawa Tuesday oveniug snd spent a few hours vemy pleaeantly at the reaidence cf Mm. sud Ms.. A. Maou. Lt is a. faeL mach te be regretted that a number of bouses in the village are vacant at the presout ime. Usuallv thinge are different in tbis lins, tb. de- man.d over-reacbing tbe snpply. The scaroity of dwellings bas in the paut caused renta ta rut. high, now that thinge have chanze.d renta are matarially on the destine. - John Rowland, an aid and blghly me- spected reaident of ti place pased peacefufly away Tuesday morming, aged 64 yosrs and à monthB. Deceased hàs beeu in feeble health for tie pisi few years sud bis demais. je but ithe terminus of bis mcdiplying infirmities; Ther. lu boit ta, mouru bis Ion a widow who hi tbe aincere sympatby of the community. The interuient took place Tiuýrsdy after noon te the methodist buryïng grouud and was witneased by a large concours., of relatives sud former friende. John Avis, of Fairpomt, tb. judicioa Britieher that hé i., basb.d -a gang of men for the putfew days eaagagod div- ing pilés sudbulding a ferLa-su on is popérty aloug thé beach, net La" i. an- ticipâtes snýy troublé fa-cm Lie Ameriseus yet te hé prepared for any em.rgenoy. Siould oua- enterpasmg and reoidese cousins décide Le land Ait 'Fi*prt Ou via- intent, tiey will find John BII Avii sud bis trusty followers sMelo tecoe vii tbsm. W. dou'tviii for A, mommet toý despi. thé enterprise of -oua-noigba- Avis, yei a i tus pa-.uti soïmcey called for. Should Lié sà ;,Cxm". land with war mountions Lhsy vould, b. S~oc UMrundd > euty ap licifte thel- r ma an6 hïav'e the à tfr out larrangsd befr.M agsaeParker-, shagoGvii ca-rin«Munodurhg cloule.1 Sosson. This woold eff.otuuily "*Pyaep. »vumsemly,'ùpa-laig Luiat M*gtuo »o d abotuld a vgdý.Teýbl &180 alsoUtiead q$a~in# li, a e ucalled blood bufildeÎs Md 'rve boulos put up in aimilar form iïntended to de- ceivo. Ti.y ,are &U, imitations -whoe inaken .hop& to eap apeonniary, adva.- tage from the wonderful rept5to1 mohievsd by Dr. Wiliams' Pink 'PUIs. Âsk your dealer for the v. Thèes PiUs arete nnfatured by the Dr Wi'l'aan' Medicine Company Brook- ville, Ontario, and Schenectady, 14. Y.$ and are sold oeil in boxes bebring the flrm'a brade mark sud wrappet, ab 50 cents a box, or sir boxs for 02-50. They may be bac îrom any dealer, or will b. sent by mail on receipt of price. Dr. Williams' Pink Pille may be bail of aIl drnggista or direct hy mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company (romi either addree. The prios at which the pis are Bold malce a coure of treat- ment colnparntively inexpensrve -as oompu red wit.h otiher remedies or medjeal treatment. JORRESPONDENOZ GMEENWOOD. Miss Emma Emerson bas returned froni Toronto, We notice Alfred Rogers hais returned froma the west. Mr. and Mrs. John Teefy have returned froni Dunbarton. Harold Stevenson, of Green's miii, le home sick with lagrippe. î Mrs. Wm. Tait and Mrs. G. S. Gibson are oontinuiug quite Iow. Mr. and Mrs. Robqrt Gibeon and daughter Lena are visiting friends bore. Mrs. B. R. Meen, Mrs. Levi Mackey aud B. W. Meen visited Qah'iwa last week. Adamsou Bros. have taken a contract of cuutiug about 50 cord of wood for Wru. Clark. A load of young folks went down toaa party at McGuire Broug., Kingston road, on Tuesday and ail report a very enjoy- able time. David Birreill ot two valuable horses last week, one hors. breakiug the halter became tangled np lu the uther hormes halter, strangling both of them. The Greenwood Creamery Company are getting uearly as much mulk again as they did a montb ago. Thinge are look- iug splendid for a good ummer season. Farmers who patronize it in the winter malte money by so doing, but those wbo run in for a couple of montha in the heat of the entamer when tbey cannot inake bu tter on the fairm, muet expeot the low P ce. elwaye riig in those nionths. The oompany ah'ou4d have a rule wbere- by these people coouid not min in and out and compel them to, send for twelve or fiftecu mouthe. Then, I dare say there wuold he considerable lessa fault flnding.t Pl KWERIN During the storm that preytwie4 -hsw. Th-ursday and Fmday tie sîtreme wigh Lof saow sud ice that had socumulaed obn ,théi roof of the ink proved Loo, mucb for- the rafters sud a section of the roof gave wsy. Manager Bayer with bis usïuai promptitude bad Lb. saine forthwit -". paired sud thinga are tie same a of yorp. The population of NortbhGiaremont bas beau maaterially inoreased by the ar rival on Baturday of a colony of Servis people wbo bave taken possesson of ti. swamp norti ef Lb. atore. Tis is oa. of Lie meut extraordin"ry expéditions vo bave yet seen. The men amnuse, tben-, selves by euhibiting besas, of- whîihb have a number, tthé i- frumaof -Lte vioinity for wbich tbey- solicit bread sand butter sud thinge likê that - WfiÙîs:ie wamen visit the villgecand cmv. aim ha of whatsoever nature. ,Tli97 party are i 1#Vd in a number of - inolosed - Uùh jaantWig Snr in which. iiey noireside. As fhe"el vebicles ane mouuted -u wbeela Lhfr '> etay in ti.nsigbboriood -le likeiy 1«ô b. Vi protracted. DUNBAfTONV. C.Long ie ou the "gruting" listii week. uaf Mm Geo. Parker is somewiut iudi8aý poséd tLiiweek. Hurrah for the Dunharton Iergugiht I' tg Club, obsmnpoziaofQOutarieo l:oumay, Tiere, muet béa a nt deaiofliikmesLZ srund here, for oua- dootoirl rvig4ê1 night and day. T A, number from hhon took Ilu lie dsaot it at Mlt uie's,ýO! o~iiW>* on- Tuesday .vnIua Lyeof nt,, ,sudp s . aL=Ott on bamad .oedla sec Pure Bloôid, Gives Stro ng N erves, an-d Builds Up the Body. '..aumtte toreprt~êtnéxteglt maeet . When the. Grand Trunk agrees to thîiiodeat- request the- -poa. pi ioiLndsay, lbrdgep'.,d0ote littie hlaniets, will haveîftheInestimable advantae of journeying to the enibryo City of annington to *do their shop.. ping a.nd bank their* savings. The benefits of a cheap fate to Cannington are incalculable, whether we view the matter fromn the public standpoint or with regard to the railway company's interests. Traffic would certainly ini- crease to such an extent between these points that the railway company woild apt'to grow careless and indifferent as to, the service on the test of their road. This might resùlt In inconvenience to, the people south of us, but aIl north would be supremely happy and content with their new found metropolis. Speed the day.-Journal, Jan. 3o. OAEONT. Mrs Joseph Black is indispoesd this wesk. The infant child of Thos Les died Monday. George Gibbons, of Toronto, is boe with bis parents. F Hutehison je indispoeed thia week witb a severe eold. Bryson Park, et Toronto, epent Sun- day ber. with his mother. Mrs John Evans is epeuding a fort night with friends in Ringwood. Morgan Evans is down with inflamma- tion of the luDge He is ou the inend, ho w ever. John Linton, who hias been bore for some w coke, left for bis home in Dakota ou Monday. Wm. Hendrehan and wife bave just re- turued froua a weelk'e visit witii Irieu<1e inBboomiug. mie Coxworth, of Stouffrille, waa bers witb ber grand parents, Mr sud'Mre Borgees@ ovor unday. Mne George sud Mrs Hoover, of Stouif- ville, sent a few day8 this week witb Mr aud Mme Dowsweli. Peter Diamond bas leaaed John Hub- bard's farta for a tenu of yearis sud will take possession let of April nez t. W hile returning from church Snnday, Duncan Momiau 's borse became unman- ageable and ran away throwing the occu- pants out, the cutter wau somètibhat dam eged. Aside from this no injury wae doue. Inspzred by the suocess of the laet one, Magager Boyer bas decided to have an- other carnival in the near future, possibly ou Tueeday evening, Feb. liti. Parti culars however wilIl b. forthooming in due time. Mmm. Sherrard aged 90 ym, 6 months, 21 days, wbo bau resided with ber daugb ter, Mrs Aier Morgan for tb. past two years, died on Tuesday. The reman wsre interred in Lb. baptist oemetery Thursday mfternoon, the cortege conasi ing of a large number of friendes ad roda- "'My daughter, aged 17 years, has for a long i me been iu a weak state of health, 80 mnuai so that she. was net able te do ay work about the. houseand often waa unable ta comb ber own bair; tbhiana beerï the euae for somne years, and 1 fear. ed she would neyer b. strong. 641 waa induced to have ber use Pain.'% Cebery Oompound. 8h. has used Lwo boutles, and is uow a diff'preîît girl, Si. in net only ablta to wait -, herself but olten doos the whole of li,; housework sud promises to beau a agrlo A Com mon Affliction Ponmnannti, Cured by Taklng AYERSIÇ~parfila A ciBDRVESSTOIT. ',1 wau affllcted for eight yearS wi tî IUu'um. Durlng that mrn,1 tried a great many medicines wicih were bighl v rec- ommnided, but none gave me relier. 1 m*w4as thlast advised to try Ayer's Sarsa- parilia. hy a friend who toid mc that 1 musit purchase Six botUles and luse them 8a&"ordl,,g to directions. i[ ylelded to his periisiu, ou ghlt the six bottles, and totk the contents of three of these hot- tI lu -thotit noticlng any direct b)eneflt. Iiefore 1 had fitnlslîed the fourtb bottle, ruy bands were as Free f roin Eruptions a,; rver they were. MY bti9iness, whlch is iliat of a cal-drtver, requires me tW hfe elt ini cold anid wet weather often mitiiout gloves, and the trouble heu iit' (1r retiirned."- THOMAS A. JoENs, ,ýratford, Ont. Ayer's - heSaîsap arilla Admnitted at the World's Pair. .4uer'a Pila CL.4flge theBowel.. A LIQHT KEEPERS BTORY. luIS WII"E WAS A FEARFUL SUF. 1"ERI FROM IIUEUMATISM. -A few boxes etD dsXd yPl . W tha e ie it s - n th tovè et.those BEAUt/FUL AMAERtiIJAi WALL.PAE6 i9ordors to Ma-tci ATIC Cornarly nd got firit choie.. P. B. WA R AMY- Bausoit d, (Successor Io . 77ompsà o4 The Subecriber bas again opeued hui here. His office wili be at E. R. Blou, telcgraph office, factory at Mrs. Nwbr bouse ou Brock Street, south. New-Pu manufactured sud aid Pumperpir First class material used and work wra cd. Wells dug or çlffl 4~ ~r Pcb. 14, 189.5. Whity su 9 a a DOMI1NION BANK:-' SCO TT, Oapital Paîd up, $ Wbiibby - Qneral Ee.nkhig 2u* Tr.néaot.d. GAVINqI D3PAETMUT. [aipreut U'w.4 at busumai Kouottae et With4rawa1re~uia,.~ E. J. THORWTo~ Wooa'p ?flO&PbO(llil6-rke Great Rnglisk Remedy. le thO resuItt 1over $5 ears beUng thousands of cases wlth ail known ç drugs, unW lt Xe ha" e soere4 the true reniedy and treatment-a& ombintion tbat yU efftot a prompt end permanent cure luai&U stagumof A e - Sesual De&Ubiy, Muse or BRwsw, Wvrvous Woakmrw, £mib4st M.ç, worry. F vraft eUne of O$»M' TobaCCO, or ÂkokoZk si8uniau or e whlch soonleald to IDSanlLy, onsmpton and au early grave. Wood's BeoeTaI.Ph<sph. inebubeen used icmauty hunardscf cases thateed alinoit hopelesuces &thatbad been treated by the inost talented phyui. clans-cae that were on the verge cf despair and insanty-caaes that wer. M totterlng over the grave-but wfth the contluued and pueruverlng use of Wood's Phosphodine, thesee tues that 1"d benaglven Up tW die, wmr re«lto Wmaniy vigor sud healt.h-R.adar yon need, set desp&ir-noinat. ter who bua given you up asineurable-the remedy ln now. withln yourr« real, by finause you ea le restored W 5alite of0f uliO u d hapnff Prioe, one package, 81; sIx packages,8$; by mail free of postage. Qi wI sa, i waauvdtocue.Pamphletfreto uy addreuu. The Wood Company, Wi ndsor, Ont ., Canada. I..à ada Woos .Phofedm.lBssold by resp.u*bl. wlaob&ai. end rrtsUdragglss&a the D.MlIMOU. le Whtaeyou wearingr On yourleet ths rehar R kubbe rs and Overdshmare modeledw f6lkailthé ~aaY sae ~of boots. They are t"inso ai to poe'itChM isy appoe15 aaoe aai <feling and to rnktègoe 'u thmotentutto Srubber. While dGranby Rl6ubbm sand Oerh ma e up b t e Style, Fit and Finish, they retain thor old enldnringqai Rt*bbérs qr 1k. r. ra** ** c UT. 8. I mow M.'K. se nere suit w B sayu-."M~ feve,, about a amas weII 4 v itafod' iéy ilSud lb-day b . . r m n s d P l a y7n0 w t a Il i r b o Y -," Chca o rweru, who are car yig al fe u4ýing -m d &U yo, ria o e ~ anos sd brmtihiaf hbe4 sq pamptjy adf Wm. 3 .. .. -. . MrJ., H. froin tic buyý Oli W, wite- 79ÂD » 1'., tbe thoUt ba or itby. :ito. ving dis- lîing la ai krgo. ruer '7 w ý'9eR am ALI- PaIne's nd 'es» N- Om, ou Mak ew and'ý Medical mnen everywhere admit that Paine'. Celory Dompotzndisla thebeut Mnedicine for pale weak sund sickly girls. It builds op wasted tines makes pure blood, aud produces stroug nerves, eti-î ableing girls ta resoli heal thy aud -pýerfect womanhood, Mrs Boulanger,-cf St Henry, Montreai tqaved ber daughter'a life hy haviug ber. use Pain. s Oelery Compound at a Most oritical ime. The yoting lady ls uow one of Lie healtieat, brighteat and meut at- tractive girls of- the town. Hem mother writes thus about the wonderful cure. -,qm LowES'T wilîtbllw