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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Mar 1896, p. 5

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E The towr n*-,, M tope a S o IS àk ofPi ulà«ab PR/CE.- To clear out a dozen Key Wind El- gin ltLockford and other American Watchea in Silver Open Face and [lunting Caees, va are offering them wo you at half the regular priea. TUhis la ASPLENDiD OPPORTUNITY ix)secure the very best value you hrave ev,3r seeu. at IL J umlp W~IT~. o0010W county Organ. -Largot CirU-01 ton Cd aft boul paper LUtaua"& FltIiAY, MARCII 6p 1896 LOCAL LACONIOS . lt&rdwsoKid dning tables, 4 leaves, oniy $,, ai W 1I1rus Mden 'ai ll wool twveed pauts, .j pochets, *uly Si îper pait at W. G. Waltcrs. &uctlon sale every Saturday evening at th<- West sîde boot snd shoe store. The ladies of the W C. T. U. will hold a -ocial gatherîng at Mrs. Tamblyris on April isi Refreshments scrved, sud all may look or a good time. ln the death of John Smith, nortli 'ard, Whitlhy loses au aId resident, aud one of ithaae sturdy, quite sons oi tai who aie the 'rîrength of a country. He 'vas emplayed in tbe fouridry since almost anybady round here canrit mber, and wss seldom sauth of the foundry. "Ue Salvation Ai-ni y hoid heii- twclfth an- niversary meetings on Saturday Stindav and Monday, Mai-ch 7, 8 and 9, Adjutant Miller corîducts the meetings as foilows -. ý,aturday 3 p, m., life sketch of himselt - '-,unday i i a. m., holitiess meeting, 3 P. tu., Rermiiisceties of oid Loudan, wordly sud spiritual; 7 P. m., The Biggest Hypocrite. oflei Hs childi-en and gi tar. For fur- tUier paritculars sec bis Bu-ta lAwK iNs-At Whitby, on Mouday, Match 2nd, the 'vile of Horace Hawkins of a son. Aaction businesa. 'Parties wishing te empioy nie 10 attend their sales cati make aitangements as tu ici-ms and dates ai the CHRO)NicLi-. office. tL. I AIIANKS. Dout foi-gel the great sale to commence Saturday, Feu 22nd, and cou- wuue for 3o days. Boots and sIoes at suc- lion prices. Sec the bai-gain t able ontside. x) pairs ladies» bouse slipîwi-s at Toc. per pair. M. W. Collins, ted ro store, cast Ob foc Ma.nitoba. lrîîended specia' trai every i uesday in Mai-ch and April, ieavirîg Tor-ornto 9 p. m., iqu enahie passengers lu travel wlth theur ef- fects aud stock. Foi- through tickets aud .il îi-nation 5ppiy to F. Stephiensoîr, (op- posite Hatch's), Whitby A strangers opinion .We reccived the foliowing lettei froni a Reuilemai who resides at Hampton, West D>urham.* "H AMPT-ION, Mai-ch 2, 1896 (;Fc<TIKmx ýi liad the privilege ai îeading a copy of anc ai your recent issues oi THsa C'IIRoNIÇLER, aîd 'vas deiighted 'vith the %aine. 1 thiuk ih one ai the best loal papers I have lîad the pleasure ai reading.' Division Court Hatch vs. Cannai- sud Lazarus. Action on a ilote. Judgment against delîs. foi- $4765 aud cosîs and against gai-uishee $6.7.5.' Douw & McGiliivi-ay for plff. Fisher vs. Fvety. Action to attach cert8iin monies in the slîeiifl's lîauds. It appearing that these mainies beiouig tu, tbe estate ai the defend- 1anj's deccaser i 've. The action 'vas dis- uissed. T McGiiivray, for D. B. Simpson toi- pifl A. Burk, Toi-auto, for dcii. Wcsuteri Bank vs. Every. Judgmenî for lp!fl !,r $67. Di -missed as la the garnishee foi :lre sanie i-asons as in aset suit. D. Oir- miston for piff. ; Mr. Burke for deft. Lecture at 0. L_ C. to-alght. Profi. Mavor, vho is aI the head of the Polîtial Science department of Toronto Un iversity,, vill deliver the lecture et On- t.ario Ladies' College to-nightý Priday. The subjeccl of Ibis lecture 'vIll ha ane of Ri eat interes'- ta the local politicians at al shades, "Adam Smith and his friands."1 Adam Smith, 've nced scarcely say,'a gi-cal politica econamist and lef't ta thtl world a s lendid synopsis ai hie vieva in h ià "Weath af Nations." Prof. Mayor wlU illustrate bis lecture by euseo! apovorful stcreopticon. Thtis cnt meut should dinav a larr attendance from this tovn of readera, thiinkers and politicisua sud vo eau ruaranîe kbiqh qdegre _ofatisfaction reotue eI's ti tion. -AT- Hockey Notes A Masquerade hockey match 'vas piayed in Toronto a sbort time ago and was a huge success. Some ai the boys are desirous of trying the experiment here. The juniors may go ta Lindsay to-rnorrow if ways and means can be arranged. They can give pointers as far as dlean hockey is concerned ta any team that bas sbawn up here this season. The seniors are flot in il so far as combiuation play is concerned wben the juniors are menioned. We shanld like ta see a junior team iromn Turouto drop down tbis way before the season closes. The town hockey club and their rooting satellites went to Port Perry on Wednesday uight ta meet the Uxbrîdge club. There 'vas a carnival on at the Port Perry nink, but there would bave been a very 8mai! crowd only for the party- that went out aq the spe. cia! rate from Whttby. The Uxbrldge hockey players are no use et the- gam and never sco6red a goal. They worked liko trojans ta keep up their ead, but thcy arm deficient both In ski! and knowledge of the gaine. The score et the end of so minutes vos i-olfay-ot of Whtby, aud-$o et" va L-ctory tiiot the rgote<s. rom here <oit lonesome beause they vere* unable to find but ta cheer. Victoria UnritT tato, *$s&ted Whltby Fu!1day vit s lesor adJno teaansd played tiwo O&me&e. tbe eso teain vas made itP of efaseatm* gosi-k*eper of Toroto '1Ugi"erty testut which vws ber. recantly. vlth Mw.uè Vit- ftola meu added. -W. noice hm lietteri pfflbed inthe daly pipons t1St the Vie. toral caï aUba oanmd -f Wà b o eurday,ý tO Ifite IIALF 1 I r NvGoods atTriving- daye * ~Money no objeo-t. Msgnetic Prim.s- Teniptatio nsyucnoreitAw. * nov and more interesting- arrlving every day. ,* Sturdy--Special Bargain Dpay. le= -plte new stock rea4v msd& clothdng tb seletitom Kt W. 0 . W1yeia'. chfldrei k2nee paita ta fit agea 5 to n yeara, *5C. pet pair. The Rev. C. B. Rennlch, ot Port Hope, wlll be the preacher at the service this alter- uoon at AiU Saints' church. Strangera are made very welcome. On Sunda.y evening Rev. Broàghall le con- tlnulng bis course ai sermons on the "Ex- cepta" of the Lord Jesus. Text for next Sunday evening "Except ye be converted And become as fitIle children ye shall flot enter into the kingdom of heaven." Stow & Co's big upectacular Uncle Tom's Cablb Co., of Se people, wtt! postively appear at miusic hall, on Tuesday Mardhi otlf. The company is, recognised as being the Iargest and beat now touring any part ui the %world. Tbey give a moater street par.' de ai aîu.on with two bruas bands and a .tnuine picii- ninny fic and drumn corps. Pr ices 25, and S0 cents. Sents now on sale at AALUn drug stoare. Miss Berha Tarnbly:i îook part ini the recital giveri by the pupils of the metropoli- tan school of music, Trno, an Monday, the 2nd mast. She played that well-known difficult piece ai Lock.e> s, "The Arietta," in which the phrasing is extremnely technical and intricate. Misa Tamblyn bas a fairy touch and seetns te have mastered the technique excellently. We predict for ber a bright future as a pianiste. St John's cburch. Mr. W. J. Southamn 'iii officiate on Sun- day nezt. The best Anthracite coai. Nut, stove, egg, $1.75; No. 2 nut. $4 -a yard. J. H-. Downe y & Co., opposite poit office. Brougham conrt. There being but few and unimportant cases for the Brougham court, the hearing thereof, owing te the mtate of the roads, was poetponed until the 6th of April. Reward. $îo reward wiIl be given to any person who can buy boots, shoes and rubbers cheap- er than they can be procured at the 'vest side cheap boot and shoe store. Auction sale every Saturday evening. District Deputy G. M, E. B. Wood Q. C. Cou nty Crown Attorney for the Cou nty of Peterboro and D. D. G. M. of the 12 Masonic District visited Composite Lodge last night on bis tour of inspection. He faVOred THE CHRONICESR with a cati. Free, Free 1 The frece distribution of Doan's Kidney Pis will take place ai J. E, WilIis' drug store, on Saturday, Mai-ch 7th. We cati the attention of aIl suilerers te this generous of- fer on the part of the proprietors of this i-e- mnarkabie remedy. The announcement ap. pears in another column. StatUas nSyndicated. Mr. Niffing of Illinois, who bas been here the past two or three weeks syndicating a trotting stailion, bas succeeded. Sixteen farmers, some of 'vide reputation, are the purchasers: On a speed tria.l the horse made a mile in 2.254. The price 'vas $2,- 4m0 Sale of horses, cattie, etc. The suhacriber wIli hoid a sale of horses, catie, etc., on or about the 28th day of Mai-ch 1896, at the town of Whithy. This sale wiii be extensiveiy advertised and 'viii afford an excellent opportunity for parties having stock te seil to meet a purchaser. Those wishing a description ot the.ar animais to be publishied can have it doue by entering the samne with the subscriber or with John H. Perrin, of the Queens Hotel, Wbitby. It s hoped that the agricuitural society 'viii hold their spring fair early so that the sale and the fair may talce place on same day. L. FAVIBANKs, Auctioneer. Death of Abr-am Cochrane. Last week's Tara Leader gîves the particulars of the deatîh of Abram Cochrane, GOODS-»See our Dreas Gooda, regular 25c., 35c. and 45c. goods, go on Saturday for 12-êo. CAMH. piece ouid vainut P«Iriaisuie, l wiith siik piush bands, mi$ ,wot 4,at W. TIi. Auto harpe, Violnse, and BmaiI musical instruments at lowest prlce4 for Christmas gifts at Mrs. Alluna. Tbe achool board macla on Wcdnosday nlgt. The selectlon af s principal for the coilegiato Institute 'vill be up for catisider- ation. The northern lights were very brilliant on Wednesday nlghî, wblch la said ta be a fore- runner ai cold weather, but Tbursday 'vas as sprinit like as ane could wiab for ln Mlarch. The chitiaî.n endeavor aociety of the tehodls-t ta.,ernacle la making arrange- ments for a itetieral receptIon of ail the young peopi.' '-4 me '~coogregation on Wedneeday eveuîtig next. There 18 ta be aprogramme af a simple klnd, and a frlendly social 'vel- corne îagetber wlîb refresbments. The Rev. T. M. Camprbell, ai Pictan, 'viii preach in the methad.st tabernacle tilex Sunday. il is the missionary annIvcrsary. Special mislonary music by the choir. There 'viii be a mass-meeting ôf the children in the aiternoan when addresses wili be given by the Rev. G. MeCali, B. A., B. D., ai Oshawa, and John T. Moore Esq.. ai Tor- auto. In the eveniug there 'viii be a plat- foi-m meeting when addresses 'viii be given by Rev. Mr. Campbell and Mr-. J. T. Moore. Deatb SmiTýH-At Whitby. on Tuesday, Mai-ch 3i-d, i896, Bro. John Sciith, aged 65 years. Camadian Pacific Ry. Settler's freigbî rates ta the Canadian Northwest have been reduced 4o per cent. Settlers' excur.- ions every Tuesday iu M arch and April. Ask or write for pamphlets "'Settlers' Trains" time, freight and passen. ger rates. E. R. Blow, agent C. P. Rallway tickets, Telegraph and Dominion Express Co'sr, Whitby, Ont. Griffin dlscharged The trial af yaung Griffun, the English- man, on a charge of having stol en SiSo from Panner Bell, ai Bagotville, took p lace on Saturday before P. M. Harper. The evid ence af each member ai the Bell household 'vas taken, and it ail amounted ta very littie. Griffin 'vashired there, and 'va a little odd in his manner, preferring ta stay in his reom ail day Sunday. Rie'vas arrested be- cause he 'vas the only -outsider in the bouse- hold at the time it 'vas missed, he being emn- loyd yMr Bell. Opinion may be divi. ed a tohisguiît, but there is no evidence ta convict him, and he 'vas discharged. A Timely testimonial. We have received the foliowing from J. R. Lee, chemist. and druggist, Toronto, with a requesîta inser-t it in the columus ai the CHRONICLE: "TaORro, Feb. 281b, 1896. 1 have much picasure in recommend- ing ta the gencrai public the late manager of my King stueet business, Mr-. A. H. Allun, as a competent, reliable druggist and dis- penser. He 'vas 5 years in my empioy. J. R. Lee, cor. Queen aud Seaton atreets, To- i-ato." We need hardly add that this ne- fers ta Mr-. A. H. Allun oi the corner drug store bei-e, Pnobiem for t.he Dnks NEW NEW PRINTS, NEW SATEENS, NEW OHAMBRAYS, NEW COTTON Special line Engliah Prints, on Saturday 5e yd., CASHE. FLANNELS, COTTONS, PILLOW COTTONS, UK TOWELLING, etc., jugt in. See aur New Towella 5c, 1Oc., 12je. a pair; great values. gooda. Corne ta this Clearing Sale if you 'vant genuine Bai-gains. CREPONS, etc., jiuat Ut. LACES, EMBRoIL>EMRIE,]& We must make rooni for, ueer NEW TWEEDS,' WORSTEDS, SP.RING OVERCOÂT1,NcOT, etc., just in. A apecial fine of Tweedgs,.u able for Boys' Suits, etc., at 25c. yd., OURH. Ail Siijts, Overcoats, etc., made to order much cipr during this ale hP Corne and Examine our Nrew Goodç. 1 Now Spring -- ARRIVING DAILY w9 G.e Goods ATM""00 XVALTER Il -- -- ~ - -- We have already opened 30 this easo&80s'8wear and ye cases of et more to follow. New- Spring: Good-s We W~E ~E~EOT ths week 10 cases of goods from J. & W. Campbell & Co., of G]. Scotland, per S. S. Anohor lino steamer .... FURN~8A.. sailed from Glasgow, Feb. l4th. Meso 1 case of;,Hosiery >end'- from Gebruder Herfurth Chemitz, Germany. We buy.al Our, direct from the manufacturers. and in such large quantitieà',tj ables us to give yoti a botter seleotion than elsewhere an at lowêj INSPE CTION w N. Go FPA TERSON, Q Bamnister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. Mancy ta Loai UXBBIDGE, . . in- ONTARIO. WHITBYi H aywa.rd'*- liAS- 'DONE LT Bougt. . Sbý Whi', ý WM TZL 0.0 ALL HIGHER.-- liow ta thé tinie to ]buy - . . .AT. Bi' hi Pri fYa mim ii- WATOH, FLANNELI...Very best in the narket ; regular prions 17'et. ta 20 ets. ; go on Saturday for 12*c. A. Assume that American dollars are at a discount ai 5 per cent. in Mexico, and that Mexican dollars are at a 1ike discount in the United States. A man pays an American dallai- ou the Texas side, gels a drink ai beer and a Mexican dallai- (equal ta 9 cents) in exchange. Hie crasses the Ria Gi-an de mbt Mexico, gels anather drink af *beei-, pays the Mexican dollar over, and gels SnAmer-ican dollai- (equal ta 95 cents there) exchan ge. He crasses and re-crôsses tbc border, buyn a glass of beer bhc same way cach trip. Pianaliy he becomes sa drunk he cannaI Icave the Arnerican side, and has the same dollar in bis pocket liat be sbarled 'vith. Who paid for tie beer. The Coilege Entertaiment. The at home given by the Ontaria Ladies' Cailege Friday uight eclipsed anything ai the kîud that has been attempted henctofore in this institution. The fuît extent ai the additions and inipnav=e.mns, and their use- fulness and beauty, made possible tbrough the munificence ai the late Mi-. Massey, 'vere for the fi-st lime seen under the favaring conditions ai a social entertaiument in the eveuiug. Light, warmth sud spaciousness are Ibe most striking features ai the pnac- ticalty new buildings juta 'vhich the aid anes with Frances Hail have becs transformed by the skilai the modern artisan. No mare loveiy home for young 'vomen 'vho are cul- tivating the muses in acquiring an education can 'veil be imagincd. That this la gettlng ta be kno'vn nat oflly In Canada but amangat, oui- neighboi-s in the- United States, is efi- dent fi-arn t.he greatly increased attendance, 'vhich uow stands at considerably aver a huadred. The. young men af Victoria and Toronto universibies and the guests from the city 'vbo came by the special trhin so ad- mirably arranged ta i-un fi-arn- the Union Station ta the college gales were antitusias- tic in pnaising their hasts, the faculty, and bbc students ai the coilege, for the enjoy- ment ai the evening, sud la extending con- gratulations ta lb. citizeas oai tus town upon the successful accompiishment oflte acheine ai adding ta, and bcautifying the college es- tablisient.- A fine city orchestra' played in Frances Hall, vhich vitb lhe dliug hall 'vas artistlcally ari-anzed for the occasion vitb graccfvIl palms as vell as other decor- ative plants. Promenading and teta-a-letes1 in quiet corners vare the order of the aven-. ing. It vas midaight vhea lhe Toronto guesta, departiag bronght the splendid allair ta a close. TOva couDCIL met Mouday ulgIt. , Lwettex front Couty Clerk Itrvf lrais h uclthat1 Dcpuly Ham 'vWiM .ove eat the countycouu- cilaI taJunceasolon- for ^the erection o! fa poo bouse. Co=n Dev~erell read tha-report o! the etreet contmitteetà"Uiu9 tlat tenders for ti"ber sudintu=ber haît beau receivd as folWB:Jno Hoyt, oea$zl, pin. Si 2 hem- loc 95 ;Grsssud Oranger cedar$toî.6% plne$r.Oo, eW[ock 93& ceaet post 12c, =t t offer jeI S. Barnard, W a tchma ke r, IN VITED.* WALTE RS, All Reinuants, etc., to DRESS be clearm out -rom

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