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Whitby Chronicle, 13 Mar 1896, p. 1

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N c N NIXX. WHJTBY, -ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MARCII 13ý, 1896. NO.s 15 LOCAL NEW-S LEITTERS# OHRONICLE COBRESPONDENcI, GREENBANK Mr. Edward bas mnoved ta the MeKitrick farta sidjoininR the village. Mr. W. Akhurst bas gone on a visit ta iriends about Brooklin and Columbus. Mr. John McLean, of Columibus, was visting ai)V IXoftIl Mr. Jatmes Burns' family was recertly in- if voli (ian- creaseri by the addition ai another son.1 P)R I . STO )R E i\. A LJJN,ý ( 1l' 1' SiT. WX 11 T PY. ~~aryhaIy walc:mo. A,-N 1.11 l>ù /2 TANýT C'LEA N S WEEP.1 Pi ices talk for Cash : lu' \i Wî Matteass, worth $2.,5o foi Si 5, ood Mîxed Mattrass, wortb $;for it$ý3First-,clase Extension Table ssorth $6 5o for $,S. Bedroota Sets worth $14 for $îo.9a. Bedrooni Set w-orth $16 for $13. We have nothing but ficat class warkmen in oui Up- liolstt-ing Department. 1LctýadIng Undertaker,~.u E. J. JOHENSON, BROCK ST., WHITBY. $è1.23 il O-2 Tenders are now invitcd for the erection ai the new methadist churcb. Plans an specificatians may lie seen at Mr. T. Gullev's. Miss Edna Throop who went ta Taronto last wpek, wus taken ili and had ta return home on Tuesday. We hope she will soon be well again. Mr. Samuel Dusty has moved inta the house lately occupîed by Wes Rose, near the western borders ai ERypt, and Mr. Wm. Perkins bas taken "osession ai Mr. Dusty's bouse in the vil. lage. The Rev. Mi. (amneronP, awing ta tbe snow blookade, was unable ta get here on Sunday aiteinoon, and the Rev. Leitcb wha was also snow botind, kindly canducted the service in bis behalf. This is as it sbould be. The Grits, wha have been in a somewbat de- spondent mood owing ta tbe uncertainty as ta wbo would be their man in the camîing clectian, ire naw in bigb spirité again witb Mr. Burnett a-, their standard bearer. There is no doubt but Mr. Buenett will polI a large vote at this paint. The follawing is the standing ai the pupils ai the Renior division ai Greenbank public schoî for February. IV sr- ..nnie McMî,Illan, Bella MeMîillan, Lizzie McArthur, Florence Burns, Mlaud Jarnieson John McDonald, lames fay loT, Chantie Phoenix, Ernest lamieson, Russel Luke, joh-i McKitrick, Armai McMillan, Blake ('ragg, Robert Burns, Norman Phair. IV jr- Blertha 1-111, Mary Perkins, Lily Throop, Nellie McMillan, Elgie Mark. Maggie Dusîy, LeonaLrd t- ragg, Donald McArtbur, Russel McDonald, John Stone. Ill sr-Nathan CarT, Thomnas Michie, G~eorge Love. George Burns, John Love, Donald lanson. Lela Oliver. joseph Phoenix, I)elbert Oliver, George Barrett, Etta Salter. Charlie Lragg, Wîlbert Oliver, Ernest Phair. lit jr G(.eorge Till, ohn McMillan, Nellie Michie, Ethel Miller, Wesley Repl, Editb Phair, Hattie Cragg EROOEILIN New peints, new bats, new wall papers, are now in stock. Holiday Bras. Mrs. J. H. Hoar of Toronto was here tac a few days this week aisiting ber father Mr. John O'Day. The R. T. ai T. are arranging ta give one of their papular entertaintrnents in the Masoni c hall on the evehiing ai Tuesday. the 24th iat. In the Presbyterian chureh next Sabbath afternoon a collection will be taken ta a.id the suffering Armenians. There should be a generous contribution Mr. Jno. Nortbcate wha was badly injur- cd by a log ralling an bitancarly six weeks ago, is still fair from welt. He has suffered severely ever since the accident. The Presbyterian C. R. Society wil hold thleir meeting ncxt Sabbath evening at the residence of Mr-. Wm. Smith instead ai at the church as usual. The public arc invit- - - - The postponed parlai social which was ta I J 1.1 b( J 1/1: have b-t-n held at Mi. J. A. Delong's will bc held at the sainie place. next Tnesday - cening, mrîh inst. Slcîgbs will leave tbe merthodîst chucch at a Oclack. iMr.A. M. Delong's sale on Manday last Iwas largely attended and very successful. I11~~k i MI eloiig had his adveetising donc by CTEi-CîIRONiICLE and this satisfactory resuît W eCk y 111111 folloastd as a matter of course. b cr Peter Nishet of Dunbarton, wbose Glo e frt-quent visits ta Bnooklin bave made hita known to many living bei-e, died on Tues- day la-t at the adivanced age af 88 years and ancexnontb. lie was Mrs. T. J. lHoliday's 5!IU JIlR II1UY2 Telephone linemen bave been at work iir011h!iil *fl s -week and communication is now VJ1faIith1JLd re-establîsbed witb Colunmbus and Myrtle and ah <the effects ai the ice stanm have dis- appeaicd so fan as the telephone service is ~~ con cerin cd. On Sunday ateenoon Mr. Charles Mac- "Z rison was kickcd by a hanse he was leading FOR i 96 -tewater, and the srnall bone of thefoai m aliglit again in about a month. It is a fotunate tbing that he was sot mare seriaus- Scbe ur Cu1 1 y hurt. OUI'~~IiAUAJ Last Friday Mr-. Charles Agustas met with bing ista.a very serious accident. in cutting down bing List. 1a trec <bat bad lodged, lic was struck by the butt end ai it and thrown witb much force aqainst anotier tree. His left a-m was brok et. near the shoulder, bis shoulder very Hendeson f Grham.badl bruised and it is thaugbt that some ai Henderson cre Graham. oneaifbis lungs a dition was considered serious for some days WETERNi BANK OF AND but 1 am glad ta know <bat be i o m praving and likely ta recover. W. A. H. Capital Authorized $1,0tOOO OO uelam SOS »ry Surplus 10P,000 GUY & CO., graîi buyera. BIOARD) 0F DIRi.CTORS. BEALL, 8. -Isuer of Marriage Liseuses. OHN COWAN, EsQ., President. Resdene opposie.Town Hal. Brooklin. BEunN S. H AML114, Esç., Vice- Preý. BCaÂNToN CoÂL-D. ROLLDAY in DowJrpared TH. MCMIL.tAN, .--Casbier. to doivr,or sell at bsdBrkiOk a on, or - off cars the celebrated Scranton Coal ai oloso Getieral Banking Business transactsd. prîce. fïoîcash. (The lis l te ohapeat.) >ria ssued, payable in aIl parts ai Can- Sept. Srd, 1M9. uil.t United States, and on London, Eng- W A MON]RELY, D V S-Graduaseof thbs Os- anrii, payable in al Parts af Europe. 3 taro Veterlne.ry College Toronto; Honorw.y ;)-t cert. allowed on Savings Bank Deposits meniber af the Onta.ro Msdi.l Society~ aiiîl cneditcd hall ycaîîy. Treata &aIl i»ssaeffl ii. domeotilcas ni abby th mou app eubetod. Aima Sýpecial attention to collectixmof sruuirttentito é "rle-m operations i>rmes sae nots.and dssiia<y. Day or nlghi soUs pVromxaihy Iý'(rmers' sle ntes.atisuded le. OMofland sud oUA4UBrookUii E. D. WARREN. Ontauio. Manager ai Wbitby Branch. Farm for Sale. 1 hat desirable farm, containing .50 acres, tb. centre af Lot 2 in the 2nd Conoeuslon of <lhe 'Tow n6h ip af Pickering the estate of thela I 1. McCullough, <hrie mles tfroin Whltby <0W!!or FPcker1ng village, and xY tuiles trom SaIbolsd churcb. The grounda, brick hovie, sMd sita- tion are unsurpassd. Good orthaît aud Cul- buildings;, one barn 36K60 wltb bsseM. C bam i30x4G wlth atome stabling, uudera<b. The. faim Is weil fenoed, faUim o d D &fIl gond mate of cultivation. Fer faztbm oeua- lais aPPIY on premisesorb et17la tt4> BOX 421. Whitby P'. O., O8uIL SEED GRAIN, Atbandecheuri Ratio7, and l30<t. oe AÈt Vs v iitaiTa Mrs. jas. week. Rowe, visited in the City lnst Mr. Coakwell's mother still lingers in a paorly condition. Miss Esther and Madaline Gold are dowvn with whooping cough. Master Wray Padgett had a severe attack of croup, but is better now. Mr. Alex. Jeffery's young people entertain- ed fiends one evening last week. The evening was very pleasantly spent. Edmtînd Bradly the victita of the accident of a week aga last Sunday is aIl right, with the exception of a waund near the ear that he bas plasteeed up yet. A family reunion took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Whitfield Lee on last Tbursday when about thirty-five relatives assembled and spent the day and evening feasting an roast tuekey, etc., and enjaying themselves in numeraus pleasant and profit- able ways. A mavement is on foot ta reorganize aur Christian Endeavor, wbicb was ta have been looked after last Sunday. But owing ta the absence of aur pastor, Me. Matining, notbing was done. It is hoped that it will be fully attended ta next Sunday, for we are loosîng preciaus time. We sincerely hope that aur young peop le wbo take part in this meeting will do so f or "'good" nat "amuse- ment. " Sylvester Mackey, one of aur time hon aeed land marks, is suflering veey poor health this winter. He bas not been able ta be out of doors but very little since cold weather set in. He was taken with a violent attack ai choking on Sunday nigbt whicb quite alarmed the family, but is better. Me. Mackey stili retains bis unequalled ability as conversatianist and can entertain bis friends in that line as well as ever, and enjoys it too. Oui town line school bas again orzanized1 a litcraîy socicty and beld <heur first meet- ing on Friday, with Arthur Mackey in the chair. Folîawing is the programme render- cd : Speech by the Chairman a pening sang; reading by Dell Brown: recitatian, by Hariy Caakwell ; reading by Blanche McGregor ; recîtatian by Russel Carruthees; sang by 8 girls; reading by Mabel Mackcy recitation by Mabel Rowe; reading by Annie Carruthers; reading by Lizzie Foth- ergili ; sang by Edna Moare ; recitatian bv Georgie Gold; recitation by Goldy TrulI; sang by two girls ; moutb organ sala by George and Lan Taylor; remnarks hy Mi.. West ; closing sang by school. MKANCEMESTEU. Sale af faim stock and implements on Mr. Walter James' faimn to-day. There was no service here in the church o Sundatv c,,ai,, o lthe Cnnu. hlocade AUDLEY Miss Garden, af Uxbridge, is visiting with ber grandmother. Miss May Jeffrey spent a few days with her friend. Susie McQuay. Those who attended the oyster supper ta the north say it was a grand affair. Mr Frank U;uthrie was home for a week. He1 has returned to bis dilties at Oshawa. Mr. and Mis. Frank Smith called on Darling- ton friends this week. The sleighing is splendid down east.9 We must congratulate the citizens of our vil- lage for loeeping dlean such a fine stretoli of side- walks on Main st. Several of aur younger fraterinty find it any-1 thing but pleasant ta make their way through unbroken roads. The date of the concert to be given to the east of us, bas been fixed for Wednesdy the 18th. The programme will be entirely cbanged' and wltb the addit.ional items it will be worthy of an audience. Miss Gaordon is visiting her grandmohber here, Mis. MadilI. Mrs. Puokerin bas returned rom ber visit to ber sister's in the west. Mr. Frank Guthie of Oshawa bas been home for a week nuriing la grippe. Miss; May Ieftrey of the tawn brne, bas been spending a few days with ber friend, Miss Susie McQuay. The Gazette Kinsale correspondent af last week is going ta have igoo be a leap year. He must be a friend of the ladies. We hear that some of aur young ladies intend viewing the beauties of Ontario on a bicyclc this summer. Surely they will enjoy life tben. Mes. Timotby O'Leaiy is îecoving tram ber laie attîick of tbe ateasles. She bas had a scr. ious time, but Dr. Warren bas brought ber around. We understand that J. H. Blec is gaing ta leave us, and spend this summer in the city, in tbe gardening business. Sorry ta miss bis merry laugh. Mr. Mercer docs not intend returning ta our fair north west <bis summer. He is going ta move ta bis fariner residence on, the 3rd cances- sion soan. Everybody seetas glad ta think the winter is going and wilI welcome an early spring. We propbesy that there will be, judging frais the apening oi Marchi. - wiVKa. Society notes The W. M. 1. S. held its regular wcekly meet- ing on Tuesdal nigbt and a fair attcadance was present. The programme necessarily was simple ta begin with but it will likely become mars ad- vanced and mare profitable each meeting. AI- ready the saciety bas twenty-faur membeis and we bespcak mauy mare in the neer future. A pleasant occasion. OU ZI]éi WIlr L LJ----V JJ---- I1 A pleasant social gatbering wua beld at the Mrs. J. Fleury, of Aucora, was bere last bouse ai Mr. Joabs Thotapsan on Wednesday wcek visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Robert niRbî, wben Mrs. Thonipson entertained a Mu ara. nuraber of the yaung people ai the neigbbor- The mnembers ai the sans of temperance bood. The cvening was spent in various kinds ladge have startcd another cantest. This ai amusements and ail went boise feeling tbank- time the girls taire ane sidc and the boys tbe fui ta the host and hostcss for <beir kindncss sud other. A Iively tume is expected and it is: very much pleased with the evenings nnjoyment. boped tbere may be a large number of new buowlI s' 1 members addted to the. roit. --The- girls give' This .eck again we bave toc chronièle the the first concert <bis (Friday) evening. arrivaI ai another big. show stars>. Os Saturday The ocil attheresien aiofMis. Peter it snowed, on Sunday it bîcw and on Monday hiscil at thresid ence wa gadpeople bad tt mn out and shovel out the roads. Chritie lat Frdayevcingwasa gandThe quantity ai snow on thie ground le enoîmous. success. The weather proved favorable and People farther sautb in the country, wheie snow cansequently the attendance was large. At cames in main have littie idea ai the amaunt of the table there was a grand display and all enow bere. enjoyed a ricb îepast. The programme was Oiur good. Among the contributions were recita- Theitur lo h aeU. bs lrs tians by Miss Teressa Scenes and Rcv Mc- Tr, h unealuaitise lteMis.plaTeos. Carkson Mechan, sangs by Misses Robins and Scenes, lS.Theo die l as nekta lae on a nTbuofda readings by Mes. Wm. Currie and Miss E. clst. ise fndel o lron ant Kennedy, and instrumentais by Miss L. addyad<eieailsro a a Meharry. Games were spread in aIl parts of, preacbed but will lie preacbed in the churcli on the bouse, and in these mnany took part.1 Sunday. Deceased bas- becs a member sud a Everybody was well pleased witb the even- vpillai a iseduc.fralngts u iIb ings enjaymnen< and hope it is not long be-veymcmsed fore another is held. We congratulate Mes. Armlenila Christie upon ber grand succcss. Procceds. Envelopes witb the word Armenia wiitten on of evenmng amountcd ta neariy 83o. theis bave been distributed in the chuich for the The annual meeting af the Liberal Con- servative Association ai the township ai Reacb was beld in the tawn bal bere on Satueday afternaon last. The weatber was raugb and the roads veîy beavy, stiIl a large number aucre present. The officers elected for tic ensuing year arc as follaws: Presi- dent, Geo. Brown, Saintfieid ; zst vice-pies., jas. Camplis, Marsb Hill; 2nd vice-pies. Thos. Dabson, Manchester; secretary, Davidi Perkins, Greenbank; <i-cas., Peter Christie, Manchester. The comnsittee for cacb polling division aucre iound ta, be in grand working order, and consequently aucre rc-appointed. Excellent speeches were deîivered by Wm. Bateman, Peter Christie, E. H. Purdy, D. Peikins, jas. Camplis, J. M. Real,, and oui member Win. Smith. A motion wbich car- ricd unanimousîy stated <bat <bis society express their confidence iu oui member, Mr. Smith, in regard to his past, sud whatever steps be may take tawards the remedial bill. The meeting closed witb cheers for tb. Qucen, oui member, Sur MackeÙzie Bowell, and Sur Chas Tupper. P. C. GiiAAu. Mos. Campbeflis about to a e. up her r. sidence itere again. Mi. Wems, McKee la about selling out and removing ta Manitoba. Mr. Alf. Thompson la about to atarta newý butcher shop. Success, AIlf' I. Bicir & Co. have sold <heir stock ta A.. C. Taylor, who advertisee big bazzalus., 1< ie rumored another doctor loiabouto-,- cste here, a Dr.;Gleespie from Cça4wster, Oui hockey.tea m- goét <o .Cà nnüoutýoo night, We wobhtba.i uck, theyne it Mi. >&s. rethour, couuty =uastr,arrived home frm L»on urWhttidepad-e. IP#o vntagrntrine. * I49 hm~ l'x last twa Sundays. In inese envelopes contribu- ions for the relief ai the Armenians are <o lie Put and <bey are ta lie given next Sunday. No doulit a considerable sus will be raied.abd people wihi only b. rucher for giving it but tbis at best socins a weak kind of camiort fias a nation like this that augbt ta, guarantee them <heir peace and safety. Mistakes. W. natioe a couple o! errais bave been sade iu piing aur items of hast week. First we are made ta say <bat ît was most defimtely decided <o isove tie churci shieds ibis comff nsuituer wbereas w. said <bat it was sot definitery dscided etc., and secosdly the seau society ta called thie Mental Ituprovenmt Society ins<ead o! the Mental Impravemenl Society.' These are rather seriaus sistakes. W. wosld respec<fulyreeom- moud <bat the editor o! <bis paper gbt a new pair of speos Business changeoi We bave to eprt several business changés <bis week. Mi. Jas-.IMculy is moing hach <o.Iý bis faim. ot Pin. Dsle and -wHI probsbly.-be settledin bis old quarters wben <isbinuprint, Mr. Albert Heyward bas been bred-by: Mi., ls. Sione <o niove down <o bis farmIn Rapr u basgaRe dowu <bers <is wesk. Also Mi". s Vlpond is moving h ifmily dovmw"soula'suM17 going 10 , Kmnitoja ou-,TuWsay. W. auitbe Oui departing citissns every prosperity inu <boit new siiodes. Death o! PMUrNibi Mrj ]PeterNisbot, oe, of the best teowamand msmtbaêored d tlsnaotDubirtoà. mssd awav- Columbus. Miss Ida McCtulloch, of Belleville hospitai is visiting her mother here. The royal ternplàrs are arranging for an at liome on Friday evening of March 2o. THIS CA N BE DONt! i 1 i 3 3 3 5 5 5 7 7 7 99 9 Mi. Pallister, wbo bas finisbed suother ycarly <ris witb I. N Hanaop, bas ai late been takng a rsst. He will in ail probability ie.engage for the caming ycar. »a~ Owing ta the snaw blackade on Sunday1 mauy were unfortunately kept at baise frais divine service. Rev. Harris got througb the Irifts sud prcacbcd <o a corigregation of forty or perhaps fifty. Mi. Chas. Silver is awaiting orders ta proceed <o Algama, wberc be is engagcd ta attend duty upon lion. Jna. Diyden's experîmentai faim. Many frais bers wiîl tollaw bita sbould be find tbings satisfactary. MT. Wagonei bas ai late placed upon bis shop an excellent sign d.recting the general public <o bis repair-shop, Thîe painting and gzveiytblng is connctio wih th inke- f tesae l-ft thne o<lo ï.it ic ak p fsh ane>5o Mr. AthurPw,,w k.>t LnoaLefor .the-ennl; Llterary Notes. The New Bohemian, O., for February con- tains a fine sang written by Miss Eva The beautiful spring number of the Youtb's Companian bas another stirring story af Canadian winter lue by Mr. E. W. Thomp- One of the remarkable articles in Massey's Magazine for January is the artist G. A. Reid's story of how he camne ta paint those two most widely known canvasses--Mort- gaging the Farta and The Foreclosure of the Mortgage. sale Register. MONDAY, MARCH 23rd 1896-Auction sale of farm stock,1 implements, etc.,* on lot 14, con. 2, East Whitby, the property of Mr. John Balley. Sale at i o'clack, sharp. Levi Fairbanks, auctioneer, SATURDAY, MARCE 28th i8g6.-Combination sale of boises, cattie, implements, bouse-. hold furniture, etc., at the town bail, Whitby. Sale of boise, cattie, imple- ments, etc., at io o'clock a. ma. Sale of bousebold furniture at i p. ma. Levi Fairbanks, auctioneer. WANTED HELP. RELIABLE MEN in every locality (local or traveling) to introduce a new discovery and keep our show cards tacked up on, trees, fences and bridges tbrougbout town àad-> country. Steady employment. Comnmission or salary $6500o per month and expensesl, and money deposited in any bank wben started. For particulars, write The World Medica1 Electric Co., London, Ont., Canada. March i2tb, '96.-3.mos. The debate between the patrons and royal templars, after many pastpanements, is ta: take place this Friday evening ln temper-i ance hall. Richardson Bras. sbipped two carloads ai horses at Myrtle on Satuîday for the old country market. Tbey are doing a big busi- ness in buying horses. The E. L. C. E., af the methodist church bave declded ta hold their meetings Sunday night inztead of Wednesday on accaunt of it clashing witb the prayer meeting. Altbough the re-organized public library bas been open for a montb or sa, very few books as yet have been taken out. We think this sbould flot be, for the enterprise le cci- tainly deserving ofsuccess. No person nced besitate ta join on account of the tee for it is, low. As ta the books in the library, we are sure any persan could find somethang ta ln - struct tbem as the subjects trcated of are poetry, biograpby, travel, science, fiction, etc. We hope the people will rally and sup- port the library. Eboneser. Mr. T. H. Kirkpatrick left on Monday for Vatikeedata. Mr. W. S. Oke had a very successful wood bec on Tuesday. Mr. and Mis. A. Belîman are visiting at Mr. E. Worden's. The cieepest sympatby is feit in this ncigh- borbood for the bercaved wife r-nd family of Mr. Geo. Short who camne ta sucb a sad end on Sunday evening. KINSALEC. Mi. Frank Wells and wife have been visiting friends out nortb af late. Mi. Albert Jackson and mather, of Brooklin, visited Mi. J no. Lewis on Sabbatb. Many frais bers attendcd Mr. Bert Delong's salp near Brooklin. Tbings sold generally gond. las. Salton bas leased bis farm <o R. R. Mow. bray. He will retain part ai the dwelling bouse. Ir. N. Hanaop sald a valuable, boise ta Rich- ason Bros., and delivered the same at Oshawa last Saturday. Our uId friend Peter, wbo bas been out of trita af late, is almost hitnself again, sud wc find bita as busy as a bec attending <o bis several duties. mer siontbs wltb Mr. R. W. MIcAvoy. Alfred rois, 1 hbau clotIt sofi, i side-board4 Saltos bas engaged witb Mr. S. Mackey for tbe looking glasses, i bureau, zo ,bedstea.ï summer ai '96. Alfred is a good trnstworthy washstands, i corner cîipboard, 12 Wl moni, and easily secured a good situation, chairs, i fanI leaf table, 4 looking gI- Thc spiing assizes open next Monday in the' i corner cupboard, i faflleaf table, 1. county town. Tne insurance frauds wiîî once ing stove, Gurney, and a lot of otite mors receive an overhauling, as will alsa the idles. Special bargains i c hoice Hodgson-Clyde case. It is iepoited <bat joseph sugars, corn starch, canned. goodS, a is mssîg, is herabots nt bingknon, lovr ad timothy seeds, wsU le offér is mssxg, is berabats ot ein knwntite day of titis sale by W tB.'Ëri:ngle Brcacb ai promise cases arc becoming quite Parties itaving authg to offct at-tki fashionable. As many isplicated in the dîffer- sud wisbing a descriptiouuof the, san cnt cases <o lic tried at <bis court aie well knows lished7 may baye fl donc ý by 1ea'7I in and aiound Kirsale, no doubt a stzong te-srpto f0h1sueouo bfr presentation af oui people will attend the couit MarciWîth<. .PernQuc' We trust no injustice wil'be iseted out ta oui Whitb ; p -cittton,' friends. tawaO0 Sebert, Bro<*bin. Asmali Many bers bave becs looking for the Wbxtby wfil 'eumde to. cover ,u,,tecoSlo-ft Gazette ta see wbat the Grcenwood scribe feit sciptive advertisemcunt trP>I called upon ta say about aur -citizens not attend- jfbuish stable rour fiéeefofr a«,. ing the concert given liy tb. Wbitby chair there at titis, sale. Sale of 'horeÉ, cti, a few nigbts since, wiDdlng Up by stating <bey ié mente, at 'o, o'lock a.m. . Sfale? 'Of ' would pay our way in if we-woùld attend thie bold -furniture- at z 1 ) -p. a,'o ia next concert. Now, Kinsale people. many ofbarg .as,. 1EV hlAÈS.a <bois, would bave lîied ta attend the concert, Whitby,'à Mur. i, 86 but owing ta, circutastances of wbich <bey tieni- ' selves know [soit about, were. 'uoLýperskted -to Pk z do so. Surely hisxsstill a &~eoeuntrysd Kinsale people as a rule neyer practice takiin »u Cbamnboeznld W.sted. <lisse xrËc. entertainmests. We :wouild. conmd«,r Appîy st-the Oriental HoteLý il a mui greater insuh ta un exéellent choir lite . Whitby <o invite <hem outt<o sing nid pwovxle j Port Pm"»t nii7 -Ut au excoSlet prqgrau1nme, anddm <heu e~ WUDtDxA!<»N, barer mark <o thec pubbc <hteir best em"-tsare ouly -. worth 1 cenlts. Etablished 1849. A,~ ai~ t,~ NS and amc iow la fit-clan S dolug It, W. 'bave Juot stock an u~sal vOL-. Hou8e and Lot for Sale. Prame house and -Y acre of land. Well stocked with choice fruit trees and smal fruit, hard and soft water. Sltiiated on- south-west corner Chestnut and Perry street. For furrticultsapyo solicitors. Whitby, Mar. 9th, i89.-3 mnos. COMBINA TION SALE of Horses, Cattie, Implements, House. - bold Purniture, etc, The subscriber wilI hold a sale of the above on SAThRDAY, MARCH 28th, i89», at the Town Hall,_ Whitby. The Furniture may be seen iith Councd1 Chamber on the day prd&ious and the morning of lte sale. The foflowmng has already been consigned to me to be' sold, viz : i beautiful drawing mont suit. upholstered in rpg and plush ; 1 dmwi- room suit ini cordUroy, 2 hardwood bedÏoonL-_ý sets, 3 rockùag chairs, odd parlor- cbpijë%-_ foldine chaim -icitures e venu Io N' not'~ <h utcalîl t , ILL[IT'S AK am 1 l

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