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Whitby Chronicle, 13 Mar 1896, p. 2

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Rosuits Astonishi MEN 0F SCIENCE. AVERSparlZ A MEDICINE WJTHOUT AN EQUALO St of a&I Wecil Know n Doctor î t ~it; p V.I ' trit" A- ià rsul o f he aVîtrs fro h e Un a8lin i I3tn trr' liel rv: at A Iiini¶ L'i at U P ' mV ', io'a l ti Lo w ,ire(ýicuir fe ets fciîthe U il rîtera ad ocietiottt kelv tiatl a Iv iwauhucsnou the, earped ture o 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~si8 <1H uabic iehl n dion al cPý)ii &ne, iiih11b11 t the p o- (tînt 'l ii oarid lu tybie te t an el a (. I boludtlieae d reduacstîf a XUfla e Wliertjlienient. niot aterco. r,\i i ot 1rh; n ut ba ti p îeu utîn, a r' equ ~abtempealis , sIO uS , iiii-, r'i rdrar Irnîneut ho t w aer, cap ld >11' r li iaî atora(le rs8 -t sitl i- G(eun -rtc NI ni 1-m lti sof îh, Granal Truni sbtiaole tir rlcial car Thre officcul ti- ar~tat' tru go aione.in to tprepair ~liîa t- -'t't sconverted into 'passe3n "-, No> tngor are suparintneî ir-a.stîrers, auJ> tors and abters lu author aIt- ut gai living tbrrouglithe banal iu baud 'rtii pravate carp. with lackt-vs, and s drning servi1(4cequal tc ibat of a summaî r e ao r t ho8iebry. The offiv'iai o n bis rr ricî la cmust iit-ncef'irîh traval with the grFat unwasiliei and go ie the humble ýilmrîag-roomn wîîb the passenger, ibere te ako tbis pie Oiie waiîer tbrows bafore 11 i w Tîerï, Is to ha no silk-sbaokinje ci anag muent froua this tima on in the lii, ndlmug cf the great property. T-in bas been a winter cf audden dt'atiî8, but noue among tlem bas more siruekel thîe cernmunity or cansed more general regret than that of Mr. Frank TIbomison.Ctrrria, wbose quiet way8 and constant chieerfulnasse earned the respect cf ali1. On Monday be wa about tewn an uRwii, having wabked down frein bis resi<tance, on upper Peter street, three iues during thie day. The nast timne was te attend a meeting of the s8ession of the presbyterian cburob, frein wbich he want to the post office and then home. Thoe whe mot lrim remarked that ho sppeared ru even botter spirits than usual. Ho wa8, liewever, sufering somewbat from a pain in hus left brount, wbich bas trouhled hum more or les% since the oold weather began. Ha was at the post office at a quarter past four, and on rea.chiug home Bat down te enter eontribntions in the church books. Mrs Thomson Currie was sîttîng beside himn d «v bis head lnrch forward. Sho immedist.ly set bsm up on the chair snd oalled for belp. but b. axpirad in ber arma, iu a few moments. his lathe custom in ibis oouutry long established that vebielos meeting on any street or bigbway tomn to the. rgbt Borne suppose that this s.s but a matw rof cns&om, but an a 0.after of (tct la S atatuto lsw. Tii. Ontaro ststuteséys:ý -In case a person traving or bIa upon a bighway lu charg of aveil drawu by onese oW ~110505,91 <r'b or more otber amismeets anoier vehl- cl* drawn as afor.sad, bhhlltom ooui tote .rîghtftrom thecentre of he s14, allowing tw tii vebiclesp met oçp4êalf thse ros.d." Another seoiluq~ai- th at if oue b. tr*weIl#g *stur 00nau- other, the. oue vertààîes shalik.wis. tunto ttrIgbî ide of th# Wo4tbe pisser' in ibis <as. btIng requimn4to tir 60 t to tie J. Isto pan the Wirbth te i. $t of te4 "*a, ro ~aIo1. laomae for h.vytojIa-X",$ te Wrsosi IThe drivoï la ., aàwaa The Youvg -Obeeker lacrosso olob bas r.-organized for the coming season wiih t1je following list of offlor.: Hon prosi- dent, D M Smithb; pros, M 4ABoaoh; capt, Jno Cameron; sec, W -Murray; treas, W Mitchell. Committee of man- agement, H S8 au.eron, C E Wescost, H MoKinnon 'and D Rutherford- It is the intention of the Young Cheker*o ent.er the C L A in the Midland district, and they have every confidence oi winning that district. The parlor social hall at Mr Jno Me- Kay's, 8rd cooes8ion, on Wednesday eve ning of iast week, was an exceptional ]y successful affair, and irs promoters, the ladies aid isooîety of Knox cburcb, are to ha congratulated. An advanoe agent of an entertainment company was in towo last week trying Lo place hie company here under the aus- pices of the Young Ctecker lacrosse club. Ha wantad a large guarantee, but the Young Cbeckers are not as grejen as they look, and ha went away disappointed. Mr Alex Dobeon ha8 a staff of caea en- izaged ini enlarging the engine bouse Bt the miii preparatory to getting an im- wense new angine whieh ho expects to have in running order about the firet of April. The oost wiIl be about $8,000. 'Ne underetand the council purposes putting three more elactric ligbt8 on the street at an aarly data. They are to be Piaoed ai Mr G F Bruce'@ residence, the station and Mr G R Proctor's, respective ly. The mathodist congregation of this town intend enlarging their churcb dur. Ing the couing summer, and it is alto- gotber 1l1kely that thair weekiy services wii ha lîald in Alexandria Hall while the church is undergoing the neoessary re- pai ro. A game of checkers for an oyster sup- par is to ba played liera slîortly betwean playera of the soutb sida cf the river and iliosa of the norîh aide. On \Vednesdlav, at the rasidence cf Mr Wm Sk)ilnnar, near Rî-verviaw, there oc currad another of thosa lfestive avants, of whicli we bave cbronicled se many this wintar, it being the marriage cf Misa Bella Skinner to Mr Robt Mcllroy, of B3uffalo. The caramony was witnessed ia large number of the friends and rel- atives cf the bride, who was tba recipient of vary many bandsome and valuable presants. The happy coupla are follow- aal tt their home by the hearty good wish. as of their many friande. Mr and Mes F S King ent.ertainad fa faw of their friende ou Tlîuirsday evening of la8t waak. Miss Lottie Morrison gave a few cf ber friends a vary pleasant party on Thurs- day evauiug Miss Barbara McRaa returned home from Toronto ou Wednesday cf laat waek. iMiss M C Meae, cf Toronto, paid us a flying visiL last week. Mrs Wm Melutyra, and tha Misses K{ate Mclntyre, H Dîlson and Doihie Mc- Rae, ware visiting triends Bt Lorneville laat week. Me R Butlar, cf Lorneville, was in tewn on Stinday. Mr C E Westcott was in Orillia last week playingz in the Waubaushena hockey club againsi Orrîlia, anal 18 ncw nursing a black aya as a momanito cf the gaine. Miss Maud Trisdale, who bas beau visihing friands in Toronto dueing the past, six wekls, returuied borna on Satur dfly evening. Col N F Patrsoin, an ahi Beavertonian, but wbo now resides in UxbridRa, bas beau dbosan by the Conservatives of WNest Ontario as their standard bearer in the cowing general elactions. Col Pat arsou's many friands haro will wateh the fray in West Ontario wiîh more interest than formerly. Very P/ai!? Word8 The G/aim of a Great Treatment> for kid- ney IJisease on/y. Ninety Par Cent. of ali Sickness due Faulty Kidney Work. If Uncer- tain as to an Ailment. Use Dodd's Kidney Pilis. The truth in a few words is always easily understood. The natural, the mnost effective kid- ney treatmetnt cirer known la Dood's Kidney Pis. "dFor kidney disease only"' is very plain and to the point. Thislias been our motto from thse first line cirer print.ed concerning Dodd's Kidncy aPilla. But where do kidney diseases begin on tic listi? What proportion of the discases that kli aduli persons are really kidney dis-. cases? Que'of thse ii etminent and w-il knowu 4octors l ic heword an4wer thus quesion and says: 4"NIftty per cent, M< ailserious dhseasearises fom ImeakidneywSt..0 Th*#ifthb,tnse, a gcoduy to deean 4 umsoe4n almeut wouId be - M _______________________________________________________ I miesFloouaiSBmith is Vliting friendé in,. Toronto. Miss Mary A Windsor 1.ft on Mionday for Ohicago. The Mdises lanson, of Wexford, are visiting friends here. B B Verdon bais retnrned frein a visit to friends in Lindsay. E A Tbornton, of Toronto, is spending a few days in the vale. Miss Turner, of Drayton, is visiting relatives here and at Green River. Missi Maud Mathewson went to Wood- stock on Monday, where she will sojourfi for some time with friends. Mrs Jerry Annie and Mr and Mrs Jno Mauon, of Scarboro, were the guests of Mrs W S Major for a few days last week. C C Reesor bas juat received word that. bis mother, Mrs Isaac Turner, cf Little Ourrent, is very ili, and Det expected bo recover. We heg te weloome Mr and Mrs Faw cett Wilson to the vale. They have taken up their abode on tbe west bill. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson will be an ac quisition to the place. Q uite B number in the Ya.le are on the sick list. Thos. Burton is seriously ili Mes. KBte Nighswander is suffering from a severe ittack of la grippe: Israel Bur ton bas been confined te the bouse for 8oine time witb a sore foot; Jno. Burk bolder ie-recoveringz frein a bad cold. The annual convention of the Baptist S. S. Association for York, Victoria and Ontario, was held in the baptiet churcb of this place on Thursday and Friday last. The attendance wasi good and the speak- ers ditto. Among those taking part were the Rey. Messrs. T. Booker, of 8tc.uffvilie; A. White, of Clarement; A. Kennedy, of Baker Hll; Hughsou of Lindsay; Bates and Syramore, of Toronto; Mii Ramsay, of Uxbridge and Miss Macklem, cf Stouiff ville. The add rase of the Rev. Mr. Bates on Thnrsday wau particularly good, as one cf eue amail boys remarked te bit. brother, "lhe wus funnier than the fuuny man on Monday nigbt."-New8. Jacob Steuffer bas been on the sick uLs cf late. W. J. Stark, of Stouffville, paid us a flying visit last Friday. Elias Sbantz, cf Berlin, was visiting friands bora this week. Daniel Stover, cf Cashel, was vikiîting friends bore last week. Our farmars are kept quite busy thasü days taking in tho sales.- F. J. Reosor and son bad another suc cessful wood bee last Saturday. Miss Flummrfaît, of Gloodwood, wa" visiting triends bora last F'riday. Daniel Barkey had a bad fail on the ice Tuesday evening. Ho received a severe shaking Up. Mr. and Mrs. McKay and family lott Jno. Wbite's on Wednesday for their' A party cf eue yeung friende paid Mr Vauhuren Forsytb's, et Glasgow, a visit Tuasday evening. D. MeFarlane holdo bis sale of farm stock and implements next, Tuesdaiy We hope for Duncan a big cërowd and lots cf good buyars. The Bible Society coud uctors are going their rounds this week. We hope ail will give them a ploasant and practical welcome. The members cf the Christian chnrch bore paid their mrach esteemed pastor, Rev. C H. Haines cf Stouffvilla, a visit last Wedneésday night. liii I I I Il A COMBINATUON or RARE, SEARCHING mS POTENT EBsErIAIL Dsi.n EXTERNALLY ]Foraul pains, Aches, amr -Joints% 8prains, Bruises, Scalde, Burs, 8tings% Bites and hUlblat&. INTERNALLY- Wile Palmer is i*Ils*.biwek IM s. OsPh 8laek 's ai.t. .boue- &gai- snes Mettbvu hem I3Uy a WtM* plnqq4 t sly. OnSau WMylst as Mr. C uci owovn Study athasfMtheC. Hutchi- sounn who is omecf te owpM. B. rerning to rehs home frmaMe. B. Wal erry's hr hen ha ben aind cal, ne ainsticen with paralsis feuntl doMintroad. uncaon andus FnotrtueatlyemanFH.maon and anter agefnlemng came long ti a pcterd i ndgo him igthre hioke. hMedUp and ws too i onisn homen e dibutal id eofw t n e isum- moned bt a ie of writong he i no mutch bette hr.nghdtwhionor thre yacs ofine. MrHucio e7 Oears of a tS.Saeywsu eOn Thuriceda lstrS. SHaies wa U efort elieMgitate Hfainroes harg- eoms withStelina.bHefal roedfro W giTmsnoftSoliae alado ed uflot guilty mnd te cseas adjouingrcaduni onday morai.g Iastheaen rcaed Ogn $200 baiWenthoed ase cMr. agamn he d tee houthatMar Toshagos bigt then roe abocuttear agoe inthebed taken from hiscter. He n hesheds at Bent's t el. Hen neersaw it agin t pstsseeko Mr.n afound it in the poseson of r.cgie Jas. andghrof BnurtonH recogM.nized it a oneuiy foun thjnat Mr Gahtier hadreeivditg fopnd i t$c2andorttim e eoe h orn loed ht lthe2 an took trbedfo staeurity unti t he mneha returned. Staceryiswrith atouhe had trade no caer fotandthanuped osnane rs who ce ae longoandowante di rdehorsen- Huie gaveir50 toboo tHddout an- quire frt hi names ut thoght the wterte rom Whity.Handif rObor-e atnd the Bostatmei ng deMr Oso Sad Ms. Bhraros givingeine at tacyshar later, otu sîaingthate thoe handtalswys knonoiem o be honestHained rsworhy PoicMgis- tatgm Haindsharged hem roto an. Tostiga ndeîunc icrbe -- - .- e - DI&MOND DYE DOLLS. The Lawtot Novety !or the Home W-e will send to any td(lro8» by mail, a set cf Six DoIls, with Six Extra Dresîses, cri r, ceipt cf four cents in stamps. Thefte Dolîs illustrate the use and val ueocf Diamond Dyos lu coloring anything from a cheese cboth tb) a heavy ceati n shade or color. The Diamond Dyes are the only absolu îely fast dyes in the world and the eaaie8t to use. Forty five Dyed Saniples cf Cloth and Book of Direction& for hoine dyeing seunt f ree. Address Wel a & Richardsonou., 200 Mountain St, Montroal. Cook's Cetest«WCompoud ~ Manufactured b y T h e Cook eo., Windsor, Ont., and Detroit, Midi., is the Ivonly k.nown safe, i-diable monthly medicine on whicli ladies can depend in "thle /wur and ime of need." lEvery lad1y w-ho reads this is requested toiclose two post- age stamps, with her address, for sund fl articulars, whch we will send by return mail in plain. #taled envelope. Au old physician, 35 yeâre con- tinued pract.ice treating diseases of women, has char ge of the office, and cau b. ccnuilted by letter or ini person. Address our main office THE COOK, COMPANY, Rom 8-1o. 258 Woodwàrd Ave., Doetaoit, M"d. WV Cook'& Cotton Root Compouzid la soid by aU responsible wholesale aud retail drugcgista in the Dominion of Cana"a sud Uuited States for One Dollar per box. j UXERIDGE. Omn February 26th, 1896, hy Rev W G Banna, at thse esidence of thse- bride'is fath6r 6th con Scott, Mr Ed win J Abra. hains, youngest son of Geo Abrahama, Esq ex-L 8 for tp cf Scot, to «Mary -G daugbter of JçunThompson, Pgag, ex-, deputy reseeOf the township.- e Â.yýoung lady cf Whîtby nazned .duth Blait za suing a Young druggist Damed "J mecullo~o tIse: "aietown for #25,»0 M id to, bel o t 7 . 0 , u b s~ h amci remarkable pr c ieaar B 0ac 1ao!pro mmr ansd breach cf pro. mise"Mo en~,ae oac ougsbu ooutr~ uugii>otl~P,~Osarr 091010,WOOD. Mr. Frank Glceson visited'frienda in the city Sunday. Mr. Tom Law, of Pickering, spent a few days wlth his brother Geo, the blac-kemitb here. Mise Eliza Emerson of the Queen City Isiome on a visit. She intends to return In a few days. Mise Lillie Tait, who as been in the city attcnding the milinery opening is home again. She is goingtostay homne this year and wait on her parents who It is rumored Mr. Stewart Corbett as rented the McKitrick farm, If such is the case you need to get a partner for life. A great many from, here attended the sale of Mr. Waddels stock and implements on the 4th. Mr. Emerson bought a.good horse there. Our league visited the Kinsale league on Wednesday night and spent a v rv enjoyala evening. We trust KifisaIe will soon rturn the visit. The oyster supper at Mt Zion on Thursday last was poorly attended hYl the young people of this lively litîleý town. Our motto is treat others as they treat you. The Zion people will know now why we did not attend the supper if they think a little. The Green vs. Pugh case will ha on the first of the week at W'hitby. A good many tink Fred will w-in the case. Robert Camnmack to our west has be oing to the Madili fariii near Audley, he having rented the same for a number ok.years. As hie is a great business man lie wilI be greatly misscd in this locaity. WVhaî is our loss will A vcry painful accident happened to Mr. W. Gleeson on ThursdaY night.last There was a large crowd on the hilI sleigh ridiug. lie was steering a couple of the sleighs dowu the hilI and on meeting some of the kids who ware coming up one of them left his sieigh rîglit in front of Walter. Owing to the speed ha was going and the nearness to the other sleigh wheu left ha was unable to turn out and go by it. Thus the collision which resulted in Walter having one of his thumnbs knocked out of joint and the boue badly splintered as well as two or thrae of his fingers beiug put out of joint. Dr. Bateson fixed the wounded ha'nd up iu his usual good way. Lt wili ha mouths before it will ha ail right again. W bY is one womnan atte ictive and an- 4 other- fot? It isn't entirely a question cf age or featu res or intellect. The -' 4 most admirable and - attractive thingr about an attractive - te,, wonian is lier wo- manliness. ,Ever3. - body admires i - ~ woxnanly woma-:î. Everybody doesn't realize just what it i s that makes ber womanly. Sheimuait ""-'> have health, cf ('()u rse, because wlthout it she would les' the brightness cf her ex-es, the ftillness cf her cheeks anl(]' - vî'tacîîy. Healîli bring, aIt these thî:ýg., bit health means more t',tn most p(~ tiaink of. Ruailhealth 1-atmeen tir 'w ýiaa.n is realiv a wo niaci. That shu j-tý stroîig an(! pc; feet in a sexual way, iir --. c4' a-s in e-, erv other. Tiret she is cap, ,a.' ut perfoy-.z P:t prfecily tie (lut ies cf c1t". te a 1ni -- ex1-t i er gmrrllicalthl, ' goaad liraks arl n c r attractiveness. Soilîe, wOXi)_ii arc borii stronger than otier4. S aeart- bon v.*Ith what is called "cý, gtituitional weaknrss." It is easier for semi wùrucn te retain health and strength than it is for utS--ri. Sanie seem able to doar- tiig they îI:-'e, wilenever they like, with - cut serieus resuts. Stili, there je no rtua- son whv women ehotîld flot enjoy p-r-fac, lîealth.- Those w-ho doe net, need only tak' tihe praiper pre-autioris and the proper reir edy ta beconre perfectly wel an&4 stro!-. Dr. Pia'rce's Favorite Prescription will c"11% anc deraugetment of the distnctly. femnuu:wa org'anism. It is absolutely certain. Turr. arc some who have neglected themeelve-- se Io=w that a -coniplete, cure la next to ii t- po'.si-rle, but even these wii find comfo: -: ar)l,im proved liealth lu the. useof the " I y- rite Prescription."'It las cured hurîdredi cf wc-men who have receiveçi no relief what. ever ,fi-m years of treatitent with gooi physci.It la abiojetely unique in thse histoy of mediipe. Stick- - remnedy tan be discoverd only ohce. ýTheS eanothing ini the world like Inrbstisere ev"rbeen. Hundredi of tifflnga everywoniaa= ouglit té knqwe are eontàlued*i Dr. PImce à Med. 1aM 'Advisert wIýfèh w-hi be.sent abbolutýeiy free on receipt of 31 one =tatamüP9,o10 pensary MediliAssocation, SuEio, N. Y. MTOA. Thinge are. vsry dui arond tU.i"' >wing tte' ba. 1 'roada.. Mr. -Quinn, w-ho bisbeen vr 11for omeé t1we ~is no beiter. MTeJo n nmyson,& qaIê tÏ w fo Iiood's Cured - After Others. Fai.j lorofula ln Me MNOkBuno% COMM Now. ~:FIS AI 'e Sangerville. Maine. c. I. Hood & (Je., LoweillMuss.: "Gentlemen :-I fel that 1 can.not say ecjg cu bavr o! Hood's Sarsaparilla.ForaIvey, 1 have been troubled wlth serofula ln ne41y- and throat Several kinds of medicines ivhf 1 tried dii fot do me any good, and wheu I rneed te, take Hood'a Sarsaparilia there « large bunches on my npck se sore that I1ea ;:ot bear the sllghtest touch. When Ihadltakmi t :ie boule ef this medicine, the soreneM s -n.and before I bMa finlshed the secondýt_ mhchas hait entirely disappeared.' BL"tCig ATý', Ot>, Sangerville, Maine.t -B. If you decide to take Hood's Sn~ i o ber intuL oldueed ti buy any cotter. nj .i-'5pillacurp coI'atit aitrn y rega - a "r t (,.I -."tio Il t lîxe ilayo ____ It IvoIrt#uccES8FtiL Eln FOR MAN oR BEA5T. OWCOuiala 1t.ffOCOM Md sverblistier. RENUU-19 SPAVI OURES SDer Sfr-P.Wm e ;e" me one af yotir Horan 1 Books and tl raepdage e!o Kendeal di4n. = = agre -at hm an OomIt&Pa-vin andJle bottfe. cured ber. keep a hottie on ha"ib Urne. Yrsuw, CE"a.POWE[ýL1 SkEMDALL'SSPA V'II CUREI Dr. B. J. irmÂu.r. ArS Dmr ars'-I P un.ed wsn7sral betie. of your Kendalîti i t - Il With mecbsueceu " ttalzxk k tb'H4- 4 îreDt 1 erSer idL Have re-W maved vt <-- .e iihoASpa-vinanad kiIaJ ~4 For Sale by ail DzÙggilUor ajcjess £N0SBUR F!a4 -'IJS, -Vi-. For T wnty.oixl Years Gi ofb< ta-t.. i ,tr -r- - - a tht - a ' i leli mnidi ler ~au ýfte a.nd the to of dre the anÈ difi nai sin evi bei WC thq wRe IL -J .mý imw - - -,- - kif dîei ù 'Iqiiiii-Î50,71

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