FRIC' To lear out a dozes Key Wind: gin Rookford and other Americ Watchea in Sîlver Open Fao. a l-unting Cases, we are offering thi t~o you at baif the regular prie This la A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY te soeur@ the very boit value y bave evtr ien. J umlp JOg at 1It. S. Barniard Wa tch na k er, WEIITB-ny -AT- o- r- 31 at otb.&nI Coanty Organ. -Largeat Otroui tton of auay local paper I n ada FII)AY, MARCdI 13, 1896 LOCAL LACONIOS. X!iii S fr essences and pure extracts. iird wx)l dining tables, 4 leaves, only$, AuPn's for physicans and family recipi â, ui.iieiyprepared %ucU01n Sale every-S tuda-everninga ti,. west side boot and shoe store, i iesday was the first day of spring, a4 t )Ifng to almnanacal calculation. I o ail appeatances the days of skatini lb&>key and curling are nearly over for 1hi w i 1er. 1Donit for-get the Baggotsvîll school concei es V,%eiesday the iSth. Ani excellent prc gram 1s being prepared. Admission iî5c. Miss Gr acie W~ood gave an -At Home t) atbout fifty of ber friends on Frnlay ever lmg laSî at the residence of Mr. J. S. Bai Dard A vex-y fine selection of auto-harps rratl y reduced prices: $2 ustial price $3 $5~ou su a 1p ric e$4.,5() cu s u a1 p ri ce $6, ' Mlry. Allin's. NIr. and *vlrs. t;eo. Jarrett, l)alrynxpie, hmave been in this vîcin'ty for a week past, véÀing Mr, and MIrs, James Rowe, Mr-. and M4rb S Hfi. Graham, and other relatives, Rey rhos. Manning visîted Pictos on ý,ctday last, in exchange for Rev. Mr. (-ampbels services ai the tabernacle here. (.)n Mý)nday Revds. Messrs. Manning, Campbell and Kînes met at Oshawa to pre- pare- work for thie nexî Bay of Quinte con- ference. The junior curlers of Oshawa defeated our lnnîors at Oshawa a fortnight ago by i6 ql.o)ts, and were in turn done up here on Mdoilday bY 17 shois. Our seniors went down to Oshawa on Tuesday to measure broorns with the seniors of that burg, and were laid low by i shot. bdother Goose concert. A moîher goose con1cert Mii Costume will be given by Ail Saints clînrch about the mnid. d(ie of April probablv as sliortly after E-aster Shà Possible Don't foi-g-et the great sale to ,ctlrience Saturday', Feb. ?2nd, and con- nuse for 13o days. Boots and shoes at auc- boa prîces, Sec the bargain table outside. ampairs ladies' house slîppers at îoc. per paï-. M. W. Collins, red shoe. store, east %de. Oh for Manitoba. lntended specia! train every ruesday in Match and Aprîl, leaving Toronto 9 p. mI., Io miable passengers 10 travel witb their ef- kwts ad stock. For through tickets and Ai information apply to F Stephenson, (op- moeuîe Hatch's), Wbitby. rce-sigi-t at Oshawa. The Scotchrnen of Oshawa wiil give a smoking concert in the music hall, Oshawa, to-night, Frîday. They have issued pristed programmes, which promise as immense uime, but the pith of a smoking concert cas- mot be printed in words, Hilarity' expresses t A greai many wîll go down froin Whlîby and vîcînty t(, capture a share of the (un. It is unnecr-nsarv 10 state that the tradihional clay pip)e aid utiles of the week will b. ai thc door asud thai those who cannot smoke ârst haiîded wîIl be allowed 10 enjoy a whiff eciihanded. We understand that la - -- -omnforfortabie conveyatiess wlll be in re.îîiiiebs to carry parties (rom Wbitby. Tes years. HA4LF r ~an kem Fou 19, eis rt ai ost A sýcaI will1 be held on the above date at the reà idence of Mrs. W. W. Tamblyn under the auspices of the W. C. T. U1. Re(resh- Mente will be served and a first-class lime niay be anticipated. Blood Polsoning WVe regret to announc that Mx-s. Warner inj uxed ose of ber fingers a few days ago and is n0w suffering severely from blood )oi8oning. We trust that skilful medical aid may soon remnove nil danger. c I Thîs& issue concludes ten years durig which THi-i CHRONICLE has becs publibhed 1- ils present proprietors, The lerm repre- -rits Leu years of bard work togive Our- ItAders a bright, newey and modenlnized ri-wspaper, fully abreast of the time. We Lave wrought such changes that to-day ils colIumns contais about five limes as muci local news as was the case tes years age. I tà local sews-iettex-s have improved from the oid-time gossip and gag, te firat clans loal news. As 10 the editorial pazt we leave the decision ho ohhers. We have laken tie course that seemed 10 un t10'bc xight, snd thorîgh we have soi secs eye ho eye wiih ail wc have felt that nearly ail werc viii us, A few, baving ignorant or selfisi purposes to %erve. have at urnes turned againsi us, but tbere are some whose ennmty is te b. court- ed. Their (riendship cas onîy b. ieid aI the cont of oses self-rrec. Oui sysien et county news-gahersg bas s Icudency tb maire every perse familar wltb ever other pex-soii and every localii>f lu the couuty. #We have seugit le belp the churches aud a&l *oceties for good. As the saying la, ve ,;mnji1ed wlîb thon, wbo am lled and wept wltb tîýxose wbo wept. We bave fought to have good, sensible municipal goverment, sud have found ik one of the nt dmmgCen inatter, a newepaper ca toucli asread its ows interests. The public la »ot«iaf ;hive tethe advansea of gond Muipl people, smlii hey would ail reWrora n=ad ever a pariiameniary Igltitnluwhlch *etum and sot fact la ile,'end Ãsevd.- Au aecd- entai aquablile attbe twn board o Io.d stirred up moem micliat I£gbt and h*U la Witby tivun w-e bave beSnale o duý int ten yeara of newç Sn or~,years e have benDm els* vith u bma ndsud bm 4WWe4 S1 sudas a consqueuc, bâase d bb.A good 'mm yY10j-é -., -- - Oute"Yte Yn ndIM tbe laS Deaths. PATTERSON.-At West Whitby, on Tue lay, Marcb xoth, 1896, William Patterson,i lis 76th yea-. in NISIRET -At Dunharton, on Tuesday, Mar. loth, 1896, Peter Nishet, aged 88 years and i inonth, a native of East bothian, Scotland. HoucK.-Died, at ber late residence, Homewood,"' Whitby, on Monday, Marcb 9tb, 1896, Mary A., relict of the late Lewis Houck, aged 68 years. SmiTH.-At Wbitby, on Monday, Max-ch gth, 1896, Sarab, relict of tbe late Wm. Snmitb, in ber S8th year. The funeral will take place from ber late residence, base line, west, on Friday, the 13th inst., at 2 o'clock,' p.m., for place of in- :ernlent, St. John's churcb. High School Entrasce Class. Hen y st. school bonor roi] fox- janttary and Fe7bruai-Y. Fist class bon ors, Ininimun 66'ý1 per cent-Chas Tamblyn. Second class bonors, mninmun 50 Pex- cent-Roy Stephenson, Gertie Warner, Colin Stewart, Annie Stewart, Mabel Taylo-, Editb John- son, Ruby Stephenson, botta Westlake, Ar- thur Ketchen, Mabel Hoyt, Editb Ross, Stella Pringle, baux-a Bai-ses, Herbert Bewell, Nora Lawle-. Fx-ank Proctor, May [Richardson, Axthur Howden, Ethel Plas- kitt. Third class honors. misimnun 45 Per cent. -bdna Straîn. Bextha Hawken, Han-y Sutherland, Willie King, John Meen, Fred Calverley. Number in the class 42. Hxgb- est standing 6-, per- cent., lowest 32. Collapse of a big exploit. N'e-sterdaNv morning whilbt the elements wr-re doing a deal of tremendous twisting under the superintendance -4f the weather cierk. King Bros' cart box-se took iî into bis head te give the town a liitle whirl in op- position. He was in the tannery yard hitched to a carl, (romn which some of the mes were unloading wood, and baking a moment for it when tbey were flot looking he fiew up street, smashing a post as he passed out of the tannery yard. Then he set off at top speed north through the town. He stemed te drift back and forward across the street in bis flighî, but was making a grand success of the exploit, when he made the mîstakre of deciding te turs the corser at the Dominion bank and proceed eastward. As he made the curve the cart slewedl round and turned clear over witb the wheels up- ward. Its weight carried the horse over as well and turned him round wiîh bis head te the cart, whex-e he found it impossible to move, and the balance of the rus bad to be postponed. A loi of mes gathered and dis-j enîangied the box-se, which rose to ils (cett and looked round with a look of injux-ed in-1 nocence and misfortune whicb ilI became ose who had been up te SO mucb devilx-y a few seconde previously. He is now content te haul slabs undex- tbe safe engineering of trusiy John Connors. Hockey Notest Oshawa was beaben by Cobourg ai Oshawa on Monday nighl by 5-4. Wbitby juniors have played four gamest wiha total score Of 33-2 in their favor. i The adinirers of the junior hockey team, 5 ad their naine. is legion, claim that team t can bept the seniors. If the ice helds goç>d1 no doubt a -match will b. arranged early 1, next week when a good game may b. wit- I nessed.t The junior teani went te Lindsay on Sat- ux-day last and sustained their reputation by beauing the juniors of that burg by 7 geais to i. The litIle fellows ver. well entertain- cd and expressed themselvcs as-more than delighîed with their trip.- The Lindsay collegiate institute viii nend its crack team ber. to-mrxrow afternoon, (Saturday,) te try issue willi oui beys. LUndsay basaabig record snd ne doubi ,wMl do ils utbesi eastain it. As ibis ne doubt yull b. bbe amre c(the season our boysa wiIi try te do their besi. Patrons of thze game vili please beax- Ibis in miad. The Oshawa Refermer siatsibat Whiby bas been defeated 6ive times this year aud [feeLs acre over iW Our- club bus paid vint- ever icoet te get the best Toronto clubs, as weli as the local nelghborlag clubs, and bas made every match possible, yet lb bas only suftered tbree reverses, on. by 4-3,- ee bY 7-3, u s by 3~-z- There la smre b oy ounalier about ithe Reformer,. &à peI!as tes old woean spectalîles. Whuîby seniors bave piayed aIl cornera, and stig bave a-es- ses' sscore Of<71-33. Bowmauvlîe senilors aud juniorsCame te Whktby o Wedneaday aolgi, d ,mu t: most extraordliary WarI«Jo. 7h. jirnl firet faed iii. puck, and the Wkyy~ ster, gave anotber exhlbitlof m cblea tion work whlcb pu their mueb Isrger in- tagouistaguualsg 'frm - tlbe art. hgî 1 sore iWwbeà lime wu caltai ,tmaoiso-..o t laverof Wbhby IL TeI o amsetheum i Mud [t wuas a ph -o bë4 S*am_ 1% Pm -- - - - !nu, r a-. th tii lh8,sla n Splendid toit to So loaig a Contluoanc.Of-It bas bot -beed ex. perlenced for many yeara. -. -Jst hotkey or~, tfh msao~atur aferoon. udeai ,11.Ml .và . Whltby. GIre the y&a gréati a.Xwlbea bot 6 plece aolid w*hInt îpaý4rlrsuite ~th ~th 8lk pltah banda, fWi $32 ,wort TIll'a. h r. .Glbbard, Torontîýo -m de 1au aalUýMent, a Matter whlch ii w11le. uch regretted ber. Mïr. Jas. Sturg ,Toronto, ilihe.vat lng his parents, Mr. and Mrs Jno. stqrgeaso Hamera Corners, -'Sfssr. Sam and Frank and' Miss Lillie Crawforth, and Mrs. McBurney, Toronto, were here last week attendlng 'the fuserai Of Mr Ino Smith. The Christian endeavor Society of the mnethodist church gave a reception tb the Young people of the congregablon on Wed. nesday evening whlcb was well attended and pro)ved most enjoyable. $zo reward wilIib. given to any person who cas buy boots, shoes and ru bbers cheap- er thari they cas procured at the west aide cheap boot and sho. store. Auction sale every Saturmday evening. Mr. Jacob Cronk of Taunton dlaims to beb the oldest setler now living in the County Of Ontario. He is now nearly qi years of age and settled in this County lu the year r823 on lot 29 in the 2nd con of Whitby and lived near where Gilmours brick yard now is. Rie is a Canadian by birth and came from prince Rdward couxiîy. Mr- Cronk stili enjoys ail bis factiies to the fullest aand tells tnany intereating stories of the early settlement of the County. L. FAscibrBNs. To shavrîerhds. n opans mpol We sbavre d somr ctmpainrtrom people wbo subsribd orcy aers aents troug s, o thav erepapweshavdensarted yeo have core gad w ek fa then opped. W wetoud b. ladtehrof I ec cs The township of Whitby lost. a valuable citizen on Tuesday by the death of Mr. Wm. Patterson, 4th concession. He was an in- dustrlous, îhrifty, quiet, honest man, who seldom was either seen or heard away from hie home. He raised an extremneiy fine famiiy. Deceased once resided at Lynde's creek, and worked at bis trade as a stone masos, from which he turîttd bis at- tention about twenty-.iie years ago. iJucle'sUom ons Cabincmp Slytoe a Unle om s Cabîn onpsay played1Tha oid bouseR here oneuesd gve thbs e rpy i alare hone, and gave he es r.ntoerpretatn hveever muscdhere o Mr.Stowesg aeal cnel Te mu, lg hetansadingadsictinry we S'odthasraditionablckandwtictoplte wSouîha bedween black andthe peoplea was mfinand thr ougoev, th ing wea- very fine ndthe cone rounederyîing elevt- ilg. Wen hey conetr oundaai hib will giveM s.hem aerhure. The town, in fact the whole coutity, was startled, aye horrified, ytsterday morning on leRrning of the sudden death of the wife of Mr. Leonard Burnett, Liberal candidate for South Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Burnett had driven to Hon. John Dryden's residence, Brooklin, in the morning, deceased being a sister of Mr. Dryden's. Mr. Burnett then drove on to Oshawa and epent the day there. In the evenlng about 7-15 Mr. and Mrs. Burnett left Mr. Dryden's for bomne, and had crossed the ridges as fax- as Prospect, when Mrs. Burnett was seized with a sudden attack of coughing near Mr. James Vernon's residence. After some time Mr. Burnett felt that the attack was becoming serious, so he drove in to Mr. Verson's bouse and carried Mrs. Burnett inside, where she passed away in a few minutes, Deceased was 50 years of age, a daugh-ter of the late James Dryden, and a sister of Hon. John Dry den and Mr. Geo. Dryden, Port Perry. She was a most amiable lady, a model wife and mother, and a womnan loved by ail who knew her. The funer-1 will leave Mr. Burnett's residence, Greesbank, on Saturday, March 14th, and proceed to the Pine Dale cemetery, Prince Albert. W. feel very deeply for Mr-. Burnet ini his sudden, unexpected and awful afflic- tion, and are only voicisg the unanimous sentiment of the people of the scuîh part of the county in expressing heartfelt sorrow in the loss 10 the comimunity of bis estimable wife and sympathy for himself and family. Pnvriy lectrectthre conAamSmte.n Prof Mavrs le etur n ces allSiîbanth bOstFrienLdise slew Frncs all gt as ah Oieario Laie'oltegfietFrid nih was Adexamy tretwote a neotkind. WaTh of ANaiosmîhatxrîeda oo T inelWenceo onatiewdonf i red a rofouninluence o os en rlomtrf enoict innothewayof fring (oudi ribarestiton 50 protec theioniscud pofssbl hatakentoffence aI- te esdp- ossor'steaie of missnb ject. HretSiompln dwat aseof thean pebis gatofîcbmas o twaad othe d f aos people o is petboad hew.eAd oast cntry wbg ot befmeand n ew. A musd o illsre tg lteftue enviewhs.werensnint wllstcra.ler. Rev. Tharo Mandn was no hAirmam ev. Dr. areoe an Rev.k Jn of. baam hsecondeday ve inbanstero.tavo lcreTis Friday ven- Prof anoîhexynotabl lbetrei eSciv alb Pro.ton anuxd. Herisube - ll e, Soial Eo lutoand itx. ollbetlasoitexne ~oillurstrtantate ofsubhecgth of inten sit rent han valhan begoth e prhunt tiocebyndfrom primeval masn 10 li presn wie ta e Ibt ogrvels incivliatieon fi, be-dcaly onstse marlsi etof t Pr. espclally ionehofmtheialst ifdof scCudyff o te or iont Universot :boessbriatestf oflecTxtosertsi .roessopreiae byThes eures reyne- sere apreia beey lonspeople as tery pde- tielrveaio feb.Te onshtiluofte vryprac- pcans relof n fr iuby ftensioroosbed >lanh s ef unlesiiexth ension, a subjoc edhibis t-a eyee l he uhogatno deutionsi cewhra Wiih th ewand cheutfu! Frances all,-ws ea, ligb nd Duherful,-an popul aris taid. dnc rugi b b te lieswha lala he Now bad after. aîo pea Thve ton oard e oedateonthe arand ae been rtnellotiatothe ".prnial sod te salla hi eciugte noh ncipal of LI . olgae Mr.titut,, lm J hn augi -bri [tanB. aed. Mr Wasa sub banhd tabri Fine criare boas a sindniv .eersiyi 8,le ain graduated friTroto Us-nra y lu :taW eà - Year in bis ca*r,,uhe'o Lod the, Malock *schiotip dùnbi s e- oudyear. LastpY«rýhe'atpIapd to thé e. res Bachelor ofO' ' ! 'bel-,- the outiy ti 1 i il et pro, Su (I Now v - -~-~-- - dii." gaine ufrn a eat o vrf Aear aum.rlug bd ealîherroidoerfe iyra Msta, H o d ari ber eaco Byos te Ioftheonda moisug.Dcease wasd etii. wldow o a laie ouis Houckbuw dand wa mgh eteyear gad 11ker lsa iera bfaMr.WsH .uCrosanmd. ashe w n as ir ofm Mr. W. H. Crby, asd wandrbon usr band.caShed n bmrreierIn adrbu-o band carîmed eos busring es lu Maakha fo wsma limeyboescofml iabl. ecesd ad asladyeseed dIrabl, quai ies datr s irviyesteerm. lu on ThCoe- daglîters aurvihe tber, Mr ad iesna ol rinwd, h rasd the tweyonadiereusmn- tred Thedreasof eeaed rein- ptrredonthedsesday. We cenod our sym- pahy id tadte oviartgchde ofdcaedt, wvn houg idei ad 10prt wlîa eareparet, te eat ho e.- rvdagra eif1 At. dbpusi ne. atiewi sins. mlymet atn Patiraes wishng 1 employ nmenle astten er sales cas akteCarO NCemenfsiase. teFRmANK atS.a h HOIL fie ~insPeci Our Stock.: ý Y ~ Spring --nqARRIVING w We have GUmmVL ER ' I. Goodsýl DAILY ATF"- already opened 30 cases of New Sprin g Goods- uun nVUuUU wear and yet more to f1ow this week 10 cases of goods from J. & W. Campbell & Co.$ of Glas Scotland, pèr S. S. Anohor line steamer .... FURNjA sailed from Glasgow, Feb. l4th. Mlso 1 case of Hosiery and G] from Gebruder Herfurth Chemitz, Germany. We buy -al-our E - ---- --- &.valmuvvc ables us to give yon a better seleotion than elsewhere an at,.1o-ç INSPECTION IN VJTED. w. IV. Baxristex, Sol!, G. Whi WALTE RS, TERSON, Q. C.,1 l.u icitor, Notary Public, etc. Money to Lan. UXBRIDGEt -ONTARIIO.1 GRiAt WHIýTBYI A LL HIGHER. Now la the timo to buy -. ..AT * * PrWE~8. Right HaywaFrd HS DONE ! WM. TLL STOP A.ND THINI i , Bfor yu~prehseyeni it vin-ii r.y ouii tê"i WAL t, ý A I ar iniie The best Anthracite coei. Nut, stove, egg, $47,; No. 2 sut, $4 yard. J. H. Downe y & Co., opposite po 0ffi ce. April Fool's day. an ain titimé. in ýIlVSPECTION. -INVITED, WhJý- 4; -, 1 A T V-à A ý 1 ic 1 1 1 VERY cono1eivable Weeveâand all the n«eet eflects iniSrn r Gooda. Many feminîne eyes spitikie these days at our chic disly Erery day bringasomething nov and froah. . To-daywencereef the grande8t di8plays of Black, O olored and Fancy'Cotton C3repois, Chai. braya, Prints, etc..p over show-n in any. single store. Look in the wïndow- YOU aoe only a few oompared with. the bewilderngvaiy thn Nw Laces, New Lace Collai4s Buttercolored Laces iiiail widthswith in -eon te atc ;ver nwes,.New Hosiery, New Gleves, New Trinnun.0 Very fineat LUse of Now Tweed Drs a Gods, and Lustres Sicilians, etc., ve S h o w n . N e * G o lf d l o k i n t v r o o t p r c s i l s y e a d c l r a a ie ' Fine oo Gl fearas, fanoy stitch, large aleeves, tiglit fitti n' aleal colora ahnd very newe-ut ideag. Ladies should Seso ur File Flosse1 alI olos, ith Ooket Silk t-, îath A ise beautiful linos in Drawing Linonis, Doyles, Table Oleths, F ucy Tray Cloths, 5 o'clock Table Cover, etc. 1 - '~ are lPtvited ta corne anti to co.,vie ana We %£.L.Llçuu iLi-um vue manuiracturers. and lu such lariffl Go E PA il f . . Go WA