Rem*h Qounil- The. regniar KIiôDLhîy metig & oh fflnoil wuheld on MondayMr.9 Thle olerk remd a number of comni., o&tiODS, none of wbîoh were 0f puiblie întefOst except oe. Froin tLbe oounty olerk stating hhat the cointy couineiI at lit; Jannary seesoti, ,IîrecteBd the clerk to notify the clerks. of *_, uJoiWIUICIIOktbL et LLiaL tue foiiuW - îng resolfltion would be moved at the .Ii 48ioOf oi~ouncil "That in tlae Jtý> Li o tis counoil tilo time hà s ar. rivod whien an Indusitrial Refuge for the le~t. ip0:rO it' CouIllt\shoultt Le (nil motion of' Mr. Lamhb. $7.35 wag orderodtl be çeaîd te Mr. Robt. Wellah, tor 147 icais ut grave1. On otincf MIr. Réal 5a grant Of SI10 wiNS mAi'ý for griivelliflg opposite lot 8,0 0o. 11, and IMr Wiln. Beare and the lver t'O COL)in uiseOr expend the On i. f r Wer, 43was ord rredt] he i te toMr, John liturk, heing :Ll o Ilt l li tWr ce(diis suPIllied the 'orpcrfllt Ils901per ecutract. I nticontttîqLng tîl Mes&rs. R. Pli w i] 1 I,eýitsk A.. Stuart and T NI <r aii3 icre the Councîl, ail being of Uners ion î>~School tSýectoon No> 14 lRvmh. and N, 2 lrock. Mr. rhomp. ,on ldMr. Lea8k had t a itilproviens illet ring of otnncil, ruade application Le hlavethî0111-properties tratnsferred troin thiar svetion RUtl annexed te Seagrave Nîtiil r. Stuart and Mr. Moore, rîscsreilrosenL1ng rAspeotively Reacb Mni Brook, weà re present in order, if pos- siblo, to 1rustrate the o)bjeot Of the 'Fle reevo saidl lie wiFIhed te inform the J(lttIon before proceeding further, that l, -11îec last meeting of council, had ensu 11ted tlie corporation solicitor as to 'lit, jurisdietîoti of thle councîl in t rreîne.esIlwth te resit that the council wa ltcompe3tent to page a to ,hangTe tho tt lnary of a union Schol ýecttln, in a dispuplted case, ail it oonld le wu tt appoint airbitrators, wbioh lhe <cilrwîsled tile coluncîl would be perfectly wvllilug to dlo 1shoUIl the appellants so After considerable discussion by the Pakrties lu terested, the ap Pelants mnaintan- îug the JusticP cf their case and the desir- lébîlity of iLs succoe, whule the trustees were equially empbatic inidenouncang any aéttowpt lit the cuirtailmnt of the section; 1l certRinly in expressing their senti- îttsacqiiainted theinselves ini a bighly ereliable nanner, and it le seldom se mcl taentis spiaYed by a deputation n presontîng theijr vlews On any subject tfo re a cuci board. The deputatiOn twn iîiîrewnet however before ir. lhîr1 ý xact@ti fromthte triistees 8a prmt1tiat th)ev woîli cali a mjeetinz f tI4 icSeýCtPionil, rier fliat tie ap )elnt rav ;riy pregent their cese ge tliat it n î.îtiJlicate on the matter. 011 1 mutietn o fMr Lamb $1 30 was tielte be pîdl Nf r. W. M. Wi,, ci î~, mi eotsIn connectien wîthtle i 'zeeyPropprtY l'rince Albert 0i tll Ll(tInof MI'.Ste;)îens, 9 i rdre t)lepal eM r, \V E Y arnold(, V.,townslîîîî enizineer fer- survevîng t' Iinvestigate the complaint cf Mr. Bolt.on n reftrenice to the etitting cf brusb ~pnelot 23, con. 10. On motion of Mr. Real, $12 wus order- oel to be paid te Mr. Theo. Salter, being two-tliirtla logoe sustaîned by bim in having ne1 slîeep kilied and five others damaged hY <1<ga. On motion cf Mr. ordered Le be paid te Brosi. for advertioing renti(,eit. Mr. Weir introdnced Ilute the statut. labor road divisions te a cash Birns', Prince Albert, Lamb, Messrs. A8 per $4 was; Newton acconut a by-law te cern- in the following biais ' Stanton'a, Manchester, Ep- Rocm, Saintfield Greeubank sud Seagrave. The by-law wam advanced a couple cf stages after wbich the cemmittee rose, relperteti rogress and a8ked lbave to sit Mr. Martin came before the counot, 11ie mid is road boat was se small amd frontage cf tbe preperty of wbich it is nom posêd se large that the ameunt cf -ýtalu te labor, owîng to the extent of snow t'iîmvlling necessary, it is neit to umpom- sibleý to keep the roods cf tb. beat in a preler state cf repair. Tule reeve said Mr. Matin's romanks woiid receive due consideration aItbh lime cof re-arrauging the noad beau,. Mr litephens reported Le tthe concil tfbat Sol. Solltt hadl met witb a seriOns initfortune ; ho had while bewildered left hi& bous;e, strayed avay and become badly frozen.* H. (Stephens) had sup. SPlied hlm with vood and bad adviaed Wotit Whitby authorities of 8ollitt's on- ,fortunate condition and tbey had ex- pres4ed thnir willingueuete opay oue haft ef the expeuse inourred. On motion the conoil adjomrned. The Dimple Cbeekei VillgeM U muay net natale ber dieples and roSr abuks "blnoîninq with healtb,' until steina aed. htaband, A IitUe giot or s0*1kht-M bring about nmorneofu et0LMa U5OanW- disieuses aud "wOeu& to Irte bWi tami l subJeet, and bWmtb nla1y b. D f , l»V nu aud bole.'m id happla. umai 0on te Dr. Pueroo, hbu Favorie sou sy' . pared by bite for vornea, Om bïmv mm ef utetlnm diatu e c«. - 7 regularftlen, sud "emse iDgra"tstut. aad svu mdumll bufldaup Lmebw.tb ma a stoi. Dre Pieresop, fuïg l ___e beadacb., loues Au4ftrQp~ J. Lo ~ A Mr tGogeMGulre was out' from Toront fo l ew days this wek.. Mr. E. Prieur and wife of Tlront),, are 'Visiing friends in town for a couple of weeks. Mr. \V. Gray r-rt.tancd tW Walker- ville this week, and Mr. John Maynarci went with him. Miss Ella Morrison, of Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. E. Cars- well. Mrs. Morrison and Mrs. Thorpe also spent a few days in town. Mr. James Skene and dauighter, cf St. Louis, are visiting his brother, Mr. Alex. Skene, near here. The brother-ý bave flot met before for 23 years.- journal. Robby, youngest son cf Mr. H. J ones, of this town, met with a very painful accident on Sunday. He had acccmpanied his father into the stable, where a trap door had been left open, and, ewing to there being somne loose straw over the opening, tbe littie fellow dîd not notice it amid felI through, break îng bis thigli. Yesterday afternoon the remains of Wellington Boister were interred in the Presbyterian burial grourîd on Quaker Hill. But few of or residents are se universally krîown for miles around as was '- Wellie.' He bas not been in strcng health fcrsome ime past, but was flot confined te bed until two weeks ago, when lie took suddenly worse, and on Sunday, about 6 a. m., passed away. He was in bis forty-first vear. Mr. McKee spent Sunday and Mon- day in town. Having commenced bis doutes as Principal cf the Midland school be is, and naturaliy so, desirous of having bis family with bim in that town, and this week is, therefore, a busv crie for Mrs. McKee, as the pack- ing and shipping cf furniture is no light task; but they expect by the end cf the week te be in their new home in Mid- iand. Mr. McKee's famnily will be greativ missed in Uxbridge, where tbey are se deserx-ediy popular. Oliver L)usty again won laurcîs in tha skating uine for hinself and Ux- bridge on Fridav evening last ar. Lind- sav-. In a three mile race lie defeated ai cemipetitors, among whomi was Nlc- Lean of Orillia. It will be seen frem this that Dusty is a great deal faster than he xas last winter. when McLean beat 1dmi quite handiiy. In Saturdav's Lindsay Evening Post appears a chal- lenge from McLean te Dusty te skate a race on the Lindsay rink. Dusty ac- cepte(l the challenge. Death of J. B. Lapp. Manv xill iearn w;'th regret of the dcath, on Sundav alternoon iast, of ]()fn F.1-.Lapmp.narbie dealer .and on- dertaker, whco bas for vears past carried on business in this town. About a vear ago Mr. Lapp was stricken witb the lever, fromn the effects cf which lie neyer fulIv recov-ered, anîd bis death va> flot aitogether unexpected. De- CCWeased was amn active member cf the Meibodist church, and ameng the most premiiinent cf or local preachers. The purpose they asked Mr. Gould te ac- company them and place the matter before the representatives cf the town. Unfortunately, (although this was the regular meeting night of the council)1 there was ne council, and the ladies, therefore, had te postpone their visit until the next meeting.-Times. fffin>6aJ Poor baby! Your pity goes ý out ta it and rightly. To bei thin, for a baby, is ta be de- prived cf its natural ease; to suffer and flot be able ta feelj it ; ta wear a sad pinched face; to Ilve on the edge of sick- ness; to grow imperfectly; ,Ad ta 1ooe the power cf re- Â~tngci~eae.When ababy 13 thin it needs m ore fat than it gets from Uts food; it is starved, fat-starved. Sctt's Emiulsion Is the easîesî fat1 -"t ca ave; the fat it nee4s. Haif of Mr. James Mugat returned;Wedneî.. day fi'om a two week's visIt to frlends& in Uxbridgfe. Mr. James Coyle left Wednesday last for Buffalo, N. Y., where he has secured a situation. Mr. Donald Morrison, of Flos, was the guest of friends in this vicinity last week. Miss Marie Overend returned Thurs- day iast from a month's visit to the Queen City. Mr. Neil Smith, foreman of a camp in the north, has returned with his gang, having broken up for this season. Mrs. Mark McConnell, who has been ill for over a week, is, we are pleased to note, improving in health again. Mr. Geo. Clark is at present spending bis holidays under the parental roof. A number in this section are sadly mourning the fail in the price of hay. People should accept a fair price when off ered. Mr. N. McQuaig left for Manitoba on Saturday. The three grain stores at the station are filled to their utmost, and Mr. John Malone, our grain merchant, is cern- pelled te load on the cars as it is team- ed from the surrounding country. This speaks well for the Brechin grain mark et. Mr. Duncan McRae, who was re- ported some ime ago to leave our midst and go into the hotel business at Lorneville, has given up the idea, and will, we are pleased to say, re.main among us. The first snake of the season made iappearance Thursday last. Trhe branch drug store cenducted here for the past year by A. T. Eliiott, cf Beaverton, bas been closed, and the contents taken te the head store at B3eaveatcn. This leaves a gocd open- ing for a druggist in our village, and we trust we shallflot remain long with- out the sa me being fulfilled. Anyone interested can have full particulars by addressidg Dr. Gilpin, Brechin. REIQIELÂAN» CREBE Wluistle bas returned frorn bis vaca tien. Frank Manni bas left for parte unknown. William Tredway jein iiTeronto on jury. Issac Parkinson, cf Markbam, visîted Mr Taylor on Wednesday. What bas become cf littie Walter or Tommy. They muet be like the bear seer bis sbadow and returned in for 6 weekm. Quit. an exciting trne teck place at the bouse cf J Taylor on Friday laet. Dancing, singing and retitations were the order cf tbings. We would advise ail cats, especialiy the Rowsondale oe, te keep away from this vicinity or tbey iniglit get kilt, in mistake the same as Martin's. Cnurt was held ber. on Saturday last. Heale and Callander, cf Scarboro June tion, were beifore the bek n a charge Herbert Nichols. wbo bas been ili under the care of Dr. Mitchel, is recever ing. Laura Huribut bas been under the Dr's care. Mr. A. McCuiloch bas purchased the farm cf Mr. L. McCullocb, at $6o per acre.- Wbcn Baby vaes cký ve gave her Castors. When she vaa a Chüld, sie crled for Castes-la. When ah. becam in, a"elung te Castes-la. Whm ah. had Chikdru, ah. gave thom Cadorla Rev. W Henderson aud Rev. W. F. Wilson oonducted anniversary in Trinity Methodist churcb yesterday. Minards Liniment Cures Diatemper James Wilki, ho vas arrested bere on Tuesday, is wanted lu Davisville tor burgiary, of Wm. AUPs residence. Kiud Wordafrom&tb.Jned Viotor Misson Bible Clama. On behalf cf the. Fred Vicoer Mission Bible Cia. I wish te, express our gratitude te yen for the. box of 0Cb'we OiuLment whicb yen sup- plied le aid ef cur chaitabie von Le tii. infant cbild cf Mua. Brownrig, 102 Rver atreet. Tee days ago the. child wva wfnllyaffiieted'-with acald bead, the face beieg literaily eue sab froun forehesd te ciie, sud un that brief limesa complets e mas been effeeted. Snrely yonr gift ia Wo vrth more %ban its veight in gold. EDKNUND Yiuaut 264 Sherbourne St., Toronto, The. Young (Jonsenvtive bad saTorygood attendance st Lthe amoker in tuar lolub roous gyxe .MMemme Md ýi*m ut otbetiiibbt. iy comte 25C ents to try t sud beouovlnc.d. .LYAlutS o .arliyi, LO, L. 1084 annua srnokie« cooot la Averu Hall ývuasl A. lady ritssu IW«*- mmsbwedte ra !ha me, root aêbruo'I <huMzv Bl. Whto have Prob-Pair Luo loudy. Chicagco-..Wleat firm. r at68* etsý- Ottawa-Dvisjon outi temeci d ill ea- pecttud mi. tladay. North Ont-Jno A MoGillivra' called à by Orangemen of North Ont., b o è. pose the 1Remedial i. WhitbT-Alex OameroD, of the Bay', ShOemaker, counsel for the oondeme. murderer, Holmes, Philadeiphia, sUsý pended from practice fer a year for un- professional tactios. W innipeg-Hon JOB Martin to retire froni polluecs. Great Britain-Both political parties Uuited in favor cf increaaed nai>'. Brooklin-Mrs Wm Nichois, of Brooklln, dead. TUESDÂY, MARCR 17th. St Patriok's day.-Ireland for ever. Canada a day longer. Cbica«o-Whest weaker at 6'21. Winnipeg-Motion against free passes on railways voted down in Manitoba Leg- isiature. Ottawa-House te ait oontinuDualy until second reading of asmedial Bihllei voted on. Great Britain-British expedition to b. sent from Egypt inte the Soudan. General Booth-20,OO0 people welcome him back Le England from hie trip around the world. The A8sizes- Clyde- Hodgson breach of promise suit settled. $475 damages.- Carter vs. Robson-Action for fats. ar- reat. Verdict fer defendant. Afria-British steamer Matadi biown te pieces at Bomnbay, by 12 tons powder. 25 persons kiiled. WEDNESDAY, MARCII 18TH. Cbicago-Wheat stronger at 68je. Toronto-E A Macdonald, alderman, un- seated. He did net posses proper property qualification. Gravenurt-E S B Johnston, ef Ton- ente, ret.ained Le defend Hammond. Ottawa-The debate on the Remedial Bill te b. closed at to-day's sittinga. Whitby Assizes-Lenton vs Smith-Ac- tien for false arrest. Plaintiff receives $200 damages. London, Eng-The French opposed te the Souidan expedition, Winnipeg-The Manitoba Legisiature te be prorogued on Thursday. VitaIMIiuRstrd PaUlIng Bexnai trength In eideor young men c»u bequlckiy andi permamnnly cnreti byme te a healtia. lyVoeous s.8tate. Bufferers from .... NER VOUS DEBILITY, VARIOOCELE, lNIT LOUSES, ANDALILWASInqGDISEÂSShOldwdtO le me for advice. 1 have bern a close student Mo manyyesr cfthe subjeot cf veakuewufili mOn, the bot e, I aa uffrermyneIt, Tee bachfuitoee* Oie ofd t eder meuer repntabl, physiclans 1haves- bet' h.subjetdeepiy andi discovered a utmple but mcml remankably auceoftl remedy that cern- pleecured me sud fuily eniargeti me frem a edcondition te natural strength andi sle et evervy ouigerolti manieo knoW about IL. 1 take ~a neetlu such cases and ne eue need :t t. eCwnteeasailn communications arehelda trtctinfidentlpL I sentithe reCipe et thia Doeyasitlytc tc~. Dont put it ofutrieme fnfly at once, jeu wfli always bleui the day yen dld se. Atidres., THIOMAS SLATER, BOX »49 hlpper otfaImouq Ksamaaoo CelaWy KALAMAZOOS MICH. If yen would be prepared far choiera. take the beat posaible care cf jour geucral heaith. If your tongue ls coated, use Eseijay's Liver Losenges Lady Henry Soinerset's suit for libel ag*insi Mr. Aster eofTThe Pall Mail Gazette bas beeu settled eut of court. The sooner yeu _begn te fight, Lthe' more .asily it nay b. cxtinguisabed,. The soen- er yeu begin takiug Ayer's Sarsparilia foi jour blood-dume, the casier yull be Lb. cure. In both caes, delay la dangerous, if not fataL, Be sure yen pet Âyoeun'ssd ne other. The explosion cf a gcasoline steve -ab 118 Bay, street about six ock least evSene did $10] damages. Dear Mr. F4ifor --ýwniio jeu ui for te eders eof r subI~~p 1 wii gladly seldPIF)e-tO uny:uJtS LetMaubodNervonaDeblty, Lemmon,' Vau cllnIpo*eiloy wtIdýthe' if roebfu fon,. mnltiam ti1 f vaii Castoria. le ab4a lean oeemt mec5tonefor chu. ddie mothm have nepeatsdy tld me ocf lb god e0.cupou t*ufebreciln. Di. G. C. OBeocO, tdowefl, mm "Cegorla itheb.beM rredy for eblidren et whkch 1 amnacquainted. 1 hope the day laDot far diint whemotheuswifleoeuMder the real hatoee of thein cblldren, snd use Castorla in- ~eed of thevaioeiqnack nostrumawhlch are deaoying thefr lovet one%, by forclgoplum, morà % M ootbing uyrp and other hurt'u1 agems dcvi' their throata, thereby undlng abm te premture gnave&" Du. 3. P. EKntcxxi T'h. Contour Oouipaay, il MurayStamet, New Yrk City,; CaBtoria. Conbis alswell adapeiedtochldrmtff 1 recoomend Imun speor toany prenurplu= knevu to me." H. A. ÂA uEa, I. D., 111 Se. Oxford St., Brocklyn N. Y. t6Oui physilan uthe eblldru'à depsrf& nmn bave spekea bfgbly et thei fr eper- once lu their entaide prasode vidCastonla and althoagh ve ouly bave-amegoe mmdcl uuppias vhat Io kwn arêgi4or product@, yetwe ame fieete SeethU thLe merltnEl OfCastrla Ubas Von us 10look vill favor upon It." Umin Boepwà .ax.,A»Diua& -ostnMU Dr. Mellî Scone 8 yaa-raugo 1 contractsd a -serions conatugtnti..-- diseme. I vent te Rot E prng& to teit for syphulis. Mer" rai klfled me. Af 1er a while the symptot» s a, ppesred. becum sor , imanli mbe, pimples onit, lltbses lmh a. e ba lands eelued. etc. Am=dcalfrieand«ia Kennedy egn.Nevw !athod Treatmmet Iteured m"mI Iiad neoyuptm'for lys eams.I am maryid antI $XtouE" rm~reomcad Lt al Who have'hbiÀ 15 YIEARSIN DETROIT,*15o000. C(I "I an 8 iee qfugeauderrid, he'Young 1 0 .1 Ode' d dûsjui .1,1 A scA Is taken by babies. Mothers t like it- because It brins. the, dimples back.25 wors iauaop~.~pn ~ M WEA, .ERVOU&tDI3EASED MEt à Thonsandee owgod N44l&.A ge Uns ar uafly tes j mnatue¶v throngh ealï% ndigetien d hater eouees. Selfabue n tattiondw 00 D!s -ases have ruined and vrecked the 1.ofaimuy n promelgyo 'gm!."D- ou t-in~Memryt'or;~uly agd- Excitabl =d Irtube-By. Éir-l'mpe oa the Km-ee.Dream ;sud Draisut NÃghýt; RIeatiss Egar okig lths oré Throat, Aiý Leose;Painsein Body;t ukn e-Litoe..- Distrustan sd IaA k et Eur' sd tionh.Our !*WMtO rarnî ibuild yen up mentally. hcfl Whe DSKENINEDY_& KER8A N Hava AÂt 14 years ef age 1 lerned a bad bibit which almeet mmmd me. 1 becamne nerveus and veak Mly back treubIed me. I could stand noexeeien. Head und eyes hecaume duIL Dresun sudý W drains st night weakeî-ed me. UItred moyVeu Medical. Firmef, Elee. trio Boit., Patent XedicuieS and Family Doctors.4 T1%« gave -='i - ne help. A trtend al ed'îme tet%7 Dma. enney &erpn. *2Ebar sent me eue mentWs treatxnent auit ma-id m. 00old~ myseUif nng everydiy. New Xutlod etms vv Wat j Castia faDr. Samuel Pltcher's prescripiou for Inftits and Ohiltiren. It cnan neither Ouiumo Morphine nor other Nqarcotie substance. Itkis a harmhéss substitute for Paregorl, Drops Sootblng S-yrupâ, and Castor 011. Rt la PRessant. Its guarantee. la thfrty yeaws'use by WMions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allay hverlshness. Castorla prevents vomIing Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and i Wnd Colle.- Castorla relleves Seethlng troiables, cures constipat'lon andi fiatuleney, Castorla assimilates the food, regublaes the stomach, andi bowels, glving healthy andi natural sleep. Casm toria la the Children's Panacea-the Xother's Friend. )t > à - Xcü T7