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Whitby Chronicle, 20 Mar 1896, p. 6

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BY ANGUS ECVAN ABBOTT. Ini the doorway of the squati hbut stood a tail, Binewy man, graý gaunt, hie brow pfinfulIy wrii with the mental oxortion he app at the time to be undergoing.1 bard hand ho held a knife and, it as an indicator, hie continuedi a long row of notches eut; deeply a batten board in the door Reaching the last. notch of the st hie stabbed the point of tha knife iigely into the wood and commei though Ili a quiet voice, to tipi "Damn ye, Serappy Mudge, ,(,Iooliiig is no schooling at ail.1 ve ve cou ited the litiili lot o' theni niotces four timnes 0v or, a nd arrnv 41 new tigger every bleissed tbie. ~. qlie wîpold the perspiration1 hie bow, perspi rat ion that a a 20.) miles eould îîotlhav-e wrung fi' fs tanuîed skili. -Arithîîuetics rutver was Y'er ww tiiînkjni',"ho contînued rather se fu]ly, -'net lîowiîow. \VeII, Il'Il ye o t o rt, eI' (iii-Ii(,tî andl final. pardm this tîîîe, for luck.- The kiiîfe wàs once more insei aid Leaîî toilh rî Llaoriously note] tiotch, -uppards tins tîîncf,' as Sera ia.d saîdi tiho reetkonrer takinig exq t u)nai l pi is to o 'î i t thle îîot ches r4ctly.() md ai st Il Iup crawled k nifv, t he expression of anxiety c'reasiuîg imtu tue -atlier-hieaten fac( t he top grevw near. A t hast the 'vas reached. SrpvM udge seer to hositate for a TuOment's thoup anfd t hon ente ilre dug t he point t he k n ie ilito tlirehv id -l ho iedt,' said the old ni with soinet bing of triiumuph ili olce, and nodîtiug bis gray hi gravelv ixî.ha gstIccessfuhhy CeOUTi ho st ing izofiotchies, -l knowed '[bis dl, v ' ar fr a cevrtainty h1o ha, îold ît IlV Stiiîitinig mit at1 ~'.oous. rtiuta ouutînig these b1 bits of ittii. Saine sort of day. actI,ly cii ike ld quiet, and Wod{s fullhio'fraavhk soumis voices, atiid ist ai few big sniowtla. lutierrig and ;-i odIgilig domwn th rou t he raD.hs.1)dln't it snow ti îîîght ' nrd Toini lyiîr thrar away fri t ho tire, iid [nie anid t hodogs -sitti ;Md llobingr mu r leails the wbole nlll l onig. T'1 ilnU as thle <n ly onelo Ot bIl loet of lis as slep)t that nliglît, a Tomlie s a ioctr'v t Xid lbore MV ie d ilt llit irs N et as Iis îiiiî \\ais 7îirîii ii 11ofilv hîîI a îr< i tnrîiitîh lus a ;tteniiti* ati liu tititîll-) it lokIiîikhîiii a lonr t tili (o get fraiIii le sto<sllubliîîg 1 U earded i n ioit l- isl-~igatro s vIla , v' iitlil, Iazv, hungr> cnri'(urs, yo h1I)on't ye kîtoN what (tay i tis1> Doit ye kno% tere, to be o uo narlin' and snappin fle h orno iei n'o' you to-a Hy thi.s isTomî' day, d'ye hear Tom's day The dogs no doubt heard, but the, * certaiuiiy did not uiiderstand, for theý kept weil out of reacli of the trapper' foot as ho imade his way to one cornei of the cabi ri, where stood, or rathei lay, a "cuip-board" tuade from a eut ting of na hollow tree. The door t( this ivas a shahl of oak, which Scrapp) liad leaned against the end of the sec hovesad, siing hog e bUlata inthe ihterlre htbaed in the drd t rece."Noatbmach bofla.whisyfer Tom wdgier, but h lied hie drop teslppingfthe coti.noaIah~ p«ouhwîc hng by c n hise ispr,- shosad steping trug the dor, eldt th bigf e wh lazowhed n the d dogi e. Ten'ebut e lnk sueicidopl wtwadthe >dt oorfloius."rl it their ng th'a face antha suenp bound darted uta y ide, heprio b- teen te oewnd s teyd- nwn hsna tpping nlato the oo the ex pet hed toen hehen on their athe fltors then1etoreîao, thge foot di o their inuterfirfatetiadwit sddn the nernory th oustheringbe kiok vas frlo and a td.n "Y. cur ma aint th erfyt vey exha- cd oer mantér ond yer ay. Bu, S Iis ,To rl,n theayoot vas 1h. ».cpmbse.forthe ir vme*bgh Long beor. heIbad reached manhood lion.' lndeed. h8 ueeined t make his h. hunted âatd trapped with hie f»ther wsy aruse >atm È -Iikeîe in the far northwest of Canada, and ini through brushwood and over log and' 4Y log al his lie he had been ajcustômed to rut, wfth an unusual confidenca . q and nieet nature at ite wildee t, and to seé By the time the cabin appeuireci the ýnkled the works of God in ail their pristine long northern night closed down upotn <re-td 'lory. So it was that he pltanged inte the land, and a piercing wind began to In bis the woods with no furthor thoughts of ffing its javelin-sleet with stinging di- using hie surroundings than that it was a rectn 'eu against hie face, and te howl dow,,n pleasant day for traveling, and that mournfully among the trees. A. bitter r nomany animiale would be afoot te greet night wau in the sky. As Scrappy inot the suri.. Had ho stepped te, look Mudgo atrodo into the cabin a fiurry tring9 abunum omght have jeen,, as a of wind and snow swepv bluseoring sav- stranger to those solitudes mnuet have down the broad chimney, 6fhing the ýncedj, noticed, a great forest, each twig and room with enuoke and flamne and snow. brahî branch hedecked in frosty diamonds, Scrappy put; hie 'shoulder to, the door w.hii'h caught fromi the suni a million and pushing it hastily close drew tihe yen' tiny lightning flashes of dancing wooden bar across. When this was leocolors, and shot them at the oye with accounplished ho pulled oft bis bear- Hr dazziing directine8s. Casting a glance skin mittens, and going to the cupboard Iat heav'en ward, ho niight h.-ie noted the drew the cork f rom a bottue of whisky hazv distant suni a blaze of indolinite and took a perilously long drink. froin light devoid of heat. On the glittor- This done, ho set about the prepar-i [k of inîg surface of the snow it je certain he ations for the strange visit. Firet the friniarked the lacelike footpr*ts of the smoking tire wu piied hh wt ec brsand equirrels and the dotted loge, famous as heat makere. Afrr 'y broad trail of the fox, but lie only this, ho swept the bard earth floor with ,,r-marked theso in the way of business, a broom of birch twige, and swopt it g'oru Ilalrîie listened with the ear of a poet, well. Next tho rough slab table wae g'ihe could not but have board tho iron drawn beforo the fire and two chairs bPlaud of wintor emite the great oak pianted one on each side of the table. ýrted tili it burst asunder, and the hoiiow Tom in bis day hutd been knawn as a h yboomi ofesuhsiding leagues of ice-the handy man about the bouse, and these Ipyfrozen surface of a lake. But hoe aw chaire bore many ovidences of bis abil- ,cpnot nor heard, and continued with his ity in that direction. They woro cur- cor- snowsboes ta beave a strange trait in ionsly shaped rockers made from bent the the snow, which hie doge dotted with sticks and woven willows, and miglit iin th eir feet and occasionally marked have gracod a London drawing room, ,e as with the tipsoftiboir tails. After a sa quaintly fashioued they were. end~ few rîtiles' mnarch through the fores t Scrappy at iret had sneered at these.1 'ned the tbree travelers dippod into the bed They were, ho said, old-womanish, andt ght, of a Stream, and asconding a wooded hie grandmother would have scorned toc of knoll, the bleak expanise of a frozen make use of themn even in the year ofc lake opened to their view. Across tho her death, when she was 97 years aid. 1 air, glaesy, wi1nd swept surface of this the But luxury je man 's chief and easiest 1 lsthree sprawled their way tawards a acquired vice, and Scrappy soon took to t eatl prornotory that loomed boldly in the the chaire. These now arranged, ted distance, crowned by a shaggy growvth Scrappy again visited the cuphoard, 1IL. of tir trees. This reached, a hait was and taking from ite interior a third U made while Scrappy Mudge removed boutle of whisky, piacod it an the the bis snowshoes and then proceeded care- table, and by Tom's chair a plug of ta- lro fully to scramnble up the alnîo8t per- bacco and an old pipe. eX-perîdicular face of the prornot.ory. Thus, ail necessaries completed, thered teThis provcd no easy task, for the was nothing for it but ta esit and wait ni 11icruunhling earth was interlaced hy till Tomr knocked. Scrappy sat and" kes seamei of ice, but after repeated back- waited and-draiik. Outeide the wind glI s1idings on the part of the trapper and had rison to a gale, filling the woods ha nueh r'in about and barkn by with aminous sounds and cries, and the doge, the top was gained. Scrappy roarirug down the chiminey as thougbi nMudge at once hastily ecrarnbled ta straining ta lay hoid of the occupants h is feet and at once took off bis coon- of the littIe cabin. Darkness, black- -kin cap. Before hirn lay the grave of nese, settbed over the land, and the Tour Shepherd. powdered snow sifted through the a' rs The scene was a et range one. Be- chinks in the wali and ur-der the doora neath the btranches of the nearest tree and formed tiny ivory ridges of white- uit a pe - large pile of loge and ness on the dulI floor. The dogse rept* stonos, nro ioultt to keep the remiains wbimpering dcoser to the fire, and <tof bis departed cour panioru sacred froin ooked up into the blancbed face of %vîoiation l'y heasts of prey, and pinned their master, whose bearded chin now týo tire trunk of tbe tree stood a rude rested on bis ieather-ciad hreast. An iiWoodeir cross. Ou the armes of the hour or nioýre passed and the only cross st.ood a powderhon, -A uetm een onhepraiSapyf W----'of eleet across the roonu to -hie chair. land 'I itted Tom out; like a gent, I When Scrappy Mudge got tbe enow b did,"' ho muttered, advancing toward and emoke out of his eyes le saw that ingt <the grave. Tom sat in bis old place, hie eyes iflxed '090 < Aftier casting lis oye critically aver on the fire. For zome minutes Scrappy Tt the pile ta see that nothing had been sati owlishly oglinZg bis companion. on 'disturbed, Scrappy bung bis cap on "Iwild night, Tom," ho saàid at last.B n one of the arme af the cross, and using "«Bitter" Tmasee ih )hie own snowshoes as a spade, siiovel- raHnioeaseedwt<u edteso rmte edo h asn hie eyes. Thero followed an-Hi ge then ufro ibenhe.adai tof otb rvng use before Scrappy said in rt rave. ben la siid ae et space ofa voice that tried vainly to be cheerful. eart ha hee lad bae, crapy tok Weu, 1111 up, old man, and let's be ~fronr bis pancli a luge plug of very .e1,"fan yblack tobacco and deposited it loving- "I'm îoneîy, Scrappy, lonely, Tom <"to H y on the faded grass. Then f rom the anwrd Srpysvaiywstioi i answred.Serppy' vaity as ickl ine -poucli ho drew a bottie of whiskey. <ed at ýthis. ]le lad always prided hii»- ced ir Puhling the cork witb bis teetil, ho self on being a good frieud when le was e* wiped the moutil of Lhe boutle <are- afin.H upd onabr eIva kfully witb bis steeve, and saying cca hie prilddo. i bo n g 1wl "«Drink hearty,>' as tlough responding IIIwan you to coçpe witî me to-to» to To's "Wll bo s, orgos" le nigît, Serappy,"ý continued Tom, look.-bue poured a good half of the contents n,9u o h isttm.Tels ya dow thoug th los 'nd tous t sp ark of fire was nov smothored in box» formed the grave. One man's worship ; ' eué ~ l ate- Tw is another man's sacri:ege. Running ap lsow ouhnigrudsBorti 'bis eleeve again round Lhe mout;b ofdthe l'Ilofwch yentienver di amt Lhe bottle fromn long usage tram drinking tronu a bottle in conupany), Se~p started. ho raised iLt tolis lipssolemnly say- "IrdntkidoalkPeLmp-erd ing: '-Tomi, here's to ye. Good luck do t iht! lut, m -fa and (4odbleu yel1" and vithout 0once t461Sjlouely, Scrappy. Tou n ut oponing hie eyes be svigged off the reins. urp remainder of the liquor, and smacked %M ldfin~,SrPPY3.-o1 bis lips as h. pounded home the cork "'n SIttb me lutonÎht with his olinched' figt. -Thi.finished, <jj~ he sat down onone of th 1%>h 1io u4af ili.to~ "Toil orn t se metonigh tli dlI og&that now UlàÏied agaîne _n, Tom," he uMWd .ter a 1lo9',uiem bark*>gand, whg'olmje -à i> "Tue dooi' WM lbe Wlde open san abu! .nThdeathm - e11* roaring fiS 4Uî tad11bs x- t taoh tb. open doq>rï pecW üy, ld-mawu, Thia>gw busgo».~j ruthe r ary4lik. a«ms yo 0utbUt th.rô stfU a iSugpl taêyof and &-Suo o phtslett Mt 4PM - OowoaUoz -of theUCar. The ooronation of Nioholus Il IM peorfe11 it.eftusslais, wbioî oeremony tkuplace neit Msay, will b.oarwisd ont on soIe f tagrnfioenoe thât bau fot been suarpase d rig "bi o.twy. A vast quantity of royal tirappiluge and inaignia vwiii b. sent frorn St Pewburg te Moscow for the occasion. The crown itsoif, which vill b. piaced u1pon the Young man's bcad, le, of course, lbe principal ofthe incalculably costly objectescf lbe gorgeons show. Ih je made alter a Byzantine model, and its value às eetimated at more than 81,000,000. It je eomposed of îwo parts, symbolizing tle empire ef tbe Orient and that of the Occident. ln th. centre je set a splendid rnby, pear ebaped, tc whicl are afflxed five diamonde, torming a cross, This marvellous pieco of jeweler's art wae made originaliy for Lb. Empreus Cather- ine II, for ber coronation. It vas the masterpiece of a Swiss jeweler from Genova, named Pauzujo. The sceptre whicb the yonuug Czar wil bold je that whioh bis predeceeor, 'Paul, ftrst Rrasped when be ascended the tibrene in 1797, snd it is even more remarkable tban the crown itef, for in it spaukios and blazes oe eof tbe largest diamonde in the venld, cailed by the Ruesiane the 'Lazaret," but commonly known as the 'Orloif" diamond. Il veigîs l99î carats;, 8 carats more than the Kohincor, and was bonght at Amsterdam by Count Alexis Orloif for $400,000. DOAN'S JIdney Pilla first proved to tle peop] that Kidney dises.se je curable. Bourg tr original Lidney remcdy in pull forrn, th Oumre they have made, and the fame 1h.- have attained have opened th. way fer îourt of imitations and uubstitulos, bur uhose who have been aured ef KIDNEY Complainte through tbe use of this won lerful medcine, those whoeel lame back il 0oW free from pain, those who new havo iio hesdaches, those who have escapoi trom the death grip ef Diabolos aný Bright's d.ieease by the use of Dosn'i Kidney PILLS 6r the ones whose opinion is valuable, ffbcn scores of such people corne forward md te11 publicly that Doan'fiKidney Pille zred them aller other meane f ailed, it is rident LIat the enly )r Kidney Disease, Bladder and Urinary ifficulties, Lame Back, and the nuimberý. ms resulte of disordered Kidncys je Doan'à âdney Pille. Be sure bo gel Doan's. Price fifty cents par box. For sale by -FOR SALE BY- 'hemnist and Druggist, Brock Street, WHITBY. Domninon (Jouncil Royal Tenupiers of Temp. =ec are holding a blennial session in Hanuil. JUR s'. 14ît*WEcL]L, Baruisier -éonty Cown Auto ig Court lHffléi Whibby. JAME» KVTLEDGE, Barrister, etc. Ofce formerlY COCU' by PareveilU &Butledge, nezi Rloyal Bc Brook ft., Whitby. DAVID ORMJSTON, B. A-, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor i Ohancg Convyaner, etc. Office- In the O1 Southi f the Pont Offse, in MomIJll G. YOUNG SMITH. LLe B., Barier, et.,-Money te Loan. lai of Marriage Licene. Office - mil DOW & NcGILLIVRtAY, Barrister, Solicitenu lin Cancery, t Office iu Mathison & Bawken'a e novb] Brook St., 'Whitby, sentI cf Onlarlo banJ ~UcbicaL. J. J. Moore, M.-D. Off eilu9.a.m toficIheus&.m. . '-Pr*ate TeJepIone CommmbiaI D. P. BQGART, 5.D.L.D.8. Phyican, Surgeon and "Accoucher e ffce and Bemiderice nextobcAulgain Church, Dundas Street, Whitby.jIL B. Dental Surgery in &i rs branches premjp attended te. Dr. H. Wightmai I9ENTJS T Dver Gi'ou & Grangera. Whitb I:"È Open every 8turday night. W. B. YARNOLD, D. L. S., ounty Surveyer ad Drainage Engnee ort Perry, Ont. A. A POST, Lrhitet, lte villi Langey, Langley nirke, Toronto. Designs for Churche 7ilan and Cottages a specialty. Drawixiî xepared for rernodeling exiting structurei ficee-Firat flat over W. R. Howe's dru tore. Urp O Box 202, Whitby. W. CLVERLEY, HÂBEUsS MAKE, WHITBY. Having moved into our new premiec, W re propared to extend the range f businesi 11 wori petaning te the harness-rnakiuu ad saddlery business wil be donc te satiE ktion. Collare a specrity. Cali and se Ly shop and stock. W. CALVERLEY, Second or veet cf old ehop. F., Warren, M. . Wbitby. Office heure 11 a ýpied muer [th's tby ete. look k. D. n. 'Ye. di , go ve e e. îgth w-$ 10 c i- i AI tr SOT, 'he Besti ll.-Mr. Wm.; Vandervoort, iney (JrYosing, Ont., writes: "W. have in ueing Parmeloee Pilla. and find thern by the best Pilla vo over nsod." For Delicate 1Debilit.ated Constitutions ihese Pilla &ct a àCharm. Tatou in emali doses, tb. offet )oth a tenie snd a stimulant, miidly exoit. i tb. socretione cf thb.'body, giving toue and r. 'ho Brant County Law Association bas .rnated Hon. A. S. Hardy for re-election as cher of the Law society. The MoCord Cas. Diseau Prououncod Diabetes and In- curable-Given up by H'ulf aud Fniends-Cured by Dodd's Kidney Pilla. .OcHmoND, Mar. 16, (Special)-Tre talk cf iiors sud ethers in tovu in mostly about the Munhlng cureof WSn. Mcord, a fermer r hr.Hie proseuce made assuranc vis- aud heoeaid-"After tbe doctors pronoua- uny trouble Diabetes ne on. tbought roi vory possible. I vas partialy ipaualyzod, nine, menthe ils b.d aud I ian devis until as mers sheli. Wb"n1I counnenced tak. )edd'e Kidney, Pille I utuck close te direc- i.On#,-box helped reai nd nntf>bo' d me. ,Amexty yjenolfi and bavelived 40) years. Dedd 14.Kiney Pilus are eold U druggiste and Deali. rics, 50 Oets. S- PIeiI on gwepewdoe ezpbded.on lb.e ReaIIaadaa oypèroe, on IN JNO. NOBLE, -ALaerIN LL inDls O Lumb, Shi ndles, s TaabDoorsand rUe-ade1g »- Ail orders or information can b4 tained from JOHN NOBLE, Dunda. xeet, Whitby, opposite Mr. A. C. Wl! 's residence. WThitby, April 4tb. 1894. Lflptb» 1lroik Si per annum iu advanee, otherviai 81.60 Subsciptons always payable'ai the office et pisblication. The publineber do net iqmdorlge te deliver the paper ,at My posto ofe but Whtby. Âya pe vhicealtae lch. 11.destination viibe replaeid upou notification sc alter, of oouztesy. Adveutia*u, ratea unlese by con- tract, 10Qeents peu lin,nonpariel, luztin. sertion, and 5 cents per line esel subie- quent insertion :LoWal, 10 ents Peu une. wÂ11 Changes for yealy adveutlsements mufet b. brucught in; net latcu than Tusday mouning. JIro HENTDUBSON &GRAHAM. Rala l- ropuletos GR" ND T JRAND M1DLÂMI NO 8 mr.&xpee.......& 4p~ prou, d el~ xeep$ Buis 'l'o By order, New Livory and Sale StaNis B. . FAREWELL1 Dundas St., Whitby, Commercial mon iiberalIy declt witb Teaming don.' et reasonable prie.. Freiçht and Baggage hauled at reasîx- ale pnicee. A cal] solicited. M!anutacturere' LUN & Accident Insnranoe Co., Toronto. I.argest Capital Stock Lif e lneurau<ce Ceu. 'n thc continent. Ninety per cent. o aIl mconulations ot surplus ie returned kte è licy holdera. Ail clain'.s are paid witlr.ou lay or discount on proof of death or naturity oh endovinent 4-w*RJG-G-S. DENTIST. ~o.King & Tonge S3t. Toronto. For the n1ext three nuonthe I amngiývung Pecial attention ta patiente frein a dia- .nee. Arn sîil making plates in rubluer, 8y oelluloid $10. Geld and siiver fillumg rork crowning by furt-lasse perators &t be moat reasonable rates in the City. îhen in the cily eail in and let mne examh- ie yeur tell. I malte ne extra eharMe. ..IGGS, Dentist, sônil east eorner J. B. POWELL, ing and Yenge Ste., Toronto~ Ne H. WARNER. ZÂLER IN GENT For OÂL CO.. COL, LATH, LUMBERi SHINGLES 8LABB, ETC, the PEOPLE>8s ýffice and Yard just East of Uptown Station.. WhitbyO.t,184 XE~~ ROOTER. :UgUË 31st IL89à. E Ai C( 1 SilUng 0f ?~~L1 ourUt&, Jan 3 e8;MIarch 3; April2 Myk 12; Juin.è: ly 7; Bop. 2; et. d 8!,.~ Dec. IL.i OSEiwÂ--D. C. Meaedeneli, Whitby, Cierik Jan. 4; Feb. 4; March 4; &pil 8; )ay; June 3; July 8; Sep. 8; oct. 8; Nov . - .eleeo. G8,wo~ Clrk.-Jan 6; Marofh 5; May 5; juy9 Bop. 4; Nov. 6. PoitrPUBIY - J. W. Iturhamy prt FeMr, Clerk-Jan. 29; March 9; j&luîlb July 20; Sep. 28; Nov. 18. Uxuunxxe-Jeseph E. Gould, Ulbidceg Clerk-Jan. 30; March 24; May l9th; jSh 14 ; Oct 14 ; Dec. 16. l CÂNNIuToN-GeorgO Smith, Cannng] Jan. 81; March 25; May 20; Judy 15; (),t. 18; Deo. 17. BuÂ,VZunToIÇ-Gee. F. Bruce, Beavertûj) Olerk-March 26; May 21; Jîuly 16; ()e. 16; Dec, 18. UPTEBGEOYia-F J Gillespie, Uptwrgx«,e Cierk,-Maroh 27; May 22; Ju]y 17 ; Oct. 17' Dec 19. ma mu se per tee Bel My Freg as 1 b. nev âtr. Ayoi Ad (Robert In Tt months, peased each cas thirty y almost r confesse doubt b4 is delica want yor more tIi first cas, eight th< child thu its math. woods ai latet, '1 Ltuung ara Sflend wa next 'moi Mercy. dred pro to play t' hands o the negri sha-h sa booking years 1e -Master's Thiere wr by whicii crime. -for a hui -sion trair of moi bi< senger tir were quiu multitud executri high -box2 J drîven ai a-Yacant platform ed, thro i YStappwd a' ýMl A 1 3 Ootobez 7th 1896. -:o:- leb. lot, 98. IMI» 43 M ýDrs Warren & Moor, CURE

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