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Whitby Chronicle, 27 Mar 1896, p. 7

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Maytb Cj'; ,y 16; Oct. Ii! 17 ;ptergre1 I&WLL k of the Iee Itby, 'roprietOr. ait1 witha prîces. ai reaomu ~NC E. Accident >onto. 38uramoe (-k., ce nt. o a% lirned to the paid witbou*t 'f deaîb çr ç ELL', Lit. Whitby. Toronto. fi v.givin romr a dis- ILîz rubbe,î iiver filije l,rlà'rture at the City. mef exràt- Atra chaMip. eat ecorâr i ERP ZR, MLES, WOOD, ;p ETC. PLE'S 10. Flast of IER. Ici b-, 1I()ng'. - ý fion. 'a te i âine Wvhitt ' Pub istitul ontai pResult of a Neglected Cold. DISEASED LUNGS Which Doctors FaUild to Relp, CURED BY TAKINO RSCherrýy AYEWSPectoral -. 1 rntrarted a %vvere eoud, which settled tu 10 r iii.and id w hat is often dono t neglech it thinkin g itwaouId aïci v.t',ra 'me;but 1i fonndafte r a Eît e that the alightest exertion Consultod a Doctor w . fotnd. on exaniining ry hirngs, that the ti pç>r part of thre lefttmie aas hadi y affected. fi,*gave me %omne merlicire ahîch I took as drtlt it ci t1i not set-uîîto do any good. F rx tmi teIr> 1 happene t to reati ln Ayer s A. oc'î-f the effec't that Ayers Chterry I ci.-tarali had on othera. and 1 determlned to 91Vn 't cr itlAfter takin g a few doses iry troublo wau relieved, and hefore I had fln- ir1thon hottU. 1 was cured .' -A. LErL*aR wtimerOrangevitie, Ont. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Bltghest Awards at World'a Pair. *p*r'a PFUsaCure In4Eqeatios. TUE LAND 0F EVÂNGELINE. h ni rri, ~livir tthe il' 1 ur h I i-~b li n tran l Il * rut1 ite Aoadrn, Wolfllîle, NS S b triia1 o therc u, no mot e beautilui .bil turesque spot in Soy Sotia than 1fr' Valley o01('aspereaux, in the -Land I{vangeline. -Winding i ts-, waM 1r bgh t he centre of thel-\aley i>a [ glilittie ri\,er. whie nestieci at itiC t' >t of thelie ounitains wltich rîse 071l rt r rifr sie to the heîghth of hundrecis t-,et, i, the romiantîc iooking littie \ ilAge ()f (iaspIereaux. About two and à hall ni ries Irorti the village resides MT Fr"d iling, one of tire most hrrfty farrîrers in this section ()f the Uilt ry. \ou r creîsnlrrtaiied onliiii and found à ver \ genial,,in- e! Ilgent and apparentiy a \etr v lîe-ir.hv ".kt ng mari. I n repivtO rqustin M - Ficlrlrg saiti. N'es, i was near v chr-î (1ir r at )nie tiriie, but tharîk ri 1 Iarna ne%&,mninto-di%-. ý r)us ec,. k-t ont, that l)uinp in thre kîtchen,. ra irs a weii about 2o teet deep, h rwas the cause, 1 think o (f ailinîy 1 wrît (lowniast tali r 1895> in ean it rut anîd was unix- a short 1 Ilc rtt tc buttorri, when 1 to(>k with pai' n at the trark of rny head b ,!urrrrrg 'e: iî nn my throat ' lings, 'sut h as causeri ùy thein Y c rrî(of hrirnstune. A sort of stup- r was gradually eonng over me h. a luge effort, 1 suce eeded in (lun ire kitchen mrirc more. A :,11111) et du-wrî becarut' extîni- l'i(irs showing that the accum- n 'r gas hati caused thv trouble. au' t the back of in% head !I ikHj'! t rroulie nie and one day i ir n a back field 1 sudden- (A ne i trN'left cxc. right arm t " ~ titmes i could flot t r' 's rds e%-eirnig I egai !ý ,uw better. VTe next <iay 'ut1 the sanie timie 1 was selzed iir thIe saunie nanner. 1 now cal- Mirrr farnîly p)hysitiIan who told * rat aàbWood vessel had burst in the )f nr v head. He left me medi- *l'lie pain in the back of my head r lit nýe and 1 continued lo feel rraje About two months atter t .(-c()rnd attack wliile sitting in the i, ýfie of the village 1 was suddenly 'dagain and getting out my horses %rr' agon started for home. 1 had K.' une far when the lunes dropped lit my right hand and 1 again found "'ilblind ti my eeift eye. and the i zlit artu and left leg, paralized. The 1rssnow carried me home but passed tehouse iii the direction of the nam., and 1 felt asgoo--d ----d-- ceased using then for about wIICQ 1 thouitIfk thé painàt t4h. sent gn - ' enid uftd, tlsàm, ways wotjced on a farn and' 'nevçor on-. joyed work better than 1ast sumïner and autumn and am 'Positive Br. Wi- liams' Pink Pilis cured me. 1 now al- ways keep them in my house and when MY wite or chiidren have any sickness our resert is te this medicine and ai- ways with the very best eflect. Dr. Williamns' Pink Pille are aold only ini boxes bearing the firm'a trade mar k and wrapper, (printed in red ink). Bear bu mind that Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla are neyer sold in bnlk or by tbe dozen or bundred, and any deaier vhe effare sub- stitutes in this formi h tryiug Le defraud yen and ehould be avoided. The public are aise eautioned againet &Il other s0 called blood builders andi nerve tonirs, put up in similar forai inter' ed to de-' eoeve. Tbey are ail imitatrîrus wbose roakers hope to reap a pecuniary advan-, tago from te vondertlreputatio' aohieved bv Dr. WilIitàme' Pink P1118. A.ak your cea]er for thlîem. The8e Pis are tuattactureti by tho Dr Wli 1:' Medicine Company Brock- ville, Ontarîto, and Schenectady, N. Y., and are goid only in boxes bearn he b firm's trade mark and wrapper, at 50 eenta a box, or six boxe@ for $2 50. They may be bau iron> any dealer, or will be sent by mail on receipt of price.. Dr. Williamb' Pink Pis may b. hiad '4 ail drnggista or direct by mail from Dr. Wiiams' Medicine Company from r'tther address. The prie t whioh the pîlîri are seîi1 malte a course of treat- ruent ronaparsitively inexpensive as oompared witîr o tier remeclieg or inedioal tre aiment.1 FINZ DALIE. 'Crowded out last week> David Martin is engaged ta work for Nîr. A. Roach for the coming summer. Mr. Wmn. Hoskin is laid up with an crtack of la grippe. The Rev. NMr. Manninîg o! Uxbridge, us tQ preach in the methodist church lîcre the last Sunday in March, MIr. James McCuily is moving back to bis farm again thîs week. Mr. Braclen and famiy are moving rrom Victoria County onto the farm lateiy owned by Mr. Cunningham. Mr. Wm. Gorrel, who lias been sick tar sanie weeks, is slowlv recovering. Mr. Ed. Ferguson was laid up last week with an attack o! pleurisy. Lieath On Thursday of iast week aid Mr. l'argrave departed this life. He had been living titi quite recently with bis grand daughter, Mrs. W. Sanley M r. Hlargrave lived to a ripe aid age, hav- ing passed the three score years and ,en a good nianx' years ago. He was j.t stauncli and consistent memb,ýr of the iiiethodist churcli, and ta him ieatlî would bc a happy release from ro<L)i1iV sulerine. On l-ridav ot la-st week Mr. and Mrs. Davis were cailed upon to perforni the sad dLuty Of cansîgning a bright little girl of twa years of age ta the tomb.: She was buried in the Wick cemnetery. She dwelt in their home for a while, Anid gladdened their hearts whth ber love, But Jesus has taken their fiower, To bloom in Ris gaiTden above. The fou! winds of sickness arose And taded ber fair little fort, But the angels of Jestis were nigh, To welcome ber after the storm. \Ve are indehted ta a friend for the ioliawîrtg' In these modemr imes when the new woman is alniost the sale topic of conversation aside frotu palitics, we sometimies hear the ex- pression. -The world is growingbetter every day."- Wh ile we sincereiy hope and pray that such is the case, we are lead to ask ourseives whether that can be trulv said of Pine Dale. We have the authority of eider residents for the statement that only à few years ago it was next ta impossible ta get up a dance i this section of the country. What is the state o! things 'along titis lune a the present time ? At wood bees, paring bees, and all social gather- ings of such a nature we flnd that te break up without a dance is quite eut o! the question. To our mmnd, this, like Remedial Legisiation. is a step ini the wrong direction. We see ne par- ticuiarly great evil in a quiet dance ina private house, but to what does itilead? Like card piaying, drinking and gambl- ing dancing has suck a fascination for its devetees that they rareiy stop at dancing in private houses. What class o! people trequent the dance ? OnIy a short time ago, after a dance in one ot the quiet homes et this neighber- hood, severai suspicious iooking bottles were tound outside next morning. In view et such facts. is it narrew-minded with onohndrel esou té .L Our uît.Ms. i4nm 4g dsêros..n~sk~I he.obtary t. déf atm, -ir>ot ad~If thé orepont vi nattî t b c obapte 61 St. John'àg gosel ,udi t the " Ivexme bd *iîafnd khere what it sayo &bout euob fMeeboods. Our ' cadidâte, IL 0. Brandon,' bas not loft us. Se huea been in the buuij and heard ovis heot. Nor do we need te cawtasa for hlm, witl that wbich wiii destroy botit bcd y and seul, ànd cause good vives to Shed tears. The wriber viii finus n&aU equipped fer the. race when the write are issued, and the Anti Patron wilbavo te go down into) the svell of th. Remedial Bill. Thank- ingz you for the' space in your valuable paper. We romnain, Patrons of Indusîtry. PrNEDALE PATRON. CODAR DALEC (Crowded for last issue) M-ss MNaggie and Birtie Armond, of Trenton, were vi siting at Mrs. Gunn last week. Mrs. I. Walsh is about to remeove to Buffalo, N.Y,, where hier daughter, Mrs. Comeford, resides. Mr. D. J. Rain, G.T.R. agent here, moved into the residence recently occupied by Mr. Geo. Armond. Mr. F. Mitchell, motorman on the Oshawa railway, has removed into the house vacated by Mrs. Kain. Large quantities of stone are being delivered for the two fruit houses about to be erected near the GT, R. junction station. Miss Clara McFarlane, sister of Mr. S. McFarlane, of the Cedar Dale works, was buried from hier brother's residence on Monday of this week. Archie McLean, who has been in St. Michael's ho'tspital, Toronto, for some months back, on accounit of in- juries received in a saIt mine at War- saw, N.Y., died in that institution on Tuesday and was buried in St. Greg- ory 's cemetery the same day. A disturbance took place at the Cedar Dale hotel on Saturday evening after closing hours. Two sports under- took to compel a breakage of the law, demanding the fire-water on a mo- ments notice. This being refused with an explanation of law, they further proceeded to make things liveiy, but their frolic was quickly checked upon the introduction of a convincing argu- ment in the torm of a gun. There is now talk of a law suit. Too much credit cannot be awarded Mr. Mallett. Since lie came to this hotel it has been strictly run according to law. Arrangements are about cý_mp1eted between Mr. R. C. Carter, of fýhe Osh- awa railway, and Mr. C. MaIýory. re- specting the erection of a tower -J ithe lake, which will support a large num- ber of electric lights. Mr. Maliory in- tends to expend considerable money in improvements and buildings. When will our limb-of-the-law be ap- pointed ? Abou teni ~a* jjgoýImsfrbecm~ %cted with Rhe «ona<t .and duxân* tb. iast ten years 1 have ben treated by severai physicians, and tbey @Ml ad7vsed me that iL was impossible Leocutre me hereand that the only remady for me was to go Le a warmer clinate. 1 was confined' to mr hous» JasltDecember owing Le Lis disease, and wau unable to do any work whatever. Icomm.needta ngth«KEootenayOurewhieh Mr. S. S. Ryckman, )L P.. gave me about Lie middle et AprU Ilaât. auçe$powees using this medic lneIeà I sffiienUlyoured4h abe ostrtdlltga bread wagon, whlch work required me coustant3y geUtlg on aud offMYi wagon. The pains whlch I always b.d ln My aides are now oompletely gone, and 1 am n nv able ta work withoutanly pa4n whatever. In the past I ha6ve nnftored siat Indà.scrAib- TYrONem Visitons : Mies Scott, Moorfielti, Ont., at ber uncie'., 1Mr. J. Penfound'a; Miss Ada Moy»se, ,BowmatviIreat 1Mr. Mut- ton'a; Mr. idgsr--Philpi, Whbithyzï st bis b rlm xv s , e4 ! E m p o n b r h . T u » é on g.' a $ oi y crcwd of Sous sud 4aàuçht*rs of Temàper. hospîtabbe uttle ,towa. Orono a.0.E visited tho brethron hors the mre evening. The gpworth eUnear'o<i B.de* h.d Wia Grm ru~ar bh Mr. Si.PoUdis d ta ndf.w--!& -t1a7.il Itîs the pattern of the heel of the Glranby Resbber .gnd OvMersh The ii e\t tirne you buy a pair of, rubbers or o rs1iocs e' ,fO'-C-*-' s andlook for this pattern c.:x the lie, . TheIII s 711;10 need to take G <ranby t1z. iin~ t~Sainie SII.-Pe a.; yo.r boot, berause they a-re i-;:ade to fît cverv shpe of' 2sho e A rubber tliat docs flot fit the boot will draw the foot. Granby itiiibe-rç are thin, Lliglit, clastic and fit pe fec y. T h e y w e a r lik e ro n . Fine Driï,verS canhot bernadle outof horýs i l it are out of condition, Met-c y tco îeed p lenty ofoats is ot en ,ti h .A horse gets run dcown the s.îîno a- a mnan and needs a general totxin- iii) Blood Purifier e ppraon a h càë povder. It purifies the blood, strength- j estionM tara oiah' lanto a smooth and glossy one and puts the * ama~l pd~on." H.en has good life 0 and réels like holding up his lei~4fifi"1i' fret. j ILON~Qî re -. leiefitted by it. The wholëe sstem las toned UP. iThe digèestv psYng$rhghn more nutriment is drawn from the fodand the flow op.M inmread j DIk's loodPurltprwiflpa for 1Iaelf ten times over. _____CIO.-_____1 462.. 5.: 485 The roa.ds aýýe feiribly Ibad since the. ex- cessve snow storms, of lastweek. ?sftisre Cordey and McDou-gall are working five days ont of the week at the chopping. The survoyors of te- Trent Valley Canal called around on Saturday, as it w%.8 pay day, but did ziot Ieave witl>out alaroeing the natives. John MoBain*e teani ran away ini Boa- verton on Saturday, but did nôt do any serions damage. Mr D MeNabb, of Steven's Peint, Wis.. paid us a flying visit last weeki but leaves for Uncle Samoà territory on Tues. day neit. Mr G L Cla.rhe's stereopticaa views eame to -town on Friday nietht. but. h. was not- patronized very well as only six were present. Misa Mina Wollis, of Montreal seule- ment, aspent the w.ek at Mr Stl.warts. Mise Gracie Montgomery intenda go ing te Orillia te spend te sumnaer. Mesers Hill and Brady, of Brechin, etruck town on Saturday. 1H11l seemed to b. in very good shape for mnending shoea. Mr J B Stewart, of iBeaverton, spent Snndy uner the parental- roof: 1fr WJbbÈn 9ichois, our* 'earnoýus ýoIb0ie maaker., camée otown Iasbt" wee. Ev bh? e ga te see Jack? back again, fbut hià:big ýdog won't be able to asqist him lihis, eason. -Mr W J Barker, of Brechin, vas in towni' on P.fflay evening, visitine one of hie' old.friende. ýMisirMaizgie Campbell, of Orillia, spent Sunday in towo. Gea Young and bis brother Norman drove over te Orillia te spend Sunday with friands in tbat town. -Mr &rthur White intendis goÏng te No- var socu teo live with bis brother. Mr D Graham, warden, spent a day in Lindsay last week. Mfr Geo Edwarda was out-riving the, other evening at Kirkfield but oould flot see the canal after dark. Go ba.ck ini the day and see iL, George. H[ow Egdîtori Are Trffled in China. Ni,eteenbundred editors of a Pékin pàper are said te have been bebeade4. Someiïwould shuoder at such sap.ghter, Who ame be 0le'-o te facetb:a 0Oc'nswnpti»n ta 'ready'thêfauten ite fatal hbold,., temolea D.Pie' G-chien, Keýdiea1 Piscverv l teefiient te- tri.dy fçr weak luinga, s@it » f loo'd, sheurt- ne. -of brea.tb, br!itIà 1 a, utma$ severe cougbs. aid kindreti affection.. Dx.-Jê. V. Pilau: De*r Sr- m' M sy tht. t6 yen, that consumption i'h1,d-ery i1 my, wife'a famalr eahveied l d '#Ifith thée dsse. me* vif. baàa ustr,1rEA lbIery1 that w " taken with, lislu #~tfon,8h nj ~ 0 yr"Glen Md. iovery" sud, to the',$«*rpio h br ~-wfriedï ëab9 v*el, y vtfe hau also ,b dhemeérhage CI the icid , fler tsé o té- W ,à*I*nfit I, àad tire"d lber. à 8heb*ti4' ,Po syuiDtOiiUof 11on4UMptieOîDfor the p"tsLMz YIOaÀ. 11- YOUeVOtro y Town Lo)ts /'op-8aIe. Lots No. 3o0i and 302 wesý cf Brock stre-et. Southwest corner Walnut an'dolice' s:,' nortb ward, belo*giug> te eetàte of the late HePry ' Rogers. For terme appiy te OBADIAR ROGERS, Newmarket P. o. ltach 4th, I896- 4-2in. CHOICE NIGH GRADE BUCKWHEAT - 'FLOUR. Warranted stritt]Y pure. Gronnd and exchauged. Bring your giets. Write for 1ev prices te DONALD CHRaISTIE, Miller, North Star Mille, Raglan. WANTED HELPU R1ILIABLÇ MEN in every lecahity (localo traveling) te introduce a niev discovery àuki. kée Our ahcw cardMa i tèd up on trees, fences aibridges' -1u"bigbout to" naxd country. 'SÎéady,'einploihent.'.ConiiÜlson or salarv l65.oo- piér ,fiânth and, expenes and m'oneçy depoàited ini any bank -vben started. Fer particulars, Write1 The World Medical Elec'tric Ce., London, Ont., Canada.-t March 12th, '96.-3-mOs. A LL HIGHER. 1" W. hafé the Pinest Selec- ion lui tovnofetthose B'EAL/TIFUL AMERICAN WALL iA PER8à Borders to Match Come e soy end ge firàrt choice. P. B. ýWARA'f, x Brysusa old Stand, Brook St., Whitby DOMINION BANK. Capital Paid up, -$I,500AOO Surplus, - - $1 9 oS, 00 Whitb7 AgU-Oy AT Gesieral Banking E. J. THORNTOK, STONEBOATS, North Stai MW9l.-. ie~ r re. n su 'Now is the time to ibuyl .. .AT .. .« il Rightf Pri'Abe B. fbu JC rizrr r Buejnmo imimiiliia MOI m Ill - 1 LowEST

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