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Whitby Chronicle, 3 Apr 1896, p. 5

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n'i <t com1plete without a pretty set of ~ u-.î totis and cui links. You can ~ u.pretest and newest jplated se" tsti 3c Solld 15uTor Bo. i 00 at J. S. Baruard's, J EWELER, WHITBY. , h j ;- ic k les, r n.>.~ ~ ;n r oint C oibciR.1 Couflty OrgSIL-Large.t Circula- tion ofay loclpaper ln CSa.a IDAY, AARIL 3, 1896. LOCAL LACONIOS. To-dav e' (,,'d I-rîday. f.,'~or dves, liamond, Turkey, and bd A Posît, architect, Toronto, was in Mi Alfre-d Gross, of Chicago, wa.s in R n teW .da5V5thîs week. o\juctiîtl sale every Saturday evening at lb, wcrst side boot and shoe store. mi- at Ray, of Toronto, son of Mr. Chas. Kav wa- here Friday and Saturday. mpiece solid walnut parloir suite, plush, r 4ilk pluslh bauds, for $32, worth $45, at Mr Wrn (reenan, Port Hope, has re- - ui tosîl and wîil work in Kîngs lace rtbe pretuest styles ever produced in t) noè& and shoes cati be seen at M. W. Col- in', I-ast side M..sI.1,)artnelt, Toronto, sister of His j iir ldge 1artueil, is visitîng here duning (ý- 1- aster holidays. Re- sure and buy the Stater shoes ànd pro- ing lite, On exhibition at M. W. Collins' Nu-w Slîoe 'Store, East Side. A Veiry int selection of auto-harp at gýtatIy reduced prices: $2 usual price $3-1 I 'w usual price $450, $5 usuai price $6, ai rs. AlUns. Mr.(;eo. Mathison. accompatnied by his -,srMiss Jeuîuly, lefi on Tuesday, to visit triends in Woodstock, and other towns in Western Ontario. Al tht household furniture and effects ofi A A. Post Esq. - Kingston road Pickering, l,)t 3, 2nd con., inctuding phatton cart, valu- ahît piano, etc., Thursday 9îh Aprilt1896, at 1 o'clock P. M. Whitbv division court, April 2nd, 1896. Gordon & McKay vs. Brander-Action on a note. Judgment for $6817 and cosîs. Car- roîl Ys. G. E. Gross.-Referred for trial to the senior judge. 1). , Ormiston for pi. 1 bow & McGillivray for defî. The hast Anthracite coal. Nut, stove, egg, $475; NO. 2 nut, $4 a yard. J. H. Downey & Co., opposite post i ý fil ce. Pater cattle. Messrs. Gould and Hood shipped 10 M;ntrealt ast week a consîgtiment of stock, f~ ar tht best lot that has lefît his part for :-.me tUrne. A carload of cattle consisting of uanimais weigi'ed 25,070 pounds or an ..wurage per head of nearly 1400o pounds. Anoý er car w35 nmade Up of choice hogs and ca;ves. lUe latter wtre tight in number aîîdI the price paid for thrn.was $9î.oo. A Weil Known Specialist to Visit Whitby. Dir. jebb, tht well-known tyt specialist, rmTieriy of New York, aud inventor of tht tnttous Recherche Oplomneter for pointing ut every defect and disease of the eye and -.hlt wilh visit our town. Dr. Jebb is ont -' te iading opticians of Amierica. Ht :-ing'i with bitai tht high and honorable r îtnnIorinents of tht most eminent of tht iti-duical profession. Get ont of bis books -i (liet ey c and sight and set wbat others -., of bitai. lie wiil bt ai A. H. Alin's Iirug store, April 8th and9qth where he will r'-, consultation and examnination of the tIvt atd sight fret. Cures granulation and illtammation of tht tids, long standing hn .idache, neuralgia, and straigttens cross- 'tes and squint without an operation. This s an opportunity that should not be 1o(m by peophe with defective eyesight. tCorne early as many leave ilÎ too late and ire dî-sappointed in not receiving proper attention. Drjebb's long experience is tht t.etguarantet of his ability. Ontario Ladies' Colege. Tht address on George Eliot given by Miss Ladd, cf Buffalo, in Frances Hall, Thursday afternocn was a llterary treat cf tht fintst kind. Tht greatest compliment the lad>y lecturer received was the Iargest attendance cf tht ladies of tht collège that lias yet appeared in Frai ces Hall. Dr. Hart was chairman. Tho' MisasLscdd had rrquesttd that no formai vote of thanks b. Tuadefqy ber delightful contribution to tht stries of lectures being given at tht college, tht Rt,. Mr. Mannng, wbo vas one cf tht charmtd audience, made son. very appro. priae remarks upon the aub-Iject and the wa iss Ladd bad treated t.-Dr. Netdler' .electure Friday nlght-on Martin Luthier was a most interestlng exposition cf tht great religious relormer's part in tht deveiopoeent of tht German Iangisage and lIheeature. t wu net 9,t ail tht fusty, dusty, dry affair où* might expect but a llveIy story of Luthpu' ife. Mn. John Bail Dow vas chairsusu. Mr. G. H. Hoggarth muovd a vote if thimks to tht learneti Dr., who by tht way s' a feilow student at'college, andi Mt. J. S. Barnard stconded .t» motion iunsons thougbtfuh remarks teucMuga certain loUer that Martin Luther bu dttIIuL Dt. lHuré inr'osing a vote Wi taU»ks, s'btcà Re. Mr ann s scondd. for theeMArMïâ~, made very flatteriug refeoeoucStct. Dt proeslona eualoa oLTiihe ran bluablogl1 thaks oo an sd di - auonced efoW [Igyour~ atinentâ New rillînerv, ladies' hats, flowers, etc. Satterday, March 28. Newest things in dres-s goods from 7 cents up. New prints, crepons, etc., from 5c. up. New mens' and boys caps, rom i2ic. up. Open on Saturday. Big sale of groceries on Saturday. Butter anid eggs wanted. Hayward. The art of war. Capt. Cartw-right of Stanley Barracks, To- ronto, adjutant of military district No. 2, to which the 34th battalion belongs, made an inspection of tht armories here and in Osh- awa and Columbus on Saturday. Ht was met on arriving by Capt. Henderson, Capt. McGillivray and Lieut. Kinîg. Tht arms and accoutrements of tht Whitby and Green- wood companies ini tht armory of the drill shed on tht Ontario and Durham fair- grounde- were first inspected, then accoin- pan îed by Lieut. Annes tht armories at Osh- awa and at Columbus were visited hy the inspecting officer. At tht latter place Cap- tain Smith wîîs waiting in readîness. Manager Warren's father dead. On Thursday hast Mr. E. D. Warren, local manager of tht Western bank, received a telegram sýlmmoning hlm to Chatham to tht deathbed of his father, who died on Friday. 'Ne clip the folhowing from tht Chatham news in tht Mail-Empire in reference to the dectased gentleman : *The entire com- munity was shoclred on Friday at tht an- nouncement of tht death of Mr. James Mc- Lean Warren, the wellh known barrister. Tht dectased was tht victim of pneumônia, superinduced by a cold and contracted about a wetk ago. Though a sufierer from tht aI- tack, he did nul take to his bed until last Tuesday. His condition rapidly became worse until ht passed peacefully away at daybreak on Friday. Tht deceastd was born in Fort Erie, and about 18,54ruoved to London, where he studied law under tht laIe D. M Thompson of that city. Upon tht completion of his studies, and after he had been calted to tht bar, he« moved to Chatham, and commenctd practice in i86r. Four years later he met and married Miss Baby, daughîer of Mr. Edwin Baby, of Dover. Six children were born to themn, five daughters and a son, ahI of wbom, with tht widow, survive their faîher, Manager Warren, of the Western bank, Whitby, being tht oldest. Tht deceased gentleman was well known and highly respected in this city, and the bereaved fanzily have uiniversal sympathy in their loss." mhe Vacant Reglstrarship. There is aaid to be quite a strnggie going on among the applieaizts for tht wtaring of the late J. Ham, Pekry's officiai footwear. Hon. John Dryden.may -net be losing much sheep nights over thet oatter, but on tht other hand he la certauly oct ullov-ed to take any naps indayligttHe hears-and it is well lmpressediPtn him--that there are many who want It.n our innocence we wuiked down with thse others tei inter. ctpt Mir. Dryden at the staion on Mondayý snorning, and madie our applicaton. Ithati struck us that out continuons and powerfnl efforts as a public journaflht who shedaI hight sud truth snd wieseuu al tk, irrespective cf party, creed, or color, acoul Mtfitle us te naine wbatever.gve wmtt*ad, takt-i$.Tht extremely coidd-a d 114~ manuel' ln which Son. Idt. Dryden eer ed ont appfication rendered this pu1n urs te a cextaity, u we felt ;buta *i.4fried~ afterwards teck us aside and hifomed us, that service of the county dSs - sot- conat in a mtt.r of this kindworkfor the i belsg thse qusiWÎcm*loxlAU , & the *calus es' from' m o l,*c begu to sme wbgrmen meM o Ptmsa frienda ini tovn on Ptrdday lut. Cali and see the. Slater sbu. at M. W.- Colline' Ne* Sho. Stbre, Eau Bie. W. cannet command succesa, but w. cau coaz It along by Judiclous advertislng. Mr. Roger Rice, express messeuger on the Local, was with hi& parents over Surn- day. Hot cross bun social gîven by R. T. of T. to-night, Good Friday, over G. Y. Smith'u office, admission îoc. ColleenB&> n i music bail Easter Monday night, by 1-lbernian Dramatlc company, of Oshawa. Reserved Reats 25 cents at Allin's drug store. Mr. McAlpine who occupied the pulpit in the Baptist church so acceptably last Sun- day is a nephew of the late Lion Alexander McKenzie. There were brilliant flashes of lightning over Lake Ontario on Sunda> night. There was a thunder storm in Haldimand county, west of Niagara. We have as many pretty styles as any shoe store in Toronto, and our prices are away below. Call and inspect ai M. W. Collins' New Shoe Store, East Side. Thursday, 9th April i896,.çale of household furniture, piano, etc., property c-f A. A Post Esq., lot 3 1t) the 2nd concession Pickering on Kingston road. For particulars set posters later. Mr. R. H. Bradburn, Peterboro, has been here this week putting in electric appliances. He fits shops or residences with electric belîs or incandescent lights, the latter being attached to the electric light wot ks on favor- able terms. When a paying number of the series lights are put ini they will be run until 12 o'clock each night. Scotch songs will be given b y Mr McAI- pine at the social to be bel d at Sheriff Paxtons to-night, lPriday, commencing at .:30. Misses Lick and King of O.shawa are also expected, besides local talent. Gaines will be provided. Refreshmnent will be served during the evening and the Whitby Orchestra will be in attendance. Ail for i5c. The militia general orders and instruc- tions dated April ist are out. They deal with mobilization, permanent corps and de- scribe the new pattern of officers' sword and also contain the return of comparative effi- ciency of cavalry, and infantry. In the in- fantry, where the fult marks were 150, the 34th is in the excellent position of fourth with go marks. The services at the methodist tabernacle next Sunday will be of a special character. In the morning there will be a children's service, consisting of singing both by the infant clasa, and by the Sunday school, the recîtal of an Easter ode, and an illustrated address. In the evening there will be a spe- diat song service by the choir. The church as usual on Easter Sunday will be decoratetd with plants and flowers. An unfortunate accident. Master Donald Barclay, son of Mr. L. T. Barclay, of thib town, while playir'g with other children in the dining roem on Tues- day fell and broke his arm. The little feliow is doing as well as can be expected. H.yrwards locals. We clip tht folowing (rom tht Linds.ay Watchman, :ýn reference to tht digging nut of Condtictor McMillian's train near Man- chester hast week : "Ont of tht worst pointri on tht whole Midland systtmn for deep snow was in Robinson's cul between Hligh Point and Manchester. Roadmaster Ferguson went out on Monday with two engines and a snowplow to work (rom Ibis end, whihe two engines and a phow were working (rom tht Whitby end. They also tîad about ont hundred men with shovels, assisting in tht work. There was no hotel convenient and tht men were without re- freshments, when Mr. Geo. Robinson came t0 their rescue with two pails filled with piping hot coffée, and he kept repeating this trip until tht boys had demolished no less than eight pails of coffée. After i-un- ning out of coffet he drove to Manchester and got a fresh supply. Tht boys are al delighted with Mr- Robinson's hospitality, as thty were working in tht eut from six o'clock in the morning until nearly nine at night. This good hearted fariner stoutly refused 10 accept any recompense from Mr. Ferguson-not even accepting the price of tht coffet. It was certainly a thoughtful act, and tht G.T.R. should recognize it by issuing a fret pass 10 Mr. Robinaçîn for ife. Tht cut is nearly a mile long, aud tht snow was about fifteen feet deep. " (Tht above is Dr G-to Robson, of Prospect, whose smiling countenance is known 10 evtry resident in South Ontario and whose kindness of heart manifests itseif on every occasion possible. -ED. CH) I Afleged wholesale forgtry. There bas been a great deal of talk and excitement in town during the hast wetk about a series of forgeris amnounting t0 $9,ooo or $io,ooo, alleged te have beeni committed by John Smith, drover. Most people remember that about fifteen yeans ago .he married Mrs. O'Neill, widow of the hale Wm. O'Neii, who kept tht Whitby junctlon hotel. At that timne Smithbhad several farms, and Mrs. O'Neil bad about $iS,ooo in money and town property. Smith has atways employed himstîf since, gener- ally buying fat stock for sipmnent,,t for the tasi three or four years bas been keeping tht juoction hotel, until last (ail, when it was sold. There bas been tahk for a year or twe that Smitb was.not se welt o)ff as be used 10 be, but nobody couhd fihîd out wbtre tht tatk started, and people did flot believe k.- Last week. however, worse rurnors began 10 float round. It was reported that Smith bad drawn $5.000 out cf tht Western bank whichbhad been placed there in bis wife's name. It was claimned that «she knew notb- ing cf iL. Then men began te turu up wbo had loaned Smith large suins of money on jo)int promissory notes signed by hlmx and his wife. She repudiated these signatuùres as fast as tbey wer. presented, and then about a dozen menu who lend moniey -on prooeissory notes began te get togetber, sud1 te compare notes, as it were. J. H. Long had ene for &5w0, The.. ESnàettj Towu Lne, one for usc, P. Ryau One for -85Sp Wln. Morcombe $500, Wma. Mcflrlen . $ao jos. ?4erib $ojy ho» Pide 00afauinbor er ~auud jry 400, -nsu o . SaWs tiaree <ns sigued witI, SpuIU's tQ, e'v.rv no0te. and thealgiutn apsoear- 0 The iityles, cf the season are here'--40s ovhere Oelo-7-newer, rioher, oe. exèiusitve than the beut- of utyPen expecti, We-'ve gathèred with e"tre. oeue fromn the Ieading fashion centres, sdwe are puz.Zlod te-know how te teli of it al.é Our millinery opening was a -grati4 .BuècCoS, snd the opinions 'were that our display was f*i*dÏ ahead of anything, ever 8h0wu. We trim Hs t te rder in any desired style; but good work a'. be rush ed. Get. your order placed early and give us ail the time you can. Prices here are pou.- sible te the leaneat purses, even for the highest style novelties. Advenwushg' la 1fMonthé ;f* if 1 1lü, in wbai would be otherels. 'a chala of auctes.. X»r. tDisney bas returued to town after r a udiug the winter with ber daughter in ornbüry. Tht list of convictions for the county cf Ontario during the last three menthe may be found on an Inside pag , Mir. Thos. Hallett left for the North West on Tuesday. He gots te take the forman- ship on his brother-ln-law's farmn. Ex-Was-den James Parr anid Mr. P. Hoît were here on Tuesday, on business connect- ed with tht estate of the late Charles Hoit. Mr. Douglas Adams, Port Perry, who has beeti at Trinity school, Port Hope, spent Wednesday in towtî, vlsiting his aunt, Mrs. Annes. Colleen Bawn in music hall Easter Mon. day night, by Hibernian Drètmatic company, of Oshawa. Reserved seaus 25 cents at Allin's drug store. The junior hockey club have had their picture taken by Photographer Thompson. The piciure is a good one and niay be seen at the photo gahlery. Wait for the Moîlier Goose market by the ladies Qf Ahi Sain's church, Wednesday April î5th, i town hall afternoon and even- ing. Good musical programme, etc. For particulars see advt. later. Make no engagement for Thursday the 9th April 1896, but attend A. A. Post's stîle on that day at lus residence Kingston road, Pickering. Valuable furniture to be sold without reserve, furniture nearly new. We announed last week that a childs' rubber had been left here to be claimed. It was called for at seven o'clock Friday tnorning. If you are desirous of quick re- suits in adverîising cali on the CHRONICLE. The R T of T. will hold R social to-night. Good Friday, when a jolly time may be looked for. Hot cross buns and aIl sorts of social gaines will be provided. Admission ici cents. On Monday night next tht Hibern'an Dra- matic company of Oshawa, will give a per- formance of Colleen Bawn in the music hall. There will be plenty of fun and Irish wit. 25 cents admission. Reserved seats without extra charge at Alns drug store. The ladies of the faculty of Ontario Ladies' College and Mrs. %V. J. Greenwood gave an at home in the parlors of the college on Sat- urday afternoon to enable lhe town ladies to meet Miss Ladd, who lectured on 'George Eliot" on Thursday afternoon. James Wilson, a young fellow sent from Oshawa to j ail on Friday hast, committed on a charge of snatchiug a gold watch and making off with it froin Foo Lee's Chinese' laundry in that town, was sentenced by Judge Burnham on Saturday to three muonths in jail with bard labor. The Aprîl Fool party at Mrs. Tamblyn's on Wednesday nîght was a success in every sense but that of good .veather. Many were kept away and as a result missed a good night's fun. The young ladies were all dressed as wenches, and had arranged a programme ro bring out their character, and to fool the audience at every turn. Their songs and jokres were ail bogus, their con- duct in general given to tricks that are vain, their refreshmnents allayed wriîh occasional plates of indigestible cookies. Day.' Leadersht in Dress Goods. We have the fkest dis- play of tMe ewest styles of Dress Goods in town. Beautiful Black Lustre, regular 60c., our price only 45c. SPECIAL-Figured Lustr~e, Bieiian, etc., at only 50c., sold elsewhere for 75c. Very newest style ini Tweeds, (only 1 drese pattern iai piece, no 2 alike), at very lowest prices. ~ ail and inspeet our goods and you will easily be conviraced. c. Fi NO URGING At w. ONLY LOW PRICES DIR~IEJSS COOODS. STE WART. TO Go. BUY WALJTE RS', AND NEW IXRiEMSS GOODS. GOO0DS. Our Spring Dress Goods display speaks volumes for the ta.ete and good judgmient of our buying. We have muade special efforts to ontdo former seasons in point of variety of styles and richness of Fabrios. How well we have sucoeeded we aak you to cali and judge. NIEW ÂRRIVLS MOMI AUl Wool Serges ini Black, Oream, and ail colore. Sheperds, Checks, Satia y- CIloths, Priestlys Cloths, Silver Silks, White and Oolored Dot Muel[ins, New ~ Mohairs, Plain Mohairs, solid colore with raised figures Mohair and silk mix- tures, Mohair Checks, Mohair Fancies, etc., etc. N1ew Styles New Fedoras in BIsck ntt 5Oc., worth 75c. at 75c., wortb $1. New Fedorasi 13lack at $1, worth $1.50. Men Nutria at $2.00 and $2.50. in -Hard and Soft Rats, New Fedoras in Black at 75c., werth $1. New Fecloras in Browa in Black and Brown at $1.25, worth $1.75. New Federo Rat la- î's DUNLAP, KNOX and YEOMÂN'S Style ini Black, Brown sau(- If you want to see the largest stock and latest styles and newest shades this is the store for yon le viit. ~'~See Special Fedora this week at 50Ct." Mon's, Youths' and Children's Men's Ail Wool Tweed Suite at. Men's Ail Wool Tweed Suite at. Men's Ail Wool Tweed Suite et. Men's AUl Wool Tweed Suite at. Men's Grey Worsted Suite t... Men's w. Black Worsted Suite at $10, werth $16 Go. Samnples After, Five Years' Trial the best before th e Public, K 0.-I WALTE RS, Free!. III~ Re ady-made Tweed 8uitc~ Childreii's Blue Berge Suite t. .$ Ohildren's Tweed Suite at...... .. 2 Ohilre#Ws Tweed Suite at ........... 2 Childrexl's Tweed Suite at ...... . To fit ages 5to12 yearswe haveal&M. asertmept te select from. *WhitIbye WM. TILL> STOP .À4ND THIffI1 I Before yoù purohase >YuPrïtii Goo&-Wi Matftàua n-soeV 'TRAmS AGZNCY. Ar- Saturday, - - Bargai*n >er yard. ENS. 0$1,50 e fo re. )ods. )0,000 ff,000 -ashier. sacfmd ýeo ts n k; lu anch. lares. 5 «< )n- o( t lie natre B-utK un the at tht 'va bic -r and it tUe je as inter- sarily Uri n ast Ning 1 or >Vr,. fruit final Litne 0eX, Il SOL)E

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