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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Apr 1896, p. 3

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Will Neuves, amo t tii, loto hm tt ido ihbele~ in Boston, 'Mass., a ecenly interr g aigo heg1.1Pe ilagv viewod by the oeooter Ossette, 1lus aPretty goem«et sdos s ,which ho enum-tainiiigiy talked about ho went UP te George ,1'ratts 'Shay his experience in the Soudan. TheGore have yon any brether T' h. uraztto gays. :nquIr. 'Yes, fdur,' vas the an- Mr. W. J. 1-. Nâurse, of Boston, avor. 'Why ift thunder didn't thoy forinorly local manager fer Bradaitret enlist f Later on, howevor, seveol w&B in town laut evening. Ris ex. of tho other Pratte vent into- natural periOlicOs as a Canadian voyageur history and pickled scorpion» snd with the Nule expeditioli of 1885, un- similar reptiles and insects in their der General Wolsley, are familiar to rum rations. This Johnnie nover ap- Tlafy Worcester men vho have heard proved of. It eut off four-tifths of his smoke talks. Risi adventures bis supplies." were ma.ny and exciting and ho had Speaking of the Abyssinians, Mr. the opportunUties to pick up mucli Nonnse uaid they were the finest iformation which makres bis opinion fighters in the world. With equal of the present expedition againRst tàe veapons the Italiauq would b. whip- Arabe of value. ped mari for man, and evon piekedi In Mr. Nourse's judgmont, Goneral British soldions could not hope to vin FI.tchener is the greatoit living fight- unloas the oddis in numbers were with er of Arabs. Re knows thoir ian- them. The Araba fear tho Abyurn- guage and their customi, religions and ians and no other soldiors. They ,SOCial.1 and is able te go among them fight with tremendous courage, ini idisguise with itupugnity. During which religions fronzy plays no part, the Wolseley campaigri, Mn. Nonnse Mild hii boat comrados were, proceed . imm ilng up the river close te tlip bank, i lTUujID In lin when they passed an Arab propelling0F NDG TI . an irrigation wheel. He wartiod them OFM GRTOR to keep to the othor shore, but the Voyageurs laughed at bis words. Thon ufrgos eePan title they ran aground, The Arab des- Oould Not Move st Times. cended to the bank and remarked in exoellent English, "'You damned fools, A CUSaE COMES THROUGH1 SOUTE 1 teld you to koop away." The Arab AMERICÂN NEBVINE. w as K itchoner, then a British .0aptam Unequi vocal Testimony of John Snell and* an Egyption major, diaguised te of Wingbm.m, Ont, et into the secrets of the Dervishes. ThIis s ase of eonfidence. Mr Snel Such a maxn should know lus enemlies b en oevoreîy afflicted with kiAne. well.disease, and wass ured of tht. trouble b: Moreover, said Mr. Nourse, no liv- South American Kidney Cure. Ha like ing mari can handie troops and their the DAsmo, and whou indigestion took boli trains in that country as cari Kitchen- of the system in soe of its worst brm er. e knws hw t brek uptheb.vau naturafly drawn te South Amerî *~r.He nowshowte beakup te cn Nervine sas a cure for the diseue. H A rabs, te preverit their concentrating. t.ied the medioine, and thoughbuh lie wiil divide up his .-olumns te draw snfféed inteiisely, it reqmrfed oaly tw the eneniy to various points. And ho boutles teo entirely cure bimn. It iguDn has a splendid soldicry. possible in cold type to describe the teý Mr. Nourse doos not consider the rible bold that this trouble b.d taken c Fonge brre mahinegunso eady aMr Snels systeoe, for as a m.tter siearrel a he gun ose deadly a fact the pains in tho upper part of ti wloenapon s u a as te ui ein tfea tomach were at times Be severe thât ti former barols, suche a sdlin the whole sYsteoe becanie paralyzed. Bi formr cmpalu. he ingl barelthere is an explanation for the surprisii soon gets cloge,- whie it makes lit- cures tbat Nervine eftecte. IUs gresi di tie differenice if 'oue or two of the coverer got at the root of diseuse wlD dozen barrels hecome uselesi. A be proved that bealtbfnhneis dependa Word picture of the efiect of this fire the condition of the nerve centres. Fro thýese flow the life blood that cres on the Arab hordes is something health. Nervine does not act the pari horrible, They weriti down in hun- a pain killer in the sense of temporali ilrods before the hail Of bullets. irernoving disease st one part by, perbal 'Suokeless powder, this veteran does aggravatinu soe otber part, but not approve of etitirely. Smoke strikes at the nerve centres, and gii soreens the mon, for onie thing. In life and health to thein, and then, liiî the noke the soldier lires from the etreaBi plrified at the source, the wh, hip nd nturaly te ai is ow ad sitemn soon becomes punified. Soi hipandnatraly he miis ow ndAmerican Nervine, Âgnew's Catle deadly. With a clean view the or* Cure, Âguewta Heart Cure, sold only dinary shoulder -position je usod and j E Wîllis. after a few hours cf fighting the e- soldier is knocked aIl te pieces by the Sehool RIeport SA"l constant recoil cf the rifle. The following is tbe standing cf tbe pu The following anecdote illustirates in their separate classes, and is based upcr somecf he pivaion cf ucha c M nckfinocs held duriag the month Of Mai arid the distiriguished audience smiled. Wedd 3681 D Ballard 11,. juniOr-fou Whe al ws ve WoseoyaddesedA. BeutlY 73, F Crozier 6qi, M. Ck the Caradi as: " havsey eeeridlgh649, 1H. Sutherland 643, F, Lakley 62 the anadans -Ihavebeendeliht-Wslker 4S9ý P Orchard 48, E Hemn1 .d ut your eitertainuinft anid have had Sutherland 436, C Sonley 42 P Law7tC A Hornl365, NHOMfl349, l rus 150. a incet erjoyable evenirig, but, boys, four-h - Mitchell 5o3, E Walker 4< that wood cost the govemnunerit £10 a Sanderson 47ý S CafYe 444, A walkel cor."E Orchard _;r, E LakeY 323, E LswtoI While Mr. Nourse was talking this rnorning a gentleman remirided hum of the stirring magniificence cf the cone- II mony of salutirig the colore at Buck- ingham barracks, ini London, when the Coldstream Guards, the Black Watch and other fanions regimouts pa.raded and honored the British flag whilo an enormous band play& "Goci» Do yoU t X save the Queen.t" "Every mari aven six foot tail and 0ve1 ryich a soldie," a case w etf 4h said Mr. Nonnse, taking up the se'ject, "but you shonld see those t ue axly samne mon, clad i rage; in abnnniug7 dosent, go through the saine ceremony. yal e It's sublime, magnificeut, 1 reMem 4. r t hem one day when Wolseley watch6di so w jfla the ceremony. The battered rg-~- p ments had saluted the.- fiag. The. n, came tue Naval brigade, just oue litaëI fellow with bath arma in Bliugs ,i. fUI(I only survivor of those who had -male ~ Sncb a galart, hopelOi fight the d&Y $l" W befone. The silon nmarhed tQ t1he colore. Ro could natsaInte with uhs poor arma, buthe turueéd sud wmard- ed pagtas he. hadsomsn»y --times-e fom vth hts çO MM, e bd ncioh, ybïta àheè~r 'W&,tyi for t ,1tt etsý**i'» 5s sent aval,. bowej5, ace, gan te ma nable to, g*t Mnhs and. 6 Infoe for 0ould bol4,ý evry day;, WATT, 6 table ami4 gista. 250 n 31B3. e- rilf Brea n for ]mUrdez of tby oSer t-o t-h publie eoe m hgrâttb* m5t C~uuautiOPlaSi1laU eiemunedO e. tie.. toe t peenetow*-fl. hbdsst. pal ai Chrt iministei'5 from Ar dmuggi8bu is ai l menia-4000mes msared. CoL Stevani, eomaffd tb 1 Sphi iioon poifreu se PIav-ONiiOI W1» nBIIt' lshea billpro~~la~?s1Of dsolui4 e me t-b meS pooofu it*,*n Soub he%--lr@U8trouble beive 1* 0 iVPLOit># Brifi » Ml sd iboha. - * "A W u4hiasuto Oissa-Oom@0lu emmitw on ouBet,*hÉmayîS Media Mi. MrasSoe u eln Mdeao* .lu Ir",Twê eee srai of Ils-ior flue shipuMnof et le tock oA<lay, miedia! hlM ecotme6obut uolhing foi tbe Torono uo ster maket. le.ked out. MmRd aKennedy apeul sunaday in NI>ÂTr, IAE 80 Linuay. Montira--tonduOtefl Mulligan, Defries )& M jurdon sud fJamily, vho lefrs ad Tamblyn &dbIscardOuniitha brge bono about àa jeu mgo. have relured sud et "knooking clown fate. laken up their meodence mong us aain Gbioo--Whest fli ' t 0.Miss eBlla autme Sud Geutude Winnipeg-RoportA that MAnutoba de- Cluttbey, of Beaero entSunay ini mande the vitbdrswal of Roe" ia1b. to. fore proceeins ith auj&DYneg*gtitOuiiMiss Duf P airvalleuvAs agueet f3out lrh A .ýBrWtib victory over the et the meidene of Mr Thos Sbenidan - ~ ~ ~ ~ u Mea.ls ia eak. England-Oxford vins th. oight.oared Ratber cool jet for 'stravbatt, je1 race vith Cambridge. Smrn r nning tb. seasoU. Nov York-Bill psased unitinag Nev Mr Jas Smithband so0 John, Of (Orlii, 'York and Brooklyn-State liquer law upens SmudaY lest, 1h. gueéta of Mr John aimia.m le Ontario put ini opemalien. MEwe3. TUBSDÂ'r, M&IC 81 Miss EUie O'Donnail buarrlved home Oicago-Wbest higber 6410e. frein a Ivo veeki vieil vith Gillas London, Eng-M.r Balfour aya th. Brit- friands. ish Govermmnt is net talkung OfPur- Mm.iteren, pblic srehMoonspelor ehsuing Deli4oa Bsy, B ut Afic. vi oie l f.tsehoairtexhomeM ed sy lit . n Montroal-W C Ms.douald, he vealthy Sme et li.ofoBd aoy nldw 11k. gte no tobaseo r snufacturer, gîves 8150900 tuedeauy.of B pyngs m n vstat Wu"nnipeg-o MtGiluni raityJos Umiker vasuii U bridge Mouday. Winiedg-N of0ero rprarm]e. MrProphet, e1 ÂtheuieY, la the gueit me WonéeDnBSAY ARIltof 1S Prophol. Main stresS north. Cbicao-Whs lovePrIL gR White, of Waubaushene, Io spend- South Âfrios-AffiTU more serion- igs o ayei h ldbmeia El W bolo M atabele counm r rsïng. ha r. & » t f K r fi l ,s e t S n WiuuiPize-RePOrt0d failure of sehool day the gueut ef ber sister, Mrs. Thon negotiaàtione--mu eS tart for home Sheridan. te-day. ottaws-Sir Ch"s Tuppar reade Dm ff Sprouje and Mn MôNeil out-Stormy bY seene ever dia Bamedial Bi-GOveru y ment theatan closume. Bd Berlin-The Brealan murderer acquitted. ,Id Political-Rsce for the Registramflbip ri. grovu excitn-A. nimber cf promin- oe nt local politicaus ge te Toronto tte- p made--The Liberal convention at wo Brooklin adjourned for à veek owing Why wear wool ? tt te bad rmade. To keep out cold?INO. on THURSDAY, APRLIL 2 T ePi et cf Lodon, Eng-cIRi E, Blake suddenly ITotkeebod i 5n heat.%4 he indispoeed-No hope for Canadi aot. fhbd s upldwt ha tle men. plenty of fresh alr-oxYgefl- ut Winnipeg-RleIOdaW conference fails. and proper food? It will gener- i* Montral-G TB eang increas.slg- ate sufficient warmnth to pro- ls C pR propering. onlegumFv mnsmeee o tm-ect you on the coldest day- on turing Field to deatb. Sots Euso fCd ,a &frica-Abymuinniani etreaing for vant Ji ver i,-wîth HypophosphiteS. c f cf prvi.sions - 5 O0O Brit" ihsodi9 o ebes teth fo d T ily ba gent te Soutb Afnica le quel1 rbel. is theb twrthfd.T n Lpi, lion. iRAAR r people, people with poor blood îit RDY Ptl r who are easiiy shaken by a vos G ood F iday. c l i d t k c t ' m l e B6 Witby-Bandl's dog, "Bnider," poison cl idtk ct' ml mIoe ed. Sion anid it makes good bloodt ýuth SATURDÂ&y, ApRu .4 ipoe h pe'e n biTh ttaw&-Eight heure maka . d ii ainmprOvsefeSth, apeieboin- rby pintizig butre an d goveumelil work-craeflhulShsbdy shope.» warrnth, and prevents the 111 Wiugheufl-Four of dia Field's Outraffeis resuits f rom colds, coughs, committedl for manslsughter-A fth and exposures. - UPIls turne qneens evideuce. SCCYT'S EMULSION 5.a bm mS io*d Ivby,. irh Sporting-Qtiebec gais the C W À meot, fnmiwoetyyWS.dus loba Robinson,eof Hamilton, is prasident. >o. u eew t home= 's>" wriipg-behi sewblookade cf liv" ü ] ibis, tre. days likely te b. bruken te day. May . ,0b Io .,r,-..,h bor bW b.y p Ethel MONDÂY, PRML 6th So ou.nf~4oS .~aoe4sWsmu B4U - -Dfor eul- 1W 0G. C. L 0mOe, ab"eraof t»Sl blrsd~~l m dowomuSiS leub byrobeoti - - s ff a yp Mmd oebueKl - mwdo,. mth m.& -d m-b *1~io-wo~slip1)36. etI ebm gâovbtIa III S Ce. OrdehEOIW.L WhS Dab5vuit . voge-bmt er trL Wb= m vabwus, 0uSd, .bocied fer Castoris. Wbo e bwào b beméoM. Iscing tO CautoLa.. A branci eft te bsakcof Harnilton viliPro- bably bo openail si Winnipog.- a GOsT onSOer.m (Publisked êy Requesi.) A Dear Mr. Editor :Wilyen kindly - f fcrin th eadersof. y our uluable paper liai I will gladly send FRER te any soiem romu Lest Maiahoci, Nervous Debility, Nigbt Los., Vark coe.,ImpoletSiy asi the issuis of youtbful folly. çsuticuliri of a simple anid iuerpesuiivS f115em oseIemwièciiafter b.- iug humbugged anmuidnuped upon fer year by quachu mand patent medim sharks, creil u'e lu a fev veeke. 1 have noing It el or give away, uer arn Il OdvehISingday p«t medicine busines, butiivil be fssdt-o hea frein any suffSrt xions te foii a for mbis complait t hm I1 lslmpte omuae tialy boy md by wvus meas J ses cuOd - Hundrede bave bo e e d l=rugb sy ad- vlCe. (Joute nehiag te leuu vtl1Ipali bu.- dreds ai dollars te imd eut. Addiee cSft- dentially ad m i ls amp if cenveubeut D. G. OWEN. - 'WSto. nont. Riverside P.O. - mmuy sud Jîpan bas beau ignd. HE WANTS OTHERS TO KNOW. Puai &tore* km«, buta e -, t poi riial or tbai m*foerfri Nevus o bII ýîl»tp ;eminsl O ~ hais- Inr ai" MU y Damse- l oe. m ult unnmamyselfb5, IestàinyOu t iat ownsrt~stelsmsBU ml4# WILL BUY 1 ~1 .u~.8.. ou bhi~L Mn ey, moumnts sud sëel feir Cený SSvin!t Co fL.~ 1i fr, PaàwgoïiC, Dnp -uotbing Byuup,4anti Cà~.Vo Itlah nomeU. 1%4 aauola titurt, .,ei .CV M,. g~,oiubUB. Oat@Yt5pIOVOtS vmil Be Sur OWM6 .uDlIMb<DBMd ti WIU4colle. uowa.1w teethlag troubles* cures c@nstia00 ntM à" lecy CettorliàmlsBts b*.raB the sua* ant bves gvlg hesltby at Wtà i~Cia Cùià nteia REU b. , Ua r om ita JREB i jk<ll.I 't W" t . U I& à$ before me? la 5110 i5 (.r l Mo. Qiy vw emute« adoubt. are tee-- 'hitby. JI Wh irable, ry liti 1 '

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