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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Apr 1896, p. 5

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are not complete without a preîîy set of waist buttons and cuif links. You cam wet the prettiest and newesî plat" "Mets ..a.... no BoUd Sllr BoSet ».. at J. S. Baruard'a. JEWELER,ý WHITBY.1 ,miiujhd Siher Buckleî, j s.ai .Sk and Hauar Pi ai made Io look hke mew. omou"i Coiaty Orgaix.-Largoa irculoi- tion eofai local paper la cAaa.ada FRIDAY, AARIL 10, 1896. LOCAL LACONIOS. Scott rej)5115 ail kinds of pumps. Allitis for dyes, Diamond, Turkey and I-and Mrs. Haie spent Sunday in Bowý «pieces new black dres goods to se- frua0>M2,SC LO $2.,50. Mr. E D) Warren, of the Westernk bank, iŽn Chatham for eater. u.ictàon sale every Saturday evening ait tîh. west side boot and shoe store. RI.VRPlug is the highest grade and * he,,t flavored Chewîng Tobacc-o nade. to the mother goose market in town Snert Wednesday, gîven b.v the ladies of A» aints' Clourch. The Rev. Professor Edward C. Cavlev .'preach in Ail Saints church on Sunday iiext. morning and evening. Miss Ruby Gibson, daughter of Mr. Giborr of Toronto, is visitiug her ~:~drothrMrs. Y. Gibson. Mv -Siater shoes are so comfortable I sleep n f them, Go down andi see them at the' New hý>e - itore, M. W Collins, East Side. Mr Byron Huggard has sectîred a situa- tion with Messrs. Stone & Wellington, Font- li.! nurseries, and left here Monday to at ttrnd Io t. A very fine selection of auto-harps at igreatly reduiced prices $2 usuai tirace S3 f. sù usual price $4_50 $5 usual price $6, at 'les'. Allîn's. -Mirs. R. Collins, of thirî town, went to 0 >hawa on Saturdey night and won a set -j dishes at the Ka-rio ta ow she lieating ( î-hawa's champion ernait'bucksawists in 8 Ywood-cutting contes'. A boy of Wm. Hopper's, aged about four- ,teen, tvas badly bitteýn hy lhael NMc- -weeney's dog on Monday, hasitî% a large jit-e taken out 01 the fleshy part of lus ara>, The (dog was destroyed at once. NIr. Wmn. Strain again took charge of the express car on tht' \hitby Manilla lie on Nlr Ay h aiti Iee laid off five muntht M t a oreleg Hi mai' friends were happy t-' congratulate ii a> upon his return to the i îad( Mr. Mladden, who has filled M r. ',irai fns place efflcientl v, retired to Torouîto w.t verybody's goodwill. The Anglican clergy of the neighborhood wr I assemble in Whithy on Monday and i uesday next, the occasion being the quar- tteri' deanery meet of East York. In con- niection wîth the meet there wilI be a special 1ýerv1cf in Ail Saints' church on M1onday e'. ening ait 7.30, at which it is expected dtha Rt-v ()> B. Croft of Markham and G, A Rt oh Cannington wifl deliver addresses. All are weicoroe. Thse best Anthracite cota. Nut, stove, egg, $4 75 , No. 2 nut. $4 - at ard J H. Downey & Co., opposite post t ' fCe. Pruabyterians. The ladies of St. Audrew's congregation are now busi' makiug useful sud fancy ai- les, sud purpose haviug a sale under the auspices of St. Audrew's Ladies Jid Society ,.r" Fridayn, the 28tb of may. Furtiter par- t-cuises wil be given aI a later date. A grand succes The easter social heîd at M ra. Paxton's ou l-r"ay night was s big affair, te large hin-,se heing filed with people of ail denomi- nalîîins Tables were set for refreshments i the' dining room Rev. Mu-. Sycamore %%as nominal chairman. but the programme uas very informai. Rev. Mr-. McAipine sang his Scotch songs un splendid style,, and NMss Lick, Oshawa, gave somne readîngs. i ni- Whitby orchestra 6flied lu ail the extra t:me with a programme of instrumiental s-lections which won them great praise. Taken aitogether titis was probabiy lte best bouse social heid lu îown titis winter. Almoat a victixu. Mr-. Geo. Cormack, our whoiesale tomber- man, narrowiy escaped being s victlm of a whoiesahc lumberman fraud at Oswego last week. About s mentit ago be receiveti a tetter from a party cahicti Swift lu New York, asking if ho couid suppiy oo,ooo feet cf ix ici incht lumber. Upon repiying lunlte af- firmative sud sîating his ternis, one item cf s/bicit vas cash down, he received lettern scceptiug bis ternis, sud oftctng weil-ratcd New York finms as securlty, and s contract wau compieted. Qne carload of the luer was shippcd te Svtft's order at Oswego, but on second thought thîs vas couiternadied at te susp ou brdge, and on Mouday week Mr. Cormuack vent to Osvego t loek int malIers. Ou atrlvlug lu Qevego b. fou nd a number of othor'cmrs îld ap by parý- tCs Whohad conucd -the Junubo teSwift or eteb. a ferva=ded ampie carloadis ta their own order, aud 64 Otloved to, koega vi de open oye o« tho jprosctve deMir* Cormack vwu n« long in .Ooweg be(flSre feund ot tbat Swift won to turc 0,cr ail lbe lusuto te .011OUCGo who vep > g for II~ G lte lumber' thatSvft wms gtbgWtepar. te varioiu Iabemen.pu, t 414 Sotý'U lu t NewoMmlgtubt o s&ffuetW lu towupoa Tmu.. Spring touic, reduced id 35.ý One of Mr. X. Etlls boys fractured hiesu on Wedneoday of ft*ek Men's ready-uasde tweed pants at <aoo SI,~d<. 2 &t , at W. G. Walter%'. Mr. E. J. Thointon of the Dominion batik spent bis easeu bolldays in Toronto. Arthur Taylor, son of H. B. Taylor Esq., left Wednesday to attend college in Wood- stock. If t.he weatber continues moderating until about the a2th May we shall tap oui maple t.rees. Be sure and buy the Siater shoes and pro- long lite. On exhibition aI M. W. Collins' New Shoe Store, East Side. The signa of spring have been rather meagre this week, but ail the same the main streets are dry and saooth and dusty as if it were 24th of May. Two Pickering hotel-keepers are applying toi tavern licenses this y ealr, Messrs. Gordon, Pickering, anu Gerow, Brougham. They must be expecting the local option law to be deciared învaild. $îo reward wiil be given to any person who can buy boots, shoes and rubbers cheap. er titan they can be procured aI the wesî aide cbeap boot and oe store. Auction sale ev.ry Saturday evening. Tbe chi*dren of the presbyterian Sunday school gave a very good caster entertain- ment on TuesdRy night, whlch was attended by a good audience. Refresbments were served in the basement. a ar ofMay, Aave. o rateine est , rc aCar ofMatonAaveets are te 5he bench Model, Yatisi or Constour, &Il sizes frotn 18 to 36. Nursing corsets at 51.00 do 51.40. Lad;es' and Misses' Hygeian waists, etc., W. G. Waters'. Mr. Frank H. Till is in îown this week representing Messrs. Pilkington Bt-os., St. Henlens, Eng., and ban booked an order for a new plate glass front for the grocer store of Messrs. Mathison Bros. It wili be a very fine job when completed. The authorities of Ontario Ladies College here telegraplied Rev. A. B. DemilI, Oshawa, imnmediately upon hearmng of the destruction of his college at Oshawa by fire on Monday night. Everything in and around this college was placed at Mr. Demilî's disposai. Petutions for mitigation of the sentences of Brown and Lowr, iateiy sent to the central prison from bere for atîempted assauit upon te littie H-amiton girl of Atona. have been circulated in that vicinity and signed very numerousîy, and have now been forwarded to Ris Honor Judge Dartnell, the convicting judge, for endot-sement. The' hope of the friends of the prisoners is to have 30 of the 45 lashes struck ofi the sentence. We shouid hardi' suppose Jmdge [)artnell would so soon petition for the ieduction of a sen- tence sa recer'tly passed in such a bad case. E&ster Visitor,. Win Rooke, Toronto. Mr M GIs gow, Toronto. W H Warren, Oakwood. W L Ormiston, Torouto. Mr C Burnhsm, Peterboro. Cisyton johnston, Toronto. Harri' Francis, Grand XValley. A W Sruith, Toronto Univet-sitv. G H Dartnell, jr., Fenelan FalîIs. Walter Smart at Miss Cîsypole's. John Birciiall, Toronto university, Alex Chîsholm, Toronto univet-sity. Miss G, Eastwood, Toronto Junction. Mrs. Vule and grandchild, Markham. W i- Greenwood, Taronto Uni versity. Misa M Eastwood, Toronto university. Mr. and Mrs. Silcox, at Dr. Éastwood's. Guy' Dartiieil, Domninion batik, Toronto. W H McGillivray, Knox coliege, Toronto. Geo. McCiellan, Standard batik Bowman- ville. Fred Brown, Toronto, aI Mr. j D How- den 's H E Ewald, lormer clerk in llowse's drug store.- Misses Morrison, Coboconk, at Mr. F. H aIt's. R Gourley, Toronto J unction, at Dr East- wood 's - Miss Helen Burns, Toronto, at Mr. John Burns'.- Mr B Saundeis, Guelph, at Judge Dat- nellas. Mr Sam Marti,%, Toronto, aI Mr. Ed. May's. Miss Wood, Hamilton, aI Mr J S Bar- nat d'a. Miss Kennedy, Port Perry, aI Miss A Gib- son's. Miss Bella Smith, Toronto, aI Mr. James Black 's. Miss Mackenzie, Blenheitu, aI Mr T. S. Arnold's. Miss F aud M Cochrane, Toronto aI Mr- D O rmt ttou 's. R McBurney, Toronto traveiler for W R Brock & Co. A E Christian, Toronto university, iaw departmne-ît. Miss Blanche Nicholson, teacher il Lever. iug. Simncoe Co. Geo. Ayres, express agent on Toronto- North Bay train. Fred Howderi, British Amnetican business cohiege, Toronto. Miss Dinah Humphrey, Toronto, aI Mr. Frank Humphre7'ýs. Mr. WmI. Mitchell, of Toronto, vas the guest of Mr-. Wm. Till. Mrs. James A Campbell, Toronto, wife of the former pubisiter of tite.Gazette. J W Lawrence, muait cierk on Toronto- Lornevihle trip. Mn. Lawrencc s many frientis heu-e wili b. gladt 10kuow that ite is weli satisfieti wlîb bis posiUi. Harris vs Gerow This action vas trieti at a special sittisg of te counly court on >rucsday atçcroon. Peter Harris la an hostier by calting and for two years up te hlast faIt officiatcd in that capacity in the stables st J. M. GeriSw's hotel, Brougham. Then he vas dlscharged. He nov sucs for $6 penrnionih fou lhe whéle lime, aud $25 additiouat for a deer housd viticit ho claints Gerow took back north witl, i houting sud did selt rnsi back. Harals dlaims that hc vas te hbave $6 peu mout, for bis servces, an& had anMîer youug man uagned ia Bita... te pro"e a conversation between 'HurloAn di erW lu vhich they were -bagglaig as te vbether1 ou uc* the vage. vas le ho$5 gr'.$6-per ý menti,,as If,,,e ce znakIu W ýý" rýý Gouo etld=I pItltw ýïta#egthpt hlebad us vouk aim suIi initir. Caili d u'heSae s et le. W; Collitii'pw S'un Store, Rast Sîde. fir -p - g ezodu fiotu own yester- doy to A. A. Post'S sale on thUit ingao uoad. %'Nso 6 piece solld walnut parlor suite, plusb, wtt! silk Plush bands, for $32, Worth <"S, at W. Vlla'. The achoolshave becs closed this week,, and children bave been on tbe atreet fa suuads. Rev. joseph Sowerby, Chatham, was. iu ^town Good Friday, visiting Mfr. aud Mrs. A. G. Henderson. There was good curling ice scierai days in Apnil this year. It was, seven or eighî ycars since that was the case here belore. Don't b. deceîvcd." Init on gctlng the genaine TONKA Smoking Mixture; i tents a ackage. Soid by M. C. Lawler and It won't do any barn te go on preparing for spning as usaa, even if there doesn't be amy îpring July will bring smmmci ail right; be sure or that. Mr. S. Cuttie, of thte Orono News, wbose plant was burncd out Wednesday morning, is a brother of the Mr. Cuttie Who formerly prlnted lte Brooklil Times. The papers lait wcck al reportcd that March had came iu lilce a lamb, but il would not have donc lu have venîured upon a shorn lamb as the figure of speech. Orono had a $2o.ooo fire on Wcdncsday morning. A second-band steam fire engine, iateiy in use at Oshawa, had been purchased for protection, but hâd not been hurried to its destination, as it sbould have been. Mr. john i11L Hay, depnty regÎar, bas been appointed 10 act as registrar rintil a successor to the late JH erry as been selected. Mr. Hay is 111Ily q.ualifled for te position, and if the incoming man be as competent a man as bis deputy lte county will bave no cause of complaint against the goveru ment- We are pieased ta notice lte marked suc- ceas of Mis Dorothea On- lu the recent ex- aininations at Uic Women's Medical Coi- lege Toronto. Mrs. On- stands third in her year taking fit-st clasa honors in Descriptive Anatamy, Practicai Anatomy, Matex-ia med- ical. Biolog-, Physiology standingfirst in the ist subject, -an d second das honora in Chemist-y. A boy of sixteen namned Sutherland. who was takten from the Barnardo home six years ago and bas lived with thé McGillivrays since, bas turned out bad. His misdecds cuininated in the purloining of a goid ning, an heirloom of the amniiy, which ite tried to seli. He has been in jail for a week viewine the prospect both of his future and the west- ern valiey through the' iron bars, and the authorities scarcely know witat to do with him. Lieut. Theodore King. aI No. 2 compani', 34th batialion, bas given up peaceful pur- suils aud gone ta the new fort, Toronto, ta study mllitarism. In hîs own modest way Thco. has kept within his own bosomn what his aspirations point ta, but we can hardiy suppose tlîat he would leave h-ome during maple sugar making and the season for planting popcorn, pumpkins aud cabbages, unless he feit that the country i'q not safe. Thc timelx ar- aminous, sud one can readil> believe that the prospect of woridwide war wouict stir up the innards of a fighting man like the gailant Lieut. King. To Rent. T. R. Philip has tht-e kouses ta let aI a low. rental-2 in. 1' 0f Interest ta Tavern Keepers. The' folowing cîrcular bas been sent ta escit license insp-ector lu the Province, sud Inspector Ferguson says bis inspection for this yeaî's iicenses wiIl be based upon it: «"Sir ,-On previous occasions circulars have been addressed ta ',ou seîîing forth that the Commercial Travellers' Association of Can- ada had broughîta the notice of titis Branch several matters to whicb yL.u were asked ta gîve your consideration and attention. It was represented dt lu fl ot a few liceused hotels, patronized by members of the Asso- ciation, the outside closets sud inside lava- taries '.ere lu a fiithy sud nnhcaltby condi- tion. That lte sleeping apartmeuts were in- difierent lu accommodiation and kept in ain uncieanly sud sloveuly manner. Titat the sanîple rooms were pooriy iighted, iteated and untidily kept. You vere particu.ariy instructed to makre most careful inquiry as to tbe trutit of these representaîlons, witit the v iew of removiung ail causes of compiaint. A delegation fromn the above-menîioned As- sociation recently wsited upon titis Brancit, and urged that titere was stli muc to te b doue lu umproving lte sanitary condition of not a few of oui itotels. Special mention wss made of lte unhcalthy condition cf tite ut-mary aud cioset accommodation. 1 amn directed by lte Honorable lte Provincial Treasurer le again point nulte yon, that lu thte iuterests, not oniy of lte Association sud the travelling public, but on sanitary grounds geueraily, it is your duly le sec tbat there shall be ne cause for complaint lunttis re- gard in future sud that all liceused hotels lu your district shahl have proper accommoda- tion lu cicry respect. It is hoped titat it will not again be necessary te cail your special attention tetitis malter. A special report wili be required frôm yeun ot later titan te irsI day of May sert, advising titis Brandi of the sanitary condition cf the itotels in your district. Town Ceuscil. Met Monda> night. Letter read trois R. J. Bruce, Port Perry, atatiug Ibat by mistake lu writing bis tender he bad transposcd fig- ures, the resuit being a los tohlm Of <2.50. No action wss taken. Letter 'front Mis. rDavey claiming $i.50 for altendane of Mrs. A. K. Rice, titis beiug disputed by relief coînmiîtee. No action was takten. COUD. Devercil rend a report froi lte streeti corn- mittee recommending paymens as follovs: John bMcCarl. work $15.31, Wuu Hopper, do. 81,5.63, Pic Bravener, leaming 88-25, John Foley, shoveiing snow $2.73p Thos Cauneron de. $4. jas Smith $3.2lo, T Cor e40. 30r, A Uinphrey $1.50, Thos Wil son do, $z, Chas, Easttcy do, 5oc, Gec Alie do. 4%, las -Moore do $z, fies Proctor do, Çi, Thon Ferry do. 23, Thos»cDvcrW, jr., 5SM couds stoue$6. 5o, Thos Sleightholm,bestpoec.Ti report passed. Cous. Blov ueported fo th. towtl preperty côiomeetiuo uavor of p*ylog accouais as lfoIhowvu:.Guas & Graupr coat, sud gamoIçne $9&46, WM 1%Tirepairs -<$2 Jue. Blow CotI -43me. S111w, ca! fou-r.. lief, 82.55,The lpy asd stn= et Dcpty 1pelule the', 4"eilrésuxëdcm- ladcut w>nto't& b-y4avte eelL <ea de- bcutuu.s f id t ~ t~fW~~y Ring red -a report.fqpb tee sjuGlugdmittlhiabm u~ ..Se< ~r 4o~~ ~~~;sj »,, '~ê1 i The adrancing Beson carnies- forward' th. OÂRPBIT movement. liho handeomepatrsimee assortinent, and deores.d prie.., bell in our <aven, with itocamulating power. If you're going lu uoei new caupet8 at ail this spring, it wiilpsy you to buy now. You can be in Style aud have the beet fitting sud best made Spring weighit Suit or Overcoat in any -of th. er nov-est inaterials, and tho Most fuiîhionable goods, for prices that ne one cati beat. We'd rather be known by our higb-class tailoring, at un matchsble prie.., than by anything elle Taioriug je and always yull be the Ieadiug feature o' 'O. T. 8TEW&RT'8 busines.. Yon get th. custom made Style, Fit sud Finish for les money here than you'd have to psy for fsctoey"" productions. ON 0 SATrURDÂlï%aY, O BAREGAIN O »AY9ý-ý w. will oeil a new lot of, CORSETS j net in. Begular prie 75o., ail to go at 50c. a pair. -Be sure to seoure a pair. See our NE W DRESS GOODS, ca NO MILL LINER Y, CAPES, Etc. F. STEWART URGING. At ONLY LOW PRICES A ND NEW iVokzRhTrie e,, TO -BUY WALTE RS', IXRmss Our Spring Drese Goods. dieplay speaks volumes for the taste and good jndgment of our buying. We have made special efforts to outdo former seasons in point of variety of styles and riohness of Fabnios. How well we have sucoeeded we ask you to oeil and judge. NIEW ÂRRIVAL&,,-000K Ail Wool Serges in Black, Cream, and ail colore. Sheperds, Oheoke, Sagia Cloths, Priestlys Clothe, Silver S11ke, White and Colored Dot Muelfins, Ne* Mohairs, Plain Mohairs, solid colons with raisedl figures Mohair and silk mix- tures, Mohair Checks, Mohair Fancies, etc., etc. GOODS. ffew Styles New Fedora8 in Black at 50c., worth 75c. New Fedora. in Black at 75c., worth $1. New Fedorasini Broya. at 75c., worth $1. New Fedoras ini Blacok ind Brown at $1.25-, Worth $1.75. New Pedoro Rit tà-a Black at $1, worth $1.50. Men'o DUNLÂAP, KNOX and YEOMÂN'8 Style in BIack, Broin aaý Nutria at $2.00 and $2.50. If you want to see the largesi stock and latest styles and newest shades tbis i. 1hhestore for you buto "">e Special Fedora this week at 50 Ct.0pn Men>s, Youths' Men'a mon Men'. Men 's Men 's Men 'a wd kil Wool Tweed Suits at ...... $5 00 Ail Wool Tweed Suits at ....... 6 50 Ail Wool Tweed Suit. at....... 7 50 Adi Wool Tweed 8uits at ...... 10 00 Grey Worsted Suite at......... 12 50 Black Wersted Suite at $10, worth 816 Go Samples After Five Years' Trial the best rTE before th e Public, Ready-made Children's Bine Serge Suit.a a.... Oidren'. Tweed Suit. s .... - Ohldren's Trweed Suitea.... Children's Tweed Suite st.. *u ...... To fit ages 5-to12 yearswve hâve à- ssortraent to select from. Whitc- 'lokisn 1 WMJ TILL; o o70 ritr STP AND T411W a gonf«or sàr il a - I and 'Children's WALTE RS, Free!F -Mi be in -IVO kigkorùes here. Go cý1-00:Dso -&fore* iièâîk style can we c3FOO:Ds- in Ha rd and Soft Nats, Tweed

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