*t the Juhian Âamdemy. When tihe .lock struck noon mie b.d stepped rm lthe pl.tform vfth the. aasumned indifference of an experienoed model. It had not been fatigue that had madle -her tremble with eagernesa te exchange the close studio air for the sunshine of the Champs Elyee& It was Mardi Gras, Mardi Graz in Paris-that is te say, the sun dazzled, the river gleam- ed, the air sparkled with irresistable hilarity ; the very trees on the boule- vards threw out gay littie ribbons of temptations. Anisette b.d promised to pose al the afternoon for George Blackwood ; but before that abe would have at least one glinipse of the revel-satisfy ber thirsty littie soul witb one bastily enatched swalbow of enjoyment, Se she ran the gauntlet of the crowded streets, held here, caught there ; cajol. ed, tbreatened, paarued, until she es- caped into the impasse off the Boule- vard St. Michel, where Blackwood lived. She amrved at the studio flushed, dishevelled and breathlese, -with ber absurd littie bat and her shabby velvet cape aIl powdered witli gold and silver dust. George Blackwood had heen pacing up and clown in a rage of impatience, but at her entrance he threw birnecif into ai chair with a about of relief. "lEnfin, Anisette," ho cried, Ilbut is it adorable of you te corne to-day! " "4V'la!1" said Anisette, proudly, I promised I would corne. I amn here. 1 understand bow mucb depends upon me. Besides, 1 must be in the Champs de Mars as veli as that peacock, Ce- lestine, posing for your friend at No. 25. As for the felly out8ide, that je ail child'e play." She waved her hand with superb disdain, tossed ber bat acrose tbe room, and began at once te prepare for ber pose. Seizing hie palette, Blackwood grasped hie tubes with an unsteady hand. 11e was a young fellow, but hie 25 years had been aIl 1"eturm und drang." He had a worn face, witb higb cbeek bottes; hie forehead, wbere it~ was visible under the tbat.cb of grayish blonde hair, was prematurely iined, aud the eyes, whicb shone under overhauging brows, blinked and stared hike tbose of a cat in the dark. At once imaginative and critical, he was a victim cf that moral bypochondria, niorbid sef-analysis ; with a giant's physique, he combined a wornan'e sen- sibilities, a woman's power of concen trated passion. Intensely preoccupied with hiniseif, he gave but a perfune- tory attention te the experiences s0 many other men were eager to dilate upon for bis heneit ; as a conslequen ce, be could number bis acquaintance8 upon bis ingers-he had no friends. He lived aleone, drinking innumerable cups cf bla.ck coffee, smoking cigar- ant.' She stepped into a shadow caut by a screen, and she seemed te hini to have a luminous quality, like a streak of pale light. He had painted ber ini an artificial twilight, against a piece of purpie velvet that had been worn into grays as delicate as the its over dis- tant his. at evening. The iight bruebed ber shoulde"; and ber out- stretched arma in a tbread of gold, rnelted in the diaphanous drapery loating about ber anýbuMed like a flame in ber bair. T4'wing8 of a great "ea bird bovered behind ber. The abouts from the atm-ot below reached them faintly. Anisette occup ied herseli with fancies as bizarre au the costnmes of the revotera, but ahe neither spoke nom- moved, and thE tmansfigured purity of ber upturnec faca was as changelesa as a mask ol marbie. To Blackwood, as he painted she was as incorporeal as the. evenux4 star. He bcd thought of calling buf picturo that when il vau completed. Blackwood talked unoonsciously U< himself as he vorked ; he painted witi sbt*ing ingers,, stopping. every nom and then t tay ipel,,ta-u herdnnb1>-~o8 'mieeut thriIIe anew by the besuty of ber conception3 the triunlisat, sons. >of \ý>oer, tii uleà à teexpressionoveSme b1 ~t ~l~êa jpy 'e ar .Up __ nd1avehiwithtienasa sshik syourl 'Âdamthingi te ver-bobe- thiug for yor pret.y litt. e boul" -ho added, fionriaing a peint br"u Anisette gloved writh pleasure. "Allons!1 Let us work, thon, lot us work ! " ae crie4. Blackvwood seized bis palette; for an heur the silence vas unbroken. An- isette b.d lost feeling in~ on. of ber foot and ber arme trembled witi the effort of holding thon upraised. Sh. had posed standing -from 8 o'clock till 12, from 1 tili noamly 4. Sh. vas grateful that the February day vas short, but Biackwoed, as the light faded, worked himself inte desperation. Hie b.d exhausted bis tube of madder; Anisette's little figure be.d grown rigid, it b.d lost itas abtie delicacy of movement. ",Baste !"Ilhoe aid at laut, dropping into a chair vitb a gudden spaam of exhaustion;_ his palette arm bcad cramped, bis -painting hand wua tiff as vith cold. Anisette -threw hemself ea:gemly inte ber preparations for departurr' What vild scees of revelry damted ito ber brilliant littie head, pale but a moment before witb faintnese and fatigue ! I I ant this handkrerchief, my friend," ahe cried ; "it if Mardi Gras. And I want this bit of bine silk, and you muet lend me this dm-ol bag with spangles. It will hold my confetti." Anisette tvisted the eilk into ber bright hair, covored ber woru vlvet bodice with the drapery, suepended from ber neck the bà g witb the spangles, and, finaily, when alvas complete, stood on a chair in order to see berseif in a misty and deprecating mirror. Blackweod watcbed her with contempt, centmating ber witb the in- tellectual delicacy cf bis painted fig- u re. Anise tte started biîn f rom bis re fiectiens by balancing hersoîf on ene foot and landing on the other close te bis chair, witb one baud beld eut in a saucy little movemens of appeal. A dark flush mounted inte Black- vood's face. Hie band made a me- chanical jeu rney te his pocket. -"Only a little-a very little, " sbe demanded. Blackwood's eearcb brought te igbt eue silver piece of 10 sous and baif a dozen coppers. Hie sunken eyes blaz- ed at tbe girl, wbo vas about te pes- eess herseif of tbem. "Tiias'e all I bave," ho saiti harshly. Aniseitte besitateti, sigbing deeply, but hem- eyes wero rivetted upon the silver piece. "lLend them te me, " sho said. "J1 viii bring tbeni back te you to-mer- rew, or, better stili, this evening at 7." With a sudden, ewift eep, hem- littie baud grasped the coin, and thon Anisette, laughing liko a chilti, threw birn a kiss and fled. Blacgwood hurled the deor to vcith bis foot. He glanceti around the om-cr like an animal, breathing heavily; bis lips meved into suppressed execra- tiens againet ber, against art, against the wbele accursed city. Anisette rau eut cf the dark im- passe into the Boulevard St. Michel. The- streets vore crowded, mibbons cf colored paper fiuttored frein the vin- deve andti bc aught in the bmanches of tie bar. trees, A Pierrot with an artist's beard caugbt ber sud rained a shower of caufetti over ber boul and shouldere. She suatceeth te bag froni hie band andi pelted hum in return, ueing ber elbows te vedge ber way throngi the crovd. Sie iuvosted hem- wealth aecklesly in oloreti baeof confetti, vilci ahe nov procoeded te seli at exlaorbitant prices, vnth a rattliug accompanimont of sharp jest anti questioniable com- pliments. A alim barlequin, in black aud yeilov satin, alippoti bis au-n about ber valet anti they da.nced togetber dovn the etreet. The harlequin aideti ber sales, exact- ing even more extravagant profits;- be became an adept in smasing.bags of confetti ln lie face of tee, affectienai purchasera, adding a last toucb of cou- tenipt by tipping up Anisette's littit face anti kissig hem- bimself. Herlequin vus-a memry soul, andthei du-oU bag witi lie spanglos began to weagh vith tie coppers dropped into il. 'Aniaètte invested in nevst pié dmiftiug . iti lie motley crow * . the bridge of St, orhl igt*ie way t te egreat o ead h iere ber iîttié seul flamed wihh'joy, viieru mOIiy lLTd smply ý,,g*ve t oime~e . Y, xaeaneo i mon to, ba Anisete knev no.exbaustioii, V tiseliîrts smnd uistisa i#1x ' ahl i r r e e e i 1; B -' ?. si a*uboe lià s*aiid- conrtbrough. the circuitous route mime b.dd hses. «WhMtwould ho sy ?" mli.thought, limat îtrange, grave man', vho etarved, and f.11 auto a rage,, and vas eue mo-ý ment in heaven and the next lu heil; vho gnawed bis must.acbe and bit his lips, andi shook like a drunkard over bis vork; but whe painteti, painted, painted. Hoe would bo a great man vithout a doubt, or, perbape, refiected Anisette, sagely, ho voulti die some 4y with a pastol bole in bis boad, like that other poor George site b.d knovn witb thbe droîl Aumerican naine, At laut, for once, this poor George would bave a dinner-as mucb as ah. could carry!1 The usky was studded with stars- tvinkling witi enjoyment, tbougbt Anisette-the ail tingled vitb frosty radiance, the noon had risen 'behind the baie light trees of the Luxemu- bourg Gardons. As the dlock struck the baîf heur after 7 Anisette turnod inte the bouse vbom-e Blackçwood had bis studio on the top floor. The concierge b.d joined the rovelers, and the sînail flicker of vgs hicb usually emphasized tbe darknoss vas net yet lit. Anisette foit hem- way carefully-she had ber arma full. Thore vas a windov on one landing, and ber ahadow, ladon vith bundies, threw a long grotesque blackness on tho opposite waîl. She avaloveti a little hum-st of laughter. Before Blackwood's door she paused to get hem- breatb ; it wus inteneelly stili. Hem- bande were full, 80 ahe knocked gently with ber heel. There vas ne anzver, and Anisette, trem hi- ing with impatience, deposited ber bundios upon the floor, and putting hem- cheek against the door, called his name in a veice that gradually sank to a whisper. An orange molled out from a bag, and dropped with a soit, nielancboly distinctnese froni stair te atair. Oneocf the beautiful oranges! Her beart began te beat beavily- there was ne sound-no eound f rom within. Sbe turned the bande eoftly and it yielded te hem- teuch. The Ligbt streamed frem the great unehaded window and Anisette saw in eue terrible, illuminated vision tbe ragged lineocf a knife cut qnivering down the beautiful painted augel, and stretcbed at tbe foot, cf bis easel a black figure the face like a wbite, blet in the damknees, the bead failen1 back, with a bole in it, like the other poor George with the dm-cil Amterican namue. Friend8 Thought -the End Was Near. A Condition That Wa8 A ImoBt Hopeles. Failure-Folo wed Failure, UNTIL PAINE'S COMPOUND USED. CELERYI WAS Mrs. Irvine Oured by the Great' Medicine. An Important Letter., At death's doer eving te' kidney trouble, nervousess, sleepleasems and run-dovu systom. Mrs. Irvino's finondq realized the fact that mii. va nearing tii. grave, andi did not hesitatot ex pre their fears. Doctors sud hheir prescriptions coulti nos break the. pover e! tb. disease, andtihie 6elnary adver- iseti modicinee of tii. day proved uselesa. A resolvewvastahlust matietho pve Paine's Oèeory Compound a faix sud- bonest trial. Note the. glorious rosulte, ye doubiers sud sheptacu!1 FQur bottIes g1 Paine's C(lery Oompoudeffeoted- ta cure, u save ffd from demahli vif A>I mothe vhovas ight ho b. incurable. ad wommaonglil le use Pin.'.C..r CJompound. <.Mrs. Wm. Irvie, vbo e idués u lbe, N. B.,;yrtesthnu: _44 1 bave1. n tgobled W ithe'-Pastitea yed s vilamkldMy su i 0mwu ef r ,wb13M " iir1aet and vo put bim in F.tty good Shapefor bis @ummciWood. Âlthoughweight bsvé b.d hlm a 1ev more sà "kabut -w- bad sobool sud raifroad matters W dis- Bey M FE Siplo, baptisti iter, Whitevale, msking for hi. appointinent Sunday êvonlng lait gel his horse devu in tb. mev and il eut itseli go that hé bad te beave it st a ueigbbors and foot it ovor th. amcvbanka. The. Union Bunday sohool entertsin. ment beld in the baptisi ohurob bore on Friday evening of luit week wus a grand auceSu, the. voather vas &il lai ve oould wiah for. It was veli attendod trou far and uear. Tho waud exeraiso club -swinging and othor exorcime by Lthe publie sohool ehildren vas good. Cer- tainly our tesober, Mies A L I1vin, bau taken very great pains to bave aIl up in snob good shape. The recitatiens by Miss Robinson and Mins Cole, of Mark- bain, ver. eil Drendered, vbo timely came te ou? as&itance, instead of Mine Flors D Barnes, of Hamilton, vbo was expeeted te h. wîth us, but on acoount of recent illnus oeuld net b. present. The autiging .11 &rougb vas good. The. Whiteve.le glee club did veil. I. need hardly say bow tb. Locust Hili quartettel sang, for unies. yon bave beard them yon would bave very littho id.. vhat oboice selechions tbeycmn sing. Dr Hutchisou, of Whil.val., ahiy ied tb. chair and ve bad the.boit of order. DOAN'S Kldney Pille DOAN'9S Kidney Pille DOÂN'S Kidney Pis Reme m ber. DOAN'S Kldney Pille ARE THE BEST -FOR SALE BY- J. MI. w ILLIS, Chemist and Druggist, Brock Stréet, WHITBY. DOLLB WMTHEXTRA - DRESSES. A Dismoud Dye Novelly. W. are sendiug ihousadis of Dismond Dyo Dols with iextragdrosses vil h. umledt te»y address ounreeipt of four conte in stamp. Evory user cf lb. elebrahed Disçmd Dy.aold seonro i at eu oue set O! tiese dois bheoro e suppor is exhausted. ,Wben cidertg i me dois, asfer our forly ive. mpIes<eî dyed dlti sud book of iretioa Chomme dyaing, whici ane sent hie.. Âddress Wehls& Iiohardec o*, 00 Meuatain Ut, mouaiel. - Mr sud UMis Andrv Thompsou.etuof bave celebrathe G#hbaunavenaaryof Iber ins Ml.dim»u t-U'Lvm atRuIde" cS»>- Mrsst? et. w.050fm OU1e DAVID OILIRUTOI49 Be A. Âtt.rney-at-LeV, sollaoO. la ObanoeiY COonveymDoue ec. O1RLce - la lthe O'00" Block, rook Stmet, Whitby. go yoUNIG sifiTia- LL. B., Barrister, ,tc.,-MonMeY te LIANO. 'sMer of riaqe lA'cense s. fie - mithli Blook,Soh of Market, Bi ook st., Whitby. DOW & ,IC<lLLIVaAv, Barrlsteri, Sollcitors in ChanOOYy, etc. Oafce ilis,ÇtbilaO& h avkuii'i novblock Brook 3t-.,Whitby, 0south of Ontario bnk Ors, Warren tf Moore. 1. j. Moore, M. D., F.Warny M. D. Brookifu. Whitby. Offie hourn" . . Osfie our Iil ", privat telephong commuhicaIwa. D. .BG Tg,.LD - phsIcma, Surgeon sSd Accoucher t OZfc and Bosidence oezl ho AUldhm' Church, Dundai SIreci, Wbly.N. B- Dental Surgery in aUi is branches PrOuIIF' attended 10. Dr. H. Wightman DENTIST. Oýe OT ofu à Gagers. Whftby. O)pen eory Saturds3' niiht. W. 2. YARIÇOLD, D. L. 8-9 OonnySfYVeY ansd Drainagoe BgineoT, A. A POST, Architect, lite vith Langley, Langley & Burke, Toronto. Dosigni for Churches, villas sud Cottages a sqpecislty. Dravlugis PrZpilodfor remodelin eiintructures. store. le-P O Box 202, Whitby. WX. CALVECRLJEY, RJLqs5 MAKER, vRITBT. Hgaving moved into car nov promises, ve are propared ho oxtond the. range of business. AUl verk p.rtai-iflg ho the harneas-making sud saddlery business will h doue to satîs- faction. Collars a specialhy. CaII sud seo my shop and stock. W. CA LVERLEXYt secoud door voit cf old uhoij Dundai Street, Whit y JNO. NOBLE, -DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF- Lamber, Silugles, "si14 Dooe m sa wadà Turulug sudr.l-saWIED. pOAIl orders or information- cao ho obtaioed frein JOHN NOBLE, Dundas Street, Whltby, opposite Mr. A. C. WUl- soo's residence. WVhitby, Aprîl 4tb, 1894. Egst&blished 1856. #1 par &Daum là , .dvaeeothrViSo $1ô.60. ubsoripttouii always payable at the officeoe publicstion. The psbliserr do net underiekete dou e b.paer ai. mgrtJo2lofce but Whu*bl. ypoe alete reé aobis dsuialo vib. repei upon » flsi.a amair of serie sd ma ents per in eoa hsubee- quant ïnzertln Loosi, 10 cuuts par lins §WAil changes for yearly saerti5eeuei must bo brought an not Iâter Ibm ýTiaeday -moraug. JONSTANTON, Poreman. Railway Time Table GRASD TRUUNK ANDMOlLAND Mme e 0011 W1WIU"À . 1 .0 BXPe» Dail.......-.481am No. ,xpsaaUoep u. dp 1No, 8 oa, :P, OMÀw,&-». C MmdDOIWhitb7 lee Jan. 4 -1 fb* 8* h4; p4Jg* lu ;iy ; Bey. 8; Oct. 8,î7; Dec 8,y BI]t EoUNA - . BooonreenyPw Oe l.rk-axi. ; iMuuvhS; 9 ;Jly Bep.20 - se 28; v.18 Perylerrk-Ji. 9; Mar j7 14;0Oc$134; Doc. 6& P'an. 81; Miarci 2b; Liay 20; JuIy 1; ngTweorgsib ann 15; Dec. 17. Bzà vm»on-Ged. F. Bruce, Bavr Clork-March 26; May 21; JU)y le; Oct. 16; Dec, 18. UmuouIovu-F J Gillespie, UpUtgy., Ol.rk,-»&arch 27; May 22; isiy 17; Oct. 17! Dec 19. By erder, J. B. FABBWELL October 7th 189. Clerk ofLhe ÃS&M foi Llvsr Bd Sale -StaNC Dundas St., Whltby, J.T. NEWPOI»T, Proprietor. Oeumaeroialmon ilberally deait vith T.smng doue ai reaisonable yricea. Freightait Baggsçe a Kh rem"c. LIFE INSURANCE. -:o - manutacturere' Life & Accident Insurance Co., Toronto. La&rgeot Capital Stock Lil e lu srance OC on the continent. Ninehy per cent. o ai aecauulions ci surplus in rehurned te Lth rpice bold era. All clain are paid withou dely or discount on preof uf desth et matuuity of endowrnent J. B. POWELL, Feb. lut, 93. Agent. WhiLby. DENTIST. For tho next hhree Imonthe I arngiviq s3pocmal attenition le ,amonte trom a dît- tance. Arn shilimak' plates in rubb.m4 $8, olluloid tio. Gold sud silver us vork crovxung by &mrt-class operatoru, tii. Mciire,.onable rates in the cil>, When lu the cily cail in aud lot me GisE' lueB our heetb - I mako no extra chirgi C. E. 1100, Denliet, aouth eust cocr« Kn Ad' 1oneit., Toronto. W. He WARNERI DEMALER 1IN AGENT For GOAL 00.0 -n one bottle ef Aver hair vas restoreil celor and ceased occasional applicati the hair in goed c H. F. FzNwicÇK.1)V Orowth, "Eight easagc ousy wasgmite ai a variety of prepai ûiit benelicial resu fear 1 ebonld ho p About six months breught home e flair-Yigor, andl 1 uoe iL. In. shori began te appear. every prospect of of bair as bePfor~ Mre. A. WERERE, 1't. Orleans, La. AYER'S IlH iI BK J.C. AmR&COe., Lo TME XYSTE] WHAT ARE IT-i WHY IS IT P The Great Work TI- by Bright Min Humnan Sufferir ing a Striking 1 Frem the Erin Advocat From the timewh( the earth down te ti mnystery of pain h2 with wonder and ter cau ses. why is it Per it-s uses are in the nature ? Ail these': asked of themnselves . but the question has AIl that cari be donc cf relieving pliysicq, bright minds hav~ hearts in bringing al LAME CORDWOOP the PEOPLE, TORONTO.ýý Ofieand Yard just Uptown Station.' Whitby, Oct. 2Mt, 184. East A8K -YOUR' 8TATIONER -TOU AUl the vast resourc -orator-y have been p te the end that tort% have surcease f rom -the peace that only And iwbat more nati poor victims of <lisi from suffering sho, the extension -cf tht -meauas vhem-eby tht ftted ? Such a one iý Shingler, of Erin, -tale et pain endur yerand of fing - lareugh the use &!] Pills, the greatest n MdissShingler says: 'l became affl cted -freux which 1 have 'Twîo, jrarslater th gravated by a grevt 'the tlatoat, and vL came- larger and Iar-g l ancse bad that --taisr.any .slcep, as ~down'-t would LII su -lelizgôf sLbfocaûiom iisa';abmost beyondt ,,4hSinedical aid -1 ha t'O 9 pm. to 11 &.M.