IICOLO WATERO' The best and cheapest wal coating on the mnarket, Ready for use by mix- ing wzth coid water. Will not scale or rub off. Apply with an ordznary brusli............ FOR 9AXfE BY dufEn WILLIS, CHEMIST & DRUGGIST, MEDICAL -:- HALL, Brook, Stret, Whiitby1 WHITBY, APRIL 17, 1896. Kelom, PoUittos and Whinh.y. This remnedial bill trouble at Ottawa je all on account oh religion. The Roman CaLho-' lie, who comprise two-fifths of aur popula- tion, want separate schoals, and dlaim the prîvilege of teaching religion lu theut. They bad it put in the constitution, and dlaim il an a guaranteed right. The separate school amnounts ta far more than wan expected, and in rnany places has proved a detrimcnîta F ubliîc chools, especially in new Provinces ike Manitoba, wrhere school sections are beiag formed and Catholics arc induced ta hoîd back from joining a public school sec- tion with the vicw af gettiug a separate school established in a vear or twa. Mani- toba abolished separete schools on this ac- counit, and tht Catholiealil back on the constitution for protection. Tht remedial bill at Ottawa is being passed ta secure thert what they dlaim. hn short, it je a religions question. One m-ight flot have thougbt se, cansideriag their past carter, but aur ment-hefs ai pariament are chuck fuil of religion mest nov. The Hou"e je sitting day and night frout Monda), maornings ta Saturday nights au tls'great religions matter. F.ach member of parlie- muent appears ta <ccl that bis peace ai coul and the safety of his faith demnande great vigilance, fso they neyer lei up. It requires much bîaciug up ta withstaud tht vear and tear their constitutions are suffcring ou ac- caunit of this ardnous work, and this stimu- lant they take at tht bar af the house-not the legislative bar, but the whiskey bar. In the words of Mr. Silas Wagg, they " soak their powerful (and religiaus) ut lds " ln whiskey. Then they raise Cain. Thcv came ia the Hanse teeming wîth spirmil-nah efiervesceuce sud make long speeches an titis great religiaus question, white ailier .tpîi-iually Ioaded gentlemen tend sauctity ta the devotians of the long hours by creaîing uproar and cugaging lu heated yards and maudlia suiîs. Thus true religion is pro- pogated and championed in the Canadian House ai Coutmous. 1 hie parliament is sitting oui its lest haurs in an incbriated state, and it wouLd oaîy bt a fiîting climex ta the sessioa's perfor- mances if it wvetotadie drunk. i is righî that alilaur perlianienîs should indulge in strong drink. Those who are responsible for this great traffie are logicahly the one who ehould induige heaviy. No legishative body la the %vorld appears to have a keener ceuse of dur>- in this respect than the Can- adian parliament. We dlaim that ibis is a religiaus country, and as long as we as a people try ta run religion and whiskey side by aide we shauld try ta admire the iii- matchcd pair, and should expec tot see everyîhing ihat is good lu parliament. Tht members ai parliameut may differ as ta whst le good religion, but îhey are united aud couid as a rock as te what le a gaod brand of vhiskey. If tbey disagret on ane point thcy agree on another. Thai is the way .dith mea. htisl rather a pity ihat members are per- niîîîed ta révise their speeches when sober before tbcy appear ia Hansard. Otherwise we migbi have an abjeçt lesson as ta tht logical, rhetorical and metaphys4cal cquilib- rium aof the different membeis who have raised their vaices and wasted their sccnted bitath on bebaîf of religion. We could then leel boy sale le religion aud tht wbiskey traffic lu tht bande of sucb zealone expon. enta of the peapie'e interests. The work accarmpliehed during ibis session viii live iu our annals, sud in future times wben it le read and studied people wili wonder what fi vas ai about, forgetting et that distant date that there vas whiskey nfixed with re- ligion in tht year af grace i&»6. A LI so ga Wbitby Tht possibility of tht Dentill ladies' col- lege beiug Iost ta Oshawva through tht fire there should prove a cheap but very valu- able lessen te Whitby. Tht Ontario ladies' college building and pLant may be cafely estimattd as coeting ffl,ooo or mare, sud -tveuty yesrs have been ýpent lu vorking it up te its present stroug position. Ih bas ssktd for protection against fire, but np te date tht coilege and tovu authoriis have' been unable ta agite upon tht plan te be adopted. 0f course vater -U tht popular contmodity for tht protection of buildings lrom fie, anti an thie point they agrte, but the locationof the tank is yet tu hé setiled. ,t Oshawa ixay have ta pay sente thousande - of dollars lu cash or tise in remmsion of taxes te make sure of retaining tht Demill college, but vo <car Whitby vould not have mnny euough ta> hold Ontario ladies> col- lege itit vere burnt out. Talk viiinet pie- vent a fire, andi delay uuay afiord time, for~ ont. Prompt action should hé taken te - nake provision for the protc ýln of oui college front ire.Tht frsuchWis aa mo -- vluabl7o one, sud if i t vert burut ont vfe have De dôubt, that'blg oflers voniti at once -Cone .la fibooe l e cîie andtibtovusto iecure it. Whit7s ou9 ly securt7 à i resdérlug IL afant i l pettctlng t lL. hat&.s *b c«- noprm t ac"W t a ,wortt te the town frm ethjùa , b=g. soCia W. 9rigi ?!tlÉ- eat Their men sentto Greece'to take'partlut] irevival ;of tht Olynipian games, carriedc ut~ evrytlnglast week. A great sensation was created on Moudi by the publication of au alleged confessi of H. H. Holmes, tht murderci, *ho awaltlug execution in Philadeiphla. Ti boar was brought out by th. New Voi journal, aud in it Holmes wus made to coi (es twenty-stvtn inurders Five of tl victime have since turned up alive, and moi of them may be heard frou. Undoub>tec Holmes le a great mvurderer, but as a slayi he le far behind what tht average New Yoi paper le as a lWr. There le much taik of Sir Oliver Mow, and Hou. G. W. Ross enteriug Domninic politics It le aise, possible that Hon. Thu Greenway may, hanci over tht Manitot prcmiership ta Sifton and join in the fig-I Tht only différence lu tht way of thtl chanw,.a lu the fact that these .men ,-ul rzaturally corne lu for tht high offices, whic would leave men out in the cold who ha' dont the bard fighting for tht party durit the eighteeu years it bas been in oppositior Saaimns t. Polos Mglsres.« For sente morfihs past we have noticei that a great ecramble was going ou in thý different towns for appeintments as polici rnagistrates, sud ail the rauka vere fille( up. As there was not much money in th4 position, and a like scarcity of honor ta hin: wba btld it, we wondered what was cansinI sncb a etir in this hine, but Uic matter ii now chear. There vas a heu on. The "fellers" were getting rcady for a bill tc pase the Ontario Assembhy giving salarier to tbem all-$ioo ta, each iooe of a popula- tion in towns. This bill, introduced by Sir O. Mavat, to farce tawns ta psy these salaries, le a piede af legisiation whic bhan no precedent since confederation. Wherc a gavertiment ap- paiuted an officer with salary, that salary han always been paid b y Uie gaverument; whcrc bis pay vas in fees the incarne de- pendcd upon thc amount of business cont îig in ta hint. To appoint au officer as i revard of party service, and send the tas. gatherer round ta collect bis sahary frori the people or sel thexu out for it, je a new tbing in this Canada of ours. We are sorry ta ste snch a measure passed, bath an re- g ans its meauing aud its effect as a prece- dent, sud we can ouiy characterize auch i measure as arbitrary in Uic extreme, no mat- ter what political party it exusuatea front. Police magietrates eh ould be paid. where they are required, but whaever han ta gc down in their dipa for Uic cash sbouhd make the selectiaus, and sbouid first have e say as ta whether or nat they want anc ai aIl. Wby not appoint issuers of marriage licenses front the liet of thase who bave foug-ht for party and against country, and pay them a b galary out of Uic municipal taxes. They are cer-tainly a necessity. wbetber police mag-intrates are or nat. And haw about coroners ? This bill tarcing salaried magistrates upou the tawns sbould neyer have been passed. Tbere is a principle involved in zt that no legishator iu Canada han ever dared ta adopt heretofore. Not that police magistrates are unnecessar, or ehuld work for nothing, but that aur tas payers have neyer before had officers force dupon thexu wIi salaries attacbed, and because wbeu Uic Uiing is once started there is ne telling n-bat it may lead ta. Wltby Town Local.. Tht sucters are up'! Fresh Bread. 2 ponnd loaf. Ouly 4c. ai Jackrson 'c. Mauy oI aur correspondents have taken a furhougb this veek. Mr. e., B. Woadruft bas pnrcbased tht pacing geiding Munshaw again. Laiesi styles in bard sud soft bats st ex - ceptionally low prîces ai W. G. Walters' - Don't fail ta attend the Recital on April 2th, giv.en by the pupils of Miss B. Fidier. 6 piece solid valnut parlor suite, plusb, viîh silk plush bands, for $32, varth $45, et W. Tilles. Wben you buy tht famus BEAVER Chewlng Tobacco, be sure the yard Beaver ta oa cach plug. Get yaur tire-pots, grates, iran ar brick linings'for ail kinde of stoves, ranges or furnaces, fromn J. Mcîntyre. Keep yaur cye ou THE CHRONICIE'S daily bulletins if you vant te note the im- portant neye aI each day ai tht past veek. Tht gennine TONKA Smoking Mixture la dcightfully cool aud fragrant. Try a îo cent package. Sold by M. C. Lavier sud J. E. Wiliis. It looks as if aur fine athletic grounds, vhicb lu auy other towu would be regarded as a sort ai godsead will find no occupation ibis- year. What is tht mnatter vitb aur sports. 'the tovu road machine vas out yester- day, shaping sud scrapiug thetuinpikes be- fore they get too dry sud bard. Dusi i. fly- ing freely this wcek sud if ramn does not came soon tht streets vill rtqnire spriukiing. Mrs. Elleker died 'on Saturday lu tht Tarantoa gentrai hospitai1, after long suifer- ing. Her rentama vert brought bere and tht fu nerai took place from ber laie residence ou Tnesday. She leavec no relatives arauud here exccpt two cane, Frank of this town, and Robert- of Manihla junction Deceased vas a lady stidant ceeu outside home. Tht fallowing are the officers of Whitby division, Na. 34. Sons af Temperance for April quarter : Gea Mowat, W TP ; A Movat, W A; jas Law, R S; T N Law, A R S; T E Houghtou, F S ; W H BevelI, Treas;- Rose Johusten, Chap;i W F Bevel, Con ; G W Bewel, A C, M Mlovat, 1 S ; F Matbi- son, 0 S ; Wut Robeon, Supt. Y P W; H E Bewel, P WP.- Tht Mother Goose performance in the music hall on Wtdnesday nlght bad a siily name, but it turntd ont vcIl. About tventy ladies atiepteti classlc or uurser characters sud rau sale booths duriug tht aiternoon sud eveffing. Durlng evening the crevd vas good; anti Mother Goose anti ber chlti- ren, Little jack Horuer, Huinpty-Dunnpti, Queeu of Hearis, etc., gave a parade. Miss Dartucîl sang, nome fine songe, Mr. Asbury gave some vocal . solos, Mies Dartnell, Miss Cammage and Messrs. Asbnry andi Corsvtil sang duets. Tht Whltby orchestra gave su abundauce of instrumental mmc. .$t Jobas Chut&h Mr. H. R. Haçiam, of Wycllffe College, vil take tht services en Sunaynet Thé BSawtlet cemery-hos be. vboea gret.dew qr «ag of tht Union ken dovu u&renaqvcd olt lsnd,*;7, place meueywuooo Ãade. ed « ith art. acloblsa-ad i>tkbr" *MIUbe Ele the heldln the olfgaté = Uteas*per tefol.. of g e1.0'i.100319a, pi 0 1:9. a pe s ar e s of l*lgtmetale Wd a, -April 30t, s 3te 4 Jfl., Frfebind'; Thiars a, A il3 3 te 4.30 p.mn., Object ; SaturdAy, May 2nd, ion M., PersPeelve; 1.30 te 2.30 p.m., Black- is board. lh time table for the advanced he course wiiI be made to suit the candidates. Do flot fail to eaU on us this 8priz rit Wax or Peaee ti ail tbe '*Captseeton swehv oeo wfn The war in Corea is now over and the aptslcioa çehve ne f Manitoba strUggle is on, as welI as tet e on n Uicai tr i b the Britisb elections. Murdertng is stili ini voguetob fon inayr alsor iLh )re and on the increase. The mani wbo thinks lly he kaows a solutioù oet te Manitoba school 'er question, doesn't know how much lie doesn't OCO X9 ]P ]a JIlbs I N ri" *rk know. How it wilI be deait vwith is a vexed question for politicans. The British elections e vat aesr og Conservative,ancosr- Hemps at 0eo., l2ke., 15c., 20c., 25e tism as carried on to-day means real reform. an We can stop murdering to some extent if iveUnosa 35. 4c,60 ,6c,6c us. nail every blood-stained monster to the mast ba lnstead of makïng tliem recipient-, of sym. epetr t23, 5e4-c 4c, 0,& lipathy and eutraged justice Readers are tfavored with these philosaphical observations Ail Wool at 75 ets.. 85 ots. and 90 ete 'se purely with a view to remindlng them that id E Hart stifl selle the New Williamns sewing ch machine, which je abead of thein ail. Me. Th ri rwers of Whdpt th ugeon hwn out LCEtIItTAIN and LCE meeting bere of the South Ontario farmers' ranging at 40c., 45c., 60c., 75e., institute, and met on Wednesday night for d organization, which was accomplished underan $2.0 the name Whitby Fruit Growers' Associa- ad$ .0 ie tion, and the following were elected asitkg-r e officers: President, D. Ormigton; vice pre- ý4... ii..sJ 0 .d aident, Elmir Lick ; sec. -treas , Robt. Wil- e lis; directors, the above named officers ta- A tM sise O . 2e,1e n zetber wth R. L. Huggard and A. M. Rois. A tM iln t1c,1j 5.adÀ In There was a good deal ot informa] discussion tg about the methods ta be adopted te induce ekaB oM sn t20.nd 5.r iithe neigbboring fruit-growers te join the as-aB oMuln t2e.ad2e le sociation, which wjll have more knowledgeCron t 0., 2kc 15.ad 2 .j ofnwvresan new ideas than can any rtnvt1c,12e 5.ad 2c ýO single individual, and will abtain better ýs prices. luna deleima. Our values this Spring are far ahead of anything ev 0 We are in receipt of a very flatteririg letter _____________________________________ le from the secretary of a sporting club forîned ,e in a village sotne miles fromn Whitby, statingsu e a d se th m f r y r )- that bath the proprietors of this great journalsu e a d e t i f r y n Y have been selected to grace its liqt as honor- ary members. On behaîf of that end of the -flrm which le addicted ta the apecial busi- ness of quill-pushing we have ta ssy that an honorer pstion le far better suited ta aur -site 7 agility than an active position in a sporting club which plays games "for your y m de C ot i g life." Thus far we swingr into line gracefu- Iy, but the secretary adds : -i presume vouR a y m d l t i g such a position! I leave ilta yourselves ta *send whatever yen deem a fit share ta help equip the teamn for the senson of 189." This aKgto ta what puts us in a delernma. W e cannot w viu tell faTr the lire of us whether It is money or FR [DAY, APRIL 17th, i896-.Sale-f horses, d ~ eé ~ ~ L . A - zood &drice Or aur powerful influence and cattle, implements, etc. ofJohn Gormley, J S E E V ] ,- 1blessing that is wanted. The cause is one lot 4, Base Line, Pickering, at i p. m. tthat aur beart dotes upon, and the physical TuESDAY, APRIL 219t, I896.-Sales af borses. ______ tdevelopment of the youth lsae matter that we cattle, implemnents. etc., of Joseph c lie awake nights ta ponder. while if it is Holtby, lot i i, atd con. Reach, au i p. m. 1 maney that le wanted we have onlv ta re- the disposai of the club in question. driving and wark horses, cattle, fiplo ______ ments, etc., ai C. Soruberger, lot 16, 9îh A Coru-doctor's expet-tence con. Whitby, at r p.m. g A tramp' corn-dactor, who had lbeen0* China Glassware an( idrinking a considerable axnaunt af liquor, Ohironalel BufleUa Boart ine n T eSt iwent iuta J. E. Willis' drug store on Wed- i eradT St r nesday morning, and appeared ta have (Coninuedfrom pareg ;.)aifyGrc made up his mind ta make that bis stand Choice Family Gro6.cO for the rreater part of the farenoon. Mr. r ThundrsDAY, ;APRI col î. Fruits, Ete., El s Willis came in after a time, and soan urgedPrbTu estm hncoer ithe carn man ta mave an. This the latter Canadian-The Manitoba Legisiature pro-. l Cheahifor Cash or T *made slow efforts ta do, so Willis took him rogues ta-day-A great exodus af French- by the callar and maved him towards the Canadians-The Reuedial bill virtuallyPr door. The fellaw appeared ta be purpose- withdrawn-The great horse show in To- P z ly hesitating in bis mavexuents, and Willis ronta opened-Toranto ball club won its hast his temper for the moment and g-ave fifth straight victaiy ycsterday-Canadian Dnt~'~bfr aIn u xmnn him a kick with his boot. The tiamp aftez- canais wîll apen the iat of May. Do'tby eor a 5 sn « m'un wards camplained that his backbone was Foreign-Friendly meeting of Wilhelm and thO stock and prices for yourseff- hurt at the lower extremity, and after in. Francis Josepb-ia,ooo British troops for 0 dulging in mare drink collapscd 'near the the Soudan-Spread of South African re- e4_1_ mE8fTATE O uptown station. He was conveyed ta the bellion-Cheveland offers ta.- mediate be-1Aa Queeni's hotel and Dr. Za4.t*gçod called tween Spain and Cuban rebels-Wbeat upon ta attend hi=. The mai stated that stronger at 654c in Chicago. _______________________ he was the dissipated eau af a teacher _____________________ namced Karuselle, of Woodstock. ta wham DeatiL. Dr. Eastwood wrate we understaud, after E E I trcating the apParently suffering man, ELLEKER.-At Toronto, on Saturday, Yesterday marninig the latter toak bis Icave April i ith, î896, Hannah Elleker, relict of bec on Friday af last week. Geo. is a 3 heifer caives, i 5teer catI, i bull caif, genial, good, old blacksmnith and bis friends Uioro-bred, 2 brood sows, 6 store pige, 3 c ~ouneCuii.Cimuor, are only tao glad ta be on hand at such stickini gigs, r Couithard combined drill, 1Tndr time. cvei~I>UY.~ <~ l<>z hoin tht Town of Whitby, on day of Apri] and 4 roda,. r sel of trucks, bobsleighs, Grea a~tlonsal. Th uner!gned sulkey plow, verity p1owiron harrows, set have been instructed by Mr. C. Sornegr f obehrslong tuge), hay rack, FRD Y A RI th 24h tastlbypblc utinonlo 6,nes-er cultivator, gang plow, single plow, disc At tosigaptubitby, Aonlot16 cncs-hairow, double wgswagon, agondAtone e'clock, p. m., for tht ptzrpose of 22nd, tht O Wednesday, other articles toe numerous te mention. CiLtlitg the 'shovt applications andTon f 2 96, » h following Tboro'-bred Road- tht grantlng thereof for tht years 1896-7. ster Horues, First-class Cattle, Farm Ma- REAL E8TA.TE. All persoae nterested wlU therefore Issiitd, ide chines, Implemente, etc. Horsts-zi mare, t. South hahf Of lot 14eIt con.- T.Of please govern themeves accordingly. tario<) an Art 9 yrs old, sired by General Keen, in £bal to Whitby, and part of rosadallowancc adj«oln- nh1» gae-tegatn fay The debént Ohio Wilkes ; i mare, 9 yrs old, sired by ing, known as tht Hayden farm, conaning Pttosaant h rnigO y Tedlen Obl Wikes zmar, gyr ol, ere i zo acres, mort or lema.'This is an exe- sncb liceuses must be lodged with tht In- madie psyal> OimWsnifloObo Wilkes;; i mare, r lsrdb lent pasture lot, having a rnxgsra spector four days prcceding the meeting. 5 yrs old, sired by Ohio Wilkes ; z1lllY, 4 and good shade, and well 'ence.Ry Order. iatdy o<J: ycas ld siedbyObo Wlks,~ ffl~,~2. The southeast quarter of lot ne. sgand JNO. PERGUSON, firs w è4 vis old, sired by Ohio Wilkes ; i herse pat of the southwest part Of lot 0.no eco. haaS,«ly yrs~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~, oMsrdb boWlks il,2> o., ternef Whitby,. containing 61 cts h bApril 7th, g.sn etrhIyalao aczodsiesbyOho ile;httby, y -olm u aId sied y Olo ilks; hese >~known as the Caneron farm. Xxcellentsu. old, sirtd by MOhioeWilkes ; 1hrgé4 ulandi, sootinew baruon it.raunnu ,'aw' horst, rsg u4th cm nuUar old, sirtd by Muckle Wilkes; Y Yi > .South 9.à of lot no. o t o. Pick- UIflè VVDET1J! LAIVlO. Yrs, sired by Muckie Wilkes; i filly, 1 yr acres, gooti bouseaud fair outbulcng A 1 bave teit of the best v-ruetles for sale tt :4 4. Old, slred by Billie Watson ; 1 colt, 1 yr eld, osd bepee ~ ~ ~ ,EryMdu niLt.Psiltadp~ Tb.ik *#'ti sirtd by mille Watson. Cattie-q COW, 4 1ace fect. Aise Cuthbert R*pbeyCatie, acett yrs old, In calf ; 1 cow, 4 yrs old i Sw, 4. A number of desirabie tçwrnlo in i T. S:, BRANT, bred March 3oth ; i cow, bred Feb. aotd,- the South ward in thgt owu of Whitby, EmAt of Ladies' Colloe.Wbby cow, bred Feb. 201h ; 1 Cow, bred Jau l5tL; Te,,,,, of ssle-7Cattels, fatcamte, gs Aprùl eh, r9, 1 boiter, 2 yrs OUd; 1 steer, 2yadysot j t$e nietees -o calves. Swiet-a ie SiesSvea crejt wiIllbe -giveà tuilOt. 1 ,Bt~ ao swarins of becs.- mpltmcnts, etc-Ont r146, onprttfsabh povi I wigou, i buggy, rdemocrat s1 ge 6ter :êpro.ntlïer anuumdac ti- o& irtea r '1 ir double cutter, z-keleton-sligh Se t bob-loie.tu, - rd u ta fo »old È ,Aft d . * le srelIer, Brantrtbldr trnp fte d 3p.45 g4, drill '4rlil,84èFroat & eodiuow er,: s-çpa guatds z cutLug box anti ck, z bore. zsed dill i rtpmetruep,.3tet-- 1 huatnee, meset &iéh b.i*n, chainwIffiboad ct, x . orse b6w18 orufse ç a known&taB& z i1h8e%1- f1a Or Earpets, rug when making youI the best assortnts eounty. o. per yard. o. per yard. iOe, 75e, 90e. per yard. s. per yard. 'URTAI NS. $1.00e $1.25, $1.5() 20c. per yard. per yard. per yard. rer offered before. s1 z3 Dry Goods., NVew Goods.8 ,d Croekery. sq Cheap. eries, Tees, Coffe, Ite. rade. ices Io suit the Times. 'I SANK 0F CANADAI tithorizd $1,00,000 100,000 RD OF DIRECTORS. N, ESQ., President. S. HANLIN, EsQ.., Vice-Pies. MCM1LLAN,- - - Cashier. Banking Buaineetransaotod. ., payable in ail parts of Can- States, and on London, Eng- le ini ail parts of Europe. 3%~ wed on Savings Bank Deposits haif yeariy. dttentièn to collection of tale notes. E . D. WARREN, Manager of Whitby Branch. vll be reelved up te the fiet 1z896, for the. purchase of Whfb~DObMtumu- ler 48 Vlct iO#f, hpter 7 DO- te conSolltate th-e tbto!thte <urus,~ l -r aumneber, are le at tii. Dominion Sou îtbpt4yofooe*~gandi voir.n ta -saaân *là &s.. are not complette waist buttons armi get the prettiest si atJe Se JEW Tarrn-sed .z:- Butians, S/u(k 1) Ptns made Io u cow ioal uty0 U.oof Say 14 FRIDAYO LOCAL Scott repairs ali Fresh Bread. J ac kson' s. Mr. Guy DartnE enta, is home an h Auctian sale ev tht west side boot Latest styles in h cepionally low pri Mr-J S Willic. ed vats in tova Tue-sd of hic relative, Mr5 My Siater sbats in ibeut. Go dawi Shot Store, M- W. A recital will t Ladimes' coilege on frout 5 ta 6, by th and Prof. Harrisoi ally -invitcd. A repeat arder sicilians, lustres, t heft Glangow per s, 21St. ve expect Sec theut at W. G Tht Rcv. Newto be a preacher ai Sunday before lai agam net the use ai! WatchmanWe corr corne of tht village pressed by it thai sale ai the veed. Mr. A. Bugbce. statiug that the fi ava, caused sncb, people ai Lackpo numnbere ta drive -north, believing th Oicott is fifty mil sale ta estimatet bundred miles. Dr John Hoski Cardxy, Q C, M f< ta, Mr W Kerr, Britton, Q C, Km' th*s district, have tgr Lav Societv lias been a Beuch< 20 years, and is timne. Noue of thi ed ai the saute tir are nov holdini Major J E Fare . sistcd on putting neglcîcd ta do ei fev behind, ual Runnilig indepen he offhy came a (t votes iban many putation. The best A.nthracit. Nut, store, cgj yard. J. H. Do, office. _b. 0. E. Beaevole MIes. Tremeer et Eugland thani of kinduese in cc - er late hnsband the rcceipt of 1 order. Snch let sociatin, sud wc Ungland on tht prompt beaevele John Smilth s assis dreyer, was hi Saturtiayafeo -pear that if.tr .live Iistpf ltà f'I *- tbing--intÉhL value, andi Sr -g00d TO test théItes 10- lu'-