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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Apr 1896, p. 6

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- QOlty hatsommeQ b ad been #ên llld at of o!the lumbér ýý'PzÀat-îe big timber that bordera -où i k,'ùreek Valley, and the aheriff '- Wmt!% plthoes e eo about it. The man whe brought the noe lad -iiot cerne to the county seat for that -purpose : he vas jusi paeeing through, and having heard of the shooting it occurred te hlm that possibiy ho ougit to mention the matter. Hie did not know the, narne of the man vie lad Ison kiiled nor that of the man vhe had done the kiliing. Ho did not even knew at vhich cf the four camps the homicide lad boen cemaiitted. Some- one ia.d casually mentioned the matter te uis hewas on is ay te thle county seat, and ho in turn in a casual way inentioned it te the sheriff. The people cf Elk Creek vere no more excited ovor the affair tian vas this imîperturbable informant. It wu not unceairon that a man siould bo lkilied on Elk Creek, and tbey did net bother much about snch things. A wood chopper more or leas was of ne consequence te them. If sonie haîf- dozon or mere chopperasiehuld have been kiJled the EII< Creek country would net have gene into meurning. The cheppers themselves were big,i husky, reckless devils, quiet and indus- trieus eneugh vhen ne whiskey vas te ho lad, but ugly, desperate, and blood- thiraty wien drunk. There vere ne tewns wîthin cenvenierît distance cf1 the camps, and the choppera' opportun - ities for anmusements were censoquont- ]y few-even such reugh forais cf amusement and pleasure as wood chop- pera crave. The enly recreatien tley lhad was to eccasienally get drunk and kill each other. There were few set-i tlors on Elk Creek, and it semetintos1 happoned that the nove ef a kiiiing1 nover get beyond the limita cf the1 camp in which the tragedy lad taken1 Tley lad their ovri crude notion cf justico-these choppers. If the kill- ,irg vert, unprovoked, promeditatcd or - ralicicus they decorated the aicet con- - ~.venient 11mb witi the body cf the cf- fender ; if, on the oî,lor land, it vasaa fair figit or there vas justification for $the act, tley buried the vicimi-if ;tley lad time-congratulated the sur- vivor and ticugît ne more about it. The sheriff cf Park County, Dan -King--Big Dan" ho vas generally cle-ad peculiar idems about indis- criminate homiide vhiel vore in con- R ilet viti the vieva cf tic Elk Creek people on that subjeet. Ho lad "1givei, it eut cold" vlen le vas "1runnin' fer *offlus" tlat le vould arrest any man on SElk Creek or any number cf imon con F4k Creek vie mugit ho guilty cf vie- làting the taw ; if necessary, ho wouid ar-est ail the mon on Elk Creek, eveîî if tle infant induatry of lumnbeîring should bo thereby suspended. Ho vas a landy man ini a tight. lie was as big as any mari on Elk Creek, and, e. ho expressed it, could "avwaller as nmucb sand as anv cf 'e. " Fighîing was one cf Big Dansa woak nesses ; eating was atiother. 11e vas comàbative meast cf the time and hungry ail tie time. Ho lefi Pine Grove early in the morning expecting te arrive at the first luaihor camp in time for a noon- day dinner, To make sure cf this le had taken a "short cut" frein île val- loy tîrougi tle tin ber. It lad beoxi sonie tiie since tle sherif lhad ridden tlrou.gh te fret, and once ainong the big trees ho becamo cenf used as te the cardinal peints cf tle compass. > H e -saw tle suni cross tle meridian withput huving feund îhe camp. Lute in tl* afterneon ho caine te a camp-a dsserted oneo; it had hoon abandoned a year previeus. There vire nunious trails and oîd "«Ioggixîg roade" tîrougl tle vooda. Ho follovêti one tiat seeniod moii ro- -ently me~, but heore he iad iravel- led a mile it endod abruptly among the -big trees. Tien le trioI another, and 8t111 another, -but viti ne botter asuc- cesi. Finaiiy ho vas cornpeUled te ad- mit te hiaisoîf-that he vas lest. 'He -was ravenously hungry, la-ving eaten uiothing sino. early aiorning. It vas 'tvilight;- soon it would ho might. Freai far up in île hls vhe the pine grew thick and etraight and tal«ugaane ticescreamis of a puma a.nd tlthé àntwering :cry cf a lynx, but ho -had ne four cf these animais; le lad houérd "«mountel lions" and "1bob cati"l before. Hie lad nover known'cf any kind, unlesit wva mthîe thought ilat som. day le migît 1"git- ketcled out," as le vas nov, and sturvo teo deuil. if le had not been lungry le would have unsaddled is broncho and passed * tu,'nein tlo»oà ; hisceucl, île thiok> layers of pin uedle is pi- lor jý àa1àiW de;'lulIu- bye serS.et 1the pincseaithe ~ 1w sîm~ék gul."Ti.1 ck et U Îhe vseiae île q le née i>avt W1 J, s MM vs oew* vithin a tboKt ride didnot'have very cleering offs3et on til, big shorifioeu- idering hie tamiehed condition, -fer Dansa and Eh vwers, ini a sonie, enemies. Tley belonged te antagonlaîlo political parties, and Eli lad streuuuuy op- poied D-én's election. The ranchmajt wae such a masterful peitician irkhbi locality that hoe ucoeeded in casting tle solid Elk Cree~k votte, forty-three in ail, againalt tc sheriff The ina- jerity on Elk Creek against Dan would have been much larger, but most cf the chopperas got heiplessly drnnk as seon as thoy arrived in town and never went noar the pelle. Undor any otier circunistanctes tho big shoriff wouid neot have thougît of ,,oing te Eli's ranch, but hInger was gnawing at him like a she wolf at a bonie. lBig Dan vas a proud man in soine respects. Tho idea cf intruding as a guest at the ranch cf lis political eneaiy vas repugnant, but on tic prin- ciple that a live coward is botter than a doad beo Dan bad ingeniously ar- gued witb himseif tlat an humlie mani lined witl -food was btter tian a' haughty one.,stretched eut cold and stark in a n'ountain valley-a vittit» cf etarvatien. This big lulk cf a aloriff was a perfect slave tebis appe- tito. In a few moments more, hoe teld hinisoîf, ho aheuld be gîiawing the pommel of bis saddie. FIf ho only lad somo excuse for cal- îng upon Ehi, even the shadow cf an excuse, it veuid relieve him freai the humiliating position cf an unweloome guest. Big Dan vas fertile in re- sources, a man cf ingenuity. Rie soon bethought lin cf a good excuse fer calling upon Eli. Posaihly the ranch- man could. gîve inn seme information about the killing. Yes, it was plain-ly lis duty te sco Ehi and find eut what le knew, if anything, about the re- ported homicide in the lunihoer camip. Big Dan lad nover been te EIi's ranch, but ho kilev that hy folleving Elk Creek te its head waters le couid eaeily tind it.- A haîf leur later be sav a light shining fromît a cabin -vin- dcv near the head cf the valley.. "'tHule," hoe calhed, as le reined rip near the door. "Hule, ycu," came an answoring Voice, and a moment later Eh vwas standing in the doorvay. "l'ai Dan King, the aberiff. 1 hear tlero's been a killin' up tuis vay, an' I camnerip te see about it." If Eii'8 face lad been clearly visible. Big Dan vould have seen it grom, pale, but thc light vas rit tie ranci- nanta bao4, and tle only tling the sleriff noticed vas a rifle leaning Againat the val vithin easy reach cf the mani in the dcorway. "Dunino nothin' about it, sherif," g1rovled El, as Dan dismeunted. "I'm lookin' fer a place te put up over nigît;- ain't lad ne food since sun up, an' l'in as hungry as a coyote: thot gît nîebbe I ceuid camp with you tili mernin," said the sheriff. "I aint nover,' turned nchody avay frein aiy cabin," replied Eh, "but vo ain't got no grub aidh as you are used to. Yen may have te rleep in the cor- ral, ez vo're purty crovded viti tle wimmin folks." This meager offer cf lospitality, re- huctantly spoken, was gludly accepted by Mg Dan. ' There were but tvo rooms ln Eli's cabin. Tic sheriff vas conduct.od ie the larger one, whicb served as a ait- ting rooni, parlor and bedrecai. It vas lut. in tle s4mmer, and Eli lad a hrisk fire in the big firoplace, whicb ser'red île double purpose cf dispen- sing bout and light. "Sorry I can't effer yen somne gi-nb yeu'd like," said Eli, "but the fact is, vo aint got neonit ; ain'i lad none fer a mouil." A suvory saieli came froin ihe ad- joining rouai, viere supper wai bting prepared, for Eli and lie faniliy lad net lad ileir ovoning meuh. "1Weil, new, Mister Williains, yen know 1 ain't ne ippycure, but vlat- ever that is ceokin' wilI de fer aie; it dom't need ne apollergy," replied tle 8heriff. Eli's fae again turcd suddenly pale. He.extiused hîmtself and left île rooni, while Tebe, hie 18-year-old son tntert he îlereiff When .Eli reiumued -Dan did net leur him. Tiee8heriff lad hiehuaekto the door, and îhe ranelmar. came in sulent- 1y( beiind him,1 holding -a rife r na -lins witl Dan'a hea&d. T4e e irs -imitatiôn the gunet lad cfhie leWe retuzrd Was ,when le heà .tocomnand;-- 9"Tlrow- la yoiiv lande, el.i i? "- Big Dani haà1s.W':ýnt uP. Prmt, -and thon Toh. çêv mcrd»teofir thie thing goee any.7f urtIor- s<oeye geî te como te an underetandffug.. o cf -courge, li a 7ur buiInem to t t àh1~tooe~at taz'~1o nothin ag'i~y9--: 1L.. the country-if you dont% *oot;Imu ag1ntoarret you jes e ffln 4aayqu Iower thst gmt You'ro in amiht li*lish Place, Mr. Willims. Yu',re gotter shoot or go to gâol. I'm a- vaitin' fer yen toe make up yer mind. But I had ter kill hlm, proteete EL. He wuscomm' aroun' here every day botherin' the wimmin folks tiil tboy get skeered of him. 1 aîn't aijudgin' of the case, Misjter Williams, said Dan. Mebbe you ought te a killed himysnebbe not. 1 ain't no jury; F'i only arrestin' of you. The irony of the latter statement Made Eli laugh. l'a a gittin' tired, Mr. WVilliams, a holdin' rny hands up ; I wish you'd shoot or give up pretty quick. Tobe unbuckled the sheriffs belt and relieved lim èof lis weapolis: thon he was ailowied te, lower his hands. Air ye burigry, sheriff 1 I could eat a aaddlo blankot, Mr. Williams. Reckon you could eat a piece of bim ? Him! gasped the sheriff. Yaas, air; hlm. Eat him 1 You ain't a-goin' ter ont him ?f Ya-as, air; l'ai a-gemn' ter eat him, ain't nethin' olse rip here te eat. Nov if yeu eat seme of hlmi ain't yeu just as guilty under the law as 1 be fer killin' hiai ? asked Elh. 1 aint hungry eneugh fer that, saîd the sheriff. We run eut o' meat, an' a muan can't starve, centinued Elh ; leastwise 1 ain't a-goin' to. If we hadn't heen on the p'int cf atarvin' I wouldn't a'shet him. Clear case & seif-defence, ainit it 7 Notwithstanding the fact that the sberiff was ravenously hungry the hare theught cf eating a mnan made hiln sick, but the coid-biocded recital cf Elh had aroused in himi a merhid curiosity. 11ev did yeu cook hlm ? he asked. Stew, replied Eli, snitllng,. Saiel hiai 1 Big Dan sniffed aise, but the oder was ne longer savery te hlm. It was aIl ciear te Big Dan new. This man was insane-a aianiac. Whv had he net noticed hefore hew thé ranchman's eyes glittored, and what a vacant expression was on his face? And this maniac wu. holding a cocked rifle within a few feet cf his he&d. It was time te use discretion and diple- macy. Mfister Williams, said the sherif, 1 weaken- put down your gun an'Il help yori eut hiti. When the sheriff puahe-d back his chair freai Eli's humble table the waist- band of his trousers was straining nearly to, bursting. Sheniff, said Eli, you had me akeer- ed, but I'ai glad yeu're a wrhite marn an' kmn see it's a clar case e' self -de- fonce. I hated te 'i-i'ate the gaine Iaws 'cause 1 know they're strick,-but 1 had ter kili that elle. Mister WVilliams, repiied the sheriff 1eenlIneyer ,shirkedA my diu,,but At last one day, a friend did sa>' 'You'd soon bo well again" if yen wouid taire, s1 did, Dr. Piele' Favor- it Preciption, for that in the. cure for aJIltho peculiar aliments of womon. It is a sale, sie- Pie and sure remedy. It banisiies tiiose dis- tressing maladies that make we.na' lite a burdpn, curmng aIl paintui irregulauities, umes disorders, inflamemations and ulcération, pro- lapsus and kindred weakneusa. As a-nersine it cures@nervous orbausllon, prostration, debil- it>', relier.. mental anitet>' and hypohodria and iadues rofreshiai sleep.Y She tok the advice and luwaf. "Favorite Presription" le the, onlPremedy for the délicate derangéminîe and weaknossee cf feinales, soid by drugeiste. A pampbletfreo. AÂddress Wo:rd't- Duspen- sar>' Médical Assoiation, Buffalo, N. t Aelhma oured, b>' newly disoeveréd treat- ment. For pamphlet, testimoniale and reter. onces, addressWorld's Dispensary Médical Association, Buffalo, NY. Mr Muichael O'Neil, an cld resident efFort Hc",wa)ked lioe e ieand drowned hlm- $efin la arit cf inaamty. Bewai~I .Miss Muir, of Caton, le uaking chirge o f the, millinery departaient- of I)afoe & Co.1 Miss Annie Turner'bas returned front the city te act as milliner at G. Hagerman's general store. Mt. A. ýHagerman acteci as Supt. in the methodist S. S. on Sunday, owing te the ilîness of Mr. Sugden. Rev. M r. Shraedor, cf Michigan, late cf this place, conducted the Sunday morning services at Mt. Pleasant. Mr. Raymner, cf Mount Albert bas rented tie tuiler shop made vacant by the death cf Mr. Keller and bas started work this week. Our public school teachers, Miss Balfour cf the junior, and Mr. R. G. Irvine cf the senior department, have started another tern itu renewed vigor since holidays. Mr. j. J. Foster has purchased fret» Mr. Thos. Tate tle Baldwin blacksmith shop and a heuse and lot in the above place. He has secured the services cf Mr. Frank Cook, who takes charge for the present. Mr. 1. M. Law has been elected lead- er of the brass band, taking the place of Mr. Besi, whe nas moved away. Mr. Law is thoreughly capable and will ne doubi prove himseil the right man fer the position. The following spent Easter holidays here: Mr. Charles Wilson cf Toronto; Mr. Alex MacDonald of Stayner, at the home cf his son-in-iav, Mr J J Dafoe; the Misses Eckhardt cf Steuhlville as guests cf Mr -joseph Bell; 'Messrs A\mos Kav and H. M;acDougall, cf Ux- bridge high schocl: Mr. Thomas A. Wilson, cf Edmanson. Bates &' Co., Toronto; Mr. Shier and sister, cf Xroo- manton, at Mr. W'r. Rynard's. Died-Suddenly. cf heart failure, en Mfarch 25th, ',\r. Jaccb Keilei. Mr. Keller vas in his usual health about 2 p. m., when he left his shop and went down te the mil] %,ard where some men were lcading. After cenversing with themn a short tirne he started apparent- ]y te go home. This vas the hast seen of him alive. As the teams vere cern- ing eut he was found lying on the snow a short distance frorn vhere le started. -journal. A CLOSE SHAVE à TALK WITH THE MAN WHO EX- PERIENCED IT. People realiy do net kno'w bow often the. angel of death hovers over them. Mr. R. P. Watkins, 173 Bay st., is a barber by trade, and gave our representative this short history of his escape froma the dis- order whaich was rapidiy carrying hlm te bis grave. Mr. Watkins is a skillful and experienced mani, and ia nov enabled te exercise bis skill from morning till night, where before b. vas unable te regulari>' follew bis chosen callmng. Thtis la Mr. Watkins' ster> as related by binseif. - Fer over three years 1 have been treubied with what the dectors said was Bright's Disease, was gettiîng rapidJy verse. and ceuld scarceiy attend te my business. My ankies were swollen, the. pain and heat in.my back were almost unbearabie, the urime vas of a dark vine celer, and it used te dribble away continu- ally. 1 had te lise 9 or io timles each night te void the urine, and consequently lest neariy al my sleep. Tii. scaiding heat and pq.in ip passing the urine were painful and dlstressing beyond rny feeble power te describe. Peeple wbe did not knov my trouble used te laugh at m> frequent visita te the urinai. My banda and feet were always cold an~d ciammy, and 1 suf- fered severely from palpitation, shortness cf breath, and vas, in fact, almoÎt a total vreck. I get a box of Doan's Kidney Pille frem Messrs. E. Hooper & Ce., and im- proved at once. I have used two boxes and ftel ike B nev mnan ; can now vork nigbt along and Bt 12 p.m. feel like worldng rlght ahead. Rad I net got those plaI feel that 1 vould net have bImn vorklng to-dy. yverdi only fanti>' exwar__ tbec1deadful condition I1vas la, an the wonderful cure madeb> Doan's Kidney Pilk" 0 -FOR SALE BY- J. IEfl WILL:EIS, Chemist and Druggist, Brock Street, WRITBY. No imall objection wbicb voung fous bad te the eld-time spring.modieines wus their nauseusuess, Ia our day, ii objection las remnoved sud Ayers arsprlthe. Most powerfulanad popularjet blood-purifiers, as U pleauat t te .palate am *eerdiad, IlI me nnunoed that Prince Ferlpnd., 0f Bulguaawin ehortl>' isit'Berlin au lie giamt etftii. Emparor.1 uuevr~ae e0f libehiA. lmata. uaiem -À_ Barulster Oonty Cteva Attoq!ya na Coat Llicltor. Offic-South la Court Bous., Whutby. JAD38 KJUTILBiHlE, Barrister, etc. Office former1 occuptei by Farewell & Butledge, next Zai IHôtel, Brook St., Whitby. DAVID ORMUITON, B. A., Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor ln Chancofyp Convoyancer, etc. Office - XI the Oflice souili of lthePost Office, liItcMBf'U Block, Brook Street, Whltby. G. YOUNG 819ITII. L. B.9 Banrloter, etc. ,-Money to Loan. imier of Mariague Licenses. Office - Smith's Block, South cf Market, By ock St., Whitby. DOW & Mo<ULLIVRiAY, Barriuters, Solicltors in Chancery, etc. Office in Mathison & Ba'wken'is nov block Brock St., Whitby, 9euth of Ontario bank. afU -cbifccd. Drs. Warren cà Moore@ 3J. Moore, M. D-9 Brookiin. office heurs 9. a. M. te Il a.m. F.Warren, M. D. Whiby. Offlce heurs Il a.ni te 2 P.M. Fg rivale Tetep hone Communic4ftOl. D. P. BOGART, BI.D., L.D.S. phlyuica., Surgeon and Accoucher, etc. Olffice and Residence next te. Ail Saint's Churcli, Dundas Stroet, Whitby.. N. B.- Dental Stirgery in ah l is branches proniçiiy attended te. Dr. H. WVightman DENTIS T. o7er GrOBS & Granger's. Whitby. open every Saturday niglit. W. 9. YARNfOLD, D. L. S., Oount Surveyer and Drainage Enineer, PertoPeri>', Ont. A. A FOST, &rchutect, late with Langle>', Langle>' & Burke, Toroxito. Designa for Churches: Villas and Cottages a .specislty. Drawixigs preparedl for remodefing exisixg structures. Offic-Firet fiat over W. & Howse'e drug store. le»P O Box 202, Whitby. WU. CALVERLLEY, HÂRNEIS l&KEBM, WHITBT. Having moved into oui nev premises, wo are prepared te extend the range of business. AIl wîork pertaining to the ha.rnets-makixig anid eddlery business viii b. don. to satis- faction. Collars a specialty. Cail and se. my shop and stock. W. CALVEBLEY, Second door v«ofe old shop. Duxidas Street, Whitby JNO. NOBLE, -DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF- Lumber, Shiagles, Saab, D»oorsad ]Blnda. Turatag ad Yre"-awfg. _401Ail orders or information can -be obtained frein JOHN NOBLE, Dundas Street, Wbitby, opposite Mr. A. C. Wil- son' s residence. Whitby, April 4th, 1894. Wljitbg (lUtouî*clt, Es1tablished 1866. el P.r aaaum in adyaae, olhewlse 01.60 Subseriptlons odwaJs payable ai the orne. of publioato. The pubflsber de notndertake I. deliver tii. papas £1 %By Post offie but Whitbg. Au Pb. wbieh tala te ~&aob Ils dnatit:wllbe replseed upma atIflatoam Ma Mataeof courtesy. Advsrtlslg rates unlsby ooa- ht, t.10 oeats e a, »'neapalelfila-n ýsertouad Iàeeaté -par lia. saoh subue. quat IsertInuou ls, 10o ffts pau ias W"A1 changes for yearly advertisements muet be breught lua o lter than TIesday JOHN STANT07N, Poremes. GBAIqD TUJ4K &ND MidIDLAEqD NoS,.ExrnaDaiyMal .{..:48a m li P pe, dai y, excopi ua. $ m r LIo14Pn r ' - ' M ' _. GOUMTYOp ONTAIO 18e", 0mrvD . XMOdOaa, WhIîbY Cleri: Jax.3;Peh8; Miarch 3; April 2; £ay j2; mas2: uJ7 Sp.2; oct. 2; N<'v. 8! Dec. L. OSEÂA-D. C. MscdoBoll, Whib>, Cierk; Jan. 4; Fei. 4; March 4; A Pril 8; Id&y 4 juIne 3; j1Jy a; sep. -8; oct. 8 ; Nov. 4; Dec. 8., 13uxm- IL Gleesea, Greenwood, Clerk.-Jan 6; MAlr9h5; Ma>' 5; J)dy 9 sep. 4; Nov. 5. PORT PIEU! - J. W. Burnham, Port pe, e lerk-Jan. 29; March 9; May 1.5 july 20;Sep. 28;Nov. 18. lUxnameu,-Joseph B. Gexiid, Umbridgo, Clork-Jan.SO0 March 24; Mayl19th; nJ>' 14; Oct 1 t ; Dec. 16. cmmi»Gnho-Georg!> Smith, Cannington, Jan. 81; Marceh 2b; Mdalo 20; Jul>'15l-1Oct. 15; Dec. 17. Bzàvziaoi-Geo. F. Bruce, Beaverton, Clekk-March 20; Ma>' 21; Jul>' 16 ; Oct. 16)' Dec, 18. tlprrznav-F J Gillespie, Uptergrove, Clerk.-March 27; Ma>' 22; litly 17; Oct. 17 Dec 10. '»- B>' erder, E ÂE EL Olenk oithe Pesce. Octeber 7th 1896. Nev Livory and Sale Stables Dundaa St., Whltby, J. T. NEWPORT, Proprietor. commercial men lUberally deait with Tearning don. at reaaonable pricea. Freight and Baggage haulod ai resson- able prices. A eau selcited. LIFE INSURANCE. Manu±acturers' Life & Accident Insuranoe Co., Toronto. Largeet Capital Stock Lit e Insurance Co. on the. continent Ninety Per cent. e ail accumulations et surplus in returned to the. polio>' heldeue. Ail claime are paid witbout delay or discount on proof uf deatb or maturity of endcwment 1Feb. lot, 98. J. B. POWELL, Agent, Wbiitby. 10. DENTIST. Cor. King & Yonge S3t. Toronto. For the next three mcnths I amn givrg special attention te siients froin a dis- tance. Amn siU mahi plates iii rubber, 88, ceiluloîd #10. Gel1 and sîlver fthlfrg work crevning by fint-class operators az the mosl reasonable rates li he oit>'. When in*the city calil i and lot me exam- ine yur te.th. 1, makes ne extra charge. C..e IRM4S, Dentigt, souheut corner King mâd onge Ste., Toronto. W. l.WARNER. DEÂLER m GORDWOOD, BLABI, ETC. AGENT FOXthePEOPL'S GOAL GO.. TORONTO. Office and Yard just East of Uptown Station. WhUIby, Oct. 251ht 1894. A8K TOUR, 8TATIONER -FO- T PÂRTLOÂ Almost PasS ]gr. 'y". B. Nich Yeu CANCE R1 AMD 18 AVE Mu. Nicholsen s tors vho pres( no purpose; Uie Est into th epread te Myr a week or two ,I Decided lui Eneouraged by vered, until ln i under My chin1 methe my hp =Ltae of *Aye's Th *Admfitted uti The Doct.ors THEY SAI1) IPETCH WA- LY Dl They Apparently for Their Iý Strengtl cf $1,500 Disâ Another Casý liams' Pink HealtI Af te Failed, Frolh the Meafcrd -Mr. Reuben 1-1, Griersville who h-. editor cf the M1on;, number cf year, Mr. -Petch has bee been an intense s ciared incurable bsicians, and waý surance cf $i, 5oc. tonkshment of th, that he w-as preno Petch has been br, his fermer hcalth. attrîbutes te the Pink PuIs, and kn wouid interest the tor, a reporter w; him. The fehîcu narrative as given --"I lad been sic, Iconsulted in thai than six cf tbe-bes find, Dut none set lai as medicinei hinibs and body we se I-couid not get -badIçt the use of -Wheûl 1began ta] Pink Pils I could hhid not dessed n .prçious.-Icomalc 'fioutI nohti cd-and, I lad te eetneed t6 have 1 gçtupor dwn t tcè

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