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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Apr 1896, p. 7

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W/ý pe , - --h.and body were puffed or bloated I couid not get my clothes on. I .111ui lost tuhe use of my limbe entireiy. \Vleo I began taking Dr. Williams' 1':nk Pis I could not dress myself and 1,aýI not dressed myseif for two years ;irevious. I couic] nat evera open my rîîuuth enough ta receive any sulid fooud, and I bac] ta be fed wîth a spoon. i seemed ta have iocl:jaw. i couic] not get up or down thbe doorsîeps, and if I fell cown I had to lie there until I was belped up. I couic] not get arouncl wlilhaut a cane and a crutcb , My fiesh seemed ta be dead. Yau mightu bave niade a pincush ion of me anc] I woulti feel no burt. The doctors tolcl me I uouîd neyer gel better. They saici I bad palsy on one side, caused by spinal' sclerosis, tube effectu of la grippe. Yoti m îght roast-me anc] 1 would-not sweat. I was a memnber of thse Mutual Aid As-. sociation of Toronto, anc], as uncier their ruies I was entitled to a disabil.ity insurance, 1 madle application for, [a. I was examinod iy two <loctore oui»- haif o f thse Association and pronounce4- permanently disablcd, Àmid was ha duetW time paici my disabillit>- insurace of $,o.This wu #aloùt two veR aftefoI firet to,%ok saick. Thinwet ira this u>- for a conskeaikpcjd and] my heipiesues s on tUi se creat4.I.*U gained ini ealt.h an# ieng*fr fer ince. :I1take no. otixer modt-ê4W ~ex- cept Pink Pilla. I 1bega tkii te when ail other medicines- and the doc- tors failed to do me any good. I couic] flot get off rny chair wir.hout help. 1 neyer expected 'ta get better but Pink Pilla have rescued me from a living death, and- n0w i arn happy ta say 1 can work and walk and get around finely, I eat heaçtily, aleep soundly, and feel like a new man, and 1 ascribe the cause ertirely ta, Dr. Williams' Pink Pis. i cannot say too much in their praise, etnd recommend them highly to ail simiiarIy afflicted. The abovýe is Mr. Petch's ungarnish- ed statement of his case, and we might add, we know him ta be a respectable, reliable gentleman, who has no interest in making the statement only to do good to others who might become affiicted as he was. Dr. Williams' Pink Pille are soid unîy in boxes bearing thbe flrmes trade mark and wrapper, (printued in red ink). Bear ina mind that Dr. Williams' Pink Pille are never sold ina bulk or by the dozen or hundred, anad any dealer who offeres3u-b- stitutes ina thie form is trying to defraud you and ehouîd be avoidied. The puhble are aluo cAutioned agaircet aIl othaer so called bluod boildetg audl nerve toruios, put up in sirnilar form irtended to de- oeive. They are ail imitations whose makers hope tuo reap a pecuniary advan- tige from the, wcrrder(ul reputatiot achieved by Dr. Wliama' Pink P.ile. ÂAk your dealer for l-m. These Pille are manuta4tred by the Dr Wi'1'ac's Medicine Corn'pany Brock- Ville. Ontario, 'and Scbeneétady, N. Y.. and are soid only ina boxes bearing thbe flran's trade mark anad wrapper, at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for 82.5o. Tbey mu>- ho fiaO n-arnany dealer, or will be seint by mail on receipt of price. Dr. Williâurn' Pink -Pille may be bad of ail drngKikts or direct by mail from Dr. Williaans' Medicine Compaty from oither address. The price at whicb the pille are eold nia-ke a course of troat- ment compsratively inexperasive as coompared with otbe- rernedies or wedioal treatment. Almost Passes Bel jef Mr. jas. E. Nicholson, Florencevlle, Nî. B., Strugries for Seven Long Years wf 1h CANCER ON THE hIP, Â~Jr~b'c! arila- Mr. Nicholson say,,: *I t<nsulLed duoc- tors wiho prescribed for me, but to rio purpose i e cancer began go Eat into the Flesh, qpre.id to My chin, and 1 suffereid fM actony for seven Ioný yeam. Flnally 1 lrieg.n taking Ayer s Sarsaparil.Ji: a week or two I not.lced a Decided Improvement. Encouraged by this resrult, 1 perse. vered. utiUl i a nionth or- so the sore under my chin began to heal. In three mnontlis ny lp beg-in to beal. and, after using thce Sarsa parilla for six mnonths the lust trace of the cancer disppearedi.'; Ay0'-h'3 Sa-rsa parîlla Âdzntted at the Wcrld'sFue À .16 E'8LLLS Beguiate gtA. Bowoul. The Doctors Were Wrong. T 11 FY SA1 D MR. REUBEN PETCII WAS PERMANENT- LY DISABLED. Tl'(y Apparently Had (Iood Grounds for Titeir Report and on the Stremgth of it Ie was Pald a $1,500O I)sahility Insurance.- Another Case in which P)r. WIl1- lians l>Pink Pis hav e Irought lealth After &Il Uther Means Faiied. F, -41 the NMeafd)rd M*,onitnr. M r. Rcuber.I 'euh is a resilent of 'r-iersville '.-%h,)ha-. heen kiow %n to the c,: tor of i u on tcf or a considerable n.. ihc [lril vear,. 1For several years Mr~. I>tth i' as twen ini bad heaith, has i 'r i an intit nse ierrand mwas îe- ncuralble hy a number of phy- - -.anld WK-jaid c dIîýahf)tv in- ~fi CtCif "", 1oo. L lv, t%> the as- itjn -binnt <tt hiýý- %%I'liabd knùwn t lie wa-.pii ndionurable. Mir. P, Il )LUS-. l nbru n,14it I'ika oj-tto h.- roie-r 1lîiîki. Ti hs restoratio he IL(,-. t t i-t seof I)r. \%Il'liîs' Iuý. l îTlailk'îu that fils storv * .1 ntrî-tthe rciltrs of theu Mmon a reporter wàs sent tu Interview V. 'Fhlicfl ow ing s I , r. Putchis ._ýtic as given the reporater. b.d la-en sic k for s(m'ie tive vears. ri-ulted ini that tirne mwith nio less 'six of thbest physicians I eould îlot none seenied ti) bell Ie so - .-iedicine was conc.erroed. Mly No delogate W»s sent bons bicycle club lali 1fr.GoeqilJsc su ad eV.nýin il Kuon ehrýb !lt Sinday.- Service. wu beld ini conneetion wi&h St &udrewo ochurob in th, atone ohurch, Tborah, l4st Sanday morainlt. Bay street le a great aSsistance ta tbe town by way of scoring Up for thbe census returna. The hnast to add une mare to thbe ist was Mns John McOullacb, who haut week presented ber huisband with a bounning baby girl. Now tubat tbe lacrosse club, the fire brigade and thbe cricket club are organiz- ed, w. are anhiaus ta bear frou tube amusement club. President Hamil ton sbould cal l em into lino and hustule it to the king row. A F Birchard, principal of Elora higb echool, is ina Lown thie week. Misé; Frances King spent a few daye last week visitinu friends ira Peffertaw. The tramp season is not yet over anad five mem bers of that fraternity were boueted in-the jail bore Skturday nigbî. Applications are asked by the council for tube poaia ion of village constable, up to the l8th imet.1 F 8 Hurlbut, of Graveuburet, was ini town this week, Mr. Thos. Elliott's mili was entered one evening last week and several bags of flou r appropriated. The thief in- his haste iost his cap in the bin below the hopper. The cap was worn by a customner who visited the mil] the samne day and is well knocwn, having a record for similar acts. Mr. F. T, Allun is out again weli as usual. Mr. Thos. Rowe is still very low. Miasses Lyle and Hill, Bowmanville, visited at MIr. Thos. Eliotts Sunday. MIr. jahez H. Ellîott has returned to Toronto again. Olur teachers took sdt-antage of the holidavs last week. MIr. James Burns cut one of his father's ingers off with an axe last we e k MIr. joseph Ward is busy pruning every day. For some time Mr C. Ruse has not been able îowing to bad roads) to visit aIl of his pupils regularly, but he hopes to be more prompt in the future. Mr. Wnm. Ashton, Solina, has been confined to the house for some time wîth la grippe. Mr. John Cole is able to out again. Mr. F. L. Ellis is still confined to the house with a bruised knee. Mr. Fred Allun has rented a farm from Thos. Eiliott Esq. MUST BELIEVE 11E!?. Thousands of Others Have mnade Simillai Declarafons. LADY COMPLETELYCURED She Used Paines Celery Com- pound. Remarkable Increase ini Weight. THFE GREAT SPRING MEDICINE FOR BUILDING UP WEAK AND SICKLY PEOPLE. The surent and mont positive cure ira tuhe world for disease is P-iue's Celery Compound. lb strengthens and invigor- ates the rua down systuer, and quickly builda up flesh, tisaue, boue and muscle. No other medicine can so f uli>- and quickiy meelt the dean-es of the aick and dmzeuaed. It abould be born ira mid that tuhe seat of diseaso is in thbe biood and nerves. The peculiar composition of Paine'e Celery Comnpound ent ibles ilt t reaci ail lie centres wbere disease 58 workîug, and it soon banishesaill pain and trouble. At this season, Paine'a Celer>- Com- pound us a heaven seul bleiaing te every nervous, weak, debiliated snd sheeplesa mortal. The diseases tubat bave held mon aud women in boudage during thue wiatier, can flou b. effectuai> removed b>- thbe une uf Pain.'. Celer>- Oompouud. If you are trul>- and esrnestly »eoking for reuewed besiti and long 1f., lot the. example of Me - Lloyd lead you 10 gir. Paiue's Osier>- Oompound a fai t tiL Yen are certain to reap the, saine appy. resulte thatu se.and thousauds of otuber have experieneed. Mns. Joseph:Lloyd, of Gsnanoque, Ont. sas: «'I feol il my dut>- W ,1.11 yo; vizat Psin&a Oelory Oompoueud baï dôîi. frÏ me. 1 wasu WS s iuoerfart»a r-ý vous debilit>- and vybdha~ô~, aord àim rpoWablo 10 o, ob zgla ratI aud aleep. G elr-Vmdéu au i &11 It a tte it. After I1bil d - it I foundI ioublI eto-eVM,-bot 10 ~X 1 Z-IiibtT bers~which am fot the âme- shapeas the booteshould be. icoînfortable. It coets mo- n ey- to employ skilled pattern .1? LV Is aifary it.tersuti aterfatft.ýhee a a ne* 'Patterns are added, to lit ali the latest sh0e-shapes, and (lrnby RUbbelr$ are always ",1up-to-date."'# 'hey arm honestly made' of -pure Don't Draw the Feet rubber, thin, light, elastic, durable,TeyFtheBo 1extra thick at bail and heel. hyFt heBo Suit you exactly,-Sir l Aririrapicked is up frou a -un who kuew nothing about a bone. Ti-e neigh- ,,,~,4.. ~"~ - . - bors ud be ua6"bard . ~ ~ j ~takiceep." Iknew wher the toble va&. Mis ', ~~ L hmarstoodcm end lik, s - the feather ouaà Polud f~~~h , he.Hishbid uino tight liat the lp of your - 'baud on him souaded lii. the beat of adrum He was so tJhin yoea couid sSc innonly uheju h wuI « broadside on" Yes Sir! Broug h m beome under à blanket-wuasiimed te beseMM with hin>a-gave hlm Dick's Bbood Purifier sud now after six weeks juat Sm. hlm. yes Slr-iug six week&-Yon cas't beat DL&'&, k imp 1 t an anIimal ri5hL Its Worth dollars where it costs cents.Von cas get it =ycMdrg%-t or ai genera store but if tii.y don't have it don't Iet hem palmoffsomnething ese on Fou-èecamae yon can sed 50 cents to Dick & Co,, P. 0. Box 482, Montreal snd they Winl senti yuu a tria package--post paid. wmrnmununouhsunIuuInujrnnniuuugIguIngnJu,,~,iilu.mnui,,~î,i,,un,,î Soino ~uddonDeathsl SPRING WEATHER CHANGES ARE THE CAUSE. *Id NepIe thé Severcat suferers-Prevet dasg.r by tht e e ofSett's Sarsaparila -the gretest of Spring Nedicitea. LaGrippe, sure thruat, bronchitis, pneu- monia, infiammatory rheumatism and heu-t discase ira the spring get ina their deadly wurk Whera the systenu is nut cleaned out and prepared beforehand for comirag climatic changes disease lu some forr or other - sudden and fatal or liugering and certain-i5 almusi sure to follow. "tecdlflar will buy a boutle of Scott'a Sarsapanîlla ; one bottie is a sure guarantee against tbc diseuses of spring ; every reliabie dealer kee" this king of biood purifiera; ask for it; don't take anything else. If you can- flot gel bt in pour own neighborhood write to mhe minufacturers, Edmanson Rates & Co., t; Lombard- Street, Toronto. IF YOU DOUBT the efficacy of Scott's Sarsaparilla write suy of the followig before purchasing: J. D. Todd, druggist, Queen St. W.Toronto; Miss M.J.Gould, LloydtowuOrt. ;J. Murruw, merchaut, Fullertora, Ont; Wan. T. Thcmp- son, Zepher' Ont.; Geo. Denbam, druggist, Petrolea, Ont.; W. S. Bond, merchaut, Lloydtown, Ont.; joseph Duncmn, firmer. Petrolea, Ont.; Miss Hattie DeLaney,174 Crawford St., Toroto; M. N. Defce, mer. chant, Zephyr, or Wus Cornish, FuUertoc6 Over 5ooo other names on application. Old people, aud youransd middle aged as well, should fortify themselves for spring by mehogbra the blood sud purifying thç Sstemn, Tbere isoniy une palatable sud dCffvo medcin fr tispurpose and liaI la PA PER8, Borders to Matchý' Corne early and getfirat ce. P. B. WARAM, DOMINION BANKe capital Paid uCp, - 1,500,000- surplus, 0 19500 000, Getieral Banking Busineui Transated. BAVINGS DEPABTEENT. [aterfu fl o-ed st hb« eu rnet roi%& go notice of wtthdrawal r.qufred 8TONEBOA T8, And ail klnds of custome sawfng doueat North Star Mills. Write for low pries. DONALD CH<RISTIE, Ragltan. Wood'S PbO$PbO(lnflO- The Great Engrs Remedy. 91 heresuitof over 85 yenr re mang thousada fcf Cseswlihaft kova amni laiM we have dlbooverod the true remedy and frestment-4 oemblnation tihat wlfl efect a prompt snd permanent- cure ln &ail u to swat Debdify, Abauor &evm, AKervow ,Weaisss, £cstsa&iýe, M'mMi Wor-, ry£s.esive Uie of Ofducm, Tabacco, or ÂAoIic SidmMWOIau ai whlch soon "ad lu Insanity, Oouwptbcn and au early grave. WoodYs Befoe Takng. I'hosphodine boas boas uaed auciully by hundreds of caus that seeme almosi hopeless-cum stbuaiad been tremted by the mool talmnted phys- clans-casesthat wereon thbe verge of depair and lnnfY-oauethator totterlng over tuhe grave-but wlth the contdnued and pevrlugunof Wood'& Phosphodine, teecassthat had bea mo up to di%,w»g remtrod to manly vigor and heaUl-Roader you need aot dupah--o matr ter wbo hu glron YOU up as incusbe--the remedy 1a uew wlt.ldUr7m reach. by Itsu» rn you cau b. gsstored tu a litée ci unetluumnaMad hapinu. Price, one package, $1; uixpackageg, $5; byrm" bSoe c pootaget One wiZlplease, di gwraned diocore. FampýbWttfe<aaaddh%&. Wftd'à PbequIodI. Is »Wdby re»peaali.wbolmm Md reff sudhIggaea.lpa à sa..$ w w w w W~W~ zi» . *se Thse Misses Stewart, of Chathamn, arc thse guests of Mr. Town. Our boys are stilil emigrating one by one. We are sorry for many reasons that thîs shoulci be the case., Outad-o lias as much need, andc] perhaps more, of intelligent and] sudustrous youug t men as bas Dakota or even Manitoba.,1 In fact inteligence la pre-emineut>- - noeed at this ture ne uou home Prov- ince. Our Lanisl, in man>- tasý es .. coming impoverished thbugh lmst7nt takingfr)m the boil Ceai ~tryça not paying back lu, cultiatlon Thr fr atas. nôt n-ymiles from1 boetaa few year.ago,, were -con- ,cd as first cas, ad teday tb are stot paying ruanig e >s. -WJiy ? rBocaUSe there lasiot epuugb labor ç-' 9 pende on those Am.A1e ez 9-90- ýthese farwa1 produted grai e . atàefrOtber wcoélo in, i" e- iabuiàance s pWesent bstt sé I - Mrt. IL B. Rs tsjnrd-.-Pra Body-Ouîe COBU *dSE the-B4&uer- BRaverton Wr W G Cave, wbo ie as weli kz-nown in Orillua as; in Beaverton, bas; left Wood ville wbere ho wus running tube Advocato, and sbîpped hie bark in another stream Hie ta now the local edituor of Merrickviile, Ont. W. G. reporte merrickvile a smart little lown sud thirakse hohas trirck a good pay streak. Amon thtue narnes of Pedlare' hcenees granted lu Ontario' Couraty we notice thbe namne of Mr. Hugb Rose who le granted a one horse license for Thorah and Beaverton - Mr W Harris, çon of Rev R Harrie, wbo lbas been working lu Victoria Road, is home for a few bolidaye. Mies A Campbell and Mies Pearl Perry. of Kîrkfld, paid the village a sihort visit Lhiâ week. Mr B J Elîrnes, of Toro)nto, w&8 in town this week. Mr Angus Campbell, of the Bell Tele- phono Co., of Toronto, was homne for a couple of days lastu week. A large quantitv of bailed bay iq being abîpped fram'tlus station this year. An otlier car wbicki came from the î-econid and tbirl concessions lefttu ere ]aýzt Satur- day. Hay lies been ans of tube gond j îrings ta thîe firtuers in this section as thei price and crap were bath goad, a tlting that dont atten happen witb anyI kind af proîlu-ce nowadays. We are sorry ta record thi8 week the death of Mr. Gjamaliel Hicks, ofTh'lorah, wbîcb @ad -eveut occurred îast Friday at Il o'clock a. mn. Mr. Hicks bad only been eick a short Lime when it ended fatalîy. He was a member of the Orange Lodge bore, and wae 57 years of age. Mr J Barker, of Breechira, was ira town liut Friday. Mr J S Givens and family are spending this week with friende in Cannington. Miss L G-lcbrist i. home on a visil 10 ber parenis aI Ilahy. Il le witb regret that wo learu of the intention of Mr J M Gordon to leave this burg for Toronto with Lis farnily. Tbey expectttbu move shortl>. Mr D M Smitb'e palatial block on Simcoe street je being taied ta ils atmoet, capacit>- la accommodat. tbe numnhera wbo wisb la tako rap quarters urader ils roof. The [ateat additions are tube Misa Mclnnis dress-snaking firua, upstairs, andi Mr Hayden, a barber froua Peterboro,1 wbo takes apargmentuuin tube west wing,i down stairs.1 The Mfiss MoInnie, ubo have for the 1 paut six or seven yeare conduefled a dreas- making esta-bishment ira the front of W1 S Glaneford's, have removed from tbere,4 and Mr G'iansford is altering tube boui;e ta take ii tube portion previonsly used for7 thae sbap.1 The cricket club is nuw under ful swing for 1896, baving organized at a meeting hald in J B- WàrremW store laqt Friday evening. The officere .ppointéd were - Hou-pros, 1D B KeKinnos.; Pros, A Dobeen; Cap, A Nmrry ;.Sec-treaa, H 8 Gameron;- Man (omn: Dr Galloway W Joyce, J B- Warren, and the p eeii and captain. Tii. c1ub Winlen dhavor ta,'» secure the field baok of Dobson's houwe for praclise groundltisiyea. Mr Laycck'aud family,. of Stls have removed into MoRse' brick hts on the lake shoe.. W. have the PInest Soloc- tion la town of thoase BEAU rIFUL AMERICAN. WALL LOWEST E = = i E E i = = = E mismuuin elloiffui :-: PRICFS,,-

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