Sprrng olw vub mre fot complets without a pretty set of ý%à st buttons and cuif inks. You can gelt the prettiest and newest Plated sofa at ...35, SoUd Bliver set@ ut »0.. at Je S. Barnard's, JEMWELER, WHITBY. ,1..ih~ 8*verBuck/es, Aý; rIt, Siti-k and Hair 10 n.di look hke newv. omcIa ColUTyOg*x.-laargmsOma tion of ay local paper Lu Oau&d&. FRIDAY, A4,ARIL '24, 1896. LOCAL LACONIOS. Scott repairsalal kinda of pumps. Fresh Bread. 2 pound loat. Oniy 4c. ai lu k so ns. -urora borealis curtained the norîhern o.~ n Tuesday night. mr. GY M. [>ecker, Pickering, was in t,ýwn on Sunlday last ,uction sale every Saturdey evening at tht- west %ide boot and shoe store. The roads are stili in a very bad shape wu tre the snowbanks were the worst. ',ecure a reserved seat (20 cents) for Miss V dier's class recîtal ai music hall on Tues- dai, neat. NIr. j H. Downey has moved his family frorn Napanee, and will occupy the C. hnston houst. Be sure and buy the Siater shoes and pro- long lite. On exhibition at M. %V. Collins' sShoe Store, E-ast Sîde. F-tII wheat is said ta Se a litile bleached nut-ar here, but looks well furiher north i here is a good deal of il, more than usuai. The Farmers' Advocate in ils last issue gives a plan of the fine large barn recently .-recte-d by Mr. Chas. Calder, near Brooklin The description shows this building ta Se one possessing many advantages. -\Ir. J. L. McCullough. town line, found a hild's haîr ribbon on Mondav, and, lîke the ujýright young man that he is, biought it to th.. office to be advertised. He saîd if it wr-re a young ladys hair ribbon he would h.tve kept it and advertised fur the girl. The best Anthracite coal. Nl, stuve, egg, $4 1 No. 2 nul, $4 ;aI vard. J. H. Downiey & (Su., opposite post office. A big ploughing bee. Titere was a great big plowîng bee for Mr. o a~ n lte Anni- farun on Friday, dnd a i-t ot land îurned uver as lte resuli t ftiis tie gitborly co.operatîon. là i fine bouse by Auction %Ir. Jantes Johnstun's house on C.îeen .:et asi ofihe iue rink. will he sold hy .ution un Thursdav next, April _301h, ai the k,,val hotel. Thtis is k nownutot be a good rs:dence and will be a bargain for some- i-,y. Sale at 2 o'clock p.m. Firçt. Cheapest. lu ,toTu>ronto by afternoon or evening -.,s<of Thursday, Mav 7th, or moruting r,, ri- of Friday, May 8îh, good ta return untrul Friday nîgliti. Tickets ai railway sta- i i) for $1,00o to Torontu and return to Whit- r Oshawa. Thtis excursion is cheaper 11,n Queens Brthday or other holiday r.iit-s. Sec posters. Four montbs in Central aines () Neil, Uxbridge, who sougbt 10 iake an honesi shillin' by stealing front a b î'.very wagon a pair of boots, was sent ilown here last week for trial, and on Satur- l11iv was up before Hia Honor Judge En. -- rin in bis crimlinal court He pleaded zuilty. and was shown by Ca.-Attorney l .,ewell ta have been swîping whips as so the judge gave him aturnoffour iiîýth-s in the cential prison. Base Bail Meeting. A meeting viii be hreld, on tbis, Friday, ex. ,nîng, at 8 p.mu., in ttc Royal hotel, for Ilit purpase of organizing a base bail club. 'i ý not lukcly that lacrosse wili be pl.ayed lr-re tbis summer, and t would be too bad 1,, lu t tie summer pass wiihout having- -;Mrts Of some kind, when we have the best athletic grounds outside of Toronto, Al tlruu,e vito are interested in sports of any kin d wilIl please attend ou Friday night. Oh for Manitoba and Europe 'Special mixed trains every Tuesday in April. See Stephenson, Whitby. Also çheap tickets for England, Scotland, Ire- land, British Columbia, Manitoba, Celifar- nia, alltUnited States and Caradian points, anywlîere, everywbere, boat, rail or ocean. Raies guaranteed rigbt. Tbrough tickets from Pickering, Toronto, Myrtie, Biooklln and Whitby. Ses E Stephenson, Whitby, before travelling, and gsi choice of ten besi oceen steamship lunes. lnc ubatars Our enterprising townsman, Mr. Jos. Thampson , la gaining a more tirat pravin- rial reputation as the buder of incubaters. -H e senda tbis week one of the finest be bas yet îurned eut te, Mr. J. W. Barker, Ux- bridge. It bas a capacity of 2wo eggs. He is in correspendence with enquirers living n Manitoba who had seen ln the -Caaoir- ICLE- references te bis handicraft, and wbo are desirous of-going iriote .ppnltry busi- ness. We have -no doubt tirat Mi. Thônip- son yull develop au extensive buohgleg M the prairie province as veli atneare home. Ontarlo Ladies' Colige. ?Panst, Uic famons 'h'mci ie'sl i soul te tire dïiii fer a brcf rCuewhI0g 't bis youtiras de1gitçd lu tdraratic pO.ul of unvcuwity e! on :Sce aI Q titlo Ladies' Cofflg. D. . 0f l Toronte Univursty 'w» tIi b5'Vil t fiut of thee two kute~@*~~t* fflday -alà ,but19 sg èý fq Mngdown » -tbgtrai180 dt iUM t0- postpoued. Atta«~*w~* nuade t tisa th t*0 .8*«dwt4 fruimalehISv I. Èaà Mi.G.-, arly R ôbitIsthé gttçst of-mm . Dartailt. Nichlso, ca daughter. DO)iïlt â0te attend the-Pedetal,.ou Aý rI sth, glveuîby the pupili cf miss B. Pidier Dr.- Rae, Oshawa, was gazetted as county registrar in Saturday'a issue of the Ontario Gazette. 6 piece solld walnut parler suite, pluah, with silk plusb bands, for $32, worth k5~, at W. Tiil's. Gentlemen of refined taste cbew the lamous BEA VER Plug excluaively. Refuse cheap Imitations. W H Crozier, Lindsay, was here yester- day relieving Conductor McMillan, who is spending a day in Toronto. My Siater shues are so comfortable I aleep in tbemn. Go down and ses them nt the New Shos Store, M. W. Collins, East Side. James Milne, who bas been working in Major Harper's foundry, has gone to Owen Sound to take a situation on a C. P. R. boat. Mr. Thos. Moody, Liverpool Market, bas been twice calied to town in a few weeks to attend the funerais of old frienda, Registrar Perry and Town Clerk Huston. The non-jury sittings of the high court nf justice wiIl open here nert Mondav. There are several caseb to be tried, that of Pugh vs. Green being of special interest here. The Cobourg Post remnarks that rlding people on rails has gone out in somne parts of the New England States by reason of the fact that rails have becomne too scarce. $io reward will be given to any person who can buy boots, shoes and rubbers cheap. er than they can Se procured Rt the west aide cheap boot and shoe store. Auction sale every Saturday evening. The trou îing fraternity of this town paid a visit to their pond at Raglan on Wsdnesday, in company with an expert, who knows all about trout ranching. About five thousand trout fray will Se placed in the pond this year. McGeary has moved his livery business to the old bus stables on Byron street, where he will remain whilst the Sebert stables are being improved in many resrDects. It will be raised higher, and new floors and a new windmill put in. The town counicil met on Monday night and appointed Mr. Joseph White clerk and Mr. Mayor Rutledge treasurer, both pro temr. Then an adjourniment was taken in respect for Mr. Huston's memory, and a special meeting will Se held tbis, Friday, night. The thunder sbow.er on Friday night par- aded itseîf wiih mucb fiashing and drum- ming, but it was welcomed for the good it would do. We hope the weather clerk does. not intend ta caîl out the electric fire and drumn band every trne he turns the iap on us this summer. James Donovan, a lazy tramp who bas been banging around bere for a week or two, apparently deîerxnîned that Constable John Hopper would adopt him and provide permanient lodg-ing-s in the lock-up, was taken ta jail by Chief Calverley on Wednes- day and adopîed by Gov. Decker for one mon th. Remember the assignee's sale of the chat- tels of John Smith, drover, which takes place et the Qusens hotel here to-morrow, Saturdav. et i o'clok p. n. Several farms will be affered at 3 P. nm. This sale should afTord a fine opporîunity for those who re- quire such articles, as everything advertised ta said ta be good. Rev. Thos. Manning conducted a service the epworth league ou Sunday evening last. The members marched i n and sat in the front seais. There were special pieces ai ainging by the church and ladies college branches. In luis sermon Mr. Manning mad.e the point that lime should neyer be wasted, but should always Se devoted to work. He instanced the receni conduct of the H-ouse ofCommons ai Ottawa as showing the manner in which time may be wasted eveti by wise ment, and condemned bath sides of the house for i. On Saturday last Mr. Harry Walters lit the slave in his billiard parlor in mistake for his vipe, and went walking home ta dinner enioying an imaginary smnoke. The smok. i.ng apparatus of the stove was nat in as good order as Harry's pipe, and it proceeded ta fumigate the place in great shape. Mr. Frank Bry an, the genial wine dispenser of the Royai happened ta step oui on the street ta sec how trade and commerce was pro- gressing when he noticed ihat Harry's par- lor was puffilng smoke through the kcyhole. iHe alarmed some people furtiter nrrth, and these startled H-arry at his dinner, Sut an the meantime Bryan had executed e double Suickstep agaînst the door oftite parlor and isi ocated the Iork. He put the 'stave ta rights, and al] handa retired ta view the from afar until the smudge would subside. lut iooking over the aId files of THE CHRONICLE Of 1859 we fitîd an account of e game of cricket wherein Hon. Jerome Scoat made a goose egg. We would not be sur- prised if he were ta do that now, but we were paralized to find that be did the lires in 1859 and '6o. He wiil have a deal ta, re- pent af before he dies. Silil there were ex- tenuaîing circumatances in 1859, the rate of taxation being nine per cent. of the assessed velue, whereas wc now pey oniv 2 6/to per cent. That ycar also wiinesseti a balloon ascension from Whitby races, and Jacob Bryan vas fined $2 and costs for seiling a spotter a drink after hours. On ibis day of April t859 -"Tim O'Day " ted a very rich piece of poeîry in THE CHRONICLE meking tun of the town'cou ncii. The non-jury sittings of the high court of justice wilI open on Monday next, beore the honorable Mr. Justifre Street. The lai- lowing cases have been cntered for trial: t. Trust and Loan Co. vs McCulloug-h et ai. Lount, Marsh & Cameron, for pif. ; D. B. Simpson, for deft. 2. Pngh vs Green. J. E. Farewell, Q. C., for pIff.; Dow & McGilllvray for deft. 3. Gordon vs Warren. C. A. Jones for Ipiff. ; Quinn & Carey for deft. 4. Pringle vs Hallam. Dow & McGiliivray for pîfi.; Mulock. Mii- ler, Crowther & Montgomery for dcli. .5 Pallister vs Medd. Doy & McGiliivray for piff. ; J. E. Farewell, Q. C., for deft. 6. Penneck vs Patterson. F. N. Raines for piff. ; Macdonald & Fitch, Field, -McCeli & Drewery and T. W. Chapple for defi. Masters vs Masters. An alimony suit may aIso e Seeard, if the deft. complies witb an order of tire court. It appears tiratirhe glory of Wiritby iras depatted, anid prebably forever. Mms. R. Colline iras long been tire e«cognized cham- pion of ail tire tevus irereabouts in tire mat- ter of svift buck-sawlng. Foer years sie has irsld up ier eud agaluat ail cornera, amid hms won ail thée sets of 'dlshes offeredby suedicine shows fer blsectlug crcoswoe thre fruit ef hie Canadien -for*st .OuiiwÎý ams bave felt above ns lu ene otber tlgsbut was compfled .Io pay hoiem ta ' p._' line' vo4boeklu. BOwMM alle felt no br bcà Âthat itd4' hot puétd to ïve a feile lcMIo*wPVIt $u the-who t ÃwU. Ilrooiha prteded tisat téUia mrgfuol had lefIt fte fr t ' nt«Iik "0 voeu Whtthv - talA='I&d &ï, leood 41iagtabfrs,4 0on Cati ana J" the Sosb t 14. W. Celliis' New Shoés totte, F. 't Side. Mr. Pa il rordou baves on-. Monday for Owen Sound, te remmue work onte steamer lianltoba. Mr. John Morriso«, Breoktils, bt a fur mit, and an advertisement ina M EIRON ICLE mrade him happy again. Thre waftr i la mie Ontario is a couple of feet higirer fhan It wau last summer but stili lower thau for many years. Ifyen want to enjoy the cemfert of homne buy a loc. package of genuine TONKA smoki'ng mixture. Sold by M. C. Lawler -and J. E. Willis. The desirably situated bouse rien west of Mr. G. y. Smnith's dweUing, is advertjsed ta rent by Mr. F. Howard Annes elsewhere in the CHRONICLE. .Cleaning up the street in front of a bouse is even more commendable as an act of good citizenship than simply doing ibis necessary spring work arou nd the house inside the fence lune. Judges Dean, of Lindsay, and Benson, of Port Hope, are the two comxissioners ap- pointed under the county council reduction Of members, ta divide tbe county into polling districts for the election of council- lors. Mr, M. Griffin, a resident of the nox-th ward for many years, is ovig to Toronto this week. Mr. Greenbury, lately occupant of Mrs. Rice's bouse on Dundas street, is moving in Mr. Griffin's bouse on Mary street east of Mr. Major Hax-per's. To Rent. 1. R. *Pbilip bas three houses ta lei ai a low. rental.-2 in. Kuife found. A pen knife was found on Tuesday and left at this ofice for identification. Route BUIs. THE CHRONIcLE is prepared ta do route bills for stock horses in Rirst class style, and at the rnght pnces. St John's Church. The Rev. Professor Mitchell, of Wycliffe College, wiIl officiate on Sunday nexi. The holy communion will be adminisîered ai the close of the mox-ning sewrvice. Our spring suit. THE CîtRONîCLES USUal Spring suit (for libel) having Seeri donned, ti.ose of our brethren ofthe county press who feel that way mey commence their annual rejoîce- men ta. The Snow-clad Ridges. The bis ta the north-west of the îown were snow-clad until the beginning of this week, presenting an impressive sighlt te- sidents of the town sweltering in the unsea- sonably warm weather that prevailed until Wendesday. Toronto prices. Everything ewey down. Lemnons xi5<c. doz , soap from one cent per bar upwards, baking powder from isc. pound, 4 lbs. cur- ranis for 25C, 4 lbs. raisins for 25C Tryour tei 29c. pound, black green or mixed. Alil cash. M. E. jackson. Recital win msic hall. There will be a splendid programme given in the music Hall on Tuesday evening, April 28th, at 8 p. m., by the music pupils of Miss Fidler, assisted by somte fins talent fram Toronto. The programme consista of 24 numbers and gîves every promise of bsing a good one. Admission 15 cents. Reserved seats 20 cents ai Willis' drug store. Concert at Oshawa. Signor Tesseman and bis pupils i vocal music will give a concert ai Oshawa on Thursday, April 301h, 8 ai p.m. The follow- ing will take part : Miss Mand Starr, so- prano;- Miss Mabel Thomas, soprano ; Miss Eliza Lick, mezzo soprano ; Miss H. M. Dingle, contralto; W. J. Carnahan, Can- ada's favorite baritone, and $ignor Tesse- man, the eminent tenor from the Royal Italian opera, London, Eng. Admission 2,5 cents. Reserved seats 3,c., at WiIlis' drug store, Whiiby. Haywards Saturday bargains. Ladies' blouse waist 25c. regular price 6c;ladies' idalking hats 30c. îrimmed, regular 75. ladies' trimmsed hats from Si up; real Brussels carpet 6,5c., regular 7,5c.; good heavy cottonades rj~ and 15c. Grocer- ies.-Seedless raisins, 5 c. per pound, regu- lar iac. , raspberry jam 5c., regular ioc. ; Eddy's matches 8c. . fine Ceylon tee, 25C. regular 40c.: Black and Green tees 15c., regular 25.- breakfast coffee 2oc. AIl gro- ceries et 0051. Special value in ail gooda on Saturday. E R B Hayward. Sucker Varns Billy Canden marched a gang of ten dawn the railway track on Mon day night. As it grew darir and thre moon was a littie hiaxy tbey did not venture in t the flats lest iircy miigbt gel lost, so they spent a couple of haurs spearing ioads. Thé destruction of tobacco and the manufacture of expletives was kepi up ta a late hour. On Priday niçrht Paddy Burns was capiain of a crew wici went down ta tbe j unction anid made tire botel thre base of operationa. They tied tireir hrorse ta tirs fencesai a place conveni- eni to tire creek and praceed' d ta illuinin- aie tire potash fiats witb burning squidge. The party consisted of Hon. Pat Burus, Mlat Campbell, Fred Clegg, Tommy Tasker, jackr Brtton and Will Brapt, and they were ia highrspîrits. Later iritireevening tire creek took ta playirig tricks on t.bem, and even wenî so fax as ta j ump up and g-lys anc of tbem a bath occasiorially. Ail put in a great fig-bt, however, kilirg eue bushel of auck- ers and frighteniugr four bushels te deatir. Good luck attended them until they retura- ed ta their rig, and ther iti was fourid that some miacreani had uuuitched tire herse and sent il home, leavirig the demnocrat wagon a widdy. A propr period of mournirig vas observed, and a speech frein Hon. P. Burnis, in- which he didat foi cibly on tire pariy wiro had unhitcired tire herse anid sent it home, throwlig eut streng inuendes cencerniug tire party's ancestry, and uming lariguage wirich for peetical force, could net bequailed Bunn a'sPigrm's Pregress. Paddy ihen bitchedtire otirer feUows te the 8han rd drve a ptevulu In e state. We are instructed te Issue a challenge te the wa 0vianrared i te horse te meet any member of tire party any place at any date and wlth any sort of veapott. On Sat- nrday night- about a dozen feflowa vent dovri te tre flats te huai sucirer. They had aise "takeri their knittiuge'" g in the shape of a cargo of wblskey lu bottes. Tire question of wvicir wiry woid be 'the caier lie ca7 thre whlskeyý ,Mtsde-6r in, vas dis- cussd atsomelengtb, and It wus dccided aftersome turne-te attempt to carry it home. This vas virere Uic beys nidetheir nMI- take. IÀquor htcrema s uw tbIlo-, sauidfold after ne swaflvs it , ruck cr hunIers bore Upu brévcly noder hecliIoëd for a «ine m41w.éa Wnimm set iii *a&',tri and caved -tç,titedl lmtu-e'e sWçet etoteir' AI,ç .SeOur (-udats -*NEW VFCA RPETS sein r~styles /Ûema4igyk ucae...~ Th Ti.advanoing season oarries forward thé. C&RPMT 'nmvment, -h hneoe atenoimg - assortment, an4deoreased prioes, tollitn iOur favoç, With, flOumlatüg power. If you' r on ' at new carpets at &à thua spring, it will pay. yen ho bny nov. ogtenî You cao ho 'n Style and have the best fitting and best made Spring weight Suit or Overcoat in any of thoer newost materials, and the. mogt fashionable goodz, for prices that no one can beat. We'd ratier be known by our kigh-olass tailoring, at unmatchable prices, than- by snything eln. Tailoriug jesud always will be the leading feature of O. P. BTEWART'8 business. You get the oustom made Style, Fit and Finish for les@ money here than you'd have ho psy for facioy_ productions. ON 0 SATURDÂy, O hBÂRGAIN O0 DÂYq*ýý we w1il Bell a new lot of CORSETS just in.'- Begular price 75c., ail to go at 50c. a pair. secure a pair. See our NEW DRESS GOODS, cir %MO a vv £I.JLJL imo1 Low Prices, coupled with big values, is the combination that wins your trade in» our eIegant a8sortment of SPRING and SUMMER NOVELTLES. The MZLLZNERY, CAPES, R/lc. F. Be sure te iV igipriceske. STEWART1 <ý»SPRING + RS~ is with us. Our stock of fine goods appeal to the peoples' good judgment and a shopper has rarely left the store wit-hout a parcel. The quality standard in every Une we seil goos up every season. This season'e stocks are supreme in quality and variety, and our prieu are lower than you'Il find anywhere else. NEW :GOODS.~ Black and Colored Mohairs, E stamene Serges, (ail colore), Black and Colored Henriettas,' Silk and Wool mixtures, Tweed effects, Menet.ians, Priestley's, Black goods. QS-.becz al line in 5 6- in. Black Sicilian ClotA on/y 75 cents.<ýD We import them direct from the manufacturers in Great Britain, and en mie you boter value, with a larger assortinent to -select from, than elsewhere. All prices in cream n white, from 25 cents to $7.00 per pair. Men>s, Youths' and Chi/dr~en's Ready-made Cloth/ng at 4.IJLQWE8Tr w. Go California Drted Fruit. PEACHES, EGG PLUMS, APRI COTS, NECTORIN ES, PRUNES. Pinesi Fruit. + L ow Prices. Noted for .Fins TEA S ami ÇOFFE.E.q- 00 I' IC S 00e.:Zl :s Whitby WM. TILt STOP Y Wêor.vo :DRESS WALTE RS, be in nana St le Ur IXT A T rin lDoý Laee curtaîns@ Laee curtaimme