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Whitby Chronicle, 24 Apr 1896, p. 7

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OImak - m »4 'Port 67 15 - b; ,lî 1Ungton, b; Oct. vertoun, )et. 16; rgro've, )ct. 17; fe %,er. Ho was troubled with savere pains tibrougit the muscles o! hie legs aud anmp, after titrea or four day. we.s obliged to taka to bed, wbere ha lay nearly aIl wînter, suffering tennibly froru the pains. Ili became reduced aimosti te a ukehetion and wass nablo te relish food of auy kîwd. 1)urng Iis ilînese ha snffered relapse ow- iîng to tryiu3g to ge& op sooner titan hoe abjrtld. Boyliko ha was anrieus to pet out aud eujov the beautiful spring eunu- abineansd for severe.1 daym wum carried out aud talien for a drive. Thùi brought an thbe relapse. The deector wus &gain callad in and asub.o ontixmued to grow wonse ha wua ordered once more te b.d. Thinge thon iooked very dark as despito the uxedîcal care ho did uotgret any bot- ten. At lu.t bis father decided ta, try Dr. W'illiams' Pink PUil. Soon aftoî begin- ning their use Freddie began ta feel bet- ter. Ris appetito began te- returD and tite pains vere lees severe. As h. cou- tiuued the use of the Pink Pilla ho re- Rained heslth and streugtb rapidly, and in about a rnontb was apparobtly as wel as anves', thse oiu1y remaining syimptom of bis trying illnesa being a slight pain mn- the log, wbich did .ual disappear fer uov- eral monthu. Tt is.over on. sand s hall yearm &go incesFs'eddie took bis luat p11, aud Iu that ime ho bau net'bai a recSu? ronce e! Lie attaok.. There la ne deubt titat Dr. Willimm' Pink Pilla ordlim, and botihoeboy and bi purét. spteal higbly in tbeir praise.- Dr. WilllamW Ë~'nk Pilla are o1ld 0l in box" es honig Lie firmastré4e warl k in mindti iD.Wliom ikPlaae novr mou lu buumrbttu ~ hunirsiMduilydn#~oeascl sttuto ln a loni IfC rvi te iqfrsui en o 061%"Od oufe*Ut4?l l petl ioo ",W r ~V hO p u4 aT Id jpbond » bo ~l; "f', « iM bout frW.0 Thy àÏ b b"lIsdwM', duor; o ill be set by mail on ;eîIofpe. Dr. William8' Pink Pilla may b. bai of &Il druggista or direct by mail from, Dr. WilliammC Medioine Company froue oitber addtsus. The price.st wbioh the. pille are sold make a course of treat- mont oooeparatively inexpenaive s eompared with other remedies or medieal treatment. j». a. y. mn,"L Rosuits Astonisli MEN 0F SCIENCE. AYERSEpa A MEDICIN§e WITHOUT AN E UAL. ,tatement of a WeII Known D"ffli *Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is without an equal as a blood-purifier and Spring niediciuie. and rarinot have praise enough. I have watcbed iis etlects ln chrontc cases, wlîere1 other &r ,itinient was of no avail, and have beeti ýi5biàed at the resuits. No other blood mriitne that I have ever used, and I have tii,-i thr'm ail, is so Llorough ln Irs action, ;it ,efforts s0 tnany permanent cures a3 Ayer's Sarsaparilla."-D)r. il. F. MERRILL, Augusta, Me. Aye's '0 arsa parillia Admnitted at the World'. FPair. A ier'. PilL.for liver anad bowels. A YOUNG LAD'S RESCUEC. CON",FINED TO HIS ROOM FOIR MORE THAN A YEAIZ. An Intense Sufferer Through Pains in the Mlusclea of Hie Legs and Arnis- Reduced Aimost Lo a Living Skele. ton. Froin the Wolfvitie, N.8, Acadian. Mr. 1. NV. Beckwith is the proprietori of the Royal Hotel, Wolfville, the most important bostelry in the town, and te a inan well known and esteetned throngh. out that sect4on. Blei as a brigbt band saine Iooking son, 13 years of age, named Freddie, who is a lad of more than aver- agle intelligence. 1 is pretLv well known in Wlfvtlle that Freddie underwent a very severe illiaee&, thonagh perbapu the mueans ta wbch lie owee his recovery is flot. go generally known and a statement of the case mua v be tbe means of helping saine otber stîfferer. On t.he -26t h of De - cember, 1893~, Freddie was taken ill a.nd was contined ta his roavin sd bis bed un- tîl Marcb, 181.4. Two dîfferent pbysi- Cians were called ini duniusz is ]one iii- l(Ses. One saîd he bad la uirppe and the otber that bis trouble was rbeniiuatic Mr. Will Scott heuhis bouse newly shinglod. Most of the iarea* of this looaity bave cornmenoed mediug. - kir. W. Arnold is happy in the poaaea. sion of another bouncing 'baby girl. Visitora: The Misses Fletcher and Wr. Fletcher, Codai Dale, at Mr'. ~rbt Mr. aud Mis. Ezra, Obhaws, at Mi. Ac- nold's. mma J. Oliboit i seS promeut ai Pbo t Peryy nder Dr. Ar.iio's care. W. hep. sh@. msy soon b. baok fuly eoovore. Mrs. Vlrsue,-ýw@ undorstàod, i. auýà,. lug vith soknesa, but vzthDr. lfltela atteao.e vi .dub om coTm dmIààdà,m au ia om ta t " dedla,,, Soeh iOf ,"dvw. erby ,umboi "slua bIitheladiés of Enfl.ld hai pre. paroi. Iê vwu au entaro tuprîse 1 the aged oouple, and tbey appreoiat.d thé goodwMi of their frienis 5cUGOo.1 Farmars are ail busily engaged with their spring work. The Foot eiturch intend having aînnj- versary services on 'May 24th aud 25th. Several of '4the boys"' are beiug look- ed a! ber regarding the. sbooting o! muak- rats. Thte bridges have been in a very dan- geoet> con dit ion for mrne time owing to waahouta caumed by the bigh water. Old settilers 'Ir k o! the water being unusual- ly high tb is year. Mr. Wm. Sweetruan appearod before Squire Bateinan on Saturday isat bo ans- wer to the charge laid by Mr. Watson of Caeîarea o! illegahly flshing for "lunge." Mn. Sweetmau went prepared tic prove bis innocence but such ws fot nece8.ary, ai the 3. P. declared that the Inspect.or had no ease'aùd no dismis.ed it. It in a shaLme that citizens can ho put to &ô muchit iconvenience and te govern- meut to no mucit expense and yet te plaintif f ot b. able to prove chargea, therby baing made sport for ail baudsa. Rev. J 9 Malletit departed for Belle- ville on Monday luat where the confer- once examift&tions wera held titis week. He will b. aWsy for about two weeks, bis place beiug filled by Mn. Wesley Irwin, itho in alwsysa a very acceptable speaker to our Island congregation. We wish Mn. Mallatti succes iuhie examination. A very pleaat tirne wui speut on Tuesday aft.ernoon sud eraning, hy sev eral o! Scugog'm young people, at a leap yaar panty givan by the Misses Lansing at thein boste. lu the afterunon thbe young ladies weraeugaged in au old fasit- ioned quiltiug ba., sud as the gallant swatus carne in at even time a very pies- saut eveniug wu eaujoyed by ail wbo par- ticipated. Mn Wni Sweetman bas returned to bis wonk in UInited St.ates. Mrs Wr» Sweetrnan is in Ophaws nuns ing hen sister tbnough a severe iles.. Rev J H Mall1etti preachad missiouary sermons lait Sabbatb at Maple Gros. sud at the Head. His text was t.akeu from Revelatiori 6: 2. "And lha went forth conquerng aud t ceonquer, ' f rom whicb he Rave a very earnest appeal on behaîf of foreign missions& Ha mat with abun- danti succesa, doubltug at the two churchea what was gtven ast year by the etîre circuit. KZEKON & FOLKCY '-Spring. Gentile spning. We bail tibee witb deight.' A large flock of wild geese stopped for rafnesbments in Mn. John Davis' field one day 1asti week. They zuoved on wtthout muchit iviting. The Kedron congregation bave decided to hoid a Sunday service of thein stiniver- aary, but ino tea, as bai; beau the custoni; date about 24rb o! May, but not fuily decided ou yet. This wihl ave a lot of work ta the ladies and is lu some waye h tbiuk preferabie to the tea. Yet I fancy the childreu will miss thi. thoir one holiday of their Sabbath echool. The ueigbborng cougregations to the eust, Mt. Zion snd Eidad, have adopted te no tes plan, 1I'amntoid. Mrs. Harvey, mother o! Mn.. Jas. Burton, died at her son's re8idence in Markitam on Monday 13tb, sud was brougbt to Whitby by the G. T. R snd buriad at thbe Union camatery on Wed- nesday lôth. The oid lady had speut thbe hast two sufi mers witb lier daughter, Mn.. Burtoný She had reacbed the ripe oid e -Z eam JIALWAYS CURE Areon@.Mauamsof "8 rul by Sm& bAmerlom Kidnoy Our. thoe o au mg. eTi. rè baied i p.r AIFIM EN "»sudfak eeuof Yus 040. Te inui 1e Twqvo 33c=Ch.! igfe M"hi ipp.uuez. IM[MI4 lMefteoxabh o.! ehuduten is àne d e d r.. Cent1emeng.Fmer lu1t ton yém Iba4dedkdje o-rAseis ldY been treubiedwith ktdnV diusuom e $Èl renedý~~t~r huif.y. gobadat [utervaUsthat 1udiUtî " ~dWh1t allike," '»erdùii, withonItefeet, but hurd -of! Dci' d&aih ntlu 1û M&bete ~ke au#uI u, t auaPm O l q dvie, Ague'e cat4miI IF YOU DOUBT the efficmcyof Scott'uSrsapra wr ite auj, of the following before purchasing : 1. D. Todd, druggis, Quecu St. W.Toronto; MiSS M.J.Gould, LoydtownOnt.;J. Morrow, merchant, Fallerton, Ont.; Wm. T. Thosnp- Son, Zepher, Ont.; Geo. Denhain, druggist, Petrole.., Ont.; W. S. Bond, merchant, Uloydtown, Ont.; Jjoseph Duncan, finmer. Petrolea, Ont.;?Mins Hattie Delaey, 174 Crawford St., Toronto; M. N. Defoe, mer- chant, Zephyr, oÏ Wm Cornish, Fuilerton. Over 5000 other naines on application. OId people, and young and middlé aged as welI, shouid fortify themselves for spring by enriching the blood and ptuifying the "ystemn. There us oi y. one palatable and effective niedicine for this purpose and that fi d'Pt%'9 TRY Scott's skin Soap. 1 CLAIMO"SPRING WEATHEE CliANGES TeArmenian concert vil likely be aed bout May lot. ARE THE CAUSE. There in a wedding on the tapis. Par- ticulars in due ime. edPpetéSieet.« rr- m o'iia In Matthe tihordy. coo, n dangtr hl the ut of Sctti',S arsapaflla Dr. Fred Tracy, of Toronto, is bore -the gretest of Spring Nhiine. juot now with his parents. Geo. Pugh, of Milverton, dlentist., wu LaGrippe, ore throat, bronchitis, pneu. bore with friend lasti week. mnonta, inflamrnatory rheurnatisrn and heart Mr. Talbert, of Toronto, sbipped a disease in the spring get in their deadly work load of haga frorn bre on Monday. When the systein is not cleanied out and E. B. Pugh bas taken pouuesaion of prepared beforehand for coming clirnatic tbe old Pilkey place un the Brook road. changes dismeeil sorne forin or other - Mrs. Heudrehan has returued fîrom sudden and fatal or liagering sud rain-is the City, af ter spending a couple of weeks almost sure to follow. there with friends. One dollar vil buy a bottle o! Scot" Win. lMoAvoy left for Manitoba on Sarsaparilla; one boule is a sue guanantee 'Monday where h. will reniai a for the against the diseases cf spring ; every rehiable seanon. Men are vary scarce ont there. dealer keeps this king of blood purifters ; aak Mrs. Robt. ftiohardaon and family, of for it ; don'î talce anythinR else. If you can. Walkerton, are at present the guesa of not get it in your own neigbborhood write to Jos. Gregg, Nort.h Claremout. the manufacturer, Edmanson Bates & Co., The Mesurs. Graham hipped tmre tÇ Lombard Street, Toronto. nineteen hQoei froin this station on Sat urday, aIl bound for the Englist market. Joseph Gregg was away luat week at- tending the funeral of hie sister-in-law, the late à1re. James P. Gregg, Alleghany City. Lo John Pamsb baua vacated Bd. Pugb'u oo-f farm suddhau gone to Darlington to re--____ §ide. Mr. Pugh, jr., wil occupy the farrn tht>. vacated. It is the Pa Henry Hopper, of Markham Tp., was and Ovesl here this week, and took away with him subbers oro R. P.'a superannuated horse, the new this patteru beait starttng lîfe with any amount o! a Granby th~ ambition. because they Graham Bros. have six hormes now on A rubber thu exchibition at the Toronto horme show.' foot Grasi Ira Boyer snd Tobiaa Micheli are also fit perfectly. competing for prizea. Tht>. it will be seen that our stock.breederm are not R-%0%---- afraid of competition. There is some talk o! the erection of a rink during the coming ummer. If the new building be erected it i. pro- posed t.o have the building fioored. This wilI permit of large gatherings in the summer tirne, aud wilI likewise expedite lsI Iis ( matters in producingz ice in the faîl. The curlers are thinking seriously of the mat- Thb vil ter. wo lo The Prenchmen lhase left titis neigh-al r .w borhood snd are now wandering west. m .Ot They lef t Sturday morning, and g ve Gi.. him an exhibition on the street, opposite Wil- son'& bote!, before taking their final de- parture. Our people were al mo pleased to have theni leave that &ornie two hun- dred aaeem bled to see tbem safely out of the place. We are forced to aay tibat a.nd note ho,% those people bave not been guilty of tbe m wl1 sligittest breach of la-w in tii locality. etb regh Te b. mure tbey have been a nuisance wMb - through their begging propensitiies, but b eurd when refused assistance thy were ever rqie civil. out Bots, 't WASEAGO Par mm by dm. tealst ar MMuiPm Pma cm recelpi of =a.- The work o! lowering the lakes ha. commenced mn earnettt. After three or four years spent in taking leveIs aud other preliminaries about 1200 Ibo. o! dynamite wa. brougbt in on Saturday The people of Canningtou and vicinity morning together witb steam drill, boil anot fail to learu with regret that D. or, engine, and other plant uecessary for Y.R« nabuflfedeli rsgnto the work., The work wilî îikeîy take bill .Rs .aott tne i eiuto smre turne in JuIy to finieh, sud is under of Knox church. the direction of Mr. F. W. Cor-ie, C.B., (Jannington i. ta have a stearn lauindry. of Ottawa, aud Captain Jarnian, cof Arn- Mr. John Stoneburger iastarting one in hurstburgh. both o! wborn bave a wide Mr. A. J. Siuclair's cottage on St, John ex perience in snob undertakinge, sand street. s Blood Purifier W quickly he will1pîck np. Hîswhole be invigorated. His digeston viii ieed so that all the nourishment rn from the food an leus ofit wil 1.»ick'sq Blood Purifier dri-ims Vorma and all parasites DIkC4 ., P. O. B« 4&% ou.tr.d. Mr. Arthur Cox ha& inflammatory rheumatiam. Mr. Scott has r.sumed work in the village agarn. Mfr. Tho&. F. James nearly lest two cows by giving them wrong mediee he thinks. Menu. J. T. Rundie aud H. Reynolds left for England Isat week for the bhouait of their health. Min Euuice Âwde ham gone to Toron. Dr. J. C. Mitchell,. ef Enniakillen, i is trying te affect a ours onu-Ur. Thom Pasme.'. log, vhich bas besu Y M' troublosomo o!lut. Steet Car Aoodot,-Mî .Thorum- sabls msys : 6My elevea y.ar cii boy hd big jlm b&t&inlured by, b.iug rmaovor by a cmv o tes riât l * Wo aitom, oeomm bathing Lbe T=oU»DxEoemaza 0r~vha b.dlmolra -M ~d mwelà » reebovd.aMd in nai er honu .I Sfot.. w e b.p a bott, lu le boue reédy for aay.mmeoy," Eov)-n'nom".ptsooleo go<h tes' baptimi i>. »miséus VIII, 1 sui W. bave th. PinetI 8.ieo- in utowst. ofthose BEA UTIFUL AMERICAN WALL PA PER8, Borders to-Match". AT LOWEST Corne early md gorfira: cheo,.- P. B, WARAM., BraI's tand, Brook ilSt., WhitbjK- 'DOMINION BANK«- g~lapfta1 j'ald iup, - *1,80,0 Surplus,$1 w800C Whitby Aàgouiaoy. General Banking Buainas Tra.naot.d. SAVINOB UATET lmiersut sIIoiw.d a1 hlgbet e~.tr Blootte, of ithdrawal téqufred 8TONEBOA T8, And ail kinds of cumtin uawlng doue aM North Star Mlii.. Write W l ow. prIc& DONALD CHRISTIE, Raglan. 1 I ML &"&ani .h.s. in lb.,.l stieufor .fti.a.,. il. - -' Te bave -perfec beM b emnuriha - Au u .,mon, inu s ouai demi sdos uthis Print in the Snew wttern of the heel of the (lrmby Rubber moe. The next time you buy a pair of over-.hoes ask for Granby's and look for ion the heeL. There is no need to take hat is flot the saine shape as your boot, !y are made to fit every shape of shoe. iat does flot fit the boot will draw the nb>' Rulibers are thin, light, elastic and * They wear like iron. rietor, [.C E. cident 10. suce Co. it. o aIl d to the 1 withont leatb or LL. Whitby. )ronto. ni giviflg m a dis- à nubher, P-r fiiling ratons at he City. ne eXani- a Charge. ,et corner LES, ETC. PLE'S ,0. East 0f NER HERO genuine n Eana, r long- ýArtifi - plis uces THOS. -, Suth- lndon Notice th N'S AY S. baie Oi n mtoci ill fot be thecae 1 i. out of order. n he needs a tonie with an animal When a horse is the samo a. a coruplete resI.

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