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Whitby Chronicle, 8 May 1896, p. 7

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sick-. Headache CUREO PERMANENTLY 13T TÂKZNG Ayer'.s Puils 1I was troubled a Ion g ie wlth sick hesadache. It was îually accoîpanied vit h ievpre pains in the temiples, asense nt fiffliiess and tenderness n one eye, a bad raste In my mouth, tonfue coated. bands and feet cold, and sickness at the :toiniach. 1I bled a good niany remedies recomrnended for tLis complainit; but t was not utitil 1 Began Taking Ayer's Pis ttsat 1 recelved an ythlnc lilce permna- nent heatefit. A sngle box of these pi11s dtld the work for me, and 1 amn now tree from Aeadaehes. and a well man.."'- 4 C'. H. HL'TCHU<GS, East Âûb)urts, Me AYER'S PILLS Awarded Modal at World 's Fair Auer,& BargapardUa de the B.f A DOUBLE RESCUE. TWý() YO)UNG LADIES BROUIGHT BACK TO HEALTH ANI) STRENGTH. (e was threatened with Comsumption Followîng an Attack of Pneumonia -The (Jther was in an Advanced Stage of Anaema-Dr. Williamns Pink IPil1s Restore Health after other Medicines tai. 1mn the Truto, N. S., News. \niong the residents of Truro there non)fe better known or miore highly uedthan MIr. and Nlrs. jas. Tur- *Mr. Turner is an eider in the '-wýbyterian church. and a inan whose <Is as good as hisý bond. In his t:.VresIie two young ladies, Miss Clw hristie, an adopted daughter, ý'n( M iss Iessie Hall, a sister of Mrs. r :n e r. I3oth voung ladies are known nave had tryîngilnse. and were t., r o have beefl restored tW health bN i,,o[uiitr me litine, the namie of which ihousehold word tromn the Atlantic the Iaciic. J udgîng that their rywould be of popular interest, a i..rter c alled uj>on theni and asked S'.uch information as thev ight :i ),e to mnaIe public. Both young swere averse to publicity, but o nIt was pointed out that their ex- Wr --ence mnight be helpful to sortie rsutierer, gave a statenment for 1,.,2ci(ation. Miss Christie, whose case i- erhaps the most remarkablLeý is giý- n precedence. She said: -I arn i. 1 years of age and have neyer becnr very strong. On the 26th of July Li-, 1 was attacked with pnieumnonia, hr ,.ght on by a severe cold. 1 was ('r ;Ined to bed for almost eight weeks, %%-r.,n 1 was able to get up once more. I.ngthpee weeks I was uQindr treat-1 gan to get gradually better, my strengthi began to returu, my appetite improved,t and I had sound irefreshing sleep at1 riîght. I bave now useci fiftcen boxesq of Pink Pilîs and have no hesit.ation ini saylng that they bave eflected a won- derful cure in my case. I n the caqe of Miss -Hall t'he Pink PuIls have also accomplished rnarvels. She was attacked with dizziness, severe- headaches and fainting spelis, followed later by swelling of the feet and îimbs,i together with other symptoms of anae- mia. After having been treated by a physician for smre ti!ne without anyi notîceable iuçproveýmenit ghe decided to gtve Dr. WIIliaiflsI Pifik Pll1s a trial. After us;ing a few boxes of the pis there was a dec«Ied inproveznent in her condition, and with the continuedV use of the medilhx Ê fuî strenà gh, health and activity returtëd, andt Missa Hall is now feeling ai *weIIsa ever- she did in ber lUfe. -Bo M n4M& Turner were preseut du.ri& 'thinte WtCt view, and strongly eadirsý wbat 1-he- Young ladies sald. udè q îd~he thanks for what Pigtk for thomt are *àwîê au aIt o#ée potl up iç sU«ler hm intsndd o e cehe. fthy ar» aIl imitatons whose makera hope to reap a peciniary advanu- Ia«o from the .wood.rul reputatiot achieved by Dr. Williams' Pink Plle. A.sk jour dealer for them.- Thea. Pille are manuaatur.d b the)> Dr Wi'liar'a Medicine Comepanyrok ville, Ontario, and Scbenbctady, N. Y., and are sold onLy in boxes bearing the firm's trade markr and wre.pper, at~ 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2 50. They may ho haa cmom any dealer, or will be sent by mail on receipt of price. Dr. Williams' Pink Pis may b. had of ail druggista or direct by mail front Dr. Williams' Medicine Company front aither addrese. The price at which the p1il are sold make a course of treat- mont oomparatively inexponsive as compared with otber remedies or inedieal treatment. Uxbrtdge. PersonaL Miss McDowell of Bowmanville is visîtîng her saster, Mrs. T. C. Nicholîs. Mr. E. J. Breen was in Parkhall this week attending the wedding of his brother. Mrs. Coulson and daughter, of Owen Sound, are visiting at Mr. John Richards'. Dr. Joseph and Mrs. Bascom arrived in town yesterday, to attend the funeral of Mrs. John Bas- com. Mr. B. Willis, left a few days ago for Fenelon Falls to assist in the extensive milîs of Howry & Sons. Mr. J os. Borland left town this week for Washington territory, to look after his property there. Mr. and Mrs. B. Bascoin, of Toronto, and Mrs. T. W. Crosby. of Chicago, were in town this week owing to the illness and subse- quent death of MIrs. John Bascom. That elopement. George Roberts, who took a little trip to Lindsay and Omemee last week wîth Annie Jackson, was brought be- fore J. P's W. Hamilton and J. E, Gould Wednesdlay afternoon of last week and charged with the theft of some triflîng articles'pelonging to the Jackson household. He was dismissed and Ieft town the same night to avoid arrest on another charge. A ta.Ik about tubera An Uxbridge township farmer r-e- marked the other day that the utter demoralizatio-n 0f prices for potatoes- last season wilI probably serve a good purpose after aIl. bV' teaching those who have heavy land,'suited for cereals, to leave potato growing to the farmer on lîght land. It is not likely that the p<)tto crop will be nearly so large this v ear. A proporttonate reduction of acreage on eacli farin wti ensure better prices thîs faîl. Narrow e«cape. We are tnformed that re had a nar- row escape frorn indigestion, if not death, re. ent!v . Avyoin g lady- of the town, who had been following with consîderable satisfaction some cook ing recipes taken froni the lournal. came across one thdit did not turn out weIl. It was a recipe for maLiniv cake without eggs, and tn lher case it did not prove a Iu(cces.s. Shie threatened to invite the editor o)f the -journal up to eat it, but finallv relented. and that is where our escape camre in. We wojuld lîke to sav, the place, and they are still spending. Mr. Capon was present on Sunday and, assisted by the keeper, very kindly showed the fish and explained the systemn of propagation to inquisitive visitors. A number of trout fron t 8 inches long and not over 2 years in age were brought out by train Saturday night and deposited in a portion of the race where visîtors could see them on Suriday. The next day the slide separ- arating thent front the upper pond was to be raised and the flsh allowed. to pass up. In the hatcbery buildings the little fish recently hatched are con- tained in nearly forty feet long, flat, zinc troughs, wth the fresh spring water coursing through ail the timnte. These little fellows are perhaps two months old etnd an inch long. To count tbem except by measuring wôuld be impossible. They are innumerable. One trough is kept as an s mirmary for the fisix affecte(1 with dcformity, sucbi as curvature of the spiqe, two hçads, etc. The propoietors have an ,upper andl lower pond, a race wbich cati be screened off iôto cQmpartmcnts, a small bass pond 'not yet'In use, and are trï ing to build a third pond. It is some benefit to this town ý%nd vicinity to have our brooks anj ponds made use of in this way, frequenr.ly'bringiqg, as it aoe, a good class of visitors té the .,-own, and we hope all classes of, the. tomp.: muuity wilî endeavor to use them falrly. Occasionally, here and there, a, man; may b. found, incli," -., 1 , #à,'~- saagrby taking - ta4f necesitebuWWe hope ââhîî'-tIt kind '-i is-, attemp vhich. wasth mma ENu. 'o"'. Extremety Nervoulî\DaibI1itetelis.m ingly Wibont Vitality, or 7lgor, the Rihesî Medical 8kM wu Tin2 able to Battle With Hlie Disease. Whatever may b. the cause, it is un forunaelytoc true that large numbers of. children are sffiicted witb norveus troubles. These in many cases assume a.ggravated conditions and davelop often into what is really a feature of paralysis. A resultt of severe sickneesse nte yearg s*ôi, Robert B English, the young son of Mr. John English, wbo conducts a large cooperage business in Lakefield, Ont., became thse victint of what seemed like chronie nervousness. The child was r.aken with severe twitchings accont panied by fits that were doomed to speed. ily wreck tihe wbolo systent, Naturally thse best snedioal skill wu brougbt into requi.sition but no relief waa secured. South Ameriean Norvine was waed, and with the remilt that afîer six bottles bs.d been taken thse boy was restored to pet- (oct health and is to-day eue of thse monî robnst and heaîthy chîlâren in bis sec- tion of country. Thse case of Minnie Stevens. of Lo'ndon, Ont., danghter of Mr. F. A Stevens, cf the Stevens M arn- facturing Co . is a somnewhat imilar case. Twelve b:ttles of medicine cured a severe case of paralysis there. Thse great secret of Norvine is that it cures at thse nerve centres, Bnd for this reason is a pan acea sure, ertain and lust- iug, in ail cases, of nervous troulles, gen. oral debility, indigestion, sick headache, and like diffiotilties in old and ycung. Lt removes these troubles, and besidos, builds up thse systemn, for it is one of the greatest fiesh-rroducers that tise &,e bas seen. Sold only by J. E. Wilîis, Whitby. Rackecl wlth Rheumatlsm U nabl. te Wal k, owling te exoruclat- lng pain. After ton years terrible torture, Curod by Scott'*_Sarsaparil la. A. H. Christiansen, writing fromn the Cliften House, Niagara Falls, says: -I owe you mort than 1 can ever pay. For ten ytars I suffered the tortures of the damned with rheurnatismn. Father h.ad t before me, and I believe it Is an here- dîtary disease. My knee joints would get înfiarned and if I was out, in any 6weather"' I was sure to be ld up, which to a travelling man is a calam.sty. In a score of Canadian towns local doctors treated me, sorne giving rel:ef, others none. I read that Sarsapar'Illa was a rheurnatîc cure, and 1 asked a druggist 1 or - «a bn)ttle cf the best Sarsapar îlla on the market."* He gave me Scott's, re- imarktng« that it was an improvement on ail ot4rers, n nd that he could he nestly recammend at. 1 have taken four boules, and atît as free from--pain as a man can i ope to be. 1Ivas out in a rainstormntwo -4-11 emgo and neyer feît a twinge. As 1 aî1d betore, to ots Sarsaparila 1 owe .nore than 1 can ever rep)ay.' Tîie best remedy for rheumnatism, sriatîca, and neuralgic pains-ahl arisira tiom the presence of p oison in the blood -is Scott's Sarsapari [la, a modern coq- entrated medicîne, rompt in its cura. :ive efiects. Doses frorm one haif to one teaspoonful. At $1 per bottle of your-ý Geedwood. Tise wood bees are over; the saw and axe are laid away : thse (armera are now busy with thse cultivator and 2eed drill. Mr. Thornley gave an earuest exorta tien, aIse in thse evening te a large audi- ence on 6"How long haît ye between twe opinions!1" Mr. Andrew W*taon loft here for Waco, Tex»n, U. S. A.. where hie brotb. ere Jo. and Rugh are. W. wish him a happy, aucoeefut hie in bis new honte. If the young men viso indulge in thse habit of louaging on the church satepe every Sunday and i aso pn Oarey's corner would ebstain fron thte habit, it would look more respectable sud greatly oblig thse ladies vions hey anuoy. Ourt 1.ior 1 à doing a goM bueaent, Give hlm a- oeil. Agood gami"eo hoera.Armtstrong and Wamof U.1ti- brdg uiot tilago la fiyin$ viuit on Sunday on tboé - bieele'. evswsig . nitolt 8. 8&, roturmng home early, ne doubt to keep smre enga"emnt. Thse, bindfavored m-v*îe.a lmtee' oe tiô.on* En atrdaywho wr appreciated by &. - ria-àoir 'ulsouths on thie 2dth 1 Whore ta ourfooitbqlleo IC %-r .4. & >9 Paine's Celery_ Cmnpound Gives Them ~Strong Nerves, Pure- Blood and, Hea)thy Bodies, IT PLANTS THE FRET 0F THE YOUING ON 1 SURE ROCK 0F HEATH. It ig now an ostablished fact thât tise ntajority cf boyesuad girls vise are ailing and sickly, suifer front a weakèned con- dition of the nervous systeim. Lt should b. rententbered, that a boy's or girls@ nervons systeLa is exceedingly delicar,., sensitive, and very eaisily do ranged. Wlîen the yoong people are nervous, irritable, do. net sîeep well, have boadache, -variable appel ite, sallowness cf skia, and eruption on face, be assured the blood is disordered and thse nervous force weak. Wben yonr ohildren show signe of any cf tise abovo mntioned trou.bles, give tisent Paine's Celery Comnpound, as there is no other modicine se voll adapted for tiseir peculiar ailmouits. Lt will soon banitsh overy symptont of diese, Rive natural appetite, eveet sleep and clear, healthy complexions. Front every part cf our Dominion,. THE faîthetsand oeotberis bave sent lunlîhank- fui and grateful lettets teetifyiug in un- mistakable language tisat thoir ohildren were saved front disease by Paine'& Celery Cormpound. Mauy cases are on record of yotmng people inatobed frointhtie grave, vho thtie physicians had given up as incurable. Dr. Piselps, upen vhom colleges con f erred thair bigbest honore for bis deep sud vaînable investigations lunusedicine, k.new front ripe oxpe rience that bis vend - erful prescription Paine'@ Oelery Cein- poond vas just suited for thse needs of aI little sufferers. NQw is the tinte te bnild np the little cnes in healths mctiat (bey vilI b. able t.o boar aizinot tise hot veatiser visen it cornes. To accontplish this detirable and necersarv vork, Paine's Celery Contpound i. the. only safe, sure and certain agent. -Keep Milch Cows in Good Jiealth IT PAYS-It is uesto expect à à lea, run-down cow to have a good flow ofM milk, though she will eat more thaan anma = in good flesh. The difficulty is thenautrimoet= iss oc a&U extr-actcd from the foodi because ber digestion is out QLorder.= Dick's Blood Purifier - will strengthen the digestion and malt. the food produce milk. It fil cout bu fit et t r to the poorest cow youbave and you willgct bwc your mioney with interest in a few weeks. 5 For ode by Dwuggits, et gencrai stores or mensposc paid on receipt of 50> cta. mkk & Co., P. 0. 13« 482, MoRtrOIL Slave of Vour Foot! BSUix t ould -o ltheShos-cr. Bled 10 iwoteot ftfrom the rouh roada of M». lut manv Ost to. daY are slves to telb.S1o, b.. cause thoir ownersWiUnDot consuit thelr he, wbsn bu~ Iubolsm. Km la à &boa wowul ve aa pxlngy tbot-ettp aveu to o04 age, beCauselu the bUlditsg0f ihe sole no peg or sUeh under the 5,01 d«uest @ il estlcity. tt je & iot. conrnrlngsho, sd 0very vazsty 0of *bot bas beo losdee n (ta oe~qtp.Goodyer votpro. on tho soie 88.00j "008 ffls .Po arii. The Mater Shoe (frle. We have tise Fineit Solie. tien in sown ef thome BEA UTIFUL AMERICAN' WA LL PA PER& -WIT- Borders to Match Corna early and getfirat choie. P. B. WA RA M, DOMINION BANK. Capital Paid up, - $1,500,009 General Traneaoted. - $ 19500 M.0 SAVINGS DEPAETKENT. Intereal aIlowed st big.est ourrent rt«i. No notioe of vithdrawal required 8TONEBOAT8, And ail kmnds of custoüs sawigdone ut North Star Mills. Write (or w prcMm- DONALD CHRLISTIE., Raglan.- i mm ZmuA wette e"OZ mvu, 7ý> ' Sole Agent at Whitbyl, M W.Collins. KMI the Tioku. -Tise farmer wbo goes 10 bhis sheep pen. day alter day, and sees sbeep ticks crawling about on thse young Iambe, and does uothiug tô relieve tisen, starnps bimself as a bringer of bard tintes to bis, on door. At this season tise t.icks leave the old siseep for a more tender and convenient feed- ing ground upon thie lambs. While old sheep can witbstand a moderat.e amount of vorrying by vermin, tise growtis of young Iambe 15 very mucb checked by even a few bungry, fat ticks. Wisile pippiug is alt<qgether tise most effective remedy, a more conven- ient method to adopt until thse flxtk la shoru is 10 part thse vool of thse Iambe at close intervals along thse skhis breast, and belly. and -duat t iu- insýc powder (pyrethrom) or hetebqre, T ho former is more ae and more agreeable tol.apply .Th!*t vIlitsCek. on 'afew minùutes, and wilpêy w fo-1r oingo, evexi lu tie .hUnxy 0. -eè4jngsbpo Evey fockshoUl&be" c=ÈeuUy.-diped s6on after beingsborni. lunny Thlnp. She-Hnow l isItugî would vait until va e veounderI m"Isltoe before yon kisaed-me.' Re( iog ay>--OhI m1. ely te oema ppoÜSio. I -. - "~' ~. :t- .-~ "Your boiflt amiable ez*d as U s*ort of îhing," hlié.aaid, b&ut àor "wherein do lI;l"Vaheod "Ne ioub,>ghthvixY "Týa1,f onslhaU o fdeo iteic$ pe44 "o. uddxcey u4t poarue"aa u*.u»houiI ~ LOWEST :- PRICES& S urplus, lent tisout b or viusg )ber# Ilinig la at City. krge, rmer W"hitby ÂcOlkeVe -Bankingy Busines ýl

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