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Whitby Chronicle, 15 May 1896, p. 1

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U-. .* 1' it 1 wSnt 0l tne tol telln gooda QcIo 1 ave arrlned Ceery, » es, at pricu ~1- Vot art . ... ..... '4 ieler, -iAWA. Store, ALLIN'.- xi. v - 3vug Fresh A rrivais : Inseet Powder, H ellebore, Paris Green. LUUAL NtWb ~LLIILI¶é CNCxîc.xCOauzspoNDEXicE -:0:- àa& URUN Pure PTi re Pure (HMI',T & DRUGGIST, (R. HROCK & DI'NDAS STS., WHITBY, - - ONTAkRIO. Hou8e-cleaning t/mne /8 here. We have a larger and better assorted stock of wiudow shades ibis season tisan we have ever sbown before, from 45c. up. We use the best hand painted opaque shade cloth, with ilarthhorn's spring roller. Aise a fine variety of cornice poles. Ask to see our latest style of window 'icreens, te fit auy window, at 3oc. each. t ur baby carrnages are ail of the latest de- signls. (..ve us a call before purchasing elsewhere. We are taking special pains te combine elegance with economy in price anid general utility. O)ur stock is complete in House Furnishinga. We invite buyers to corne and set us. It will save money. Lea.ding Undertaker,- IL J. JOUENSON, BROOK ST., WHITBY. Estabhished 1849. whitby Steam MaibIe and Branite works, Dundas St., WH ITB Y. Chas. H9. Smith, (Forxnerly Wolfenden Works.)ltn- porter and Dealer in MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS, Etc., of the latest material and de!ýigns. Al kinds of Cemetery work. Our work guaranteed. "-SEND FOR DtsiG'%Ss AND PRICE-s. To get get rid of bis stock of goods. That's why they are always busy. That s;hows the people know where the BARGAINS are. On Saturdaym i Sthel we stîl New Dress Goods 2-, in. Tweed Effecta 7C., reg 12 4C. 40-111.Mohairs Checcks 25c., reg. 40c. 44-in. Lustiqss5oc, reg 75Ç. 44-i11. Lusier & checks 50c, reg 75. '14-n. Faucv 5oc, reg 75C. 27-i. Black do. 25C, sreg 4oc. 40-in. Serge 2oc, s-cg 3oc. 44-lu. Back Brocades 35c, reg SOC. 44-nu. Black Serges 25C, reg 35C. 46 lu. Black Henruettas, silk finish, 55c reg 7OC. lack and Fancy Crapous sud Pengees, 12J cîs. Ladies' Blouse Waists 25C, reg 65 cas. Real Brusseis Carpet at 45c, s-eg 75 cts. Feit Hais for menansd boys frorn 25c up. Sîraws tes- men, women and cbilds-en. jNEW DEPARIMENT!1 Ladies' Tsimmed Hais trous $î.oo up. Sea tisen. Ladies' Tsimmêd Walkîug lHats at soc. GROCERIES BOOMING. ON SATURDAY Eddy's matches 8 cts a box. N. P. Soap, bettes- than Ivos-y Bar, î*, s-cg2,5c; Sunlight 5c; Mlorse's 4C. Ruce 4c- Sago 4c. Fine- Raisisls ,5c. Case Cuirsants se. Salmnon iocis. Canai Coin 7C, Tornaice 8. 4 lb.. Wasilg WSod C Iruit Vinegat2- 5. XXX White Wine'35c, recg Soets- SPECIAL--Seedless Raisins e, sro Raspbery Jam S ,ci r c etsP. 12JC ; flue COybeaT.MW r s-cg40; god green os- blewo Isc,'Tg breakfast Cofie ocý, reg 3p. P f Du't orgs« good ea .l 3,nAi Un - - NO. 24 Miss Maggie Bell of Pickering, is visiting her friend clown in Egypt. Mr. M. O'Neill bas started te make brick at bis new yard, lot i9, con. ie. Miss Minnie Hamn of Scugog was visiting ber friends bere the first of the week. Mir. Uoartus was sn tue vîiage a couple cf days asat weak. Reformen bud s committe meeting ai Kerr's hall Saturday evening. Mn. jas . Moffatt is assisting Mn. Robt. Robison with bis spring wonk. Mn. and Mrs. Robt. Herron vere visiiing bis brother inu Brock, un Sunday. Mn. Thos. Brooks passed througb the vil- lage Tuesday witb Ross' delivery wagon. Mosquitees lu abundance. They inter- fered considerably witb the service Stinday nigbî. Carpeuters were eugaged a couple cf days at the school. We hope to see a new fence in the near future. Messrs. John sud Win. Tar-vis were fixing up the garden beiouging te their motber, on Tuesday cf this week. A meeting will be held at the manse on Thursday te consider the advissbilîîy of contlnuing the ladies' aid society. G-ced cotten socks, full size, thnee pairs ton 25 cents. Holliday Bros. Mn Chantes CGwllett, cf Cobourg, is here visit- ing Mn sud Mns A Roberts. To.nighi, Fnday, the E L cf C «W.will have a musical and Inenary etrening. Refneshments wîiI be aerved and a very pleasant t.ime is ex- pcîed. Mrs Cowls-, of Railroad ai, bas betu sufferng from blood polsonong in eeof her kuets aud han condition has beau sensous. She us nov bet. ter and likely te recever. Mn. George McBneu has fresheued up tise Grand i runk station wuth a ceai ef kalsomine. It is said ibat tht station ta te ha meveri across the irack aud a uitile fanîber soutb in the near future. Messrs. Wm. Purves and E. Naucelcivei, cf Columbus, visited tisa Episcopalian, Preuibyter- ian sud Methodisi Sabbath sciseels lait S.tbbatb aftennoon, in the intrest ot tht Wblîby Sabbatb Mi A Ketchea bai purchased the aid build- iîng that Mr Thos Camplin used for his slaugtar bouse, aud viii have fitos- down aud tise mater. ti usar inl an addition ha is about te makt t the bouse ou bis lares. On Tuesday cf ibis week, Mr. John O'Day, )r., cf Winnipeg, vas marnied, te a Miss O'Brieu, et that cii7. We bave pleasure in extandiug te MIr. O'Day oun congratuistucua sud visbh hi sud bis bride much happîness. Tht funerai of thse laie Dr. Rae ou Monday afieruocu vas attended hy a number fromn Brook- lin sud siciniiy. Beethoven lodge, 1.0.0.F. s'as reprtseuted by about tweniy members. Tht doctor had many friends hene and thare is a feel- ing of geatral serres' ihrough bis suddeu de- cesse. Thene bas betu a big drop in thse hay market. Titi is a matte- thai dots not-effet, mauy a i ie faruers, th"y haviug monetotedispose cf, but tisere as-e cubera whe stili have Large quautities of lasi year's crep. A buyer îcld jeur correspond- ent neceutly that be could èaiy bey aoS tous in the course of a singleafaterneon vithîn a few miles oethIis village. Some of thosa vise are nov auxieus te sali vere refusing 4$15 a ton a few weeks ago. Tht pnice uow us under $xe. Mr. George Colley, visose two aides: sous vent te Mantoba this spring, ba& decided te joîn îhem in the Prairie province and wl leiave for ibere vîîb the rest of bis-famîily in about îwe months. He bas sold bis propanty haretoeMn. Robert Brition. ot Beaventon, who is a son-mn- la' et Mn. Tises. Reuîley. sr. Wt vîli ha scrry tu loetMrn.sd Mrs. Colley sud fmmily fromn our midat but tisey bave otan very hast visises for tbtîr success tht uew borne l.hey go te make for thematives. The Royal Temptars sunounce their musical sud dramatic euterîainment for nexi Fniday aveu- îng, 22nd frsL, and they sud tht public ganerally are 1ooking torvard te tht eveut vîîb special in- tereat. Tht drama, "Oui in tht sireets' having ten characiers sud occupyiug eue boui su pie- seutatien vill ha given, sud lu additiontises-e will ha a splendid musical programme. Iishe Wisitby o'cisestna bas beau engaged and there will be vocal quartettes, choruses, ec. The Teniplars have speut a great deai cf urne and mouey in preparing titis autertainineut sud îbey contlde.stly expect a genairowi appreciation of ibeir efforts shevu by a large attendauce. Tht price cf admisson is iS cents, cisdren me cents. At thesa 1ev pnices, fer sucb a final class enfer- taitiment, the Masouîc baill abuld bavaeuoe et its old lime cnevds. W. A. H. GUY & 00., g-ai byeru. BEÂLL, E. - Issuer ef Mmriag. àioeuss«. iteadeuce Opposite Tovn HaIlBrookiu. It is bigbiy desirabie that tisera ha a ful stiendance aItishe S of T division ou Satur- day evening next. as important business is likely te corne up. Two cf our cituzeus weut te Port Perry ou Saturday, loaded up and proe-eeded te have s high old fimie, so, bigb that they forgot te bning home thse bag et grass seed ibat.they bad ordered sud wbicb was their principal erraud. The Rev. J. McEwan, wbo is widaly kuowu as a Suuday school worker tbrough- eut tht province, is te ba tbe speaker 4t the Presbytes-ian S S anuiversary ou Suuday tht 24th. The afternoou service will be espec- ialiy for tbe cbiidren. Dont forget the tes and concert on Mouday. Thse Prince Albert choir will furnisi tise music. Mr sud Mrs jas Cross sud adopted daugis. ter Ethel left last week for Englsnd, where tbey inteud te inake tbeir beome lu tbe fu- ture. Tbey were s very quiet and unas- suming cou ple, but bave made a host of warm fniends, a numuber of which presented Mn. Cross witb a uew ceat sud Mrs C a dress sud bonnet*, as a teken of tiseir frieudsbip. May presperity attend themn is thse wish of ail. Tbe clesiug exercises of the methodist churcb were quite a succeas in every re- spect. On Sunday tise Rev. Mr. Hovward of Hampton deiivered twe most excellent sermnons te large ceugregatieus, sud ou Mouday t.he ladies' aid social was, we Drink, abead of auy heretofere given. The churcis was nicely filled sud a good programme rendered. The musical part was welI up- held by thse chus-ch choir sud the S of T or- chestra. Addresses were given by Rev. McDouald, Mounit Aibes-t, Elliott of Ses- grave, Howard of Ham pton, sud Dr. Park, sud recitations by Miss E Smith snd Mr- E Ward. The proceeds amounted te $17. MANCIEISTER Cou ucil met on Monday. Mn. Thos. Graham la enecting a new bar-n en bis tarm south cf baie. Mn. joseph Mure has iaft our midi:te work at thse tailoring witb Mr. Wakeiy, cf Oshawa. Mrs. Thompacu, who bas beau on tise sick lisi for somne tirme. us able te be arouud again.1 The cheese facîory bas opeued again al- though as yet the anoiut of milk bas beau smal but we hope te see it increase rapid- ly. Tise farmers bave about fluisbed seediug, aud the principal question amoug lte women is, "Have you finished bouse-dlean- ing." Mr. Frank Lamb had thse misfortune of getiiug bis leg badiy crusbed. Dr. Archer vas cafleinluasd ve hope te soon sec bita as-aund again. I.msue v-ae al-leaedta ile=, that Mn. Porteous, formerly af ibis place, lu about te move te our midst again, te tbe bouse laîely occupied by Mr. Thos. For- mani. Thse auuiversary services cf tise sabbath scitool will ba beid ou Suuday next, May I 7tb. The mrnuing sud eveiuing services will be ceuducted by Rev. Mn. Allen, of Columbus, sud lu thee utternoon by Rev. Mn. Macamus, et Pont Pers-y. COLUMEBUS Mn. F. Feweaîen, cf Oshawa, spaut Sundsy under tue parental reet. The Fonrestens cfibis place viii bave aser- mou praacbed at a future date. Mr. W. Stone. cf Manchester, speat liunday visiuung friands inu the village. The Misses Buinaconsiba, ef Bcvmanville, are visiîiug at Mi E Nancekiveli's. Mr. Robi. sud Miss Squalcb speuî Sunday witb Miss Madde ata Prince Albert. Messrs Nancekivell sud Pus-vis iuspectcd Broldin Sunday sebeols lai Suuday. Mn. M. Maiu suad the Mise Masrtin visited at their uistes-s. Mma. Soeth, on Suudmy. Fariner. are mosdy tbrough vilh scediug. InsPéeloteri~ren puld bis usual visit te the towa âine scb bl ecently. If saine of ont items are eut of seasc, it is owing to the rush Wf the seasouns wcrk last week. Faumets that have been se short of feeli for stock, are rejo1i MI witb glad bearts te be able te tut& out ta patire 5 a c arly a date. Thextremne bofailasî Sswurday, Sunday, and Mondayisuprecedened by tht oldest resid*ls aithiîs lcaliîy fur this season of the year. Harr lues bau becs employed iu trixnming the 9»«e surreuoding the berne of Mrs. Almond, tbui making a decided Unprovemeuî in the greukda. 1.4< every one beur la mid the coming Sun- daY bc%"o township convention te be beld si Ashburn in thtenmu future, aud let our scbool be weIl tepnsuted. Mira. Webster, Who bas hp-en se scrieusly illi l imprbving. mucb te the joy ot her family_ and friendà. Mrs. Beau, ber danghtcr, of Noerth Tor"ot, vbe bas beeu assisting in cariug for ber Mother, bas returned te ber homte. Our Sunday school very much enjoyed tbe ef- hicialisiu of Mr. 1)yer lasi Sunday week. The short remarks that he gave were plain and prac- tiol setting forth the duty and personal respon- sibilit, of schelars snd teachers, and urRing earn- estly tbat each ene bear bis own responsibilJty aud do bis part. 2%f. tihas. Kguspthor, out îew U lne black- smith. baàs democistrated bis love for fruit gnow- îng,;by plaauing bis entire plot et land te soe- thtnq.,bver itee fruit trees. Undoubtedly a wise inveunet as in yeats tiecorne if life should be appl* tan te bammer the anvil aud quate as re- mu 4tve. A rday was duiy celebrated ou Mouday cf st e. A short programme was reudened frorW lie platform afier which g uesîs aud pupils reped te the s4eolyard te ituess the crowu- ing« Mise Nettie Carruthers as May Queen. Arti*r Macitey vas ber supporter the '"Dux." Thce-young queeu wai mes: cbarmnîng. After the vwluug the May qucen assisted in plauting a mQlc trac in honor of the fourth dlascf 1896. Niif. 1. S. Barnard and Mn. Hogarth, af Whit- by, Pasd a visit teoOur B. L.cf C.E. meeting ou Tue$day evcning. Mr. Baruard gave a short addrçsou the îapic of the eveniug, which was nicb ~ illustiratic aud meut highly appreciated Y bJwo bad the pleasure cf beanug hitu. Re was flowed by Mr. Hogarth, who made soie very curgng sud practical renarks. As we are el nl, làibis work auj such belp as this is very . anlesisd we nmmi cordialy requesi tbat Se and auj othemnwbo are interesed iu this mioent, uiay remetuber ns witb the*l pree wbeuever il is possible 'ale roYCLES, T,' Y CITY,» ON"a 396. id Cornet ravalids ne' RISHING J Iy retained V. Impairemi 'ai Trouble t Nutritive :eable atter preseuts &a 8ttau.-d1 raeedlom altus e togetès-,-Pieus mui -u »V HM4WARD11o110, CARPETWEVI Tisa W£ udrigodisseto PORT PRY John Wilson, of Peterbore, vas lu town ou Tuesda>. Charua rmsîrong, cf Toronte, vas lu tovn lac Sunday. Jashua M. Davis leaves for British Calumabia lu s few dans Johaison Goudy, cf Slouffville, vas in lova lasi Saturday and Suuday. R-ev. Mr. Camero , of Toronto, accupied the pulpit in the bapuicburcb laitSnnday. Rey, Mr. aud Mrs. Phalen, of Blackstcck, were guesl, af Dr. Melow lai Saturday. Large numtbers of fiue fat intIe bave becu shîppcd train Ibis station the last few day.. Messirs. William, John, Chul"pher snd Benjamirà Clemeuce were bere on monday ta attend the funerai of their father ou Mouday. Mr. Wm. Patish bas returned frein the eams. of the college of pbarmacy, Toronto, mnd expects îo b. a ftfl-fedkàed pharmacist iu a shuyt lime. R. H. Tetulinsan, cf the British Canadian Loan Co., Toronto, vas la lova on business 1ma Saturday and vas a guesi of 1fr. D. J, "da. .The young lad,, Dorman Corbnau, lais prov. ing rapîdly stuce bis kg was ausputated. he is Dow abla ta sit up in bcd sud bs quite cheerful. His general healtb is better, Charles Hedge. ef Wbîtby, is tensoria] arisI ai Williamsausa barber shop, sud ta said te be one of thebe hst workmen that ever came ta ibis towu. Try him. The pupils in the foanhb division ef our public scboel under NMiss BMeali vili give a concert ibis Fniday eveniug su the town. Tiee uttle folks expecite sec their parents sud friends present as tbe mouey %wiil go te buy books sud paperu for Mins McNeill 's reem, Lait Sunday saveral cows vert ou the ralway track on the dump. Had the trains beau mun- niug some of tbosa cows would bave been kilied, as they were on the saine spot as tisase that wcre killed lait summer. Citizens ewning ccvissonld ste thal îhey are not allowed ta go nemi the dump. Rev 1. McMechan salis on the steamer Parisuu, oW ihe Atlan fine, ou the a3id lit, fan bis native beatb Scaferde, Iraland. aud vil! visit msny places ci Interest whilc avay. It b s26 jeans since be was basi. Whiie ibere tvo large assemblies of bis churcb yl mev- and be purposes belng prescut. Street Cominnssioner McKnighî sud a gang of metn lait Saturday made thse Oartwvngbtroadvav se that 1: us nov passable. Mr. McKolghî always dmesa gaedjobwhen hetakoe haldof a piece of s-cad verk. If the improvenienis thai are to be made ou thatreoadvay are W o placed in bis hinds a good verk vil! ha doue, as Mr. McKuiget ib thcromgb lu wbat he oc. Mr. Joseph Beanuc white draviug building matei an Monday for the repalrlng Wofits mo<hc,'s bouse. b.d occasion W freavee stean for a minute vhen they started to runaway villi the vhiffleuroes aud chalu attachcd. lu sane mauiner ont of thet lies feil sud broke its r*gh bled leg lu tva places, aud bad to be killed to put it ont ofis ulsery. The lem is a mirous ane jus nov ta 1Mr. Benunett A pretty tavu. J us: ucw Part Perry is iaaklug vcry pretty, the trces brItig ail iu leaf shov thse laya ta ad. vantage No matter vhicb -vay a travoerW approaches lise tlvatit la prety miglit M*, the differsu; sadesofaf sep AIv th1e àmutry "sid s de1dbtùa± Mn. Burns, Toroiàto, is vislting at Mn. Jue. Operations have commenced at the new Davidson's. chu-ch lu tise way cf digging cut the fouu- dation. Il veuld ha as vallEIfJimmy Enuua vould de bis usaudlin jeils in the svamp sud ual ou oui main glreets of a Sansrday uigbt scsiing vomen sud cbildreu. Titis mar isould nover ha giva liquar ai ho does ual seaus ta kuow visen hobai euough. It vas a shame h. vas alloved to cuise sud svcar in thse presauce af little boys sud vain that evcuing, If ho repeats leit i b the intention ai same aou cr tavuspeopia le sec tisai he eccupies the ooler sudapears before a magistirsie las- belugds-uck sud disoideirly. Ho Maj get a lesson tisa:viu do bain good for -ai least a fev jeans, DeatisoetMr Gaient.. '-Oui citizeus we;e atartlod lai Saturday viscu a tpcn -vas circuiatcd tia u oldcitizen linlthe prson of Mr. Jaisn Clommuc iati bfflled by a G-. T, R lomiotive lu Peteibo, Tisa ai ceeushUa: inoeang veut for a val ksud îok tise s-alvay ts-sck fer bis sous resudence, a bta vas going round tise curie sud tise e ne ditd net see biseuntil very closeviss h=ranthe hall sud viislat!d, but ail le ne purpoSa. isa ibodj vas plckad up sud taken te, Nicho8ls' ho.- pi. Ha ouly llved 4o minutes atter tisalacei dent sud ouy askmd for Mirs, Clainence sud a glass oW vater, vien soen expire&Il*is.de- ceased bas beau a Mednt ci Part Ferry for 41 years sud bai aivaja beau aioent, isasd-vork- ng in uroimacy venin lia vorkad ln tise inuber miliii ai tiseItemrs. axtoen Bgeov aud Trounce. Beiag- very carafiziand- eo- na0mical ha istwo vabousms là lova sud lse rentej froua those sd bis savinge anable1 bhlm tor tle lmaîouea SssollUve aqqiatlifeviitis hWS friands. Tha tamiy onmdsistitbe uidov sud Ms-s Chas-laik Poven in lovaWilliam.,Of N ia g a ra F al i s , C h i t p e f ' l r o r s a u c Monday vas uteed ,bp ag.nubr friands sud cion hcbsiwd ioesett whici tise deceasedat a4aiaIedlow, Tise Reglbstirsslp tise bt*lyapetatet iglmauurIXr Ruead m- ulen.foée nbllloes. 1-bsllwS tuàýe. na V Personnals-Fs-ed Brignalîna familias- fac. vas seeu ln aus- midi: lately. Fred Bell, ai Tor-onto, wheeled davu secently. James Gos-don Sandayed vith grandpareuts bere. J. H. Madill wiseeied to tise city on Fsiday eveuing. Wm. Westlake visited bas-e on Sunday. Ps-ul u*bm Even sncb innocent thîngs ai ciicinsffl cause lirauble. Onet mn h eve, vho bas ise. rapistatian aofhala g aa-a ra, bua las-go gardmn and! uemuat e airaIdt! t it le vbc dle dcsioyd lie seuont t a anlqte Uailbsneigbbers' siut up tiseir ýb*as, bat-som. olthaun falleta canPl trriplysad Mr# Cra1kulrtt wusi a clb.TIeuns Iat s8 r uci, É but lb. ma succoded i n îakla ilusludluo ,Wbsallng is al tha rage bar. at prasat. Sev- vklý viseels. sud imay fi ean m garut lise sutreat a U bouts, -Tva thaar acomplsha riaisa~ uàc ~good ddof- aflauhuan . Thei e, *ay, hovevegiI oobuah a m u.~n Pet1 o W A MoNzxLir, D V S.-Graduate of the On- tarlo Voterine.ry College, Torontoe; Banarary meiber of the Oniaro àMedicuA Society. Treats a&U 4iseas o f lthe doznestloeted animalsby the most approvod method. Also pe.ricuar ttenionto urgtaal operatlons and deutistry. Day or nlght cane rarptly attended &o. Office aud resideisce grookliz4 Ontario. B. Duncan, merchant tailor, bas secur ed the agency for tbe Oshawa Steain Laundry. Laundry wiIl leave bis sbop'on Tbursday rnerning, aud will be returned on Saturday. AUl work tuaranteed satislactory. Hastings & Manuers, Oshawa Steain Laundry.-2ia-îf 9ERD TIMg.x WiE HAViE ALL KINDS 0F«-., Field a.nd Gardon Seedà, FloW-er Beeds, Utc. SPADE-S, HoEs, RAKS s =dl SHOVELS, PLAIN and BAR»il- ED WIn., and ail Iinds' o!l GfEERAL HARDWARE., Lti closent prices. MfWmiY oW Tyrmo b vislting il Mr j Okc's. The Concert vhlcli vas te ha given by the SOUS >bm tht eveiuag ai tht s3th, bhm beau post- poned tlitise eveiurg of tht anuiversry. M"Brooks bs able to be about agmie 17 tbe ad7crauchesRe shipped a -arload oa pigs (rom bowùuavue t. onîreal 'su Tuesday. Tis* Osiava bicycle club visîîed this village u Thnr0ay te the ufflbar oai3,5sud mode al thingÎ resound villi tia bugles, bell., etc. com ",-in. A ienmatch -ban beau asrauged for by thse mieuiiso asgué krlub Io take place ou Sa tut- cday naxt lu ibis village betveenth ie ruembers Of Tyrone club snd that of Bovmusuvilie. The people of ibis vicinity extend Useir deep- est svuspstbv ta the bcrtavcd family cf tise laie Dr. Raa, visosa decease bai aken freinithse stata a greai benafactor sud tender physician. AUDLEY Hanr-y Wilson visited bas-e on Suuday. Grain is up snd apple trees are lu fuif bloom. Wc noticed a mistake lu our report lest weak of Mr. Harris, meeting here. It sbouid bave read, "a lecture on the bible" F. Marritt's sala passed off very faly on Tucsday. He bas seuîcd thé O'Leas-y bouse in Pickerng sud viii remuove sbortly. We as-e ses-sy te bise vaînabie a (smlly. We undes-stand tbat Pickes-ing collae football teatu play here ibis, Fsiday, even- ing. We hope te sea a fais- game put up snd of course predict success fs- oui boys. Seves-al iutend taking lu the S. S. con- vention ai Mt. Zion au the 28tbhlit. May those iuteraste'd lu S. S. vos-k (aund whe sisoulti sot be) b. pss nsd, profit tb.reby. ýWe found Rai. Ms-. Msuuiag's letter lu lait veek's Gazetteana article in turne. The reiars-kofa the ici. geutlesin s-e the teach- ers' saiasie being seduced beyond a lmit Quite s number (roui haro attendcd Use fun. erai et Dr. Rat, Oshawa. ou Mondav las. Mr. Hugh Ross lait tisis veek fer Beavertan, visase ha iutends makiug improvemnts on bis farrn at ibat place. Mir Ernest Allen, vbo bas been atteudiug tise coliege af Pharusacy, Toronto, rtturned home Sains-day toi bus isolidays. Tise Geneis cheese factory, under chsarge cf Mr, Hall, visa ru i tisaelatter pari af lait ear, viii atari nexi Monday. Rai Mr Wilmot, B t. viii preachin lutht Meiboiut chus-ch next Suuday as Rev H 1 Mlen la exchan&ng gvushlm. A meeting te arrange fer the oSing Suuday school anniersay vas bald Tuesdaj uigbt. Sat- isfactcry arrangements werc made. Farmers am-e brougis seedlug nov, sud oves-. Uiug ta gravtug fast. Vegetaauon i about tva veashesd af lait venir,althisighwvs ba slute Sprng. Willie Wsrd s-tus-nad rom the slc chdren's isospllal,wvisecho bas beaqunudergoing ticai- meut #«thUe past sixmanibi, set seiscsi- proved. Rai. 1. McLaren vil! ps-ach on Sabliatis, May i 6Us, under tisa auspices of tie Sons of Temiper- aisc. Servi c cmuciug a£17 o'eIOLce.EV"- body wvocosua. - Mr. H. A. Rosi, mercissutlaibu gaged Ur, F. A. 'Boil la drive bi% peddltngwagaiý for-the sumnuir.- No dout Fird vil! do a gond busi- ness ai he lh ebligi i sud viii alimasbespas Mr., P. C, Graias, ai Mxandmlere"st!b T. Seam.,Of et P ery it So'I1s baud of RoyalCrusatiersn te b- ia etp tise pee etbs vdaiy 14I aade inte- est iieIsn.ewwsr - Vaitti r 24tbOf ax -~ order at once. troirs houp.ý, 'o dur VOL. XXXX. WHITBY, 'ONTARIO, FRIDAY, M4AY-X 1896. SH8HSLE8, yrtle e,.t Ottf April 3Sbh, '961 sa AUCTION 8AL5E of Bedrom, Sets Furuacesý, SCilp » and Seats, etc. Tisere wiii be *old by lic auction at the 'market blockjt Whltby, on SATURDAY, MAY ilrd the tollowng : 21 sbool desaks Mds 17 bedroin sets, prmneipaflymosk, -.ê6re ter., complet ; i Pease for new, sultable for large hu.oCLzc Boynton flrmwmaces dry esrtb .ioset hangin¶% lemps; 3 book Cam ecsu et.Ti utarioLadIes Cwb beneuipped with seo ha*~ etca e abovpç ý - whthot rMeve. Tte ,mntr iw là order sud nearly uew, Tot" é*oe*. st I0o eclock, £.m. , .tthile, sa W b;tb y. L . A R Mq S "YMaY 1411hi- i6.' A .R n ewest f romn ry best Dealer,J" inother .ack or regular o)uch a &AIE 1 NO. 24-ý",»lýe' W ,KCaxh" tsiuh#al# br.êgoo eul sUefl ap for>w.O&g,* M1 sD tapffi th= 64 lb.y aire goo" bargains For the largest anid fineet stock of furniture and lawest priceS go to Jefflop Furnitiire Co., Port Perry. Wx Jx INO 0T T MANAGER. W. L. Parrish, HARDWARE* When you corne tWtowu %us have a few onape that would b. worth youa' imn, W 'se. Renemnbor it is vo trouble for ins W show theim to you even if you don't wiah to buy. WINDOW OEADESin differot stylm ut 40 oe te diDR.nut .windows 2de BOBEEN DOORS, LÂWN MOWERB, WALL PAPIR, Cheep.

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