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Whitby Chronicle, 15 May 1896, p. 2

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» 2 Almost Passes Bel lef Xr. 3.. . Nicholson, Ploremovll, 3.B. tru&li *@a.vm Long Yearu with CANCER ON 111E LIPi mmD la Ocet» mm AVERSp~aril MKr. Nicholson sa :«Ionsulted doc- tors Who prescr bed formme, but to Do purpose; thu Cmmcr began 10 Eat Into the Flesh, spread to my chin, and 1 suffered hi agny for sevenegoff ers. Finally 1 a week or two-I noticed a Decided iproveinent. Éneouraged by tlils resuIt. I persé. vered, uutil in a nionth or se the sore under My ohin began to heal. In three MOnths my lip began to boni, and, after tsghie Sarsa&arilla for si montbs1 tho mai trace of c-cancer dlsappearerL' &4mftted at the World'u Pair. A YEB'D PILL8 R.oguiot. th. B3o0.e OORRESPONDENCE While driving over the C. P. R. cros- sing on the Kennedy road on Wed- Y nesday rnot-ing of last week. Mr. Henry Kennedy bad a narrow escape, the horse being struck by the train and its bead cut off. Mr. Kennedy was not injured in any way. The assessor has retumned bis roll te the dot-k of the munîcipality and the following infoimation may prove in- teresting: Population i1062, in 1895 515., 55 dogs, total assessment $243.- 51.as agamnst $234,335 in '95. The J gain in the assessment o! pesona proý- __ pet-ty and.taxable income is $6, 300. I . Mr. E. Derusha eioped on Monday with George Suily, botter known per- baps, as -Casey." The couple Ieft on the momning train for Toronto. The fit-st known o! the fiigbt vas vben De- rusha vent home at noon and instead of finding dinner ready fcund a note froin bis vayward wife that she bad left him. -Casey- had a big drunk on Saturday and generally cut up rough. Derusha bhas three smaii cbiidren on his bauds. Some o! the constables at-und town should make an example o! the next man or boy beard using foui language. It bas become a tvo troquent occur- rence to bear oaths and abusive Ian- guageono the streets f rom some parties and if notbing is done by the con- stables ve intend taking the matter in band snd viii oublish t-he naines of the offendkms. On Saturday evcningan again on Tuesday evening considerable bad language vas used by diflerout parties on Main street and this vhile thero vere a numbor of ladies and childmen on the street. This kind o! thing bas gone too fat- and a littie ac- tivity on the part o! the peace officers viii meet vith approval. A sMarous charge Fred Thomson sud W. Wagg were arrested on Sunday atternoon lest, chazrged with having committod rape on Mary Ensminger that. attemnoon. They were immediately taken before Magistrates Wales sud Wilson, vho * beard cousiderable evidence sud thon >, adjourned the case until Friday. On Monday Mm. Wales went to Toronto sud intervîeved Couuty Crova Attor- ney Dewart. On Wednesday Thomt- son sud Wagg weme again arrested, charged vith indecent assault sud rape sud vere brought betore the same magistrates at 7 p. m. ou Wednesday eveni.ng, sud atter hearing ail the evi- douce they wtt-e dismissed sud a nov information van - laid, charging the prisoniers vith carnally knov dthe idiot, sud the, tria fixod .for Mouday, bailb- ing acçept.ed la $500for te appeaîr- suce of each prisonor. Count.y Crown ettordey Oevart had charge of the prosecution, whiie G: H. Stephensc.1 defended the, prluonen.-Sun. Early Sunday miornll#th 'of the uorthivatrd vers aro'-usstfby thé aIlq= of fre, vbenits discoverâd « that the st emer EvWbich for Uthe ýM l~.OOÃŽbi haéie#n d;î PI nuo gfils of fttriQk« it should be. -ÙÎ& of tons m E à #prtdais mrAt -of Cknàdign agrknlurts, Who si -idyby -aiid see thcmselfes thus robbed of the -'eyconstftueni the soil1 ndeds.. Since September last., Mr. Robt. _Brown, of Lindsay, has bought in this district and shiê~ped to the Unit~ed States over ont hundre tons. of ashes, for which be received on the cars here $4.2ý per ton. At the pt-e- sent time hc- is buying about six tons a v-:eek, and farmers in t.his district should sQee that flot a pound of it leaves the cou ntry. If American buy- ers can pay $4. 25 per ton here and Ireight charges to dilff erent. parts of the Uinited States and re-sell at a good profit., Canadian farmers and orchard- iSts should realize that there às money ini it for them tot keep their anhes ai home, and spread it on their [and. It is just. the fertilizer that orchards and other special crops requit-e; in fact if spread un any land it viii retumu a huridred pet-cent. profit. -Watch man. MAOUGSAN Mrs. Casper Wilson had an At1 on Monday. , .. Mi»..Mifiler bas9 taken up hem abode in_,Bougham agaihi. Miss Sarah Gammage has engaged for the summer with Mrs. Jos. But-k. Mr. and Mrs. Roach, of Cherry- wood, called on George D). Linton on Sunday. Mrs. Tripp bas removed to Picker- ing village, atter having resided here for some years. Colonel Button. o! L.ocust Hill, vas here Tuesday. How remarkably smart he is for bis age. Mrs. Neil Morton, o! Bethaven, and Mrs. Press, o! the west, are both with Mrs. C. Wilson just nov. Court vas beld here Tuesdav but the docket was se small that the iudge %vas able to go fishîng after dinner. Walter- Wilson having completed bis apprenticeship with Mr. W. Mosgrove, has gone to work in a blacksmitb sbop in Lindsay. Rev. Pet-t-n, o! Georgetown, occu- pied the presbyterian pulpit bere on Sabbath aftemnoon. He was very much welcomed by the congregation. Herber-t Harris has left Brougham and located mn Stouffville. He is now manager of J. Mattin's hotel stables. We trust hie viii prove an efficient set-- v'ant. W. Wilson bas commenced the ex- cavating of a cellar on the place south of the christian chut-ch. He will pro- ceeri with the erection of a residence at once. Clat-emont and Brougham scbool football teams met bere on Tbursday and had a game which was exciting in- deed. The visitors' vere triumphant by a score Of 3 goal te 2. Daniel Alger has returned from To- ronto wb ere be has been undergoing an operation upon the eyes. We are much pleased to learn that bis sight is nicely împroved. BEnERI Miss Lizzie Overend, principal o! the Orillia separate scbool, spent a few bout-s in town on Wednesday. Mr. J. J. Bernard vas in Toronto for a few days Iast veek on business. Arbor day pansed off very quietly. The children took a hait holiday in the sepat-ate, school, wbile only the boys in the public school vere allowed the privilege, -and they spent the time in decomating the school ground. Mm. Fovier, of Goodwood, is a guest at the residence o! Mm. Albtigbt. Vacant bouses are a scarcity in our tovu. Mr. Clar-ke, our tinsmith, nov spor-ts a bike. Mrs. jas. Ovemeud and son Harold, of St. Thomas, spent a few dayn boere lant veek, the g'uests of Mm. Jno. Over- end. Mm. Forrest, of! Toronto. suad tor- merly a met-chant of this village, is at prosent visiting bis many taiends here. Miss Turner, of Gamnebridge, took an outiug ou hem bicycle as fat- as our town on Saturday. Mm. Thon. Egan was called away lait veek toa atend his fàt.her's tuneral at Tiptergrove. -mrp~r ** « *lm# sTor,~ SI wýio&Gac e s en o kn for W.q.Gerw». Peterbo upon Mndsbhre laut we A. E. Thornton returned on Satur- "day- tront e businese t.rip4oNpwrval and, othier Western towns.' Frank and Miss Mintie Gerow and Miss Hattie Mosgrove visited last Sunday with Mss. D. R. Beaton. We are glad to think our band bas' started up again. We are looking for an open air concert in the near future. Mr. Taylor is making quite an im- provement to bis residence by putting a new 'feace around it and beautifying his lawnwhich adds to the beauty of our village. Il We are pleased to see A. . Major around againrfter hie meent accident. He returned front Toroito on Saturday evening. The grint reaper death han been busy in oui' midst during the past week. On Thursday of last week Levi Stover's Iittle boy, aged one and a haif years, died after a painful illness, anid vas buried on the ~ floig ~Ls4f»~1àthere died at her resi- dàe"er fer a protracted ilîness. Mrs. Laura Hamulton, aged 78 years. On Sunday morning the community was shocked to hear of the sudden de- mise on the night previous of Thon. Pugh. Mr. Pugh han been2 troubled considerably during the winter by rheumatism, but was able to be about up to the time of death. and his condi- tion was not considered at ail serious. He had always been a st.rong, x-ugged man, and his last illness. may be sai d to have oeen the first. Born in Wales in 1824, he was in his 72r1d year. He camne to Canada with his parents when vet a boy. and had spent the most of his years on the homestead farm on which he died. He was of very in- dustious habts and possessed of good business ability, and leaves his family a large and valuable property. Mrm. Pugh. 5 sons and 3 daughters are left to mourn his Ioss Another daughter. Mrs. Ragshaw, preceeded him by some yearn. Mr. Pugh was a lite- long member of the baptist church here, and wiii be greatiy missed in chut-ch and Sabt$ath school, in both of wbich he had always been an active worker. Like his father, the late Hugh Pugh, he was a liberal contributor to church and missions. The nterînent was made on Ttresday afternoon in the methodist cemetery, the services being conducted by Pastor M. E. Siple, who in the baptist chuirch delivered a feeling and able discourse. The church was suitably draped for t.he occasion. M'rs. Pugh and family have the sincere sympathy of the community in their sad and sudden bereavement. AConscientious Toronto Lady. The Following Statement is Pubiisbed by Request. I consider it my duty te inform the public o! the extreme benefit I have re- ceived from the use o! your South American Rheumatic Cure. I have been a great sufferer for several yeat-s bfrom rheumatisnî, and used this reme- edy, with the best results. I trust others wyul follov my example. and be- lieve if they do se they viii feel as grateful as I do for the benefit derived thereby. MIRS. BATES, 7 1 Gloucester street, Trouta. Sold only by J. E. Willis, Toronto. Koote nay Contains die Sno igredieigaMd is made by an electncal Pmo=i that wrill revolutionlze moa .%ie= ethroughout Uhe world. Kootenay cures ail kinds of Kidney troubles, and ia positive Sfor« emaim Spring Mondy wlt. ipamnts herm Mr4. WaIter1à p sd ife Of 6th ~cWIMnQft,30ispe« Sunday wvu- Mr. John Rosamond retnrned Mon- day evenîng front a several days visit Messrs. BicknelL. of Barrie, and Brown, of Toronto, spent a few days in towne on t.heir annual fishing excurs- ion. They had a successful catch. Mr. Graham froin Franklinu as mov- ed into town and occupies the house owned by Mr. Robt.. Rwland of Toronto. The Mount Albert. brass band vas re--organized on Monday evening at a meeing held i the tiarket hallAil the old players were in their places and a few new ones bave joined thein. As ail are very enthusiantic we vithout doubt viii have a good band in the near future, Mr. Richard Ough of Toroato vas in tova over Sunday, also bis daughter, Mrs. Dixon,, âo.romnains for a week's visit arjn The dwelling bouse of Mr. Robert Sibley about a mile north of this place on the Centre Road vas dest.royed by fire on Thursday morning. Ail mem- bers of the tamily escaped and a por- tion of the household goods were saved. No insurance. Mr. H. Chapmaa spent Sunday in town. The epworth league at the quarterly1 literary evening on Tuesday last pt-e-1 sented a sacred cantata which was much enjoyed by ail present.1 THESE BRISK LITTLE PILLS AKAit UT&II?WHAT UlaALWAY9 nlt0 Blu' A". CASceSoit co"nsuwarow, 8oser* HEA0ACI4, Biuous ArrAcKm 'AND DysprpsdiA SOL'O Ertnvwwi.a Ai r Oc. ,%nez..tDOD0 i tDIClH<CMPdY 09 OrONT, a 0" lt£"BKDÀ&LE. Mr. Wm. Pitt as returned to Bat-rie for the summer. Mr. W. tiatton vas the guest of Mm. J amen Shier. Miss C. Collins paid Udora a flying visit last veek. Mr. Pbilip Rynard vas the guest o! Mr. James Shier lait Sunday. Miss Hattit Harrison spent Sunday at Mr. Levis Collins'. Mr. W. H. Glyde lost a valuabie cov lant veek. Mr. W. Anders han fiuisbod the job o! fenciug in front ot the post office which improves the looks of the place very much. Mrs. W. H. Clyde presented hem husband with a bouncing baby girl the other day.0 Mr. Wesley Oxtoby loit a youug cov the other day. Mm. Jane Colline is haviugvery poor healt.h at the pt-osent tinte. Mr. Isaac Warner int.ends to teach bis sou John the biacksmifthing an ho is flot able to, do ail the work himsoît. That Dragging in the Lioeu rs Usually Caused by a Deraugement of the Kidney-South- American Kidney Cure viii Positively Re-, lievo lu Six Hours. Oge may be deceived by the. feeling oi, vcigt or di'aegng in the* lions that causes unpleasautness snd incouve&, leuce to mauy meu aud vomen.- Atm trîbut.ing the, troubleto soewhin' 01e, t.hey, forget that t nus ay diouce of -ladaima*ory .afJ 1, ê of,-thé. kid-, serious îroze. Xhat; vci sooeessui speciflc, South Americau- Kidn 'yCI'e t et t.e toof >kliey tr1u1- andi vii 1y, rémovê é c i]ad1 50c, -reached. i wnth 4An.*,a -thepe front r.J. et. John iIý dquitë-, n acci- dent laWtweek, whicb resu#In lua broicen axIs In bis buggy WO a long valk for himseIf. Mr. G.. D. St. John and the Misses M.- andA. St John were the guests of H. Brethour, Udora, last veek. Barry -Brethour wus visitlng at. R. S. Webeter's on Sunday. Miss Wallace is visiting her uncle, Rev, J. Powez. There is quite a lot of talk aîound here of the election, especially the Patron- Retorse combine. The Lepatuikuif Br(. of Wick, have st.arted a store in t building me- cently vacated bm' Mr. Bott, vbo han gone to Sunderland. joseph Thompson, of Mietuigan, is visiting his mother, Mms. Stinehoif. Our old friend, Ait. Thompson, haî stàrted a butcher shop in Sunderland. Julius SL. John van spending a tev days ainong bis numerous friends in Leaskdale aud Udora lant veek. Albert White in mnaking preparations for a stone vali under his house. Brethour Bt-os, have the contract. PM EDALE. Misa Gertie Stewart cf Sunderland is attending the. Royal Oak sebool, u>sking her home in the meantime at Mrs. Pink- ham'. M r. Ganton ef Reach is staying at Happy Joe's for a whiie. The R-ev. Me. Stewart h2e had the mis- fortune tb boehie hors. Birth.-Mfre. Robert Bmandson, et a son. At the Sundny echeel meeting luet week il vas doided to hold an anniver aary on Suunday aud Mouday the 7th snd 8th o! .Juue. The open division vas a succees in every way, qite a large number being preseut. ThC debate vas decided iu favon ef the afflmua.ve. I When s baby cornes to the bouse real hap. i piness cernes. Worry snd werk and caire snd À anrietyceuntforuotb- ng against the smnoobbly dainty, clinging beuch of the litIle bauds snd the sound of -the little voice. The bighest fuinction given te bu- Masu btin a ebring- Ing h aThy happy children Into the venld. Nothing equals that - nothing coin- pensates for bbe ios ef t i.lThe wornan vlie bas net borne a ch ild bas neyer corne to the real fllness ef weinanhood. Oves thirby years ago the needs ef vomen ap- pealed te Dr. Pierce, now ch jet ceusulting physicu te the invalide' Hotel sud Snrg- tcal Inatitute, ef Buffalo, N. Y. The result of hie study inprved by thirty years oi practice ise edd in Dr. Pierce's Vs- t'enste Prescription. It serves but one pur. pose. Ib streng-thens, purifies sud makes healthy bhe organe dlstimctly feminine. It gives weak women the strength and heali necessary fer the production of healthy chiîdren and lb makes the beariug ef those children easy. Ib is sure te cure any weak- ness or derangement: peculiar te wernen; stops pain, sdthes inflammatîon, strengtb. eus, purifies,, invigorabes. Thousands of homes have been. made happy by ils une. Thousands of letteru like thisone fromn SErs, w. p. cAU<. ao' CyntoM, AZkghtmy Co., Pa.. who writes: - was affected wltl ail sorts eofle- male trouble. 1 tried three doctors. and seven kinds of patent medicîne. and found ne relief. bly huahaud said 'try Dr. Pierce's nedicine.' 1iod hua 1 mighb as volt throw lis meney in the fire as te try anything more. 1 had let aul hope. 1 haît net taken more than haîf a boUle. when 1 cotîtd eat and steep well. 1 touk toui bottles of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pres=ripticn. axz4 several vials of his 'Pellets.' One year aler 1 gave blrth te a fine baby girl. 1 e logs mucli botter than when myother chi tdiwsubgào. Three ef my frienda are taking your medicines, eud are improving.11 Yeura truly. D. pioces Coa euSenst eic 1&d'vls ý..aedoctor book, profhsely llus*tçd. of whi .oeu bave been soid at i . p o a be seut vasa es recept of 11tés ecaW -oa tom-sandrnangoaly. W l'a Dlspeuuary Mcd- Ical Aâoclatla, 6 alsStreet., Bulo. N. T. How te Cu E hwence--Some; 060pb suffwr untold msiyday'alti day wlth I4.sdach.. Thome îa rt eft tieday or uifiM tÃŽttl ei oewva *eeail uastuag. The. causen e sr- ally a dIaorded t!oaiachul acure cav be Iuaiugoiedrake ased- Dadoles riv ri~lswank.~ysaw* , PQ.,, valu nz'*1-. 5 Par M"Fseilaa bs;oau rm t u lio làas MvDosadMaMmstrQC, of mt- f r h mi1w sl'. le o_çm vfftis O lds ft s m :0 A *1. 'J P~P1ItLÇAKE Oubaw~~ Pains inth Joints Caused by Snflammatory SwelIing A Pegleot Cure by Hoodo Ssa. pairus.- "It affords me mShpleasure te rewomxad Hood's Sarsaparifla. My son wau fficted wtU gros; paIsitiih the M.acconMaried wth swelling so badthat ho eould net get up stajp& te bed vlthoptcrmwffng on handsand kuee. 1 wm v77 SE&=Wu Maout bine, ad havllng read seouch about Ekoeds Sarfapadlfa, I deter- mmcnd te tzy it, and gel a- hali-dezen boules, four of which enUtily cured hlm." MuR. (G.,L LàKit, Oshaw,Ontalo. N. A. Be sure to get flood's garsaparmua. D4oodre pffl snt easily. yet promply aMd eMcientil. on the lier and bowels. 25c I* - "Kmndalis Sparte ure" wtmSmmoe. tink islbbutIn J rg.uni am f. pav.s.KSV roamsded- t t.> ELP I. P-. E0. »My S.OSBURON VAI.LS, Vi. Yoe~ ?*s~4I* Tear. agsO.The fan dywiUliigly atte ,*Dam a stesa. Ouisr Wilson, an mble vorks, hada fa11 ou hlm one dai va sisting te mov ruhed and interna but af ter a weeke <ci apparently al right At an djonrned1 comilisioners of N( urday let the grain -Mr. Markie ef Gain siderod, aud an extei allowed instead eftg' Mgrkle having bee! tion of the law sinc<e the commissioners. M~r. F. N. Rain poînted -vice presidi Fratern ai A sociati( Toronto. This 'le about 5<Ymemnbers,i feront fraternal sociý sud ita object 18 te, fraternal societies bj and other matters ti, advensely erj2njlstv Tho Youngmeo beginning te despai got down te businem propesals are becor forernan of the Jouri week in which thý ved even if an elopoi essary, but she for naine. This is a sei iin amnest, beraus pared te accept anyi Bs0tb nid«a Oued. The Matthews-Gi befere J. P. Hamil afternoon o.f last Griffin vas fined $1i ing lins. Matthews, vas fined 85 and cos in whicn ho handIed interfering on behalf trouble arose over a MatheWs te drive pound, Mrs. G. sto addimg physical force monts. Imuwr aitt The tendency th mente ta lover rates harm village has hi $3000 werth eft- 4 pi snd we heard a few buying a large tarsea s loan compsny, psyi and gotting twenty y at 4 per cent. vith t ing any part et the pi duuing the twenty y loans became general relief te borrovers, b only exceptiona! case Mr. Bryson of Lini at Mr. Wm. Pogue'a. Miss Ethel Grahi viaitiing at Mr. James Mud-cat fishing is evoning just nov, nigbtly reported. F priaiag Young menc evening aset veek in minutes.- Mr. Frank Budso jubilant the»e days. Msa regùlar ditch liii. is a"~oying te Say I stop te valk over oui breskiug a-spnng.'Il mie-vodonthave te fta iii, Ã".tec rond evm~ A moont sucocanul vag hel at the Centr ineun.Jev. John a arilead put fàI1owed by* a r.a.p -.&bout 25 or la -~ ~uthe. aft -ýWIi6àkpusahed At Home] l Il

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