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Whitby Chronicle, 15 May 1896, p. 4

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-i I LD.. UNi LiJ r .J IL1 I I OLDWATERD The estandcheapest wall coating o temarket. Ready for use by mix- ing with cold water. Will not scale or ruh) off. Apply with a.n ordinary brush ............... . FOR SALEBY dE WIL LIS, CHIEMIST & DRUGGLST, MEDICAL -HALL, Brock. Street, WHITBY, MAY Whltby1 15P 1896.1 Short Note. The Dominion election campaign is go:ng on very quietly. Frorn present indications f' people do flot intend to excite themselves [, greatly over the matter. That's right. Cool k heuds are the thing. Those wbo tiy off the r; handle make poor saemn The Queens Pnvy Council bas at last handed down its decision on local option. The Provincial local option Law is held as k being valid, but the Provincial goverrnent bas flot authority ta pas. a generalp rohibit- ory measure. Frý m a local stand pint i t Ik may be stated that the local option law of Pickerinîg is sound, and iili now b. en- forced. The will of the people there bas long been baffied by tbe muddling and in- decision of the courts, but ail will corne rigbt in the end. The Province will naw Y bave ta fight out its *îght to tai brewer and dsilmfor wbat they manufacture for sal wthn heProvince. We ageneral passed by the Dominion parliament, but the whervera cuntysee fi topass it. How ureaiand unsatisfying is that poli- tica prferentwhich only cornes ta a man in his dying heurs ! And what a travesty is it upen this party system of reward that no- thing can be accorded a worthy man until he bas sacrificed his life and strength, and oftimes his substance, in partizan service! One bas to labor and wait--tintil sornebody's boots are ernpty. There are only a few men in cacb party who have very strong chances of secur-ing public offices, and it is a common remark among people that these men are waitîng for dead mens shoes. There is certainly a stron2z temptation ta sucb men in covet another's officiai position, and to wi-sh fhauthf' may die!f How horrible is the thought ! Would our country's service b. enhanced if men of youth, vigor and bright- nees were sought out and placed in high position as a matter of competitive rnerit, and then advanced on their experierice and success? Surely it is flot tooeUti)ian a hope to express that such a state of) affaire mmy exist when our rnethods of gove-rnment shali becorne as pure and as patriotic as they should be at present with our intelligence and education. Surely the day will soen pass from us when we will rec zie thaita the victor belongs the spails. Cqfristianit y, humani intelligence and the public service bids us b. mnceasing in our eflorts at reform. Dr. Eastvoods Compimatt02fLibel. Out article of three weeks ago regarding Dr. W. F. Eastwood's charge of libel proved unsatisfactory te his solicitors, Messrs. Dickson & jobnston, se we placed the mat- ter in the banda of Messrs. Dow & McGilli- vrmy, to ascertain what would b. aur further duty in the matter. They wrote Messrs. Dickson & Jobnston ta the effect that the publishers of this paper destred ta houer. ably meet every obligation placed upon the=n by the case, and to remove any j ust cause ofecomplant. -and asking what Dr. Eastwood'. solicitosrs would suggest for us ta publish. They declined te place amy- thing in forin for publication, se we can only express aur extreine regret if the article complaiued of, which we-published upon the Alger trial, was se coustrued b y any person as ta impute anV violation of Iaw te Dir. W. F. Eastwood. Wc need not add that our views were expressed purely with the public interest in view, but if anytbing in it can be or has been se construed as te impute to Dr. Rastwood any violation of law in con- nection with insurance matters, it does both bits and us an injustice, anid we withdraw it fully. Further, we take the opp>ortunty te repeat our disbelief of any intention on the doctor's part ta assiat iu any way to wroug the insurance companies. Without affording us the opportunity of publishiug a further explanation that uught have been satisfactory W~ Dr. Eastwoodmand his solcitors es sugcse iu the lktter of Messrs. Dow à McGillivray above referresi to, Dickson, & JohusFt-n have sS~u fit te issue a writ againet us for $îo.ooo. Wc, b.owevcr, have thought it right to carry out our intention o! publisbing Uic above, in the absence _o__f-zny suggest Ion_ fro_ , Me-s-s. THE FUNERAL. No sucb spectacle was ever before witnes- sed in this connty as the funeral on Monday afternoon. The rnany tbousands who gath- ered to take part in the last sad rites, the sad faces betokening serrowful bearta, the all-pervading hurnility of ail, gave token ai a feelitng and an occasion not often witnessed in our poar lives. The trains frem ail direc- tions were loaded, andi fromn distances ai twenty-five or tirty miles men drave in the burning sun of that bat day te witness the ceremonies. Lieut. -Col. Paterson summton- eti together the officers ai tht 34th battalion andi severai companies of velunîcers, lodges congregateti froux ail points, civic delega- tiens freux home and froui aiber tawns were prescrnt. The folswing clergymen participateti in the rcligions rites : Revds. S. H. Eastman, Jas. Kines, McColl, Jeffcoît, Hare, Manning, ,McLaren, and others. The paîl bearers were, officialhy, Lieut.-Col. Paterson, Ma- jors Farewell andi RutIedge, Captains Dil- lon anti Heuderson and Lieut. Robinson. Six sialwart volunteers carrîed the body on their shoulders frein thc bouse anti deposited it on a gun-carriage wlich had been extem- porixeti for the occasion, and following it was a car piled witb floral wreaths. The followi.ng was thse ordec of rnarching: Soldier police in advance. Band of M4th battalion. Fi'ring party. Ph)si ians-Drs. Kaiser andi Hoig. Clergymen-Rev. S. H. Eastman andi Rev. Father Jeffcoti. Gun carnage withbobdy and accoutre- ments. Charger bearing satidle and boots rever- seti. Floral car. Mourners. Militia escort. Piano Werks Benevolcut Society. Ancieut Order United Werkrmen. I ridependent Order of Oddfellows. Cairrages carrying I.O.O.F. Grand offi- cers, town council o! Oshawa, bcard of edua- cation o! Oshawa, muembers o! parliameut, civic, deputations, etc. Citizens in carniages. The order o! procession was skilfully andi successfully couducted by Sergeani.Major Lawrence, of -Qslaawa. Citizeus on foot lined both sides o! ttc procession ail the way ta the union ceme- teytd tise number, moviug musi bave be'upwards of 5,ooo. The baud bati reacbcd tise cemetcry gâtes ere Uic last o! tIse cortege had left tise lote resideuce e! de- cessed. As Uic band, vus mouffled dtumn andi slow and solemu emphasls, playcd thc fumerai dupxe te viicb that hast o! pne9i msrched witb bowed, beade thse solemuttyof thse occasion becamne fully realizcd, and mene vept. At thse cSmetery tise volunteer formaed a large square abos. theb grave, and the clergy- nen recited "icr part, saftr vhlch tise Odd- feliovsprkwe ieCeemony proscribed by tiseir riua. FInallyltie redocats veto lormed la Une, firedt trese discisal"e across lise grave. ïàd tise last rite isadiseen per- forused for e dcçeaçd,çiiiLen a»4 soIier.,î ramOi ho ri adsatçwoiced' R ToMllao Troo T- I W Cisapple,, M P P., Draou,-zaresH Janti 1 J Gouid, bxb ge ; MaorF'rm ,Wm CrtleJiFt<P, tJ£94,Ge hir Mr. Frulg IL TM iwas la tgua on, Thut& P'w~b res pouud-io.1. Oniy 4C. at Allia1. for pure creatn tartar, Rocheile nd Mrî L C Hall, tremaurer of Oshaia %vas là- town Weduesday. Mr. Chas. Hodge bas secured a position in a tonsorial parlor lu Fort Perry. Chairman Devercîl desêrves credît for rak ing lte leese stoties off the streets. Mr. Rebt. Brown, o! the Occan Feuse Seagrave. was lu towu yesterday. Gaed usornlng, bave vou r.ad Thos". Siaterse advertiseoeent fer men on another page? Mr. W. G. MNIitchell and Mr. A. W. Til T( rente. sperit Sunday in towu, the gis & of Mr. W. Till. % Wben you buy the famous BEAVER Chewlng Tobacco, b. sure teWord Beaver is on cach plug. veebat vus .ducted lu iii. puli the ci"Mt;. tut Urnte cw" h ýenraIly adopied by brlgbt youang 'asl*o, 1mid ht publiee choolé, fis t ce é<oAlbert in tht. couaty fr0 îR t'> ig6o. Duringis period hé matered Uic round, 91 -etmodiig. tlabis spare our, se~m bi vaat<usthon very IhrWth Dr Wlgbt Touoto. By î865 ho had*fiulht bs sscal Wtoursp lin Tor- onto, aud *as, la New York -ttking a poet- graduate cou rse Itsobappeuied ihat R. H. Tonalinsen, Toronto, thonf well kown in South OWtario. was winding up an ostate in Oàhawa lun that yoar and iearned that Dr. Tenupest wshed te self his practice. Young Rae was sent lor, and seon Dra. MIcGiil and Rae made themselves a naine ta be proJud of. Deceaseci was for y cars anc of the exarnin. ors of Tarante achool of medîcine, anid wben a provincial board of he.altb was formed hie was namned as a niember. Soon he was chairman sud was a member until its deaLh. 14e join.d the militia at the tirne af the fenian raids, snd by promotion was seen surgeon oif the 34th battafion, holding the rank ai lieutenant-colonel in the medical service ai the limne of bis deatit. He took a great inîercst lu the civic affairs of Oshawa, and was reîurncd as reeve frons r876 te î88o>. Then he served as mayor froin î88o te z886, retirin g with a grand récord. He bas been a member of the Oshawa board of education a greai many yeams His active efforts on behali of the Liberals led ta bis selection as their candidate for the Commnons Ii 1887. Although no special mnention of bis name had been made betore the vote was taken every delegate ta the convention rnarked bis ballot for Dr. Rac, a tbing unpreccdented in sncli conventions. It reqîuired no motion ta make bis nomination unanimous. Five years ago lie was appointed a license commissioner, and bas been chairman ever since. Finally lie was appeinied counrv registrar a month ago. He was a Free Mason, being D D.G. Wd. two years ago; was an Oddfellow af bigh hot r and degree; a Workman, a member of the R. S. Williams' piano works benevo- lent society, and of many ather good institu- tiens. Deceased was a Prcsbyterian, tbougb clergymen ai ail denorninations and creeds attended bis body ta theg rave. H-e took an interest in everytbîng an d everybody. In 1865 biernarried Miss Elizabeth Currie. daugbîer of the late John Currie, who sur vives him, togetber witb four grown-up sonb and a young daughîer. Personally Dr. Rae was a warm-bearted man, one whose sympathies were excessive. In the hottest af pelitical fights bis appantents found in birn a genial and affable but ttrong and derterous fighîer, whose thrusts were se tempered with open manliness that they learned ta love him, even politically, and eoIn l the universal regret at bis loss One i as only te, read bis career ta know ibat Dr. Rae sacriticcd bis life for the public, reserv- lug nothlng te bimself, and seeking no re-- ward until almost the day of bis demis.. Little need we wonder, ihen, wbat drew the many tbousainds from ail directions and dis- tances te drap a tear beside bis body and ta sec it laid away to rest forever. Genuine worth, p ure unsel6ishness. ceaseless buman- it y, and ifelong love for bis felows were among bis attributes. All bis public honors came ta hlm unsolicited, bamrng, probablv, the registrarship, ta seek which was certain- ly no dishonor ; and every trust was per- fornîed wîtb a fidelity mosI znarked. Con scions, ne doubt, of many shortcomîngs, but happy in the tbougbt of having been of se great service ta bis counirymen, hie passed ta bis reward leaving a memaory revered by ail whe ever knew him. The makng-s of a Grand Master. The Dominion Oddfcllow, in speaking of a visit of Major Farewell ta Toronto on Sunday week ta attend the united divine service, sa" :" The brothers were much pleased ta have Bro. Major J. E. Farewell with them on Sabbath. Ris words-were well chosen, and gave an idea of what kiud of a Grand Master be will make, when, as we expect, he sean will be called on ta 611l that important office." It need notbe in- ferred from the words of the Oddfellow that the gallaut major han donned holy oyders, and that his -"word., " as spokren of hbove was the sermon dclivered on that occasion. lie made use of thc words at an ante.meet- ing held by the Oddfellows befere marching te the church. Belgravia. Sherjif Paxton has bougbt e! Mr.ý Wm. MeCabe, of the North A.merican Life Ce.. who beld it at a fancy price until lateiy, tic two acre block between Henry anud King streets in this town, with the intention of building a family resîdence thereon. This season only trec plantiug is being donc. The site, which is one of the most coin. manding mund beautiful in Whitby is situat - cd te the south west o! the couuty hilidifgs. The fine resideuces o! Jtadge Dartueilland Mr. L. T. Barclay arc acrosthc road-Ktng strcet-from it and Principal Tamblyn 's is j net south. Thse view frots this point in- cludes thc Scarboro heights, Utcredgs a they swing round through Reach ani Whit- -townss into Urbridge, Markham, Pkeriugamnd Searboro, while to the.eut thse church steeples cf Osbawa are plainly visible, but Uic most 1» sping of ai i.the swecp of lake Ontarlo for thirty or forty miles- Tt is this hill oi ridge, which crus- ses Dundas street (thie Kingston Rossi) be. tweu Henry aud King streets li a sogtherly direction until the court bouse as reached when it takes a tutu to thc sentit West muid runs ot ntuthUiclake et Gordoun' point, coustitating a cresceut cotuarisiug I* site» aft i &st building% _pubic anipriv..tc, that Wbftby xposes. ipor 1413 reu bthe hill iigbt benamed Belgavia, aâ* rthat fascous section -u ic h west end of Léondon. Tuas. of aur town eole wh a" e*vet-, le4etenlvel!uauolvelier scessciaauy- o A bt*ui lmrmui ouu- try.titanmay 1belas fromauy vmntagc poWn aleug-titisbillinuWIittby. Genosal Agent imd ane or two Local enâte rçpresçnt tii. hiomp Lt!., MsOdaWý o *muda lu Whittq aud vlcitty. Apply te GEO. B. WO<>DS. Supedatea- denÀp Aencim, or at tbts bffle. 1001 la 1001 VALUE la Clearly Demonstrated by the Crowds that Daily throng our Store, This Week We A re Great Values in STRAW HATS-Boys' at 15c., 20c., 25c., 30c. Men's at 25c., 35c., 45c, 50C., 60e., 7.5c. Speciai drive in Ladies' Shirt Waists. niCe Just re4 Try oi much The quai 1 Beautiful patterns to select from. Mll new.Goods. we are showing an excellent range of PRINTS at 10c., Ilc., l2jc. per yd. Also some ýe goods in Cotton, Crepons, Stripe Zephyrs, Chambrays. Ail new goods to select frorn. A Bargain in VICTORIA LAWNS at 10c., 12jc., 15c., 20c. ýceived a new fine of Sumrrer Corsets. Cati and inspeet themn. (AI sizes.) ur new Dress Lining. The ELDORADO takes the place of Fibre Chamois and cornes cheaper and wears just as long. Also our LINNETTE lining that rusties like silk. ntity of CARPET that we are sendieg out daily clearly shows that our assortment is the best and cbeapest in town. Tapestry at 23c., 35c., 40c., 50c., 75c., 85c., (with bor- dering to match.) Union at 30c., 35c., 40c., 50c. Ail Wool at 70c., 75c., 85C. 'Taioring is boomning with us. First-class Cutter in charge.<pvw' JP. S.-TRY OUR NEWV CARPET PAPER.,'ý ~NDREW M OS Dry Goods, Carpets, Ready-made Clothing. A fine chance ta rent saine garden lots may. be had on enquiring ait the CHROrs- ICLE Office. 6 piece selid walnut parler suite, plush, writb silk plusb bands, for 832, worth $45, ai W. Till's. The last af tb. university extension lec- turcs aitte college, to-nigbt, Dr. Reynar on "Humer,' is free. Mr. W. F. McAlpine, B. A , the new pastor of the bapîist churcb. will occupy the pulpit next Sunday mnornîng and evening. A public reception will be beld cn Monday evcning ai 8 o'clock, ta wlîich ail are cordi- aily invited. The ladies of the W.C. T.U. will hold an ai home and sale of fancy and useful articles in J. R. Philipes store on thse uoth May. Ice creain and cake wiIl be served during afier noon and eveniug. Rebecca will b. at the well to serve lemonade. Candy wilI be sold. Dont fail ta came. justice was flot long in overtalcing the parties wbo tartnred Fields to death two months ago. Tbey suspected hirn of îm- preper relations with a stepdaugbîer, and hauled bim out of b.d into the snow when tlhe mercnry was below zero. He wa- obliged ta suifer ail sorts af indignities, and ta give a promise ta leave the country. He wcnîta Lancing, Mîch., but retur-xsed ta London ta an hospital and died there. Two of the torturers receved three years, twa two years, and one a termn at thc Central prison.- To Day!! Ice creani, cakes, boiled hain, at Taies'. Toronto prices. Everything away down. Lemons i2vc. doz , goap from ncn cent pet bar npwards, baking powder from îsc. poutid. 4 lbs. cur- ranis for 25C., 4 lbs. raisins for 25c. Tryour tca 2c. pound, black green or ui zed. All cash. M. E. Jackson. Sale of furnîture. etc..- The Onta&rîu Ladies' College baving been equipped with steamn heatîng and iron bcd- steads, ail the furnaces and bedroom mmuri- ture of tbe calege used previous ta the pre- sent wîilbe sold by auciion at the mnarket here on May 2rd, ati oa'. m. There are fi ve furnaces, anc af wbich is flrst class, a large number of bedroomn suites, mestly sehid otk. and a lot af wire mutrasses and school desks. These articles mnust ail be seld, and there is plenty ai stufi to atiord barg4tins for al[. Oh for Maitoba, Europe and May a4h trips Sec Stephenson, Whitby, for cheap tickets for England, Scotland. Ireland. British Columbia, Manitoba, California. ail United States and Canadian points, anywhere, everywhere, boat, rail or ocean. Rates guaranteed right. Througb tickets frorn Pickering. Toronto, Myrtle, Biooklin and Whiîby. See E Stephenson, Whitby, before travelling, and get cbeice af ten bebt ocean steamship lines, and buy bis tickets ta ail points in Canada, 23rd, 24th, aud 2.îtb, good tili 26tb May ta return at single fate. The new college welt. Tise teown committee on firc and waîer has receivcd tenders for thse waîer tank ta be bult near the college. as follows : R Collins, $77 ; Ashby,and Riley $8o, and 14 per foot if deeper than 22 feet ; R Fagarty $450S per foot with a diameter of 2o ft. Moore and Murray, S.375 for the job. The specifications caîl for a well 22 feet in diameter and 22 feet deep, the cantractors ta do tise curbing and tise corporation te find the brick. Sbould the we-Il exceed 22 fe<et in deptis the balance will be dug 12 feet in diameter. TIse comntittee considered tIse tender a! Ashby and Riley thse masi favor- able, and they will be awarded tise contract. -FOR THE BEST VALUES 'IN TOWN IN- WaII Papers, Baby Carrnages, Wagons, Croquet, if Fine Stationery. A Iimited quantity of the latter only, left at HALF PRICE. A rare chance. Secure some before it ail goes. Avgency for Schoo/ Desks, Buterick Patterns, and Br;'Isk American Dyeing- Co.D ID:EVEEl?ILL8 blOUSE TO LET Good frame bouse ; stone foundation ; tirst- class oellar. (two compartments) ; shutters and double windows ; garden ; bard anid soft water. Centre ward. Whkbjy. Rent low to rigbt per. son. Apply to T. G. WHITFIELD. May 14th, 1896-tf. ADMINISTRA TRIX'8 NOTICE Pursuant ta R. S. 0., Cap. 110o, notice is bereby gîven ta ail creditors baving dcaims against the estate of THOS. HUSTON. late ot the town of Whîtby. gentleman, deceased. wbe died on or ab-3at the rqth day of April, t896. to send ta D. Ormiston, Whitby. solicitor for Nancy Huston. the adtainistratirix. on or be fore the FIRST day of JULY, A&D.,. î896. theiranes. addresses, with particulars of iber dlaims, and of the aScurities, if any, held by thein. And notice is fuhtr -jgi*vethat after said ust cf JULY, r896. the adinistratrix wlIl proceed to disrilbute ibe amets ut the deoeased among. the persous entitled theteto. baving re- gard only 't the dlaim of which notice shall bave been duly glven. .l>ated at Wbthy the îsth day of May. A. D., z896.D. ORMISTON, Solicitor for Ammtarx Valuable farin for aie b>'tender The understgned wil receive tenders for that valuable farvu owned by Geo. E. Alger, situate liu tb townshp of Pickering, about two miles trom Brougham, contalning about 1210 acres. Titis farin la witbout doubt one of Uiboit propertio inOntario, and la known as,tbe moelfausof Pickering. TVS building consist of a large two4torey houa., larg bardi bçrusbheted wlth-Ires, stablefinishi- ed in hardwood, and bricà Jsog peu, with, accommodation for abouàt'ii h Te' i. pa t'oterd mlhipthe,' prÃ"lp, dy bi Af ieibgdtm-amted wgs 'ted d*y TendérWitlbW.rceh,ýed'%utito~t I)AY (W MAYI 0.The -lowêt or _any, tede io ectwliyeicoeqt.géFofWfut- MACD ÃŽiALD & FICHi Hossa.dlit WbJ.b-YVndg - - WIIITBY". JUST RECEl VED-ý o. Ohoice ffew Goods. China Glassware and Oroûkery. Dinner and Tea Sets, Cheap. Choice Family Groceries, Teas, Coffee, Fruits, Etc., Etc. Choapo Cash or Trade. I Pricesté Sittthe Times. Dozet bucy belon and examîining the stock and prioes for yousl P.twnèMTÂTE 0OP*.St a W ÂNTED-YOUNG OR MIDDLR. YiÂGED MEN of character Hou- dreds foremost lu Canada, startcd wlth us.; About $14 a week to bogin witb. THE BRA.DLEY-GARRETSON CO., LTD., Tor- 0Do, -Ont 6TRAWSEMY PLANT& I'bave ton of -thb bout- va#çtl for'saW e ~~arl " MekuadLate. P*ltelu a. T.S. RAN?, W~XTEP IAt~_IF W*DAI Capital Attii~b.d $1,000000 Surplus 100,000 DOA~fl ~WD1ftEt~TORS. Lasi week we aur new silver Links and Buitc Who Sam theni tise style and be equally deli priscd at thse va SIL VER MOUKi Fine Silk Rib' ing Silver Bucý Silvor Woven Silver Btsckleé Silver Plated aud fine Silk Black Meunts. 50ets. eti omet" Conflt orgai iou of 1yloa FBIDÂY, MA * LOCAL L Scott repairsalah king AIlin's for pure essel etc. Fresh Bread. 2 POL J ack.son's - Dr. Reynar's -lectu .cellege to-night is fre Do not tail ta rea1d ment on anoîhet pgff There is a fine deve foliage, but ramn is bai The town con ncil TuesdaV nigbt ta re-p law in correct formn- There was no -quq -education IMonday n end tîme running, ne Note tbe posters a Plus turniture, mm ladies' college, whig: fnarkei here on Satur Messrs. Fred Hat' McGillivray, G V NI inell went to Kendaîll, lish in a private pond local men addicted tc but poor luck this yg,: To Day 1 1 Ice cream, cakes, Ioop airs of ladies and sippers at 5oc. gains outside the WîV Store. W. Durham lquor lices The license commn hamn grazsted liceust 189)6: Bew'nanvîlle- ray Warren, R. Beni -Frank Bennett, (wben the building i Inspcctor). Clarke- Peter Blue, S. G. E-1 twe mnonths. Darlli Peter HaIt. CariwI Swain jr.' for six Mi La±cst swindle- - Thc latesi swiudl (oîîiows: A woman tawn and gocs fret boeks for. examina calîs te sec if thce they are sot b. taki ttiey are not wntc weman agent appe tald tisaitte mianh ,wccps copiatislYs ~cgllectîug ber bSo Qpoverty anti 50oen, compensation. Thse great discaritt Naw ragiug ai thi -sids of dollars w. snd sisoos. consist .Shom, i-j . Kinlg' boutgrades tIsa s fine boots toe ip, bellows tnu.~ jSton bea1,1-25, Oxford lubocs, 8 ShoStore, eat a WMltby boyla 3 fu uONICL isative a! ibis ta géf Mi. 1Fredjw q L~~WYork.,I tise unosi modorn i. Offering IBLJOGIK, 'AI'VA i MODO Gý TOr ï t à

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