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Whitby Chronicle, 15 May 1896, p. 5

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,75c. ooda. The great discount maie wbat scarce, but-t-be girls readlty trasulateo eu-flpea.va ed i.agi Nov aging ai the uew sboo store. Thous- tbermst exritssues lut-od omegn lesh.Te a dacdta f t snws ands et dollars wort-b et higb grade boots tîrneut-, expresed la geod £ angisb. The 8 thedairi t bat ifaviat as novse0 and shees, eensisring of the celebrat-ed Sîster questions as e(yPicplTmlnsdbOOUtb i stob ai sted, lt-sc sabes, . D Kig'ssud ohnMcPemsn'aMi-. Ormiston touud ready and correct re- quest of ant elexueut t-busgs tbou>e eatgae s t-bat ingskil an ponucPe, sd lspese.Next vo entei-ed t-ie'fourt-bor i- g man's attepts t-o subdue t as a comau t-o be seld ai a rate ou t-be dollar. Men's juno evu e udier -eppl ediui ofe locomotion, like land aud wvs fin bots oe ip,$i me's lowboosvork oui deductiofut frei t-be 8tb probloinruilai b. tbrough t-be study et birds sud fine ootstee ip, m; mn'slov ootf Euclid's IVtb book, upder the'superv. i a tVa -ey fi>'. Hence, lit-eratili'Wittvi aînd boots vit-b tee cap, $i ladies' fine but- ofMr. Hogart-h. Na doUbt Mm. Euclid bad affecte.Telcnecuitdo bots$.2, et- S ~ ade ' aigue Y llb inseif worklug oubi mys- graphical sud eritical review cf t-be gV Oxford abees, 85c. M. W. Collins, New tc fgeor>.Quito readily t-les.eer tCk5ivrtmsd i oi oIni S o tre, east ide. pupils wound tleuselyÏoP lut-e t-sglep nec, b> readinge fro m t-e " Cardinal." u W tby ~GthE.essary to loes. -u 'in-ut-e ges $Pngete s voe of thanke Mr. Annes bet-veen circles inad 'tbmii eacii ot-bef, and> psW one for t-be chairmazi, t-be presidieu THE CHRONICLE net-es vit-b pleasure t-be to ysmrese e#rIo. smseged theie godet-y3 IsGroo ttwm preternient extended t-o a Canadian an4 a te extricate îhpiselv* h is very int-giest- t-le excellent vay in vblch t-bat youig 1, native eft t-is tovu lu the impressive perset i ig t-o follov Uw chai$ of reasouing liich con4ncted t-be meeting, the firet lu Frai of Mi-. Fred James Gibsea by thbe ad-writ-ers demouairates ç#arly $-êoue's mind thea ex- h-a#tto be preslded over b>' a voSBl. <if Nov York. These protessors et Osuo et act- proportioq r~Tlo hci u u lady priclal of the e Ig~ts. Han tbe meut modern sud roîunerative art-aoet rest-ed tula; bet-o anobr MFent-esbdu is mionou ta i t, oui- day beld a meeting iu t-be Hotel St-. orunfiiàto jo the frsftba'ae tt-W > j5~idat-ia en Donis on. evening ecently for t-he pp e o l tOOCIt y m e4esn t.1t$cf*Mi0>,tlroOgh of ferminag an Ad Me's Club. Mm. Gibson Tii. ,Q.t- t-be #iiess doune theM w as 0 giri<* tol t etbe Coit-ego t-be ap vas appoiit-ed oeeoetà commiittee of fis. t-O vit-h 0 M" ns pe of thbe name 01 $mitb addt-o Sand inproveluetit-"t-o t-he cW ceusider vays sud mpansd perfect- plans sud t-b 0 g.stdjous si 4 p-buildilngs are largel>' due. Or. HI', b for such an organi4t-o:. Asieciat-ed vit-b pilia. uISbre5 tfer 'rxJoues at pe5dfr peh epue > i- uini are Mrt. Maul>'M Giflarntvhem Hilton, #«0 pet barrel, viiicb Mr. Orruiston char- upen t-be =lit-:good tbtis .doneby Sol Hughes & Co. indu d byaryOfa" $2000o acterized as au exorbitant rate te pay, snd iterar>' >eete ~*ebetiolits 1 bs t-o leave JoUtWaanamaket la PhîiadelfblA our blsped indignation vas roused t-o abigb titlariuinsta ebe VAS tes d.a g DIt-<> aud go t-o Nev Yomk te manage th a vo- pit-* wtenh a epained' tbat t-be tran- plemeut; b> tbk sprloefUUVini1t$F 'xtl tiaing et t-belr great- depeirtmntSIstore -9lMr. eIoawsmnagiuary, niee->' lt-ruped ut> ec tZre 'hsedofiver>" via a Chai-les Austin Bat-es ite ruas an expert- ad- t><11bbsesstruatoi entet-' bf ICO tb lei.cIO~ vertiîirg foundry ofitis owu iand vbo estl-i-n tWe practice books of papils.Sit -'Piidpl Hartfprt-bet r SZO mat-es bis t-in. as vert-b $io an bour W *ïr. On0s altetivaibl oui u->'111 the iglit 0o ;i 0C t4>oM client-s sud cutomers; Ur. Tborp, ot Tho<pt-blglouget i proauli *T o-, n4 bs pliio~io.Tsevgts' &Holbrook ; and Mr.Artentas Ward, ve bliga-ies beentever>' beavy before it vus ecuOf!ll.e 1esli I~ oaci of t-hem are recogni:çed experts 004 ait tougb. Ou? ubat- bÏafi'spieu vas vey xeniv xposieuts4ft-be art-cf pub- inlufora t-vo llstnlngt se tu lii-'es e cp e ngg tsîtsra iml eeatluS ault b' i. H lices it. ibonist- e n~tf cft-le 'rimelse-bt- rey-t i.dy -feuud advert-isig et ýhe Meurs, A. A. Vaai-W & t-bot-ird fqrm tst- ïýta-o Kv,Si4ey tu- vorld. It- vil1 be fetUeUIbSlWIt-i*4t- vas t.p ffss- Tte thtrd ao4fourtb, fcirmte îïi t-e s daugbt-er of t-be founule>of *t- Yainle ar , volt 611.witi- business, amrembero( Itft-eÃ"d Dut-cii SIM jeuoUyd 9 t-radng familles tt- fl RUY1$hotff Nevws»yttb.t-1t-Mms York or à$ew Apst«4S8tby s-e -, e4 t<d o-tp t-o viiotuGilbert P,uimket te lit-ear>' tititi stetal .xa0n't.pW- ,00 ie bes eouirpkt-» »UdlY, la C&CA49that- 'e do sûot 'bava swhoib t-bp T«09» -P In-btie'ol$V0",e queted at te-ti k mu Niae4 . INEW M1LL!NERY,ý LISt7 ili¶Tm YY U ST. ,IBB urAO11SoeW' - ,1- % - -pau .U pu arsu~ la emer spdiàg a couple- o< weeks ï>woe pwdeL. going torÀgicqofor the. sumnier. *Çv. aonPOmoull; oouo14sbS ARASubseribefs reciiVing accoOntsftom ni 1ected blahop of$igaa wSvi bear iun mi dtii-t we duo thei*i because Hon. Jno. Dryrden and Mr- Burnett Win -e v aut the accounts paid. We do buase1l address-tii. Young Liberals to-nlgbt. * lfo r t h e. m o n e y , tno t fo r g o od v i l O f O u r? ve n m as b o u id r a d th e a d v e rt s e m m at I../ IN h eaitb. of ios. Sister on autb« pogeoft bis pap«s. B Mr. J. J. FatterioD, a former pupIl at the There will be preachimg of the gospel ln wMBýWhitby collegiate institute, but noW o! Mc- the. Toorn over the. express office on Sunday Master University, Toronto, wiliibave charge st 3 P. m., andd in the evening at 7 'clock. of the Mulgrave baptist cburcb during thel Mr L Burnett, the Liberal candidate, hast week we told you about summer months. spent Tuetday iii town. He is pursuing bis Our new Silvef Waist Sets of Mr. W. H. Rolland, Toronto, le5 ngIl avs ago ersdarne o Lins ad ultus.Evry ue te Coboconk. Cît itehstrd tte meeting at tbe Young -Liberal club rooms vvho sa%% them Waspesdwt very opposite o f Iiat he expected, tiie littie t-gt the style and ?rice. Vou will leisure and pleasure it gpves being very be equall> delîghted and sur- costly. Mr. Rolland wifl nov try Cobo- Mr V B Weodruff has had painters and i td at thev'aiue of our conk, viiere the Trent waters may be fol- papei bangers working- lilce beavers on the iowed by canoes fab~ulons distances in ail Armstronig bouse for the past mouth. Every D IQ directions, and viiere sport is censequefltly inch of the woodwork bas been repainted, SILVER MOUNTEO UELLiS> plentiful. the valîs and ceilinga have been repapered, The salvation army are to bave a musical and new linoleums laid on tbe floors. Tbe Fine Silk Rîbbon Steri. entertainflCit on Friclay, May 22nd. The retiovatief bas been se îberough that sorne- îrgSivr ukies......... $1.25 Humrcaner's Band, ten iu number, wbo gave tirmes the. house was se torn up tbat one ing Siver Ba very pleasing variety armuy musicale in the could bardly get inside the doors. This Silver Wovsn Boîta and bat racks last January are to be here again week tbe upsiar sections are catching it, SilerBuele.......$2.0O and as they bave been travelling through and wben alia s finisbed tbe place wiil look Silvr Bckls ..........Ontario and some parns oethte States as if it bad just came (rom the factory. Mr-. 'Sîlver Plated Buekies conducting meetings every day since, tiiere Woodrufl ta one of tbe best botel keepers to and fine Silk Ribbon... (30C. viii be no fakre on tbe get up of their musical be found, and taking thinga altogether tie meeting. Charge of ton cents for admission.' Armstreng bouse may be said t.o b. equip- Black Mounts .............. 5(C. The announced Queen's birthday celebra- ped in first class style. tion at Corbets Point bas been dropped Wm. Smith, hutcber. Wm. Westlake and r'"~ Leather Belta, Sparkling owirîg to other arrangements. Young Balmer drove te Pickering on Sun- BrightS Cut Sîlver Buckles. The best Anthracite coal. day to view things in general and te note in- Brighveg,$. N.2u,$ t cid.entally viiether or net the recent de- y ut,. Jov. Degg,$4 C o, opnste $post cision of the ptivy, counicil had affected the yad.J.f-.icee ., poit e hetel interests of the hotels at Greenwood, offi. Brougham and Pickering. On tbe way Bo argat lde' n hid'ssos home the horse shied at its sbadow near AI- andOslppirs a of ladeair Scîiens hoosar-mends and îurned the rig into-.the ditch. andalipes a 5c. er ai Sc te br-Smith and Balmer wtre dumped out, but gains outside the West Side Boot and Shoe Westlake got hold ef the buggy top wlth Store. both bands and bis teptb, and clung to il ------Dominion Day ini Whitby. like grim deatb to a dead nigger. Smith The Whitby Fire brigade are preparing te lcept hold of the linos and was dragged t bold a demenstratioti th~e athletic gr-ounds along fer about twenty rods, wben the ex- [1~ ei-e on Dominion Day. Those who recaîl cited dragon stopped in its mad career. the celebrations heid years ago under the Smith nbw maintaîns that bis head got fast auspices of the brigade viii nith confidence in the buggy wheel during the misbap and look forwardto a big day's sport. that he pertormned over seventyfive revolu- Ogc oayOgL-ags icl-Wake up. Correspoadents. tiens. WVhen thîngs had been straigbtened oBc.alCouatY0rgn~-argStSome of our viiters have been a little it WRs foiind that Westlake had a broken to of a"Y loal papaT lm canad.a slack ot late. Perhaps they art eut ef sup- finger, and, having ne further faith in the plies. If so kindly remind us. Correspond- docility of the horse, ho walked home, leav- entbi disappoint their neighbers when they ing the other% to take thoir livtes in their FRLDA.Y, MA-Y 15, 1896. negl,.ct te send letters foi even a week. We hands and conduct the herse te îown. want writers at Taunton, Whitevale, Vre- ice Cream Parier manten and Canningtofl in tbis county, and Fer the best Ice Cream, caîl at D- LOCAL LAOONIOS. at several places in West Durham. Mathisena., Dundas street.-23-tf. scoit repairs aIl kînds ef pumps. Mourniig for Dr. Rat. Cheap bicycle ia prospect. Tho attachment et our citîzens for the laie Monday's Toronto Star says that a city Arsfor pure essences, vanîia, lemon, Dr. Rae was se g-est, and hîs prospective fi-mn on Yonge street, probably one of the eti residence in Wbîtby was regarded wîth such Eaton's, is importing 3000 bicycles which 1- te-h Bread. 2 pound loaC. Ont)' 4c. at satisfaction and certainty, that deep cegret will be sold at a lew price, thal named being -1i àliksons and disappointmeiii was feit by everybody about 830. We have always said that we 1),. Re% nars lecture, 'Humeor,' ai the when the nevs ef bis death came upon us would buv a bike wberî tbey corne te be sold colle-go to-nîght is free. lîke a dark cloud on Frîday last. Though at Si each, but on second t-bougbt we viii 1">- not tait te resd Thos. Sistor's adrertise- the tewn never had the deceased gentlemen, compromise on $30 if we get a chance. muent on anoîber page for men. it feit that it had lest him. I-is death and Çioskg off thecocer. There is a fine devellîpmieiit ef grass and the meagre but fatal particulars as te ira A petition is being circulated iu tewn occurrence were the sole topic of conversa- prayu the tevu ceuncil te pasa a by-latw foliae, bt ramis bdly nededtien for the trne being. During the perid rhibfîtiilg cattie and et-ber animais frets The îown courncil held a special session sînco ho accepted the registrarsbip the dec running at large. We believe t-ho by law i uesdav nîgbt te re-pass the debenture by- tor had made himselt se agreeahie te ail, sheuid have been passed long ago, but it is lAw in correct form, had refreshed se many acquaintances. aud net tee late nov. Hewevei-,t-bore is ne. Thoro vas ne quorum at the board of had lent his genial smile and pleasant vords t-ing like a fair thiug, and ýwhen a radical ý-,ucatien Monday night. and, for the sec- te se many friendly chats, that when verd onact-ment is made ve believe in making if Ond tîme running, ne meeting, came et his deatb people could flot have been <ail as iight-ly as possible. If cevs vonj Noietheposersandadv.et aleet ur-more borrer sîrie-ken if they had been told shut off thbe streets nov jr vouid probabl3 Notus thurn terfurndacesvet ofrleofmsthethat ho had been murdered- On Monday b. impossible for t-be ewuers of ail te find plud-es' collee, fwbîc vil esd aoi the hundreds of our citizens went te Oshawa te pasture. Neither land evuers noer cet rdjonauiiite twninbereea gion hihovuors have been expectitig asuscb enact makthr nSaturday. MaN 23rd. joîne sî oston n isiestgre, hihment aud possibly neither are prepai-ed <o Metssrs. Fred Hatch. W S Gold, Theu A ws ned oimikd it. The by lav migbt- be passed te talc McGillivriiy, G V Martin and Judge Dart-. Oddfellow'a annîversary effect at the fi-at of September, viien t-hemg nie-lvent te Kendall, north et Newc-astle. te The tovn lodge of Oddfellows gave anit Siwil ho a gxeat i-un in the harvested fields iish in a private pond there for t-oui. The home on Me,îday night ;0 celebrate the 26th There is eue t-ing wo feel bound te sas local mon addicted te thîs pastîme bave had anniversary of iboîr establishmlenit in tovn, about cev evners- We understand t-ha lIii poor luck ibis ytar se fai- and their invitations drew a large number some mee are iunuing twe or t-hreo ces To Day of mon togoîber te ceîebrate the tvent. On ar large ar pi-osent, under varierns hellov he c-e-rncake, bîleha. aiVats'. oo>k ing over the liai of charter members who pret-exts. Somo menu daim that uiiey 0Wý Ba: rgaui, aesa.le a, tVt j' oined in organîzing ibis Iodge 26 vears ago, eue cow sud their wivea or sons t.he others Bargains.îît as found ibat only twe are alive te-day sud se on. Suvbh dexterous sehemes te de mco pairs et ladies' and chldiens shees te ans wer t-o theli- names-J aies Piingle and fest t-ho lsw desorve uotlîing botter t-han thl and slipperS at soc per pair. Se-e the bar- Dr. Carson. These îwo wert-by and vouer- prohibit-iug et ail cattle from runuing i gains eut-ide th e West Side Boutado o able gentlemen have always been numnbered large. But eutirely aside fromn that- S:ore amog themesipopuarative and enîhus- sheuld hoeuact-ed t-bat- they ho ciosed off i ~-SSAURDÂY, O BÂRGAIN O0 AŽ New Tweeds, Biiians, Silks, Blouse ilika, etc., ail st the very Lowest Price. Se. out Boys Suiting Tweeds st only 25 cents per yard. Abio newest styles for Biyle Smts. New Suiting Tweeds, Hat, Caps, Tie, Shirts, etc., at __r Fe STEWART'Se, _________ - -~ ~- l'~ L ITYL. ~ Dress Goods, Dress Goods, POVERTY aPRICESO -They aumell of the ea, they are so lately over, the- -new shades that we are showing for present wear.- 7 56-m. Black Sicilian Coth, bright lustrous New PaWsey Pattern Dresses at ........... finish, the Ieadng novelty for dresses.. 75e Nev Silk and Wool Shot Effeot Dresa Pat- New amati pattern Tweed Effeet D r..t re. ....................... Gooda at............................... 250 New Black Silk Finished Lustres, 42-in. Special lin. Black Henrietta, r.gular prie vide, only............................... 3soc $1.15, reducedto....................... Black and Colored AII-ool Serges at ....... 25e Regular 75. LUno redueed te,................ DRESS GOODS ARE EQIJAL TO ANY CITY STOCK #- j-'-0 cOi(R 50C. IN THE ASSOMTMENT AND QUÂLITY. IPARASOL AND U3IRELLiA SALE. Ladies' Parasols, regular price $1.65, for....................... Ladies' Parasols, regular price$2 00, for........................ Ladies* Parasols, regular price 82.509 for............. Ladies' Parasols, regular price $3.50, for ................. ... 1t Children's Colored Parasols.................................. 25o t d LAC£ CURTAINS. LAC£ OURTAINS.-We imnport them dircfm thmauca Great Britain, and can give you hetter value, wxth a larger amsrtment to select froin, tbm where. Ail prices in cream and white, from 25 cents o $7.00 per' pair. -e JW Men'S, Youths' and Children's Ready-made Clothing at Lowest Price 31a"TRÂW HTS7O~"SRWH W ee-CompIete New Stock of English and A.maerican Straw Rats. atwu G,, WALTERS, -WhîtI itd ink ii M Calfornia Dried Fruit§ PEACHESt EGG PLUMS, APRICOTSO NECTORINES, PRUNES. Fines t Fruit. $10 CDFe 750. 8140 i 8260 tirers ilà ,an euae-eý WM. TLL, qfo o urftarD. B.forèyo uIi$~ it vi r.»y Qood-Wio Mturm, Glaniw l-aA Maiuas M. O +LA WUIR%4ý -q - w- Â TTIRJUS -'Very newest thkgs in Blaok, Bmwn, Navy Ble, Mhot Effee, etc. 1N9W WHITE ST1UÂW HATS. NEW BÂILOBS only 25. each. Bée or SAILORS for 80e., trimmed. Chiffons in aU color. Silk Nets, Laces, in ail color, and very Low Prices. New Line Ladies' SPRING CAI>ES, grand lime to seil, at $125. Very newest styles witlu Velvet Colar. Be sure te eee them on the bor- 2 ion ery. <~o 2~ t~Y-u ,ds. e Times. CANADA@ 1,0000,00 100,000 1'i e-P-es. - Casbier. trnsacted. ,)rts of Can- rndon, Eng- Europe. 3,94 iîîk Deposite dlcton O~f. IIREN,- îtby Brani. vii lots No ete-t Perr>' tby. Ua t streets, aU me of tbet r pastulf .ISTON. GOODS.,- ,Adrkd% AFI Fin# TleASand.,-COFF,.É, E- Naied for igh. TI ply to S PfciP-w. BIG BARGAINS ON SATURDAY IN DRESS Low Plrices.

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