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Whitby Chronicle, 15 May 1896, p. 7

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"d ~ Thebe ftoilwed a bw SOiwwr* àü êI*oomCUi$u atS1I 8 mueVs, -yRtwv V I 'ft.yMay b. hd t mm BMpdestin. r gach. Gormley. Logan, nu tlen, U viii b.mut hpmâam, raespt <f - ail »siie.Iiiwointe Of rçgret "sed by hede-g an té, » e1 PrWilhaàis- Pj1n yjfla q1. rtr.The meeting came to a kSU e b h H g n M» 5559Vbmmt* ofl Udruggits or direct by miini rm-bt' singing a verséof - Bieset bethe tie ~~ ~~O- Dt. «Wili.s'Medîcin- Oowp.Y frm'tha ~bLnd," followed with prayer by i m lr C É"Wc"40' 4ter addrsus. The petos a&wie b Rev., Mr. Perrin.-News.in H m .e'C 'A Ut~e mor PM&nt SES' lii mak. acourse of treat-OI.A A Utte ý%«ü c mpuatlOlP erpelasive sM comparsd with othor remedîsa or medioali &ta 41? rsalontMr. James .Gleason, of the Grand Central hotel, narrowly escaped being . killed while driving to Point Mara on raine s 'C.eery Comi SI.WW1 ~Sun4ay morning. In going down a ~ Pickering counicil bas tome to the bil near Brechin a teamn of runaway * i ter the conclusion to aid in the construction Of horses which had broken away from a Mvedicine in all &0se ef wire fences along the highways. The 'wagon dashed into the buggy in which one bOttl0e OfAYe's ilair Vigor myj experiment of Wbitcburch and Ux- Mr. Gleeson was seated from the rear, hiwurestoted to ýta érigina bridge township councils is that they completely demnolishing the hind part H om colo 6664,ded ut-'\ are decided detriments. It has been of the vebicle. Mr. Gleeson narrowly theM ir Innsdgood lcoitiou."-MZS. pt f d that where there are wire fences escaped fatal injury by jumping on to H. F. FEwiI(Y DgbY, X. S.thsnwgdalyauuae ote the back of the horse he was driving. beaten roadway until it is much elevat- The rig was owned by Messrs. Thom- (ro tled, and it becomes very difficult to turnn Bros., V.S, Keep a Watolh on the Sul rir_________ out in passing. It will pay Pickering Umm . a t.wn 0 council to consuit their brethren in the Not a little excitement was created aiIr orhbefore action is taken on their atemrr-go-round near the lake, Eight years 890, 1 had the vario- by-law. last Friday everiing, when a woman Th ol'graledPins 1 ().aidlst my iialt whe rei xbridge town expects to have a rushed up and dragged ber husband. a T1 fror retlevrPin' ouasly was qit»t abundant. I tried curfew by-law in fuit oper«ation ere repearer of tinware, wbo had for bis Celery Compound, has hio equal o a %,ariet y of i)repar tons, but~ with- long, to keep children under a certain escort a young girl, from bis seat on feeding exhaust.ed nerves and buildingb 0 11t benetlClld resuit, tall 1 b%» fithItretMatr p . Such th air.Rgrls ftepe- up the weak and shattered body. i feair 1 should be perxoanently aeoftestebafe p h aley eades ftepe A bout six mouthÉ agm a by-law is a good institution in any ence of a large crowd, she upbraided The greatest of modemn medical men brogh hmea ote t y er's town as there are always some children himn with neglecting to support ber and _Po.Ewr . hls .DL. il Flar Vgor an I ega atonc te who are not under sufficent parental their tamily. wnil e squandering bis D. after years of hard practice n usei1U~ a short mene hair con trol to be home off the streets at rnoney on other women. The sympa- close scientific research. gave Paine's begaY-,n to appear, and theree18 flOW a reasonable hour. Is sucb'a by-law thies of the crowd seemed to be ail on Celery Compound to millions ýyho were everv prospect of as tbiek a growth req uisite in Stouffville ?-Tribute. the side of the womnan. seemg which uern.Tewdr-o-igcm Ot* hair as before !fy illnesa." g ufrn.Te odrwrigcm M r-. A. WEBIER, l'OlYmnla St., New A (armer not over a hundred miles the fellow dcmelaighscm pound bas astonished rich and poor. c)rlean:S, La. fom Sutton bas a beautful daugbter. panion to the mercies of bis irate learned and unlearned, by its marvel- A young blood (ell in love with spouse. bous cures. ber and asked the son of toil for' ber Trytag to gmt a $1 rate YER'S ITheRpVrent at once taxed hini A couple of wveeks ago Mr. Jupp The glad news has spread to ai AYE IS ÀI VIA ithth fc that he had notbing but wrote to Messrs Reeves and Hickson, cîvilized lands that Paine's Cehery PRZP&RK BT bis scanty saary-bardly enougb to of tbe Grand Trunk, afking that the Compound surely and permanently DR. J. C. AYER& CO.I LOWELLMA$.I U S. A. keep bîmi in white shirts and stand-up- old excursion rate of Si (rom Toronto cures even cases too df-sperate for the col lars-' Wehl, my dear sir, what y'ou and Hamnil ton to Orillia be again pu~t physician's skill. Proofs of such cures À ye r'1a PiUs cure Stck H.stdaeh. say is true. But when you were mar- in force. It will be remembered tbat in the testimonial. (orm are received ried you were onhy a himed man, with ast year Barrie succeeded in inducing eVery week (rom happy and grateitîl ---------- even a smallersalary than mine. How the Grand Trunk to raise the excursion -men and women saved from the dark PAÂYBSdid you manage ? - asked the young rate to Orihhia to $1.-5. The rephy grav~e. PARALSISOONQUERED. aspirant, who fancied he had made the that Mr. Jupp received was to the ef- Paines Celemy Compound bas fuhly most diplomatic defence. The crafty f ect that tbe railway officiais could not proved its power as a baisher of dys- ATLST LT Y1ELDS TO THE AD. old fariner thundered forth: i 1lîved see their way clear to, grant bis requeSt pepsia. indigestion, rheurnatism, neur-' VAINCE OF MEDICAL SCIEN CE. on mv fatbe'r-in-law for tbe first ten --as the genemal excursion rate on the aigip. kidney and liver troubles, and years, but l'Il be gosh danged if % you road was based on tbe rate of half-a. ail diseases arising (rom impure and doiV'cntamie' i wrhiwhen poisonous blood. Thousands of men Tùe Stroog Testiwuony of a Man Who L'c yor oos speaking of the matter at Monday's and women, tired out, un down, sleep W al af-Dead, Ikdriddeu luvaliîd Teeioso hslunlw council meeting, said that he could not less. nervous, morose and desponrdent, -H.Now Rejuîcos la Rele onew butyaose rn hi figure out how the railway cbarged 'have regained perfect bealth, strength iuaitb nStru t-cof d-soeata ubrtlaosed uîght thrhOrillia $1.-25 on this basis, and that and buoyancy of spirits, by the weil- mittha Paalyie e N LogerIn~tbeopeatins f sme an itha drktheybhad evidently made a mistake in advîsed use ot nature's own medicine. curable. lantern trvin g to manipulate the hock, their calculatos ti nyegt-I a ie e n rgtreit seven miles (rom Orillia to Toronto. ence to a vast number -of hurnan be- There ii not.hing in life sadder tlîan to on our back door. The would-be and at half-a-cent a mile it sbould give ings who were timed of Ide and its seeasroagnga mknwL aaýi.brlrctadrn oeebfr a rate of fot-four cents one way. Ris many burdens. Ative, yet dead te the dutieâ and actiAvi we could get a ~bang'" at fim. Who- wmbpwot ogletrt1 les LhaI belong to hfe, tue paralytie, util ever this mid-nigbt mafrauder may have wRvsiwoelng ettento to h Mr.dn a comnparaiveiy recent penod, waa duomi been be must surely bave come (rom mievsaongtenpatoft the railway edi Lo pansatb. rem2ainder ot bis days in a some part of the country where news- ofisand gion gh gotodmhe answhy papr . Orillia shouhd not be discriminated since the discovery of tîlat wondertul heard of an editor having anytbîng tuedicire giveu to thae wor.d under tue wortb purloining ? Several of our aanti h xuso uies~ uaine ot Dr. Williaoes' Pnuk PdUs, LhO8O citizens have cmlind lItI y f"h News-LetteL I o NI stricken wit t Linstormaeriy incurable ig ee vsitd t nselyhorsb dimAas... have nw the meang of re2auîngt en v~isâte '50tat usemy oA Hypý]amilton Baptist Preacher.W ME;rou ok n artieq, s * ¶hat itUM .. .e , enl 4 l i mrn d ùtjalLh, strengtu and actîvity. autndredti n g t wl o vryn oseta in various parts of the oouaLry who were their be ehare fo eerly'osneo eoe a Joins with Leadi lîsiplese, bedrîddeu Invalidé bave boeu etiigfrteng .F rs.Fculty of Mc restored to health by this îucoinparable reiigfo h igt-rers.of Dr. Agnewl inedîcîne. ALuiong iose who hâve been PIOKZIIINO. Everyone who ius fôrtunately resiored to activity is Dr. H. Clare, who took the gold Catarrhal Powderi MNr. A.iisn J. Mconald, a weil kuown mnedal at Trinitv this year bas decided say (or it. In t resident of Siue Mile Creek, P. E. I to locate in Pickering, and wilh be bere tîme since was( M r. McDonald Payb: P' 1Li thIe (ail of 1893 in the course of a' few days. He bas opinion of three i 1 in)ured iny bacii, and dnruîg tîbuey ear poe irsl rgtsuetadt fMMse succeediag suffered great pain. [Ihad uo proven bie scfu bpgbtstudnt n yofMMse I8sS bilan tour physîciaus attend me a&sL l easccsflpyiin tist university. dkiforbui Limets, but wiî.honr auy benefiri. Thomas-,Chester, of Port Union. has nation is to be ad, Bef -re the end of Lbe year 1 waa forced but ecently eturncd froni North Bay, endorsement of tu gîve up ail active worli and was rapid- where he bas been spending the past Rev. G. Anderso lv lailing into a coladîLîon of uLter help few weeks prospectîng. After looking and successfuh pal ,lessenees. Ou îwo accasions tbe docto]s aound considerably he bas decided, to Baptist church. ,etcaiied me la plaste.r of paris, but it dîd locate and has taken up a tract of land used this medicir no good. My lubs kept getting weaker near that place, and expe'cts to purchase tate to proclaini and weaker, with a twitcbing motion a lot adjoining. Although Mr. Chester Just at this parti< %Ld 1 dragged Luy feet wben I1rried to bas taken up land out there he will not this remnedy is dg walk. Fiually 1 lost ali power of loco- by any means vaca*te bis place at Port removing that dri motion sud aboolntely .11 power of feel' Union just now. -Hay Fever. ugo troma the waist dowuwardo, and I was TeanalSbthsoo nv- Ofehrtpi a,. belplese as a plece of wood. lu tbis .Teana abt colcne- Oesotpf if dead an dhalf alive condition I laid tion of Pickering Township Association the blower, supl in bed for eleven mont.he not able tuùe will be held this year ac Mount Zion on of Dr. Agnew's C myself fl in h least. Phy.aoally I did n2oL Thursday, May 28th. A very promis' fuses this powde sutifer macb, but mentally Uiàe a.gony of ing time is expected. Besides the very the nasal passag tbose long weary mouthe canuot bei de best local talent, Miss Wetheraid wifl hlightful to use, '.crîbed. 1 wasa atlast kld by the doctoe address the children in tbe aft.ernoon minuteS, and Pt tuat tbere waa no hope for me, aud that and Rev. J. G. Potter, B. A., in the tarrb, Hay Fevi 1 was doomed te pasa the reimainder Of evening, The prograrns have just been Sore Tbroat, To niy days -a helplo.s, haîf lifeleus piece of issued and will be distributed te the 6a cents. Sold Luinauity. Provideutially soon after this vaious schools during this week. Each WhitbY, 1 road ef a case simii.ar Le mine oured by school in thie township should make an thie use of Dr. Williams' Pink lls. t earnest endeavor te, have a representa- > gave me new hope snd my friends geltv ttemetnwt ant Mr. ~ Ewdays wix of me a supply of the pille. àfêter the se 50te a hugmetisuccess. nt hlpa e das wtu bLi of a few boxes 1 fud Ihat lite wasu eahg ucss e çqf- b s)owly retarning teo my limbe.. 1 con- From tbe Bolton Enterprise we learn t60n-cf laie.silice lb cinued using the pille gradualiy getting that the Frenchinen, wbo were In the Th 4wst1 strouger and stronger, umal Dow, after vicinity et Claremont all winçer, have b sVy the use of ihirty-btwo boxes 1. am able %e reaçbed that point, and have D)een ibis spri% u-Bd waik about amuartiy and eu do lîgbt camped there for a week. The village seeding tmm week work, and I feel tbat I amn gaing new authorities bave engaged two special streugth every d&y. Word$ caniot 01- constables to watch thern at nigbts, and press th. tbankfulumss1 f mci Bt agaitb tey bave been refusei the town hall n passing through itori eorel statut t two of the men me 4yQmng . 1 sincerely hope îhaéi -o* nonce fIDay la0»po te tfetan4Cflfled1 -0a h-e7f UUlagodt h oth r wflwtbdýnal t be the means à àý 12q hope mud glà,_t îwd ,t Mgl!k, l1 11' Dr. Williams' Pini PillÎatsrik..at byiplas ddi- m Too cf1h dises, rivng l ,~ g #h9piOçdoor, Mons ad h pbis i'fua syswem and restosing the patient t~eu e cthk 1i heslh ad srenth.J3 <> ~.townsWîp. To be sure theywr alyuis, spinal troubles, locomotor ataxieniac ablrad ntesre oi ~ soîia", euaatrypla. sorof aI- as the bears fraghtqie'd many horses, >ii, eu£ troubles, etc.$ &Jtu es. re superior td but as Cestealing.,,wtta e e t &are ail other treetmient Ithey QÏ ho~tat they were açc11ised etàtkipg any-. speciflo for tii. troubls h h make t)e thipg witout asig~ito ahd tbey lives of se mhany vomoën à banden, and were civil te ailvhoiji tloy met. ?cr. opeedily ressore the riob glew of bealth haps theyweré whiter e4ee we Us=4 te salow ehSbk. Mifabrokmi down bp cQow 4onng s" Pink PH1tiaSe.rtàinu, îreý. aDr. 9 er e in minxetsutrr ands, n eBaay4$.ln stitutss in tJ î0i.MfoÉoodI,,# ptiut uu;' ing Memrbers of thxe cMastem Hall in praise !5s Catarrhal Powders. )uses Dr. Agnew's rs has a good word to these columus a short quoted the favorable rnerbers of tbe facul- Hall, the great Bap- 0f the same denomi- ided to day the bearty this remedy by the son, thie indefatigable Lstor of the Wentwortb RamiItou. He bas ie, and does not besi- i its good properties. .ular time ef the year eiîng a grand werk in readed trouble te many eto the breatb tbrough >plied witb each bou.le Catarrbal Powder, dif- er over the surface ef res. Painless and de- it relieves in ten )ermanently cures Ca- rer, Coids, Headache, :nsihitis and Deafness. only by J. E. Willis, 1Toronto, bas b.easpeedi pamets hemu 3bom gPCeahtgç-l effsockm sbave COM eup, y aoebI 1r thé -femer aemi% ilbobh 1IWeaâlthy and those ircumstances, W. have he plisit 8..- tion tu town of thoe BEAUTIFUL AgERIVi. WALL PAPR3 pound. the. chosentBrrsoMth Well Regulated lest bstituter and Imitations. If, (rom the winter weatber, and the variable days of early spring. you are Left witb nervous debility, beadaches, insomnnia, ianguidness. and nerves ail out of order, do not hesitate- a day longer; use Paine's Cehery Compound, which is speciahly adapted for your case, and you will avoid future misery and suffering. Paine's Celery Compound does not belong to' the worthless (amilies of nervines and sarsaparillas that are made public by newâpaper advertising, and that always deceive unwary and too contiding people. Paine's Celery Compound is a tmuly scientific prescripý- tion recommended by the best inedical men, chemists and professional men in the wor'td. To give -an idea of the popularity and great eminence that Paine*s Celery Compound bas reacbed, it is onhy necessary to state, that mil- lions of well-egulated bornes have made it their chosen medicine. by unscrupulous men, buyers of Paine's Celery Com~pound should see that they get the only genuine celery in the world. Look for the trade ,mark-the niame Paine's and the stalk of celery- on every boulie you are offered by dealers.' Avoid ail merchants who would substitute something that they Cail JUST AS GOOD; there. is n0 other ruedicine that can take the place of Paine's Celery Compound; it is what you must urgently require to make you weIll WIiE LOWEST ::P~XES. P. B. WARAMJ,, Briock Bt.,ýWhit DOMINION BANK* 1 apital Psld up, - *1,500,00 Whitby A ge][c7 General Banking BUSIness Transated. Ilereut aUou%1st hlgbsst ourrent ratss. N4o molles t ib ofhUI STONEBOA T8, And ail kinds of customu sawing doue et North Star Mille. Write for loy pites.ý DoNALD CHUISTIE, Raglan. , s s mu A021. rotigh coat a.nd a tight hide any one knows hin bleod is eut of order. To keep au ani- mal conomicafly he must b. ini goed heart Dik' .mi ad -Purifier la necewsty vir the best reuits frot <' 0,feedig woald b. obtained.. Lt tones up the system, rids thesomcho bots, worux. and ethçer p"rfstestt tick tii life bleodawy NotbisgUmm Dkk'*fbr M&Cb wn. ~ & ~kl #,*2 Uîoelofait f j~.- .-~- t ~ X 1 - die Yu o .04e J 1 sumiulit 1

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