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Whitby Chronicle, 22 May 1896, p. 2

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eK 'lz4 .Dt-. H. F. MenUS. Resuits Astonish MEN 0F SCIENCE. AYERSpaill A MEDICINE WJTHOUT AN EQUALO Statenient of a Weli Known Doctor Aver's Sarx.apaia i without an equa'l as a blood-purifier andi Spring niedicltte. and eannot have pralse enough. 1 have mwatclîcd Its effects ln chronic cases, where other etreatment waà of no avail, and have heeit astoniished at the resuits. No other blood medicine that I have ever used. and I have trîed them all, is so thorough in Its action, and effects 80 matty permanent cureg as Ayers Sarsaparifla."-Dr. H. F. 'MEREIILL, Augusta, me. Ayeîl',!,y Saîsa Bail!a Admitted at the World's Pair. Aue r's P ilafo r 11 'e r a od bowels. OORRESPONDENCE OREENBANK Tise w-bide contmunrty was s;addened b' tise sudden deaîb, iMSuskoka. cf Mrs. Chas. White, eidest datîgister cf Mr. Robert WVatson. W'ord was re- ceîved isere on Monday -oe her illness. and ber mether lîad gelte Blackwae te take tise train w-hen word was re- cfsved o! tise sad death. -Arrange- ments were madie for tbe burial at thse Beibel cemetery- here on W\edne-'day. Deceaseti was Ocuit îwentv,-nv\e vears olti; it seenîs sadth iat ber home sbt>uld thus he broken up by tise rutîhle'.s de- stroy'er, l)ut sucis must be the endi of ail1. X\e deeply sympathize w-utiste parents andi relatives in tise bereave- ment. Mrs. James Ashton w-as taken -erse ibis week. It w-as fearedti iat a con- sultation weuld be necessar'-. but we trust sucis '.ilI net be the case. Tise presbyterian sabbats scisool is cou'ting on havîig an excellenit time at their annual tea-nîeeting on May tise 24th and 25tb. For tise Sunday ser- vices, ai 2.3o anti 7 p.m.. they' have been fertunate in securîng tise Rev. J. McEw.an, ef Toronto, anti for tise en- -su-sn g Monday evening. in addition te the tea, an excellent programme is be- ing prepareti, tise musical part ef whicb is in tise bauds o! tise Prince Albert choir, w-ho have a county reputation for teir abiiîy in tisai line. As tise majoritv o! tise counci1 are1 aiready pledged te reduce tise limit eft licenses in tise municipaliîy te thrce, a deputation iseadeti by Dr. Park met tise council on Monday te get tise num- ber educedti t wo. Tise maîter was deferred tili next meeting, but ihere is every encouragement teo elieve uhat such action will be taken. Mrs. Woîîen. who hae been visitingt for a short urne with ber sister, Mrs. jt Ashston, lias eturned te ber home in --Markisan. Large crowds were present ai tise closing services in tise meihodist churcis last Sunday, cloquent anti im- pressive sermons being preached by Rev. E. E. Howard, o! Hampton. On Monday nigiitishe farewell social given by tise ladies' aid w-as w-el atteuded, addresses being delivered by Revs. Messrs. Elliott, McDonald and How- ard. ProceedÉ over $1i7.- BILOAX J acob Cook lias meturned frou' Char- levoix, Midis. He did net stay long. He says Canada for bim. Milton Chase lias gene te Fenelon Falls te work in 'a miii. Mr. Wmn. Secord lias moved ieotise bouse on the Park's farmn. -Mr. Cornelius Cuîuing lias. rented1 thse farm tisai B. Widdifieid has been on, Mi. J. W,, Widdifleld and C. Dike are going to, work thse farm that W. Watteis has Ieft. Louis Ditson w-as riding his Wheel -last week whlen it became unmanage- able and upset -hlm in tise pond.. The reult is that Louis la walking arouÙd Wft z a akIceye. T'b c éiurcr fçlk, had'a bec on Mn About'.thîei'doe -ln rds 120 uni a Tiser are ï4&o aces more- of fait wheat in Reach tp. this year than there were last yea.r. 1Mayor Raines is evidently a believer ithe profit of fruit, having recently planted 5oo apple trees on bis farm near Port Perry. These are busy days for stockmen. Ail our buyers are on Uiceniove, pur- chasing and shippirig. Wr. Jos. Ward sent a car load of herses and two cars of catie te England tbis week. Mmr. Tises. Hortop returned from Engiand a few days ago. w-here he had been w-ith herse s, Lt is gratifying te know that the new industry of separating creani here, in connection with the Stoufivilie cream- ery, is being se iiberally and inteiiig- ently patronized by thie farmers e! ibis vicinity, the milk of about four hun- dred cows having been promised. Strah'ge stories frequen'cly gain cir- culation and a cetain ameunt e! cred- ence. The latest rumnor in regard te those French gvpsies mwho passed through Uxbridge in the winter cemes frosu Bolton, te the effect that tbey were sent eut by a Montreai min-'as an investrnent. .We suppose they would be what is called --a job lot.' MOUNT ALBERT Mr. Wm Bartiett left on Monday for Stouth'ille, having taken a position with Mr. P. C. Fleur>. Miss Mitchell spent a short visit in Uxbridge. Mrs. Barrett and Miss Ella flarrett, of Bwnnille. spent a few days with Mr. Sidnev Barrett of this place. Mfiss Addie Jackson, for some lime pa'sz, wiîh Messrs. Miller Bros. & Ce., lia'. returnedti teUxbridge. MsW'eir, ef Brownscomhc's de- partniental store. 1Vxhridge, bas taken a situation with 'Miller Piros. & Co. D)r. Strange. the Conservatîte candi. date for this riding at tise cernitng elec- tiens, spent FridaN, i n own perfecting bts or>anîzatron in this part of the tow-nship. Like aIl candidates he %-as mnet by manv liard anrd pcrçlexing questions fronti ltfe-long Conserv-ativýes. On FridaN- last - Robinson, cf (leorgina, was up befere John Rams- dien, J. P'., for liousebreaking and lar- eVn V. Tite otience centplained of w-at comniitted at Zephyr statio'n on or about Feb. 29th last, anti a lîke one oc- curred on Sunda v cv-ning last. It c .,nsrsted cf opening tise station w-are- bouse and appropriaîing a caddy ef chewing tobacce, belenging te MI. N. Dafoe, merchant, .ef Zephyi. Tise evidence of one Clark, tise informer. sh)w-ed iliat he (Clark> bad isad con- -iderable te do with tise uaking of tise tobacco, as well as tise prisener. Rob- inson w-as se-nt down te stand trial. ELPSOM Tise Rev. Mr. Tisornley, of Gcod- wood, preacbed educational sermons on this circuit on Sunday. His dis- course w-as instructive and interesîing and somewhaî of a noveliy. Tise Epsom aniversar>' will be beid on Sunday and Mondav. May tise 24t.h andi 25th. On Surqday tise Rev. MIr. Wethcrell, of M.,ý'rtle, ' will preacis merning andi evening. On Mondas' afternoon an enteriainiment w'ill be given by tise ciildren -'f tise scisool and an addrcss by Mr. Learcyd. Tea '.'ill be serveti from five o'clock. In tise evening a concert w'ill be given by tise Uxbridge metisodisi choir, inîerspersed wvith speeches and selections frem local talent. A good trne is anîicipated. Mrs. Learoyd and family lefi a week age on a visit te ber mother and is ex- pecîed te make a iengtby stay. Tise woens o! tise ativice te "sîrike tise mon w-hile it is hot" bas been proven lu connection w-ustiste pro- posed temperance hall. Had tise mat- ter pusbed aiong w-heu firsi agitaîed, tisere is litile doulit but tisat tise build- ing would have been well under way by tisis trne, Tise bý1owing o! bubbles will have te be stopped if Epsom in- tends te succeed w-us any of its pro- jects. Tbis is net tise ouiy sciseme for tise public benefit that bas failen tbrougis froni lack o! enterprise. Tise band is n'euisiug but tim air. A move should be made te wake up and do someîiig beside talking. Hie wIII take no Risks. Shr.wdn.ss of a wellknown City M erchant. HE KNEW VHÀT WAJ 000» FOR HM. In wuster w-Sen Canadians spend a large portion o! their tisme indoors and cannet have tise sanie varieiy of fresis food as la -summer a.nd fait, Indigestion and dyspepMa afflict a majority. '«If anybody W-Ili teti me that dyspepsia ln its advanced staes la perfecdtl curable," said a Torontà merchant, '1 i lli tiie bis word. Personally I ruans riasl. As soon as 1 feel asescseof ueightisu-thse stomiacis, afier a meal, 1 Inoirtisai aly blond la luggsinlucirculation, la MY business1I sesanottake utucisexercise, s"d 1I ght the fi igu cof stomach troubles ultis Scott's Sarsaparilla. liblm luier: fai[ed me- andhb4s saved, memany '# dector's bida SçOti' SPpâtrlaP, _ _ md.<ia poetiesspeir fo 'an .offier s-cile parsaU~s~W~ A ~ ,foriuM '"v - I.. - Rey. Mr. Bethtune preached-his u weIl sermon in Gaweibrl4ge piresby- lan church on Suindi a lest ta àluge congregation. Mr. Bethune: wiIi be greatly. missed, as he ia esteeýmed, by ail who know him, and has the sincere wishes for his fnture by ail his peopie. Mr. Frank Cooper, formerly of this place, but iiow of Beaverton, spent Sunday under the parental roof. Mr. Frederick Bennett is at prescrit building the cellar of Mr. Blootnfield's new house which is to be crected this su mmer. Mr. F. W. Lambs is, we iearn, te sing in the Udney church choir every Sun- day morning. A waik down Levers Lane seems' te be the erdet of the evenings since the fine weather came, especiaily among the young people. The many friends here of Mr. Archie Campbell, residing a feiv miles south, were somewhat suirprised to hear of his unexpected death on Suniday morning last. The lake front %vas a favorite resort Sunday last for pleasure seekers. Menday- last was a business -like d; in the village, ne less than îhree sicý shippers being present. MIr. Thsomas Kennedy is erecting stairway ai the back o! his residenc Alihough retiring from the store bu5 ness, Mr. Kennedy wili stili reside the village. andi take up bis resideni over thse store lately ebcupied by hir PREACHU19 AND TEACE Rev. Chas. E. Wwtucomise, Recter ç Matisewrs Epîscopal Cisurcis a Principal St Matbew'e Parit Scisool, Hamnilton, Ont.., Fouri Great Relief frein Dr. A.guew's C tarisaI Powder Iay a ce. m. St.. LId n d Tise rect-or ô! St. Maitisew's Cbumch, Hamilton, Ont , liülds a warm place in tise lîarts of bis poople, no l sie be. cause lie je a faithful pastor, but for lise work ho bus don. for tise cisildreu of HamuitLon ase principal o! St. Mstisew'LQ paris scisool As ho bas sent forth bis infiner ce Ibrougis churs'h and echool, se lie extende in s wider way tise goed pro' pemîles o! lisat wontlemful medicine, Dr Açzntew'e Catarrisal Powdem, by teiliug tise peeple of Canada bow muais it bas help ed isim. There is something unique in thie medicine tisai secumes faver wiserever it le krsew-, aud wisci juat now i8 mak îng a isoat of frends bc-cause of tise cer tain relief il givet, su cases o! bay fever, a trouble tisaI afihicte mauy ai ibis seamon o! tise yeam. As a cure for catarrisal trouble iA bas ne equal. Sold only by J. E. Willis, Whit.by. ALTONA.. Miss Eva Hoover, o! Cedar Grove, w-as visiting frientie hem. liqiweek. Mm. sud Mme. Daniel Barkey Ppent e few tdeys tis week visit.îng frieude lun Zepisyr. Relit. MZnkhouse hau meved ie oEd w-lu Cliffe's vacant bouse. Sim, Stouffer, of Stouffvilie, was de- liveriugz fruit treen in ibis vicinhty lant week. D. McFarlane bas moved bis bouse iseld effecîs te Pickering village. Mien Flummerfelt o! Goedwood, w-ap visiting ai Mr. Hendersons efe tia week. Mme. J. Stever, o! Toronto, has moved int ber bouse isere lately occupied by R. Moukisouse. Mr. R. Hoover, accompanied by bif ston, Samuel, of Cedar Grove, spent Sun. day bere... Mm. Milier'e pisonograpis concert on Tuesdsy eveuing lu tise hall bere was fais'ly well atteuded. N. Baker han dieposed et his celebrated kieker te Wui. Micheil. Mr. Baker lias purchased E. Kester'e driver te, replace Tise Menuonitea erganized a Sunday seheol in tise old cisurcis hem. Suud.sy afternoon. Joniais Hoover wus eiected superintendent. More Suudsy scisools and leua saloons la whaîtishis country1 EKOUGRAU. J. M, Gerow w-an in tise city on Tues- day. Mme. Bell, of IJxbridge, visited at Colin Philipes on Sunday. T. B. Willis sud W. J, Bodeil wero in tise city on Saturday. Tise hay crop about here lias net s very isealty lock, and mach cf thse fall wheat- had te b. plow-ed up, as did aIne orn f- thse Âlacke. J. A. Hilta, of Pickering, han beon awarded thse contract cf kalaomining and decorating tise interior of thse christian churcis. A commutte, lias been appoint- ed te pureisase matting for thse ies. Wheu Lisjob ina cempIeted tise chumci should proeut a very »cey aud noat ap. pearance. Bd. Wilson visite tise Claremaout Bo- day mcaola ou Satsday, irbilo J. W. Bogie viaited, Whiterals aud. Brook rond achoola.The ides of thon. visitea s t work up a mors friendly feeling botàwen ,is acoond iu compmring methoda of condacting Lii, businesof the variols societies, aore elient, wçrk cm b Idone. Br hnumeool 'repSi o-rti omoutb Ms Marie, -W140-14n, F. "Mot, à A. fl A Ec., R .io,1.PuI - Tu-r t Bg. i~HubrQ -1 Forithe successful Treatment of ail Diseases of the Kidneys and Urina-y Organe, K*iney Bright's Disease, Diabetes and Paralysis, and ai forme oi Blooci Poisoning. pi s. gr ihese Pille are put up Un large woeden boxe* at 80 sent. 8oid by ail Druggists and Dealer--never by count or Un bulc, and never under any othar namo than OO' KIDNEY PILL8. The Dodd'ar Med ici ne Co., Toronto. Gentlemen-A new medicine cailed Dodd's Kidney Pilla has been rcomnrend- cd to me by nîy physician, and, by hie advice, I eîd one do!iar,the priee of two boxes, Piea"e &end t1bem without delay. VYours truly, ANDREW FILKINS. Uanton, Meceon CO., Kansas LINDSAY. Messrs. Horn Bros., of the Lindsay Woellen Mille, have recently received an order for t.hree thoueand dollars worth et speckiess flannel sheetinRe. Tbey are new supplying four leading wbolesaie bouses witb &bis lin. of goode, wbicb bas becomne very popular, alîhougb introdue ed firet oniy three years age. Thse wool used in the manufacture of tbis article ie carefully scleoîed ; iambe fleece8 are mÉostiy used, and muet be free from chaif and hura, weil w".bed and bave a brigbît silky appearance. Fancy prices will be paid for this grade, as the euppiy je not equal te tbe detnand. The career of some of the oidren who are brougbt eut te ibis conntry from the inoîber land are peculiar te say tbe leasi. One of these beys named Harry John- iston came te Lindsay, and lived for a ime with D. Degrassi, wben bis reving disposition aeaerted itscîf and he t.ook bis departure. Nothing wae known ef him furtber tban be bad returned te his native land on a cattle ebip. Recentty, bowever, he wrete te au acquaintance, informing him tisai on bis arrivai h. had feund some relatives, and had then join ed the Queen's Own Royale, No. 4, and ai the lime of writing wae embarking fer thse Soudan. Farmers com plain tisaItiseir new lands iwisen cleamed will not tum ont snh ob od 1crope as îhey did in thee elden time. Tise reason je net bard to flnd, w-heu we con aider tisaitishe trees in tise good old lime were burued sud tise ashee-oue of thse vemy lient fertilizers-was le! t on tise land. Nom tise trece are cut up ieow-ood sud sold, sud tise ashes are bougisi up te go te tise States. At lise preent date tise are- quoted lu New York as Canadian anses ai five cents a pouud reisil . Farin- era eBould coliect aIl tise asises lu every town or village sud put thern out on their land. Even le-cised ases contain valueble fertiiizing mateuial, aud sisonld lie put direcîly on tise land or added te tise manure pile ; in faci lisey weuid make au admirable cevering for a manure pile in tise summer te keep il damp aud belp rot il. A serions muuaway wiih aiment fatsl cousequences occurred issi Saturday evening. Two yotug nmen, sens of Mm Simpson Bretneli, accompanied by tiseir seter, w-ho reside norts o! Victoria Read, lu Bexley townsbip. were on their way home, ds-iviug a epirited team attacbed te a double buggzy. Tisey bad about reacs- cd tbe raiway crossing on Francis si., w-heu thse 6,20 nortbiund train camne swiftly up the. grade. Lte approaci w-as net uoticed until ibey were aiment te tise traek, irben tise herses were pullod up sharp and au attemapt made te bacis up. Tise animale becarne (ranie, sud daehed madly rigsu for tise train. Turning sharply te tise nortistise rig-a uew euee -was swnng ln clone te the cars, quiekly overturned aud roduced te eplintere. Thse occupant& fortnnately escaped wits a few bruisseesud a bad frigisi. Tise herses dasised off, but were eapîurod on William 8t.,- The harreasiras a wreck, but tise bornes eneapod with a few scratches. A rig w»s procured st Ham. ilton'u carniage works, thse harneu patois- ed np, and the party proeeoded on their way rejoieing at thiser niraculous escape fro instant death.-Watebznan.. B&lt. for Fowls. We -have eferred to the matter o!f fur- niahing at for lowlu inthon. colamnas once or twue, sud expremaed oui' belief that tise moderato nueo!fIi condiment in benoficial. Now us flnd t>baê by ex-- periment lu tise New York exrm'ent station it han beon demonaktraed thsait te' uns cf alt aiLise rats of, on~e cuffc o,10 henneaCh day iabeneficial, and stthe Uis tise hounsItwore edmlt prc- dîmoed more efga tisa thos tbat veut fed ultisout nalting 4îer fted.thmii, ben. car pracuca.to malt in sfmaon *iven to otui'voulu xt a06Mou tho e food for isumauu u se té td. hs, iel belev, s aou ti.proepêreoditisuu bu whi togfrit , ind -that beaieýL vil! r.. maaut4~ Uiisaa*eursasuwatsta st ,=do e4t; Md iion,-Nareews.n f. it la not etrange that many things Jare over-done. ItH e fot strange that there are ail kinds (,i physicai and men- O tal dieturbances, If the wenian who is a doctor, or a iawyer, or a journaiist, or in business would flot try to be a socie-ty woman too it might be different, but the womnan who knows when she bas doue a day's work bas yet aThere's ai waysemthn'te consipaton f Us boeep-dwith ail s at tendantdorross There le nohumannalim nt tatso s %hjnege, deadesth mioda thei voctio, orthelover ony ork- îng sabou"tereht hours toth te- Datr. If erce't ean ts aethe o.-T effe cuaiomd n thbe ret. They w erk ucontptio efste easl, natalliTheat- teant hnpleasn.asaatrtkn hm are mpod csfmaialse that o hroug the sysem g, odadcetegaitionusa theae, isp fom them oelffrgeUy. 1 tei vchain, w orkthealivronywo: in aouferemhuis outh doflcuheet- Dr.imes attes fromtPellets mental wok. uovetextionysicafasly, caurosa.tion c tise nowues Ited lie ila Tey kgve em. N rijef. To yemai-odi began usingTDr ared tbrpee ofs.ad i a.-uow aj r oyig i ties antdgocd hefth." tesevat ta thyardip Yigofasithemefiy. al I fi Oold in the hosai-Nasal Blm ive atant relief ; speaily cures, Nee A Îa. nov plaulng factery la iu operatien.at Ointms Kalausco, MeS,, làa mou f or esl.wy. Se A eeSu Fshmm bhew huilea-bars capabl Bigads. are'zeede4'to, booîuùl "ha m edk ines. Dia à ' Ce1ery erve compotrndhàel Trlpp hù mov.d bnfrozu &Sougb m d ùwocuples pariof 0< a.D ls4w*mIlab 7 e3.wes @bd. bis faxùity loto Mw illiam iêr'swu remidence. Ble bai located bore for thse purpose of di.eposuag off Sylvester Bren. implementa. Ira Orvie, of thse base lin., left a toma te p!ant with ne thse otiser day that bai ahm.ost retohed tise bioseorning point. It was a dandy snd we bave it now planted or set eut witis lie uudemstanding that we wiil bave a large barvesting tbis fali Master Nelson Pe~ak, while flshing thse other day, gel a bite sud suddeuly tbrew bis hune ujp eut. of tise water. Aitishat moment a carrier pigeon chanced tely pasî, sud th. lin. pmousptly weund areund ile body, and tise îraLueled bird feil to thse ground a prisoner. Rev. Dm. Barras bas; resigued thse pas- torale et Epwomîu Metisedii tciurcis, Toronto, and je uow empioyed on editor. il work su ceunection witis the Christian 1G uardiau. Tise editor, 11ev. A. C. Cour ice bas been ili witb a complication o! tdisaues for a considerable lime. Io il not remîsrkabie thse vitaliîy poessed by Dr. k$arrse? Althougs advanced in yeas, sud baving long ago been effered superannuation, lie refused,* and of choie memais inluthse work. Suais zealoupy and devoîzon je a rare comwodity uow a das. We have been requested te etate tisai a mpeting of the teachers inîereeted in tise union echool picowsil be beld in tise scbool hoe, Pickering, on Saturday, May 28rd, for tise ppope of selectiug a date aud tise making of aIl uecessary er- rangements. Lt je deeired tisai ail tearis ers in tise district who possibly can do se will lie preseni. Samuel Stuart sud Tom Shépherd lefi for Cleveland on Tuesday w-be. iey ex pect te remnaiu. Their departure bas eaueed a rippie ef e.xcit.ement in the vil- lage, s eveu their mont intimais friende were net aware that tbey really inteuded te Ro until tise train moved away wiîis tbem on board. We trust tsait thoy may succeed, and in tise meantithlie village will try sud survive. .Rev. Geo. Brown, of Claremont, bas applred for snperannuatiou on accoriut of iII beaitis. He isad decided te remain in Claremaont for a third yeam, but afier- warde became alarmed that ise eonld net attend te bis duties in a salaefactory man ner, bence tise above action. We under- stand tisai Rev Mm. Leggott bas been ln- vated by the managers, after cenférence, butb he as net yet decided ti corne, tisould tise conference sanction tise eelec- 90$rT SUCCESIFUlL REIEDY FOR MAU oit SEASTO * Otaijl ifs faae sd navt blIgnu kLIALL'S SPAflI GUREn Kanali. Saru cra ifi god noca.- it ila wooarfj aditu I nc Su smateCtid n'00.1%vin d5. ote curadbr kENDAWLS SPAIb OUiR jr 113 asaj, 0 , Mo.. Apr. 8, 'm. Dan, sn.- haed sadmral b"'tla. o r .Kensj'stpiu CamrIl" ~-th mc ne molte.Curb, osa BloaS Spaii n d kSlsf am 2,ou pas. Eava recomman4ed ihlog moasetm riands who ar a displme wtc FmErSai.by afl Druggl«staor addreu * J». P. J. IrEND4LL COMP&LTY, ENOSUJGHWFALLS. Y?. i U5M Mr ieUeprab For Tet4xYoma LAnmg~? 5~~ ANDE1~ IIO~itE AC' JMPRQV2D was attended by mai friends. Where is our famous of last year ? It is time1 "getting down to practici to.,keep up-their record. A very interesting addi in tbe leagu e last Thursdi Rev. Mr. Dove, of Green The very- exciting çloie in hi e division night. Thse vote resuli maoityn favor of the m~ thsesanie priviieges as il -, divgon-ýwill-b behld in Friday, May 29th. A go 9«lciity from 1 mernt aie!" Toronto, Ontarlo. As WelI1 as Ever After Taking Hood'Is Sarsaparilla 1 1 Il Cured of a Serlous Disease. w-as si.fîerrhsg from wlsat Ne known us Brig:ît's discase for 11ve years, anI fir 'aays nt a trne 1 have been unable te stiM-ghte's my-elî rip. 1 w-as lu bed for iliree w-et'!. 5;<i:'lig thlat time 1 had leeches applied and t cri'. n] ne hene.. fit. SeeligIlIood 's Sarsaparl .i ta.!t!**ïi-tl i i e papers I decl.led to try a boutle. 1 fouîî4 HOOD8 Sarsaparillia CURES relief befome I had fIilshd taktng half offa bol- tIc. 1 got 53oînuchbhelp froni takîng the flrst ItottIe that 1 decided to tmy another, anid since, taking Lthe second boille I feel as welI as @ver 1 dWd ln my 1e." Gxo. MEIRETT, Toreroito, Ont. MHocd'9 Pllas are prompt and eMcient, yet. esy of action. Sold by aUdrugglsts. 23c. '1%0s.ooïmclub, the cri ô~ls.bave &Il commence( »i.nW fire houa. and a for fig water w ere trie day morning for the firet tic ,W&O laid first on Sirncoe sir, gu.am of water could b. st Birchard'a or Smith's shopi .ras brought te bear on -Mr r.sideJce and a fino streani The. echemne has proved a, aud ali that le wanted ise t>. Mr .C. Gilchrist, tAf in town Ila8t Friday. The funeral of the late 1), ,whoe death wae reported curred on Friday af teriio', crowd following the remitar resting place in the hew c. Troiing for trout )'H a just now and the tf'.h s Meers. H. S. arn-r 'Wallis pad Kîsk-IicI1 a day. Cannin gtonn ie c a close their places -f ,j, . r on - londay,\'eruta eveninge fur the t , n. m ent w ent an)to e f .'c' -.!i M Cannington mercharî-s a! gratuiated on the siei. tht-. as it je eue that w i r.,:,- and bosses, mnorally attd otrengthen theni for.tLhe nelia coinpetition. [B'easer, bave flot tried the sehtri five years aï,(-, and 'i leading one,-seenîe ti' ho., thé situation in hie baril. te hoid the stop te a ý( reflecta no cre(Iit t(fl the p-t it Il je altegether 'rlk cloeing wsll be saccesfull- Beavertori. So ,iiuch tise ruerchante. Mara street fmom the briý way croesing is te be _,raveý Mr. J. A. <ulbertson lef- Midland te resume work(, Mrs. McManns, nee- Misý spent a few days in Lown la Messre. A. J. Anderson, ins and Bruce MeMîlllan, were in town Sunday. Mesers. J. G. Camero)na vieited Kimkfield hy wheel1 Meuers. Duncan MeM illi of Lorneviie, wheeled te Mise A. K. Bruce, who Huntevilie during the pam tarned heome Satumday' ee Truiy, death has a shinei it jseecialiy the case whE Alexander Campbell sr., of la cailed away. Mr. Caml join the great majority on1 ing luet, anid alîhough t aiment heurly expected for it created an impression of tihe entire commun»ty, ni thos. belonging to the pret .gregatons of Beaverton au( Mr. Campbefllwas iong cc the Garnebridge- churcis snc mnent eider and christian Thse funeral on Friday tet cemetery, wasaua exceedir W. are serry 10 leamu of Mr. Duncan J. tMcRae's y Mr. J. A. McGiilivray, tatýive of XN orth Ot ntari o n for

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