110 i bu, orby lth. doslot Ois motion of lMr. tL=4be 8100wu -hnr d -I 'd eju who .offrs . **b-. .de tob. paid teMIfr Prabk Earoh. atitut..l li.fo l ring tt Ãl'Sratd ua, being elary as au 8gÃy for 1lm. you and ahould bs avoidd. The publie (Ylm er re grautfH aM followa :-El are rdeo oautioned aanst,>11 othfr 80 Muùro, 05.60, expense. Iizporzndiga oalled blood butilders anct nerve tonios, cow ;(15l3yers $20, P A Stone $9 80; gor e r urree Put UP ' »8iilar for init>ended ta de- M Weir $6 66, sheep killed by doℜ E ceive. They are ail imitations whose Beare%, $22, building bridge on lOtb con; inakere hope to reap a pecnninty advan- Jo. Brown $6, re airing road on con 1; < Tou oan -do lit by wem-lag lb. tage from the wonderful retutatîove W Watson, $6 62 work on -roads; A Blater shoe. It wiu nt V0u 80 that achieved by Dr. Williams' Pink Pille. Swannick, $5.25, shovelling sonow; G YOU wIu 1060 yoLLr Corfa Ifinmd Ask your dealer for tliem. Reynolde, 88, SboveliûR enow; li T fIer. jofryour temper. made e.fter Na- Theise Pil are manuiactured by the rinirton and Jer-se Harmase 5OC. each for ture'@ forme of feet, by the famous Dr Wi tain'a Medicine Comipany Brook. repeiring ro'ide; Wrn Love, $95 odo. etpoes hc -vseaslfyt h ville, Onitario, and Schenectady, N. y., nedar, and $2 for repafrieg wasbont; @019-durabiy to the Eboe. Ma~de front the beot and are sold only in boxes bea;ring the John Howvsen $5. repairing ctilverts:- h otee ds. alf.d onte soles,3.00, 84.00 firmi'e trade mark and wrapper, Rt 50 Ward q4. repairing wasbont; Thos tregae tm9 ntesl 30,4ooj. cents a box, or six boxepf tor $2 511 Cragg, 81 50, filling washout ; W Sorn- P pi.11 Tbey mey be ied iroin any dealer, or berzer, $le, cedar; E Newton 81.1ý2. re Th Satr ho (frMn will be sent by mail on recoipt of price. pairîngl bridge; D McDonald $5 75, . h ltréh e (, e. Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla mey be bad shoveling enow; W Wilkinson, $3 75, .f of ail druggiste or direct by mail from eehovellingz snow; 'N CIRUghton 8.o Dr. Williams' Medicine Company frore work on Brock road ; W Pearson $2, . *- ether addres8. The price et which the fhigwsou;GoCi,,$,ewn Ipilla are eoid make a course of treat- lu mber; JOB Gordoni $1, filling waabout; W,-. Mer Johm..ots. ment compRrativelY inexpensive as C Wilson $4 65, sheep killed by dogs. p *I S cmpaed it oter emeie ormedcal Onmotion the couucil adjourned untîl S l ~ ~ conpare d winth terrmdisormd o nday, June 15. S leAgent at \'hitby, Mv. vv. 'C.oin 1 would likê to add my testimony to Reach Couneil. At an early hour Saturday morning, that of others who have uqed Ayers while the family of MicHa rveI to manvyear%. and always derived the The reguler meeting of the above coun- i -band who works in the saw mili of ONIV LC.MsKaeDcoTr be.t rcuie tomther ue.cil waa helil et the towe hall, Mati- Mesare. Lyon, Gordon & Young, ituat- W1lerSncaroe ifte men sn- Ms et 1cn shm Fo tm cichester, on Monday last. Al members ed at thie place, was i n bed and aaleep, tendced to the Centrai Prison laist fall by viaiting hie parents. Trno Fo ton chpesn. iutsoffrmrmetngtehouse in hc they iecuhfrJdg Ber.son, for implication in holdin Mr T Elliott and assistantM JM- -ind i hîer troubles, and for the rtore et read and approved:g with distre8sngly fatal re8ulte. Two of up a freight tirai n near Newtonville, has Nealer of Norwood, o he 1ejc i eecaused by these de range n te nLs, h Clerk reada number of communi- thefue children n the houea the muade hisesecapa. factory Monday. îny rsPle nde sk e whtiled.thens cations: time were burned to death, the other MNr. Fred. W. MtcClung, son of Mr. MrRoionPteboivitngt reniedy for disorders of the stomach, Frotu Mr. C H Nix, Uxbridge, coin. children were severely but not danger- W. McCiung of thie town. 18 receiving the Royal Hotel. L er orB el, plaie:ng of wood being pled on the road- ouly injured, and the fa:her waeso badly congratulations of hie inany friends on Svrlprosjie l Lie, rB wes wya SrttUileernr.hurt, bot ween b*tînig orhdby tewîniiig e diploma on graduating et the Seerc al pwesn jie temthd rer invariable anewer le A er'q riin,. Froin the Conuny Clerk, stating that flames anîd eut with glaiss, that it will be Ontario Collegze of Pharrnacy.chrhaswek Tatktiin n ea.soo tliey Nv'iî break Ui, a the e aie of H A Boss lied een added aeongtirne before he ls eble to be on hies 'essrs. enms and Neil Calville of Mrs R M Phalen r- e wee lit iprevent la grippe, check lever, and og ~n~1~ n.. ulite the digestive organs .Thiey are to list of peddlers. feet again. The fire broke out et about this town have passod their second and her sister in Port Perry. Viat.S wtake, and Froni Mr J %V Tawn resigning hie 3 o'clock in the miorning. The tirmbers tirât yeer's examinations resectively et Mies Eve Corfield. Mies MShtrde Are th bestoffice et patinastor. R of the building were very dry,; thé fiarnes the University of Tororito ini 'edicine Dr McKîbbon and Mr8 Kerriga r ik Ar h e tOu motion of r -lte rmat pread so rapidly ta it a not onIVan expeotq t start sconon a tnp MNrs Johnston of Pntypoo swatn al round faml rediclne 1 have ever ting of thie Court of Re'v'îcon to revis. inpoesible to cave any of the houeehold Europe for their holidayâ. on Mre Kerrigan. k,îown "-Mrs. m<ÀTJonJrs0N,f68 Rider teassmn roll for 1896 was8 filed effect8, but even the children cou!d ot À ve., New York City. trhe ayjsSesem 00okp eet u ythi aentaad nt Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brimacombe aad Mrs Wesley Bradburn prenehr A vER' PI LS or ondy, anel5î, a 2 olok pni e ~î oi h thir aretsandhadnotson Ford of Rochester, N. Y., Mrs. T. husùand with a daughter. f4gtA warSatWoLd'S Far. On motion of Mr. Real, tbe clerk wes the two who were seved been able tý Stapieton and Mr. Wni. Brimacombo, 1Mrm ROIetFebr .vstn e migestAwads itWord'sFai. nstructed ta lustitute ineasures t0 put in shift somewhat for themselvee they would Coteau, Que., Mr. Geo. Brimacombe sstr Ms er rigaon i lpraa.prtaogeLo. force the purport of the Eugineer's re also have periehed. The house is located Belleville, Mrs. Chae. Clark and Mrs. aistr r erg -4praejaiurwtebod ort re overdlow of water on the norîli et about hiaîf a mile from Blackwater Du Is f ilwSrngIlwr Mr S Stewart and family ari oigt side of the road on tùe 7t1u con. lite, station, and, with the exception of Mr. hm tedn h uea fter Port Port-y to lire. cornplained of by Messrs. Hugli Meuro), Alexander McDougell, who Ilives mni- brother.1 Mr Binghani of Darlington, .vstn A NEW LEASE 0F IFE. Luther Scott and John Claugbion. mediately acrose the road, the nearest Nr r .Pac nonsu htfra i nl',M ae o A deputation conslsting of the Bey neighbor je et least a quarter of e mile Msoni ra F. e ercesnformu e ithefo r Jh.osce'sTaylr amestomes Mr. eac, Geenank Be. M Cen fdistant. The building was a log house,soeimhiwod habeniftdi MJoephTyossoc waeodi \ .\(J'IIWR.-X[) ().,NS.eron, Vîck Bey Mr Wllmott, Pic the timber being cedai, and it had a back wt nks n a etwe eadPr er nWdedy eMJh IN.\N (>BTAINED IT. Albert, and Bey Nlr Ros., and Messrs ktehen of the îîlean-to " variety. such Mr- S. Barker kiiled bietween 50 and 60, 'Quinn. Dr. Park, 0 Sleep and Geo H Mark is onie very often sees in the country. big ones rnany of there. There seemed Mr Jamîe Willis i. erectin ei came before the councîl. The several There were two t-noms upetairs, and a to ho thouaands of them there and when modioue dwelling je NorthBlouck 1kýrVr 1trou .\ cute D\vSpepsia and a ineliberis of the deputation addressed the parloir and two bedroonis downstairs. they get through breeding this seeson the Maie menubers of Preebytere« hec mç,iplation ut Troubles oi- councîl ail urzlng the councîl to pase aHarvey aînd hie wife occupied one o! the place wili certainly beealive wîîh reptiles. did some repairing to th@ shed o Wd tk u .ttak e Lairupe-le byla tolimt te nmbtr o L'telb-downetair bedroonis. and their youngesî Tfhiseshould make e iively place fer hold- nesday. ceuses in thîe townshiip ofl heach to three daughter, Winnie. siepi i a cot beside ii apmeîn.SaeuaîMes Albert Hooey visitodbemoer w-~J fl(< t (>uj Bis~~~ nd'8 as to strengtlîen the liande of the Li. their bed. The edjoininR room was oc Mt-. Wiliam8on. I 1~'1-<~v >tt uraudwleni heip cerise Cominissionere for South Ontario eupied by their son, Frank, a boy of TA KILFR PE Y~- M-DvdJhen ems a n i wo hed at a late meeting pleced the ihirteen yeare of age. Upstairs Bellae hie hO PIE YAS M aid Jonsody.i limitation at that nuniber. Tbey con and Maggie, eged respectively eleven and SIBTÂNCE. _________ 1 ten.\ deeri. . .Sen ml.the rtpyr of the £own e gtyeargsleptn one bd hscoin- f eudt at raepyese the eho l d . T iht, heThjT Y lias Tu(kr, w%%-Il v\es about sLip wem-e in accord witb the actnstituethehueol htnihte U etirnony of Thousands Who Have Irontlockporti.s Ont- eOfthte1 taken by the licencsecorÀ2iusioners, con- kthree oldeet daughters of the family bei ng UsdSu nAericn Kidney Cure. K t 'WIl)11 l in it h1at -tcu(t ieon. fie sequently lthe council would lie juistified but ai service tih people living in tUe * ~ in aiî as a icIbster lun passing a by-law in support of the de- neighborhood. Maggie and Winnie per- Afin ene safin ned rf afd dealer t:-, lIr and sait c n to linuit t1e number to tthree; thev shed ini the fire. Mr. Harvey is set-tous bas beeti said the wey to test ont friends ilîitunuIii atica: u.[tr-snimd thev lied every reasou to Ut-ievé ly cut and burned, while hie son Franmkta to t.ry thein. lu me so with a medieine. ils tlru-- -r-<Nîr Tukertiit membere of cuuneil supporîing 1the 1e perhape in a more serious condition: So mn y medicines are vrieil, but found Contains the new ingredient n j -'i -trît umalim, by -law should uUe. seek re erection would owing to the nature of hie burns. To- South AericaThis eneyrh e i b is tade by an eoltiicalprmei th \nmu of 1 1(.tion o meet a heîtrty ondorsetion of tUeur action gether with the two littie girls the fier-SohAneia Kinv urfitj tatilreltonemdcl i t ~ ir at~mt g .. ît te Undcol Ue lecorae. eys lose their entire earthly possession. kidney trouble tha t is *the aliment. it science throughout the word r:Uli a- lui-triî rerd The roi-vo said lhe was preparei to snp ntacaeo ineytuhbgle h erei Kootenay cures ail kinds o ~ iuhuitl ad îvmgport a by-law iimiting the number of h-ENSILN ot aeo ine rulbwver, be - 1:,wtl' c ia nd Ue t grc cedit .Methodit S. S.ennicersarySunday it Aver se dietressing, % here quick relief Kîdney troubles, anud is apoitv ut la-t icct sad treu~ h co r s to t e, s aliuy o e tu g ac onMr. Efr ish m.p d ng e inte ain o!i an w a I S t' M .ci eCrdt1Ma 4h Rv .ýS oc pece i hert e sai enwand hoaserds sspat e' cr fr --uafm at Ke l rippel, cnwiîîc ie c odforhe imeniyoectina ccor%)ude uto 1 titn -t be-w t _re ..IM rs_- And M e sr ac so w r g es e I O U N 8 Ws have thse Finesoboee- toin lu o-st-n ofthoso BEA UTIFUL AMERICAN WALL PA PEIi'8 Borders to Matcfr Corne early and geifirsi cNetce. P. B. WARAM, Be-yaesold stand, Brook St., Whitby DOMINION BANK. Capital Paid up,- $1050090U# Surplus, Whitby A gency. General BAVINGS DUPABTMENT. tuteret aUoW'ed et highst eureet reu. go nLoie. CI wtth&rae-a.irequir.4 - E. J. THORNTOE, STONEBOA TS, And aIl kinde Of custom sawing doueat North Star Mille. Write , for iew pnieu. DONALD CHitsTm, Ra'glan. V IkIAUTT Nervou eh..I4 wwie te m ,doe vvm C reescoti, Loren btanton, Jobn ti5i»SSm. asl.bt iweu*le,p.nfut Coates. John Johnston, Leslie Coates, a etvill~~Me.FrnParreviig cumbers, olou., etc., md tnauy p.un Jonaneat .ck raklcCinoc, mdebarrd Eota ..îumg 'h... telam rl* 'fearful condition. I had for a Jh iptik eakMCitcWa e.8 .RkEnailn -bat lb.>' us.d not abstal if ti.hve » ê 1> t t j ~beor tisaîac benCook ,Fent-y Taylor, George Hayes, KeUoB. CD>'ueus.ry Qordial, sed. ]K* (w * .no-rr f rom dyspepsia, but foliow- Elies Day, Sanmuel Pletten, er., Michael -- hanged with our paetor, Sonday. de-ops iu vater. itt oum.111t4.oeampsadi o- t - 'ti igrîpe t tokWilkinson, Tli)mas Dyer, Jacob Taylor, Revâ Wm. T. Bout, son of Capt.IR. H. m ib artuamk&W blomeuet, a"~l 12St ',i arpei oka more acute Relit Holtby, Samuel Baiee, George Bunt, formerly ot! Eanptocn, gr"aduate4 obeck ae disturbeueo!theoa afid to add to my distress My Broderick, PMioe E Boyeton, Philip with honore in Thoology, at MMeue-' BtFaueovtd b.s<SO ' .ppeared not to perform its usual Martyn, E J Wbeelee-, Munzo Weie-, Wm UniorersitY, lutî woek. Previons te lais s 1@$ filIrluy t osand m he e at troblem Spence, Um McClintock. E Kendel. A The Weather Bureauj em- graduation he had received au aaîimona Waypob.5,gp ~ ~ l an t er we e s ell ot er Stephen, Jam esiH ern, George H owson sali frein the Baptiet obrh at Ldito el, boee6t ro ,ac i B. ~ ar lr , i nluations whieh baffled the skili o! Wm Orozier, jr., Lrthe- H Heard, So. p1oyS'à skilled force of meni, t eoeIernruetpsosbo o qiyuu! tIlg - J <btors whom 1 sueeessively cali- omon Wilson, John Akney, N Clanghtoii supplied wtth the Most deli- eu ho accet4adbuetrdlpn A oie ftliId* ri. in tUe hope o! regaining my ton, Wm Seller, se--, John Tummonds, cate scientiflo inistruments, to bi dudie. PevonsoIavin EA w soufr. tafrm g 111tI. From the knees down my Hugh M une-o, W P Watson, Norman otweehM albord téyIoo. U'cre as eoid as ice; my bowels Stuart, F B Croxaîl, John Ae-motrocin, 8 foretel . the weather. Per- foii>t ibreLb. put yearrand a l .r- FnUuI u.~ ap .1(i bloat and 1 suffered great pain. H Oroxali, Aloi MoGregor, John Wae-d, haps you know when a storm oive.4-a hAndsoSe prqaen t1t . hmi the Ape.s4~ Nica-se went froin bad to worse de- ThomflaBrout, James Camplin, W.lbrwniitotaiywre of o b. é o'ap' Lied tUe medicai ureatment I tras un- Beare, Francis Bailey, jr, J Bae-ne, J , wv,-fiattertng jri ý éyfate.ltw1 tZ(oîng, and at last 1 got sc> bad that Ward, D avid Ge-egg, jr., Hà H Gregg, G from the papiers. Your ibones ins aDiUM bave sâp.ard in h T lb io25oà 4-i foreed t give up buiiness. I M Mue-t, John Greegg, James Greeg, A ache and your muscles are Gulbnt iatôw.I l -and .Our oe 'e.ê- P = ,0 ý i.dhardly ea .tig gtbtlt Swanniek, Wm MoDonald, George Baird, ebla fîn0,-' 'ul tr iepa et nyhin, otbu lt-George Coé, JamesBleyRoud- sore. Your chtoffic mtstuIar Patjwokwh ilight, a y cnd o ~lraiysw. NeiliWüiknon, Peter Young, Jas rheumatià fn i ves su-rew.arn- vdorI.ofidts .mnr. m codition becamne one ML...JL, lla Sta.± JaesH 5e k edespair. Myfather ugd mToKiroAle tarJm.HLak ng of the aMrt Jobn sa& -rM My ured e Tho Tipp, John Calder, Albert Or- aMloahigstrm. 'nx taItme t iv r.Wilarschard, James WÃ"on, ItuaoClemena, »- S ots Ottofod- b4w lon8&a i kPiI atiabut 1 was soo dis- James 'Wallao, John Léaak, John Beure, l ver , bk" - .raged that I had no futther faith jrepb Bowlou eog Bl Ao Or011, ih 1wth 11n r'ihie a*1ared n 4at.- i~tn any mnediîine. Howevee-, More don, je., John Muni-o, ir., James Whie.e would be a itvaua1, gb4.Pei and~C -~ t i ieas bimtha fros an hop e!Aloi Lee, W H Mark,'bGeorge Steele.' jr.,' remedy féor ylu. Thîe ol,---w*th 1581 5'1 4eneficial resuits, I began the use cf Edward WdIllam@, Blia. Wuliam Js l>kPis. The fiest beneficial effects Meoanel, Giin B.noldabeia 3d Thorb~l~ Ifound was that tihe warmth and Harrioa. iýbcUunS é« t ut, natural feeling began to retue-n to my Mr. Lamb, iutrodaeed sud" toauie 41s#bto wvIe- linmbs. my boweis ceased to bloat, and througb a by-law appbi0i -ting Lb. foov Wmith the continued use of the pis my iig poundkoe.erai--mIBRtoal. u i .- aPpetite returned. 1 slept soundly at Manderuon.,* Wm Kari'. 1ê ançe,. ngUi, and the action of nsy heart aanWS ».u, W_ 0O H d a B I became normal. I copin cd tà king Ws16 $oIAU".'r tUe Pink Pilla until Ihduedooin ai oMaitriek,, Io-Mn imjp fifteen boxes, and I howenf lot1 bet- Fi ~O~ 4~ t- in yearsu thanI do w 1 4dd O*14 8IOule paeticularly bArd *Ot f m The-M üè ur and was able Ã0 stand ft viéWka" - m'tb ê-- - and Iigor <hich Sider Dr. WUI a Wondeifuî micineu t aii light o! Wha n*te - the leMa Pil-l,ta e LOWEST Banlring Businew :-: PRICES, a $10,500 00&