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Whitby Chronicle, 12 Jun 1896, p. 1

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s ~ VOL@ XX Traina, i eLterse to d aett L route. 1a t5, rer Pthe 'il unlb nd Arit. if* Iry Tuftdoi. on or Wfite ihawi RaUmI ',Agi OSHAWA. LOWS Steve. Fresh A rrivais: Pure Pure Pure Insect Powder, Hellebore, Paris Green.. Àen CHEMIST & DRUGGIST, COR. BROCK & DUNDAS STS., ONTÂiuo.1 comumcOommmomua Mr. Oea. Deboeg bh*manager ai tbercOd machine iisseaaan a&"la gling go.d saims- faction. A repart ai the Uberal meetig beltS- m Saturdar evening vii be ltand in anather pt of ibis paper. Mr. Albert Wells bas ben bhain rm Lind- say fr afev daye s veek. H. eut back la bis vok there on Tbway eyenlng. Mr. John Medlma-udls the mem on bis road divisionail out this veek sud vii soo bve the roadi and siddwalks in ged odition- %%The deputy ,rnisg effacerfortit o paing d,!viicas cnlg luBrokUn( Nos.aBandon) are Mosans H. T. Laugfovd sud Peter Fad Mr. Thos. Scmley, ai Manabeste. is paintinag aud la otber ways fixing up bis BrookIn pr. erty, the bouse accpied by Mr.L oLCk Weil. Thbe pbonograpbi concert advertlsed for lam Trhursday eveàing did m nome ot iTii. oper- ator and tbe machine tire bore but %boe. as Do audienme I%. achool fooball ten vent te Kinsa leui Sawurday and played a game viîh ah. team be- longing teo heo"<bre, Tihe Breekhan boys ver. vctetien5. It is reported that Mr. Oea. taylor, of Leeds, wili addressa a eeting bore next veek in Mr. Smith's intereat. but »n definite Information la obtainable at the tine of viking. Mr. Arthur Wells waseriausîr injnred on Wednesday by a kick (ram a horse hc vas work- ing with. It îs a great vonder bis leg was flo braken by lb. blow but fortunately be escae*d with a bad bruising. The fina draught of the stationing committee oft the Bay ci Quinte conference places Rev. 0 R. Lambly D. D., nov of Bloomfield, in charge of tbe Brooklin congregation. H. is an ex- president of the çanferenoe. Mr. Charies Cuirait. who bas been wîth Mr. G.W. Arnold tor a year or so, bas gone ta Tor- osito this week, ça bis way to Bnffalo. where he intends again going into the paint works in which he was fotwarly employed. Mr. A. Ketchen veut tW Fergus on Thursday of lust wcek and arrived back on Monday. We ame sorry te say tht .basbu ot yet recovercd (rom bis ilness but hope there nay soon be a deceded unprovement in bis condition. Royal templars are iookring torward vîh match interhst to the debate ta b. held on Monday eveming with membens of Whitby council. Be- sides those who take part ia the debate a nuniber of visiting members (rom Wbitby wili bu present. Dr. T. H. Stan arrived borne frein bath, N. Y. on Satnrday évenîng. We are glad to learn that the rost and careful attention he is receiviag are already proving beneficial. but it is iikely te bu sorne tirne before he is fully restored te good health. Rev. T. W. L.egl returned (rom conference on Teday. Heâardm»gmaaS for moving te Claromont,; bis miaew i. bi. Lweaaot viii pr.ach bis last sermons as pasooeci ÎW rbeqplin meehdiacurcb onwaadaY jase Mr. Maurice 1. Goodhoait, of Wycliffe college, wili delivor a fecture ou The Jeva hMe in Russa.' on Monday evenlng mex in the Englisb chuncli. The lecture vil bu uflusrated by cari- osities«<rom thai country. A cellection will bu taken to as"ie in de*ravmng Mr. Goodbeart's ex- Pense& T'he decoration service wil bu beld on Sat- day aflennoon et Grove Side pemoteuy. Memb- ers of th. fraternai socleties *wl neet ini the vicivty of the 'l. O. O. YP. Iodge main at Ivo o'clock and drive to te oemetery vbere aU viii onin decorating the graves of deoeased hielnds- Theonerul public are invited to joie witb the sceties l ie decration service. Those wbo attended Mr. Burniett's meeting on Saturday rnghî last, *il4d ibe,, spmka hrswo ad- dcrisised lb. aserng w eM y ,1 ayedby the distuirbace creaWe on"tfite bail by a number af young pen., severat cf ltew, aid enough to abu volemswhbo bail evldently gatbered there for tbat exies1uros. Net atisfied witi theb rov :ey k=.-eup there. soin. cf <hem weuîta i be buUffing,wIM h'e Ie berai commît- tee meete, and tare down lte cotton stremmer1 that bad been fastenod np there and carrled it avay. Sncb conduct alvays remioll ntbe per- petraters and the present case os o exception ta the rule. W.AJH. GUY & 00., pan buyerml. SB8ALL, 8. - linoer 01 MuIng Liseuses BesMonoe oppouite Tovu Rail,-BrookIUn. W A MgoNueLi, D V S.-Gorwdual.aof th. on- -tea Vierluaary CollereTronto; Honorary meniber of thea. rio " dicsaoley Treata aSU disasuai Iof og.st"le animais by thé moa provM milod. Aise - tiua &tenam porauêns îSd dentislry. Day or ulgb* os». attend" to. 0Offie i raednoe o B.Duncan, mercbant- tallai, ba$s secred tb. agency for the Oshtawa Stesm Latndry. Laamndry wIll leave bis seh" on -ThSsday : morning* aud viilbe retsvaned on Satnrday. Ail workgwmmateedusaistacory. Hsiug R a n n e r , O s h a va S t e a n tL a u n d r y . - '7 t . , TurnipSeed. Jianglilmà# Chaulption Clyde, Ele- ph$-nt, aiÏdGrqstône. Al - n e ee and (rom the ame.e rable seedeman tbatw* have bmightb m r ,for ift«mé Y*SS.Wlts Ypp# buylnGC r o I 1' i z s I I i WHITBYP Houae-oIanla Htme la here. We have a larger usd better assorted stock of window ebades this seasn than we have ever sbowu before, froi 4,5c. uP. We use the best band painted opaque shade cloth, with Haraborn's spring roller. Aise a fine varlety of cornice poles. Ask te see our latest style of window screens, to fit any window, at 30c. each. Our baby carniages are ail of the latest de- Signa. Give us a cail before purchaslng elsewhere. We are taking special pains te combine elegance with economy in price and general utility. Our stock is complet. in House Furnishings. We invite buyers to corne and see us. It will save moncy. Leadiug Undertaker,-' IL J.eJOHNSON9 BROOK BT., WHITBY. Vale ICT IN CITY,' 1896. and Oomdu*ý ON T ALLIN'S ~ Political. Politics are at fever heat in this-town andi vicmnity. Bath parties have helti meetings aud are workiug bard and bath are pre- dictiag victmr for their respective candi- date. The Conseivative coeumittee rooms are in thec]Laing & Meharry block ove: the Standard office The Rcform comnittee rooms sic in thc Currie block. Bath racina are rpen day and nigbt sud lu charge cf those ready ta give any desir!d informaàtLn It ia illegal ta veai campaWp buttons lie- tween nomination sud cectioni days.- A peculiar and fatalaccident ocCumrren, ScugcgIsland lait Satunbe.AÀ11111e chd - about fiftcen moutbs old of Mv. ,PliaiMe.- Laren vas playmng iu- se ýyar- wbeajthil hittle tot climbeti an the&feue, put iPU ltead lbroubm snis h h vblwben heva child vas dead. Mr bave thealner. syontér ure circle of frieuds lu theli ; abereavementof a loved child. The Pire Inspectai vos lier. last Priday, and at noon bail the ire bell ragte test oui fire engine., lu ancminute afler Uic aiaim wns given Uic engine was ou the street, sud lu 10 minutes sud 45 secondsanoo (cet of hase vus laid sud Uic branclimen wer. thnoving a streamx of val.: with stém at e Ibe pressure. The Inspectai vas vel satxsfied vith tic resait of the. test. Our citizens are proad ta bave sncb prompt lire- =nuasd as 1 have previously 'reiked, oui fiuemen always do their dnty even irben the odda are against hein. W. J. PiOTT. PPOlFryM faomsDhrolsy.1' G. B. WmzaUKsoI, barb« er, saIto paisofiS Oc4 t, bta-à mos MUI&nur.-)Uu Tuomusoxbau neevd*ber nov fl stock 01 Milhinear »d ilaprop6r.d te tain out firob-elas uneiy luàlb.laesI& styles »d lW pdSes. t mpug hot ' aidai. sept. Oh--.ae W E Glna bas tera tae .êsp ba" u prai eaiis ltiveus uaeb-lis vi0 ma IchasP ftresah La"aý I usesi*s as &yvsî4-pL- You thé goiOig Are Ye>u .go*ng 0os oâth ffly. - Vou wili l. o et 14@ Parrish's beuM.ul bêjus ades voe~~lleu iit mwael W~~%Wvesi~~IipSas v 4My hglay i the kkvim udWujoa i ïmiott ia l oi ffc #.s~ginin~talakastbom gbly of be n UrKi. aui", O'felllbatS a m wveupe Zrn t-Inrg bwuaed ou bit eeek 6v ire front bau dixbrctsb4As hifà" hé leiusevl cmi&s .fteed wtwhehV-b. ,istee" to barsbis 1%e bkhaysqjqiooattef the starinof ,ée 4htroof cd Mr. 1a ~ a~lr, siis labe seond uuofi ewoald suggeas aaacbangvelgbthe l.ew roof. SMr. A. laaneso's team wb vinl Uxbrldge ob. day lasi vé t'k oifbtWsud rau awsy, f th~ialveIy for a tiane- Getting free .onZýeyan îey gos sainedistance eut of Elcin m rae gelting a Utile more inteieting nov. bMnèeoemnfrom ibis part ,of <ho tovnsblp enioZ h addressescf H=n A S Hardy as Port Perry lmi Frlday nlgbt. The pacapeche ame ve" brlgbt for bis élection ;ho la bavlng a mmes sebsaflcanvas. Sevm erl yciatsfromOàsava verm. e Mss oirow Ja vtltlg ber mlir %s Bd irdie of Oshavawv g fil"id itm hast Sa"aday. 1tev. D. N. MeCamus returned, ftm nC-0' Fereuceeon Weduesday. Di. Saugater la ibis veek atteîdinWt té Luedical couacil iu Toronto. Rev. 1. Fletcher ofthe Chato f Mna mon, ta iu Tonoato attendug t:lb. ý Mis Crawlesd MUs SouIy bsav& gte tq Buflo an an extended vigit to thelr3brolbhr, Dr Luke. Thea firemen wili have their aunImal xe Sion ta Niagara Falls on Austiut3k u iv'ic boluday. I parpoée writlng nu artkl ô' ~* Per-ry and its vlclulty as a mumÏimtr ril and should b. pleasedto bave infonnatlouý and suggestons fromt those lnterested. Mr Jno F West of Prince Aiber-t vaé fiqij-ý rortunate lait Priday sunhsvinlu< bi Mta and dwelling destroye by fire. >-Tht hause occupled by Mu. P. Hurd vau a"ebued. The L.r caught from a defective chinmy, Married, on the nd tlut. at the resideace oif Mr M Wilson, 183 Maikham street ron-. to bthe Rev jOc Myr Robert. Wilson, Pot eryto ise Wiisou, of Ik- Prof. Authui Allia, M. A. Ph. D., son of Mi. Wm Allin of Rescli, bua beau appointed te the staff of a weIl-kuovu educationa inl-- stition in Athena, Ohio. Theie vere 2mo applicants for the position, and it speaks weil for a Canadiau boy ta b. selected ignder sach circumstances for sucli a responable position. ]Prof, Allia bas been mmaking a naine for hianseif as a writeî, sud this was a means of hum securng sncb a lucrative position. Boys, did yen jet some 'lunge Iatelyr? Inspectqlj Martin bas attended te hie duies so efficîently M? that severai have been trolling for days. It ta flot tair, te slow some persons te troll, and others for fcer af the law, had te stay ai home. As it Wso Dear lte r6th, lte inspecter hadl better ai- low every one te troll fer innkinange. Everybody wbocan jet a beat wiil ona the morning of thc z6th inat b.ou the lake ail trying te jet ferty poundeis yýen. gid ta se. the. min on Sunda 'Théche«ny ciopisa t"amI.;gosb. suduirassa are <ccd; apples prUmle .ta be Wlr;haï rau ipt (ilJeatà log yeti a usi cousl4erl s- friends drove -to'Ptferyp p ttcnl meeting, ou Friday * bere - craviled bousem steet6ea.130 Moiltt Fowke, and lb.he- , A. àrdy ç Wina. PRUoxcupe fia. CLEuifr4Ml-wqr veil pleased vitia tbepro.lelspy Mi. Smitb did--net put luan- Mn. Buanettispolinaubisuisal els tep en the !3rdJwe O ui a t IêqN & .lIt 5h. -ROta.J. IL 4omeL oin- ?vo brick bài - ous ý t *t; p ,ncey loy reinL AppOy moM.fW Mode fam, Q 0lp ,neî8b.$Spec lyln,&16sa&.. - are $.10; S.edvt àà bills.' T'h. coltnty council wois.d.U . .h. session on Satuiday and cesa.d t a OO leglaaule badyw , - Ou Tuteday, >uue z4Mi. Agustus Hartrlck of tiia ovn vàsa marrled tm1w Carie, Allen of Térno T'h. tomnatloli. for ca"fdâm in Wla rlding for the DomiioprllamàlwMll sah. place an Tuuday>pezl,,. Mi. Wm. Lah I* pplag' le" inj o f aik higoWaebih.. A meeting of té isin bandS viillie- beld in thebaptsu churcb ttb lg Frlday) 5 at S oIrlocL ,Programme .by 'meausof ~É the bond i pstai I4 te w! All are welcotfle. A moita i Wi b. given by tht ùpui' 1f Wtins Wilson sud Mise Mdcee tâ evenlng, lune iStt, beglnug t7 .l., ln the concert hall cf teOtroF"r Coliee The publiç are cord iyàvlted@ýt chaua at an lTe seveuty-eigbu annual ineellu t h Whutby aud Lindssy association o1bu%, cburçh.s, viii be beld in she bapdo esIl" bere, neut Tuesday, Wednona an sd Tu day. The public art cordlally Invlted ê ail ý meétiaga.lo Udward Waloh, oftIbis tu zIateiy sen- tenced ta tva :ears iu peuiteniaryfor tbieateuing ta iha lisiaother, vu trai-.ý ferred ta Kiugétan on Mondsy by,, thLt saer- w Mf Buck Murray vas bfosaglat'baiethe» saie day to' givéé evideue lùuW b. court. People Who"b o vi,ameteimai'g as fat as passible l int.e ,purchae..ai of- shoulli bear ininad that Bures& C., Oshawa. st doing business la'hlt>y Pc Oshava are <ai rdteslu W blyt, ma- id Weue~- Sotiel. tmIv,.: According-to ectat Iogblshtlabutpêrpet mita muet be,= itd fviutth cleiM th,,el mauniclpa b«J a ducttS bçs tae Part lu af 1--ja sli nila in1a minlt.lk& wi& *hd a dtanS 'vl -c Thbe auuuer séêwicoe gAt'Z1êim . veue scsful lu evmi ,.V>' IBarlras. inI't -" IMw uarig «nd titdb Wahers Immd I bé oo-i Ahbhough kraneud aîdaoeh ia vre $e Mr. ad m . 1, Green-site4iý IfDs -oan xo«day. «and the ptl W MI&. Burnti, of Broon, vviitng friends for a ceoupee days. Dr. J, Bmàcs, vbo bas been yisling bis omber ad isme4 fqr.a couple ot veek4iolfi Wednes. da wtgfor the U.& Mr. West la mevl'ag bis gon d dfnture istoe o f bMn. Cashs bouses. - Mr. P. H-uni bammoved mb <b.he mpty bouse beiSagiag to Mr. T. Pattonsmn liut- Friday evenlng the lnbabits- etibis village er. aLrmeil by the beillin Mr. HMeaa%' shop. ;ilgig ont the peai of tare. Th au vere MYe. brs on et imthe ~e ~1b i Weeeatne. ii.peaple dld their io es- tinguMisb .,but aci baving any ire,.,englué caaald nos contrailb. ire, W. understand thas utos of bbc gOoedsas velilas the housebaid frine voie !sÎt*d. The ire shen cauglat in tboz.M#I# bt Mr. -West, sud (om tibm <a iii. stW ae dwutbouse of Mr.C4ash, Sm w edby Mi4 U"Iad- Mr* Rueds bouseboid electss voetaw I~v, n. CsWs bildigs vee f 800 61i'~l $50.00 Established 1849. Maîble and Gîanqe W îs Dundas St., WH ITBY Chas.e.lm'at_. (Fole r Wolfenden Works.) Im- Poread Dealer in MARB4E AND GRAITRMONUMR T , cof the lutest material and designa. Ailn kinds of Cemetery work. Our work guaranteed. -IMSYND i'oR DESIGNs AND PiCES. Now onfor .30 days. Sales of cool goods for bot weather.. Prices meiîed dow» to suit anlpie and bard tin2es. Our business rsbaig that shows our cheap goods are appreciated by the peope. On Satuvday r nez we start an Emergency Sal-3e diys. That means more money savedtayu and ~ig bra 91alaoguI i. wantm o hsmontb, you ant the gooda. Brlsg on t.ahe I wiIl- gir you big oddse. DRESS GOODS,-Coed spolmsie 15c, reg 25c ;whte do. ;e r«e' c 4a, Etts iiir', reg 2e;p îoe uk 9C; fancy c-repon0m~,x *@g 90'C t '«eai' toc, reg 20 ; b" .lustre 25c, Tn4e; Clori ed do. 25c, rg43ç. lI.,piue special stripes aud spots. for bnos0, ec To b. sactie4.-All Ulssm411*.aAd Bonnets, at any pie. SPECIALSýM.'s md bqs'***ha ttr- ladies, mais. LS4Ij ý - - e* WftItS 2SC, 50r, 75týJ-«--P- esi SooesvgÎf *iAWI t is teb y, neturni Jing a wet e Dautne its Mondo y a fewal g the 1-8S ice to heâ or the >e galleryr r theni ami ing is ni c anythin 'nI- in. th ang jotiri s will '10 mnoney e of Sb ns & ( rhiby al ;htby, H. Si brinU Il à Alituel

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