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Whitby Chronicle, 12 Jun 1896, p. 4

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hoe et yî j ocon. ni oluw*styesand 1Binem Ifrol or Oe~poe flulpiasti 10 OMN!8 ~na UN. .4 7ê~sq~ods are ~4oluielyp~uri ah~<#tke ,fest ç.ak~y. e <L ~E. WILLI& GHEIST~kDRUG43ISTO m Whftbr ,4c W TBY9 JUNE 12,9 . The june sittings of the County court opemdied ire on tIbeud&, rie » flor judge. B3uruhain pre.Lding. There were Do civil «Mse to ttY, the outy case of that Uud on thé docket beiug adj usted out of court, snd the OUlY outaide lawyers on hand wCT@ Meur. Chapple, Uxbrldge ; Yarnold, Port Perry, sud Murton, Oshawa. WM 0" NErehln, firtian, and Wm. Kemp ÎPleIodng; Wm. Ward, Reach;i los.Thorah; u, Umrlde -; WM.Tay- 1-ce Thrah Chs. Paimer, plci* g Chas. Enuher, Thorah ; Wesley1Waltou, PIckeriu ; Thoa. Burgess, Brockt; C. %orn- bewgr, MYtie; Jno. Waltou, SCot; James Covan, Oshawa; James Lawrence, Dun- bexton. PETIT JURY. W. W. Coulthard, Oshawa; A.. McPher- son,'Thomhl; John Eduionson, Oahawa;. jo.i.Purves, Brock; Wtn. Abrahams, Sf* Wmc. Stewuzt, Uabidgre; Henr' Whltt, Vxbridge ; Chas. Steveuso, Pick. Stiug; . W.Uwsrds4, &ok; Oco. Hntch- zon Mas' m e;fry, Whiby; James mg pwtjoy, I Witb7 Denius Doyle, Mars; J~es tiait, Oshawa - Juo. Currie, Oshawa; Seo* ;JP.Gtrow, Brongham >*JuoGa n. OMi*va; * iuý9t Cook. Th,.-h W G *bs*rdsý-4 g Picker; J-noDye4 Oshawa ; Arthur Svnk re;tslego, ecker1n ,;Robt. Pardon, ithy ; Rdward CAal, Oshawa ; Rolit. CochIiurI, Therah ; O »apbsw. Broýk : lott. Alex*det Whlthy. %fty;David Momas C~O 1D Mihrp icketing; iated thb t tMe vasvery mnt to do. 'I!èeWMvas ont na wteh -tbr& feflo*s gt pIk. The othiets=are aal 10. The qk ewàacie 6 PIX en eefur aurtuant tawsiv, [au ittivri srvea lt *7 î braries. thail b a rmfyas.d Ms, O'Ham et OL-An interpleade r xi Maure; îushad of the plaiatlfft ptro#î isovent, sud bmra. unro atm of $2% sud intorct sduce x88 ynte. O'Rsrs sd tht tooli objetonsto titis utcelieprtUt suit.' Tht mater Il h*fiuxe tehg tred, by Mra. mndoulg her ansd paylug m Idttebdae-ndtmnt for lar- 0 mae semont et a druakes 't P $O= simoatha sgt. Wil.- orna e Deshaàtvert haw, k logether, md happe»iedlai *tb wW*e bo had bmeiým Oity ofcou.reaic ttlcruase b, qwelsjogtmwe bèIadgmembawht. tit Tu will xxMue the ruet fpeetto roe&ghyu<aaaMgt-aboutoe.Ulrd Of th nipl~amber, ut out fG tai, muplgto $aot r0 a yeas wôM d «'edbuton the t boeband, it î 'Mrutei-6 e, voe rk vill becom, mor .xausve under the nevsyatem .Th y "0 roetiedbmmsI mub tu Ie m int heeouuty vbich hVI ito terhkdb eâomtteas. Advan tala alu lptaIl<on.the tact that conti wîththectran sd that thuir actions ù~ the oeuutY council vill te more close!: scanund than as tbty were under the ok systein. No doubt there vas a danger th& ra raan's coaduct 4n thetwnship conc ilou tht principal tenturlu indetermiaug bisru elecion, white the average voter caressi passed over bis doings iu tht larget body. Tht new division of terrier7 luJ objecte wo. I in advanced that the poitical atrengti of democracy* is aachored t i ùm mutual con fidencecf votera that are oblited to wvon together, sud the Introduction of a new con tingent of elicturs lsmoa body, beretofor acustomd wto ctogether. gives rte tw au element of distrust sud sud veakucas. New qpouplng la siways dangerous, aud forma the cogent objecton tw vhat in knovu as gerry. Aglnte 'tdvsatage 09tht quicher per- ce maoe f business by thesmaller number May te offset by the teck 0f local knovledge of thae pfthe roands, bridgea sud other mattets vihin tht coguuance of the council, as vell as 'the feeling and desires of the Ppplet éach member'o locality. White «aCh coulicil hu herefore betn u agy direct. cd by a 1ev Ieadtng members, they bave the assisance sud kitovedire of tbose or lesu promlatuce. A considerable part of the vorlk of the council requires an immense amount of local information, sud this caunot benusualy had byaàfev men vithout each or them malg s speclaleffort tw get it, white lt vould, as s part 0f thel, daily lire, b. oeffort for one <rom the immediate locatity. 1It lu teared that vith larger constîtuencies the benefit of tht more immediate contact vithtevery voter viii b. lout, sud mcn vii fie mere candidates, sud, further, that the township council viii be vtakentd by the takiag ava from ita members the laudable ambitin oa seat in tht larger body snd, niayhap. the attaiament of the varden's chair. Wtt tht educative value of the COuntY COUncil b. lost? Under tht old systew the membera of the minor munici- palities meet et tht coancil chamber sud dis- cm, WAs only there but among theinstives, (»sUalYthe varions methods for performlng township services) tht result being that tht joint experlenca of ail thé tovushipa iu a county lu brought to bear on tht promeus of improviag to=sip admInistratIon. Tht mor acurte udenlighteutd methods 0f conductiug business vhikh prevai lnl tht coutY Councl is unow carried home and praduaiiy improves tht coaduct of business ta tht eraonship c*uncila. This vill b. Ist.Goo vaue la retetved Ilecause of tht traiig sud Improiremeut obtaintd through tht discussions 0f the couacil chamber sud tht association 0f tht membtra duriagi4he «alon. Occssioually maLters of greX. pulcImportance b ëomtsabecta of diall on sp ad the veli expressed resuit of sncb dic"son have cogne t be coasidered aS ome useful MetOd ol 0,ttlsgg foth sud enforciug public opinion upon curreat, topiPCS affecting more gtnerslly tht public velfare. .Tht unweildicas sud expeuse of tht pres. eut s>'atem may have called for the change, but mnay not the 6 4povera that b."11have, ub=cc MisY Perbape. been movtd ta tht change by tht demaud vhich of late hu wbuty, lune t,1q z~J ATrL. WM. SMIITH, M. p.# MarCowan -sad (Japi4. Mon?, of Oshawa, Dr. Gun, Ârthur Johnaton, Dr. McGillivray, Mayor Rutiedgo, adoh.er pminent [âbeal Consrya- tives wM "vushort sddrmseta ?i thé Electoeson the qàstions TiOWN HALL, 0 WHITBY, Tue8day, dune 16, 96.6 NOMINÂTION DAY, LUt tht close of the. Nominations, at Tvo o'olook, pin. Tht chair vil b. taken by J. L. Smith prusideat L C.A. Whitby, June lOth, 1896. GOD SAVE THE QUXIEN. fti~I hi TIlT I ~pccI8Is if Wl 1061*s e MÀ' U ~uidê~4 hi*s or40e. eaoh. K0n' Lawd.rd Sirafor 750. eaohx. Mgb* Btrqw ta ast 200.,3su. and 5061, &y,'~ iu 0tawE.# I 5e., 25à. sud 25e. Men's ~ ~ (» Sm rVet(nvpattas) for $1.50 ah c~~Ourstock of prints at 10c., lico. and 12je. per yard is îmmmease.D Ohambrayti in plain pink and blue. Striped ini pink aud white,' bine and white, hellictrope and white, at 121c-9 15o. sud 20c. per yard. Tailoring with us i8 an Arit. Firpst-Class Cutter in charge. Suits at ....$10....... $11... ..$12....... $13 . $1..... ud..ar ÂNDRE Dry, Goods, m Carpets, M. ROSS,ý - eady-made )Clothing. List of Mr. Smith's Meetings . Mr. BSaith sud oth.rs vil sddreu the folloviug meetings : Monday night, i 5h chester. Tnesday afternoon, Whitby. Tuesday night, i 6th, Myrtie. Wednesday night, school house. town hal, Man- 16th, tovn hall, temperance hall. I7th, Saintfield Thursday night, i 8th, temperance hall, Greenbank. ru aynight, i Sth, Geo. Taylor, Conservative whip, masonic hall, Brooklin. Friday night, î9th, lJtica schooi house. WANEO~Twhesud Coliegolsatu- engage with. us durîng vacation, at some- thlng entirely new. Cau pay as bigb as t2So for the fuil term. Scores having oper- ated during vacation, bave engaged perman- eutiy on our staff, wo their gleat benefit, and some -have made fortunes. Do not doubt untfi you find out the facts,, sd that w%~ cost nothing. Address immediately, V THUt B&ADLKCY-G&aRwmToN Co.. Lfd. Toronto, Ont. Notice of License Trans fer. Notice is hertby given that I sh&U, at the next meeting ofthe or of License Com- Iuiuuioner for Suth Ontario, apply for a transfer wo me of tht Town Taveru Liceuse, Nuamber 423, held by the latejos. A Baudel, of the- Whft boua, Whitby. WhtbJueMRS. 1MARY BANDEL., Whitby june th, x8g6,ý FOR SALE, SOnt of the mont desirable corner lots iu twn for sae, situated on the N. E. corner ef GlIbert aud Centre etTeesa, uar Court Houle Very convenleut to the sdios sud churches. WIllbe s.014 ressonably. i to CAPT. JOTBN BENGOU Ad 65 1ileecker ut., Torogato. JIft. 4thzg6. 7r4n Furet Clese Farx ~for' Sale -South half of Lot No. î5, 3rd Cois. Téwn shlp Of hock, Qe u ile rom Biackwite. The aboisala agond atate 0f cultivaion, wt go (escuan d first.clasoutbud*iolgs Good51ime huuse l-sa asrly uevglth atone celat, tvojoà veRs that baveue gon.e dry, abut= ry iv.e rt.emî oi tuibemi- acdwgod, prhtîçpOty mupl.jd beebI "ad bu * »'Ver houa cuffle. There lisas *»a mU spiu 'on one *aer of the lot 'slu"*tahi r ýwsteriung c - .- Would »U 73 acm of the ahove abul purcms.rb. s d-P<e. usctol a vltd. OhRT AIR, lc~ P.0.May- agtb,~ x86,s i ~GO TOr -FORTHE BEBST VALUES IN TOWN IN- Wail Papers, Baby Carriage8, -Wagons,, Croquret, ed Fin- ats A timited quantity of the latter only, left.atHALF -PRICE. A raize chane., Secure some before it ail goes. QZ\4gency for School Desks, Bu#trc aens , rtr ]DUVi~I Fa t Pou/t ry, ,Ail Unda of Pmt .ch1try sud Laylag Heo. wanted, for hich &a h ib i b ad. Eather mnd me a postl card aud I viii corne round. or btiIg tdm poultrv to my place ou RICHARD BLIGHT, Match 4, z896-3 mm.Myte Excursion to G1uelpk. Aunnal FUrina.' izuion I odalu fsn, U alp h lrimy,1 Juil. -Ut& , --I Tht Wemaa'1 nection villa h. i 'ville fake 1 lasi Ms lou. ion- BL00X, AmercaDyigCC W~TBe CA H TC ceai rorS ofour day, vIii sddrm a 1 )WN, -HA Cye1 me ~Wateh Holi s9ver NamE Trump for tou LSOCL LA seau repÙau alkinda Alia', forpure essenci - eti5dwood dlniug tabl% 1Crea& Halfthebutery Lam Satrday the tow *b thpreseuct of tvo id 'organsud a monkey.. .piaSt to place dispensing solieitlngcoppers ou Sautirday au att=j Toroo bkccIst(Tulloi cord held by MecQuinian of x hout44 mmn. 2o sece brnidge to tht Royal botel t"ucewas covered in i t -Do sot <ail to ie given by thtelitera7 so ose of tht special featu i *ibethtplay, «"The T court."I Corne ta. tht -the evesing of luse iAi SuWat aacolts vtre Priclay's CaakoiicL.b3 insalei.,sud on Satuf clsid thim. That ta Mfpoper vit OWCZoe-èccd those papers lu the connty cot Ion .cream,, cakes, hoil 1inout"the west 5 *ton=sud e, rbegluning St Le-t.7 o'< >aves bas gs Irt to lesaï- 6te, but hope a s vent as simd FRIDAY, KmemUDICAL HALL, FoRý. *rMa Upi IM6&ý- -IL- istiffl , arum

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