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Whitby Chronicle, 12 Jun 1896, p. 5

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w it is styli8hgb and fut; of t r4~ workmanship at çye1Qmneters, Watch Holders, sflver Name Plat.es. Trunip Watehes for tourist use. Jno. S. Barnard, tan f iam ou ipâpqe Ma s. FRIDÂY, JUNE 129 1896. LOCAL LÂOONIoe. Scott repaira Ail kinds of pumups. Allis fer pure essences, vanîia, lemon, etc. H ardwood dlning tables, 4 leaves, only $1, ai W. Tillas. Save your butter account by uslng Tod's bread. Haif the butter w«l do. Good morn7, havme Ton read Thon. Siater'. ad voItieiêfor0Emm on another page? The tain sbowers of this week and asat have filled everybodys heart witb joy, and are making nature smele again. Last Saturday the town was bonorcd with the presence of two individuais wlth baud4 organ snd a monkey. Tbey went fromu place to place dispcnsing sweet music snd solicting coppers. .0n Sautrday an attrinpt was made by a Toronto bicyclist (Tullocb) tb break thc re- cord held by McQululsn snd EDeeka jointly, oi i hour 44 min. 2o seconds from thc Don bridge to the Royal hotel Wbitby. The dis- tance was covered ln i bour 4,j minutes. Do not fail to hear the grand concert given by the literary aocieby of the O.L.C.q One of the apecial features of the evening wil be the play, "The Tournament If Idyl- couru.'" Corne to the convobcation hall on the evening of lunie I3th. Time, 7.30 P. M. Admission î5c. Somne tray colts were advertiscd in last Frudav 6 CHRONICLE by Joseph Harbron, Kinsale. sud on Saturday a party from Scarboro junction came to Kinsale snd clairmed themn. That is what comea of ad- vertising in a paper witb a liide cizculation. Our lists exceed those of any other five papera in the couaty combined. To Dayl 11 Ice creamn, cakes, boiled ham, ait Yates'. ioo pairs of ladies' sud children'a shoea and slippers at Soc. pet pair. See thc bar- gains outside thc West Side Boot and Shoe Store. Garden Party. A garden part7f will be given at "North Forest, the rest ience of Mr. J. P.* Draper, on the afterneon aud evecing of Tuezda, june 16th, beginning at four o'cbock. Ad. mission, including tes, which will be ser- ved from &JO tO 7 o'clock, [5 cents. Ice cream, strawberries, etc., games and mnusic, vocal and instrumental. Entrance by Uhe west gate, Byron et. Port Whltby. Mr. J. Dawes has goule to Marmots.. We regret to learu of the ilineas of Mma John White. but hope ahe wyul soon be bet. Early Sunday jnorin two "o" Cti ,were struck by atri near Ui asine crossing. Que was killed wIlie the other escaped with some badly brokes bones, but would have been much better killed as the poor beast vas left ail day Suuday ouf- fering. Rad it sot'becs for Borne bsit would have becs widthoutfeven a drina of water. They were claimed sad taken away On Monday night. Death of Josepb A. liaa4el. joseph A. Bandelp<pitre h ht by House here, daecmos Prday n h l* aged 70 years. Ie. 1"dbeau (etî about two moutha <brèosoe lî of nenralgia or Ilnfu but iatl0u pearedtobe gettùig *Umý-dg mnuch grouudj,,tbeog l.'6m a be fore bis deatb idisMed* hw bed brought awsy *b oi, II*5 Of hie deahcsfted no -mw-D- cesed w bmatlj Province a'*r Toronto direct MC se Starredtu Street* I&ec 8s~eoç. ilJae "e dY baVI gbseuiauMm ed hureL tb:, 1sd bile >ue -thlt ucaie lat 115LA lthéilc idlaad district lacrossolesgue hsldY 4th lit. by BeevetOn. ScOir tlopd 3-L. W. have te tbask «sur ala aricukIural fimd, rifor a libemsu uMy ni abrwberle sd cresin. We bave Mo tased as gond fruit for yetrn. Mr. Jobs Baker ils. favoredus vitti bis nsual conigonet ocarly tc. Tiloy are lgesdwelldevelpedtuber., sud are e arly, viles lb las conadered tilat the msses ooly omemoedabout bye mon *1ago. TwQ 0çwe vere kIIIed by a frelgbt brais ait tbc base lUse vrossln nriur bbeJInctioensta- tion ilere on Sunday. Thtspot Lu question lasà fatal ene for ei nesd those vile rus stock at large must expect that sooner or Ister bbc vwiii lose tbemi. Thon. lea alo a danger bbat a train may be derailed tbeme sud rnany people killed. A posh-cart loaded vlth basanas, oranges and lemtons, carne into towu on Yriday 1a dragging s very sunbun looklng Itallan beblud. Cous ta bic Calverlcy lnberpoecd the objection that bbe cart vas unlicensed. sud seized bbc Italias as s hoatage. The latter vas allowcd te go on vondillon that the cart would sot seil anythiug fartiler util a license vas sccored. It came dowu street sud pro- ceeded te ransact business as before, sud as a resuit thc iballan vas again cullared. This ine an assessinent of 0450COUta as levicd by P. M. Harper, audr s4 had te bu paid fer a pedlar's foot license. To Day 1 1 Ice creamz, cakes, boiled hamu, St Yates'. Barât zoo pairset ladies' sud ciildreu's silees and alîppers at Smv. per pair. Sce the bar- gains ouside tbe West Sîde Boot aud Sboe Store. The Llbera-Cosservative Commtte. roma. The Libera! Ceuservative Committcc roomu over MIr. A. M. Rosa' store viii be open evcny nigbt on sud atter Wcdncsday, ith inst. Votera lista viii be kepb sud ail information desired viii be given hy Uic comml«tec Every supporter ot Mr. Smitb la cordiaiiy invited te visit thc nooms.-2-in. Hou G W. Rosa meeting. At a joint meeting ofthbce eecutive officers of the different Laberal organizations lu tovu lu Uic Youug LUberal club noorna Wednesday uigbt elabonate arrangements vere made for tbc mass meeting lu thc musc hall te-nght. The Mîth batt. baud viii play an interesting musical programme ; the hall la bcing dec- orated ; sud every possible bhiug viii be doue te unake this a model meeting se far as can be for the cuinfort ut tbc large audi- ence that viii gather bu hear the distis.guisb- cd speaker ef tbc evenlug, Hon. G W. Rues, the. cloquent Minister et Education for On- taio. The ladies viii bave an unusually good chance te hear thc speeches this tume. Mn. Burnett makes bis bey te a Whltby meeting for bbc first time slave bie bevamne tbc Liberal candidate. A Serions Case Aaron Sharrard sud John Wilson differ as ta wblcb vay ballots ebuuld be cait nt the comlng clection. Net as to the way Shar- rards ballot sbould b. mankcd. for there could be ne two opinions about it, but as bo how Wilaou's abould bave thc capital r put un lb. Lait election Wilson vas workriug lu the registry office, sud f1db a uie sbaky as to vutlug Gnit; but Shanrard brsccd hlm up by teling him te be a man sud asseni bis rigteous indignation againit mlsgovern- ment, sud tbc Liberais would stand by hlm, so be voted Libenal, sud vas soon eut ot a job. On Mouday Sttarrand again spproacb- cd Wilson on bbc great sobjecb ef good goverument, sud in about a minute tbey were calling each other various saines sug- gestive ut bail murais. Thrice Sharrard la allegcd teihoave timaizd ilson as. Uuiversity, trom vbcnce, sfter a course dWa tingulsbed by. close attention te study, bc graduated ln t864. tainlg-tbbc degre.e fLL. B.,~ ~ Hé su a sltoilhe bar bthe saine yesr.e luý r872 Ire. Farevel vas appoinbed Couaty Crovu Attorney - of Ontario County. Ho bas becs a nmtber oft be Bard et Eduva- blou for over 2o years, sud ciimaan ef the Board for tbye yesms.RH.wvs svtve Ilthe ,formation of the Provincial AssotIofe H% basd Public Scilool Truse.. lin1887 vas bbcthfisfpreideï > a tztof th socia tien ; wu r-ýe ies moftbis, terini of ofice, ste basbecs s inember oftUn. x-- evutive comittee evur ginta, nc bus bem s»Olcto>r for tbé Towni of Wbltbyaud County ef Ontari for neanly 2o yemt. lu 1863 Bre, Pattwl'levams a mesber of tbe Uuivur- slty Pigée Cipany, and' haà-ralmioMc'tun noeyfl_,#euoem etd vltb tic vobiste villea sbd ue Same lu <h Mdbau44à, tulct latts. I Mr Goie la pisys Mr.b Sou7t¶ B*se M d hmarPro£ Watklu, rouito, seteray etcty aitthe to .14 tbe Wtbç4 lege, Jus. 131, st 7.30o oclock. CmpIalii MoiittsaY l sitiOt WIàIby S. A. acks on T4uMy4tune îlmh Mu BrookliloS. A. barrsea on «ednelday Juse1 ittl witb lanters vie»a euittIsd, 41 lite ou. Wm. Booth."' Silver collection at the do«t. Mr. Maurice Ooodhcart, whoetrcced *t- Columbus and Kedros last Susýy bubecs aakcd te take Uic services of Uic both churches on sert Sunday also. Tho, people were mare than plcased with bis lecture et Kedrou snd auoterlecture a l folio, t Columbus in ~e mc.thodl< cbuzcb on the i8tb mst. Mr. Goodhcart îb aiso to deliver a lecture in Binoklilt !oda cveslng sezt at 7.30 P. M. l ic hegIIab church. 1«s CreasuParler - For bhc best Ice Creadi, cail at D Mathisonsa, Dundas street.--a2-tf. Seul C«16 W B Pringle & Co, have rcduced theZprlec Ofbbceir choice American aeed coru, and arc selliug lots of it. DMlea Court. The court flzcd at Urbridgc, Cannlngton,; Besvcrtsn and Upterrove -for 14tb z5th £6tb aud r7t Jily will ineach case be beki-c one week liter, of which sitbrsansd others coscerned wiii please taire notice. Pleksrisg CouleConcert. A piano recital viii be giveb by Mr. J. D. A. Tripp assisted by Miss P S Morris, puaniat, and Miss M Huston, soprano, at Pickerlng Coiiege nTues4ay Jun. x6th. This vill he Mr. I4pp's &2 e appearance before leaving for Germase, sud su espec- lally attractive programme vill be present- ed. Doors open et 7.30 P.. LConcett te begin ai & Admission 25 cents. Tae off yoturcoes onrt Moaday. Those who have becs se Ilisng or wearlng buttons or other devices containin. Uic emblemus of either poiltical leaders or par. ties should bear in mind that these thinga muet sot.be displîyed within eight days of the cominL election. This means that after Monday night no bands of music, ffags, party designs, colora, buttons, nib- boss, or anything designed te show a par. tizan lcanîng, exceptisg taik, wiii bc aifow- ed. This means also that on election night after thc e mults become known, there muet be noue of these things displa"ed. The month is nov Uic only recognized legal electioneeriug agency. Viuit te Klngubos Penlteublary. Ou the invitation of Sheriff Paxton, we took a trip onu Monday to Kiugston peniten- tisry, as part of the escotnt ecessary to cou- duct a prisouer to that institution. A jour- ney whicb iens bbc Infliction of bcavy pu- ishmtnt on a tcllow mortai, sud especiaUly upon ose vhose crime vas thc resmit of a i artial mental derangemient, dld sot pro- mise much pleasure, but this vorld 's erper- iences coic in varions ways. Wo 1*d4 scanccly iet Whitby station when our cou- vict took ombrage at being comnpeled te travel sud assoclate vitil an ordinary -qoil- driver, sud soughbte becorne responsible for bis owu safe conduct te Kinuton, de. nouniciug us to our tellow passengers as an imposter wbo should be nulod out of tbe gaine, sud appealing te thein te aacst lu making ou subside. He funther mountcd a seat sud threatened te hava our valuable life if we persiated in asserting autbority; but bbc majcsty of lav prevalled by reasen of strennious efforts on our part, and bbc coutry vas safe for the rernlder ef Uic trip. Arrived 4t Uic Lirnestone City, we found it s dilapidated old place. The wooden buildings are ail propped up, while the stone structures ln many cases resemble lime kilos. The scéncry aronnd le falrly gond, vulee cflsblng là sald te be excellent Wben one veines tteic lt- tiary a really modem and orssgls- tution cornes lu view. Ouly for thle hlgb walls lb mighb be taken for somealansd nmsqu. with ha great doute r cd eu nt lu Y" Ver au o1.,luai ti.vrp tatel . -. A Ï&sud at lb. rery tlvtpies .ib sbk Bea$lu Lutreatouly40 omat$ ad ~ h~ Milnsy aI ivy lowstprises, fon the but sud rSft aiImbl 00- our Fringe Opaqu Windov b.d., compti. lh4ah oUe oie5. Plan a.s 0rders taken for any snd Bhmaa d tyle of Tim1 vM ~levut $io. Yoftr meney returted wfllivoly'if ye are t ma1. ihs~iuçyub7 a~,q ~c. The methodis that thie store tu of the extremely low prices for 30 LA DIES' SPRING ai Large Steeves, in Box Clothoe 60 LADIES' SUMMER F. STEV idopte to win trade have or which our wares have a' DÀY. raya wd 8UMMER JCES and Venetians, worth from 4 o$9.. '$à, $1.I CAPES. Bth black and colore, in Box Cloth, Covet Cloth, 'rweet s ud Veet nT nicely trimmed, and ail new thise eason, at ONE-AUgF garPt<,o Men',s Ready-made Tweed and BlackWote &l. Men'e Black Woreted Suite, regularpre.10, Men's Fawn and Brown Mix Tweed Suite, reg. ro.;.. Men'e All Wool Halifax Tweed Suite, i brovu,--p.sy and If Complete New Stock Men'e, Youtbs ae W. G. WALTE-RS, TURNI-PoEE . -Clyde, Bwvede, ~angho1m m pu 8kfring~Itnp,. we Tested Scode wre asl in «yý, b=icm oLW .11mb côlaverbaos îsosimtmosl4

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