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Whitby Chronicle, 12 Jun 1896, p. 7

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CQRED MBU~1Y 41 wu roubled a IRluIo be&dac. Ilva n .OOUWUy wttbsevereaisl8Io SU1 of fullnin te4, bad tual a u ouea .5 bands and etoI, i a4b stomaeh. IfIdago aremede recommende o ii oplaabut It. wui not unS 1 Began Taking Ayer's Pïlls !reoe»SWedam ing ile Pem dld the work 0o e and I amn nov m from hesdaches, and a wel ma- C. a. Hurceiias t Âubun, lme AYER'S PILLS Awarded modal at Worl' Pair Lvor' a . mrarfUde the. B.at Oounty CounciL FOURTH DAY. 1PORENOON SESSION. The motions o! Messrs. Cleavciey and Umphrey were brought up and passed as per notice requiring the Roads and Bridges committee to con- sider grants. Mr. Brown brought in the report o! the printing committee in favor of pay- ing the folowing accounts: Uxbridge Times, $4; Uxbridge journal $2 ; Pick- ering News $2;- Port Perry Observer $2; Pt. Perry Standard $2; Whitby Gazette $2 ; Cannington Gleaner S2; Beaverton Tribune $iî; Beaverton Ex- Press $4. Mr. Treleaven then brought in a motion relative to the Torrens land system. Lt was through his instru- mentWity that the county took it up in the frst place, and, now that the cost o! the adoption of this measure wili in ail likelihood include a vault, Mr. Tre- leaven is frigbtened and wains to bark back. He now moves to withdraw al the recommendations o! council in, favor o! putting the Torrens Land Sys- tem in force here, but the arrivai of 12 ,o'clock eaused the matter to be laid over. Adjourued for dinner. AFTERNOON SESSION. Met at 2 o'ciock. JAIL SALARIES. Mr. Coulthard introduced and car- ied through a by-law to fix the salaries o! the jail officiais, as follows: Salary o! jailer $700; turnkey $45o; mfatron i 5o; surgeon $ ioo. MORE FEES FROM PEDLARS. Mr. Hoyle int.zodiiced and carrîed through a by-law fixing thc fees to bc paid by hawkers and pediars. as'foliow: Couaty lioense for travelling on foot.... $c ' oiseand wagon..... 3 " '~team and wgn 4 radi1 with boat ....... c North -Riding. travelIng on foot ....1 4# horse and vagun ........ 2 44 tas and wagon ....2 44 tradingwltbboat .. South Ontario, Zqj2uvonosfoot.......z a. horse sud wagon......o .4 s team and wagon ...9 tig 4. trading wlihbut ........i For Whitby mnd Oshawa travelling witb borse andrig ............ .... For East or West West Whitby, do . Pickering, do ................... < Reach or Brock. do ............... il tjxbridgeom Scott do...........i 4f town, do ...............i Mars and Rama, do ............ eI Tho" anmd Beaverton. do ........1 'Canniaton or Port Perry, do.... à .. 1 each beom ore th» one ......... For travelling- on fo& hall it amounts mentioned above, vith tii exception o! Port Perry, Canningtoi and Uxbridge, vhich aue to 6e $5tcd Parties holding licenîes fQr Port ?c to bc entitlcd. tothe privlege o!'.tad ingin&gg It is f urtiier atipniated ua licease may be taken at aaty' gme-d willrui o! a a takêa it on paying theW i -eclè shal bc transf 11ai2604 fi .1' bcumsedby any'bt- thei~~ssi thereon, ejt,, *1I4 end 0d J Wl 5 I Thé med~ fot FIFTIfDAY., Mr. Hckyle red, the second report the com»iteç -on., fmnce *anid use-t ment, pasimg hi.u t~srepor";. swaing that $22,,ooo îviii be 'necessary to carry on the county 1s business for 1896; orderhig. flfy copieof jî4iÏ Manuel to D~e loaned t.o active -magis- trates.k The report passed. Adjourned Io diner. AIIERIÃŽON SESSION. Mr. Pringle brought Up the report of the special committee appointed to equalize the assessed value of personal property of the county. It may be ex- piained here that county valuators go round once every five years to equalize thie real property of the county, but for' personality and income the -local as.4 sessments have to be relied apon, and' somne minor munidipalities do not take the trouble to look after it. Therefore thc county council takes a guessag system of adding to some* and taking off the others, and makes an approxi- mation ofthei whole. The report does flot interefit thie public. A PARTY FIGHT SPRINGý UP. Mr. Dingle rcad the second report of the cornmittee on Education as follows: (i)' That Public School Inspector McBrien has placed before the com- mittee bis report. The receipts for school purposes in thie county last year were $4300 less than in 1894, and ex- penditure less $2634. St iii there wcre 156 teachers in 1895 to 137 in 1894. The number of pupils in~ 1895 Was 8236 against 95oi in 1894. The 156 teach- ers in 1895 got $2015 leus salary titan in 1894. Thus with 19 less teachers there is over $2ooo less salary; (2) re- commcnding H. W. Willcox for trus- tee for Whitby. collegiate institute, in place of D. Ormiston rcsigncd. On the clause appointing a truste for Whitby collegiate institue Mr. Couithard moved to strike out the namne o! Mr. Wilicox and insert that of Mr. John Burns. The mover said that one of Uic Whitby trustees had been ciaimed by Pickering and had neyer been able to attend to the duties o! his position. Now the committee was giving another to Whitby township. He objected to appointing men outside thc town. Mr. Pringie said Mr. Willcox residcd on the border of the town. He had no objection to his appointmcnt, and had endorsed thie suggestion of thie deputy reeve o! Whitby township as to the selection. Mr. King said he was satisfled also. Mr. Hoyle said he knows Mr. Burns but dors not knotv Mr. Willcox, and will support the former. Mr. Gould felt like supporting the selection of Whitby town 's represent.atives. Mr. Smith supported Mr. Wiilcox, who has plenty of leisure to attend to the duties o! the position. Mr. Calder said he would support Mr. Burns, who as as much intercsted in Whitby township ras Mr. Wiflcox. Mr. Pringle reminded ic counacil that at its lust session 'it had appointed Mr. Christie, an out- sider. to the Port Perry scbool board. Mr. Ross said that Mr. Christie had 1discharged .his.duties well, and wis proving an attentive and useful truster- Mr. Conîthard' said this attemaptto foist Mr.. Willcox upontheScuncl-was 5a Grit dodgc. He hemr that the Whitby board of education is already packced with,,Grits, there being 8 or 9 oi them and QIiY 3or 4 TOrieS Mr, 5Mowbray called Mr. Couiàûthard -,to 5ord*r. He said that thie four <Ç7iî nuembers from Pickering had twice re- commended Dr. Bateman, a Tory, tc 5 Uic Whitby school board. That did 8flot look as if thie Grits in counacil were 6 trying to pack school boards wlth Re. " formiere. Mr. Ruuidie reniind6d -the " members that Ife is short and ve must 8 ail die, and that this question is, abôni ý0 thrcshed ont.' He urged tha, ~vç&çbc 8 taken at once. vhièh vas donc. régla t B8 ing in 20,tO r6forýM1r.-Burns, a strai 5 party vot.e with -theexpioofM SSmiith, vho voteci for Mr.Wlcx -e n LEGIBLATION. y .5 n o 'o le 4 l peeches, . iting tliat this eoundl lrbeigivipet -'oufof exstnc bth gverneft'which~ ftti ino otrlgavice,, àd ~h arguing that thelol gove4lment I .t p ui* f or thÙ # ad uc J v i e e is ppointed and should be unhamper- c by aàny oâwoiG infltaihces in its The couneui4ladorned for teay SIXTH DAY. PORENIOONSESSION. On motion,,of !Mr.,McDougl$5 af v granted to Miss l !ay for typewritingg clone for the counicil. Mgots ere passed granting Mes=.r Kell sudRoss a day's pay each for; dayà on» - hich they were not presentý when the roll cali was made.* On motion o! Mr. Brethour $6 wiasî ýord'ered to be pazd thc CHRONICLE for prilftiftg placards bearing the names of! auctioncers and pedlars for 1 895 and 1896. SMtsars Couithard. Mowbray and Brori contended that the printing contract with the CHRONJCLE covered everything the county required in the line of printing, and that this grant would establish a dangerous precedent. Those supporting the motion argued that no such printing was thought of at the time the contract was made, having been the outcome of more re- cent legisiation in council. and that in com mon honesty - ic amount should be paid. The vote stood 25.ý to 6 in favor of the motion. Mr. Hoyle introduced and carricd through the necessary bylaw to fix the county rate and lcvy thc nccssary arnount of taxation. Adjourned to dinner. AFTERNÃ"ON SESSION. On motion of Mr. Hoyle. $9 was or- dered to be paid County Attorney Fare- well, being the amount of his law ac- counit*for the half ycar. $100 TO THE WARDEN. On motion o! Mr. Brown '$100 was ordered to be paid the, Warden to cover lus disbursements for the ycar. Thc Wardcn rcturncd luis thanks. MORE IRONEY ON RGÂDS. -Mr. Munro rcad the second. report on roads and bridges as !oiows: or- dcring payment O! $338. 72.f'-a county's hal! o! repairs to Nýarfpw;!ý bridge, near Orillia; that the following n grants be made on roiads, the under- 'a standing being JAihat the municipal*ties 9 interesÃœcd make like '#rat: '$îoin Cannington to cut down hili on Peace n street; $200 oni Nonquon road, JBrock. lcading to Port Pc-rr; $îoeo wsidelineo between lots 15 and, 16 in Scott; $0* n line between Oshawa and East Whitby, ' near Cedar Date bridge;, $îoo on 6th. a con. Brock-, that 424 be paid to meet li Victoria county grant on county lUne1 betveen Thoran ad Eldon; tiiat $88.-,1 93 be paid Wma. Bateman commissiqner ' o! Scugog roadway for repairs to the samne; that in the cases of týic above road grants- the reeves ot thc réspèctM*viv munucîpulittes bcappoitdcom 1s 'oners to expeni the"aont The report passed. Og motion, 9f Mr. Ross te diantre thtcutYici ~re okrdered to be conveyed toMr. E.S.Ednson, Oshawa, for entetuing the couil at Prospect Park on t ev«emngo!JuaCe 3rd. Mr, Pnurt rose xiid pronôunced thc funeral oraiôn oY *.le-counc i nd vas foiloqwed -by )4mm-sr4 Hoyle'; CoGàIt-- bard. Rosai,.-Gerov, M1unroi GOuI Ham, Broyan, Ualurcy. Thp ç~ ofe ttspeaàken mdë Zfifest a SUU' ellËe! that tei. bôlition*-4114 cosçil a aipreýeat constitte Wou prove a bac! stoke, of policy. t bot IIheMes--< ms 1 tii~ f~ fTI' tfltf ls'. Mr. and Mrs. Washinton, Mariposa, visited at Mr. J. Dyer's. Mr. J. Dyer visited Toronto last week. Miss A. Brimacombe, Haydon, called on friends here recently. Miss M. A. Werry, Solina, has been visiting at Mr. S. Bray's Broside. Mr. W. Ormiston is back from Eng- land after a. pleasant voyage. Glad to sec Mr. W. Hu mpage around again. Mr Normah Niddery had an oper- ation performed on his leg last week by Drs. McLaughlin and Mitchell. Mr T Wotten is sick. 1 Mr j T Haribut lost his cow last week by inflammation. Reeve Pascoe has let several road jobs-near Enfleld in places where it is much needed. Anniversary sermons will be preach- ed! Sunday, june x5th, at 2.30 and 7 ' . . yc. t>P N MeCamus, Port 'e~ ~~mày Sî64 iis1 b U c ir and nembera f htschool. collection ut each service. Monday., Jude i 5th, MI servccs wvi be resumed prornptly. at -a 2.30 o'clock when there w*îU be singing, recationa and addresc1- hy Revs- ge Mressrs. McCamus, -Howai d,,Rorke and -13 others ýand music by the Erifield' brass y band. Tea will be sc-rvcd from 4 'dock. A grand concert wUIbe gwlen b at niglut in the Sons' hall when te fol- SU lowiug tak:e part-. P. H. P-umtnson -ý O. F4ezzlewood, Oshaws,-ý,J1Balfour, Prince Albert: ae P Goard, BvavL le;t M iss, C. Delong,~eN ~far I Berokline:C. N. use. JIanmptop;,C. b Mackey and others. Tickets 25 ' 114d I5c. ,Tea and concetùW .VCy- Ur. Tlhoi E£*ui lu back &ain o1u haie adheeny Mu. WightPeterqfratla g7 I Mr. and Mrs. lames ffiriet ?uf Eva W.etawy&o njle her parent. Cha.s. Sionuhaa uh mad raifed islà& n lesse Sater is viuitiag st Guqi Mr. sud Mn. [erben hble,Os speut Buuidaiyat iJse IOreed#niênIr. sunduy tévrsi Wënt to bp*i bél H. EllioU, t, o#h"s rmtuménepm r ing fniends et Po R004 The waih-out ai the a bebc peired making tlu, r4âd Dont miutpedng lylt a low Park, 9spob~yh. preparation ie briu; ,Wa4uW 1èr,,p id- txy tc ur cougt $ in-wel müptlô-n MXr. GcmId b~atiàit iO Uc umort the legisiation conmittee, utati thc commîttee does not fafior legiâ public mrke 1 hér ÏÃ"ta: 1 [sst e d *d p, pnmouï1,,. to tluî ritboul ont* gomme

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