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Whitby Chronicle, 26 Jun 1896, p. 1

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xxxxe WHITBY, - ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JIYNE 26, 18960 Theo Quesution Of theo Roui'. Life or Death ta M R. FLY. lani</e/Icoo/Stic4kY F/y, 5 c/s. F.v lPoison Pads . . . . 5 as. Pure Insci Powa'er. ~ C/l I rhs Inseci Powder roc. CHIIST & DRUGGIST, (OR. BROCK & DLNDAS STS. WHITBY, ONTÀ&RIO.1 Hou8-leaning time M8 here. Wý%e have a larger and better assorted stock of window shades tbis season than we have ever sbown belore, firomn 45C. Up. We use the best hand painted opaque -hade cloth, with Harthhorn's spring roler. Aiso a fine variety of cornice pales Ask ta see our latest style of window screens, ta fit any window, at 30C. each. Our baby carrnages are al of the latest de- signs. (,ive us a caîl before purchasing elsewhere. We are taking special pains ta combine elegance with economny in price and general utility. Our '5tock is campiete in House Furnishings, We invite buyers ta corne and see us. ht will save money. Leading Undrtakr,- En j. JOHN SON, BROOK ST, WHITB. Established 1849. whitby Steam Maîble and £ranite Woîks, Dundas St., WH ITB Y. Chas. HE. Smith, (Formeriy Wolfenden Works.) Im- porter and Dealer in MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUME'NTS, Etc., af the Iatest material and designs. Al kinds af Cemetery work.. Our wark guaripteed. _-SEND FOR DESIGNS AND PRICES. WESTERN SANK 0F CANADA. Capital Autliorized $1,000,0001 Surplus BOA RD 0F DIRECTOil 100000 tS. 1 OHN COWAN, EsQ., President REUBEN S. HAM LIN, EsQ., Vice-Pres. T. H. MCMILLAN, - - - Cashier. General Banking Bnsiness traacted. I)rafts issued, payable in ail parts of Can- ada, United States, and on London, Eng- land, payable in ail parts. of Europe. 3%~ peu cent. allowed on Savings Bank Deposits and credited hait yearly. Special attention to collectio of Farmers' sale notes. E. D. WARREN, Manager of Whitby Branch. Strayed. F rom the premises of te undsrsgned. lot 2%. con. 9, Darungton, a bay rodst«r ilyt evo years aid; bas7whlte star tu f@imbeid. Rad halter on wben lmsesee. An>'1fidoematlon cou- cerning the wheroeboutu of t"isanimal viiibe thakfuly JOHNSTON NIDDEWR4 June 9th, 186.- A 410-EifOdO WATE.-Tmaoubten engag iIusurn vcae 1200 for tise (nIlterzu. Sçoroa ateti durlng vmction, bae-eun entiy'on out&*,af to their Pesi some have ýmade forunes, Dc untfi yen tgd Ut t («4' cost uotiingi Adne* RiP Tnz RAD~T.M#M ONTABIO LADIES' OLLEGE. GREAT SUCCESS 0F ANNUAL COM-j MENCEMENT EXERCSES1->-GR-AN D WIND-UP 0F THE PAST YEAR SI WORK.-LARGE ATTENDANCE.- NEW BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT COMPLETE.-TWE STAFF TO BE' STRENGTH EN ED. FACULTY OF INSTUCTION--ýRev Dr Hare, Ph.D., botany, geology, psychology, etc.; W J Greenwood, B.A., classics, logic aud physics - Miss Burkholder, BA., Englisb and chemistry ; Miss L R Laird, BA., mathemnatica ; Miss C Horning, B.A., mod- ern languages; Miss Seaples, M.LA., junior English M àiss * Copeland, book-keeping, phanography, etc. ; Miss A L Moore, M.O., elocutian and physical culture ; Mr J W F Harrison, pipe organ and piano; Miss Dallas, Mua. Bac, harmony and violin ; Miss Wilson, piano ; Miss G Taylor, piano; Misa N McKec, vocal music; Mra Bradley, vocal music; Prof. Waîhrins, guitar. banjo, mandolin ; Mn L R O'Brien, R.C.A., paint- ing, aut-door sketching; Miss Windeat, A. R.C.A., dnawing and painting; Miss Gneen- wood, assistant in drawing ;Mis McGilli- vray, china painting ; principal, Rev. Dr. Hane; lady principal. Mrs Hare ;aecretary of aiaculty, W J Greeuwaad. 'To flfil the expectations ai even the mast sanguine is a condition seldom attained by any public institutian. To exceed the anti- cipations ai ail a condition neyer ioaked for, and is too much ta hope ior in mare than one case ai a thausand. The Ontario Ladies' College ta-day stands in that unique, that triumphant, position oi having surpassed the grandest dreama of its promotens. Not even the moat anxîous and hopeful ofitheni could have looked i-rward ta the proud position it bas this week taken before the world. Tht magnificence and architectural grandeur ai this institution fiolm an outaide vicv, the beauty and carnpèthensiveness ai the inter- ion, its coniplete equipment, and tharough faculty, vere in strang evîdence duriug the exercises wbich vere in pragress this vcek. This commencement manks the close of a brilliant and successlul yea's vark. The results ai university examlinatiaus last yean and this year have demnonstrated ta a cer- tainty that the students ofithis' callege are iully equipped nat anly ion matriculation ia the universities, but also te accumnplish at least two years af the university wonk here. The headfa amoat every dcpartment for the comiîg year vili be armedalisitfram anc ai the big universities. The staff has been greatly strengthened, andi for scboiarly attainment andi experience stands aheati ai any bite coliege an the cantinent ai America. One ai the verv strongesit fétures ai ibis college is the sîrang religious andi moral toue. Fnom the moment a young lady en- ters this coilege seekiug an educatian until ber graduation sht is suiroundeti by the mont inspiring anti rtfining influences. The discipline is as strict as viii enable tse facial- ty ta place pupils ou houer, andi bas been highly successini. BACCALAUREATE SERMON, - Rev. W- F. Wilson, Trinity churcli, To- ronto, preacheti the baccalauneate sermon in the metbodist tabernacle on Stiuday night ta a very large cangregatian. He aelectedl for bis texi Psaimls 39 : 1, "I1 viii taire teeti ai my ways" Tht lasi anti rsost divine act ai Goti's creatune pawer was tg make a youug woman. Wamen alvays autnurnber men ini the state, tht cbunch anti even>' good insti- tution. Site is tht queen of the heur, anti cati elevate or degrade mankinti at will. Site may ativance tht commonvealtt* or brieag sveetness ta the home. To b. guideti by the text is ai great value ta young people going out into the voniti. We iivt ln a gol- den age. AIl the triumphs snd treasures ai tht pasi are ours. Iu order te takrefuil adi- vantage ai ibis we must taire beeti ai aur vays. We muai taire heeti et the culture ai aur physicai anti intellectuai being. Titere is uothing mare beautitul titan ttc rosy checir, the bnigit eyes anti tht aveet song of s young vaman. On thteailler baud no- tbing sheulti bring mare sorrow ta aur bearta titan seeing -a, voman vrecked by sin, There-never vas a time vten vemnan bad as many appartunities ai earning ber evu liv- ing as to-day, antisite bas neyer been bacir- yard lu ber efforts ta maintain herseli. Tht igtest, itappieat manrier in viticl site cati exercise ber imperiai autitority is iu thc home, tht oldest, graudeat sud mosi beloveti institution vs bave to day. We stoulti think more tan ve have ever Chougit, reati mare titan ve bave ever meati, taire mare heed titan ve have ever Caken. Love te bible : reati hi, obe>' it. Let it b. your citiet anti ciosen companian in *yaur lenesemee heurs. Taire hect in Uic merniug of lite te ceusecrate ta Goti ail your powens Thinir af Christ anti bis objecta. Co-opemate vitit Hlm iu thc momniug et lite. Rer. Thon. Manning addressed the igrad- uaca. He said there vas a sacred sadns lu ibis service wvicitmen e .graduation et the cîas sud its severance from the con- gregatien. Nevertbeless Cher. vere feelings et congratulation, In al thc more civtilised nations ef to-day wveinsinaappreclated sud itonored. Great responsibilities foU on te vamen eftChas country. Mes are more or less vhat women matre tisen. Religion la gooti, but education sbould enhauce its working. You vill have smnies sud',Cors ; prospemit>', ad-serait>' sud disappelutment. Stand for, your rights-yeu viii have. te if yen acqtiire tIsentW. oftcn'hive peace b.- cause vs figittior It. "To thys"lf lie joC, Chou canst sot tises b. fine .te mn> matn. I Tisewvendbas been a long trne ocinoWlod- Iug voman's ribts, »ed do M'- do B entirel>'. Womme>ed mSer~ "cd inâde voman le b.nt, love-. That lave musC b. aocifled. .Yau caennot maire lite tee scet or tee usefuL Tht chcý1r did mot eff&«tve verkn rtyen de =*g thse servce s ucea sa iinotaut sd cxe«4Ivoe bu the chrb>,,~~ 7s9ionvotw*rA t;ilgb inexhaustable 1fiedfr gond. Miss Wîllard 1ezisibit et pupls painting and drawing wouid is the sovereigu and guide of more people satisfy the moot exactlng critic that soued than moat monarcbs, yet ber 6o years ait prlnCiples are îlbsîalied Into the minds of the ihotly upon ber. The white ribbon work studeàis,, and that the artistlc taste -and commences with a pledge against the use of exectitive abillty is recognlzed and deveiop- alcobelic liquers as food or drink. But it ed Akegl the Unes whlch will brlng the best does not stop there. It is considered that sesults in after lite. We have from time to total abstinence as but a emali virtue inuone time drawn attention to tbe tuct tbat college who violâtes moraliîy in other ways. Every art work la based upon drawing fromn models, kind et reform and religions work is embrac- still lite and from the beautiful1 landscapes ed. in tbe movement. The temperance de. found within easy reacb of Wb1tbyr. Thus partaient of the work la carried on uponi the work, done bere is a sure and îried toun- scientific as weil as moral grouinds. Love dation upon wbîcb the atudent may build of humanity is thc power whîcb guides tbe itbe gioricus tubric of an artistic career if ber workers. The people of tbe world are not ambition and taste lead in ;bis direction in iooked apon as sinners, but as instruments past callegiate days., with whicb ta accomplîsb gond. To accom. A report recently published in the Mail plish anything there must b. a fix __ pland Empire will convey some idea of the and'a united effort. Tbe pledge and the: relative menit of the work donc Ibis year. as wearing ot the ribbon is the sticking point compared witb that of other art scbaols and with many joiners, but such a band of union ladies' collejes of Ibis country, wherein la necessary ta place ail in even Ue for Archbisbep Walsh paid Ontario Ladies' wark. Miss M. J. Macdonald, Toronto, fol College the very higb compliment Of declar- lowed, uaing the 121h chapier of Chronicles tiiig its work the best on exhibition at the ati the basis of ber talk. From tbe tary af conipetitien. In addition ta the work above tbe mighîy men who volunteered to serve reterredte there was a choice and exceed- David against bis enemies, she drew the ing ly arfiuele show of chin.a painting. lesson of the secret of migbt in the service -I t 15s aid te b. the intention ofthei direct- of the King. These mighty men vvere armed ors te turtber advance te efficiency af the and any of theni could sling a atone accur- art department by procureng addlîlonal ately with eiîber hand. Besides this they equipesent for the next vear. lu tact we it had courage, that pluck which always be- will b. put upon the saine satisfactory basis longs ta a volunteer. Tbey wcre ready ta as the other work af the college and notbing flghete the death for David. Such is tbé short of the toremost place amongst the courage af chriarian endeavorers in flghting schools of Ontario vili satisfy thc manage- for the King. Besides this vs must be ment.. definitely an the ide ai Christ. There ANNUAL CONCERT. muai be no mistake about this. We must say as did the mighty men : " Thine are we, The annual concert on Wednesday nigbt Lard." Added ta courage and definite pur- drew. a very large crowd, and the pro- pose we must be anmcd. We muat be gramme was far iu advance ai anything armed with a fuil knowledge af Gad's pur- ever given at the callege previausly. poses and in fighting trim. David tried the Vocal Duet-' ' Holy Father"' (Maritana) mightv men ta sec if they had definite pur- Miss G Taylor and Miss E Hili. pose, courage and skili before he accepted Piano Sol-' Scherzo a capriccia-... their service. Then be knew that wiîh such Miss M McCarty. fighters he muat vin, and he did vin. We Song-' Maritaîta, Gay Gitana".......... mnust be so situated as ta be able ta look iuta Miss Amy Wilson. God's face and know that he has iaith iu us. We cannat be mighty until we meet ail Reading-..................... these conditions. Then w'e must separate Mis Davis. ourselves from the constant association ai Song-"In Questo Semplice"............ those wvho are not wîlling ta obtry God. Miss Isabel McBnien. Otherwvise we will accomplish nothing sud Piano Solo-"« Tamnb6urin' ............... will be constantly tempted. We caunot flght Miss F McKee. sin by campramising We may be weal-. but Song-' The Flaver Girl".............. the bible says " It is flot by my migbt or my Ms taJms paver, but by Thy haly sprit' We sbould Milnslo" is EiaJamses........ b. ever iound speaking litîle personal VMiisoo"nnisiValset". .. messages ta people. And we should re-MisNSib member that God always prepares the beart Song-"Faithful ever',........ ......... for aur messages. It viil ot cramp aur -Miss G Taylor. lives ta go fully inta His service. Rather Piano Solo-"Woodiand Rustling ... wil e find it in the end as did the migbty Miss F Fuiler. men: 1 There vas great joy in Israel." Son-' 'Land of Vesterdav" ........... THE WEEK'S PROGRAMMES. The exteut, vaniety. and menitaiftse vork donc in the varions branches rnay b. jutigeti irom the long acries of programmes lasting tram Saeurday until yesterday, sud accupy- ing the boardis tva or three imes a day. These rnany andi splendid recitals vetal planued in ativance, sud vere carrieti out during the vitale veek vithout a tailure or ititclî. It reguireti no citairman ta maire ai)- nouncemeuts, uer explanations as ta the method adopieti The taculi>' joined thc audiences as listeners. en evcry.occaseu, leaving the pupils te venreutthecprogram- mues for themacilves. Untoreuuateiy the pub- lic bas ne vay ai gaugiug the vork doue ln ailier branches beides fiue arts, musieasd elocution, except by vaiting ta learn the atten-successes ai tht pupila libte univer- aiti 'e but turne bas completeiy establiaitet ibis tllege's standing in ail branches. The universit>' recorda are maktiug manuteet year after year the resuits ta pupils having thc ground work ai their education donc ai Ou- tario Ladies' Coilege. THE GRADUATES. Titeme are eigitteen graduates this ycar in the différent branches, besides eue pest- graduat in elacutian. Each, ve itaru, tooir a very higit stand in ber departmsnî, anti so close vas the competition tor golti medals that in îwo instauces ttc candidates earned equai standing, titus utcessitatiug tise issue of Cve extra goId medals. When ît la con- sideredt hat titese auccesses are based tapon thc vitole coilege course o e cometto anti net mcrcly upon ttc resuies. in tic end et bard coacbiug anti pltsgglng, as tise uniý versiîy graduates caîl it, the public vili sec the amount ai application requiredt te in a medai. lu elocution thesla atdedt 10this a fiuai public competitias, upon wbich a per- cenuage et marks is avarded. sud thse coi- mittee this year bati a mont dufficult tank ili deciding beivecu Misses Hamilton, Davis aud Janes, vitose test ou Tucaday nigisi vas s burlesque et Sitakespcare's characters et Juliet, Portia anti Lady Macbeth, respective- ly, Miss Gordon, post grad%,ate, tsking Uic part et Ophelia. The interprétation et char.. acter vas by vay eftakte-off, sud vas r. marirabi>' spiriteti sud amusing. Miss Pense, tise graduais lu vocal music, la one of tise, svecteat and mtost charming singera, asnveli as oneetfCite prettiest girls the coilege bas turned eut for years. Miss C. Gresifeli ch. leaduteg graduais iu the arts cçouse tooir h.- Jus. cxamination-itead ofte.May--at Toronto uuiversity tibsycarý , d ur -off thse folioving honora:- Firias lu -inglisis,- second lu Phoetics, Cird lu French, Genst man andi Italiau. SIte vas awrddtws standing ef Grade A lu Latin sdmlthemus- tlcp, Grade B lu Physics. She Cou s firit yean university pass. This is, ladeect ,a mout creditable sbowing fore.. yea>s venr. GRADUÂTWS'RECITALS. - Mouds>, Jonc J2. 10~.30. Croquet prize, by lady teachme, to be pre- sented by to Miss Jackson. Presentation of Art certificates b>' Dr. May of the Education Departmetit. Valedictor', IMiss Grenfeli. Addresses b ' Professr Louden, of To- ronto University and Principal Parkin,* of Upper Canada College. Note.-As no medsl is given in the Art Department Messrs Grosa & Granger pre- sent eacb year to tbe department the value of a silver medai. God Save the Queen. C.uflg.Notes. Coîlege reopensîept 8. The heating ta by steam n d thc Iigbting by electricity, aud'the machinery mus ina most superb manner. The town 15 making a tremeudouas vater tank near the college gate, which wili af- tord ample protection against fire. The contrst between the oid gymnasinai and the new Frances Hall as a place for holding public entertainaients was very marked The coilege board bas purchased tva nev Heintzman grand pianos at $750 eacb, oue ai wbicb vas in use during ibis week's exercises. The ehections sud the attendant excite- ment had tbe eflect ai thinniug eut the attcudance at- the various entertalnments during tbe tors part ai the veek. Frances Hall bas lately bad its equipaient completed by the erection ot a $2000 pipe argan. This will enabie the collee te graduate veli.dnilîed organists for cherches. Mrs. J. W. P. Harrison gave a fine pro- gramme- on tn--ne guu A J.AV uu .VvPÉ nesday sfteruoon. She is a Most expert pianist, and won great applause by lier deft handling et Uic keys. Much ta the regret ai everybody, Mms. Hare, Lady Principal, bas been absent dur- *ing Uic wholc veek, being quite seriously iudisposed. The grace, charm sund bright- Snesa vbich ber winuing presence adds to passing eventi at Uic coliege has been vaut * ng at many imes on Chis occasion. The buildings look magnificent inside and eut. The nev additions appear to have ~more Chas doubied Ch. size of Chie-cstablish- Miss M McCarty.met rae Hltegndseby Reading-Tbe Cildreu ai thé, Bonnet Range room af Uic college, is large lu size and de- Miss F M Gordôn corateti in a meat substantial sud attractive- Song-"Deligbt Valse"-.-...-------------.manuer. Its acoustic qtialitiesansd eezt Miss Rena Pease afford fiue tacilities for such eutertamnueuts Pian Qurte-' RegttaVenziaa". as hose heid her. Chis week. The. d1inug Miss Qares Meai sud ana .....hall is a tremnendous place, vhere thret or Mise tecl n Rselour huudred could be comfetUbly tahled, Misses McKee andi Housser. at once The halls,. stairways rooms5 etc.:. God Save the Quecu. are 6f a chas. net te b. found inu any other THE NEW PIPE ORGAN. celege in Canada. The uew lighitlug sd heating appatau , laofthie hig es oderv 14Mt .vemng at 7 e'clack Prot -J W F !Without theslgsettttwQeul Kain i gve s proýgram et inatrhtneuif làtugeaube 1gfi0daud. eU-ui stmule ce introduce te we ieorgan ta -leveft tempem e epetinatin utM the public. The following are the numbers: .countrY. Andante sud Allegro, 4th Souata, Mendels'n -Minuet sud Tria--------------.....Wood Pravcr andt Cradie sang ....... Guilmant {Allegro Vivace........... .Carlton Speer Chant du Matin............... Boscovits Marcb (Aida) ............t---.....Verdi COMMENCEMENT YESTERDAY. The sunual commencement tok place yesterday. The iolloving vas the pro- gramme: Prayer........................... Rev T Manning, M A Violin Solo-"Obertass Majurira"...... Miss G Masson Centerring et DiplomXas by Mrs F Dewsrt. M L A.-Misses F Descoir sud C Grenfell. M E --Misses F Baves, E Duckctt, L Grenteil, G Millar andi A Wilson. finstrumental music-Misaes F Fuller sud M McCarty. Vocal music-Miss Pease. Elocution, M E-Misses A Davis, B Hamil- ton sud E Joues. Peau Graduateiln Elocution-Mlss M Gordon. Commercial-Misses G Beyd. F M XcCon- neil, E Metcaît and G Wood- Fine Arts-Miss Austin, Vocal duet-" Cheertfulness ...... ...... Misses G Taylor snd E HuII AWARDIMNG 0FMEDALS AND PaîZES. Goid Medai, given by Geo A Cox, Esq., Toronto, for te bigist stmdng la thse M -LAcobrue, te b. prcsented b>' Chacscloi Burwasb, te Miss F Dewcem llo Goid Meda, given b>' th. 1ev Dr «fte.ý for equsl standing lu the M LAcourse, te bc pi*Wnu*cdby Rîv ACoiertiSa B UIo- Iiute, 0evisc -G xccl iitoo Chtlnmw GaMcdai, for, lqhsst otudln h.I initiintal mâimde. rin i Me amBar Prof. Artl1ur Ailavisiting.bUs Mdsd la tufs Miss CIavaRoipb rend hotflo mont-.k mal laut Saturda>'. 'Wm Meeberal la learhng tc e b a toasodal srtlst in Broad's barber àbop. Harry White, et Lindsayt bas bees vishtb > former schooluîuteu te.lam we&. Mr (Md birs Brooks, oet Qeergetovu, are. gnoest Mr and Mn i0 L Wbleby. C D Allun, ef Bsehany. vas a visiter ibi "s wltb bis university mate, Mr G M joues. Mr -sud Mn J JMmcv, ti;oToronte, %"M' visicon et lMn Dennison aud family the tinst ci chia week. 'Tbe G.T.R. bave made qulce a mpeo eu la te. arebouse noctîeupied b>' elpoee Co.. grain buyers. Tlhe centre sabbath uchool on Scugog lasd- wil hold & picoe on itst July In a grove scar at bmaudsd a pleasant trne leaumscipaeu. Several Amteticaus have been hors fflhii since th.e 6eh mss., sud bad somo good spcwtî... The>' bave shipped large-~ quaneleicu of màki-- nongeto Albany' sud Pittsburgh. Mr W Mille wau sunci in oue of bis, eyes withl a spllnter of vood lat Tbursday si Vleksry'a: planing mils spd b.d ta secure mdiclal sst.- suce in remnovang tbe piece. It vasvrypù fuifor atime. The ehresabbs4h achools ounScug>'IsIe pureas bavlag au excursion nexe OJ.3 iie., per Craudeila ce, Pleasaut ot5 C Stmeureo.The hSt frayes Hoodri land; a sk 7.30 6- m.Ai; are welcome. Mr Geo Barnes. Whiteys star lscrossi piayr,; wh l ing vith Stonflle ibis year, v-w* towvu-on saturda>' morsng,.bho buisg ýenrdU for Uxbridge, vhere the Stoufiville teain . Uxbridge a cbsmpioiisblp ganm.StouffWJIeý van b>' 4-3. Master John Séert oojsui bai ovorftrom bhe. 1 Port Pere>' tennis club met Liudsa bIsIaU insitute tennis club lam Saturday aud -th.J resuiteelina de. Severalof ourplapârik Alison, McMilIa u, nbam aesud ý played a grand game. Ih vasilbot, #(&fM~ Mtar t finis as hoeh sides hâdNu gocut Our testsviii plsay sreturu ganse cm e Lmdssy, sud ne doubt victer>' viIi t, Excuruions aud parka Thurada>' of test vek, -u'Sle excursion, under te, auspicesof collegiam-e instituto. vas brougb i Crad'ela.Ourcielsosm wa welcoenud are plsad te su se Chose thue came lh on tbe'e ivo vesk. Their gm1etùauiy su d u ment vas noe evio ,again. yen are chricevlaue ocm or eve niceparka for vlu* i sud-blle aa>' e d. ceSevetal then have said hat 'stepa altould, make chat.fim pltWest of ha lbd parkt X oh . oovtot pese.Anocher- Place a h mch 'v -'bn uotudoc ueuBet. in pMrtl time. udleam eviWDkiz 01 lIaà vistonra - LOCAL NEWS LETIERS@. oen Ofzoiczca OcunasonBoysa.muï Mr. im Hum Sundayed vlth bisparents sd M9isa T. Gleesn, et Tero. a latlgroI-nd Mi tives sud frlendsber. se presnc lrg o Mr. joh epigtn f Dk, leu, the tie guesi eofbis s mitrM.Jlts.mrasIetes., Mr. John 8dSeleb.d somte et is ausstu pork stol=a ctaI bis bàM & s fw dsys mgom. Th diief is efla k«p-mae.t as bij i5t$O0y bO Mm L. Harison bis *h. betve fS omlhi arouud.Mr.,Coakwoli, clipdWgriuSUhOÙ O rechîi h.depcl i brt o ff i'ka sud ailà" tm:issu e hhe eie vl waa;i; vor- p ie finspse f eyuicyiilud butuus beiu> fs uajcçlty.,cAssMr. The bera pat>&ae vmy resitettheheont'e klte ReJo.Rathe 4f MM ylotoe~IFs Gradçates' RIp y ln~»vs PROGRAMME,- Reading-; T'he 'i -**4ê~ VOL@ * - NQ. s stu- su'- te

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