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Whitby Chronicle, 26 Jun 1896, p. 5

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lssoy4larris' 4èm-WEELl It is stylish, light, and fast ; of p6rfect workmanship and finish...... cyclometers, WatchHolders, Silver Name Plates. Trump Watchesý for tourist use. mno. S. Barnard, -W ilirI Z. Qffcia. County Organ. -Largeat Ciru-t uonm of ajlocal paper la canada FRIDAYe JUNE 26, 1896. *t gr ep uLuS aourforcho$<awiIot an oh1fo nezi 6o days at M4. W. Coli', eout aide. Yuug ýMen or old should m ot (ailto usat ThOs. B a'advmterezt o on»thut page. Two brick bouses tO remt; ali couvent- tflces;- iow entai. Apply ta M. W. Collins. 6 Piece solid walnut parlor suite, plush, witb silk Pluah bands, for 433, worti$U, at W. Tîll's. There will be a big apple crop. Pears are tairly good. 'The balance ol the fruit crop around here is minus. Miss Lilie Rice whp bas beéen visiting witb ber aunt ini Detroit for the past five montha returned borne ou Thursday st.* Mr Fred Mudge offers for sale pianoý orgau and household furniture in another columa.- Cati be seen each afternoon and ail day Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Youngbeart. of Toronto, and Mr. Chas. Erusheimer, (Duke of Mari- boro sans moustache) New York, were guests of Mrs. Chas. King over Sunday. The collu-ge list of passes at Toronto uni- vtrsïîy is -. is year-Misses Duckett and L Grenfel 2nd yeat-Massts Deacon and C Grenfeil. Ex-pupils : 2nd year - Miss Powell ;31-d year-Miss Smith , 4th year- Mliss Heal. A championship lacrosse mnatch was played at Uxbnidge on Saturday asat be- tween Stouffville and Uxbridge, which re. sulted in fayor of Stouffville by 4 goals to 3. The game was fast and exciting and very rough ai tinxps. Mr. Cameron, of Beaver- ton, referee d the gaine. Stouffvjlle now stands in the Jead, having won 2 snud lbt o. A very good perambulatinIg Salvation Army band was here on election day, and entertained people along the street during the day turne with splendid religions, in- strumental and vocal music. In the even- ing they serenaded the Burnett procession by playing The Maple Lea f aud barching Through Georgia. Ourold friend Brigadier Thomas Bloss wields the druin stick for the parade. 7-- -- - zI1To Day!i!! LOCAL LACONICS. An1is for pure essences, vanîlla, lemon, et'. Miss Theresa Keliz. Torouta, is visitiug the Misses BandeL Cone to Whitby Dominion Day. Tht fireren have a treai for ail. [)0Dlottila to resd Tlos. latera advertise. nmi on an othber page f or men.- Save your butter account by using Tod's bread Hali the butter will do. .0 numnber of aur sprinters are training for t he r aces here on the it af j u ly. Plan for collegiate institute concert Tues- ,dav next opens Saturday morning ai Alins drug store. i5c. or twa for a quar- ter The Warkmen of Whbitby and Pickering have arranged ta run an excursian tram these places ta Niagara per steamner Eury- dice, on Wcduesday July Sth. Particutars IaLerý Mîr. Maunce J. Goodheart will deliver a lecture an Monday cvening nextiun the baptist church ai 8 o'clock. Tht subject will be' The Jews sud their lufe in Russia." The lecture wili be illustrated sith severai curiosities dealing euth the subjcct. Every- bodY is celcome. A colitction will be taken up afterwards. Oh for Mukoka, Mackinaw, seaside, Mantoba, Europe, ail United States, B. C. and Canadian points, auywhcre, cvcry- where, by boat. rail or occan. Rates goar- anteed ight. Thraugh tickets reuding front Pîckcri ,Taranto Myrtle, Brooklin or Whitby. Write or sec Stephenson, Whitby before traveling. Choice ai aIl routes and io ht-t oceau lhues. Also gel Stephenson's round trip tickets ta Manitoba points" $2', The buckle factory and tannery blied con- clu,'îons ai basebaîl ou Saiurday ai the ath- letic grounds. [t vas a mechanical rather than a sparting gaine, sud the leathers de- voted their turne ta wearing out as rnuch lefather as possible, for the henefit ai their lint of trade. Tht bocklc men were mare cane fui. and did uatletc the taunery fellows run round the dia.nond as often as the latter coud have wished, so tht record finished 3;o to ý lu fayot af the bucklera. Mr. A. Bugbee utnpired masi efficienily. Ice Cream Parior For the best Ice Cream, euhaila D. iathisan 's, Dundas street.-23-tf. Bargains. iwx pairs of ladies' sud cildren's shoes and slîppers ai 5oc. per pair. Sec tht bar- gans outside the West Side Boot and Shot Storeý ]Educatio"aimatters. Now that the electian matters are setilcd tie public mind may be settle ,dawîi ta other important affairs. Ou unother page ws print a valuabie educatianal paper read before the Provincial Educational Associa- tion by Mr. John Bal Dow, wbicb wiU bç found exceedingiy inîerestiug. Dominion Day at Whitby. The ire brigade has nov completed its Donmtnion Day programme, which will con- tssiof basebaîl, bicycle races, foot racing, atid other athletic sports. There vill be s full day's sport. Tht ouhy disàppointment of the day wilt be lu the tvening, wheii thene viii be no concert as annouueed. Finding that they could flot get talent ta Mlatch the resi ai their programme, thc bri- gade decided ta postpout tht concert fan the Weddiîng ai St. John's, 'i large crowd attended ut St. John's Ro)man Cutholiecburch ut 4 O'clOck an Wed- nesday ai ternoon ta eîuess tht marriage rites of Mr. M. J. Colines snd Miss Aunme Bandel, fourth daugttr of tht laie jostph Bandel. Mr. Thos. Taker actd as besi man for tht groom., and Mjiss Tillie Bandel made a very preîîy bridesmaîd. Tht cere- many eau performed by ReN. M. J. Jeffcout. The uewiy marrlcd couple are amontg the Mfout popular lu tavu sud may rest assured of tht best wisbes af ail. We congratulat -Idl1hem bcartily and wish tbemn every praSper- ity and bappiness. Fire 1 Fit.!1 llàyeards sale af goods damaged at Mc- Kendry & Co's great fire Toronto -côt- SIences ou Saturday nert, June 27. Turkey rêd îabling ..25c, Vrontit4 Crcam daast .5 'WIb~ç Cream daimaak 025c, wortb 46C Bleache<damas «....e, WO5t'65c Rouler towelinG. 0 5V wQotb foc Oxford sirln......8cottio Flanelette, EnglUah. , wothh Ioc Flanelette fi ~7r, W*ftWSC' Print,...............5 , w<St#:oe Chte l o Saunai bfw 7l iig. shts...4... àe T~i. a ea«Pb i Ice creain, cakes, boiled hum, ai Vates'. Barga.sas. îoo pairs of ladies' aud children's ahoes and slippers ai 5oc. per pair. Sec the bar- gains outside the West Side Boot sud Shoe Store. Dourinion DaY The ire brigade will have charge ai tbe Dominion Day celebration here, and will provide a good day's sport for everybody ai the Ontario and Durham exhibition park. Excursion to Nt&gara. The Ancient Order aiftUnited Workmeu ai Whitby and Pickering bave chartered the steamer Eurydice ta ruu ait excursion from Whitby and Pickering ta Niagara Falls an WVednesdayjuly8îh. Posters wflM he printed in a few days guving details. Photographs. Mr W E O'Brien. photogrpher: Oshawa, bas decîdcd tao offr a bonus ai returti fare on the Oshawa stage toalal persans goiug ta, Oshawa by that route and ordering $3 wortb of work or more. He is geîîiug up a display of bis latet work, whicb will be on exhibi- tion liere in a few days, eitber in the post office or anc of the drug stores. He is doing some grand work by riew methodas. Collegate [astitute Concert. On Tuesday nigbî nex jue 3tltb;tht coliegiate insîltute wiIl wind up uts year's work by giving a public concert in the music hall. the proceedîngs ta be applied ta- wards reduction ai debt upon the institute piano. The price ai admission is fixed ut 15 cents, or 25 cents for twa. Doars open at 7-45 P. mi., concert ai 8. 15. Plan opens ta- morrow, Saturday, moruiug ai Altin's drug store. Sec programmes. Election Visitors : A. A.. Post, Buffalo. Robt Brown, SeagraVe. W. R. Howse, Hamilton. Harry Taylor, Montreal.t Samn Hayward, New York. Tisdale Dixon, Jntiett-, [11. Colin CamuDbell, Wingbam.d Dr. J. H. -astwood, Peterboro.% Dr. W. F. Eastwood, Claremont. Messrs Jno Bell, Jua Hamilton, Gordond Campbell, Thos Elwin, ina and Pardo T.an-( uer, Wmn Lawrence, Jos Duncan, Oea Stur-a gess, Jna Robinson, Oea Waite, A W Tili, Wmn McCabe, G. E Gibburd, S King and Wm Eplett, Toronto. A sure and simple protection fram cokld Good meula and warin ciothing are ai mare value-if you haven't gai tbemn-than anytbiug tise. World wide fare seeme ai small accaunt if you are bungry or thè wind is wbistling tbrougb your body. Su any new feature which makes conîfortable clotb ing possible for every anc la ai mare reui im- portance îa us than tht discovery ai a new planai. This explaina tht greut popuiarity af Fibre Chamnois, an interlining made frooe pure spooct fibre, vwbich givesa sperfcct bealthful warmth without adding weigbî or bulk. The reasoti is that it is an absolute non-conductor af ituer hear or cold. The rawest vinda cun't get througb the clotbiug llncd weuh it, nor wiii il let tht naturai beat ai tht body escape. Sa ibat it insures coin- fart in al veather, for a îriffing expense. Railway fitality Shortly star the 9. 57 pi. .txpress passed tuai through the junctian here on Snnday night soint boys who hsd been ta mcci it started west froin the station toward tht overhead bridge. About fifty yards west af tht baselint cnassing they natieed tht body ai a man I ing beside t he track, tht face being blooXy. Tht baya rau ta, the bridge snd repanted the mutter ta »oame parties wha vert standing there, and tht latter proeeeded to the place whene thte onpse lay, aud fonnd that tht face vas stI wüvrm. The body was that ofa Young "ma"of 18or 2o. and vawu oed t»tht freight shed snd tht authoritisj ottted. It wus fouud hat eh Young nia's hea.d bailrecelved s heavy bain p or atroke où 'the. top e but oteese thtere ver. no mark. Wbeu faattht body laytasily'beside thetrtack tht pon boye Cap bêin-siiihss4 He had a -De PIlauigpd rin , saIl chain, 1p&ôkà -book- aff other thlhgà, but ouly s e cents li n auey,..Tier.e as misa a crtficat. -,shoeln 'tIa asa.tedto sonie letters, (om a bofer âa:PRiver. Tohu, Nova Scatw .The. iett'pr wu* ad4M sp. Saineofdea- ed. Atrne Out t oust&perlo.f---. M.- W. coUles ,estside. aiteebla"e a tree4 n Eret #b buld cead tii. dvrUssmtu utTho..gW n ober pNre ofthla Papen. The. lacroms boys are reqnested to attend~ Vactice on the athetic grounds this, fr1- ayeveumng. Other businesq may have been delayed by the. elections, but the growinîg crops lbst nota minute.1i SD. IL Tod's bread and cakes are sold ut T Yates'. Give hlmu a call when you want gnytblng sic. ln that lUne. It was quiet- before election, was quiet duriug election, and la quiet since. People bave a good stock af bo. amiBne. Keep your eye qui the collegiate institut. concert in the momsie hall Tuesday nezt. z.5c. or two tickets fur a quarter. Plan opens ai Allln's Saturday morning. Commencing on Sunday, Juite s8tb, camp meetings will be conducted by the salvation army ai CorbettVs Point and wll contiuue until July 7th. Commissloner Eva Bootb, who bas recently assumed commnand of the Canadian forces, will be present and con- duct the meetings on july it, assisted by Colonel Jacobs. Hundreds af salvaionists from the surrounding districts wilkVbe pre- sent, aisa four brass bands. Evérybody welcome. The best Anthracite coul. Nut, stove, egg, $.71; No. 2 nut, $4 ; 5. yard. J. H-. Dowmey & Co., opposite post office. beed Corn. W B Pringle & Co. have reduced thefirice of their choice American seed corn, an are selling lots of il. Binder twine Those desirous of using the best binder twine made wit <la wett ta catI on Mr. J. H. Long and see the celebrated Central Prison twine thai he has for sale. Mr. Long only handles firsi elasgoeda. This fact coupled with the reputaiion of this cord insures everyone satisfaction wbo purchases trom Mr. Long. Tlhe Wabasb Railrad. The Wabah railway, with ils superb and magaîificenî train service, us now acknow- ledged by travelers ta be the moot perfec railway system on this continent; ail its cars are ai the latest sud best designs. New daily sleeping car line, betwecn Detroit, [n- dianapolis and Louisville, via the Wabash Pennsylvania short line. Study our map, and ask any ticket agent for folders sud tickets oi ibis great rail way, or J. A. Rich- ardson, Cunadian Passenger agent. North- es corner King sud Vonge street, Toronto. Art School Exs.mnatins The followiug pupils of the collegiate in- rstitute were snccessful ai the late drawing examinations: Freehand Drawing---Gordon jobouton, Wm Wilson, Geo Blow, Bd Nicholson, Lu- cella Smith, Ida McCausland, Susit jones, Hattie McCullough, Georgie Vanvalken. burgh, Georgie Saunders, Georgie Gal- braith, Edna Jobtiston, Agneis Murphy, Clara Jeffrey, Vina McCourt, Harold Rich- ardson, Walter Hartrick, Gea Rosa, George Bewell, Sidney Thompson, Florence Green- wood, Annie Smith, Walter Shaw, Henry SMith-24. Geometrical--Gordon johuston, George Blow, Rd Nicholson, Suait joues, Georgie Saunders, Georgie Galbraith, Walter Hart. rick, Albert Chinti, Edna Johnston, Josi Fitzpatrick-io. Perspective-Harold Richardson, jean Thompson, Clara -Adams, Allie Coakwell, Sidney Thompson, Camre Johnaton, Minnie Orvis, Hattie Pringie, Henry Smith--q Model Drawing-Gordon Johuston, Wrn Wilson, Gea Blow, Ed Nicholson, t l.fid Crawforth, Leslie Austin, Lucella Smith, [da McCausland, Susie Jones, Hattie Me- Cullough, Georgie Vazivakenburgh, josie ,Newsome, Georgie Saunders, Georgie Gal- braith, Nellie Breen, May Armstrong, Daisy Lawler, Janet McKay, Josie Fîtzpatrick, Clarm Jefi'rey, Harold Richardson, Aunie Meen, Harold Fraser, Uather MeClellan, Al- bert Chitin, Olive Crawtorth, Gea Rasm, AI- bert Smith, Geo Bewel, Frank Shaw, Ar-1 thur Lauder, Lenora MeLean, Fred Mant- ning, Maud Phillipeaui, Henry Smith, Saie1 McCarthy. Bdith Correll-37. Blackboa-d and Memory Drawing--Gor. don Johnstan. Wm Wilson, Rd Nicholson, Wilfrid Crawforth, Leslie Austin, Ida Me- Cansland. Muggie R.obertson. Susie Joues, Georgie Vanvalkenburgh, "îîrge Saun- ders, Georgie Galbraith, Josie ewsome, Clama Jeffrey, Vina MeCourt, Harold Rieh- msdsoa, Walter Hartrick, Aianie Meen, jean rhompeon, Harold Fraser, Allie Coakwrefl, Rther M4celfan, Albert Chinu, Olive Craw- forth, Geo Rose, Albert Smaith, WM Ramues, Florene Greeiwood, Annie Smnith, IFrank Shaw, Lenora Mclean, Agnes McArdell, Arthur Lauder, Gertie Smith. Robert Bir- reU, Fred Manning, dIkth Corrtll-36. Draving from Flowers-Walter Shauw, Resait A.daîr, Gordon Johnston. Publie sehool, Tweedie's : Freehand--Smh Guthrie, jabez Lynde. Madel-Sarait Guthrie, Jabez Lynde. BlaCkboard--Sarah Githrle, Jabez Lytide. Teacher'. diplomas were awarded the fol- lowing :--Geo Bewefl, Sidney Thompson, Carrie Johuston, Minnie Orvis, Arthtur adeHate Pringle, HenrySmhre Zann, Robent Birreil, Siýdie McCarthy, Harold Richardson, Jean Thompeon,Cla Adaals-i3. The Vote. Cartwright Clarkte Nevassie Darlington WEST DURaHAM, Beiib Wsb lsh1'coto 333 87 ,382 73 1456 112 430 Majarty for Behh 44.. SOUTH ONTAIO. Port Penny 17f Reach133 39 57 W. ânIy quoe i. befom bare nd e -batthe îboat ihizigs _Oe4don'i gst ù h aesa I <ieat sale of Lals oîrctohe, elan--d asbmèeê. a -lc oto o e, frfn orSêi7 Boerqualites ai tbotter prioes. Âlways h. e Psth. 4Cton-'o f Ne'w White Spot IMuilins Jusi to hand, oeIl at, 15e, 20e, 2U -And 250, New rae u1i b n flewesi Dree (oo<lu iu thev tse .i thea"Vol, Whatever Haitasma Capa you want for suluervear, w. have the very lateat styles and very bestvawk 8eiling go0d ihinge oheap -là in adveriisemenutwith the store, aud znaing odrptho ihoedpr. ment helpsa ailthe Other".9 -odrptin thS Ordered(Jlothing a opecially. No on. in town can posibly sl nS s hafsw d.Tyu u YOU will very soon see, 1 Jl Sisa hapa ed.Tyu & ,New Blouse 811ke, ln ail th. very newesi effeets atud-at th. veyoespre.Seoublkadwj silk at 50o per yard. Beautiful Lustres at only 40 cents a yard. Se. Ihein. Milinery at very lowest prices. Fine white S3traw Silors ai only 80C lrimmed. Baktesm.AN Milinery s very lowest prime, for the Lest and Mos faghionable goods. Bakte«e New Lace Curtains, Carpets, Linens, etc.,, at cloue prices. Se. our 500 Lace curtàin.. Don' ât < b our Fringe Opaque Wjndow Sbade8, complets. wxth spriug roUler, ai only 5&c. Plain Shades, complet., b6_.ý Orders taken for any sized Shade and style of Trimmings ai very lowest prices.ý Yonr money returned willingly if you are noS satisfied wih anything you buy aS Ihi.sStore. ~c. F. STE WART~ The methode that this store a of the extremely low prices foi 30 LADIES' SPRING ai Large Sleeves, in Box Cloths: S60 LADIES' SUMMER Both black and colors, in Box nicely trimmed, and ail new t] Men's feady-ntMde Tweed Men'a Black Worsted Suit8, ri Men's Fawn and Brpwn Mix 1 ( Men's All Wool Halifax Tweed Complete New Stock Men's, exci W. G. WAUr WALTruls Ldopted to win trade have proved a greai success, 1 S which our wares have always been aud are »Ild. and Venetians, worth from $2.50 t6 $9, st $1 eaeh. "cUse GS----ý-SATU RDAYI 0OKOLY, Cloths, Covet Clotho, Tweed and 'Venetian Twiila, Eus season,- aS ONE-HIALF Regular. Price, on and tiaok Wortsed <8ults ,egularpre.1O, rweed Suits, reg. priesi....$12.00, Bat uMd aPr 1Suits, iu brown, grey sud f~u e~pi. lie~dyPre Youtho' and Ghildren-a - TRÂW R&TB, eptionally low priceo. <SATU RDAY -0@ON-LY- -FERS,- - ~ ~ ~ ~ q, - - - . -ý--- TURNIP *SEB-D. I- Wtii o o '11àmiùPon Bwede, Clyde Sede Banghôlm tpI' wde Bkivins tp.Swede Elehàt or ITombo Bfwedi Te" ad 0 1 d 4- -le 1 ce ST WAR' 'IN CA PESO

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