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Whitby Chronicle, 26 Jun 1896, p. 6

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N -be mvfi A» >ItUXJSNBM IN TIE CAXA"A SDI lauoonaidm thelb.rural hools, itj uy MIpu"rpose onfine Myseif striotly t thre point cf view cf a trut..sua orffy abstala frouateaasgUlmc tire proper domnain ofthtr eacsr Ù&i..the formation cf the Ontari Educational Amaocition, a great desl c attentioenbuiasuongiven tiraheconsidea ation of maltera relating to our publi toioole. Legitimate cnitucis u rsno beeù unreoegnized in racant lagialaties lu xnay b. safely claimed tbat mos c. tise defeets vinai bave boas allaged tx euisi in b. pullic scirools ganer-ally, art to e b.feud in a more aggravated tenu nr the rural seheels. lu oui admirable sys. tom'cf adwaticn, tire rural scireelsaren prebably, thea veakaui sud meut negleot- .d parti. Tis sirould no e ho . l aî r 'beau truly said tiratitis sysaim of pariab scirool wua tire foundation stone cf Scct Iand's greanasa, Lire secret of tire sue- casses sud riumpbs cf ber sons. Tirai soystein, iuaufuratad by John Knox, stiEl retins very many cf laisoeiginal foatures Principal Grant in a recant papen on tire IlSmioo).setfScooland"',says: "Inseve- rai respecta tira Scottisir systernsdiffare frein ours. (1) Tire old practice cf ap pcinting tire teaciar ' for lif. or fant' is stilargaWey followed. Conaaquently in- stead uf haeing young boys aud girls teaching for six montiha sud neplao.d, perape aftor a considarablo mterval, by succassors cf tire same iid, as in io ofton the casa in Canada and tira Uniied .8tstes, Seotland ira bad for ganarations taacbiajaof tire type cf'1 Domaie ' wirese charaftar iras beau se lcviugly skatairad by Ian Maclaran. (2) Fan frein having any cf Lira dread of overlappisg wioi soorus L exaist in otan system, boys in th.e majcrity cf panhs sools eau ire prapar- eti for the univenities vitircuatirhe nece- it, of gcing awsy froin home te a 4bgi eirool. Bcotland us nsmore dame- cratia in spirit Lian Ontario. Fur it costs about as muair for s boy te leave home snd attend sairigir seirol,sas il cests mm wiren grovu up te attend lire universiiy, and tis .ceai docuns greai mumbors cf claver boys te tire limil cf tire "lirre. R's.' Our peer boys hava urus le.. chance cf getting a Universitiy sdn- cto n atiuisirboys of tire saine 1dontadvccata the I"lite or faut" engagemeni nor thre praparation cf boys for Lira <niverity in tbe rural scirois, sud I disapprove cf se framing Lb. sys- tom sas t draw away frcm agnucultural sud industnis.l pursuit.., but 1 would ne- joice.L e scteacirers of tie irigiresa scirolastica ataiuments sud breadesu cul- tore et Lire type of ",Domiso" aboandiog iu oui runa1' seirools. Snob, I beliava, is thre goal at which Lire Heu. tire Ministe of Education aim, lu ordan leeta a tue facts necasary te torm an intel lgent ojinion upon tue subject under disoes omon, il occnri.dto me "ra t ailHmen tue Inspeoruotfpublic seboola brogir- ý»u&lthe Erovico oould bast peint eut lire ;aefeots (if suy) cf oui rural sciroa, and suggesl appropniate remedies for snob de- facto. Questions ware submitted for tram ceonsideration, sud I now take tira cppoitunity of Lbaniring tire inspectora fer tire vary preau ceuriesy, iindoasa, cana aud patience; winh itLey bave showu in answariug tire question. Foriy-flve out et sixty Rural Inspecter. bave re- $umned vory full answers. Thre fdlevwing anetire questions and a Il MmrY OetâbLie DsVOtU Lrete: - Q. peaking ganewaly, tefl 4ouragement frein Irnalqs," et&. 8. Io it truea tithse unier of è1dar pils te ha lound in, Lb. ruralsciools- ,a of laie yem~ decreuédýP If 00, te viraL do yen attribut.lrth Act? 26sa'yea" ;,9 uay"N 6,"17s, eprlsrsch.& mucir bigiie saninta pearace 0f tire "ifoder pupibs1, so4«» usay i"lgeL o 49 te oaantç Orirfr ehs'() MPO r*b bfot i le bell '0, ea01aladae~fle aean4 cohmsteabars vwould'quickly ha obtained if tiiei prospectseu ie mp m-vped by ;eoving the. competition Lhey nov meet fi-am tlurd oies. t«ese ý A3' teb.scnd: Tovnabip bosrde bsviu luxer sud more important dt..e utadertheir cirrgoï,a be" 01M oi0s o mn iVbpld souk appoi*nent as utrn"ee».- able witIrre9XeI WouniMam L po*ers su4fMMioton, thre 1oe3,w Ume ~ of tlë ï.walu.0 iio, ou rawm p«dy tàhouJ4 tc, dm ile~g ta iyPm e4 Ic* e, the sons s"d 4&ugïtei'M if WI ors cold obt"aina awýv oqluahe 4aucatjotha ls .oqulred by tbrufot .ookuung saprotte sion. suid tiras -avoid tire neoessay of leaVmg home teo attend a' high sebool. The. "pobli c ool 1.aving axamination" sud thb. 66 ntnuaticn classes",are im: Portantîdopesin àdvsning the statue of ibm rural ,îcOo1s but raiààing the. standard cf qualification of ibm leachers, improvin the conditio f their empi1 at ud amendÎng thre system cf -centrol and maintenance cf these soecs in tire directions aboie -pint.d eut, ane their neoeasary sud logical accompaninsente. 4pnil 8t]4 1896. -Funy TI%Èwa. quent Chaxges'Of - %éo met o "double the *"uber Wofustees. , To 10 maay suýbjets" tnngusaaasa on "ta. of unumifrnty,"o oreq ment," ~sections tee small," ",$Too mqej o cram*" BSmallnusaof GovomeuruMmjt :f O-Bad teaching of reading anrdaMi r. matie," &"Toc liWiejaermanen6y in tescir ie au (Sometimea ahre la toc mn.b per )& manoy) " d"Nu, nover vili b.," *tu xcourse the Inspecter usnail ight." f Q. oy iu ycur opunion eaulb. fr 0 quent changes ci tesebers oi rural sobool, ,e b. overeoma, and greater punmannc a ebtained ? Under tbis question pleur stat. your cpinion as Le Lb. desirabilitj c, f teacher'a residences, enlargament oi > Scbool Sections, and inorese in saaiei a cf toachers h . A. 17 anseor "Boiter Salaries," 7 say 'build teachers residenees,"9 8 &&,y "Croate township boards snd levy a uni tforin raie over the townshp,",oabers «Y3 "s4' ditcuIt question te anawr"-; -"Haviý a minimum salary fixed by thre Dopat. 9ment".: "Maie teachers' Position more seý cure";1 "Rais. tir. litermry tandig age suad profeesional irainiug, .."Clasify achools in toeclases sudonfine imax speriencad eachars te 8rd clam. sohool,' * Fewor irigh shools," "Lougthes mode] itarm to 9 month," "nerease minimum &9 og f teachers to 21,", "Tura out fewer rteachers snnrzaly," "#Enni tire farin. ers," "Educato the Pople tO getting boi- ter teachers, "I"tiachers' rasidenes would be cf lutile use unlass more maie t.oaoiers could be kOp i n tirawvok. Female toears vii marury aud donoct need residenei'," "-Tire are few who ame married in the p:!ofessin in hins county would b. ioeproved by the absence Of tires","' %Emplcy marnied mon,"' **Tire one sebool" -and (vait for) Lire ccv- ored waggcn ? Q. If thora usns.ny point beyond tire scopa cf Lire fcregoinuq question viricir yen considar important in thre discussion of the question, ploe s tate iL. A. "Too manY mcdo] sebeels maire ses «iOn 9 mcs..'"Abolisi tires. ercoleansd 1 onrase tire number cf normai scirools.' "Better training in modal aud normal sciroola," "More lii. in tic modal and normal scirools, rt in tira teacher viro lacrs, " "'Teachers badly prepared for their worir," &"It in obvions tiraite in- mrasath power cf tire Inspector would conduc o te .efficiancy cf Lt.hebool,' "ECntrne le modal scircola cnly aitor paasing P 8 L," "a ihorougir refor in l teaciig and examining Euglis,"1 "WouMld ha Lediseuse it vitir yen in Toronto," "Give interim certificate. te mo2de] studouta fer 1 yean, ater tia tiroir acrtiicates il ouaeossful,4"A good SuPoranuatien fond," "Lacir of good promises," "'A.si me te write a beok,' "«Lot sciool lcgislation bave a rosi." Keeping, thon, vithin the écope cf aMy inqnmry, iL vculd appean from tira ansveru given tisai ths.chief defects in tise schocisaa: (1), Yutb, inexperiance, insufficient cholasiip sud freq uen& changes of teachers. (2) Illiborality cf trustees ani rae- payera, and Censaqnent inadequate main- tenance cf Lise soioola, sud rarnuneration of teacirs. Whila tii... defeats continua e cruit it in ýidIe t eaxpeet sstisiactory renus. Tir emedie viriir1Ibeg respectifuly Le suggest, are: (1) Abolition of Iid claescertificate atad&t"in thenaar fatume, to e b. ed for a rnodest lunch >- .1 CD Waiter - Well, there's veal dressing. Tire man who stole a ladder pleaded that ire iad only taken steps to make a little money. Mrs. A. T. Elioti sud daugiruer Helen, cf Beaverton, araviaitng ai Mr. John Dtredton oi4",Svera! farnr u~sirove <l dn.y Plls ber.illau, som. c'f Ou nt Sdboys bav, flot -eM 6b resectfor iii. Babbauth. -Wh>m is the mat6er vith ont foot bail bsum ? Why don'l you chalnge Uz. bridge 1 1 1 The . BofetT. ba i niooup *0Jaok. son'. Point on tbe iBtLs ad report hav- ang a goci lime. *The publicesehool intend having a pio- nie on thels JuIy. Zephyrband is to b. in attondanco. Everybady come eas the. "Ohummias" aue going to rua a lent. -Times. T. BuuiaIp botr tire flash and thre strsugtbof pale, puny, seof nions cirndren. »et Dr. Pierco' Golden Medical Dlacotery. lut tebosi ihitrg known for a smted body aud a veakemsd ystem. It thonghly pturiâesthre blood entichas lu snd mair e fective overy matra! meaus cf c'eom- .mg. ropaingo and nouulahluq tires yst.im. In recovru9gfrein "La Grippe," puonina, levers z otiror debilitating dimease, notbing can equl 1 as on appetiziug, reataraie tonte to briog ak bheansd vigor. Curai nervous snd general debility. AI] ciseases of lover bowel, including rup. tut. sud pile luin rrsdîtnlly oured. Book of particulars fr*.voric's Dispeusai-y Medietl Association, 663 Main ut., Buffalo, N. Y. DOÂN'S Kidney Pille ÙoA N'9S Kidney Pille DOAN'S Kidney Pilse .. Remem ber.. DOAN'S Tira moive ofatyet b.methodist Bab- bath scirool on the lot et July iu this vil- lage, vii! b. the eveni et the seaéon. Mn. C. Evareit Brown, teacher, Soina, bas reMiged, sud viii attend thre Scireel cf Pedagcgy, Toronto, dnning Lb. next teru. Mr. A. B. Cryderussuin bus7 training tire Bunday seirool lu music for Lire lai et july. Miss Ethel Oryderman fuas nm froua Butten, aftta a pleasant visit vitir Misa ma BalLer visitadiedàa Enniakileu Bu 5y Mr. John Bobbius oine utire excr-' "a ron tGuelphr laa i v. THREE TRLIE FRIEND8 Wbo Roep Every Promise-Rlheumatjam . Baniuira; Kidney DisoasT"ke Wwgs; ,Dread.d Indigestion oi Kuovu-Tho Greai South umeica Rquuus..-A Wec« e et the hesrjoflirisua by le ,n, - ' "pecple tl!etirot vira tiem vnd4nl Setir A=.u RemetIl.. c» do. antI- bave don.l manbail, ofru Mée , ounty eo ey,, d iered m, OW Omoeausuifer vire M beaon troulu'tir sol'Iafica. À 'ela vas >bmo te'vAnk a distof *~ moue t. purox e<o-ôtt4 rupe* "f I .uuing atotJaerboe-f- t ewy. oeutimuei lisuse,.#Md to. day h iretet! tira ir ho ù torof, e ARE THE BEST -FOR Ji. SALE BY-.- E. - WILLIS, Chemist and Druggist, Brock Street, WHITBY. Ag"inaulutir. vend cf homSop.thle medi- clam. bbas he m " vo~ et e~oaIw #Ald .sdreligo -.d* '00leofoino udthe Iivldqal'of mounae osvuti dre odosbave booSlovio. e itb mcmt cf Our famous pesrU.fruo à dflutrstom f Wbm@kl trui tandtira orWl faminus remdy tegodrai de0I-Q4 dlo ah.in ites gounlu.m trh. Ii bmIreàoiu moRin c aj~%Utvie9 @bd stbonulat te Wbü. u, a mnoe.ê ~ho-as&i fret lcv.y i gs *II9 àlal lm dimiuod.drsmsdosei*ver tote b !lMeý' t s »cf tirbgrotomiosmdlii. Woft 'eu t .1 '01tie mlulo ppiia b" popet h l ie ls efo tnndsWl b. ne-~~~~ Jaliauitbe làà atiea o l à km b C., DAVID OIM18TON e A-, Ailormy-au-a, $solicitor 1Ohanoeny# Oomveyanaer, etc. Offce - theii Office sentir of thre pos eutO e, j Xo[M mâu Block, Broak Street, Whib - _ G. YOIJNG SMITH. LL, B., Jlannlster, ele.,-Mouey la Lea. n. Iasr cf marniaeLIceumes. Office - Suiths' Blockr, SetCof Markret, Bi oeirfat., Whitby. DO i mcUILLIVRAY, Barristers, Solloiter n ieCbarym, etc. Office io Mal"son & Haviran'. new blockr Brookr SI, Wiritby, soutir cf Ontario bauk. Dr8. Wari on d Moore. J. J. Moore, M. D., F. Warren, M. D. Brcoirln. Office heurs 9. a. m. p-Private Tetep hone Communcat:o". D. P. BOGÂRT?, M.D.,L.D.S. Physica", Surgeon and Ac coucher etc. Offce and Residence neit to Al gaint's Church, Dundea Street, Whitby. N. B.- Denta Surgery in ali s branches prom,,tly attended tW. Dr. H. Wightmnan Whitby. Office hours Il a= Ove ODENTruIST. v:Eg Open every BaLorday night. W. 2. YARNOLD, D. L. se* O3ounV Surveyer and Drinage Engineer, Pr erry, ont. WNE. CÂLVERLEY, HBmm MAIES, WdiITuT. Havkag moved mnto our new prernlbes, ve are pr.pared to extend the range of business. Ail wor qrtainig tW the harness-nak and saddlery business viii b. don. W sali.- facton. Coilars a pecia"t. Cali and i"e may chop and stock. W. CALVERLEY, second door West of old sholp. DunduiStreet, Whit-by J NO. NOBLE, -DEÂLEI 114 ALL MIrIDS 0F- Lurmse, md gboa.aa pll AU orders or informationu ,obtalned from JOHN NOBLE, Street, Wiritby, opposite Mu. A. son'e sresideuce. Wbitbpu)touictti EsLabUkhd 18M. si per maum l 4vin, *iowa the o e -$bcuela. Tii. uiheir de r Uadt&ko 4.1 1éamtbe paver ai 0£06e.but Wbitby. Abj = *Ïlas*lup o re,.telomse£a*uwof W'A 1 cages for jearly averisemexris miisi b. u ght l u net lai".tisUTumsa" can b. Dundas C. WI1 JOIN STANTON# Poreau. GEAEÀTENK A2ý IDtX4rh» Jan.4;Peb.; Merdai; priî 8; f. Jue~ JuIYS; BOP. 8; Oct.8;N Bop. 4; Nov. 5. uy PORT PESEr - J. W. B PeMr, Clenk--Jru. 29; Marc&t 9, July 20;Sep. 28;,Nov. 18. UXBrMreu-Joseph B. Gonid Clerir-Jim. 80; Mardi 2j; M 14; Oct 14 ; Dec. 16. CÂArwITex9-Georgo Smnith, Cau1 Jmn 81; Marchr 2b; IMsy 20; J j7 l5 15; Dec. 17.y15t Br.zIvSrrou-Gec. F. Br-nce, e,, Clerk-Mo'rch 26; May 21; July 16; Oct,~ Dec, 18. Umneaovu-F J Gillespie, ,Clerk,-March 27; May 22; luly 7c~' Dec 19. ' B-y order, 10cteber 7th 1895. J. E. FAREWI, Clark of the kai New Llvory and Sale Dundas Sté, Whitby, J. T. NEWPORT, Propri.w, Commercial =en liberally depit wiilh Temlng doue at reasonable prices. Freight aud Baggafe hauled st rem!:. able puice%. Aàcal solicited. DENTIST. Cor. King & Yonge S3t. Toromu' For thre next ibree montirs I a= gi',iq special attention to, patients f rom a 'D. tance. Am esiîil makin plates rn rubb $8, oefluloid #10.. Golf and silver llm work crovning by Orsi-dlams operuions. thre moml ressonable rates in thi:lj When ithe tiiy eall in and let me 618»' lue our teetir. I make no extra ehip 0..Ë BIQOS, Deutast, soutuieat Os King adone Ste., Toronto. Nov.8 ,1ffl Iw. H. WARNEIL--,1 DEALEPý liq GOALI LAMI LUXEER,ý AGENT For the PEOPL GCOAL GO.à -TORONTO. Office and -Yard just Eas Uptowmn Station. Wbitbyt Oct.2ftir, 1894. A8K YOU R 8TATIONEi TÂKE NO .,OTHE Rezulitof a Neglectel DISEÂSED t VU&h »otora Faflal CURED BY Tý 'i contracted a severe cold, enl lfy luniad 1did what n such c e ,n g eýcted It tu. le awSIt ae; ýbu.i1 Itewtlehat he suggt Consulted a 1 wioe foffl& on examlining my gpper pstoci the left ont- waisr "se gave M some imedicine direbted, but 11; d1d fot seeni t. Fortunately, 1 happenegi to r .lmanae. o!the effect that gectoral had on otherq, and T gie ttrIal. Aftertakig trouble wss refleved, and N- Ished thObie b 1 Iwaq ruetred" vatchuker, Oragevîule, ont AMIS':cherry I lagb A1h wrds at i r d,.,., FI.o Cure In ANOTER GREAT ' 'THE BOWMANVILLE TERVIEWS NMR. HA WKEN S. .,And is Given ParticuIar-, Years' Suffering Fèi From Which He Haï - stored to Health Whe Was Looked Onas H 71rom Thre News, Bowmanvilld During the past five -ea Williams' Pink Pilîs yave int a household word , and ùa cases that have corne und 5ownal observation, there xlatdoubt in our rninds bu, -are ýa boon to mankind, and -of, inzstances have saved1 -everything else had failed. ,of Mr. Shai-p, whose case wi -Sosue time ago, wasý oneo xemarkable that we -have Tô-day he is'as well as ever ý his fle, and is daily knockin al weathers attend ing to dutries. Recently anothert Pink PUIs camne under ouro aniafter interviewing t, ,cûred, he gave permission t( t..acts public, and we will givý hisown words. Mr. Joân in- tire township mn milésesnraih - hose post office le- ý the cci =gan sôme *5 ~: eOf iris <aie a iterril 'disea* but ho 1 made a bet, Bill, that your eyes were black. Well, you've lost. they're blue. 1 know a way to get out of it, and if you agree, li divy up." AIl rigirt; go airead. Corne out in tire alley and l'Il give you tire finest pair of black eyes you ever saw in your life. Miss Kissum-You seem depressed aio-night, Mr. Dexter. Mr. Dexter-Yes, 1 arn. I went to a fortune teller to-day un find out my fate, and was told that tire girl 1 loved would flot marry me. Miss Kissain-But, Mr. Dexter, no fortune teller is authorized to speak for me. Gent-If you insist, mein Fraulein. on breaking off your engagement, 1 vil] publisirtire letters your havewrit- ten to me. Lady-As you please. There is notiring about tirose letters 1 need be asharned of-barririg the address. Proprieton (to editor)-Well, the first num,'ber of our new paper looks well, but tirdre is one thing 1 don't like. What ? Why, tis communication signed -An old subscriber. Customer-What can you give,.me vniitby. with 1 1

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