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Whitby Chronicle, 26 Jun 1896, p. 7

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ri .L$~ :Resuit of a Neglected CoId. OISEASED LUNOS Which DoctoruFajI to Help, CURED BY TAKINO AYI3RS Cherry, Pectoral. 1 cont racted a spvere <'old, which settled nn ni iings, and 1 diii what Is oflen done fi 51(h a&OI ' neglected It thinkin git would awa as it came; but 1 frn, atte ra if, mie, that the uiightest exertion maed I1 chen Consultod a Doctor vir mid, on extrntning my lungs, that the u po r- p îrt of the Ieft one was badly affected. ~? ime some rnediuct which 1 Look as tire it (11(idnot seenitodo an),good 1' i iappeneil to read in Ayer s A 1I 11,C0 the effort that AyerS Cherry etor. p'ectr- r iil on oherq, and T determln.d to Sti. fo ,! m-ai rollovedl and gefore 1 had in- h tîip'wd theê bottle 1 'was rured - .ALEÂ, watcbm.iker, Orangeville, OuL, Ayeî's Ghery Pectoral Hlghest A-ardu at WorId'. FaIr. Âu.,r'a PUla Cure Zadige4tio». into, ANOTHER GREAT TRIUMPH. xbber, Tlii 1W WM.\NVILLE NF\V'S IN- à% TIHVIEWsVý MIR. jOiHN, cl11 IA WK ENS. r ,ven Particulars of a Nn cars* S-utiering From Asthm, Frn m WIich lie Has Been Re- ccd Ilealth %Vhen lits Case \Vt- Looked Ont as Hopeless. Ria F(,-iiThe News, Howmanville. riiig the past five years that Dr. W\ îàm> Pink Puils have developed r-, h usehold word, and froin sever- à ,s titat have corne under our per- s ln.ervai1on, there is not the ý-).ubt in our rninds but that they ~ W~u~sujcCowan, ivk d 13n d«oxd bçt#een Pilli bave adii éVýu àggtl utt - 3Ot>-, anfd -31 uy F tin; thai an oti«k~wnu~eddne Ai Con<~graing on Greewodra thatis as]ed for them laafairtrial and acrdio .~nrc,*.S th *es9 are M47-~ disi">ointing. < We bed to acknowledge n con,_ Dr. Williams, 'Pink l>ilîs strike at the muition frotu Thos IfCMbcAvoy, root "of the diseae, driving it from the statiug that the sideroad bet lots 8 andi siysteni, and restoring the patient to 9 in the 8th con is in a bad state 0f re- health and strength, In cases of par- pair, would recommend that the and alysis, spinal troubles, locomotor ataxia, deputy-reeve inspect the same and sciatica, rheumnatism, erysipelas, scro- make necessary repairs. fulous troubles, etc, these pis are We beg to ackniowledge the certifi- superior to al other treatment. They cate of Harry Elliçott, asking to build are also a specifie for the troubles which a wire fence on the south boundary of make the lives of many women a burden, 5th con, as he bas cornplied withb b>- and speedil>' restore the rich glow of *aw making application, would recom- health to pale and sallow cbeeks. Men mend that his request be granted. also broken down b) overwork, worry or a ceitificate from Jas Gilchrist asking excesses, will find in Pink Pills a ceitain to build a wire fence on sideroad bet cure, lots 26 and 27 in 2nd con, as-he has Dr. Williams;' Pinks Pille are sold only cornplied with by-law in making appli- in boxe« bearing the firm'e trade mark cation would recommend that bis re- and wrapper, (prin Led in red ink). Bear quest be granted. in mind that Dr. Williams' Pink Pille are Ezra Roach and George Hood were neyer eold in bulk or b>' the dozen or heard before the counc 11 concerning hundred, and any dealer who offer s ub- .Dixie huis and bill west of Forest etitutes in thie fortunje trying to defrand Milîs in 3rd con, would recommend you anddsebould be avoided. Tbe publie that the ist deputy-reeve inspect the are aueo cautionod againat ail o'ther 80 same and report at the next meeting of oalled blood buildere and nerve t.onos, this council. put up inrs imilar formn intended to de- W aebfr stecriiaeo ceive. They are ail imitations whoe' We haveeor s the etoifa icae o makere hope to reap a pecuniary advan- fJ Ce Tayilor in t otuil 8 anwir taesfrom the wonder(csl reputatiot 2fene d ondehe etween lt 2 and achieved by Dr. Williamxs' Pink P18.29 ain nd cn aplihas ioomplt d h Ask your dealer for tîser. by-law indrnakig picaeqet on, would These Pilis are manufactured by tbe ecomnhthsreus egau Dr Wi lýames Medicine Company Brock- e orsohvngmd ville, Ontario, and Schenectady, N. HnrYorio.,ain ad p and are Bold only in boxes bearing the plication for bonus on wire fence hv- firm'e trade mark and wrapper, at 50 law, 'but as he bas flot complied with cents a box, or eix boxes for $2 50. the speciocat ions mentioned in the bv- Tlmey maay be liauti rom any dealer, or law, would recommend that his appli- will be sent by mail on receipt~ of price. cation be laid over until the next meet- Dr. Williams' Pink Pills may be badi ng of this councul. of ail druggista or direct b>' mail front On motion of Mr. Poucher. chair- Dr. Williams' Medicine Company front man, report was adopted. Pither address. The price ut whicb the ()n motion of Messrs Hilts and pills are sold nake a course of treat- Richards the reeve was recommended ment conmparatively inexpensive as to grant his order on the treasurer in coompared with other reniedies or tmedical favor of the parties recommended in treattrent the various reprts of the standing committees. Mr MNowbray, seconded by Mr Hilts Pickerin.g Councîil. moves that the thanks of this -counicil he tendered the reeve and members of bUVRT OF REV>ISI)N Scarboro counicil for the verv kind in- vitation extended to the reeve and Met Mlondax', June i S. The follow- members of this counicil to dine with ing reductuons un assessment were them on Thursday, June i8th, at the made. W fi Smith$io Jas Dundas centennial celebrat 1on grounds, and S$i 0 - M lHurd 8$1000; Geo Tran $ i o: that the clerk be instructed to notify Dr j H Eastwood incorne cancelled; H the clerk of Scarboro township of the Johnston $3oo. Dogerstruck off: W intention of this counicil to accept said Henry, J W Laten, Jas Ferguson, Geo invitation. Fowler, Geo Ferguson, Rev j Harris, Mr Poucher, seconded b>' Mr Rich- S Burkholder. MIrs W' Gibson, Isaac ards, moves that this council no now Connor, A Courtney, A Johnston, H adjourn to meet again on Monda>', Roberts, John Mller, F Hutchison, T Aug. 3rd, at to arn., for the transac- Nîghswander. A number of correc- tion of general business. tions were made. The counicil met pursuant to adl- iournment.ai A number of bis and accounts were I I V) d' ât >)11n LU mfaIlkin, and in scores l>IesenteCU anu reterrea to thie varuous 4,,1: istances have saved lives, when standing committees. ? ~ evr"hngelse had failed. The cure S Bray was heard asking for a grant 0!Nr. Sharp, whose case we publîsheil on 4th concession, opposite lots 7, 8 sei7t tirne ago, was one of the most andl 9. rrrrkable that we have heard of, Petition was presented asking for T -'t>lie is as well as ever he was In grant on thie Rosebank sideroad for h! iteand is daily knocking about in gravel. weathers attending to his farm Petition presented from Geo Hood Uus Recently another triumph for and io others for grant to repair Dixie P l>îiIs carne under our observation, HuIs. t Of after interviewing the person H Ellicott was heard asking for a (cd, lie gave permission to make the grant between lots 16 and 17 in the 4tb h- tsý p)ublic, and we will give the story con. !15 ,ýwn words. Mr. John Hawkens, James Percy was heard witb refer- ence to a public school chart he was introducing. Application of T C McAvoy for grant to repair road between lots 8 and, 9 in Sth con. Thos. Madden wfts heard reporting a bad place on the 5th con road. opp. jE Roach was heard complaining that West Hill it Clark's hollow was in bad- i condition. il Petition presented fromn Lorne Kes- ,~ter anud io others for grant to cut down j\I \ ~ .- hili on the 7th con road opposite lot WKr , rrestîles in the township of Darling- ornsue ten miles north of Bowman- Veand wAhose post office is Ennis- kî-,came to the count>' from E nal ngland, some 45 years ago, ind~ ip1 to the time of bis sickness had a.IA*,î'> been a hard-working man. One <iî'> ,owever, while attending bis work, he 9-t wet, took a chili and a severe ~ (fclwed, which finally developeil t<, asthniâ. During the succeeding flhtW vear- he was a terrible sufferer lrn iithat distressing disease and gradu- aiugrew so bad that he could mot Wurk. frequently spent sleepless nights, and had Ilttle or no appetite. Finaîl>' he eould scarcel>' walk across the rooni wthout panting for'breatb. and would S[t ail day witb his. elbows resting on, hîs knees-.the oui>' position whicb See med to vive bim ease, and at one t!,me he neyer laid down for sii weeks. As 't was a hardsbip for i te talk, ail1 he asked was tqbe left alone. Dur- ing this tume be had beaun doctoring and had tried nearl>' everything, and SpeInt ober $îoo, but got no relieS F'nally some one rec*tmmestctd him te. take Pink PuIs. He t.bought -thcy coulil do him no harm at any rate, and Procuring a suppi>' u Ccommeccd taking them.Aty' u id -ac three boxes lie lound 'lt h h -w#s Arn proving, and attcrtklgtwe -,moustt boxesi te the astoi#dsint of IL lé walked acr"the fildrjto 0061oo -and cut up ïd0f ,, î tinuedi - 1 the Pills and l.tok Du ý0Ç,makiug spv.ïn inaugL Sas wellashF veil,, é kee a xo oPiu S~~ 1lheneoO t.#-*Iû s à.tlhww -31. Petition from H Westgae and 13 others for grant of $75 to gravel road between lot 2o and 21 from Kingston road to base line. On motion of Mr Poucher, Messrs Colin Philip and S H Stephenson were heard as a deputation froni Brougbam public library to ask for a grant to as- sist in purchasing books.- Your standing committee on sbeep killed b>' dogs reported and recont- mended as follows: j C Taylor, i sheep killed b>' dogs, also one damaged, es- timated value $3.75 each, $5, said amount being two-tbirds sworn value. On motion of Mr Richards, chair- man, report was adopted. The standing comniittee on con- tingencies reported and recommeznded as follows: ED R Beaton, servsng no- tices tsf appeals, #5; W J Clarkt, blanks for court of revision and wire fence blanks #*5.So; James Hubbard, on aoc., #3; assessor attending court of revision 50C. On motion of Mr Mowbray, chair man, report was adopted. The standing committee on indi- gents reported and r ecommendea folows:- Chas Lynde, suppicesto jas Rainey from z5th -day -01 F'bury 6th 0f M"y,-9,weeks,#t'#i er w4k-, $9; -Dlavid Daoei'support cf ' from î9th day cf May to e.if.i6tb dïy- "of JUne.4ÂÏweksat 41.25 .,per ALTOMA. Leaaa Stouffor, cf Balsam, apfnt SUnD day ber. If only some old cow would chew your tobaoco sud drink your whiskey bard times would ceas., eh ? Mr. and MUn. Patterson, cf Toronto, weie viaiting friends here Wednesdy. Some of our cirizenis are fizing np their old mowere r.ady for action. TUt. te ObhDren b hosàand pinch Lth ee steike off the rhnbarb toc. Meus.e Jos. Moukbouse, Ed. Cliff and E. Résor' took, lu the namnation e 1" . Minai.-Widemau in vllting- frieride a# Berlin. Awod, -buyor, Dom Toronto wu in wel sermon l he-inidltdlu~ bats ~ ~ ~ iL* xeAB4'f~> R r M A GLU Smoking Tobaccom W. S. Kimbal ct& Co,, ROCHESTER, N. Y. Retail Everywhere 1O,.ami 15C.- par 1acimgo 17 First Prize Medals. Are Vour Feet Mates? --or does it ooet you smre paint moments In the mornlng te convince them thsut hey are mates Ma r shees? Buy thse eosn that fit feet thse firt time t.hey are woru. FaMixon.<j alter thse Iuman foot on thse mt Modern and stylisis lis ta t BMokicen Produce. Goodyear welt Ostx-utiS-On.., Perlbct tisan thLe hand-maad. Beat Imported caff-akln,-blmofr or tan-SBtamped on thse ô" 8.,8.000 &O, 85.00 per pair. The Siater Shoe <for men.) Sole Agent at Whitby, M. W. Collins, drugU ntlas laut vO bave dlaoovered the tirueremedy andtrmam- f ombluatioth" Wli effect a prôUa" mdpernianentcur la aul u8.gq*ot Sdaww De&79>', Abuse or FEwese, Norpou Wea&nu, ua*a.Nué R'rr,£smveL,,U- O i,?oac- orAZcoào&cStag*, anl et wbicl .0m àmd to Inulty, Couumptlon sud mu early grave.Wood! B~~re'rkh5.PbvSphodlra e bom uaed mîoeuiuliy byrhumdiedaot cmmstt~u "iMo hopebes-.aaethatbad bee m eted by the moaUttlented pyi cIan&--caa that were on the verge of depar ad lnIycametbasv tottorlmg ovoetihe grive-but with thse continued and peu e.c.rlg uueti Wood'. Phosphoe, thm Smaie "tahad bou Sgivea up to dIswI rstored to mamly vigorand hosh--Readeryon neod mot deislr-moaA ter Who bas giron you Up as ineurabl-4be rmedy la mou-w ftbla y reaCh, by Its une you cabu restored to a lite of uutabmalnosud hpfu l>ricoe o0» package,i; mlx packageuSb; by Iall fmset psae Ouwl/eaeuiguaaueetecue.PazpbWbofetoneWdgs The. Woodi Compeny, Windsor, Oît .9 Cmnd Weuurs PhospIodia. la aold byueopodable woloblMdu'its" uu« atutbé~aa Mms.Scottis eviaiting lit Whitby. HoMae and catte are on the. rise and Our neighbors are selling off fut Our tini pediar, of Toronto, who makea bis home at John McK*y'. is puenghie bu"m esahead nicely, and dl the. rage and sheep skins will soon be galhered up. Jame Grahqm'a 'nevbhous", and barn ig nearly completedq w" *h dd5g geatly to the appearaito. of the old farmn. 'W. eau. r.cmmend Mr, Sterenet, of Udora, for a good job snd a ahe*p ou#- W. haveh piiePnt Sle- tienl in town of h e B1EA UTIFUL AMERICAN WA LL PA PER8,' -ITZ- Borders to Matofr Corne early a nd getflrg chok. P. B. WARAM., B ynuoid Stand, Brook eSt., WhItbIy DOMINION -BANK. Capital Paid up, 1Oo Surplus, - - *1,500 00 Whitb7 Agnoy. General Banking SAVINS DEPATIMENT. Inte«ot alo'wed et bi.t oMgrntgrater. NO aLotioe of vithdrauaî roq-gied, EJ.TKINTR ON, ITALIT Né .aal* ~Mv~ douivemsi as àuoh bomIt mi awlim-of th$e e.a Tilomi-bu h. oiaed #01 us,.,,. Webayo Iw.et&,u iau Tbe Swldows I Mm LÃ"WEST PRICEsee- 000 un ÃŽ-n e

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