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Whitby Chronicle, 26 Jun 1896, p. 8

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MissM. Sundrs, Wblîby, spent à M<W ig for ~~deys ber. this week. Biaudyd Mr J. Sheildan end Misad. with Columbius friends.- Miss Gordon, of Psckelng *asa-the goust Pare Druscf Mrs. A. Mason lut week., Mns. Ed. Warden is visiting with ber ais Perfu êryter, Mrs. Geo. Sbipley Clinton. h sses Amandr anid Effle Bond vislted Toilet Requisities wiîý friendsaut Maple Grove ovçr Sunday. ToietSoasMr. W. Panons Is speaiding bis vacatio Toilt Sope, vlsiting with Hamilton and Toronto frien4s. .Fancy oode, r, the gueula of Mr. and Mms Geo. Spectacles, Miller îast week. Messrs. W. Williami and M. Bowden Anytimg in the wbeeled t0 Toronto lust week and speut a few «days visiting wîh friends. Miss A Whaite wus united lu marriage to Mr. Close of Rochester, forrnerly of Bow. imulm_ D ug Line manvilie, laàt week. They hAve gene t Rochester, where they will reside. The closing exercises at Bishop Bethune college were held Tuesday evening. An excellent programme was given to a large artendance. D rug Store, m NfWmn Weeks, an old Oshawa boy, a married to Miss Mamie Holden, cf Hamil- ton, last week. They wil l ive in Toronto whe:e Wm is in business for birnself. Bincoe St. south, Obhawa. OSHAWA, JUNE 26, 1896. OSRAW9A PAGE O8KAWi. BusiNzss NoTricE.- Oshawa subscribers or advertisers may transact any business wtth the CERONICLE, or may obtain extra copies at any time, from E. F. Rogers. Farmers wili do well to call at M. E. May's for boys' ready made clothing.. It will pay any parties contemplauing buy- log an engagement or wedding ring to see th1e large stock of Feit Bros., Oshawa as they will sei this montb very cheap for cash. Gvenuine diamond 14K. only $5>. They are also making some special offers in Gents', Ladies' and Boys' gold and silver watches. Sms them. Felt Bros. Mi. Fred Bales, of Toronto, la visiting in town. Mr B Birreli, of GreenVood, was lu town on Tuesday, Miss Eliya Knox, of Toronto, is visiting 1' with her parents. Mi. J. James and Miss Ellie spent Sundav at Maple Grove. Mr. and Mns. A. Mounce, Toronto, are thc guests of Mis. Bîyan. Mi. R. Mackie, Port Hope, visiîed wlîh relatives last week. Miss Alice Wop is home frorn St. Hildas' College, Toronto. Mn. Wallie Foster, of Toronto, viaitcd witb bis parents this week, Mi. and Mis. Polkinghorn of Ottawa, vis- ited*ith friends last week. Miss Eva Wilson, of Toronto, is visiîîug ber fther, Mi. W. H. Wilson. The Guild of St. Georges church are ai- ranging for a garden party On the z4th of july. The cutting dowu of hilîs west of bore bas been contîacted for. See report lu. unotber colum n. Eighteen picnics are booked for the park. Tbere were two delegations lu town on Saturduy. Miss Clara McBrien, wso bft for British Columbia two weeksaugo, bas annived sately ut ber dlestination. Onu- lime beiug omewhat taken up wîh ailier afiairs this week, se bave taken the liberty of stealing an item or two from the Vindicutor. Roi T H Cuthbent lu now settled at Fal River, Wisconsin, in charge.of a congrega- tien there. Mis Cuthbert and lMiss Steli left lau: weekto join hlm. The Salvulion Aîmy held un ice crearn so- cial last Suturduy night, wbich was largely uuiended. Capt G Miller, a former officen, with his wife conducted the scrvice of music and ong. Compulsary Sale. We regret t0 note thut Mr, W. Murray, mes-chant tailor, la compelied to seIl out a stock of fist class cloths lu eider te meet bis payments. Mi. Murray lu a hard-working mnu, and will torne ou: al iight bu the end, ýeven if ho does make this great sacriice of bis goods just now. Died-In Oshawa, ou Tuesday, June 23rd, Editb Isabella Smith, second daugbîer of Abner sud Elner jane Smitb, aged 7 Years aud 2 montbs. ln East Wbrtby, onu Mon- day, June 2291d, Mis. Edward. H. Burton, .sged 72 years, 2 monîlis sudi19dua. lu Toronto, on Tuesday, June 23rd, Janet Os- -rwold, fordierly of Oshawa, aged 78 yeffl. Maried-On june 17111, at ýe,' parsonage,i by Rev. G. W. McColl, GeorWgÏ Close, of Rochester N.Y., te Adolalde Waito, of South Os(iawa. On inn. I7th, >r8g6,.ut thec x"esioce of th. bride'. parents;, po King Willam stu-cot, by the Rev. John Young1 pasr toi St. Johns presbyto4lan chu 'cb, Mamie ., danghter à( Geo. C. 'Hoideli te Wi1 L M. We -of;etToronto- luTrluity methodiot cbth, Terouto, oq Moodaýy, -.June 15111. by Risv. Mr., Wilson, Miss Anle, only daugbteolU tMs. Johusto, Tworot<l M l as. McCaw,, Toronto, formerly'oÃ"b There was a tremep4o s rush <to Ppecmt Pauton Tbmlay niîht tê*4 ndct -the.i1ec-, tim monits, s»#"ultbopsusadbulei e 11 !Mwl,. Thester.0pdion t«Mr 01:. a ui~aàlïu mt=- s*yoendJ gAve but ppor Mft-$ liÇçeraves, Who, biveê beMmi ThVief'>u A gumne of basebail was played between the benedicts and bachelors of McLaugh- lin's carniage works paint shop on. Tuesday afternoon, which resulted in- favoir of the4 bacbelorg by a score of i9-18. The famous Canadian jubiJee Singers and Imperial Orchestra wil! give a rare musical treat in Metcalfe St. Methodist chuîch next Tuesday night. These singers have appear. ed before neurly ail] the crowned heads of Europe, and will be welI worth goiug to hear. The fzshing season for maskmnonge opened on the î6th. Mr. F. Gardineer, F. E. Din. gle and two gentlemen from Albany, N.Y., Mr. W. H. Sumple and Dr. jas. W. Hine formed one parîy 10 try their luck iii lake Scugog. Tbey were away several days and were ver! successful on Wednesday the 171h. F. E. Dingle amrved home with forty rnaskinonge and on Sutuîday Mr. Gardinetr and his triends camne home with a wagon load morte. The total catch was one hund- red and three rnaskinonge and a large nurn* ber of bass. The largest fish cuught weigh- ed sixteen pounda. Some thai were booked but net landed were wboppers, tearing hooks and lines to pieces. Mi. Sample who isa manufacturer of rutlery and fishing tackle is goîng to have sorne special hooks made so those monsters of lake Scugog can be hand led. It is pretty safe 10 say that Mi. Gar- dineer is the most successful fishernian iu the town of Oshawa, if not in the whole country of Ontari. Three yearb ago he landed a lhirty-four pound lunge and brouight it to Oshêwa. This is une of the largest fish ever caught witb a hook and line in lake Scugog. When those new hooks that Mr. Sample is making arrive liere, look out for a iifty p6under.. Christian Church Coufence The Ontario Christian conference met, ac- cording to announcement. on Wednesday, Jurfe î7th, ut 2 p.m. The fiast business was the election of oficens, shen the folowing were elected :Pies, Rev C H Humner, Stouffville ; sec, Rev W P Fletcher, B.A., Oshawa ;lieus, Mi W W TrulI, Qiono. Mr J N Dales, M.A., Kingston, and Mi W W Truli. weîe elected membeis of the execu- tive hourd for a terni of lbree yeais. Wed- nesday evening Rev W H Chidley preacbed the opening sermon, takiug as bis subject "Double Possibilities. " Tbursday. moru- ing Temperance and thie Ministry weîe .undler discussion, and iu the ufternoon out Sabbath School work engaged the meut of oui attention. In addition to the annual re- port on this subject by Mi. Elmer Lick, Rev G H Connibear, Assonel, Mass., conducted the opening of a question drawer, when smre very instructive questions were asked and answered. The S. S. at Drayton re- ceived t.he banner for the lurgest proportion- aie amount contributed te home missions on children's day. Thunsday, Periodicals and Missions were chiefly dealt wiîh. Many spoke very hepe.fuly of oui periodicals. In the aftennoen while th1e brethien lun<lie audi- torium scie veîy carefully discussial borne missions the sisten lin the lecture room, as- sisted by Rev. H. J. Rhodes, Williamopert, Penn., a returbed missionary frorn Jupun, were eunnestly looking into th1e needs of oui foîeigifielad sud devislng ways and meaus to aupply thein. In the evening Bie Rhodes appeuied in Japanese costume and spoeke to a large assernbly on Japan, ils present state and bow to help <bhat country. Satrday morning a: six o'clock the christian en- deavors met in a mout enjoyable sunrise prayei meeting, sud ut 9 lu <heir annual christian endeavoi rally. Rev W Percy Fletcer sas for the sixtb lime appointed junior C. E. superiutendent. Then follow- u-,n excellent programme, when C. E. ad- d1lesses were deliveîed by Bras W G Sar- gent, Eddystone, sud Jos, Russell, Sand- ford, sud Revu G A Conîbear, Assonet, Mass., and H J Rhedes, Williamnsport, Penn. Saturday afternoun the anuai fel. lowship meeting sas observed and lu the evoning th1e aunual educaticual meeting was held when $ioo was iaised for educadionul purpome. Sunday, lu sPile of th1e intense heat, four splendid audiences listened to four inspiring addresses. At 9.45 Bru. Rhodes addresfed the S.S. ; ut ii, Bro Conibear preached.; at 3 p in, Rev L W Hainer preached on th1e subject '<Cbrlst's extending kingdem," and lu thoevZe!nu Bro Rhodes delivered anether mislur - - -000:- Osho*a usl~au flet.st.q. s h, VIOKUIeT. barb*, SIme.. uts..i. rntQOKS' UVRET, AlmoOs e*,isoe*b. WX, ~OZ~SZ b~ruess *kui~mee.s~. S. 3. KQ~flhIUa 1mu$e~us lis.. W~ Du. PAinusoN, ».utts*r~e. pvss~ 2p~ s10u-~ 4 - Luc W Si 1 e u i Splenid afrtmez t w..dsiýworateds, ~owserin~ Sirt., ooRam o, lwayskp 'iD st00k. ftEL!Bos- Watohmmakeru sd lou miea l wtobes. olooko4 Iewelewy, uh vare 010. E vtng, od aMd p Md. old goi nurade over. Fin.lch, eoek,10)4sud Jewlsry ropafrings Prospect Park, Broadiew Lodge 10.0F.. Toronto, willl run a Gigantic EXCURSION (rom TORON TO to Prospect Park, on WEDNI8DAY, JULY 19 1896, whereapormmne of games and sports sili beca;1rldOut, conslsting nf BICYCLE RACES, FOOT RACES, 2 BASEBALL. MATCHES, LACRObSE Lawn Tenis, Tug-of-War and other athletic sports. Bicycle races will be governed by C. W. A. rules and regula lions, on a first clasa quarter-mile cinder j11h BA TTA LION BAND. Grand Musical Conceit in the evening, ini the Park Pavillion, and a slick Display of Fireworks. 0WýSee Programmes-SgM Admibsion to Park and Gamnes 25c., ladies and children toc. Admission to concert ini evening toc extra. First-class meals ut the Park Dining Halls at ail hours of the day. E. S. EDMONSON, Prop. Prospect Park. Oshawa, june 16, 1896. ]RAGLAN Birtb-Tbe wife of J J Ormanstcn, of a son. Some of the littie folks of the village have the whooping cougb. Thos Fewester, of Oshawa, spent Sunday under the parental roof. MIr Stanton and Miss Madden attended the anniversary services held at Prospect un Monday evening. Miss Madden intends holding a picnic in Mr liardin's for her pupils and friend.s Why not go 10 the lake ? Quite a number of our young men were ai Mr Graham's barn raising last week ai Prospect and report having belped raise a very fine barn. Mr and Mrs Ormanston and Miss Nicol, of Owen Sound, who have for smre time been visiing at Mrs Geo Ormanston, re- turned to their home on Tuesday. Mr and Mrs Harper returned from their trip to Kansas and Nortb- Dakota looking bale and hearty, and although deligbîed wit.h their trip, think there is no place like Ontario. Mi Geo Rosa sold morne very fine fat caltle te Mi. Stone, Port Perry. They will be sbipped te 1the oid country. Mr Rosa re- ceived a very good figure for <borni otwith standing the low prîce of cattle titis year. Mr WeatherlU preached bis farwell se- mou last sabbatb <o a verye large Cqngirega- tien. Mr Weatberil bas been among us for three yeaîs and bis rny -finnds (ccl sort-y 10 loose sncb a fabîblul aud earuest woîlcer. It was very sud intelligence te all wheri the news apread through the village on Iuesday last ibat Mis j Medculf bad dicd suddenly. Although she had been ln the bospital for smre lime uudergoiug lieut- ment, ne one expected the uudden change. Mis Medcalf )eaves a husband sud <so childien to mouru bis loas. Mach sympa- tby la expreused for the famuly. BOUGOo. Mr. S. E. Frulick speut Sunday in utzton visitiug (vends. The Misses Pringle, of Sutton, are vistiug ut Mi. Solomon Fraiick's. Mis. Pichle, of Lewiuton N. Y., lvis hing among her (viends ut tho head of the Island. The excursion las: Seturday bad a fair- ciowd on board, althougb a very imail perceutago sent from ourIland. Miss Mlnnie Schell. cf Scau-boro, sud Misa Ema m ldley cf Oshawa. visited ibeir bernes lait week over Sunday. Rev. 1J. H. Mullett loti on Tnesduy <o attend a camp mieeting now being beld in Tooto. He is tu preuc ia: tbe gatbeu-ing. Rev. R. MalIett, B.A.. paid us a6fyle m Lms weer. Ho cducted <the Mpen Go epwortb beagne on ThurMsay eveuing. Don': forge: the Island excursion outx Tues- day.. A n eçjorable ime lauaticpaied. Rev. 1. W. Getion wui addruesa <the childu-e.ý We are plad <o kuow titat Miss AggeisPieugha mas is able îo b. up once more after heu- long ifluess. Tha<sthe may steadily continue to luà- prove la our is Everjome- whoe eu goe fishlng zow. W. heur ffbat the Yankee vusurs on Sevea MUle lsand caught oeu udrod and fiv-*lvLrtmu days. We do net bellevein a 6wthe prtol oui fi11 from ihôS hbav e rgt o Obe* benefit i lu udr <bat Yankees say coS n slaughterthn u ospr sayu*a Mu-s. Wis avisklug et he- ftbig'. Wba< lil .gumlpbl *ka M Harria ba1.'t ei Tho&, CSesuofpkla lti wtaoeof rater-neara 0S S1bbseh lame er==oev m bay MiuappSe, a, by r] ~*pê11l~tb~tweà,euI s, eleod . inajd --Thé vniing was bedla Mr-. bu snbhsneveu-w=cenpim shein wom e.W hmave an eUet bail haud on ail public oc1"'asions, but O=r Twuy (ends are go greedy and oee ded <bey neSmtute 1mch puoceedings asehIs. Nowîifa one slded Pte= of busness Mie <bis is gmailylugie <hem se wlsh <hem much jOY but trust Ouierall fimond UIneyer reson <o swub souly coodidonsof a$drs. 8HINL8, n!ZTLM. Western Lime, greyr and white, and Blackrsmlîb'u Coai, u t C. p. R. station, Myrtie. W. LEt)INGHAM. April y0tb, 1896-3-mos. F. I lii: Z Coup Cý,OS HAWA.<D THE GREA T -Go We show the largest stock of new, -thoroughly Up-ko-date Dress -Goods of any house mn the court- -ty. Our reputation is unequal- A Ad OSHA WA WHITB Y@ Leather lace, double tagged, black- ed,- every pair tested, regular bc per pair, special .......... * .02 Mon'& Worluing Boots, bellews ong- ued, no u-ipping, easyfitters, Grifih' clorated mû,e, speo$1.00 Boys' Sohool Boots, ie 1 te 5, peble ieg, whole faoed, strongly lined; Grifficli's durable mair, upecial .99 Ladies' Dongola Button Boots, pat- ent tee-cap., pointed tees, sole- leather ielole, good vearer, special ........................1.15 Childa' Tan Buttoned Boots, ie 8 te 10, good soios, tee-caps, special ......... ............... .99 Men'a Fine Dongola, Laced or Quit- ers, mediumi weight 80188, needie tees, reg 81.85, special..*1 49 Chida' Black or Tan Low Shoes, special ........................ .49 I*dies' Tan Low Shoem, leather lined, sole leather insoles, very By'Tan Laced Boots, aize 1 te 5, stx-eng moles, mole leather iu- -VU. All thLe newest niaies ana Men's Tan Laced Boots, âine quality -weaves are 10 be fouind here and itiearg1225spcl8.5 -at prices that cannot fail to 0 ..---1 -tempt you. New Sicilianis in hyowr, navy, green, fawu, grey sud black. New Checks in aIl the latest colorings. 48-mn. special at 75c., worth 81 per yard. 50-mn. Fine Twilled Serges, in brown, navy, green and black, at 60 conta. never sold anywhere les than 75c. Fancy Mohair Sicilians, Fine Tweed Suitinga, Styliah Crepous, Figured Mohairs, silk and wool mixtures, ut 50c., Mei. and 75c. per yard. Parasols. Parasols Natural stick, paragon frarne,J75 durable cover, reg. $1 quality.17 c Extra fine cover, stylish handle ~Q in bîsoka & colona, worth 11.25f ffWFine range of the better ones from .... 10 * 3.00 Shfrt Waistm. W.G.R. make. fine cambt-ic, pîuk and bIte ouly, worth $1.25, for....-.--.49c. Fine stiiped, pretty checks. The nosu Dresden Walits at $z, si.25 and $î.,5o. Wgash Goodsanad MusIis for the wunm seather. Drouden Mus- lins ut 25c. Plisse stripes ut 16 as. Organby Musluns oc. Fine Zephyrs i15c. Best light Prints toc., always i2ic. ut oter stores. For Latesi MIli/nery 'and Sty/isk Dressmakigý, try, FI&LI& Co., KING ST. WEST. MA CHLÏVE OSHAWA, WORKS, :-.' ONTe-, -MNUFACTURE- and 3 Ppl artM,andi-r',air ,al Ua.e ChPiLnes maie by ,,the Jôsephr Ha pten form etc. Ladies' Prunella Slippers, Ladies' Strong Leather Slippers, spec.. .35 A WIDE ASSORTMENT TAN BOOTS AND SHOES AT SACRIFICE PRICES. A good.Trunk for Aillle money. 8PECIAL LEA DING BARGAIN8 Saturdayu. SmalI Profits anud Returns. BUJRN.S & (JO., Whisby : Brook-et., ziorth-eaa aide. Oshaai: The Corner $$ore. 1 Buyiiig largr quantities for t'wo stores we can buy choaper and- moU cheaper. Mm "Money Saved is Money Earned." TO"o iba and 4Éý ** Nortlws and RetuMI lu the Piotiës 0f Quebe Ud~! ou jupe 3t, uy7th and 4 1896, te <befollýwlng Poins <obé. and the Canadian Northwesn rabes sow >blW - To Delorainee41,n, and return, &. Rteston, doA d Esteran, A sa., 4"f2.... Biscartb, hMan. Moosmn, Asma. .2 28 Reglua, "9-W MAooeejaw, 30-90 Yorkton " 30 Prince Albert, Sask. 30 Calgary, Alb., 35 Red Deer .35 Edmonton, ~ .40 çý LIM'ITS-Tickets wiIl be good t relurn as under.O Seld On Ju ne 30, Good until Aug.,, JulY 7, Sept JUly 21, Sept.' 19, 8 AbOve tickets and ail informnatîn obtalned from W. P. SEIK f~ Osbawa Ry. Co's office, Oshawa. R t IR. C-0 CarterAt Oshawa, june 24th, 1896. CUat aPELLOWý, an ee his Wrought fSteel -AT-*~ and GAS 8TOVES $P5.50 to 025.00. O8hawa Book 8o -EADQUARTBI ' Quick HI6H : GRADE::BIC YCLi "'PERFECT," "GARDEN Cll Âlsgo One Good 8.oond-hund Co for WB. E. E, ROGERI I. M. E. 1*BOYD, Always + TlLEJEWLR Leads I'n Low KlNG ST4,REET, WESTY PrieSHA rr OSHA- %ýEXC.LU.SIVE Our, stick is thie brightMst aIL4 mo«i e Ictin twn 4ST~Y1 J xle FotwaryforStylez Black or Tan.- Thcy-, t6 suit bothli t-re -Child ?arenrts- --. f'theo Houa Li fe o r to MR 7angekloot S/à"ky 1 F/y Poison Pads Chu rck' s Insect Av _ )poil CHEMIST & . DRUG( COR. BROCK & DUNDA Hque-oleaning time We bave a larger and better asi f-wndew shades this seas bave lever sbewn before, fr We use tbe best hand pani shade clotb, with Hartah< rouer. Also a fine variety of co Ask to ses our latest style sereens, to fit any window, Our baby canaes are al of sises. Gisç e a eaU efore purcbasinî We are taking special paini elegance with economy in - generl utiity. Our stock is complete in House' -We invite buyers to- corne - It wM lsave money. Ljeading U d r a e , IL jeJOHZi ýBEO K X sT., «W ITJ51 MAabiue Whity Steaw 1'bible and Granite Woîks1 Dundas st, (Poume4y Wolfeuden GEANT 0 MOUE' t ela stmater a n sd d knds of Cemeteryr work. guSmru,701dESGS W~3IWIAUKsFi es, arnd oIt i u JN, sf, mt1fl-A, t-C I gui ~0 ~v)~en lookix '4 id 1 id ci £ id 4 's Ryley's. quonum IL fjý . f A] 1 Aloo hie COAL OIL S-A-LR OP . QAQ 1841.1. ýPrices. -Àlommu 0 qp5o.oo, Welland, ý GREAT

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