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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Jul 1896, p. 3

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Fd 4A B4ri~tamýbuen.ega edt0o Mms Jas Underhill is somewhat bet- erths e ÙM-Mr Daniel-ý StoverI. o ahl a RENUMAvisitng here last week Wae*vr nfrmay o hs lcMr Frankc Kirby, f Albert college, Do Jver ulfm doaMneaols.isBelleville, was visiting friend& ee Doy u r0 ~ ~ Juieon fMinaolstI '.A 3last week. caewhefeuk and Ge FmilyforafewToro.Bn" Maàter Sam Hoover, Cedar roe caseix , Ms ndfaiyofTootoF lS L i S is visiting relatives here. ve ~ K IB R E P IL IS ~ C tI.,L am b e for th e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S KIDEY W ArmMr W J Lehman, of Markham, was Wn rstz,re 01 of ocut Hill, was i our midst last week. f al'dto ureanyhere on Tuesday caIIm4 upon Reeve SARSAP RILL Miss Maryj Stouffer, of Cedar Grove, klldey acue nt?- Gerow. T1 waS visiting at her home here last linyaim n saac Carson, 0f Toronto, visited PROM PT week. with James Courtney la.st week,- as did RELIABLE Mr F> Reesor spent Saturday last Ifswwant tC) also Mrs Jamieson, of Minneapolis. AND NEVER FAILS. in Toronto. lie purchased new hyn S , Chas M acnab is with .his friend,bo k f r th Un n u d y s o l know it. (OVer Ocr eofNpae for .9 eek.I W T Lbok frth ninSudy ej. boxesMsJhn ounyj.ad Miss Josie Kester and her sister, aCourtney, sr., are spending a few days Mrs Micheli, of Toronto, are visiting sod WthOUt a with Mrs Geo Found. They are from W E 1 1at their home here. hsvcnt r Toronto. ~~~~Some horses i hsvcnt r o iant The baptist congregation will either Ask jo4r >«W « it DeaIvor iy troubled at present with distemperan singl e 0 Pa . âý C replace or repair the seats in the r others with moon blindness. ,H ODDIJ EUICIVE COrnU& church, as the funds have already been M ivrieo Ubigwsi IRE TORNTOraised for that purpose. BISTOILU aU1I our midst Tuesday. j oseph lc has just lost over S2oo Mr A Jones is at work making over through the failure of a milk dealer in some of the sidewalks of orvlae the city. It was greatly needed. orvlae D Forsyth will rem ove onto the farmM e s s ic a l nd A nt h v this fail, but we are not yet aware who East Whitby Couoja1. esrs Mhaead b antlrte fhave 1i.d Lester, Who has been in the ot will operate the milI. Mr Forsyth is fo srn tIm pat j vciin twou now having somne concrete work put in The connoil met Jnly 8th. vWmben uP of the Altona hill. atr his barns, and ahng n or i illidst. a i an n stables. l present. Reeve in the chair. -The Quite an excitement was raised here Jon om, f caboopad s fy- RichardMilrofIda, she minutes of laut meeting wers read itud Wednesday evening when the fact be. Jon osofSarorpad s~ ile, f niaai hr adopted. Communicatonsl were read came known that Mr N Baker's littie ing visit on Snnday lait. Corne a w it h friends. Mr Miller is a former from the following: Prom the minie$er bywsIs.Asac at a Jon.reîdntofths icniy ndhî mn of agriculture stating that A. W. Cam~p- about being organized when the littie Mrs. (1)r ) bales je away viiting with old friends are pleased to see him bell C. E. had been appointed provincial fel)ow was found sleeping in the oat finds in Buffàlo, PaIsley and other looking so well. He will remain for a instruotor in road making and would give bin in the barn. western Ltowns. few weeks. advice gratis to councils Mt any time. Misa Ella Nicholson je spending ber W Leaper is drawing lumber from From Judgs Benson re division of conntyALv WIlw one Lolidays with ber grandmnot.hsr, Mrs. H. Stouffville for the erection of a new for county cauncil purposes. Frora L. Jà,. âe iHwPn . Tomis, Fairview Farin, Soarboro. and spacious skating rink. The new bayl e sro fc ontbe. Rdr Awilt t Mrs. Wm. Toms, of Newcas;tl&, bas rink will be situated south of the town Dae rmC obinson requeeting the .lepse notesi heen vi8itiug wiLb ber sieters-in-law, Mrs. hall a short distance and willbeec- board of bealth to remove certain nuis@in earlY sprIng, while it is yet moist C. McDonald and Mrs. S. Nicholson. ed upon a stone founidation. b rc-ancea near bis premises. From town from the effects of winter freezing and clerk, Oshawa, asking payment for use of thawing, will almnost certainly grow, A number of the younger folks ýatteùd. Wm Bell is an idle man now. He fire engins at Ceda.r Dale. Mr. Stocks and after two. or three years it will et] 1be party on Friday lautgi ven iy M r having so long been accustomed to gave notice that at the fort meeting of becoine enougtx of a tree to serve as a A. Thomu in honor of ber neice, Miss hard and steady work, to be suddenly thie counicil ho will introduce a by-law to post for attaching wire to it for a fence. Lottie Chester. left at hi1S leisure, is so -peculiar. He agaes this township for general county We have knowin many farmers whô Onr pedagogue, A. McFadyen, loft luit purposes taking a trip up the lakes in a township and educat.ional purposes. Mr construct their rokdside fences in this week for hie home in Strstford to spsnd few days, where he expects to do somne Henry, seconded by Mr. Stocke, moved waY, often plant1ç1 % the trees close m the eninmer vacation, May ho be inucb tall ishing. t.bat the reeve grant hie order on the enougb together so that a 14 Or î6- beneite byhie est Jaes MFaranes tw tems rewtreasuirer for $25 in favor of the corpor foot board may be nailed to the living enL.teM byhiGrant.u Jplrcarae h amebs cFaPieringwon team s re ation of Oshawa for services of fire sagine posts after tbey have i4ttained suflicient maker, sooompanied by bis s eMrs. OPickening m n ftehre tCdrDl ieCrid size. By cutting off tnie top every w ex .Pinch, of Bowmanville, iEterona rekachuein home one of hose r raoscnded by Mr , yor three years the fence may be kept àch vist o ubrn Nw or ad j ey n a took accutes. is atialdidnMovs that the reeve, vlsrk and mover from sbading the -roi-d or field too w visi to Aub rn, New orkand Psn syl- a fw m nuts. T îs nim l 'as a be appointed a committe te meet the m c.s Hia y ni tre-».»l à valuable one, and its death is a serious comriesoners appointed to divide the uh Hoolin tio-Ms . ai* Mis Kerr, loss indeed for Mr McFarlane. county into divisions for ounty purposef a Trono, o Itat b .iaJoms H Mrs Eddy as secured the position to look after the intereste of this town o ?dconohi, o Ga&~at iabrother'<a, S. as assistant 'teacher of Brooklin school ehip-Carried. &1f4"ionoe0hie; M». (0. Hondenmon, of Tor- R ui o e rr.lGeve her gaveIotice tIa0F tAtheES o -nto, at Viom2ap Benderaonte, or. and the trustee hieré have concluded t M.Girongvooie hta h releveherof this charge a: once. We noît meeting of this concil he will movebi M.Oc on of ipros itiqh% eci B d tdeeply regret that circumsances re- for lbave to introduce a by.law to amenadbar lquire Mirs Eddy's removal, as she ba the by-law aPPOinting Constable for Cedar CNN TOGRPOFE0 boigbrhueod od ee h ale, FEREDT H ULCTA S wilI occnpy ber propsrty on King gtM made many warm friends snce coUUng Mr. Grierson mnoved, seconded by Mr SW ORNTESPUBICMONY.t ea8t. To ber we extend a hearty weî. W. Claremont. We ail wish her suc- Stocs, ha th-revegrat ie rdr oai cor e. ess nBr okln.the. treaeurer for the. following: Jas Wal býetwoen Whitby, Claremont, Waahîng. fig m Spears' horse very mucb dis- H"ob, indigent, 88 50; Mrs Burgoyne, AIl of the Following Responsible persona 1 ton, Pickering and Toronto or town was fiured the light wagon on Tuesday icadigent., 88.50; Geo Walker, fpr *Mrs WoeNmsadAdesaApa e well nigh deserted on Dominion Day. Afl morning. The animal'was driven 1.0 Onanie, 86 ; Mrs J Dingle, for J Abram P, WoeNmsm drs ppear expr..se themselves as wehi satisfied witb the station and while standing there a 88; Mary MoCartby, indigent, 88 Below Have Given EikkSe nc.Uder m the demonstratione at the various places. train came along, frightning the beast Roada andi bidgeeý-Thoe Scott, $22.25; Oath, That They Have 8wp Curedti ai We are very eorry te state that Mr@ so that it ran away. hetad ing down the W Piensn, 87; B Kirkpau-ick, $5; ]W .Weetgs.te is now in a very precarious track. The infuiated animal was at Kfrkpaik, $0;Byron Ramon, 82-50r: Rheumatismn and ini Sota. Cu« Par- condition as a remuit ùf the shock caused last stopped but not before the wagon A Trui,. 54.16;9 Je Jenkins, 96c; F alysis by RVCKMAN'S "-KOOTENAY by the accident whieh terninated in the had been completely demoraliàed. The Glover, 141.2; 8 Brand, $38(o4; r CURE." . lesth of ber late busband. May elhe horse did not receive much injury. Harper, #89.10; F Glover, 814.70; E soonbe estoed o, br frmerheath.Cole, 87.21; B Huam, 686; Thos Camp. Mrs. Margaret Patterson, 91 Vine street, the lwn th e v ersid-e s, nd Gor Vel es M as , ass en aed ca rincilof h the&à j -l, 1 :r Hin&&-w 1 7;W nbh, HamILo- t 1 __ Wha~ i. ____ t Castorla la Dr»r«nmuaPitcher'sPrselptoIfr uit aud Childreu. I» coutalnuneither Onlum, Mrhn o other NÇawotieosubstacé.It la a hfrmiesu msuttu"tý for Parogorle, Dropu, Bo.l»jngSyrupo, sud Cstor O 1 3* le Pleasant. Its guarantee ln thfrty yeaws use by Xillmous of Mothers.castorla destroys wormaud aflqs feverishugs. Castorla preveuts- vomltlug Sour -Crd4 ceures Dlarrhoea aud Wlnd Colle. (Jastorla. relieves teethlng troubles, cures constlpsl'ou aud fltu1euy.' Castorla asslmllates the food, regulaes- the stoniacl and bowels, g1ilg halthy and natural &jeep. Càa tori l lthe Childreu's Panaee&-th, MKotheie' erlnd. CamtriL. Cbobmta au emoefentm.tzAane for ehil die.m othm s averepeately ffl meofci ts oed eetCupcn dm& ihwLdme Da. G. c. Oooon, '0antoe1in the b«unuedi fic hidren ot whlch l'am acqmalntd. Ihope tse day lane- far distant whemcthemwMloowmut.,.r1l Intersutof their cbidreznad um Cugnifa. etebd o vr=qaknsru wiha destulgUsefr Ioved onu, bytcrelugoplin morphine, soodtulg syrup ând oer hurtiul agent. doua tiaitbnoata, sereby aIn Umsm W prsmature grves. Dm. J. F. Kmcmeu, UNITED RONTAL AND »h'iiay Coaway, Ârk. ALLEN C. SEITU, Fiee., l'h. C.utmuw Gomapamy, T! Nu,,.1 Sfr..t, Wv Y.i& Oity. BEAVILTON About 150 took ativantage of the cheap xcunsion te Stnawbienny Island on thtz 8t o! Jnly and enjoyed a very pleasant' ay'e outi2ng. Tise lacrosse match be- weeu the Onillias and tise Cheokers re- 21ted in a tie, eacs. team acoring 2 goals, id jndging by tise appearano. ef Borne foun baya tise Onillias muet have "îlug.- Bd" te, beat tise band. Wie Mn. Ernie Gun wus untying *s hors. in front of Mn. Geo. William n 's shop on Tbnneday laut the animal >ok fright and bneaking away ranunp reet. Upsettiug tise buggty in-front of u. Birehand's s*hap, it freeti itself tram and was emught is front ot Dr. Gall. ay'u, noue thse verse fer its galop. - We eee by Satinday'e papens tisai Mz. eo. A. Young, an old "O1hieker," in aying on tb. II Te.mnmeîhs, visil. saine. J. D. itobie, C. Camenon, anti qo. Doras also aid "Oheokmr" are on 1Tecumse an, d vo are -sure ti hold up their eud o et &,samoina miser enediblo te tibeir trainin'.. Mx. Diucan MoBae has meved imia abosse onSBimcoe t., lately atd M. John Hotgos. ies Davidmos, oet Coligny College,Ot- 0a, retuneti-home ta speuti her seli. y#, an Priday. Mr.Josp Talrof Linsay, was i figz tnmaturday tlI ouday sight. 14uurM Jas. Daine, J. Wàles, - Fengu- et fWaedviUesuad N. àMoLeoi, ot O=, 0es, wheeled 07ou uson lai,8anti *i luéb excursion. wta . Gusu andi tmily, of Tarante, ý%dote their enumer nesidese bast week. M» B.vk. MOKayof Surmderiand, *we"d hibfs"ily-d7C 4h 1 tbe~, u0ri *dwMlooopy, Mr. -Logau'a bopie Eil Park - ~o Ioo Weil adatetoflbum necm m d t aasupeo7toniuo nSmOxford st, IlwoskyjN "Oui pisi u athse eldlnms sm% MMiSuibave spokm ighly ci. Usai p.i ecela tUsai outle practice vidaCuateeI,, and alUsougis us anlyhav eg o medicl uMPPile iatl kowr aiga productetv « Ie.mSe tisatoi mmiSiset Cusadra isu wvS un te ousi faVorponm flhe Most Eo om hmist Ilunteville to prsac'h for 'a Sunday or 604, Rachel Beckett 594. ari tb MAKES LIFE HAPPY AND J , _:avç1iue"1, a~s Iwo. Ris pulpit bore je being filled in back 582, Lawrence Ormiston 564, ENJOYBLE. 'ail, th() meantime by Bey, Mr. Sieveright, of James Luke 452, Gea Browne 4, NJOABHt iébltti. bi ll n n s v il s. C a ss h 1 .- a b el O ld f eld ~ 8, a u ie T h e h u rry , w o rry , b u s tle a n d e x c ite - Jo h ~n I M C m d . y~ wn Mo jl i e s o n t. n -Mr- F. J. Gillespie hae resigned the Richardson 510, Robt. Smith 468, ment of modern ife in business circlè E Rice, Igmsvilf-ont. division court clerkship after fourteen Harry Wilcoxon 466, Tom Ham jîl 415, and society, is produciag untcld misery Hamilton. V Years and tbree monthe services. It bs. Violet Lake 395, Wm Richardson 350 u is.W e ievsl. arc ur, heen for som tim , lke any othr Sidney Bond 345, Kate Harper 34-5, nervousness, prostration, ins m ton..i f~ cou"rts in rural distriets, nuprofitable, Jenny Perernan 348. Class Il,-Susie As the eief ,'-o bte5_ k o dtisat - bence Mr. Gillespie resigne. It requires Purves 1345, Bickle Guy 1342, Millard mna dpesinad yppsa tcmumaiew waa. too niucb attention for the emnolumnents. McLaren 923, Alice Wetten 870, Gertiesetobe r ee sei Tik 05 FedFaro 76,Lo iec alarming extent during the intolerable luis e~ esd Do ou yeOtton and Mixed Lean 736, Geo. Harper388, T Plow- ea ! uumr y i he-Curhoe.ti 2~ft 0 Gooe ?riht 14sands are thrown on beds of sicfors Gooda? right 514. r IL.-Jermie Smith 538,.adsfeng Irwin Ormiston el8, Lena Buekler 450, Frts bnReo!sc s r o The nlyhouehod dys tat akeBlake Bçrnd 425, Sidney Buckler 398, Fo wh e cofietl y c a reowdO K~q~ Theonlhouehod y-e tht mkeAgnes Hemn 152. Pt A IL-Paul pur-p.s eryCM.ud nmd ptrfect, bright andl unfading colors in vsi2 omnGy4~ ar uk ainesCleyoponasa fa- <.VIng Cottons and Mixed Goods,ar1e 7,CilMLen26 minan sure healtis-giver. It àstcnt-tsti t~o tlle [iamnond Dyes. These popular~ Nicols 198. Pt L.-Chas ,oln u tenrossytm uckypti.wlet*, ý degive colors that wil not wash out Frank McLean. J.I-nn bw fies -tise bbood, and gwves 4l-weýbmau, ' ilt soap or fade in the sunlight. right, Wesley Tink. Frank Richardson,anieglrsephacodç ___ Nlary o th "Damond "Cotton Pearl Harper, Pearl -Elleus, Bruce mh aetflilth. Wben ppjîa eare patented, and cann<>t pofflbly Smith. Ethel i3righL . Numnber on roltebnco iePleàClr Cr. le used by other dye manulacturerg, 50 74. Aggregate attendance 6206. m Poundt strengtheus the «Stoach ad YoVu want satisfactory dyes for Cotton A. StelI, M. Martin. acta as a tonic and stimulant -to alze oosof any kind, or for any. descrip. cTne gives learuess-of Waz4 sud mte o fMixed or Union goods, be sure Tn.No lctit givRcees- oh a in m sad nmd' ask for the Diamond IysfrCt o icey ooW SNokarl itsto a eed nrc *dspstoi h * tofl and Mixed Gos tts ep.wo ilaltrcotrra 1W it~ okhojI2 'a- Refuse ah cheap and worthless imit- tram a»Y cause. 'It ies te ainile up h offc aions. i15I1au dofwthe MdU the.11 b and-lauth oinefcl mre v tird and 8uernmpar.9 up 1l cknrw-m- ia l4)ust Wlt'you uà"e7Z7 itq . -' ' - e Our teacher Mima Rêla"d bus rtuxftad 10êPlaw 'orne to spend hhbolds"'. oma.ita". diia Ihene wu quit. a nombr ~ur~~ Peloplo t tais in theSaa"s a c OOWan'e Mnr. andi Mrs. Âi r*a"sb , a-r.. turne,] homo a'ft.«vatn iruSbc Mrs. Halligagan, Tis heae baud *>ê l s.kr paryt7 ai M aW. àn4 and al eut homo , tbg cale, o 1

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