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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Jul 1896, p. 5

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*a~~ * ~ r~"""""~~ ew ~ Ic~I -~ n earthqake àr **o ng U 1 * I $ U U I i " en twi '01(1 oii ol a t hm'~ St . Ja4 s . o AyskVOlO ilt d w t M .L o ' où eu àt àd Ç st buI f a i l t o h a r e i nte b ana i n s t h Mtr tyi h lg t , ,and MrS. Wm. A yres sun d aad llonday. to sharA TIn . 1fi t lsh i ,M br. W.On . Waa r i b ne ' Mis C rre Stepén4n, Ptetioro, la C L E A R T NCTS. F M otatre i ou S nday rn rnùig.visiting in tow n, the gue t of M iss E dith . . L .. T N T 1 r au f 8, f pefctbI~s MyCOiisOn spet a few days with Grg. A I G S L parensraarontoIbisandk D. X . Tod's bread and M kes are sold t T L S . T H E ] I G : F PR WCE S. woianisbp . a. . d. 6t ieoelsolidb a lnt P alO fsuite, plus b a&. ' ive him a aul when ou wa t Job Lots of res a Reduc d to212 finish ~~~W. î tsl pu 1budfor 32, wO fljh$4.5, at aniig fice in th t une. @o . N w oord C epon5,aind w5 goo.sj usetin o ld o Sc12 pie S t r Wr.Lo.Tit'8. liisoedtisw His Honor Judge Burnhawr and MessisNw.lre rpns l nw 0& uti, odi Mr. Lou Lituela ndlposd tas eek. Wright and Murton, at hein as audiorsof egular 15c. for 12j . b . sure a d se th n. ee o r Pa n l at5 and 15. S e u w ht S o A aligh cnimia! f u~ice u Monda and Tesday. at 20c.'regulàlr 2 5c, G0> " A l Our W ool Delairs to be so d at cot nd u e. C yclo m eters, eMr*tS-ca:ae o t yh oîfye a pers The Checkers, of Beaverton, de eated the L I ri c. -N i Mr. S.ldes, h ow ountret ue<last week froiniUxbridge 1acrosse teani by a score orf2 -o- in Lu.J LJ E Y-.vI LI Ry sbr ogd ctih an importation of Berk- a league gaine au Uxbridge on Thuisday SA ver N arn e P lates. M u J C Doô d yuneepso e Alamac bs bon ara geI LAl mutgor gades oEpie rm ne at eg lr 5Ofr $3 rin je ab a re uar$m7,fo 1 M r. a d Mrs. A rgus M D l , b s been i tw eon Oshawa and W htby at Oshaw -A"n o u 2 go 30 a d es O Sa ir . TA i R bbo s, a cl e, lowr s, & . t vey$5s ri e . b ai n x m n Toronto d ast ae aonwe25 0ad 0.SalrkAi ib s aeBse, es rg duringei undergoing an JU ly 4th. A lil the p ayers here a re rquest- O w~tB o i , a n y 1 e Oc o g t 5 . V r e t g o a peration for thtïôat trouble. c oFIo dprcic s fena psibe Y u 'pM's Eva Clemeoce, Of [Jxbridge, who h rSe.Banswsuabet lywlhm~ . ir u nïp ~~ W ach es been vsiting wthmrand M .jno Clerne MrSt Yoyîle rn es wouviîî M r pa y wchi- - ~ - v O , . G r a Ires etfr b isom Dionship gamie on Saturday, on account or aifx T ee uC IOtly$ 0 t~l u fr tuit use. - iis week. Miss Ev* Clemence, or Serge.suy rtsivon b be$12.un dwFinea Hlliax SweitSuaa spe $Ia.ty. q town, accOmPanied er. bcyclist on uly rat. e reg i n ourstc. jt7o re4eý-Mr- Roger Rice, express messenger on the In a cbampionslip lacrosso gamneeat 5ioutY. Local, boteen Toronto> and Belleville, ie ville on Saturday last the Markhamn teaffi de- hoeo w ek'vacation. He intends feated Stouffile by 3 goals to 2. At the end Ewyhn i eiieipio. TIi st a d spending a few days withbi aunt, ia De. of two bourg Play the an t 2 u ard unitbeioret/umenstoreJotis. reat uoit befo e re umin bis duti s. ater fifteen m inutes m ore M arkham scord To-day is decoration day at the union the winnung goal. The gaine was fast and oe ete, and St Johns t the bay. The re fro i roug ness. Oshawa 1edgee will also decorate at the lead us to look for a more thau average union cemetery and the M4th battalion band crep. There is lesscmlitaogft The national division of the Sons of Tem-. we have eard for years. The yield pro- Prance met la Washington, D. C.1 ast mises te be unusually good.Prcsmyb Moront, hseleCae slt Y solicitor, low, but that wil uot trouble those who G _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ----------- _ _ _ r o n o , a e t d e tW O r th y P a tr i - r o w r a in fo r fe e d . T h e a p p le c r o p w l ! trh and Mr W J Gaies, of Nova &cot*a also be abundant. Those who have large omets' Couaty Orî&-Sg aotwrh Associate, the two hiKhest orchards are reasonably sure of a good O'aia-~, offices in their order. This is quite a thing, while others are pianting trees clou of>ftU3V looap U Cm féther in the cap of the ordor for C'anada. hoping to get their reward later on. ______The___ next session will be held in Montreal, Geo. Dunseath, a fariner who lives in Quebec, in ls97 PiÈkering township, was arrested la Tor- FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1896. Fcr C e Prer eOnte on Tuesdày on a charge of forgery. it ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ or th bstIce Creai, cal! t D. is alleed that Dunseath orged the ame or I Mathison's, Dundas street.-23-tf a rich Markhamn township fariner namned S. LOCA LAONIO. Wrt fr s3oo.A. Mnkhouse te a note Of $210, given lu L O C A L a n d O N I O S .J .W M . f o k , $ 3 0 0 0 .r , P o t e r y , b a a v r e H e n r y R u s s e l l ef t h e S c h i lle r H o u e , - - - - J . M . Ba r o o s ht o î e eror 3 S a n t L . P e r r b set f T o r o n t o ' W h e n a r r a i g n e d i n t e p o l i c e Bootsand Sees isued wriîlor $000 aaînat L. Se ertcourt hoe ple ded n t gu llty, but said lie wasB Al IIf t D at auction prices for 3o days at à, W Col_ otel keeper, Port Perry, for sander. The nt prepared te go on with the case, and eii lins New Shoe Store, East Sade, Whitby. case arises eut ef a conversation and Doisy was remanded for a week. Application for ' 'ww Allin's for pure drugs.altercation hed ere during thejune sessions bail was refused. A G I 8 I - L Hardwood dining tables, 4 leaves, on y $5, WeUete dic t iecour. e a ,spnl L f (1' v v at1 .T l ' .w a h r p e t i v&F our bloo er icyclists, tw o m a e and tw o JV1t o . 1~ Mtr..ElStephenr.nEththG. N.W. beerp nesday. The girls ad everything that is W e itn o na e b s a nIr J a s Grd oo rPi k e r i g ,i ns nt o w n o 'W ede n-he e. b n c s s 1 1 &n on rundJ as t. G ro, ?c etg asi e n C' gn o escured t e W itby the suggestive et ew wo en in their earb and t e p e e ± r L i r s o O u m u oit Sunday laut. regular daily transm ission of the second or conduct, even t sitting cross- egg 4 lan front P I I n l u y o H sHnî r j . ud e rs. el ,i s vsi n Ia o o'clock A.m . w at er predictin &fr e cofthe h otels. There was nothing but the ' Hi H n o Ju g o D a ta lî s b serv ato -y in Q u ee n 's P a rk . T D ro n to T h e On d in e . e th eir fig u res t e sh o w th a t t ey d i Sav yo r b tte ac oun by usl g T d's CHRONICLE is in orm ed this is one advan- were n t m n, their. conduct bong as muc b i g'th b ~ ~ â b . j bread, Haifthei butter wil! do. tage whir.th Whitby a[one enjoys ot the towns as possible the saine. In riding tbey bad ~ ue u Even Toronto hankers for an earthquake surroundng Toronto. tie saine hurp on their backs and appeared Cla in utt e D e LIJ.t ents since the news went in frein WhltbV. Bit Bargains. rntown qa srnfi he ete Nlcte have equal strnnghb.dT1 y wentvoant Trear' rson tbird money at On Saturday, july igtb, î8g6, at the West inronl18. eek in a race which was won Side Bot and Shoe store. A poiter for houskeepers. " Ut? 100 oPairet ladies' and childrens slippers Alil your wants supplied at Allin's drug Mles.q1r9 Hugh M. Roms and mno. Wiilis are at Soc. per pair.struberig.ok, alnwxtc ofi ' oàwc90 ths wek fera schoner aunt 50 pairs ladts' buttoned boots ut your Ut esy storeFora rubborown ring es. oksa gwx t. will be the main object of our buin sa d o ef rt il oen' theciea Candi>.galter. boots at 25 pèr M 8 iekiK'test tPf, es MrIeueArnold la off on a bicycle trip cent discount. finekislae bots narewteea$îelaies foMenek. i Q0Mf S Tuisiaefindnen'dlceos , ed to tena1;klaJes'y a .RECORD BREAXE nti epo. Sopr u- C hat h am d u rin g hà j -t M l~ W s i e 1 'roEkiSr s a s . l i e fot fi e nlyk i di o e d s' fin e k i xf r s en ar. o foer î os. . l wiJ o"M. at wot sWe ns ide nýci iSt sa. cs. hîe on i ; k i esuu foned idos, tee tip, nar -e general should not fa i t to inspe t the im m e ns .i d c m z e a e o f r " e s s s .w . V, . . T a y, M . .-, 1 , W . A l t a in a ta co w t e , o lyec t t h e w s h o e s to r e , M appoete exaîn-W Co!laus. er J teenwo or A., 0The steamboat Columbian, a magni6&-ent S j n aChnrch. G o u .1L Toront thisyear. l" grmm" & specimen ef marine architecture, costing be.-r Th e..R.'ea, u& o-r. Iru to th s >ea. w ners, the R ichelieu and O ntario N aviga- It be h R ev.T .o r o Meo, ad s c r a ,eo r W . Mr- 1. H. Hall, editor and proprietor nI tien Ce., $125,000 two years age, and the hrhTrno ndsceaye y Nh.,k hanj SUn, and Mr. Brodie, Mirkbam, finest excursion boat on;th ibesbuee CrgClY aksba lfColegew iconduct divine service i ndlaa y tol e s'.trein tôwn on Sunday last, they betng en-catrda ev urnteefra tnp hiis éburch on Wednesday eeig b r tl t - o r s h a a .N a g a r a F a lls b y C o mn m o d o r e j a c k s o n . » d i m t . , t 8 o 'c lo c k . A t t h e c lo s e o f t b A b-Out 4e0 People excurted te Toronto on BuÎlt on the now weii known whale-bach service hoy communion will be adminis. eo i~ Moda n temr nrdce ifty Or more principie, the Columtjian la, ulth oee r QM". - %% Witby peple being in the crwd. The the larget vessels on the glks tu i g J c es a e,. 1 w e, B y mni gh n a ibtw sne welpt very ight draft. She is a three decker, ru ns M r W Z O'Brien. photographer, Oshawa, e ) i g ro e .r i l s an o hour ift t ed w ith incandescent ba s decide - 1 t ffe a bonus et retur a are a , Oh for Muskoka, Mackinuw, seusideligtstbro ghou te cabine, state rooms On the Osbawa stage to aIl persous going te Manitoba, Europe, ail United States, B. C. and general fîig are palatial, carryîng Oshawa by thant route aud ordering S3 wortb and Canadian points, anywhere, every- 1,200 passengers, the rate is $r.2,5. The et workr or Mme. He 10gotting upa dispiay whtre by boat, rail or oceau. Rates g'uar- nertb shore ports frein Newcastle west te et bis latoot work, wbkh voli ho on exhibi. * G antced i rght. Through tickets raun Frencbman's Bay are the Ports oftCali. Frein lion lere in a fee' days, elther in the post -ATR from Pickering, Toronto Myrtie, Breoklij orte lasi nained place and Whitby Uic excur- office or one of theýdrutor ol on 1lu bv M.îoenS .lne. B ySe h no' bËi s ino-a- gab .on..pi-e n ctvig t W Dte J Fom.-LýlGilsF ega, Clvele, 4 u, urduc», Wm. nloy, Wiltby; fleld LJ16 Rogers Red, and Dawson's Goldený Chaif v-r.-nlFFgn avneeantR"HaryCochrau, Oshawa; liedC H - ETo soG Ellis, E Mewbray. MODEL of sMU JonBakodUtc;bs a n d o n e o l y o W o d o e t 0 0 h e w a n y e t S C H Q < L 1 S r t e I l J r F r u . - R M c G e a r y , g a r d e , o i u h o p o n 5 c u ; Ihe bun hes cou d eil ho ott r. T he sa m - R & r o d, J F Ynn , G C oxw orthr, F N o be, e llos, yearlin g g rades, J If L ong , W ltby ; ~~~- P1eý are haging in ur Sactuin for inspec- F CrsweU, McAlister, E Scott, W ates, al rye, Jas Dwyer, GrewoodY- old rye, a 4 lion. T PlaskitIl1Sr te 111 Jr Forn.-E ArMlarge crop and most of It good oxeept là, e"~qÀf~ d llartiet Beecher Stoe* Last Letter. F Harick, G Rogers, R. Hylaud, H Hou. Pickering. whmreitlsa comUPhet QalUU The last thing wrtten by Mrs. Hrriet dn, R Brant M Piper, M Smith, IC Gfaban, owlg, probably te the dry vaho rthe ,i - Beecher Stowe, enly a few days boforo ber B Smth- 1f rt l r em-MCa-polboywld; Aluha, onDrda -deatit, was a leving acknewledgment te the werth, T Bntton, Br Candon, MR Dpereli, G Broolu. Public for fond voeembrauces sud tokeas Lock, B Sturgis.i IS eX rFri- and expressions ef aifectionate esîeea, on E Bant, H Hyiad, C Bell, L Nicholson, H la i c em81! 'z43. Jpion Cases her 8,5th birihday,- wbich sho sent te 'j the Pringle, J Tbomson, B GilpnHiis n, EG oiuotr,8 BroJausga.doAiexclqr Ladies' Home journal. le the next issue of Barnes, L Arnold!, A Sturgias, M Corn"ub R Gffl oo Br ougas, sdAe- tis magazine lit wulli hopubiished lu fac Sadlen, M McGeary, V Barclay, Et. fidWlonCae Monter. eti on si mile. h vreffects the beautîfui nature et IV )r te IV Sr Fo>rm.-V Tamiln R Deo11êM taeHre tts w s2 P the gife,! authores, sd by ber death bas M Mowbray, E Rieardsot, L Kean, W A,~ ~f ~ become ber lest imessage te the Aniorican Nicholson. D) Stewart, B Manning, î joweîî, hboadion by.lv hapreiut Is1 xyýu,~,g*" Public. N Richardsen, B Honderson, M Beucl, ssdI ttwsl, bikrthe s Ital-dy The aatthquake. . - C a mId g e, J R ice, M C res* ol, L C alverley , v s u d r q e t o e o e t s o t a . The severest ashocd 0feartbqnake known R- ton. s,ù. t-"ud v eitbed a-i,-b bo have visite,! this part et Uic countvy ila Re-CbgOf t !North Ontadnlo w la* u v ad. Thüéfor ' two yeas- and Years occurre<j betwoen s and K-minutes to efS» esu 5-ilHoer Judge Buvua a e- -seve. Smn tkw tsepolice mnsltratc$ l5sl3oëà -1 Monday merning. Huadreds of towne u n emtothe Xo4hOntario vote îook place adot oj-tecaiefe'w%,. rbïýn2- People repgrt baviug been awskene<f, vbâw. lwr6 Vïîty tf.DAtnMCrbQ il 4MëscnU <Pof ie cas- WP*oe t-i M nol a few whe were aushe iv Cas --ec)rtjtect D. Graham,4 and R mfl thse- %=Wls e '. ~ i accounîs othbe pheomn»ua The »u#« 1fd.B ~ t~ . ~5 g~ . ec C u- _- P , ' I o most like that ef distant but,-ey ev (dltejb ;~GlIry h r-thse, SUMÇdm o A" IN5ff Afier bout'V« 'Ofr etatdi satc IJohn <rut e,!po1- -rao er~1d5 flot 4"~ lune'tô«Chof té uWu tiset daey t ndr and as tm p romt a>* Wboupgst -3oP.Igo Afe sens t on e- r f te v elU - -, td e é in ii thdipot'oe-é seund owhlc ia!chan -r oitna"a declint'mîng uidieth,! away on 1)Ibm. _M ammd iae îy ete metho t 'or on ati conthe een S ie to v eo- -« dwth l S % l lion i v lied rc e t * Mf k A termine thougb à,adg ad w falo ueP inin la ieda t a nt ebsi o ' e M 1 b f ý * l t C ý b n e c m -k a d orwes d ae friocu Oast.. 'Ieuse -~~~W çîse.fl b«M Pd u state,! bhet lauitur *t'gbtW to.e b. a i 't M I -s E.]

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