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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Jul 1896, p. 6

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Mas8èy4Iarri~ e It is Styli8h, light, sud (ast ; of perfect workmansh1p sud finish. . . q C x-c la met e rs, XVatçh Holders, S!1~'er Name Plates. lrrump WatoheE for tourist use. - Jw. 8. Barnard, WIIITBY ~eqrnide. om~tai County Organ,- .rg~ CIZOUIS.. [Ion et auy local Peper au Canada. FRIDÂY, JULY 17, 1896. LOCAL LÂOONIOS Boots md Shaes at .iactîon prîces for 30 days at M W Col- !:n~ \ew Shoe Store, Easc Sade, Wbmtby. AWin's for pure drugs. Hardwood diuing tables, ~ leaves, only$~, ai W luIs. Mr Jas. Gondon, Pîckeriug, was in town on Sunday Isat. Mr B. D. Sawidera. Guelpb, la visiting St 1-lis Honor Judge Dantnell's. Save your butter account bi- uslng Tod's bread Haif the butter will do. Even Torouto hanicers for an earthquake sînce ihe uews weur lu froin Whitby. McGeary's bonse won third moue>'- at Trenton last wcck lu a race which was won în2îS. t' Messins. Hugh M. Rosa sud mo. Willis are ail ,o Osu-ego this week for a schooner jauu~ o~ the Fions Carveth. Mr i~,j)ie Arnold la off on a bicycle tnp fèr îwo wecks. flc wUIgo au fer wes~ as Chalhamduriag~~se.oe - Mesars. W. Pi. Tamblyn, M. A., as~l W. i J (~reenwood, B. A., are appolutedexa~rn crs n the sub)ect ot Engllah grammar a: ~ T runto this yean. o \Ir W. I-I. Hall, editor sud propnietor nt t: NI.srkha~ Sun, sud Mr. Bradir, Mamicliain, fi muer-e n tôwu ou Sunday last, they being en- c r-tir for Osbawa. A ~our 450 people excurted ta Tomouto on B Monday ou steamer Enrydice, fifty Or more P ~'s'hîîby people being in the crowd. The ti mo~nhigbt tnp at niglit was nat se well pst- Vi ron:zed Uri for Muakaka Mackinaw seaside h Manîroba, Europe, ail Uuited States, B. C: ~' and Canadisu points, snywhere, every- '~ where. by boat, rail on ocran. Rates guar- DE ariteed rigbt. Thnougb tickets rrading F froni Pickeniug, T3ronto My-rtle, Brookîju or tIi Wbîiby. Write or are Stephenson, Whitby ~ before traveling. Choice of ail routes sud M 10 best ocean S. S. unes. Buy Stephenson's hi round tnp tickets ta "Manitoba points" th onlv ~28 (S tri ar Ice cream, cakes, bolAed hani, at ~e'ates', tri Z>JI~JI~ 18 - ~ ~ E2 E --....4iaueOr4wola ~ Whl.. - -~ V byon, wa~ ot~th~ 'o rh~j~~ Torontô, . ~ Ty~ l'o4's breai~, ,old o at Mn. Warren, w borne from college. si'h orne. L~. W~eu, daugbtea~f~~* u~d CQst sinks out of b~ ~ this saz~ If savrng is maicing mo~1ey this is certainly coù~ Mr. Jas. Ayges, Toronto, vistted witb MrJ Don't faîl to share in the ha~gains of the s ceot8~pet. beL * and 4rs. Wrn. Ayres Suaday and Ilonday. GPI~!A'U ~ %~IA T.tî' Ci lir. W. Ã". Walteta returned home (rom Misa Carne Stepben4On, P,.terboro, is AT F. Moe~reaîo,~ Suuday morwng. visîtiug iii town, the guest of Miss Edlth .a.~LUl.E4.1~X ~ ~... ~isa May Collisonspent a few d~ys with Grogs. TO THE A DIRGE:OF PIUÇES. W. Tub'5. 6 plece aolid walnw parlo~. suite, plush, Va'. Give him a cali wheu i-on want Job Lots of Drese Goode *25~ 35 and SOc. Reduced to 12 15 ahd 25e. See our Prints ~ 1" QI0 A1P~ ber Paren~ la Toroui> this week. D. M. rod's bread snd <'skes are sold at T LIST6 K150. witb silk plush bauds, for 832> worth $i~, a an t ingiice in that une. -A His Hono, Judge Burnham~ ami Messie. ~~ Oolored Crepons, ail new, goode juet in, sold r Our prices Saturday Il c. New Mr. Lou. Lintuer la mdi >oami u~i, w~k. Wrlght and Murton, sat here as auditors of regular lSe. for l2kc. be sure and see them. See our Flannels at 5, 7 and 15e. See our ew Whjte Spot M~i A Bligbt attack of typhoîd lever appeans to crimninal justice un Monday and Tuesday. at 20e. regular 25e. D~> Ail our Wool Delaiz~s W be sold at cost sud under. be the cause. Tne Checkers, of Beaverton, defeated the the 01<1 country wmth an Importation et Berk. a league gaine a: Uzbradge on Thursday Mn. S. COxWortb returne<I last week iroin Uxbridge l~crosse teain by a score of a--a lu n1IJ~LIN EI~y * ~ M JLLJN ER y Master Jno. MvDOnald, yoUngest son of A lacrosse match has heen arranged be. AU must go regardies of price. Trimnied Rats regular 85, for $3. Tilmw.d Saitors regulor $1 75, for $1. ~ Mr.axigi Mrs. Angus Mcflonaîd. bas been lu tween Oshawa and Whlrby at Osbawa ou our 25, 30 sud SOc. Sailors. Ail Ribbons, Laces, Flowers, &c., st very Iowest pricea. O~> C3a11 sud examine t~ Toronto dunlng past week undergomng an July a4th. Ail the players bere Operation tor tbroat tncobîe. ed to attend practice as otten erequcet. ee our Ladies' Beit Buokies st oniy lOc. New Sets Misa Eva Clemenco, of Uxbridge, wbo i~ Mr. <ico. Barnes wa~ unable to play with Blouse regular 50e. to go at 26c. Very beat goode. been vlaltlug watli Mi, nnd Mis. Jua. cî~. Stoufivîlle in trie StouBville..Markham chain- ~m~~Ordered ence for past three Weeks, left for her home Dioflahip gaine on Saturday, on accoun: of Ch4hiugatGreat thîs week. Miss Eva Clemence of this injury receivrd by being nan down by a Halifax Tweed Suits only 810. ~j,,BIue Serge.Sufts onlV 812. ~ Fine Blaok Suits & specialty. ~ No t Roduotiou....u....u town, accompanî~<J ber. bîcycliat on July [St. in our stock. Mr. Roger Rîce. express messenger on the lu a champiousî,îp lacrosse gaine at Stonfi. 1~1. home on a two weeks' vacation. He intenda îeat~d Stouffvîgîe by 3 goals to 2. At the end Everyîhzng ai Local, bcîvecn ?ononta and Belleville, ~s ville on Saturday Iast the Markham teain de- Prices. T/à~ is the store fat real *'largaues. spcnding a few days with bis aunt, in De.. or two bours play the gaine stood 2-2, but Reduced Uoit before resumîng bis duties. muter (1fteen minutes more Markbam scored To-day is decoratjon day at the uîii~ the winning goal. The game was (ast and C~ :F . S T E cemete~ and St Johnmm at the bay. The ~ (rom rouglinins. mai-or bas pnoclaim~~ a haîf holiday. Crop prospects throughout the county Oahawa lodges wiiI aiso decorate at the lead us ta look fan a more than average union cemeteny and the 341h battalion baud crap. There is less complaint amoug fan. t will play the airs, mers this year over the cnop prospects than The national division of the Sous of Tem~ we have heard for yeans. Theyield pro- perance met lu Washington, D c.1 îast mises to be unusuauy good. Pnices may be week. Mn Thos Casweîî cmty solîciton 10W, but that will not trouble those who Toronto, was electrd Moat Wonthy Patni' grow grain for fred. The apple crop wili arch, sud Mn W J Gates, of Nova &,~ aise be abundant. Those who have large G -. Moat Worthy Associate, t» ~ hi~h~ are rrasonabîy sure of a good offices in their order. Thîs is quite a thing, while othens are planting trees feather lu the Cap of the ordar for Canada. hoping ta get their reward later on. The udt session wiu be held in Montreal, Gea. Dunseaili, a fariner who livra lu Quebcc, in 1897 PiCkering tawnsbip, was arrested lu Tor- reat JuIy Clearing Sale. Ica Creain Paijor onto on Tucsdi~y on a charge of forgery. h For the best Ice Cream, eau ar D ~ alleged that Dunseaîh forged the name of Matbjson's Dundas Street.-a3tf a rich Markham township tanner uamed S. Wrlt for S~oao. A. Moukhouse to a note et $~ro, given in ta'von of Henry Russeil otthe Schiller }{ouse, 1, J. M. Brooks, hoteikeeper Port Perry, bas of Tarants. When arraigned lu the police botel keepen, Port Perny, for siauder. The nor preparrd ta go on with Uic case, aud he IAIQ A fltfll issurd a wrîr for 530(10 L. court Dot was BA uL rfl agaînat Sebent, lie pleaded guilty. but aaid lie /i'GA I/V L £ R TAIiEAÃŽTc9.=u< case arises ont ot a conversation aud noisy was remandrd for a week. Application (on ) ~"" altercation held brrr during thejune sessions bail was refuard. otthe county court. Four bloomer t~icyclists, two maIe sud two IXT Wea±her Predictions. ternale, apent an hour or îuvo in town Wed- vve intend to make business as lively as possible du Mr. E. Stephenson, the G. N. W. Telegrapli nrsday. The girls llad evrrything that is Co's agent bere, bas secured ta Wbitby the suggestive ot new women lu their garb and "'16 present ratner s:ow month if LOW ~'~- of the regular daily transmission of the second or conduct, even ta sitting cross.legged in front ~WAas îa o'clock sm. weatben prediction (rom the ot the batela. There was norhing but the '~ and do it.PRIOES paen~y observatory lu Queen's Park. Toranto The outîlue ot their figures ta show that thcy ~ CHRONICLE is iuformed this la anc advan- were not men, their conduet being as mucb surroundrng Torooto. . the came hump on their backs and appcarrd ring tage wbicIi Whitby alone enjoys eftbe towns as possible the came. lu riding they had ~ Clen- ou~ th' Denartm ~n*a Big Bargains. ta have equal srrength. They ifent esat 'D ,I Side Boot sud Shor store. A pointer for housekeepers. ml' 41.. ~ .D Ou Saturday, July z8rb, r8~, at the West tram towu. And wiO ~iVUL ('-t'JU Ot 11,LOCK9 'ce pairs of ladies' sud cbuldreu's alippers AIl yaur wauts supplned Lt AlIlu 's drug it 50c. per pair. store, rubben rings, conka, sealing wsx, etc. / 50 pairs 1541L5' buttoued boots at yeun Up-to-dame styles ~ will be the main object of our business, and no. effort wiIl ~ >wn price. Men's kid be spar Men's laced sud gaiter boots at 25 per flue galles toc Up Si, Mens' ed to make July a fUIOORD BREAKER in this respect. Shoppers lu ent discount. fine kid lace boots, narrow toc, Si; ladies' !rupka su4 ~~ises at coat. Whfîe front, fine kid buttoued boots, toc rip, narrow ~ general should not fait to in.spec>t the immense. inducement we are offer.ùrg Ateat Side B~rock St. only $r; ladies' fine kid oxford shora, nan. W Collins. '~'~j~ ' ~ ~,,3 ~:iu~. Yumumu i. row toc, ouly 8~c ar the new shoe store, M \ vW~AL ~,L...., ~ The steamboat Columbian, a magni~<-ent St John a Cbunch. I~ AI. pecimen of marine architecture, costing lier Tbe Rev. T. R. O'Meara, curare of Trin. wuers, Uic Richelîeuand Ontaria Naviga. ion Ce., $125,oao twot years ago, sud the iîy cburch, Taronto, and secnetary ot Wy. neat exoursion boat on the lakes, bas licen c~Jffc College, wilI conduct divine service in aud Ready-to-W ,~,8 of ev.ry deeoripti.a~ hartered ai heavy guarantcc for ~ tins chai-ch ou Wedncaday evening, the ~lagara Faîla by Commodore Jackson, aand mat.. at 8 o'clock. At the close of Uic - Iii J~i.ekofa TUftwcscaca on Uic now well known whale4iavk service boly Communion will be ~ ~ ding ~ Capes, ~ Boys' rinciple, the Colunabian la, although eue o~' tr.d. and Glo*hirig,.: îe largeat vessels on the great lakes, ot ~tep~~p1is .5-- ery Iigbr draft. She la a tbree deçker, mus Mn W i~ 0'Bnlcn. photographe Oshawa, ii.Osiery ~ etc. ~ miles an bour, la fitted wirh incandescent bas decidel te ofi~r a bonus ot return fane Underw ear, ~ eçe., gbts, throughout tbe cabins, state rooma on tbe Oshawa stage te ail pensons goîng ta rid general fitringa are palatial, carrying Osbaws by ttist route sud orderrag $3 uvorth ~ 200 passeugera, the rate la Sz.a,~. The of work or more. lie la gc~ing up a dmaplay ~ - 3rtb shore porta froin Ncwcastle wesî ta ot bis latent work, whlcb yUl be on exbabm- VVL.LÂE.5N~ rencbman's Bay are Uic porta ofcalî. Frain tien here la a fer' days, cither lu the pont ~ e lasî uamned place sud Whitby t.be exc-ur- of~ce on anc of thednug stores. He w doîng -. ou la under the auspices of the Workmen. seme grand workJ~y Peu- methoda r. Jackson, wba is ta be commended for Sen.~ ~&5 csp epest. s indefatigable enterpnise in catering to e îravrîmmng public, leaves by to mammi -aturda>') aftemnoon's R. & O. mail boa im Toronto for Montreal te conclude ai rangements for this, sud possibi>' otbe ps by the Columbian. r -, .oase Promotion Ezaxninataons. of boots sud abees St auction priera for 30 HENRY ST. ScmsoOL.-I Sr. to Il Jr. days ar M W Collins' New Shor Store. Form. W Kirkland, A Forsythe, R Bcwell Easî Sîde, Wbitby. M Cellins, H Proctor, A Blanchard, J ta~î. Steamer A J Tynien, idge, L Rogers, F Luke, J Barclay, H Bar- Commnenciug to-day the steamer A. J. T>'- nard, B Jenninga. Il Jr to Il Sm Fomin.- F mon wîIl make a tnp froni Bau-xnaaville Jenkins, T Anderson, N Bn-an, F Woodnuft, Oshawa sud Whitb> to Tomonto sud returr B Bugbec, V Augustes, J Mou-at, T Gilpin. every Friday. This la net a very large boam il Sn to III Jr Fonna.-A Bruce, H Vicans, R but îs stroug, swift sud mate, sud wirl ' Rewell, W Ma>'nard, C HendcmsQn, G El- gîve ~. Moore D McBmien H the ut mont satisfaction. Round tnp 50 Cents. isen, F El~, L Our keading Grain Grower. made Heard, D Suthenîand, HThompson, M Law, R Brysu, L Smitb. Jr ta LII Si Formu. Mr. Thos. Manderson bis anunal -A Andenson, V Peina, G Tunubull, L cail ai this ofilce an Satundav last ta leave us Moavat J Mannlng, A Hallett, K Hem, B Samples ot the nipcning crop. He selcctcd Hawkmn, M Bures, R Smub. III Si. ta IV three varieties of (aIl wbeat-Surpmisc Wbute, Jr Form.-L Grills, F Fegan, A Calvcrley, Rogers Red, sud Dawson'a Golden Chaif- E Thompeon, G Ellis, E Mowbra>'. MODaL sud one ot rye. We do net sec how an>' et SCHOOL. I Sr ta Il Jr Forua.-R McGeary, the bunches could well ha better. The sain- R Andold, J Flynn, G Cosu-orth, F Noble, pies are banglng la ont sanctuin for inspcc- F Cresu-cîl, E McAllisîer, E Scott, W Bates, tlo0. T Plaskiu, Il Si ta III Jr Fonn~.-E Ard, Harnet Beechen SLow.. Last Latter. - F Hartrick, G Rogers, R Hyland, H Hou-. The Isat rbing wnltten b>' Ms. lisiniet den, R Enset, M Piper, M Smith, C Grabsat. Beeclier Sîowc, onl>' s feu- days betone ber B Smith. III Jr to III Sr Fonm.-M Cor- deaîh, u-aa s loving acknowledgment to the wonth, T Britton, M Canden, M Deveneil, G Public for fond rc~nembnances sud tokeas Loch, B Sturglsa. 1111 Sf te IV Jr Form.- and expressions <>f affectionate esteain, on E Biset, H Hyîand, C Bell, L Nicholson, H ber 851h blrthday,- whicb skie sent ~ 'n>. Pningle, J Tbemao~, B Glipin, H Wilson, E Ladies' Homue Journal. lu the uex issue of Bannes, L Annold, A Stuargias, M Cornlsh, R thts magazine It will ha pubiisbed lu ji,~ Sadien, M McGeary, V Sarclai-, EScott. "mile. h reflecta the beatuiful nature 0f lVJn to IV Sr Fonna.--V Tatublyn,, R Dow, the gifted autheresa, and b>' lier deali bas M Mou-brai-, E Rkhardsoa, L iCean. W become hem isat message to abe Anacrican Nicholson. D Stewart, B Manuing, I Jcwell, Public. - .N Richanâson, B Hendensen, M Bewell, j I the Itanthquake. . Camidgé, J Rice, M Creswefl, L Calvenîci-, The severeat shock ai' eanthquakc k~nown R Jebnutoa. o have visited this part ot the ceunI-y in Ra-Couat ef Nortb Outaile vote. Years occurred betu-cen 5 sud zo minutes ta Before Ris - Houer Judge -Sumnhain a ne- s I Monda>' momning. Hundreda et tôwns- cotant et theNorti Otatario vote teok place a leople report baving heen awakencd, u-hUa hpremiestqnday. Mm. b'Ahon WCarthy, Q. a lot a few u-ho wene awake give aceni-ete C1 repr'~Oented Wa*dep O. -Grabamu,_and I iccounts of the phenomnena. The saiiad u- À. AwI~m,~i.- ~ v 't -I - I 'mac that ot distant but irai-y h.avy thunder, sud lastcd pnobably. ae sevoudar 1Aber about one-third et tus sbock b*d ~~aased ,UP taw hicb Unie the nollo<aenud X.L)ad bec iremeud~stremel>' aven, thump. ~ - b sensstio0 t Souud whjch h:dch~~ mencement was resumed, decîiuing died away on Uta bernaI Tewn. people sud those lîvi lia t .oiuutrz Immedîstel>' ta Uic ne agrerd that the sboc~,paaaa4 t~t narîh acroas the ceuntry, butta wIIklIi lion it tnsvelîed could sot 001*St*1J'-bêr terrnipod although Il'. P opinion la that it u-a~;owsgi$g or wcstg,«j caine frenp *~ eas~. flousas u- ~ atm~ ~ s sud earth sud9 waE mu~ -. -- ~~1 ~ au nanaît o(CaodldatsJobu A. u~iiîdv-ay The pro- cae4laa~s ~o4 heId~4u prime sud w. are niua poetUoiateTéport a mat deal abêtir ~enator rnlce an4 Aactionecr Charte. - Scou bave bren maklng a tnp rbrough Base Line Pickening. Duuibarton, Brougbam, Gnecnwood, Andley, Brooklin, Asbburn, Myrtie, Utica, Epsona, Grecnbank, Port Penny, Raglan, Columubus, Tanuton, Oabawa and varlous othen places, sud ~nd tii. vcry goad, wath the exception et bar, i. lmght czcept lu a feu- placas, ~ws are ver>' flac, bariey good, osta goc4 LaU uheat (air. Tbe beat plece et long s~a'aw pea~ la on the faims ot Jas Brysut, R. Siaclen, base lise; early pus, Pindar, base Une; short srraw pesa, J.auoe Leask, Taunton; wblte marrowfagW~,.~ Reel, Gncçnbank; blackeyes, Henry 5kM. Bnooklia; muaamypca, Mattbew M Whitby; baIeyJobnGr.emuîaw~ Plckè osto, Wm. Westiske, 4th con.; fias, llrewa, base île.; brood ut chlckea*s~ Wmn. Westlake, Dunharton; çccse, Wmn. Ira 4tb con.; dncks, Wm. Bail.-, Whitb>r; fie 0f muaitard, Harry Cochran, Osbawa; fleld o1 stuagis, John Blackwood, Utica; hast gardenjoha Tbomnpson~ oud cou.; 5 hast hclf~ns, y'earling grades, J H Long, Whitby-; (aIl ni-c, Jas Du-i-et, Grcenwood; old ui-e, a large crop and moat et it good excep lu. Pickcrlng. whcnc k la a complet. (satane ou-mg pnebably to Uic dry weather or the prohlbitony wiads, (ail uheat, John Drydea, Brookilu. .~- Lecai Op~oe Cas~ lu l~ccember, z8~. James Gordon;Pfcker. ing, ,John M. Gcrow, Breughanj, sud Aies.. amies, Wllaoa, Claneatont, ucre tnled b~>ne Police Maglstrste Harper et thla Stivu ou charges et sclling Ilquor vithout liceuse. Tii. local option by-lau- had prevtonal- been >assed lu that townshlp, but se Ils vaIidaty was mander question before tii. courts lie7 ikcd that sentence ho wItl,~ieId [n thew ~aacs until it weuld W dcclded liaî tii. by~ SW was valid. Thuas ~ tu-o yaw ted ioves niontha tii. police iesgIstrnt~ hou ~en îdJournlug lb. ca3e tram week t&iq~un. - il tic scroUofeaej~ case malse ~t~vg~~1L ~eantl~ -Lie Qneen's unlvw' cemrneikzia~m.& I Chase & "SEAL" Brand JAVA me TRV vo M. 4

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