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Whitby Chronicle, 24 Jul 1896, p. 2

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k.jas. il. xNiooou, orqoosyu., N.B, tu',Ieafor neveu Louei Y»m uwitt CANCER ON THE LIP, AMD In OUR= ]M AYERSparfila Mr. Nicholson a 601 oonsult.d doo. tors who pr=cMbd for me, but to 11opurPose ; tbe cancer began to Eat Lto the Flesh, spread to my chin, and 1 mfered l aiCny for seven Ionq îrs Finaily 1 a wekO WýUU dapaWi l Decided llnprovement. Encouraged by this remnit. 1 perse. vered, untUl la a Month or so the sors under My ohin began to heaL.In three MOU Mylipbeg toheaikand, ater Ahe t's%-e ' Saîmsapaîllia a4mitt.e am the World'a Vair.- -mait-be tMYq T he Rcd 'IMrd"t in Canada. c 'v i ] r p n 8< ALL- THE cHAMPIONb in the professional ranke, at. the C. 3trd. Last year, with only one ex- rauks rode to victory on a Red )icycle's occasional victory, but the )eated victories 18 superiority in its nust be easy running, to win i ýVe dlaim that the Red B1irdl is 1ld in Canada to-dlay. The Following, HARLEY pionsbip and the DAVI DSON, who won the jProfessional haif-mile ohampionship, the poesoa profes8ional mile open. S ,é w W. A. Meet'won their laurels on a Red ception, every champion ini the Clasa B IBird There mey. be an excuse for a only reason that eau be assigned for re- ranning qualities. A bicycle to be swift must be' botter buit than other wheels. the most'carefully oonstructed bicycle f montreai, P. Q. IWhenever Given a FairTrj Hood's9 Proves Its Merit. Te fôllow ing letter là trom Mr. J. I & , Chauss, 8rchitect and agrveyor, No. 153Sza Street, Montreal, Cana"a "Gentlemen: -I1 have been tak ing 110M%~ Barstaeiha for about ilx months and arn glmd t<> ss7" Itht a done -me a great deal of Ot Last XMYmywslgt waU152 PJ10flh bu1sin 1 b*h tp kb"Iood's 8r~îa It balI w I oD ' UM id uelvo Ue ta uà b onoesÃŽckhu é5emdge ANGUS MoLEOD, w o the professionai* mile chaznpionship, third place in the nrnfjaainnaî C. cow belonging ta joseph Fralick, .AAULLUjAOU iiu risioa v-iecaponship. - r ~ ~ JLJ 10 con. Reach, was killed on the rail. Wl LL Mcl NTOS H, who won second place ini the professional mile open, and third place in the poesoa way track Friday evening by the pas- mile champiousahip. senger train fromn the north. Lunge fishing on Scugog lake is bet- E. COOPER, who won the professional one mile 2:40 class, and fourth place in the professiona n ml tertha usal this season. Messrs. J.hadcp B. Goulp and R. Calvert caught 52 Itis. one morning last week in a few hours. R. E. AXTON, who won the one mile open amateur, in which he made the fàstest comnpetition miE maeu Peter Titds, a boy of [4 years or so, the meet eie iingidpae in teoeml amateur. who is inclined to be wild, stole antbidswnnghrdpae he n-me *umbrella out of Cherpaw's confection- erystore last week and the magist.rate sent him down to Whitby for trial. * Bill Doble &gain. '-Fighting Bill Doble," as he is com- 'Tho Goold Bicy'cle Go., Ltdu monly known, was charged here on Tuesday by Benj. Flewell with assault, »OR * and the case has been in progress up to BRA NTFr D -the time of our going to press.Fe- elI clai ms that Doble chewed his O T R O *fingers. Doble denies it and has a counter charge against Fleweîl. The fracas occurred at Sunderland oin the - i th.- If allowed at large their irrepres- sibleÃŽman Doble wiIl either kili someTh -person or be killed. For the sake of himself and family le had better (7zm an Th t over a new leaf and be-come a peaceful, Red B 'a, Fla8ki Laut week Chief of Police Wright Tre t r msL d ur~ .vv~o took charge of a strange boy and sorrel i o a e nd tQub .8o nalth a pi nag that had drifted into town together.dd tla Be ida Qu be.80lnau ne '/am o8I p. The boy was apparently younger than ---the horse, being about i o or 12 years of *Davison, but it transpired that his name was Quaife. After a delay of some days the owner of the horse was found to be a man named Brennan at Toron-HA C BR S, GE T ,WIYO T Monday for him, but the lad had been- sent t.o Toronto on Saturday. He will -be tried down there. Umaoa .Broolk CounciLi A eo. * Eea«U FaMStoMmtas vln. 1fr. AlliÉton bas gone on a weok's viuitTepr.e Mr. C, E. Rainey won the ioo and to frieuds in Aiiiston.* '* Met on JuIy 4th at Sunderlandi, memb- A cavairyman had for the second YSbmêloNa-pu.t * 200 ysad aes th Boisseîn oh, . on r bl kMic ihael lr eroe'm pop- *fl5aJp",**f ti me retnrned to the barraeks in, an in- T unct - Jlyîs, .ndwih temth -amlo ulr aksingh, aroentlyade ao rm hmfllwigtoxicated condition. .Fo ~ eeti$&@i~gÈgg -ship of Southern Manitoba. Ross, of podokn eatett iicr a te s were-- read:; John F, Parewelg Fi comrades saw a chance the se- -'O ertbu f birdi5 W innipeg, the ali-M anitoba cham pion, repaâu shop ad i. givng good satisfaction Pa clr keties H t e U on i me t ish m al tl e s n « 6 f rt el a dicnoshow up. The time was îoU itinsaswell sein other branobes of bis OcBouot cle rklm g is e -ntgti ae to ge hiand thuti l~a ~~ seconds for the 100 and 21for the 200. busines. n0ofBrck-ons ip r186i «»"ment h~~e . edn hrs isbr raraerpipitn ndaa cnwegi eof He*a bsb i#15 io fga'an ff leat1a09f Hugb EKay. general blackusmiing promptly attended aknWdsinreip0fsesm foot out froni under tbe ,blankét;- and frteyr . Th dat o RgIMcay o St-~ rot b.olrkofThrai taln tatthliy fsteneiýd one of bits spurà 0oaiîs for he, -th Th eahofHghMKaonSt Mara will bave a good, average crop the township of Thom a1d made a gra n iked lid.The' troopeïr 4Y in a di -~t% ~ ~ ~-h th . mu1 y-1r.McKytetrct . uda lstwa asurrie o mnyinthis season. The hsy is the only liglit of $20 on liio towIe betoen -Brook hoV n oinea le ep nt te acoldlnt inte r. whcl be w as un- crop. Alilkinde of spring grain has made and Thorab. on condition that Brook tùfC. --At, 18t b_ Stired, chaedlis mIrniýij_. . là~ oeacl atwntr hc ews nchill pro>grem during the past two wbeks. would make a like *t oito~addgth'e spur into his ôthei ! ~aI, able ta shake off ; consuimption set inim' pmtio##and heî e aud sowa hebui> ôof hn UnBonsaélîeg and le failed rapidly, but it was not nice. flllemi lum grain. There la not principally ofpayin Coona otIo O!Fep Ue!lehot. thought bis end was so near. Deceas- meacctl nihohedoatm~i.*j~te, mo si& J-loup tý'lh! Hé<>p! 14Vtrd ed wasa member of the Board of Edu- WsÏij, 'Iam 60Mso r eSay, be ivery low ln #4 t<> Thos Bn» , and -818-U te Mît.-and'-ookedat the sptur1fastned b is wol-om* ~J~ cation- of thiS town and for many years pricests1thb beinaing of the. season. teN.a or y t lim been wîdely lRnown as an insurance Old atg z1hlog or 1lato 17 OMO tsat *90) Wu ldfôr gavel. T ii. I nwele~ c, , 'he said i hat, de t -- nd <id t Tî , ,agent. Wlen the Midland Mutual In- presentla an Wiuloii tliainew enes t.8 wor o n' >0theIii!goI c4 ae eetaklps doiW ic4d t à surance Company was formed, Mr. ffli o adfo 1cr o~ix ethàre ryla~ o-,-. o ffy _ht ~t fog~ McKay was selected, because of bis 1Mr. Laurief, basanneioS bis cainet ccive,. lb. ýûses épo1pon oùy aur. r to ' knowledge, experience and caution, for witb =escep o.Itisunqu4estionably eapcy sms u'~, 1 tue, important office of secretary. The a atrÈýon nue.1fr UOJEwmi a usliMs #. Mar** '"-- rapid growth of the socieiy duiring the Oxcellojt *nd kIz-Postmwstm, nonath,; *&. < Gorge Bitcber, 82, ver - -cee *.**-p« - - lrst year is largely attributable to hin ênal i na that WiU sav lb waonh u.QGwq-4-rni ' 4sU. of*cI#Io4IgE, -W The funeral of the deceased took place' cOeu ntr muYb~w11adeoib.K.J,.~mt~#o oik -- o~n Monday to Uxbride cemetery, the &i8UPlèi W a Lbe*ll OunI* e r îpu soI; 0"'a. whi *merpbers of the Boarç of Education at- ZDfJttii ht4 h 6tp.o*.0 umuh 'fDv0 rù tended in a body. Service wp held at tbreS, 1jet aýLib wersui4iaIt Ù1pm»oiih;, Mary im11. -24. ÃŽ the bouse by the Rev. Mr. ledo tUi .uêtI4~triiiea.~ ______ P a u l s c h u r c h . 'à î 1 -- a * 6 a r n éua k-4 « -OIN.ho o#u14 Luuietç>pirw -1m-née d Loyal Crusade smeet Wedneàdiay, abe Ï <W*r' 1o1-oua JtzIy- 29tb, at 3 o'clock. P *,s -4 n Stýcey B;çS. bave comrnencd ,gi~ ~'bid< on fr WJ. ro ks~ new~ oiêè y' ~- e l~4traCbagm layti oppoaftùp - ~xI~d at lrookie reemny -W1 ih6bam ~ if a'dfail eWhity;se WM7 '~iraf~ &a. of oront: MÀarm îg. Sjvlbe swnd M s ~ Iet Drf;t-*S W -:7.sust =È!~vi 'r aece 45, 7Mn z I Almost Passes Bel ief UXBR.IDOEC are Mke Wins made ai t/is year's -t-- t 0 -- M"%"W/ VIAUW.AWAM -rom" È. x"4*k&ft.ý 4e t* aising of tA t hcre", Mr. M afM et with a ve denit. 'Therain ia ti 'gàtîber very slipý «'oéi CIwas 'doing s ý6 of the building h-e ýcônsiderable distanze fýràcufng and dis'oca owand also fracturîný ~ittfilabov e the wrist. r.John Rennedy niops trotter, -Hone5 --ever a lover of good bi< he has purchased anot wasàbought by an Uxi .,n,89 for $2.500. 7,.27, beating sucli hor- iao".Wheel of Fort~ and Mr. Kennedy exi Iuckto place hilm in i fali. He will be enteri races of any importan, tween now and stud se --Peteétive Wasson rf Jebb before the PoIhr Kingstoni, charged wîLt ie tîtle "Dr.' Dr.1 hp bad obtained the ti tractionf" from an ir Uuited States; that he medicipe or surgery,.i plaints of the eye sole able spectacles. The tbat the prosecution *cMendant had rnisled Yasit was proven he wa istthe case was dismis A. distressing accid Mki don Mondai, train was preparing t [. angemnen home, joh Tait, was waling ak tracks as the train cai tion. H&jd bis bac< Thix 4ng apparently ti ting intpofthe way of tbi-unfortntei 'Wf6tof the engir thied and put on tir thtrain could be stoi] been 'kncicked down, -tender, and two wheel had passed over both thieyn He was tak office;where the legs btlow the kneè. - All were circulated as to h' bappened, most of1 about flot having a ver img to its suddenness, trarfeft it was reporte *was dead. At last acei Vhe was doing as well a pected. Rabbins bad in the employ of Mr. E and bas a w-ife and fo pending I1,on him. M fe~ fr imand for the The, receiptWf the r amiounted'tÃ"boUt $12 'M'iss Effie Chamber was here during the wei Miss Thompson, of 1 for a week with lit * Hendiehan. H.Hopper, of Victoi he~on Tuesday wit Meel: five-mile Cham-1 .9

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