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Whitby Chronicle, 24 Jul 1896, p. 3

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'ik.At the raising of~M.Adro' b.,an, AtherleY, - Mr. Martift O'Donnell, Y f Mara, met with a very serious acci- dent. The rain in the evening madie the timnbers very slippery, and while 'Donnell was doing some work on the ocf the building he slipped, falling a considerable distanae to the ground, fracturing and dislocating his left el.- tiow and also fracturing the same arm a î-ttle above the wrist. Mr. John Rennedy bas sold his fa- mous trotter, -'Honest Wilkes, " but eCver a lover of good blooded horseflesh, he has purchased another famous trot- ting stallion, ,UIver" (5400). "Diver" wa.g 1bought by an Uxbrîdge syndicate n îs92. for $2.500o. He won a race in 2. -7 beating such horses as 'Stanton- -Wheel ot Fortune," and others, and NIr. Kennedy expects, with good lu,-k jte place him in the 20 liSt this lai 1le icwlI be entered for ail stallion rat'es (f any importance in Canada,' be- twàeefl nuw and stud season. Petectîve Wasson recently had Dr. jebh twfure the Police Magistrate at Kiîngston, t harged with illegally using the titW D.' Dr. Jebb proved that he had obtained the titte- Dr. of Re. jrati(î n- fromn an institution in the InLitcdl States; that lie did not practise mnedîtîne or surgerv, and treated com- plaints of the eye solely bx' fitting suit- able spectacles. The magistrate said that the prosecution must show that defendant had misled somebody; and as i. uas proven be was an eye special- st the t..se was dismissed. A distressîng accident occurred at Midland on N1onday', as the excursion train xwas preparing to brîng the Or- ancemnen homne, -John Robbins, of Tait. cas walkîing along between two triý ks is the trai'n camne into the sta- tiur. île tiad his back to the engine. Tfhînking ajparently that he was get- ting out of the way of the approaching train, the unfortunate man stepped just n front of the engine. The driver whistled, and put on brakes, but before th'e train could be storped Robbins had been knq:cked down, and the engine, tender. and two wheels of the first car had passed (-ver both bis legs, cutting them off. He was taken to Dr. GuIls Aticýe. where the legs were amputated ml -withu knee. AIl sorts of stories welre (iîr ,ulated as to bow the accident hapkîcred, niost of thos;e standing ,e ,ut not having a very clear idea ow- ing ro its >uddenness, and before the t.rcin leît t was reported that Robbins '- riead. At last accounits, however, buc wa,<Dn as well as could be ex- Rctd obbins had been a teamstcr n tile emçîloy of Mr. Donnelly at Tait. andi îas a wîfe and four chîldren de- per.ding uijion him. M uch sympathv is for ferm and for them. The reî elpts of the methodist pic-nic ameounted to about $125. Mis,~ Effie Chamnberlin, of l)etroit, ,Aas here during the week with friends. Miss Thompson, of Toronto, is here for a week with ber sister, Mrs. H end leh an. luter Macnab bas been leader of s n F rskine church for the past few D'îatî,,'1), acnab, Esq., having \. imdthe position to nurse a severe Rteee (erow is erecting a new fence ';,'posîte bis premises on dirock street 1. r. The fence is ta be a hantisome v eaff air sîmilar to that of T. Castor's. Miss lessie Gerow is with Brougham fiveek fer a few tiays. She leaves next 'Ac or Winnipeg where she will shiend some montkss witb ber sister, Nirs. Wm. Murtiocl<.We wisb ber bon aâg e. Nr, l3vngton, NI. D., and family, of T rent>, were here during the past Wmmck wîtb her sister, Mrs. E. R. Eddty. Mrs. Hovington intends leaving shortly for British Columbia whene she will pursue ber profession. Mi1Ss Mowbray, of Kinsale, las ahui lied for the position 'of teacher of O-ur junior division, anti the probabilit- es are that ber application wiIl be suc- c eS Sful. XVe trust it may as sIc is an estimable yaung lady, anti has just passeti the normal examinations witl credit. An ageti citizen applieti te Maistrate herow the ather day asking te be sent to tbe caunty jail, as le lad ne mecans of supporting himnself. The-magtstrte refuseti the nequest as the nman lad- heen guilty of ne crime, anti vas there- fore no fit inmate fçrafelen's e>. -Ais ' this olrj man bas relatives,. surel y bii future maintenance, whicî viii be >U eti between rbem. - Thrce Jews struck tIfs -pià'e1s Wveek, and as tley- weralli 1ht e S*pe, tacle business you vould itot heteagree very Jo gr one of theparty,-3 and le demandd. tg',> ha *Ï documents by' t. causeti trubl,v Ol4dem Of u A lamentable acc-ident'befel Louis, the 9 year old son of Mr. P. PenroSe, of the east watd,; Saturday evening last. About 8.20 he was wending his way to the river to enjoy a swim, andi when nearly' opposite Fremont.Crn dell's residence, Caroline st., he turned to cross the road in or der to join a com- panion. At this moment Ernest Nee- lands, who was bowling along on his bicycle at a rapiti rate in order to de- liver a message at the steamer Estur- ion, then due to leave on her evening trip, appeareti on the scene. He sounded the alarm, and called on young Penrose to keep out of the way, but the latter mi$caIculated the distance, or the speed at which the bicycle was coming, for the next instant he was under tl)e wheels, while the rider and the machine were lying in a heap on the roadside. Mr. Neelands was some- what dazed, as the accident was sudden and unexpacted, but quickly regained his feet andi turneti bis attention to the prostrate lad, enquiring if he was hurt. -My leg is broken,- was the reply. Knowing the boy was hurt, but not be- Iieving bis injuries were as serious as stated, be picked him up mn bis arms and carrieti him to bis father's resi- dence, several blocks away. Tben he hasteneti up town, and quickly had Dr. Shier at the injureti lad's side. The doctor, after examining the limb-tbe left one-pronounceci it broken in two places, one fracture being just below the knee and tl4e cther a short distance above the ankle. The injured memrber was set andi the little fellow, who bore bis sufferings bravely throughout, was ]eft as easy as possible. It was an un- fortunate accident, but no blame can be attached to Mr. Neelantis, who ren- dered il the assistance in bis power to alleviate the lad's sufferings. PICKXRINO W. H. Metcalfe, Whitevale, was in the village Wetinesday evcning. We understand that be bas resigned as teacher of the Whitev'ale school. About one o'clock Mondav morning a rather severe shock of eartbquake was felt by those of our people who were net asleep at that bour. The noise lasteti some few seconds anti the grounti vibrateti the while, sa mucb sa that dishes rattleti, pianos sounded andi cream soureti. To mianv it bati the sound of deep but somew bat dis- tant thunder, growing louder as the noise continuti. The nigbt was ex- ceedingly bot and still, wbile the moon looketi down pleasantlv, when it was not blusbing behinti some of the mauv floatingclouds that at that time steen- ed to bave free use of the circular domé above us, This is the tbird earthquake rumble that we remember of hearing about anti in every case bas the night been chosen as a fit anti pro- per time for the eartb to kick up such ditioes. The next time the day time would be more preferable, but we dont wish ta be too nean to the exca- vation. -News. EVES~RYFAMILY i@HJLO KNOW THAT la a v".r rkable "weobth for iX- TZRNÂL sud ExT3E4L ue, snd won- derful ils quiet action te reUlevediseas. PÂIN-KILLER i m mfSsr ta.1 csa0fBrissCateBrBIas oreh» Ibluras, etc.ntry PÀmN-KILLER Tcam rm MeAE et binntaRDomA. e.NouERMbuT tha enmn vOlmelrge baile 11k e, ndl CHj= &ni eREWo» lastbn& Mn. anti Mn. joseph Laughlmn spent Suntay at Whitevale. Mrs. Milîs, of Toronto, las been visiting at James, Lawson's. Most of our farmers lave finisîcti cutting tîcir fall wheat., Mits Allison, wIe las been attend- ing school ln Toronto, is home for her vacation. Rev. McNeaIl as takeit charge of te bible class ai tuis,-place'and, viii heItiï evcry Tucsday etcnirig instead of W&!-_ nesday evening as* heretofore Cle"yood is to have a weekiy market in the future. Mr. Stouffer ha% engagedi the old voodt shop and. wiU be lere every Tueîday Io bny but- ter anti eggs anti aU kink ofitm du. The ho4ýt, a7weatIher f ids mer la extremely tryiing' th"_ eWho are weak, nervous, sleepieaa and used up. Just at this'time, half-welI people suifer from what is termed "hot weath- er blues.«' This means tired, weary feelings, and -an oppression that makes daily life a burden, When the -"hot weather blues " overcome a person, there às always a great lack of nerve force andi power, and boduly strength is at a low ebb. Maqy will ask, "Iwhat can we do that we may be enableti to attend to busi- ness and enjoy life like others around' us ? Why, do just as thousànds of others have done, banish the cause of the " blues" by using Paines Celery Compoundi for a few wecks. This marvellous tonic medicine will restore your vitality; it wilI strengtben the nervous system; it will cleanse the blood and give you new feelings andi aspirations. Thousands have founti Paine's Celcry CompÃ"und to be an invaluable agent in the hot weather for kecping up activ- ity, appetite, perfect digestion, andi for promoting sweet and refrcsbing slè*ep. Paine's Celery Compound w ill banisb the " blues," and put every weary and used up man anti woman in such a con- dition, that work will be a pleasure, and life will be worth living. PORT Pr#RY Candidates who pase t te recent en- finance examinataone& at Maude Briti on, Floreace Burns, Effie Caldwell, Annie Carnegie, Hattie Oarnutfiers, Maggie A. Clark, Ethel Crossen, Rasaline Davis, Lils Druan, Netta Ferguson, Ethel Fletcber, lEdith Frise, Effie Gamble, Estella Gregg, Alice Hall, Emma Haoebley, EdîLh Harbron, Etta Harbron, Bertha Jones, Ida Jones, Millie Loftus, Lizzie McArtbur Mabel Mcaw, Bertie McDonald, Pearl McLean, Constance mcMechan Nina Moore Isabella Morrizh, Kate Murray, Petais Noble, Ethel Park, Annie Robertson, Ethel Runtile, Beesie Snsith, Annie Soper, Gertrude Stewart.- 71. Port Perry. Gertie Stovin, Lulue Strait, abel Vickery, Olive Waddel, Fiera Watson, Ward Allison, Willie Black, F. Barthwick, William Clark, Ames Ccx, Mablon Culbert, Chas. Deunison, Robbie Doubt, Ernest Dryden, A lEarchouan, Ernest Fletcoher, R. E. Har, John MeDonalti, Percy MeGar, J MoLitterick, H. Methereil, Hngh Munroe, Chas. Patterson, Percy Prouse, William Read, Davidi Rennie, Newton Shaver, James Taylor, Wm Tumumoots, Clauti Vickery, T. Weatherill, John Ward, W. Webster, Elm.er Willard, uJrvilla zerac, Candidates who passed the outrance eXaminatsons at Ca.nningtîon. Gartie Argue, Aima Bagsbaw, Lizzie Bagsbaw, Gertie Bryant, Laura Camopbell, Priscilla Capling, May Karanagh, Cornelia Doble, Mary Douneil, Lulu Evang, Mincie Falconer, Ethel Feati, Emily Fead, Mabel Goard, Nellie Leahy, May Lyon&, Aýmcie MçFayden, The resuits ofthIe Publie Sehool Leas- ing examinations will ba publisbed nqxt week, and aise the names cf any candi- datea.wbo may ha reecmmended. The marks cf the candidte. can he obtained from tIen 'teaichers. Suici de at Oherrywood. On Friday aftern on Mrs. Spencer of Cberrywood, agd4: years, endeti ber life. Har huabanti, vIe keepu a market gardon, started eanly in the morni.ng tor Toronto. On hi. roture home lnthIe =vnighe wwshorrifted to, find is iavfe haggdaad in a shsedi djoining the stable. The deessed bad. been in in.i bealth for some tume. Two -years ugo ber two dangîtars died rathor snddunly, whieIh seemed to saiouly 'affect ber. mimd. 'Coroner Batonwus calidbut did not deem an inqueat neoeësary. The couple ware in comfortabl. cinneum. Mucis sympatijy in fait for thebobarved husband. To nursing mothors, Dr. Pierce'a B.rOris Prescrii nla piecsboomorIuto atrenrisests mt*, u I. r moea w oot .pro Mtntlbet u l c ii. Flr hose a"Out to be" eosQ' - 7 la $ven mmre raualget êh.. po *bd ulsbpb. and Omlàn. fl --d e tmSin. Minnie Nurse, L Parliament, Nellie Purris, E Richardson, Lizzie Byan, May Sbaw, Ethel Wright, E. Bingham, John Cory, James Dobie, J. Lewis, George Long, Neil . McFayden, John W. Miler, C. Thuraton, 'R. P. W'trd, James Wright, Re. W' RIoach -preaohéed a good Rer.E. . Hoardvaës ammond to Welland Monday morning to aus mother who à. dangerously ill. ,The congregationai 8.8S., Bowmanvfle, to the number of about ene hundreti held a pic-nie at Willow Point lu this village Saturday, and had a goodti lme. Messrs. ýJohn Robins and John Lord have threshed their clouer seed. The yield ia very good, Mr. Fred Howard of this place l& taken Rer. Roark 's work on the Ennia- killen circuit for the la.st two 'weeks. Meurs. Wilcox, Brown and Cornish buiît a ne* bridge on the sixth con. line, lot 16, lu.t week. Mr. F. J. Grant and wife and Mr. H. J. Hoitige and wife took in the excursion te the tbtusand Islands laat week. Mrs, A. T. Elliott,, Beaverton, wbo lias been visiting here for seme time ha. gone te, viait her pareats at Millbrook. Mr. R. Avery, who get hi. leg fractur- ed lat July, i. prcgrmsaing nicely. Mia Louie Elliott bas gene te rviait at Millbrook. To Dive Fies ont of the Stable. Take eue ounce of eampbor gnm, one ounce of corrosive sublimate, one pint of oul of turpentine; grind the sublimate -thoroughly, put into a strong bottle, anti .add the eamphor gum; pour on the tur. pentine andi shakeo oca8ionally. It sbould be fit for use in thirty six heurs Hleat a piece of iren and drop a few drops on it in the stable. Flies may be driven ont of the bouse in. the same manner by dropping a few drops on a bot stove-liti. By following these directions every other day I think any ene will oon ho rid of LIGHI OUT 0F BARKNESSI C-NANY STRONGE-R PROOFBE 0F- FFRED TO THE PUýBLIC THAN SH'ORN TESTZMVONY. AI! of the Following Responsible Persons XVhose Names and Atidresses Appear Below Have Given Evidence Under Oath, That They Have Been Cured of Rheumnatismn and in Some Cases Par- alysis by RYCKMXAN'S "KOOTENAV Mrs. Margaret Patterson, 91 Vine street, Hamnilton, Ont. Thomas Emnil Sterling, 96 John street, nontb, Hamilton. Mns. Anu Caffery, 227 Ferrier street est. Jamse. Camnpbell, ioo King street case, Hamnilton. Jacob Fisher, Niagara Fal, N Y. John Langly, 175 Hunter street west, Hamilton. Madame Dery, 227 Church street, Ottawa. Emerson Hannan, Glauford Township, Wentwortb County, Ont. James Delwcnth, 374 Buay street north. Thomas Mofatt, 176 Murray street, Ottawa. George C Armstrong, 184 Besserer sereet, Ottawa. Mantin Watson, 112 Catbeart street, Ot- tawa. Thomnas Warren, 135 Strachan street, Hamilton, Charles Sayer> 119 Hanna street west, Hamilton. Mrs Elizabeth Curnlgs, 28 Gore street, Hémilton. Mrs Neli>. Guy, Brant avenue, Hamilton. Geo Bail, Sanford avenue, near Huron street, Hamilton. M ichael H. Dwyer, 52 Leeming street,1 Hamilton. John McCauley, Beemsevile, Ont. E Rice, Beemavile, Ont. J D Parsonage, 369 John street north, Hamilton.4 Patrick Curran, 41 Wood street Hamil- ton. 9 As the belief has been wldespread that4 Rbeumatism was incurable, we publieis-tise1 abome (acta as eridenoe tisai sure cure lias at asat been found. Theusands testf>v te the menuts of Ryckman's.Kootenay Cure. Writ e for particulara, Ryckmnan ,Mediclne Cg., Hamilton, Ont.t D.ear chabo!!t 1 ONU ]ROO~T KN. RdiIr:-.beas iufms-ir e ina, ether IiIOOtie 0ubstauei*a hàke»1oea bsitum, for Paregorlo, Dropootlng B7rups, andCastorou It t lu lat. Its guarantee là thrty iree 'Us bi Mimons cf IMothems.Castorla destrys Worm 4a aUs Zeverlashne . C astorla preveutg vom ltlng Bout' Cr,D , cues Dlarrboea and Wid Colle Cagtorla releveu teethang troubles, cures cOnOtiPat'on aud fitulencyu Castorlaasimlaes the. food* reduia+* e i somaoh "ud bowels givng healthy and natural uleep. Case torla is the Cbuldren'ls Paaa-at, MIother'. Fiend CastorIa. 01 Ogt1qa la an excentmBedlefoefor eljf. dren. N othm shave peatsdly told me ce itg good ect upon their dmildrm,"l Da. G. C. Ouoon, Lowe4 M Cuela la the bosi remedy for chIldren f vhlch I amn acquaintsd. I hoe. the day ta not tar iutnt whnmotheru wilconsUder the rea tnt«edesof thefr children, and une Omateria in- Mîead of thsvarlouquack norummawhlch ame destoylug their loved cnes, by fOrClngopur£4 morphine, boothlug ay rupand other hurtful agents dova ther troatsthereby endlng them to prematur. gravese , Du. J. P. KuCEUA14 The. o.ataur C<imputy, 771 Murmy 8tt, ]Nfw -Ton lg Castoria, Caso ln no mwel adspted tocblldm .tha 1 recommed Itassuperortoayp ,jmrp kncwntgo me." JEL. Â, ÂazaKIL1D., 111iSo. Oxford &S,- Brooklyn N.T., "Our phyulcian la thea clldrmoa depub. mn- have pofl lghy'oftssr rpu ln e n th e ir o t ad e p rac tio s w it u sto o eIa ansd aithougli VS QnIT have amoeg 0"o medicl suplieswhas la know u a« regulr prédcta yet we M" f re. te o e sa th"as 5h merita feat ra & wn 1sto I*wit favor upon It" Uxn HuurLAE ISUEST DUMBARTOI The government supply boat Acadia calleti at thc pier last Saturday wîtb supplies for the light bouse. John Collins is home from Toronto this week witb a spraineti wrist, occas- ioned by a tumble from bhis bike. John Dickie, of Pickening, accompan- tcd by a gentleman fiend, calleti on aur merdhant, George Parker, on Mon- day last. A large number of campers fnom Rosebank graceti our church witb their presence on Sunday last. We hope they will came often. The saciament of the Lond's supper was dispenseti on Sunddy.last by Rev. Mr. Chisholm ta a large number of communicants. Mrs. (Dr.) -Dale returneti home on Satunrday last from her visit to the west. She was accompanieti by ber sister-in- law, Mrs. Kirkland of Toronto. Tbhomas Lamoreaux returneti home on Saturday last from a visit to Hamil- ton. His grantison, Master Blake Booth, who came with him, will spenti A very glorious individual passeti througl here one evening last week. judging from appearances le was ne- ligously unbalanceti for every few yards le would kneel down in the roati anti pray. Our const.able shoulti have looked i ater him, One day last week John Anderson had a aarrow escape from .losing lis rugît hanti. Whilc mowing hay the wheel came off the mower, thrqwing him on his right band immediately in front of the cutting bar. Fortunately the herses stoppeti ar once or John migîr have lbat.lis hand, or ah least lad it badly cnt On .Saturday evening last 'Thomas Henderson, jr., of this. place, lad -a close calto being seveey unjureti. In company with Russell Walton le went eut for a spin on bis bike. 'On tIhe wy thcy overto>k a hoimeAnti carriage à,u in- turning eout to pass it Tom ra into. Russel's wheel and ",lstbtew hlm. anti is weei nder the* oré. it began. te p1unge about but fortunately- it tdit net strike Tom or le mnigîr have'been severely injurecl . Thieïhel, hiowever, wus considerably the worse ,of. wear after tIe mix-up. rThe Most- o*inw ...Housc Waie Al The KeIsey" Cou'igated Wavm Air Generator.' erl4r1lo ArFuraae-*Mprodce ea Vou vil oJuplenongh uei. Tho K o . y ~ b s sv, [ pecial sud valuabe featresbutm a important la misat it wui : gie amot moat wlthýIessful ud le the <1< sevoral upei-tà co1beucd, strd hmo sections (sou eut) pouad whkhch e. i passes and op tbrcugh vhkicheceldutirpasse w le b ughesed, -sumd " tb ire section b e in g u m a p p e dw ttlta b e a v Y s e i s l p h e Seoegs itd b> the . esteilig a Whou pasmdowa ouuuldo cf uprighu sections sino" mke pipe, fk lu turiarmt emiseai thas pases opbtentfaolsug<jh giaidIrncaslg tieplfswhY < sortace mmd variaair «apcky issusa r4- our> Fm==ac.lThe load td ih'e jo, ur fuk w umbd zm.zw The 111K dim y v iii bhm rooras 60 (fet distant. l'h."111KoI.y dees net heut your cellar l'h."'gKeilssyaabschuy an sd dxss Send for descmiptive cauaIgts TE. JAMES, lASh *ME;.Go. FOR SAMLB BY WM.BRYAN &- SON, DUNDAS. ST., WwmI¶Y IAIK IF air, Trrg1 UIerit. Jr. l -king ' lnd amRgl leal e or~ ta wVO IREU Ca. -, JES mi t hmo hecwit plut"r a3.000, bomosti sanoutI~xostoe. Aplatie. aftor yws ~ ,i~.w li*~-b marital wfr. uolidoaad ! 1 ý ý i .- , ý -'i., ,

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