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Whitby Chronicle, 24 Jul 1896, p. 4

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-te b if çMt .s . 'e -the l 1 the veto off the Geveror f. a SOtuevijtt vu- ionary or coawpimentary pover. There ca#a be an appeal te tht people at au>' time. le the United Statue etier th3e congrus, scn. ate or presideut may block eil leeisatiîon, and there cie 6e no appeal nti! the regular periAd arrives for holding an election. For instance, if McKinley and a congreses should 6e elmced on a gold basis, a fret-silver sen- ate rni;gt preveut any gold legilatlon ; or if Bryail and a silver senate vert elcctcd, a gold congress would block tht wbole effecti Of it for over two years The agitation on moue>' values vhicb forma tht chef subjcct for discussion in the American election campaigu, la very interest- ing to Canadians. Se solid aud satisfactory have becu our financial corporations that 7- we bave bad no cause te study such matteis as the real values of gold, silver, copper, or Pa e oney. eTht aim of tht silvealtes la that tht>' cm b>' leglation make 53 cents worth of silver ie a I~ai tender for ont S dliii. A Manvho lbas 53 cents vorth of grain or vool or fruit as- not to lie allowed 10 increase Its value b>' liv, but one wbo basi silver vil! 6e able 10 have it colned for nexi to notblng and doabled lu valuteb>' Uic operattea. Tht fair et ofthe vest are *being told that thc Issue of halt worthless dollars wil! double the price of thelr prodiace, and that theosilver mont>' vilI serve as weil as gold to pi>' off their mortgagea.I la almlya bld 10 dLshneat people to legisiate halfîeir ladebteduesu away, and there lsa a strong suspicion that vhen tht>' come to -mark their ballots a mijorit>' of the veut andC soutb wilU markla favor of paying their debta by- leglslatlon iestead off good dollars. It would 6e a gond thing if sucb old men a Bismarck and Gladstone vere gathered home vhen tbey gel se aged as 10 lie uselesa te stilesmen. Their mincis reman active, sud îhey are uo longer beld lu restraint by association vith ethers lnUnhes of policy, se they- rua to actf.- Gladstone ha* lateIy w#ltteat a letter for publication la favor of a -tinaoe the cburcb of England and tht- lXonian Catholic cburch, sud vas prompt!>' spubbed by tht Popeasd infermeci that I-k thatl no other cburch but that et Rome. WI%îst Gladstone attends to the church Bis- palck ias nothlug te do but propbesyand lay -out the future of tht vorld, and thus beteen thétwIo botb tht cliurch and tht ivoild are made fools of. Blamarck'slatestis -a piophcsy hanaed out te. Amerîcan nevs- r mper correspoudents 10 the effeet that Great ri1taln vould seou bave te fight both France and Russia, and tht Britain wiul gel badly, veorateci. if Gladstone succeeds in uniting -the Engllsh cburcb 10 Rome, andf Blsmarck manages la bis mmnd to despoil ber of our colonies, it vil! be quite a change for tht world. - Tht Toronto Worid priaIs a rather aten yarticle on Monda>' rtgaring constables la rural districts and suburbaet the city. Ib -charges that the. country constables ~a f. vh bi a>' to puy itou. rent. hê 'Weord dots tiot cubher aaqtrt or dca>' that -tac cycliats (rom whom.these coat jr e. ,tr*ctm.d are law-breakers,and are regu! ai! Snvicted before magista-ates after s,-Mtgfll - bettle., That part mmX 6e taken as undep4 - It maY 6e aléo 'taken -o rào t4it bikeis Bo s = u a alawfui manêa»M "Iý,tU *5pIested. Nov, ,what dots,îteWoMi r dont vlth bicycliats who ike ei.i 'Iito'the. uburbo of thé City' or rte. sud reinse Cala ? At thls gessoisoftla* lte>' Make sampdes antrqg"'-' ap dreadtul noises.Z'r _ b s,0 Iion ty Pickering, being sncb a large municipaalty lweuid sul 6e uuder-represented, but It would haVe a ont of 14, whereas at present it bas OnlY 4 Mofe 36. Tborab, Mara, Rama and Beaverton would have only 2 out 0' 14, instead of6 eut of 36 ma t present. These fouir municipallîles forai a 1ev aggre- gate vaiuation, but tbey stand to increase considerabîy taster than the others. Ih bas licce suggested to us le taite a suice ofl tht West aide of Wbiîby township sud aîtach it to Wbitby love and Whiîby township, but we believe that would 6e gerrymaederieg the tbing lu a vay unsatisfacîory 10 all. If tht representation cannot be exactly equtal- ized the taxation wiIl be, and îbat is tht main point. Wbltbr Tom Leosa. Ailin's for puroà'rugs. Scott repairsalal kiuds of pumnpe. Turnips viii 6e very poor in Most fields this year. Mr. GerdotHayward is bere visiting bis parents. Hardvood dinlng tables, 4 leaves, only$, at W. Villas. Messrs. Murton and Fovke, Oshawa, vere lu towu yesterday.- Save your butter acconut by usiag Todts Ibresd. Haifthei butter vii do. Mrs E Fairbanks, Aylmer, la visiting in towla with Mr sud Mrs Levi Fairbanks. Two brick bouses to rent ; all conveni- encet; loy rentai. Apply te M. W. Collas. It is a pretty old joke, but as maltera stand we believe Mondayos rain spoiled man>' of the 8mai! potatots. A petition la hting circulated tb have tce remainder of Fred Murray'@ sentence in Kingaton penitentîar>' commutcd. A number from here took la *alter L Main's large circus -held la Toronto on Tuesday and. Wednesday eft ti week. Remunants of toweilings,coonles pranis, wuslws, lavas, shirtingecs hait prie. on Sattirdu>', July "513,tc-. G. Walters'. h e .G A garden patty will be held at Mrs. Austin's, Town Line, on Wednesday, Aug. uth, under the auspices of the W C T U, Wbltby. Particulars aext week. Great Sal. of bcts and shoes at auetioni prikes for 30 deys, at M W Collns' »New Shoe Store. Easu Side, Whitby. Par swwaty fect. Peojple wh re tr gd wfth* sweaty or swM = ,ee ,el t. a. AllIt aý, Wbîtby, anditry FootElm!, fwder whicb cures sticb complaintsel tlleays. Tbose destrous of uslàc tb beet bMuder twlie smade wil do woll têeulFtob Mr. Jý ., Lond a sce celebrated Central Prison iwln th*t b. bau fer sa.~M, Lo I»aly handîci Clama ofTbf.iet uapled wu the =UicO tiis cord nres everycu. sLtW I bo purchasatom . Weng,.rie- tas idecided to offer â Oitasor retouir oth O*aaUget aff peisoats. g o Oshawa tiy t:4otê and4 o p ot ofhlsa<ast-#o*,wbi i- tii tretýal* *g àgm lteo t omcèôr ot lf th-, rîIkîle1&4Okg auwaau iiviioe iinpxro<rearegs&=Y Shâuld be aprayed wthPalis g*peeu ai wsteordutedwIl~tué' e dv là "-miltl worm hnmoving front one fontge round to another tixelin a Bt f aumrsàd the *oment Of the bodies as- tey pursue terfelng,,utakes a'Îditinct'roar. !Che: .i of upheavýing, squirm-nngmasses o thei tesla enoughl to naufeate a atr gmi. The., worm i$ now generai thi nbut the conntry and 'eneiietic nicasures must be taken to destroy it if it is intended to prevent its reappearance in, even greater numbers next year. It is suig- gested by tiiose who have studied the worm that fermùera bure over the dry grass along their fences aud roadways se as to destroy the eggs, wheuce future colonies are to spring. .v I 'amclpllYValuaVi%ý . rcet. pop. Fresh Ground Uolebore, Pzckeringtp. 3997 961.69 5840 Whtby tii. 14?3,479 8 3 215 Pure Engliah Paris Green, 8rok tp. ,29 1 3:0 44 1 Finest Quality Insect Powder, Tlorittp. ,625 0 372 5. Port Perry village 405,46 37 50 Blue Vitrol or Copper Suiphate, East Whitby tp. r,4.52,565. 8.49 ;W-" Rama tp. . 159,114 .93 1326 Beaverton village gS0,76 1.17 M2 Urbrldge tp. 853,74.5 4.9 2U Uxbrldge town 460,235 2.6 1 954 CHURCH'S ISE POWDER Sucotttp. i272 6.67 222, Scuo tp. X'7 221 1.678 222 kilis aIl leaf eating inseotn. Reach tp. îi.,s,26 11.57 3752 Mars tp, 8M,46 5.o0 206, 10 ENT PR TN. Cannington vil'ge n8,878 1.63 1 98 [7,109-132 [00.00 42554 Tiiese goods are absolute/y pure We have adopted a schema suggested to -1 us by members of the couaty council at ilus a.>id of the inest qjua/éy. late meeting, bywich the county May lie fairty equltable resuits. The total valuation1 of the county la a litie over # [7-000,000, and each of the seven divisions if even would be J, E WILiSworth about $ajs2oooo. The -percentage ontedollar, and tht average population CHEMIST& DRUGGI8T, 6,ooo. Wltbout cbanging boundary Unes 'à thilbis la ow we figure ik out: MEDIC&L -: HALL, Munlcipîlity Valuat'n. Percent. pop. Whitby town s 655,279 83 2585 Drok tret -Whi htby tp. 1,423479 9.32 2315 Total $2.078,758 12.15 4900 Oshawa town 915,338 J.35 4068 East Wbaîby 10,52.565 8.49 2666 Total $2,367,903 1384 6734a ________________________Pickering $3, 197,696 18.69 5940 S Uxbrldge tp. $853,745 4-99 2853 WHITBY, JULY 249 1896. Uxbt dge town' 460,235 2 1954 0 Bb.ft Ne5. Total $2-508, 197 1466 7032 Z Mr., Alun Pringle, farmer and clever Reach tp. $1#979,526 11-57 3752 fi vr iter, ofîthe township of Richmond, whose Scugog 285,722 î.67 509 rîîcles on tariff and other issues have bee Port Perry 405,486 2.37 1507 te idely rcad in the Globe for many cears, Total R26o74 1.r 56 led on Wedneaday as the resui o>' suni- jp60-3,1.1 578! rk.Brock tp. $2, 29,31 3.03 4641 & So orderly sud promptly have the elec. Canningtou nal878 1.63 1098 Il ios been beld and the reins of power Total $2,5P8,197 14.66 5739 ai ansferrcd from one great power to the vhrhtÇ28 ther ln Canada, that thte New York Herald Ttrb$ 280 3.39 [525 U akes the event the subjeci of a very cn-Marsi 855,456 5.00 2963 b, imentary editorl. lu Canada the Hcousae Beaverton 200, 176 [.17 727 Io rCommons bua full sway, the legialative Rama [59,114 -93 [326 ncÛ0tio O Sem. being largely, although Total Sî7,, 0.9 64 ot necesafly,_fm advlaoy nature, while,$17,66 039 64 Mr. W. Jackson, of Wilfrid, was lu town bu Sunday. Mr. John Cleland, of Toronto, is a guest at the Northern hotel. Mr. A C Ten nyson, of Toronto, spent Sunday with bis parents here. Mr. H.J Webster bas made the purchase of a bicyýcle whlch he purposes to put ta Kood use. The many friends of Mrs ]Pred Profit. of Zephyr, wfill be sorry to hear of her death which occurred on Priday, JulY î7ch. The unerai on Sunday wau largely attended. On Wednesday, July î5th, our choir at. tnded the re-opening of te church at oma ilahe. veral of the Udora people »o nteexcursion, and ail report au en- ya"ble time ln spite of the cold and windy lay. The choir seemu to be mn it wxth the Indiana. On Wednesday JuIy îsth, at the Parson. ge. Vallentyne, h7 Rev John Power, Mr. VH Wilson to Miss SarahbAStark, allof rdoa We congraulate William and bis ride, and wish them ail the pleasures of a ong and prosperous married life. fcGILL UNI VER8ITY. Montreal SESSION 1896-7. Au Cc Mi EN( ScI ARI Sci Vwu c Ior1 10 I Pl u The Curriculum comprises Courses in RTS (including the Donalda SPECIAL DURSE FOR WOMEN)1 APPLIED SCIENCE. EDKCINE, LAw, and VETERINARY Sci- ICE. Matriculation, Exhibition and iolarship Examinations will be held: R1S AND MEDICINE, i5tb SzPr.; APPLIED [IrNCE, 16TrH SEPTr.; LAW, Si-H SEPTr.; LTERINARY SCIENCE, 26TH SEPTr. Copies of the Calendar, covtaining full in- rnation, may be obtained on application the Acting-Secretary. JrIe. 26--3nios. JULY Ve Enter uly Puil of Bu8gine,88 and repared to 'ndersell Everybodyl m»hçl. ew Special8 i» Goodi1 1 u Need,' alt Sacrifie -Pn*e8. 4 %Il an dSee wJ~at, GREM-NA-NT&AE SATUR DAY, DRESS PRINTS, MUBLINS, LAWNS, OETONS, CHÂMBNY8,SHIRTINGS, COTTNADES, TOWELLINGS, <JABPET$, EES COTTONS, FLA.NNELLETTES, OIL CL9THS? DELAINES, AND SÂTEENS. 25th, ries, ODD LINES 0F QATYTDAV Straw Hais, Braces, 'IIIÂI 9ý TO CLEÂR JU ANDREW w DRY GOODS, CÂRPETSt Special REÂDY.MÂD E CLOTHING. iind faet ofF workmanshiP GyIrnetersy W h 1IHolde ~iVrName Trurnp 'for touril Jno 8 -1 . B A. LAMngmaid bas purchased a Frost & Wood bnuder from R. Richards. The choir la stili increaslng. Newton and Rus-1 mel Lander vil! vr" ah>' assist in thet tut.i Mms.Wmn. Fursey bas returned home after steue wesks' vacation w»( ber daughuer in Pick. W. 1. L.angmald lost a valuable driving horst renl>' from inflammation of tht lining of thp brain. Tht Rev. Win. JoliYt, or-Bowmâcnvle, wll preach, here next Sunday moruàng in the place of Mr. S. Washington, whose liealtb vi!-ncm per- mit hlm to be here. On Thursday last as Arthur Langmaid came to bis Pasture field to fétch iis cows for milkiuit lie found bis jersey cow missing. Liter a ver>' diligpnt aac be tound ber lu tht swanap close, b>' wth lier leq broken. H-e vent for Sydnt' Brooks, but as it vas impossible to, do anything for ber the>' ended, ber suftering ammediatl>'. Y25th. Discount FOR TuE NEXT 30- DAYS ONLY,* 0E 20 PER 0CENT.-. Wall Papers, Baby Carrnages, Hammocks, Wagons, Croie- quet, and ai Summer and sporting Goods. Some o- f the Fine Stationery that has been selling for HALF Leit yet. Secure it befQve it ail goes, as it-cannot, possibly 4e replaced for the AGENCY for School Desks, British Dying Co., and Buttei-icks'Patter'us. of the Newest Styles always on hand. FIa EXOKE Having bought a large lot o f Goodasavmedi from te Great Pire at -I1 iiiplace tlsetmon Sale- -JIILY 25tbi,ý These G ood raoly atigiti>'damaged-'ay wate, adar aUstale tuf sund ILui ID.S C RM C CiaGlasaware _and Orookery. Pncess uit-the4T "d OMM G Don't btiy beforî flsToo 0% 9 for di et ti, o' PI ftt ni 1 i. 1. 1 .1 udem. mi A full WIIt amocd MW ami toap PBIDÂY, JULY LOOÂAL LAC( îàO pihs ladies' bouse sli .4t jS. pet paur durinz this days, at m. W* f22uin's, the Amlnos for puinsect pov Columbiait, Toïonto, Moi Phil Eodge, Port Perry, siuadaylust ?ry Ted" bread, sold oi 5 cenits Pei lest Ladies'blonsit, launderei only SS. ai W. G,. Walters' Miss Ane Sadier, Park' arday luinltown vlth frit Miss A. McSwt-eney spe >Toro»tçtitis week visiting f Mr. John tiemens andw to Scugog this week for a t~ Straw bats vill 6e redu' ' price on- Saturday, jmai y2.5t Master Stuart Saanders, "In towa for-a few days at I Mr. A. M. Ruas bas beet tuict Deputy Grad Maste 1order for titi district. Mesars Dow & &IcGiljiv ,& Hawken, are utting an 1dcent calibre-te beat ailthea, 1during the ,Winter. Raspberry picking is ai 1ThçeéImb ben a -carcit v fiit- tus seaon, no doul1 the very dryweather. This, --Ftday, afternoon ,_ rouazats w lU 90ooverto skslh1the Oshawa c pa=à, Thare vil! 6e a gool fidsto go along anct do i T"edry weather bas te supply'et strav ln the vici bat a- fcw miles north th< , budàccçof raia. Thçr ,tbele wvin be a good yied ýliange crop -further nortli fruai- efgitt or ten mle s ao toa-tbat they have the trop.tbt bas been knowa ,-lie Casas Paria l'or te bet IceMrCie Kadutison's, Dundas street. AUyour vauts aupie "e; ~ rubbçr rng, p r. , :M.nasfine. kd gaiter.s âine kld IaSoeboots, narrew flac ki4 buttooed boots, toc ',Only Sr. adW sfiac kidc r1 w Otely 8cat thez - ~ ho.A. lMcGillivra ýWIndoemùreçMdsoka, cli - éI*~i S-hîp as a frI6bEjiv ti Orinia la a cszte&oi nich imdthat : aë-1_~ bi kyls5 JULY 1 ROSSI Sa, le, m THE REGULAR PRICE, JUST Ch' agi, oice

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